God Damnit: My friend's been playing World of Warcraft again lately, and it looks too awesome. Fuck, I think I'm getting back into it
Fluropeman: but spy, how will you have the time to play binding of isaac then?
God Damnit: I can play one of them with my feet
Tableter: butt
iKomodo: Knowing del, I don't think he'll ever finish X :U
RubyChao: quickly sk
RubyChao: finish it for him
RubyChao: "why yes you did earn 2 badges last night"
RubyChao: "you uh"
RubyChao: "sleepplayed"
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: "why does my team suddenly have a greninja on it" "WELL UH"
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem card status: 2/3
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem is always a non-holo rare, meaning he's that card you pull from the booster and get disappointed because you didn't get a holo
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem just can't catch a break
Harpy: ...
Harpy: did i just see my stylus that i thought i lost
Harpy: and lose it again
Harpy: oh there it is
Harpy: *glares at Clefairy doll* I'M WATCHING YOU
Gooper Blooper: clefairy plush finds harpy's lost things and places them where she can find them
Gooper Blooper: you got a friend in her
Harpy: it's a small pink stylus
Harpy: it blends in way too well with my clefairy
Del and Knuckles: I found new jonesy
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Del and Knuckles: "Mom stop buying beauty things from the hub" "Nah, I'm bringing sexy back"
Saberwulf: Conrad sighs continuously for a week straight
Del and Knuckles: Jonesy best worst mom
Barpy: ivel and I were jokingly making goat noises and my bro is like "wtf are you doing"
Barpy: i told him we were summoning a goat
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
GB's Vidya 2014: Year in Review
Ouch. I didn't beat too many games this year. Nonetheless, I'm doing my yearly wrapup, ranking, and review!
I only finished five games all year, and two of them were disqualified for reasons you'll soon see. However, I beat two other games very late last year - so late that they missed the last writeup - so they are being added to this year's list, bringing me back to five games. Without further ado, here's the games I beat this year and my opinions on them!
Honorable Mentions: Pokemon Emerald and Crystal
Systems: Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: RPG
Date Beaten: April 18 and April 22, 2014
Why are they honorable mentions? Because I can't really count them - I technically never beat Pokemon Emerald or Crystal until this year, but I had already beaten the near-identical Ruby, Sapphire, and Gold versions. I generally consider all of those near-identical "versions" to be the same game, so Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald together are all "Pokemon GBA Hoenn" while Gold, Silver, and Crystal are all "Pokemon GBC Johto". Remakes like FireRed and LeafGreen are separate, however, so Omega Ruby will have its time at bat next year.
My Crystal run was a pure nostalgia run, although the ability to speed up play with the emulator made grinding bearable. The highlight of the run was finding a shiny Skarmory and adding it to the team. Later in summer I returned to Crystal and beat Kanto, capping things off with a nice fight against Red.
The Emerald run was... unconventional, thanks to the game being wrung through Pokemon Randomizer. You can get all the details about the upside-down world Ariel was thrust into here.
I only finished five games all year, and two of them were disqualified for reasons you'll soon see. However, I beat two other games very late last year - so late that they missed the last writeup - so they are being added to this year's list, bringing me back to five games. Without further ado, here's the games I beat this year and my opinions on them!
Systems: Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: RPG
Date Beaten: April 18 and April 22, 2014
Why are they honorable mentions? Because I can't really count them - I technically never beat Pokemon Emerald or Crystal until this year, but I had already beaten the near-identical Ruby, Sapphire, and Gold versions. I generally consider all of those near-identical "versions" to be the same game, so Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald together are all "Pokemon GBA Hoenn" while Gold, Silver, and Crystal are all "Pokemon GBC Johto". Remakes like FireRed and LeafGreen are separate, however, so Omega Ruby will have its time at bat next year.
My Crystal run was a pure nostalgia run, although the ability to speed up play with the emulator made grinding bearable. The highlight of the run was finding a shiny Skarmory and adding it to the team. Later in summer I returned to Crystal and beat Kanto, capping things off with a nice fight against Red.
The Emerald run was... unconventional, thanks to the game being wrung through Pokemon Randomizer. You can get all the details about the upside-down world Ariel was thrust into here.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 169: The Sarahkin Panty Raid
RubyChao: ...i just had a mental image
RubyChao: josephine doing scrooge mcduck style vault swimming
RubyChao: except it's half money and half chocolate
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: (dirk is reclining on an inner tube or something)
SteelKomodo: ...and now you've given me the perfect idea for Dirk's christmas present to her
RubyChao: yay!
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: why are you telling me the TASK MANAGER is an unknown program, windows
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: "As reported several weeks ago, WWE originally had plans to make next year’s Royal Rumble elimination match a 40-man bout, but it was later confirmed that it will be a traditional 30-man match. As it turns out, WWE originally planned on capitalizing on the fact that the Royal Rumble is being held in Philadelphia next year by using a bunch of ‘ECW Originals’ in the match to get the number of competitors up to 40. The idea was later nixed and WWE executives decided to go with the regular 30-man match."
Gooper Blooper stares at massive half-finished Rumble
Gooper Blooper: fack
SteelKomodo: fuckery
RubyChao: well this just proves the GB Rumble is even better than the normal rumble
RubyChao: because it's 33% larger
Gooper Blooper: 33% cooler
Scholar Scowle: Go, magikarp!
Scholar Scowle rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Scholar Scowle: Exactly as expected.
RubyChao: josephine doing scrooge mcduck style vault swimming
RubyChao: except it's half money and half chocolate
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: (dirk is reclining on an inner tube or something)
SteelKomodo: ...and now you've given me the perfect idea for Dirk's christmas present to her
RubyChao: yay!
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: why are you telling me the TASK MANAGER is an unknown program, windows
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: "As reported several weeks ago, WWE originally had plans to make next year’s Royal Rumble elimination match a 40-man bout, but it was later confirmed that it will be a traditional 30-man match. As it turns out, WWE originally planned on capitalizing on the fact that the Royal Rumble is being held in Philadelphia next year by using a bunch of ‘ECW Originals’ in the match to get the number of competitors up to 40. The idea was later nixed and WWE executives decided to go with the regular 30-man match."
Gooper Blooper stares at massive half-finished Rumble
Gooper Blooper: fack
SteelKomodo: fuckery
RubyChao: well this just proves the GB Rumble is even better than the normal rumble
RubyChao: because it's 33% larger
Gooper Blooper: 33% cooler
Scholar Scowle: Go, magikarp!
Scholar Scowle rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Scholar Scowle: Exactly as expected.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 168: Fideos Atemorizantes
Del Inc: aw yiss
Del Inc: mother
Del Inc: fucking
Del Inc: flippy frogs
Lord Gluttony: Froooogs, you say?
Del Inc: yes
Del Inc: those little origami frogs
Del Inc: they own
Lord Gluttony: yessss
Del Inc: my snakenerd is flirting with angel girl via the medium of notes sent as origami frogs
Lord Gluttony: oh myyy
Del Inc: he's so bad at it
Del Inc: she suggested he go to the halloween party as a bedsheet ghost
Del Inc: so he's made a horrible "only if you're under them with me" joke
Del Inc: snakedad dissaproves
Del Inc: "i taught you better pickup lines than that son"
Del Inc: "you shame the snakefamily"
Lord Gluttony: "I don't know, you made worse" snakemom says as she washes the dishes
Del Inc: hahaha
RubyChao: does david in fact deliver christmas presents by dropping them on people, i must know
Tableter: He does
Tableter: Concussedrad
Saberwulf: pff
Tableter: also
Tableter: Ive just been writing jonesy as steadily getting more and more obscenely wealthy over time
Saberwulf: Jonesy actually a master of investment
Tableter: I had an idea
Tableter: David is setting jonesy up to be the next Greed
Saberwulf: Haha oh man
Tableter: So she can live forever and have fun money times with her family and he can go peddle shit at people
Saberwulf: That would make sense actually since he's killing gods this season
Tableter: When jonesy finds out she just shrugs and builds jonesypalace
Saberwulf: Clear out some space and put his buddy in the Senate like he's Octavian
Tableter: "Im rich foreverrrrrrrrr fuck"
SteelKomodo: and conrad is like "moooooom why do you do this to me"
Tableter: "Shut your mouth and look at my bikini made of money"
SteelKomodo: "no D:"
Tableter: Hey wulf
Tableter: What kind of perks would jonesy get being Greed?
Gooper Blooper: Jonesy gets to fuck over Spy when he plays Binding of Isaac
Tableter: Hahaha
Saberwulf: Even though Greed is a made up title for a bunch of shitfuckers that think Immortality entitles them to things, its existence is powerful enough to the point that it does allow certain perks. Really the big one though is that Jonesy can't die by normal means. Like someone shoots her with a machine gun? She gets right back up after a few moments. Since she doesn't have any true godly power yet she can still die if she gets killed hard enough, or if a god eats her soul and gains her limited power
Tableter: Oh boy
SteelKomodo: "gets killed hard enough"
SteelKomodo: how exactly does that happen? :U
Saberwulf: Your soul explodes
Tableter: Jonesy uses this as an excuse to dress as an anime
RubyChao: so, don't join the deck
Tableter: To, of course, annoy her son
Gooper Blooper: Don't do a heel turn, and she's safe
Tableter: Hahaha jonesy yoko
Tableter: "How do you use a gun like this, goddamn it you watch some bullshit son"
Tableter: "I know mom, i know"
Tableter: Erebus finally comes home to jonesypalace and new anime body jonesy lounging on a sofa surrounded by crystal statues of her power armor
Tableter: "Hey, Sippy. You missed a lot. We have like a billion romantic dinners to catch up on."
Tableter: "I roasted a dinosaur for you."
Del Inc: mother
Del Inc: fucking
Del Inc: flippy frogs
Lord Gluttony: Froooogs, you say?
Del Inc: yes
Del Inc: those little origami frogs
Del Inc: they own
Lord Gluttony: yessss
Del Inc: my snakenerd is flirting with angel girl via the medium of notes sent as origami frogs
Lord Gluttony: oh myyy
Del Inc: he's so bad at it
Del Inc: she suggested he go to the halloween party as a bedsheet ghost
Del Inc: so he's made a horrible "only if you're under them with me" joke
Del Inc: snakedad dissaproves
Del Inc: "i taught you better pickup lines than that son"
Del Inc: "you shame the snakefamily"
Lord Gluttony: "I don't know, you made worse" snakemom says as she washes the dishes
Del Inc: hahaha
RubyChao: does david in fact deliver christmas presents by dropping them on people, i must know
Tableter: He does
Tableter: Concussedrad
Saberwulf: pff
Tableter: also
Tableter: Ive just been writing jonesy as steadily getting more and more obscenely wealthy over time
Saberwulf: Jonesy actually a master of investment
Tableter: I had an idea
Tableter: David is setting jonesy up to be the next Greed
Saberwulf: Haha oh man
Tableter: So she can live forever and have fun money times with her family and he can go peddle shit at people
Saberwulf: That would make sense actually since he's killing gods this season
Tableter: When jonesy finds out she just shrugs and builds jonesypalace
Saberwulf: Clear out some space and put his buddy in the Senate like he's Octavian
Tableter: "Im rich foreverrrrrrrrr fuck"
SteelKomodo: and conrad is like "moooooom why do you do this to me"
Tableter: "Shut your mouth and look at my bikini made of money"
SteelKomodo: "no D:"
Tableter: Hey wulf
Tableter: What kind of perks would jonesy get being Greed?
Gooper Blooper: Jonesy gets to fuck over Spy when he plays Binding of Isaac
Tableter: Hahaha
Saberwulf: Even though Greed is a made up title for a bunch of shitfuckers that think Immortality entitles them to things, its existence is powerful enough to the point that it does allow certain perks. Really the big one though is that Jonesy can't die by normal means. Like someone shoots her with a machine gun? She gets right back up after a few moments. Since she doesn't have any true godly power yet she can still die if she gets killed hard enough, or if a god eats her soul and gains her limited power
Tableter: Oh boy
SteelKomodo: "gets killed hard enough"
SteelKomodo: how exactly does that happen? :U
Saberwulf: Your soul explodes
Tableter: Jonesy uses this as an excuse to dress as an anime
RubyChao: so, don't join the deck
Tableter: To, of course, annoy her son
Gooper Blooper: Don't do a heel turn, and she's safe
Tableter: Hahaha jonesy yoko
Tableter: "How do you use a gun like this, goddamn it you watch some bullshit son"
Tableter: "I know mom, i know"
Tableter: Erebus finally comes home to jonesypalace and new anime body jonesy lounging on a sofa surrounded by crystal statues of her power armor
Tableter: "Hey, Sippy. You missed a lot. We have like a billion romantic dinners to catch up on."
Tableter: "I roasted a dinosaur for you."
Monday, December 22, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 167: We Make Holes In Teeth
Saberwulf: Oh I bought a skirt five minutes ago
Saberwulf: I spent seven dollars on shipping because i'm garbage
Tableter: Im pretty sure im gonna end up naming a kid weedlord bonerhitler
RubyChao: >shiny sandile appears when i've run out of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
RubyChao: oh wait i found one
Gooper Blooper: chao really
RubyChao: CAN I DO IT
Kogasa: plafetixinv
Gooper Blooper: STATUS IT
Stressed Spy: TOUCAN DO IT
Stressed Spy: CAW CAW
RubyChao: it's a sandile tho
Kogasa: do it ruby
RubyChao: the only status move i have is thunder wave
Gooper Blooper: oh nooo
Kogasa: shit
iKomodo: OH GOD CHAO
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing no false swipe or sonicboom
RubyChao: >lucky bugger
RubyChao: sk did you miss the part where i have one shot at this
iKomodo: ...yes I did
iKomodo: D:
Bree: one pogey ball and no effective status moves
Bree: that reminds me, Blue is apparently obsessed with getting a shiny gardevoir
RubyChao: i had sonicboom but that pogey got KOed
Gooper Blooper: Catch rate: 180 (23.5%)
Gooper Blooper: This means you have a 23.5% chance of just throwing the ball at full health and catching it
Bree: she's done nothing but breed pogeys for like a week
RubyChao: HERE I GO
Bree: do you have a revive to use on sonicboom pogey
RubyChao: nope
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: YISSSSS
RubyChao: i am pretty sure this is like my second legit shiny
RubyChao: ever
Stressed Spy: YES
Stressed Spy: YEEEEEEES
RubyChao: (not counting Gyarados)
RubyChao: and yes i'm going to immediately save because >not saving after that
Bree: I have never seen or caught a shiny
Kogasa: I have seen shinies but I never caught one
Bree: then again my pogey career has been brief
Gooper Blooper: tonight's lesson: ALWAYS carry lots of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: so you don't have heart attacks over catching sandile
Kogasa: grats ruby
Kogasa: i want a shiny eevee :/
iKomodo: Never found a wild shiny
RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: nickname this sandile for me
Stressed Spy: Kaptain Skuvy
Bree: Skurvy
Kogasa: skurvy
Bree: name it Skurvy
RubyChao: thanks guys :)
Saberwulf: I spent seven dollars on shipping because i'm garbage
Tableter: Im pretty sure im gonna end up naming a kid weedlord bonerhitler
RubyChao: >shiny sandile appears when i've run out of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
RubyChao: oh wait i found one
Gooper Blooper: chao really
RubyChao: CAN I DO IT
Kogasa: plafetixinv
Gooper Blooper: STATUS IT
Stressed Spy: TOUCAN DO IT
Stressed Spy: CAW CAW
RubyChao: it's a sandile tho
Kogasa: do it ruby
RubyChao: the only status move i have is thunder wave
Gooper Blooper: oh nooo
Kogasa: shit
iKomodo: OH GOD CHAO
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing no false swipe or sonicboom
RubyChao: >lucky bugger
RubyChao: sk did you miss the part where i have one shot at this
iKomodo: ...yes I did
iKomodo: D:
Bree: one pogey ball and no effective status moves
Bree: that reminds me, Blue is apparently obsessed with getting a shiny gardevoir
RubyChao: i had sonicboom but that pogey got KOed
Gooper Blooper: Catch rate: 180 (23.5%)
Gooper Blooper: This means you have a 23.5% chance of just throwing the ball at full health and catching it
Bree: she's done nothing but breed pogeys for like a week
RubyChao: HERE I GO
Bree: do you have a revive to use on sonicboom pogey
RubyChao: nope
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: YISSSSS
RubyChao: i am pretty sure this is like my second legit shiny
RubyChao: ever
Stressed Spy: YES
Stressed Spy: YEEEEEEES
RubyChao: (not counting Gyarados)
RubyChao: and yes i'm going to immediately save because >not saving after that
Bree: I have never seen or caught a shiny
Kogasa: I have seen shinies but I never caught one
Bree: then again my pogey career has been brief
Gooper Blooper: tonight's lesson: ALWAYS carry lots of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: so you don't have heart attacks over catching sandile
Kogasa: grats ruby
Kogasa: i want a shiny eevee :/
iKomodo: Never found a wild shiny
RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: nickname this sandile for me
Stressed Spy: Kaptain Skuvy
Bree: Skurvy
Kogasa: skurvy
Bree: name it Skurvy
RubyChao: thanks guys :)
Friday, December 19, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 166: Iiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeecccckkkkkkkkkghu
RubyChao: Pages in category "Five Nights at Freddy's"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
RubyChao: is it worth even looking at these pastas
RubyChao: probably not
RubyChao: "After that, I went to Pirate Cove. But, when I saw Pirate Cove, the "Out of Order" sign was replaced by: 'Digger'. I saw Foxy on the ground. He was lying in a puddle of blood. I also saw a message on the curtain saying this: 'Digger is after you.' I got really creeped out. Then, I saw the time. It was...666 A.M.?? It only went to 5 A.M."
Tableter: Wow
Bree: yes, that's the first thing I'd think if I saw it was "666 A.M."
Tableter: Fucking terrible
Bree: it only goes until 5!
SteelKomodo changed name to Patman Post
Patman Post: TERRIBLE
Patman Post changed name to SteelKomodo
RubyChao: "When the head director brought all the animators to view the episode, he told the one animation group who were animating the last bits to bring the finalized version, but they did not respond. He went to their cubicles, and when he got there they were all dead with blood stains on the alleged tape. The hospital was called and they were sent to the emergency room as soon as possible but it was too late; they died of unknown causes. But we still had the tape so we decided to watch it in their honor and their hard work they put into it."
SteelKomodo: probably not the smartest move :U
Bree: nobody in any creepypasta ever does anything smart
SteelKomodo: tru that
RubyChao: "'DO NOT PLAY THIS VERSION OF EOSD, IT HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE EXTREME HARM. DELETE THIS FOLDER PERMANENTLY! DO NOT PLAY, THIS IS A SERIOUS MESSAGE.' After I reread the message in confusion, I simply tilt my head back and laughed, thinking to myself, the game isn't really that hard!"
SteelKomodo: spy.txt
RubyChao: "Then it cut to a normal episode of Foster's before the VCR exploded in sparks. Oddly enough, however, while the VCR was totally destroyed, the tape remained intact. I could show it to you, but I've locked it in an impenetrable safe."
RubyChao: did i ever show you guys
RubyChao: the Zelda CD-I creepypasta
RubyChao: "The next scene was the "Condemned" board. But instead, it was written 'YOU ARE Condemned', there were claws marks and lots of blood around the bricks and over the soil. Mario comes up, faceless, with white and black clothes, holding his bread box, which was blank."
RubyChao: the worst kind of vidya loss
RubyChao: is the one that's your own fault
Gooper Blooper: aw
RubyChao: one of the truest posts i ever saw on tumblr was "Pokemon that break free after three shakes are why I have trust issues"
RubyChao: *skims through 3DS*
RubyChao: *Rusty's Real Deal Baseball has shown up*
RubyChao: :I
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
RubyChao: is it worth even looking at these pastas
RubyChao: probably not
RubyChao: "After that, I went to Pirate Cove. But, when I saw Pirate Cove, the "Out of Order" sign was replaced by: 'Digger'. I saw Foxy on the ground. He was lying in a puddle of blood. I also saw a message on the curtain saying this: 'Digger is after you.' I got really creeped out. Then, I saw the time. It was...666 A.M.?? It only went to 5 A.M."
Tableter: Wow
Bree: yes, that's the first thing I'd think if I saw it was "666 A.M."
Tableter: Fucking terrible
Bree: it only goes until 5!
SteelKomodo changed name to Patman Post
Patman Post: TERRIBLE
Patman Post changed name to SteelKomodo
RubyChao: "When the head director brought all the animators to view the episode, he told the one animation group who were animating the last bits to bring the finalized version, but they did not respond. He went to their cubicles, and when he got there they were all dead with blood stains on the alleged tape. The hospital was called and they were sent to the emergency room as soon as possible but it was too late; they died of unknown causes. But we still had the tape so we decided to watch it in their honor and their hard work they put into it."
SteelKomodo: probably not the smartest move :U
Bree: nobody in any creepypasta ever does anything smart
SteelKomodo: tru that
RubyChao: "'DO NOT PLAY THIS VERSION OF EOSD, IT HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE EXTREME HARM. DELETE THIS FOLDER PERMANENTLY! DO NOT PLAY, THIS IS A SERIOUS MESSAGE.' After I reread the message in confusion, I simply tilt my head back and laughed, thinking to myself, the game isn't really that hard!"
SteelKomodo: spy.txt
RubyChao: "Then it cut to a normal episode of Foster's before the VCR exploded in sparks. Oddly enough, however, while the VCR was totally destroyed, the tape remained intact. I could show it to you, but I've locked it in an impenetrable safe."
RubyChao: did i ever show you guys
RubyChao: the Zelda CD-I creepypasta
RubyChao: "The next scene was the "Condemned" board. But instead, it was written 'YOU ARE Condemned', there were claws marks and lots of blood around the bricks and over the soil. Mario comes up, faceless, with white and black clothes, holding his bread box, which was blank."
RubyChao: the worst kind of vidya loss
RubyChao: is the one that's your own fault
Gooper Blooper: aw
RubyChao: one of the truest posts i ever saw on tumblr was "Pokemon that break free after three shakes are why I have trust issues"
RubyChao: *skims through 3DS*
RubyChao: *Rusty's Real Deal Baseball has shown up*
RubyChao: :I
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 165: Imagine Party Babyz Strikes Back
(Bree is describing a dream she had about Tenshi. The beginning was cut off by Free Chatzy)
Harpy: oh jesus
Bree: remove her soul, exorcise/purify her body and get the Bad Thing out of it, then put her soul back in her body now that it is okay again
SteelKomodo: TENSHI PLS
Harpy: this is the plot to LoT2
RubyChao: that does sound very zfrp.txt
Harpy: (no it isn't)
Bree: except none of that actually happened in the dream, for some reason the dream decided to focus on the guy who was doing the soul removing
Harpy: that does sound cray tho
RubyChao: was it viola
Bree: he wasn't a real character
Bree: it was definitely a man
RubyChao: oh ok
RubyChao: inexplicably male viola
Bree: he had some really vaguely shamanistic/fortune teller type of aspects and--no he was not at all similar to Viola in any way
Bree: and I think Viola appeared briefly to speak to him but idk I don't remember it other than "Viola was there for a whopping five seconds"
Bree: literally, five seconds
Bree: she got a cameo
Bree: somehow, she only cameoed in this tenshiplot
Bree: anyway so the dream decided to focus on the guy who would remove her soul
Bree: because he could see auras/ghosts/shit like that, and his job during the plot was to protect tenshi's soul while everyone else captured her body (by beating it into submission) and then exorcised the bad shit
Bree: for some reason Tenshi's soul looked like a small child version of Tenshi, was super adorable and vulnerable and--okay basically Tenshi's soul was Momoko, only not
RubyChao: hahahaha
Bree: it was specifically Tenshi but it acted like Momoko, if Momoko were child!Tenshi
Bree: and he spent the rest of the dream carrying Tenshisoul piggyback and it was adorable
Bree: then suddenly the setting was Wal-Mart
Bree: no really I swear to fucking god
Harpy: what
Harpy: did Tenshi demand peaches
Bree: Tenshisoul and Random Guy went around Wal-Mart and then some bad guys in Wal-Mart killed Random Guy and Tenshisoul was scared
RubyChao: random guy noooooo
SteelKomodo: what
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: and they had a weird castle/tower sort of thing that they hauled around, it had wheels on the bottom???
Bree: they drove it around Wal-Mart
Bree: I don't even
RubyChao: i don't even either
Bree: like I said, my dreams are weird and fucked up when I sleep too much
SteelKomodo: what is this
Bree: I don't know what happened after that
SteelKomodo: WHAT IS MY LIFE etc.
Bree: I think I remember a bit about Tenshisoul going to Heaven, in the sense that she "moved on," because the dream forgot that she was not dead
RubyChao: tenshi nooooooo ;_;
RubyChao: followup plot: bust tenshi outta heaven
Bree: Iku returns from Bhava-Agra Heaven with Tenshisoul like "DID YOU LOSE THIS >:I"
Bree: I also remember a bit about a family gathering where there was tons of food, literally there was so much food even Gluttony couldn't eat it all, I swear to god there were eighteen tables overflowing with food or something
Bree: fud
RubyChao: so
Bree: like, what, is my family the Sarahkin now
RubyChao: sarahkin family, righ- hahaha
Harpy: >even gluttony couldn't eat it all
Bree: and I was mad because they wouldn't let me in and I got in late and most of the fud was gone
Harpy: Gluttony: Is that a challenge~?
Harpy: srsly tho holy shit
Bree: my dreams are so random
Bree: I remember one other scene with the Wal-Mart parking lot
Bree: it was very dark outside and rainy and 2scary
Bree: lonely, scary, empty, dark, rainy parking lots are a recurring theme in my dreams
Bree: I swear I remember previous dreams with parking lots and they always involve me being totally convinced there is a knife-wielding thief somewhere in this parking lot
Bree: also it's always the Wal-Mart parking lot
Bree: always
Bree: I don't understand the recurrence of the Scariest Parking Lot Ever because I have no actual fear of dark parking lots
Bree: and I'm not afraid of Wal-Mart, either
Bree: like, usually the things that show up a lot in my dreams are stuff that...at least sort of make sense
Bree: and the mack-daddy of Bree Nightmares is cars
Bree: fucking cars
Bree: every single dream there is always a scene where for some reason I am driving a car, and it's wildly out of control
Bree: which makes sense, I'm scared shitless of driving which is why I don't know how despite being 20 years old
SteelKomodo: it's okay, I don't know how to drive either
Bree: that makes sense. I understand the overabundance of scary driving scenes in my nightmares.
SteelKomodo: and I'd rather not, I'd get road rage all the time
Bree: but I do not understand this fixation on the Wal-Mart parking lot.
Bree: I just don't even
Bree: I don't get road rage, I just inspire road rage in others
Bree: the few times I've driven, I was so paralyzed with fear and so busy hyperventilating that I made tons of mistakes
Bree: ran a red light? yep
Bree: missed a turn? yep
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Bree: one time I almost ran over an old lady while going approximately 1 mile per hour in the--
Bree: --in the Wal-Mart parking lot. o_o
Bree: anyway, I hope you enjoyed my trippy-as-hell dream about Tenshi
RubyChao: i liked it
Bree: I...I almost feel like it might make it into a chatzy madness because it was so...weird
SteelKomodo: twas weird indeed
Bree: the lack of Viola was the weirdest part though
Bree: I remember thinking that while I was actively dreaming the dream
Bree: like "where is Viola"
SteelKomodo: lel
RubyChao: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give viola
Bree: Viola would protect Tenshi's soul so hard if she were in that dream
Bree: I bet she wouldn't have died like Random Guy
Bree: 2determined
RubyChao: viola uses the power of love to just
RubyChao: lift and throw the entire fortress thing yuugi-style
RubyChao: despite being puny
Bree: no no the moving castle thing belonged to Random Guy
RubyChao: oh ok, i thought it belonged to the villains in wal-mart
Bree: no it did not
Bree: there was also a doge
Bree: Random Guy kept a doge in his moving castle thingy
RubyChao: ...was random guy actually juan
Bree: no
Bree: trust me it wasn't anyone in zfrp
Bree: P.S. there was a scene where Random Guy told the villains their fortunes using Tarot cards
Bree: in the room at the bottom of the castle thing
Bree: it was before they were villains though
Bree: okay now I am done talking about this because I don't remember anything else and it's so damn weird
Bree: back to talking about normal things THAT DON'T INVOLVE WAL-MART
Harpy: oh jesus
Bree: remove her soul, exorcise/purify her body and get the Bad Thing out of it, then put her soul back in her body now that it is okay again
SteelKomodo: TENSHI PLS
Harpy: this is the plot to LoT2
RubyChao: that does sound very zfrp.txt
Harpy: (no it isn't)
Bree: except none of that actually happened in the dream, for some reason the dream decided to focus on the guy who was doing the soul removing
Harpy: that does sound cray tho
RubyChao: was it viola
Bree: he wasn't a real character
Bree: it was definitely a man
RubyChao: oh ok
RubyChao: inexplicably male viola
Bree: he had some really vaguely shamanistic/fortune teller type of aspects and--no he was not at all similar to Viola in any way
Bree: and I think Viola appeared briefly to speak to him but idk I don't remember it other than "Viola was there for a whopping five seconds"
Bree: literally, five seconds
Bree: she got a cameo
Bree: somehow, she only cameoed in this tenshiplot
Bree: anyway so the dream decided to focus on the guy who would remove her soul
Bree: because he could see auras/ghosts/shit like that, and his job during the plot was to protect tenshi's soul while everyone else captured her body (by beating it into submission) and then exorcised the bad shit
Bree: for some reason Tenshi's soul looked like a small child version of Tenshi, was super adorable and vulnerable and--okay basically Tenshi's soul was Momoko, only not
RubyChao: hahahaha
Bree: it was specifically Tenshi but it acted like Momoko, if Momoko were child!Tenshi
Bree: and he spent the rest of the dream carrying Tenshisoul piggyback and it was adorable
Bree: then suddenly the setting was Wal-Mart
Bree: no really I swear to fucking god
Harpy: what
Harpy: did Tenshi demand peaches
Bree: Tenshisoul and Random Guy went around Wal-Mart and then some bad guys in Wal-Mart killed Random Guy and Tenshisoul was scared
RubyChao: random guy noooooo
SteelKomodo: what
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: and they had a weird castle/tower sort of thing that they hauled around, it had wheels on the bottom???
Bree: they drove it around Wal-Mart
Bree: I don't even
RubyChao: i don't even either
Bree: like I said, my dreams are weird and fucked up when I sleep too much
SteelKomodo: what is this
Bree: I don't know what happened after that
SteelKomodo: WHAT IS MY LIFE etc.
Bree: I think I remember a bit about Tenshisoul going to Heaven, in the sense that she "moved on," because the dream forgot that she was not dead
RubyChao: tenshi nooooooo ;_;
RubyChao: followup plot: bust tenshi outta heaven
Bree: Iku returns from Bhava-Agra Heaven with Tenshisoul like "DID YOU LOSE THIS >:I"
Bree: I also remember a bit about a family gathering where there was tons of food, literally there was so much food even Gluttony couldn't eat it all, I swear to god there were eighteen tables overflowing with food or something
Bree: fud
RubyChao: so
Bree: like, what, is my family the Sarahkin now
RubyChao: sarahkin family, righ- hahaha
Harpy: >even gluttony couldn't eat it all
Bree: and I was mad because they wouldn't let me in and I got in late and most of the fud was gone
Harpy: Gluttony: Is that a challenge~?
Harpy: srsly tho holy shit
Bree: my dreams are so random
Bree: I remember one other scene with the Wal-Mart parking lot
Bree: it was very dark outside and rainy and 2scary
Bree: lonely, scary, empty, dark, rainy parking lots are a recurring theme in my dreams
Bree: I swear I remember previous dreams with parking lots and they always involve me being totally convinced there is a knife-wielding thief somewhere in this parking lot
Bree: also it's always the Wal-Mart parking lot
Bree: always
Bree: I don't understand the recurrence of the Scariest Parking Lot Ever because I have no actual fear of dark parking lots
Bree: and I'm not afraid of Wal-Mart, either
Bree: like, usually the things that show up a lot in my dreams are stuff that...at least sort of make sense
Bree: and the mack-daddy of Bree Nightmares is cars
Bree: fucking cars
Bree: every single dream there is always a scene where for some reason I am driving a car, and it's wildly out of control
Bree: which makes sense, I'm scared shitless of driving which is why I don't know how despite being 20 years old
SteelKomodo: it's okay, I don't know how to drive either
Bree: that makes sense. I understand the overabundance of scary driving scenes in my nightmares.
SteelKomodo: and I'd rather not, I'd get road rage all the time
Bree: but I do not understand this fixation on the Wal-Mart parking lot.
Bree: I just don't even
Bree: I don't get road rage, I just inspire road rage in others
Bree: the few times I've driven, I was so paralyzed with fear and so busy hyperventilating that I made tons of mistakes
Bree: ran a red light? yep
Bree: missed a turn? yep
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Bree: one time I almost ran over an old lady while going approximately 1 mile per hour in the--
Bree: --in the Wal-Mart parking lot. o_o
Bree: anyway, I hope you enjoyed my trippy-as-hell dream about Tenshi
RubyChao: i liked it
Bree: I...I almost feel like it might make it into a chatzy madness because it was so...weird
SteelKomodo: twas weird indeed
Bree: the lack of Viola was the weirdest part though
Bree: I remember thinking that while I was actively dreaming the dream
Bree: like "where is Viola"
SteelKomodo: lel
RubyChao: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give viola
Bree: Viola would protect Tenshi's soul so hard if she were in that dream
Bree: I bet she wouldn't have died like Random Guy
Bree: 2determined
RubyChao: viola uses the power of love to just
RubyChao: lift and throw the entire fortress thing yuugi-style
RubyChao: despite being puny
Bree: no no the moving castle thing belonged to Random Guy
RubyChao: oh ok, i thought it belonged to the villains in wal-mart
Bree: no it did not
Bree: there was also a doge
Bree: Random Guy kept a doge in his moving castle thingy
RubyChao: ...was random guy actually juan
Bree: no
Bree: trust me it wasn't anyone in zfrp
Bree: P.S. there was a scene where Random Guy told the villains their fortunes using Tarot cards
Bree: in the room at the bottom of the castle thing
Bree: it was before they were villains though
Bree: okay now I am done talking about this because I don't remember anything else and it's so damn weird
Bree: back to talking about normal things THAT DON'T INVOLVE WAL-MART
Thursday, November 27, 2014
"So! *clap* What's everyone thankful for this year?"
"Why, my lovely wife, of course."
"Stretch pants. Oof."
"...I might as well chip in with the required 'family'."
"I'm thankful for everybody!"
"Wonderful! And yes, I agree, Ariel. It's always important to remember family. Where would we be without each other?"
"Not filled with Ireland's entire stock of potatoes?"
"No, silly! Well, that too. Hope everyone has room for dessert!"
"Oh boy!"
"It's always pie!"
"Skeiron, you can't even eat. Why are you here?"
Skeiron bowed his body, accidentally smacking the table in the process. "THANK."
"...Well, he's trying!"
"Why, my lovely wife, of course."
"Stretch pants. Oof."
"...I might as well chip in with the required 'family'."
"I'm thankful for everybody!"
"Wonderful! And yes, I agree, Ariel. It's always important to remember family. Where would we be without each other?"
"Not filled with Ireland's entire stock of potatoes?"
"No, silly! Well, that too. Hope everyone has room for dessert!"
"Oh boy!"
"It's always pie!"
"Skeiron, you can't even eat. Why are you here?"
Skeiron bowed his body, accidentally smacking the table in the process. "THANK."
"...Well, he's trying!"
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 164: Pokemon XY Edition and Sarah Madness
Five Nights at Dels: Five Nights at Jonesy's: BOOZE GUNS BUTTS BOOZE GUNS conrad BOOZE BUTTS GUNS
Draco: Five Nights at Draco's: you better have your entrails cleaned up by morning or you're fired.
Draco: We aren't paying a Health Department fine 'cause you don't know how to close a door.
SteelKomodo: Five Nights at Dirky's: Closed >:I
Superman 64 joined the chat
Superman 64: Guess which game I bought today
Gooper Blooper changed name to Pac-Man 2600
(Harpy is hatching Cleffa eggs in Pokemon Y)
Harpy: Lax Cleffa
Harpy: really
Superman 64: The last cleffa is now in captivity
Superman 64: the universe is at peace
Superman 64: my niece looks like Nana of the Ice Climbers in her winter coat
Harpy: carla's gonna have some nicely toned legs after this
Pac-Man 2600: josephine's biked like 7000 miles on her bike on route 7
Pac-Man 2600: her butt remains large
SteelKomodo: Dirk: Nah, all the biking's toned it~
Pit: Dirk, do you ever think of anything else?!
Dirk: You want the honest answer? :U
Pac-Man 2600: GOT IT
Pac-Man 2600: I got the scale
Pac-Man 2600: (no josephine not that one)
Harpy: okay now let's weigh the feebas
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: last swablu characteristic: nods off a lot
Harpy: bet that's not even good ivs
Harpy: *turns up nose*
Pac-Man 2600: I have four feebas eggs
Pac-Man 2600: let's see what I get
Superman 64: I'm betting you are going to get
Superman 64: Four Feebas
Pac-Man 2600: surely you jest
Pac-Man 2600 bikes heavily
Superman 64: *Egg hatches* Hi is Febas
Draco: Five Nights at Draco's: you better have your entrails cleaned up by morning or you're fired.
Draco: We aren't paying a Health Department fine 'cause you don't know how to close a door.
SteelKomodo: Five Nights at Dirky's: Closed >:I
Superman 64 joined the chat
Superman 64: Guess which game I bought today
Gooper Blooper changed name to Pac-Man 2600
(Harpy is hatching Cleffa eggs in Pokemon Y)
Harpy: Lax Cleffa
Harpy: really
Superman 64: The last cleffa is now in captivity
Superman 64: the universe is at peace
Superman 64: my niece looks like Nana of the Ice Climbers in her winter coat
Harpy: carla's gonna have some nicely toned legs after this
Pac-Man 2600: josephine's biked like 7000 miles on her bike on route 7
Pac-Man 2600: her butt remains large
SteelKomodo: Dirk: Nah, all the biking's toned it~
Pit: Dirk, do you ever think of anything else?!
Dirk: You want the honest answer? :U
Pac-Man 2600: GOT IT
Pac-Man 2600: I got the scale
Pac-Man 2600: (no josephine not that one)
Harpy: okay now let's weigh the feebas
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: last swablu characteristic: nods off a lot
Harpy: bet that's not even good ivs
Harpy: *turns up nose*
Pac-Man 2600: I have four feebas eggs
Pac-Man 2600: let's see what I get
Superman 64: I'm betting you are going to get
Superman 64: Four Feebas
Pac-Man 2600: surely you jest
Pac-Man 2600 bikes heavily
Superman 64: *Egg hatches* Hi is Febas
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Very Best, Part 2
"Are you quite sure this is the place?" Gloria asked with a hint of irritation. The summoner held a large umbrella over her head. She loved the sound of rain, but hated being caught outside in it. The two girls were in the middle of a huge rainstorm, standing together at the shore of Lake Erie. It was hard to see anything through the mist.
"Yes, this is the given location of a Pokemon gym." Viola said. The hex maniac wielded an umbrella of her own. From the sound of the driving rain came a different noise, far away and somewhat muffled. Viola couldn't make it out.
"...What do you suppose that is?" asked Gloria.
"Let's find out." Viola said, reaching down for a Pokeball and sending out Froslass. Froslass began freezing the lake, forming an icy path for the girls to follow. Viola crept behind, but Gloria was skeptical and summoned Blue Dragon to ride instead.
The sound again. Through the mist Viola and Gloria could make out a shape up ahead that resembled an island. They pressed on through the rain, and soon it came into view...
It was indeed an island. A small one, with a big boulder in the center. The boulder had an opening big enough for the girls to walk through, so they did, Blue Dragon remaining outside.
As they entered, the sound played one more time, loud and clear.
A trumpet.
In the center of the cave stood a strange robot.
"GYM LEADER SPEAKING." it said with a voice like a trumpet given life. "DESIGNATION IS 'TOP BRASS'. HOENN CONFIRMED."
Gloria, Viola, and Froslass exchanged incredulous looks.
Gloria pointed at Viola.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
The Very Best, Part 1
"You want me to what?"
"I understand that this is a drastic request, but I possess no transportation of my own. You, however, are an adventurer. You have seen many places, and can aid me greatly in my quest."
"I've only just gotten home... How long is this even going to take?"
"Less than a month, by my estimation."
"Hrmm." Gloria scratched her chin in thought.
"It is simple," Viola said, clasping her hands together as she went over the basics one more time. "To be eligible to take the Pokemon League challenge, I must first defeat eight of their certified 'leaders' in Pokemon duels of various type. Once I have accomplished this, I can attempt to immortalize myself in the Hall of Fame."
"Why did you never attempt this before?"
"Before, I lacked the confidence in myself and my Pokemon. Now, I know from my experiences that anything is possible. Tenshi wishes to become known forever in history as a warrior. So, too, shall I, in my own way."
"Well, it sounds good for your confidence, all right. I hate to leave my library again so soon, but... maybe I should get out a bit more. I've done nothing but go between my house and the library for three weeks now."
"Excellent. Join me."
Viola produced a map riddled with circles.
"There are eight people with the certification to become a 'leader' in this country. One of them is right here in New York, but the other seven are scattered across the country.
This could be considered a 'road trip'."
Gym 1: Manhattan, New York; Rock type, One-on-One Battle
Gym 2: Lake Erie, Ohio; Water type, Triple Battle
Gym 3: Nashville, Tennessee; Normal type, Contest Battle
Gym 4: The Florida Everglades; Bug type, Pokethelon
Gym 5: Houston, Texas; Steel type, Rotation Battle
Gym 6: Boulder, Colorado; Ground type, Double Battle
Gym 7: Devil's Lake, North Dakota; ??? type, Four-On-Four Battle
Gym 8: Las Vegas, Nevada; ??? type, Standard Battle
"I understand that this is a drastic request, but I possess no transportation of my own. You, however, are an adventurer. You have seen many places, and can aid me greatly in my quest."
"I've only just gotten home... How long is this even going to take?"
"Less than a month, by my estimation."
"Hrmm." Gloria scratched her chin in thought.
"It is simple," Viola said, clasping her hands together as she went over the basics one more time. "To be eligible to take the Pokemon League challenge, I must first defeat eight of their certified 'leaders' in Pokemon duels of various type. Once I have accomplished this, I can attempt to immortalize myself in the Hall of Fame."
"Why did you never attempt this before?"
"Before, I lacked the confidence in myself and my Pokemon. Now, I know from my experiences that anything is possible. Tenshi wishes to become known forever in history as a warrior. So, too, shall I, in my own way."
"Well, it sounds good for your confidence, all right. I hate to leave my library again so soon, but... maybe I should get out a bit more. I've done nothing but go between my house and the library for three weeks now."
"Excellent. Join me."
Viola produced a map riddled with circles.
"There are eight people with the certification to become a 'leader' in this country. One of them is right here in New York, but the other seven are scattered across the country.
This could be considered a 'road trip'."
Gym 1: Manhattan, New York; Rock type, One-on-One Battle
Gym 2: Lake Erie, Ohio; Water type, Triple Battle
Gym 3: Nashville, Tennessee; Normal type, Contest Battle
Gym 4: The Florida Everglades; Bug type, Pokethelon
Gym 5: Houston, Texas; Steel type, Rotation Battle
Gym 6: Boulder, Colorado; Ground type, Double Battle
Gym 7: Devil's Lake, North Dakota; ??? type, Four-On-Four Battle
Gym 8: Las Vegas, Nevada; ??? type, Standard Battle
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 163: Conrad 'Huge Dork' Svilzerian
Gooper Blooper: >ticker
Gooper Blooper: >can't go back in review mode
Gooper Blooper: >no pms
Gooper Blooper: it's been a while
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Tableter: Rip in peace
RubyChao: every time i try to listen to the actual postman pat theme it sounds wrong
RubyChao: it's supposed to be descending not ascending dammit
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: #ruined
Bree: pogey question time: should I get Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire
Tableter: Alpha Sapphire
RubyChao: Omega Ruby
Tableter: Cos kyogre is a cool whale
RubyChao: because Groudon is rad
Former Vengeance: I was lured into trying a pokemon game once. My friend claimed it had tactics and medieval conquest and all. I thought to myself, 'At last! At last, I can murder ala Fire Emblem, with a Gyrados instead of Roy!' I was sorely disappointed. :V
SteelKomodo: oh, that was Pokemon Conquest!
SteelKomodo: funfact: that one was technically a crossover
SteelKomodo: between the pogeys and a little-known japanese TRPG called Nobunaga's Ambition
SteelKomodo: it's called Pokemon X Nobunaga's Ambition in japan, but they changed it because... well, yeah
Former Vengeance: See, that just makes me sadder. With a name like Nobunaga's Ambition, I expect to light at least one civilian and field on fire.
Former Vengeance: D;
SteelKomodo: lel
SteelKomodo: I don't think there was a Nobunaga game on DS before that one, which may say something...
Bree: such as?
SteelKomodo: that the series might have had whatever FV's looking for
SteelKomodo: because as far as I know, Pokemon Conquest doesn't let you torch fields
SteelKomodo: this might help ya, FV
Former Vengeance: Officer: M'am, put down the Honedge! I know he broke your bike! Just calm down!
Lady: D:<
Officer: She has a Voltorb! Get down! D:
Former Vengeance: Broken house falls in three burning pieces next to streetside epicenter.
Former Vengeance: Team Rocket -was- blasting off again. :v We remembered to deploy the safety nets over the city this time. They ain't gettin' away nowheres.
Bree: lel
Former Vengeance: I am a madman, with a madman's dream! One day, troop commanders will ride Onyx and Charizard into battle, as our fighting types swell through the field, and Durant-... keeps doing what Goops tells it to, actually.
Former Vengeance: :V
Former Vengeance: But on console, not on paper. Er, chat.
Former Vengeance: E|
Former Vengeance: One day.
Former Vengeance: And they will take spears through the face without blinking, like the old Fire Emblems, and it will be glorious.
Bree: chanseys wearing army helmets and throwing eggs painted like grenades
Bree: dittos are now international superspies
Former Vengeance: C: Yesss. Except also running through trenches consoling pogeys and troops in the line of (occasionally literal) fire.
RubyChao: "hi is spy"
Bree: hi is bond
Bree: james bond
Former Vengeance: XD
SteelKomodo: "sodlier"
Gooper Blooper: >can't go back in review mode
Gooper Blooper: >no pms
Gooper Blooper: it's been a while
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Tableter: Rip in peace
RubyChao: every time i try to listen to the actual postman pat theme it sounds wrong
RubyChao: it's supposed to be descending not ascending dammit
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: #ruined
Bree: pogey question time: should I get Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire
Tableter: Alpha Sapphire
RubyChao: Omega Ruby
Tableter: Cos kyogre is a cool whale
RubyChao: because Groudon is rad
Former Vengeance: I was lured into trying a pokemon game once. My friend claimed it had tactics and medieval conquest and all. I thought to myself, 'At last! At last, I can murder ala Fire Emblem, with a Gyrados instead of Roy!' I was sorely disappointed. :V
SteelKomodo: oh, that was Pokemon Conquest!
SteelKomodo: funfact: that one was technically a crossover
SteelKomodo: between the pogeys and a little-known japanese TRPG called Nobunaga's Ambition
SteelKomodo: it's called Pokemon X Nobunaga's Ambition in japan, but they changed it because... well, yeah
Former Vengeance: See, that just makes me sadder. With a name like Nobunaga's Ambition, I expect to light at least one civilian and field on fire.
Former Vengeance: D;
SteelKomodo: lel
SteelKomodo: I don't think there was a Nobunaga game on DS before that one, which may say something...
Bree: such as?
SteelKomodo: that the series might have had whatever FV's looking for
SteelKomodo: because as far as I know, Pokemon Conquest doesn't let you torch fields
SteelKomodo: this might help ya, FV
Former Vengeance: Officer: M'am, put down the Honedge! I know he broke your bike! Just calm down!
Lady: D:<
Officer: She has a Voltorb! Get down! D:
Former Vengeance: Broken house falls in three burning pieces next to streetside epicenter.
Former Vengeance: Team Rocket -was- blasting off again. :v We remembered to deploy the safety nets over the city this time. They ain't gettin' away nowheres.
Bree: lel
Former Vengeance: I am a madman, with a madman's dream! One day, troop commanders will ride Onyx and Charizard into battle, as our fighting types swell through the field, and Durant-... keeps doing what Goops tells it to, actually.
Former Vengeance: :V
Former Vengeance: But on console, not on paper. Er, chat.
Former Vengeance: E|
Former Vengeance: One day.
Former Vengeance: And they will take spears through the face without blinking, like the old Fire Emblems, and it will be glorious.
Bree: chanseys wearing army helmets and throwing eggs painted like grenades
Bree: dittos are now international superspies
Former Vengeance: C: Yesss. Except also running through trenches consoling pogeys and troops in the line of (occasionally literal) fire.
RubyChao: "hi is spy"
Bree: hi is bond
Bree: james bond
Former Vengeance: XD
SteelKomodo: "sodlier"
Friday, November 14, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 162: Josephine's Good End
Deletons: i'm prob gonna run dungeon world at 5pm or something your time
Saberwulf: 5 PM my time's in 5 minutes
Deletons: huh
Deletons: uh
Deletons: fuck
Deletons: 6pm wulf time then
Deletons: fuck it we're doing it live
Mobilewulf joined the chat
Deletons: oh
Mobilewulf: Five seconds after I said that my router died
Mobilewulf: WELP
Draco: What would Blade call his original character?
RubyChao: Bblade
RubyChao: you stutter
SpookKomodo: Dirk gonna conquer Josephine's landmass someday
SpookKomodo: (del told me to type this please don't kill me)
2Goopy: XD
2Goopy: careful dirk there's a lot to conquer, bring provisions
SpookKomodo: Oh, he'll bring provisions, all right
SpookKomodo: most of them chocolatey
2Goopy: hell yeah
2Goopy: note: josephine is absolutely going to vegas
2Goopy: I mean how could she not
RubyChao: High Rollersephine
RubyChao: hits the jackpot
RubyChao: buys the casino
RubyChao: starts raking in all the dough
RubyChao: good end
Saberwulf: 5 PM my time's in 5 minutes
Deletons: huh
Deletons: uh
Deletons: fuck
Deletons: 6pm wulf time then
Deletons: fuck it we're doing it live
Mobilewulf joined the chat
Deletons: oh
Mobilewulf: Five seconds after I said that my router died
Mobilewulf: WELP
Draco: What would Blade call his original character?
RubyChao: Bblade
RubyChao: you stutter
SpookKomodo: Dirk gonna conquer Josephine's landmass someday
SpookKomodo: (del told me to type this please don't kill me)
2Goopy: XD
2Goopy: careful dirk there's a lot to conquer, bring provisions
SpookKomodo: Oh, he'll bring provisions, all right
SpookKomodo: most of them chocolatey
2Goopy: hell yeah
2Goopy: note: josephine is absolutely going to vegas
2Goopy: I mean how could she not
RubyChao: High Rollersephine
RubyChao: hits the jackpot
RubyChao: buys the casino
RubyChao: starts raking in all the dough
RubyChao: good end
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Monster Mash Loser's League Battle Royale
It starts quietly as the competitors are released. Shark Tank trundles slowly off to roam the piles of garbage, and even the Maus' massive form is soon obscured by the trash. Sergeant Spinneret grips tightly to the hairs of her steed Lavalantula, and the spider duo is also soon lost in the trash. 'RhanaCop slithers around carefully before opting to make for the tallest pile of trash in the landfill to use as a lookout point. The Jersey Devil seems to have the same idea, leaping from wrecked cars to junked stoves with fluttering flaps, unwilling to take to the air and present itself as an obvious target just yet. Gatorage grumbles as his tranquilizers begin wearing off, and he looks around for something to smash. Unlike the others, Ananta Shesa seems content to stay where it is, neither hiding nor hunting. He coils idly, observing the battlefield and waiting to see what his enemies do before he himself makes a move. Above it all, Reiko Atari broadcasts live footage from Greentech's news chopper.
The stage is set. All that remains is to see who will throw the first punch.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 161: Dubstep Gnome Yacht
Harpy: http://i.imgur.com/d9WIzOr.jpg
Bree: d'aww
SteelKomodo: :3
Deletons: catte
Harpy: http://i.imgur.com/GDyXavOl.jpg
Deletons: harpy pls there is going to be a critical overload of catte
Deletons: i cant handle it
Harpy: as the resident cat lover here, I say
2Goopy joined the chat
RubyChao: hello goops
RubyChao: is it time for heroic tenshi
2Goopy: hello friends
2Goopy: teim 2 get spoopy, pokemon style
2Goopy: Operation Save The Spook
RubyChao: tenshi: "No it's not."
RubyChao: i like how chatzy madness is chronicling my continued descent into despair and doom
Saberwulf: So apparently Kurt Russel's Escape From New York stunt double was named Dick Warlock
Tableter: What a kickass name
Cornwind Evil: I swear, people don't like the Ravenskys, but if I can ever make a movie about them by some miracle, I'm going to see if in the credits I can get all the stunt people who played the main characters listed right after the actor instead of a big block of names
Saberwulf: Speed Weed, Dick Warlock, all the classics
Harpy: *has a heart attack and dies*
Harpy: rip, died of ravensky overexposure
Saberwulf: By the way Speed Weed is a real person
Cornwind Evil: No one said you had to go SEE the movie Harpy
Saberwulf: They co-produce a few shows like Law & Order
Cornwind Evil: Though wouldn't that be hilarious? We lose touch, twenty-five years later Del's kids are like 'Hey dad we wanna go see this movie." "Okay." And then it turns out it's about the Ravenskys and Del is all like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
iKomodo: That would be amazing
Saberwulf: It's the other film in the theater, alongside three romantic comedies and the 17th movie of my books, which has just made even more billions of dollars
Saberwulf dares to dream
iKomodo: They are soon followed by the movie version of my own novel, which has giant monsters in it
iKomodo: i worked on the special effects
iKomodo is probably more ambitious than Wulf is
Jumpropeman: *imagines his future*
Jumpropeman: *sees a fat seal slapping a keyboard*
Jumpropeman: everything seems to be in order :D
Jumpropeman: it seems we also discussed fears in chatzy
Jumpropeman: *imagines his fears*
Jumpropeman: *sees a fat seal slapping a keyboard with a witch mask on*
Jumpropeman: D:
Bree: d'aww
SteelKomodo: :3
Deletons: catte
Harpy: http://i.imgur.com/GDyXavOl.jpg
Deletons: harpy pls there is going to be a critical overload of catte
Deletons: i cant handle it
Harpy: as the resident cat lover here, I say
2Goopy joined the chat
RubyChao: hello goops
RubyChao: is it time for heroic tenshi
2Goopy: hello friends
2Goopy: teim 2 get spoopy, pokemon style
2Goopy: Operation Save The Spook
RubyChao: tenshi: "No it's not."
RubyChao: i like how chatzy madness is chronicling my continued descent into despair and doom
Saberwulf: So apparently Kurt Russel's Escape From New York stunt double was named Dick Warlock
Tableter: What a kickass name
Cornwind Evil: I swear, people don't like the Ravenskys, but if I can ever make a movie about them by some miracle, I'm going to see if in the credits I can get all the stunt people who played the main characters listed right after the actor instead of a big block of names
Saberwulf: Speed Weed, Dick Warlock, all the classics
Harpy: *has a heart attack and dies*
Harpy: rip, died of ravensky overexposure
Saberwulf: By the way Speed Weed is a real person
Cornwind Evil: No one said you had to go SEE the movie Harpy
Saberwulf: They co-produce a few shows like Law & Order
Cornwind Evil: Though wouldn't that be hilarious? We lose touch, twenty-five years later Del's kids are like 'Hey dad we wanna go see this movie." "Okay." And then it turns out it's about the Ravenskys and Del is all like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
iKomodo: That would be amazing
Saberwulf: It's the other film in the theater, alongside three romantic comedies and the 17th movie of my books, which has just made even more billions of dollars
Saberwulf dares to dream
iKomodo: They are soon followed by the movie version of my own novel, which has giant monsters in it
iKomodo: i worked on the special effects
iKomodo is probably more ambitious than Wulf is
Jumpropeman: *imagines his future*
Jumpropeman: *sees a fat seal slapping a keyboard*
Jumpropeman: everything seems to be in order :D
Jumpropeman: it seems we also discussed fears in chatzy
Jumpropeman: *imagines his fears*
Jumpropeman: *sees a fat seal slapping a keyboard with a witch mask on*
Jumpropeman: D:
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Cutting Room Floor 2014: Shit That Didn't Happen
Not everything makes it to print - we all know that. I already shared a large chunk of my could-have-beens in my October post about my Mammon/Chronos Xarr/The End megaplot, but there are other things I considered having happen this year that didn't get to the final stage. Here's an assortment.
Morgan and Lily received a stag beetle amulet while exploring the Seat of Mazda. This amulet was meant to activate during a critical moment to help the pair, but every time a battle worth using it arose, I either forgot about the amulet or didn't bring the succubi. With the succubi returning next year, I can hopefully call on the amulet then.
Morgan and Lily received a stag beetle amulet while exploring the Seat of Mazda. This amulet was meant to activate during a critical moment to help the pair, but every time a battle worth using it arose, I either forgot about the amulet or didn't bring the succubi. With the succubi returning next year, I can hopefully call on the amulet then.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 160: Welcome to the Town of Teshni
Jumpropeman: chatzy, who should I send on metroidplot
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Whitey, Whitey, Whitey, Whitey and Whitey. Chatzy chose: Whitey
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Shimmer, Thomas, Jasper, Jumpropeman, Reject, Edyth, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon, The Mammoths, Calvin Klein, Avatar the Last Airbender and Avatar the First Airbender. Chatzy chose: Calvin Klein
Jumpropeman: this will be interesting
Vengeance the Boomerang: What happens if Shimmer catches the bouquet? Or Teshni? :e
Jumpropeman: Shimmer would thrust it into someone else's arms
Bree: teshni would eat it
Gooper Blooper: "bowkay"
Gooper Blooper: *nom*
Vengeance the Boomerang: Heh.
Bree: bouquet is too fancy a word for teshni
Bree: she'd call it flowers, then eat it
Gooper Blooper: "floors"
Bree: yes
(Pit proposes to Utsuho)
Gooper Blooper: >SK's post
Gooper Blooper: WHERE IS JRM
Gooper Blooper: he is going to barge in here so hard
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: ....
RubyChao: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: ......
RubyChao: how are you?
Jumpropeman: .............
Oversleep: You must abolish the wedding now, sir. Before the ellipses swallow the screen.
Oversleep: Don't do that.
Draco reboots JRM with a swift kick to the hard drive.
Oversleep: They might well be quite happy together.
Oversleep: Should be, though such things are usually uncertain.
Oversleep: -shrug-
Gooper Blooper: *and then utsuho says no*
RubyChao: "I've discovered my real love: THIS CHAIR"
Oversleep: Chairy is too well received. Boys, girls, Martel: THE FIRE, PLEASE.
Harpy: Posted
Harpy: in bar
Jumpropeman: i think
Oversleep: Shishkababs, flamethrowers, evil phoenixes, and more descend to end a Chairy.
Jumpropeman: i will save my response for a better mouth
SteelKomodo: I'm not, CW, I promise D:
Jumpropeman: because Shimmer will properly flip her lid as well
Jumpropeman: until then, I will try to type coherent words as I try to keep my hands under control
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Harpy: *f5f5f5f5*
Gooper Blooper: jrm is sarah, but for only this pairing
Harpy: Stella's pairing senses are tingling
Jumpropeman: i like other pairings!
Jumpropeman: they just don't make my whole body shake with hype
SteelKomodo: just to clarify - you won't see a Pitsuho marriage this year
Harpy: eh, it can wait
SteelKomodo: either it's gonna be a next-year thing, or (due to me being a silly bundle of nerves etc.) an off-screen thing
Harpy: CW is already doing the big greek wedding this year and may try to backstab you if you tried it :U
Jumpropeman: off-screen
Jumpropeman: off-screen
RubyChao: sk, i think jrm will kill us if we make it offscreen
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Whitey, Whitey, Whitey, Whitey and Whitey. Chatzy chose: Whitey
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between Shimmer, Thomas, Jasper, Jumpropeman, Reject, Edyth, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon, The Mammoths, Calvin Klein, Avatar the Last Airbender and Avatar the First Airbender. Chatzy chose: Calvin Klein
Jumpropeman: this will be interesting
Vengeance the Boomerang: What happens if Shimmer catches the bouquet? Or Teshni? :e
Jumpropeman: Shimmer would thrust it into someone else's arms
Bree: teshni would eat it
Gooper Blooper: "bowkay"
Gooper Blooper: *nom*
Vengeance the Boomerang: Heh.
Bree: bouquet is too fancy a word for teshni
Bree: she'd call it flowers, then eat it
Gooper Blooper: "floors"
Bree: yes
(Pit proposes to Utsuho)
Gooper Blooper: >SK's post
Gooper Blooper: WHERE IS JRM
Gooper Blooper: he is going to barge in here so hard
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: ....
RubyChao: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: ......
RubyChao: how are you?
Jumpropeman: .............
Oversleep: You must abolish the wedding now, sir. Before the ellipses swallow the screen.
Oversleep: Don't do that.
Draco reboots JRM with a swift kick to the hard drive.
Oversleep: They might well be quite happy together.
Oversleep: Should be, though such things are usually uncertain.
Oversleep: -shrug-
Gooper Blooper: *and then utsuho says no*
RubyChao: "I've discovered my real love: THIS CHAIR"
Oversleep: Chairy is too well received. Boys, girls, Martel: THE FIRE, PLEASE.
Harpy: Posted
Harpy: in bar
Jumpropeman: i think
Oversleep: Shishkababs, flamethrowers, evil phoenixes, and more descend to end a Chairy.
Jumpropeman: i will save my response for a better mouth
SteelKomodo: I'm not, CW, I promise D:
Jumpropeman: because Shimmer will properly flip her lid as well
Jumpropeman: until then, I will try to type coherent words as I try to keep my hands under control
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Harpy: *f5f5f5f5*
Gooper Blooper: jrm is sarah, but for only this pairing
Harpy: Stella's pairing senses are tingling
Jumpropeman: i like other pairings!
Jumpropeman: they just don't make my whole body shake with hype
SteelKomodo: just to clarify - you won't see a Pitsuho marriage this year
Harpy: eh, it can wait
SteelKomodo: either it's gonna be a next-year thing, or (due to me being a silly bundle of nerves etc.) an off-screen thing
Harpy: CW is already doing the big greek wedding this year and may try to backstab you if you tried it :U
Jumpropeman: off-screen
Jumpropeman: off-screen
RubyChao: sk, i think jrm will kill us if we make it offscreen
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Monster Mash Loser's League Battle Royale - Voting
Welcome back, spurts fins sports fans!
We here at the Monster Mash Loser's League are proud to present to you our greatest achievement yet, a six-way tussle between fallen beasts. These entrants to the Monster Mash tournament all have one win and one loss to their name. Now, they face each other in a desperate bid to break back into the winner's bracket and take on the final lucky few already there - Sharktopus, The Kraken, and Mansquito.
This rumble is a winner-take-all slugfest between everything we could scrounge together. You'll meet all kinds here, and every one of them is primed and ready to beat down the other five for a chance to win.
Let's meet them.
We here at the Monster Mash Loser's League are proud to present to you our greatest achievement yet, a six-way tussle between fallen beasts. These entrants to the Monster Mash tournament all have one win and one loss to their name. Now, they face each other in a desperate bid to break back into the winner's bracket and take on the final lucky few already there - Sharktopus, The Kraken, and Mansquito.
This rumble is a winner-take-all slugfest between everything we could scrounge together. You'll meet all kinds here, and every one of them is primed and ready to beat down the other five for a chance to win.
Let's meet them.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 159: Jumpropeman's Quest for Pizza
(After the Rin Satsuki match in the Boss Battle Pavillion)
Gooper Blooper: Depending on the choices you guys made
Gooper Blooper: That could have gone three ways
Gooper Blooper: The other two were Kill Her and Talk Her Down And Watch Her Kill Herself, Good Riddance Ya Bitch
RubyChao: probably helped that we had a mind-reader, somehow :V
Gooper Blooper: Satori was a perfect, perfect choice for how I wanted to depict this
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: The emotion reading. It let me depict how her rage dominated, but eventually gave way to despair and then hope
RubyChao: hooray!
RubyChao: good thing i went with the impulse of Minor Touhous rather than my main destructive duo, then :V
Gooper Blooper: those two dunderheads wouldn't have figured out shit :V
RubyChao: *Utsuho and Tenshi stand over Rin's dead body* "Do you think... there was anything else we could have done?" "No."
Gooper Blooper: *laugh track*
RubyChao: "What if I get injured and can't help when someone like Kraid shows up?" lol samus
Jumpropeman: just dropping in to do the kirby dance
Jumpropeman: (>'-')> <('-'< [wink] ^(' - ')^ <('-'< [wink] (>'-')>
Jumpropeman: well, that didn't work out
Jumpropeman: unless Kirby is winking at people
RubyChao: i actually had a dream where for whatever reason goops made a srspost where the villains took care of trooper c because... i don't know why
RubyChao: i am glad that was only a dream :V
FairyHunter: not even trooper c likes trooper c
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Tableter: Trooper c screwed trooper c
SteelKomodo: The Trooper C Screwjob
Gnostic Vengeance: This comic is emphatically not true. But in much of the released visual media, you could almost believe it. XD
SteelKomodo: Carol tells Gluttony to fuck ogg
SteelKomodo: *off
Gnostic Vengeance: Ogg continues to get none. Sad monster is sad.
Cornwind Evil: He can also go fuck Ogg if he-darn it Ven
Cornwind Evil: Stole my joke
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Depending on the choices you guys made
Gooper Blooper: That could have gone three ways
Gooper Blooper: The other two were Kill Her and Talk Her Down And Watch Her Kill Herself, Good Riddance Ya Bitch
RubyChao: probably helped that we had a mind-reader, somehow :V
Gooper Blooper: Satori was a perfect, perfect choice for how I wanted to depict this
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: The emotion reading. It let me depict how her rage dominated, but eventually gave way to despair and then hope
RubyChao: hooray!
RubyChao: good thing i went with the impulse of Minor Touhous rather than my main destructive duo, then :V
Gooper Blooper: those two dunderheads wouldn't have figured out shit :V
RubyChao: *Utsuho and Tenshi stand over Rin's dead body* "Do you think... there was anything else we could have done?" "No."
Gooper Blooper: *laugh track*
RubyChao: "What if I get injured and can't help when someone like Kraid shows up?" lol samus
Jumpropeman: just dropping in to do the kirby dance
Jumpropeman: (>'-')> <('-'< [wink] ^(' - ')^ <('-'< [wink] (>'-')>
Jumpropeman: well, that didn't work out
Jumpropeman: unless Kirby is winking at people
RubyChao: i actually had a dream where for whatever reason goops made a srspost where the villains took care of trooper c because... i don't know why
RubyChao: i am glad that was only a dream :V
FairyHunter: not even trooper c likes trooper c
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Tableter: Trooper c screwed trooper c
SteelKomodo: The Trooper C Screwjob
Gnostic Vengeance: This comic is emphatically not true. But in much of the released visual media, you could almost believe it. XD
SteelKomodo: Carol tells Gluttony to fuck ogg
SteelKomodo: *off
Gnostic Vengeance: Ogg continues to get none. Sad monster is sad.
Cornwind Evil: He can also go fuck Ogg if he-darn it Ven
Cornwind Evil: Stole my joke
SteelKomodo: XD
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 158: Gnaw Gnaw Gnaw
Vendictated: I probably shan't try to participate in plot. Not for lack of interest, you understand, but it's projected to start thirty minutes out from work. Hope your mandatory bit goes favorably!
Vendictated: I would have thirty minutes of the plot being active, but knowing me, I'd just set any character sent on fire or explode them as an out.
Harpy: Mkay, do whatever you feel like doin'
Vendictated: Some would call that a poor choice of words. >;D
-rolls up sleeves; begins plot to kill world with apparent kindnesses that turn out horrific tragedies-
-turns the seas to ice cream without first adapting the wildlife-
-disables death, leaving people with the ability to feel pain, get injured, and progressively decay... but not to cease these things-
-kills the concept of 'greed', leaving no equal vital spark of 'desire' or 'ambition' to make their miserable lives have meaning-
-paints sky purple for no deeper meaning-
-paints kobber kill silhouettes all over Ostarion's gleaming white bones-
-mutates half of cast and demutates other half of ZFS protagonists-
Vendictated quietly continues wrecking things
Harpy: within reason? :U
Vendictated: Ohhh.
Vendictated reverses these things
Vendictated dusts off relative reasonable normal things
Vendictated backs awaaaay
Harpy: and then the courier nuked the entire gallery and EVERYTHING DIED
Harpy: the end :D
Harpy: there goes his phat paycheck from selling off the Lunar Eclipse
Vendictated: Ahehhh.
Harpy: goops
Harpy: guess who saw a 5 lb hershey bar in the school store
Gooper Blooper: you
Harpy: damn right
Harpy: I did not buy it in fear of getting creeped out stares from people
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: Hello yourself, friend.
Vendictated: What's wrong, CW?
the walking dead: You okay CW?
Cornwind Evil: MRGRGRGR
RubyChao: cw what's up
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr?
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: ohdear. : < That bad?
Gooper Blooper: CW has finally actually become a Pokemon
Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornmrgrgr
Cornmrgrgr: Cornmr.
Cornmrgrgr: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: I would have thirty minutes of the plot being active, but knowing me, I'd just set any character sent on fire or explode them as an out.
Harpy: Mkay, do whatever you feel like doin'
Vendictated: Some would call that a poor choice of words. >;D
-rolls up sleeves; begins plot to kill world with apparent kindnesses that turn out horrific tragedies-
-turns the seas to ice cream without first adapting the wildlife-
-disables death, leaving people with the ability to feel pain, get injured, and progressively decay... but not to cease these things-
-kills the concept of 'greed', leaving no equal vital spark of 'desire' or 'ambition' to make their miserable lives have meaning-
-paints sky purple for no deeper meaning-
-paints kobber kill silhouettes all over Ostarion's gleaming white bones-
-mutates half of cast and demutates other half of ZFS protagonists-
Vendictated quietly continues wrecking things
Harpy: within reason? :U
Vendictated: Ohhh.
Vendictated reverses these things
Vendictated dusts off relative reasonable normal things
Vendictated backs awaaaay
Harpy: and then the courier nuked the entire gallery and EVERYTHING DIED
Harpy: the end :D
Harpy: there goes his phat paycheck from selling off the Lunar Eclipse
Vendictated: Ahehhh.
Harpy: goops
Harpy: guess who saw a 5 lb hershey bar in the school store
Gooper Blooper: you
Harpy: damn right
Harpy: I did not buy it in fear of getting creeped out stares from people
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: Hello yourself, friend.
Vendictated: What's wrong, CW?
the walking dead: You okay CW?
Cornwind Evil: MRGRGRGR
RubyChao: cw what's up
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr?
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: ohdear. : < That bad?
Gooper Blooper: CW has finally actually become a Pokemon
Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornmrgrgr
Cornmrgrgr: Cornmr.
Cornmrgrgr: Mrgrgr
Monday, October 27, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 157: The Clefable With the Plan
SteelKomodo: um, i remember saying there was gonna be a silly thing to offset Calicoplot
SteelKomodo: ...can I get back to you on that?
RubyChao: and then smash ate SK and we never saw him again
Gooper Blooper: new stupid comic featuring an entirely different Brawl In The Family than what we're used to
Cornwind Evil: Time to traumatize Cauren again
SteelKomodo: once, we traumatized Beck. Now it's Cauren's turn!
SteelKomodo: at the bar, Beck puts a consoling arm around Cauren
SteelKomodo: "Trust me, I know how you feel."
Bree: ...I have this dumb mental image of Beck's arm being too short to go around Cauren's shoulders, so he uses the Xel and his arm extends until it's long enough
Bree: I don't know why
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: trust me, he'd do it, too
Bree: also apparently in Awful Tumblr RP, Okuu has a babby
Bree: the character called "Oni" calls her mother
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: okuu cravings
iKomodo: oh lawd
iKomodo: Pit: ...MY ENTIRE FRIDGE D:
RubyChao: combine the joke about god-based cravings and recent rp events
RubyChao: the succubi just better avoid okuu for months
Gooper Blooper: Sarah and Utsuho get cravings at the same time, Shimmer just stands there in complete awe
Bree: eate all the foode
iKomodo: hahahahahahaha
Bree: but srsly, Okuu is allowed to eat Pit's entire fridge, I mean it would be Pit's babby XD
Bree: he should own up to it
Bree: just let Okuu eat the fridge itself if she wants to
Gooper Blooper: okuu eats the entire ZFS and that's why we have to change settings
iKomodo: Dirk: ...I'm seriously not gonna make a comment here.
Gooper Blooper: The last post is the front half of the ship crashing into Las Vegas while Okuu eats the controls
Summoned Vengeance: Oh goodness.
RubyChao: relevant
Bree: okuu put on some weight
Gooper Blooper: it all went to her chest
iKomodo: hahaha
Bree: and suddenly, boobs
Bree: (tenshi is jealous)
iKomodo: Pit: *embarrassedface.png*
Summoned Vengeance: Hehhhh.
SteelKomodo: ...can I get back to you on that?
RubyChao: and then smash ate SK and we never saw him again
Gooper Blooper: new stupid comic featuring an entirely different Brawl In The Family than what we're used to
Cornwind Evil: Time to traumatize Cauren again
SteelKomodo: once, we traumatized Beck. Now it's Cauren's turn!
SteelKomodo: at the bar, Beck puts a consoling arm around Cauren
SteelKomodo: "Trust me, I know how you feel."
Bree: ...I have this dumb mental image of Beck's arm being too short to go around Cauren's shoulders, so he uses the Xel and his arm extends until it's long enough
Bree: I don't know why
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: trust me, he'd do it, too
Bree: also apparently in Awful Tumblr RP, Okuu has a babby
Bree: the character called "Oni" calls her mother
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: okuu cravings
iKomodo: oh lawd
iKomodo: Pit: ...MY ENTIRE FRIDGE D:
RubyChao: combine the joke about god-based cravings and recent rp events
RubyChao: the succubi just better avoid okuu for months
Gooper Blooper: Sarah and Utsuho get cravings at the same time, Shimmer just stands there in complete awe
Bree: eate all the foode
iKomodo: hahahahahahaha
Bree: but srsly, Okuu is allowed to eat Pit's entire fridge, I mean it would be Pit's babby XD
Bree: he should own up to it
Bree: just let Okuu eat the fridge itself if she wants to
Gooper Blooper: okuu eats the entire ZFS and that's why we have to change settings
iKomodo: Dirk: ...I'm seriously not gonna make a comment here.
Gooper Blooper: The last post is the front half of the ship crashing into Las Vegas while Okuu eats the controls
Summoned Vengeance: Oh goodness.
RubyChao: relevant
Bree: okuu put on some weight
Gooper Blooper: it all went to her chest
iKomodo: hahaha
Bree: and suddenly, boobs
Bree: (tenshi is jealous)
iKomodo: Pit: *embarrassedface.png*
Summoned Vengeance: Hehhhh.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 156: Twerking to Tame The Cerberus
SteelKomodo: when i did some shopping in Sainsbury's to get alcohol for the flatmates
SteelKomodo: I saw some Beck's in there - Beck's Blue, to be accurate
SteelKomodo: and I thought "Of course Beck's blue, it's all he wears!"
SteelKomodo: #Ruined
Keeby: *sets desktop background to ALL PUMPKABOO*
Keeby: spoopy
Gooper Blooper: harpy
Keeby: oh jesus my thighs
Keeby: those thighs can kill a man
Keeby: not sure whether from crushing their heads or by giving them diabetes
Del in a Hole: Its the diabetus
Renenged Vengeance: I still maintain that Waldo is the world's single greatest ninja assassin. No matter how many times you think you've found him; no matter how ridiculously obviously he dresses; no matter where he goes- -all you have to do is glance elsewhere, say, another page, and he's gone again.
SteelKomodo: I saw some Beck's in there - Beck's Blue, to be accurate
SteelKomodo: and I thought "Of course Beck's blue, it's all he wears!"
SteelKomodo: #Ruined
Keeby: *sets desktop background to ALL PUMPKABOO*
Keeby: spoopy
Gooper Blooper: harpy
Keeby: oh jesus my thighs
Keeby: those thighs can kill a man
Keeby: not sure whether from crushing their heads or by giving them diabetes
Del in a Hole: Its the diabetus
Renenged Vengeance: I still maintain that Waldo is the world's single greatest ninja assassin. No matter how many times you think you've found him; no matter how ridiculously obviously he dresses; no matter where he goes- -all you have to do is glance elsewhere, say, another page, and he's gone again.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 155: Big Bad Beetlepoop
(FormerVengeance enters Race Yer Mates 2)
RubyChao: >aiden
RubyChao approves!
RubyChao: see, now you can stamp "RUBYCHAO APPROVED" on your post
RubyChao: and we all know that's what really matters
RubyChao: (no it isn't)
Grey Spy: Its John Cena
RubyChao: no, spy
RubyChao: that's your entrant
RubyChao: meat boy is actually john cena
Grey Spy: he slingshots himself off the ring ropes
Grey Spy: And just keeps flying
Grey Spy: Advantages: Rapadoo
Grey Spy: Disadvantages: Can't turn
Jumpropeman: THAT'S IT! That's who I'll enter in RYM2
Jumpropeman: Dakota, using her whole body as her vehicle
Jumpropeman: and the track suggestion: North Dakota!
Draco: Excellent. =D
Draco: Gotta use all that space for something since nobody else is.
Keeby: Hansel would ride on that
Keeby: ...
Keeby: i said it
Keeby: help
Jumpropeman: ;D
Jumpropeman: ;D ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D
Grey Spy: ;D ;D
Draco: Hansel's all over those amber waves of grain and wants to go face-first into her purple mountains' majesty.
Grey Spy: ;D ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D
Grey Spy: Awww Draco broke it
Endeavoring notwroth Vengeance: Post.
Cornwind Evil: Will you stop
Draco: Hansel gonna shed ALL his grace on thee.
Writingwulf: I may or may not want Calico and David to fight solely so I can have David go fuckballs insane in the desert and keep yelling multiversal secrets at Calico
Delsposition: Hahaha
Jumpropeman: I am scheduling a funeral for Shmeth this Sunday, please do attend
RubyChao: *nobody attends*
Gooper Blooper: mental image time
Gooper Blooper: The empty funeral sits there for several days, then Stag Beetle strolls over, takes a little beetle poop on the unmarked grave, and strolls away
Keeb: Yiss
Golem Vengeance: Yo.
Delsposition: Big bad beetlepoop
RubyChao: >aiden
RubyChao approves!
RubyChao: see, now you can stamp "RUBYCHAO APPROVED" on your post
RubyChao: and we all know that's what really matters
RubyChao: (no it isn't)
Grey Spy: Its John Cena
RubyChao: no, spy
RubyChao: that's your entrant
RubyChao: meat boy is actually john cena
Grey Spy: he slingshots himself off the ring ropes
Grey Spy: And just keeps flying
Grey Spy: Advantages: Rapadoo
Grey Spy: Disadvantages: Can't turn
Jumpropeman: THAT'S IT! That's who I'll enter in RYM2
Jumpropeman: Dakota, using her whole body as her vehicle
Jumpropeman: and the track suggestion: North Dakota!
Draco: Excellent. =D
Draco: Gotta use all that space for something since nobody else is.
Keeby: Hansel would ride on that
Keeby: ...
Keeby: i said it
Keeby: help
Jumpropeman: ;D
Jumpropeman: ;D ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D
Grey Spy: ;D ;D
Draco: Hansel's all over those amber waves of grain and wants to go face-first into her purple mountains' majesty.
Grey Spy: ;D ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D ;D
Grey Spy: ;D
Grey Spy: Awww Draco broke it
Endeavoring notwroth Vengeance: Post.
Cornwind Evil: Will you stop
Draco: Hansel gonna shed ALL his grace on thee.
Writingwulf: I may or may not want Calico and David to fight solely so I can have David go fuckballs insane in the desert and keep yelling multiversal secrets at Calico
Delsposition: Hahaha
Jumpropeman: I am scheduling a funeral for Shmeth this Sunday, please do attend
RubyChao: *nobody attends*
Gooper Blooper: mental image time
Gooper Blooper: The empty funeral sits there for several days, then Stag Beetle strolls over, takes a little beetle poop on the unmarked grave, and strolls away
Keeb: Yiss
Golem Vengeance: Yo.
Delsposition: Big bad beetlepoop
Saturday, October 18, 2014
The End of The End is the Beginning
So ends my plot. Tiamat 2011 was my first megaplot, and Bulgraveplot 2012 was the deepest, while my plots for 2013 were simple and short. Now, just as Jumpropeman did, I'm going to dump all the thoughts, behind the scenes stuff, and cutting room floor material that I can into this post.
In 2013, during a routine look at the Drunken Gryphon message board, I included a request on the board for someone to "awaken the key". Nobody picked up on this. If it had been followed, the placer of the request would turn out to be an insane cultist who wanted people to help him find an ancient artifact that would summon The End, who was originally named Leviathan.
This was Leviathan's initial design. From the very start, I wanted to create the largest enemy the kobbers have ever faced. I wound up failing in that goal in the long run due to JRM - not only did he bring in Actaeus this year, but Rafflesia from Season 1, another living planet, is also presumably larger than The End. The End remained a possibility as a Final Boss From Nowhere but I ultimately just sat on the concept and stored it away.
In the offseason between seasons 3 and 4, I gained a hankering for wanting to do a plot with a big twist to it. All of my plots from the first three seasons were relatively straightforward, although there were surprises like Tiamat employing Celestia and Dr. Bulgrave surrendering. This time I wanted something big. My plots tend to have characters that heel-face turn, so this year I wanted a character to face-heel turn. Mercutio Ferros, AKA Chronos Xarr, was born.
Another thing I wanted to do was make full use of our setting. Similar to how JRM built The Deck around being the ultimate medieval-themed plot, I wanted a plot that made full use of our unique space/medieval setting, so I combined the two to create a plot that could only happen properly in the unique world of the ZFS and Ardea, a criminal from another galaxy infiltrating a medieval society and using medieval weapons, soldiers, and artifacts.
First, we'll review the cast of this plot one more time. Then, I'll excavate my DropBox for a load of pictures depicting characters, items, and plot points that were left out.
In 2013, during a routine look at the Drunken Gryphon message board, I included a request on the board for someone to "awaken the key". Nobody picked up on this. If it had been followed, the placer of the request would turn out to be an insane cultist who wanted people to help him find an ancient artifact that would summon The End, who was originally named Leviathan.
This was Leviathan's initial design. From the very start, I wanted to create the largest enemy the kobbers have ever faced. I wound up failing in that goal in the long run due to JRM - not only did he bring in Actaeus this year, but Rafflesia from Season 1, another living planet, is also presumably larger than The End. The End remained a possibility as a Final Boss From Nowhere but I ultimately just sat on the concept and stored it away.
In the offseason between seasons 3 and 4, I gained a hankering for wanting to do a plot with a big twist to it. All of my plots from the first three seasons were relatively straightforward, although there were surprises like Tiamat employing Celestia and Dr. Bulgrave surrendering. This time I wanted something big. My plots tend to have characters that heel-face turn, so this year I wanted a character to face-heel turn. Mercutio Ferros, AKA Chronos Xarr, was born.
Another thing I wanted to do was make full use of our setting. Similar to how JRM built The Deck around being the ultimate medieval-themed plot, I wanted a plot that made full use of our unique space/medieval setting, so I combined the two to create a plot that could only happen properly in the unique world of the ZFS and Ardea, a criminal from another galaxy infiltrating a medieval society and using medieval weapons, soldiers, and artifacts.
First, we'll review the cast of this plot one more time. Then, I'll excavate my DropBox for a load of pictures depicting characters, items, and plot points that were left out.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 154: Don't Boop the Goop
Saberwulf: Goddamn beauty tips are like fucking schizophrenic pagan rituals
Saberwulf: "I love this tip I got from "Allure: Confessions of a Beauty Editor." When elbows get rough, you can soften them up with a sock trick. Cut the toes off a clean pair of thick socks, rub Crisco on your elbows and slip the socks over your arms"
Saberwulf: Like what the fuck
SteelKomodo: D:
Del: hahahahaha
Keeby: back
SteelKomodo: wb harps
Saberwulf: wb
Del: wb
RubyChao: bw
RubyChao fights The Man
RubyChao: meanwhile, a MYSTERIOUS STRANGER appeared in the bar! potential villain? new ardean hero? a random plot thread that will never come up again?
Deletons: IT'S PIKACHU
RubyChao: It's actually a Jigglypuff seen from above. Sorry to ruin the surprise so early.
2Goopy: Konami keeping up with them newfangled internet maymays
2Goopy: he would never have been able to resist dat ass
Bree: well it's his wife's ass, so he doesn't have to resist :U
RubyChao: even the years they spent together weren't enough to build up a tolerance
butt butt butt joined the chat
2Goopy: dat timing
Saberwulf: "I love this tip I got from "Allure: Confessions of a Beauty Editor." When elbows get rough, you can soften them up with a sock trick. Cut the toes off a clean pair of thick socks, rub Crisco on your elbows and slip the socks over your arms"
Saberwulf: Like what the fuck
SteelKomodo: D:
Del: hahahahaha
Keeby: back
SteelKomodo: wb harps
Saberwulf: wb
Del: wb
RubyChao: bw
RubyChao fights The Man
RubyChao: meanwhile, a MYSTERIOUS STRANGER appeared in the bar! potential villain? new ardean hero? a random plot thread that will never come up again?
Deletons: IT'S PIKACHU
RubyChao: It's actually a Jigglypuff seen from above. Sorry to ruin the surprise so early.
2Goopy: Konami keeping up with them newfangled internet maymays
2Goopy: he would never have been able to resist dat ass
Bree: well it's his wife's ass, so he doesn't have to resist :U
RubyChao: even the years they spent together weren't enough to build up a tolerance
butt butt butt joined the chat
2Goopy: dat timing
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 153: And Den Meat Boy Trew Her Hed
Harp: i found my reaction sound to any and all omnious, dangerous villains
SteelKomodo: oh?
Harp: [luigi noises]
SteelKomodo: ...which one is it?
SteelKomodo: it's made up of all different ones
Harp: all of them
SteelKomodo: wat
Harp: but mainly "mama mia" and "BLEH"
Gooper Blooper: Siren staring down giant villain, opens her mouth, stream of Luigi voice clips
Harp: ...
Harp: brb crying and laughing
Procedural Dels: here's some real honest-to-god lore from endless legend
Procedural Dels: one faction, the broken lords, are nanobot ghost vampire knights
Procedural Dels: one of their heroes, when he was alive, was basically the shittiest knight ever
Saberwulf: pff
Procedural Dels: instead of jousting, he'd pretend to be ill and then introduce a sympathetic girl with big boobs to his "lance"
Procedural Dels: eventually his dad got fed up, sat him on a horse and told him to joust you fucking waster
Procedural Dels: he got wrecked
Procedural Dels: and then he decided to be the best knight ever instead
Procedural Dels: and then i guess he died and became a nanobot vampire ghost knight
Procedural Dels: THE END
Saberwulf: Nanobot ghost vampire Conrad
SteelKomodo: XD
Procedural Dels: ahahahahaha
Procedural Dels: "Mom, I don't wanna joust!" "Conrad David Svilzerian, I'll break your fucking arms if you don't get out there right now!"
Saberwulf: Mama Jonesy layin' down the law
Saberwulf: Also holy shit there's no way his middle name is David
Procedural Dels: it is
Saberwulf: Yesssss
Procedural Dels: i decided that as of right now
Saberwulf: "You're named after a goat I found in the garbage"
Procedural Dels: "Gee thanks mom"
Saberwulf: At least it wasn't like "you're named after the bravest men I knew, Conrad Airman Alexthejanitor Svilzerian"
Delvasion: TheDeleter: but hooray at least little conrad officially exists now
-Saberwulf: Conrad David Svilzerian I think you mean
-TheDeleter: no joke, i did actually consider making his middle name david at one point
-TheDeleter: i didn't dismiss it, i just never thought about it again :P
-Saberwulf: David is a very narcissistic person
-Saberwulf: Well if you ever want to change it, David knows some people. One day he's Conrad David Svilzerian, next day he's David Conrad Svilzerian
Delvasion: FUCK
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I was gonna say the other day del
Gooper Blooper: Middle name David was the plan from the start
Delvasion: It was always his middle name
Delvasion: Plot twist
Delvasion: Never Forget
Vengeance, making lasagna: I'm still having trouble working out how a single kobber in a two-day period could travel several hundred miles between targets, murder three boss-level characters and three point two five thousand mooks, and still come home for dinner when *on* screen, the dread pirates could wreck at him so bad on their lonesome.
-blows raspberry-
Gooper Blooper: Have you forgotten, FV?
Gooper Blooper: It's The Conservation of Ninjutsu. The more Razaans and pirates you toss in there, the faster they'll go!
Vengeance, making lasagna: That's a question I get posed more often than you'd think in-
Cornwind Evil: What GB said
Vengeance, making lasagna: oh.
Gooper Blooper: If this plot was just the real Razaan and Vanderdecken we'd be fucking screwed
Vengeance, making lasagna: -revises plans drastically-
Saberwulf: Obviously the Kobbers' soul coronas interacted so much over the years they all, through the conceptual realization of the "Kobber" title they foist upon themselves, unsticks them from reality which is why tiny magic ladies can fight godbeasts and not get exploded too hard
Saberwulf: Or I dunno maybe they're all Orks and the blood they spill makes them go faster
Delvasion: All kobbers are orks
Vengeance, making lasagna: Paint it all red, boys! Red! Crypt gray and omen black are right out! You must make it -DAKA!-
Delvasion: Now canon
Delvasion: Carol da meklady
SteelKomodo: oh?
Harp: [luigi noises]
SteelKomodo: ...which one is it?
SteelKomodo: it's made up of all different ones
Harp: all of them
SteelKomodo: wat
Harp: but mainly "mama mia" and "BLEH"
Gooper Blooper: Siren staring down giant villain, opens her mouth, stream of Luigi voice clips
Harp: ...
Harp: brb crying and laughing
Procedural Dels: here's some real honest-to-god lore from endless legend
Procedural Dels: one faction, the broken lords, are nanobot ghost vampire knights
Procedural Dels: one of their heroes, when he was alive, was basically the shittiest knight ever
Saberwulf: pff
Procedural Dels: instead of jousting, he'd pretend to be ill and then introduce a sympathetic girl with big boobs to his "lance"
Procedural Dels: eventually his dad got fed up, sat him on a horse and told him to joust you fucking waster
Procedural Dels: he got wrecked
Procedural Dels: and then he decided to be the best knight ever instead
Procedural Dels: and then i guess he died and became a nanobot vampire ghost knight
Procedural Dels: THE END
Saberwulf: Nanobot ghost vampire Conrad
SteelKomodo: XD
Procedural Dels: ahahahahaha
Procedural Dels: "Mom, I don't wanna joust!" "Conrad David Svilzerian, I'll break your fucking arms if you don't get out there right now!"
Saberwulf: Mama Jonesy layin' down the law
Saberwulf: Also holy shit there's no way his middle name is David
Procedural Dels: it is
Saberwulf: Yesssss
Procedural Dels: i decided that as of right now
Saberwulf: "You're named after a goat I found in the garbage"
Procedural Dels: "Gee thanks mom"
Saberwulf: At least it wasn't like "you're named after the bravest men I knew, Conrad Airman Alexthejanitor Svilzerian"
Delvasion: TheDeleter: but hooray at least little conrad officially exists now
-Saberwulf: Conrad David Svilzerian I think you mean
-TheDeleter: no joke, i did actually consider making his middle name david at one point
-TheDeleter: i didn't dismiss it, i just never thought about it again :P
-Saberwulf: David is a very narcissistic person
-Saberwulf: Well if you ever want to change it, David knows some people. One day he's Conrad David Svilzerian, next day he's David Conrad Svilzerian
Delvasion: FUCK
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I was gonna say the other day del
Gooper Blooper: Middle name David was the plan from the start
Delvasion: It was always his middle name
Delvasion: Plot twist
Delvasion: Never Forget
Vengeance, making lasagna: I'm still having trouble working out how a single kobber in a two-day period could travel several hundred miles between targets, murder three boss-level characters and three point two five thousand mooks, and still come home for dinner when *on* screen, the dread pirates could wreck at him so bad on their lonesome.
-blows raspberry-
Gooper Blooper: Have you forgotten, FV?
Gooper Blooper: It's The Conservation of Ninjutsu. The more Razaans and pirates you toss in there, the faster they'll go!
Vengeance, making lasagna: That's a question I get posed more often than you'd think in-
Cornwind Evil: What GB said
Vengeance, making lasagna: oh.
Gooper Blooper: If this plot was just the real Razaan and Vanderdecken we'd be fucking screwed
Vengeance, making lasagna: -revises plans drastically-
Saberwulf: Obviously the Kobbers' soul coronas interacted so much over the years they all, through the conceptual realization of the "Kobber" title they foist upon themselves, unsticks them from reality which is why tiny magic ladies can fight godbeasts and not get exploded too hard
Saberwulf: Or I dunno maybe they're all Orks and the blood they spill makes them go faster
Delvasion: All kobbers are orks
Vengeance, making lasagna: Paint it all red, boys! Red! Crypt gray and omen black are right out! You must make it -DAKA!-
Delvasion: Now canon
Delvasion: Carol da meklady
Monday, September 29, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 152: Tractor Edition
Malfunction:Vengeance detected: I'm not entirely sure what the best pickup line ever is. But y'know what the worst one I ever was party to entailed?
iKomodo: What was that?
Malfunction:Vengeance detected: Girl walks up to a guy, puts her hand on his shoulder, and says "You'll do".
Malfunction:Vengeance detected: |D
iKomodo: Oh lawd XD
The Big Blue: Excuse me while I die laughing.
くコ:彡 joined the chat
Dacro: Hi Goops.
Dacro: Nice Squid.
RubyChao: hello Missingno
RubyChao: oh that's a squid
RubyChao: derp
Inurian joined the chat
Inurian: Hey I'm here again it's been a while
Harpy: my organic chem teach is a hardass
|________)________): Kick him in the nads
iKomodo: What was that?
Malfunction:Vengeance detected: Girl walks up to a guy, puts her hand on his shoulder, and says "You'll do".
Malfunction:Vengeance detected: |D
iKomodo: Oh lawd XD
The Big Blue: Excuse me while I die laughing.
くコ:彡 joined the chat
Dacro: Hi Goops.
Dacro: Nice Squid.
RubyChao: hello Missingno
RubyChao: oh that's a squid
RubyChao: derp
Inurian joined the chat
Inurian: Hey I'm here again it's been a while
Harpy: my organic chem teach is a hardass
|________)________): Kick him in the nads
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 151: Magical Gays Shoot Off Into Space
Deled: saint pepsi has a track called Mac Tonight
Deled: #Ruined
Deled: back
Deled: time to continue with con "massive nerd" rad
SteelKomodo: what have i missed?
Harpy: something is happening
Harpy: as in
Harpy: CW's "something" plot
Harpy: its like trying to guess what's in the mystery box
(Cornwind attempts to explain an attack)
The Anti-Rapadoo Brockle Snar: Here, a very crude reference picture
RubyChao: you weren't kidding
The Anti-Rapadoo Brockle Snar: I cannot draw
The Anti-Rapadoo Brockle Snar: Even stick men
The Anti-Rapadoo Brockle Snar: I leave it to GB
Harpy: suck eggs osaal, you giant fucking heel full of feces
Deled: #Ruined
Deled: back
Deled: time to continue with con "massive nerd" rad
SteelKomodo: what have i missed?
Harpy: something is happening
Harpy: as in
Harpy: CW's "something" plot
Harpy: its like trying to guess what's in the mystery box
(Cornwind attempts to explain an attack)
The Anti-Rapadoo Brockle Snar: Here, a very crude reference picture
RubyChao: you weren't kidding
The Anti-Rapadoo Brockle Snar: I cannot draw
The Anti-Rapadoo Brockle Snar: Even stick men
The Anti-Rapadoo Brockle Snar: I leave it to GB
Harpy: suck eggs osaal, you giant fucking heel full of feces
Monday, September 22, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 150: Explicit Thickness
RubyCameo: ridley's back
RubyCameo: i am sure everyone is shocked and surprised
RubyCameo: and did not see this coming
Bree: have I mentioned I'm especially fond of characters who happen to be hot chicks?
Cornwind Evil: I'm hideous.
Cornwind Evil: It's why I hide behind cats
Flounderwulf: Sup dudes
I Am Del: wulf y r u floundering
Flounderwulf: Because I made an OkCupid account
SteelKomodo: ...oh lawd
Flounderwulf: And now hot gay guys are rating my profile
SteelKomodo: OH LAWD
Flounderwulf spontaneously combusts for disobeying the cosmic gods
I Am Del: here's the thing you need to know about dating sites wulf
I Am Del: from someone who is on one
I Am Del: they're all batshit crazy
Flounderwulf: But hey, maybe one of these fine men/ladyfok will message me because haha yeah I'm not messaging anyone first
I Am Del: if anyone says on their profile "every one of my tattoos has a story behind it" then get the fuck out
Flounderwulf: Hahaha
Dacro joined the chat
Dacro joined the chat
Dacro joined the chat
Dacro: I think I'm a clone now.
Tableter: You may ask, why is jonesy dressed like a pirate? I answer, why not?
RubyCameo: i am sure everyone is shocked and surprised
RubyCameo: and did not see this coming
Bree: have I mentioned I'm especially fond of characters who happen to be hot chicks?
Cornwind Evil: I'm hideous.
Cornwind Evil: It's why I hide behind cats
Flounderwulf: Sup dudes
I Am Del: wulf y r u floundering
Flounderwulf: Because I made an OkCupid account
SteelKomodo: ...oh lawd
Flounderwulf: And now hot gay guys are rating my profile
SteelKomodo: OH LAWD
Flounderwulf spontaneously combusts for disobeying the cosmic gods
I Am Del: here's the thing you need to know about dating sites wulf
I Am Del: from someone who is on one
I Am Del: they're all batshit crazy
Flounderwulf: But hey, maybe one of these fine men/ladyfok will message me because haha yeah I'm not messaging anyone first
I Am Del: if anyone says on their profile "every one of my tattoos has a story behind it" then get the fuck out
Flounderwulf: Hahaha
Dacro joined the chat
Dacro joined the chat
Dacro joined the chat
Dacro: I think I'm a clone now.
Tableter: You may ask, why is jonesy dressed like a pirate? I answer, why not?
Monday, September 15, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 149: Smokey the Bear's Dark and Tragic Backstory
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Hooked on a feeling...
Cornwind Evil: I'm high on believing...
Harpy: i was asurawoman but then someone lopped off my 6th arm
Cornwind Evil: What if I'm expanding on bad things already done
Harpy: i'mma still fix it
Harpy: and i'm still gonna punch all the haruspices
Titty: Harps no that's Zoe
Harpy: guys, this is important
Harpy: smooch or no smooch
Jumpropeman: !!!!!!
Jumpropeman: !!!!!!!!!!
Harpy: JRM panicking, it was never meant to go this far
Jumpropeman: !?!?!
Harpy: bree, as the resident voice of reason- oh there it goes
Titty: Yesss Everett is happy!
Bree: what? Everett is happy?
Bree: get out of here you fucking impostor
Bree punts Everett out of spacebar
Jumpropeman: don't worry
Jumpropeman: ive got it down to a science
Jumpropeman: a cornwind character will soon set him back
Jumpropeman: and it will all begin again~
Cornwind Evil: Hooked on a feeling...
Cornwind Evil: I'm high on believing...
Harpy: i was asurawoman but then someone lopped off my 6th arm
Cornwind Evil: What if I'm expanding on bad things already done
Harpy: i'mma still fix it
Harpy: and i'm still gonna punch all the haruspices
Titty: Harps no that's Zoe
Harpy: guys, this is important
Harpy: smooch or no smooch
Jumpropeman: !!!!!!
Jumpropeman: !!!!!!!!!!
Harpy: JRM panicking, it was never meant to go this far
Jumpropeman: !?!?!
Harpy: bree, as the resident voice of reason- oh there it goes
Titty: Yesss Everett is happy!
Bree: what? Everett is happy?
Bree: get out of here you fucking impostor
Bree punts Everett out of spacebar
Jumpropeman: don't worry
Jumpropeman: ive got it down to a science
Jumpropeman: a cornwind character will soon set him back
Jumpropeman: and it will all begin again~
Monday, September 8, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 148: Thanks A Lot, Buttheads
Jumpropeman: there's something you should know about Fumes Ven
Jumpropeman: he has an anime for a hand
Jumpropeman: *anime girl
Jumpropeman: a whole anime for a hand would be too much for anyone
iKomodo: Oh god JRM pls
Veni, Vengeance: I've been told brevity is the soul of wit. I never made any particular claim to possess any.
Keeby: i
Keeby: i found a princess samus sprite
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: also ven
RubyChao: since i don't think you were here when i told people about it: would you like to know what the original plan for metroidplot was
RubyChao: (i.e. the overall plot dealing with the pirate commanders and mother brain)
Inert Vengeance: Yes please Chao.
RubyChao: Meta Ridley.
RubyChao: that was it. that was my entire plan.
Inert Vengeance: Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffil. XD
iKomodo: IT'S A LIVIN
RubyChao: then i played Prime 3, finished Metroid II and Fusion, and burned through Super and Zero Mission during the offseason
RubyChao: and i realized "holy shit there is so much more i can use"
Tableter: What was hitlers favourite video game?
Tableter: Meincraft
iKomodo: HEY I'M BRIT
M Sheep: Oh, Ian McKellen~
M Sheep fans self
Jumpropeman: he has an anime for a hand
Jumpropeman: *anime girl
Jumpropeman: a whole anime for a hand would be too much for anyone
iKomodo: Oh god JRM pls
Veni, Vengeance: I've been told brevity is the soul of wit. I never made any particular claim to possess any.
Keeby: i
Keeby: i found a princess samus sprite
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: also ven
RubyChao: since i don't think you were here when i told people about it: would you like to know what the original plan for metroidplot was
RubyChao: (i.e. the overall plot dealing with the pirate commanders and mother brain)
Inert Vengeance: Yes please Chao.
RubyChao: Meta Ridley.
RubyChao: that was it. that was my entire plan.
Inert Vengeance: Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffil. XD
iKomodo: IT'S A LIVIN
RubyChao: then i played Prime 3, finished Metroid II and Fusion, and burned through Super and Zero Mission during the offseason
RubyChao: and i realized "holy shit there is so much more i can use"
Tableter: What was hitlers favourite video game?
Tableter: Meincraft
iKomodo: HEY I'M BRIT
M Sheep: Oh, Ian McKellen~
M Sheep fans self
Monday, September 1, 2014
Care and Feeding of Your Succubi - A Reference
I'm going to use this post to go into detail a bit about Morgan and Lily's abilities and traits.
Morgan and Lily can keep themselves alive by eating and drinking like normal humans, but it is vital for their diet to include soul energy as well lest they become sick or depressed. Succubi such as themselves are said to 'feed off sin', but the truth is somewhat more complicated.
As it turns out, the whole 'sin' thing is a matter of coincidence. When a human cuts loose their restraints and has fun - be that with a party, a makeout session, or even a simple board game - the act of fulfilling their basic human craving for enjoyment releases endorphins and other chemicals that trigger the parts of the brain that control pleasure. The succubi are naturally tuned to these chemicals and are capable of feeding off of them.
A succubus is able to feed off of 'good vibes' merely by being in close proximity (less than ten feet) from the person experiencing enjoyment. This is one of the reasons succubi enjoy throwing parties - they are gatherings of multiple people, dozens, maybe even hundreds, and all of them are there to have fun. Succubi are generally well-fed after a good party, and can go without further vibe feedings for quite a while. Uncharacteristically, some succubi, particularly younger ones, may even have to excuse themselves during a particularly large and intense party, lest they become overloaded with good vibes. A tolerance is built up over time, allowing more experienced succubi to throw larger and larger shindigs.
"Good Vibes"

As it turns out, the whole 'sin' thing is a matter of coincidence. When a human cuts loose their restraints and has fun - be that with a party, a makeout session, or even a simple board game - the act of fulfilling their basic human craving for enjoyment releases endorphins and other chemicals that trigger the parts of the brain that control pleasure. The succubi are naturally tuned to these chemicals and are capable of feeding off of them.
How To Feed On Vibes
A succubus is able to feed off of 'good vibes' merely by being in close proximity (less than ten feet) from the person experiencing enjoyment. This is one of the reasons succubi enjoy throwing parties - they are gatherings of multiple people, dozens, maybe even hundreds, and all of them are there to have fun. Succubi are generally well-fed after a good party, and can go without further vibe feedings for quite a while. Uncharacteristically, some succubi, particularly younger ones, may even have to excuse themselves during a particularly large and intense party, lest they become overloaded with good vibes. A tolerance is built up over time, allowing more experienced succubi to throw larger and larger shindigs.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 147: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
RubyChao: "thought of Razaan trying to join the Space Pirates"
RubyChao: now i'm imagining him sitting in a boardroom interviewing with mother brain
RubyChao: "We already have a giant dragon. What can you bring to our organization?" "I have a really dapper hat."
(Harpy comments on working in a government-owned facility)
WorkyKeeby: basically we can't really log in or post anywhere where our ips can be tracked, I think
SteelKomodo: ouch
WorkyKeeby: imagine how awkward it'd be to watch dota on twitch and the announcers are like "GUVMENTS WATCHING, HAI GUVMENTS"
SteelKomodo: pfffft
SteelKomodo: ...now i'm imagining government officials watching dota
SteelKomodo: and they're commenting in the chat going FARM MORE YOU GUTLESS FUCKS
SteelKomodo: that would be amazing
Vengeance of the Alamo City: Anything you say in Chatzy can and will potentially be used against you for the lols. You have the right to as much silliness and blather as you wish. I don't have a third pseudo-miranda-right-rule. I assume this means there is no extra rule.
Vengeance of the Alamo City: ;D
RubyChao: now i'm imagining him sitting in a boardroom interviewing with mother brain
RubyChao: "We already have a giant dragon. What can you bring to our organization?" "I have a really dapper hat."
(Harpy comments on working in a government-owned facility)
WorkyKeeby: basically we can't really log in or post anywhere where our ips can be tracked, I think
SteelKomodo: ouch
WorkyKeeby: imagine how awkward it'd be to watch dota on twitch and the announcers are like "GUVMENTS WATCHING, HAI GUVMENTS"
SteelKomodo: pfffft
SteelKomodo: ...now i'm imagining government officials watching dota
SteelKomodo: and they're commenting in the chat going FARM MORE YOU GUTLESS FUCKS
SteelKomodo: that would be amazing
Vengeance of the Alamo City: Anything you say in Chatzy can and will potentially be used against you for the lols. You have the right to as much silliness and blather as you wish. I don't have a third pseudo-miranda-right-rule. I assume this means there is no extra rule.
Vengeance of the Alamo City: ;D
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 146: Shrine Maiden Throttles Game Developer
RubyChao: every time dr. nerique says his full name, without fail
RubyChao: some sort of loud noise blocks it out
RubyChao: and all you catch is nerique
M Sheep: and by loud noise
M Sheep: we mean Grendel
M Sheep: but, no, I really like that idea
RubyChao: "Ah, welcome. I'm your colleague, Dr.-" "HELLO!!!!" "-Nerique."
RubyChao: "What was that?"
RubyChao: "Oh, sorry. Dr.-" "IT IS VERY NICE TO MEET YOU!!!" "-Nerique."
RubyChao: how does grendel constantly pick exactly that moment to interrupt?
RubyChao: we may never know
M Sheep: because Grendel is always talking
RubyChao: (people try to read nerique's lips but they just can't make it out for some reason)
M Sheep: Grendel probably has Tiberius in the back room
M Sheep: hiding him from Glass
M Sheep: "CAN WE KEEP H-"
M Sheep: "No."
M Sheep: "No he didn't"
Draco: Tiberius is off leading his double life: captain of the Starship Enterprise.
RubyChao: i kind of want to see keiran Meet the Team
RubyChao: just for his reaction
RubyChao: "So who's next?" "Nobody."
RubyChao: "Nobody?" "You've met our entire staff."
RubyChao: "...That's it?" "Yup."
Melody: I was reading chatzy madness
Melody: that line about how Silence the mute mastodon would probably want a puny timid guy for her boyfriend
Melody: and rereading that, my brain shouted "SILENCE X GLASS"
M Sheep: Ahahahaha
RubyChao: some sort of loud noise blocks it out
RubyChao: and all you catch is nerique
M Sheep: and by loud noise
M Sheep: we mean Grendel
M Sheep: but, no, I really like that idea
RubyChao: "Ah, welcome. I'm your colleague, Dr.-" "HELLO!!!!" "-Nerique."
RubyChao: "What was that?"
RubyChao: "Oh, sorry. Dr.-" "IT IS VERY NICE TO MEET YOU!!!" "-Nerique."
RubyChao: how does grendel constantly pick exactly that moment to interrupt?
RubyChao: we may never know
M Sheep: because Grendel is always talking
RubyChao: (people try to read nerique's lips but they just can't make it out for some reason)
M Sheep: Grendel probably has Tiberius in the back room
M Sheep: hiding him from Glass
M Sheep: "CAN WE KEEP H-"
M Sheep: "No."
M Sheep: "No he didn't"
Draco: Tiberius is off leading his double life: captain of the Starship Enterprise.
RubyChao: i kind of want to see keiran Meet the Team
RubyChao: just for his reaction
RubyChao: "So who's next?" "Nobody."
RubyChao: "Nobody?" "You've met our entire staff."
RubyChao: "...That's it?" "Yup."
Melody: I was reading chatzy madness
Melody: that line about how Silence the mute mastodon would probably want a puny timid guy for her boyfriend
Melody: and rereading that, my brain shouted "SILENCE X GLASS"
M Sheep: Ahahahaha
Monday, August 11, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 145: The Fabled Isle of Lesbos
SteelKomodo: how goes it?
Heavy Keeby: all good. waffles were made.
RubyChao: reimu challenges utsuho to a fite
RubyChao: it's not KO rules, or kill rules
RubyChao: no, it is something even worse
Sttub: D:
Heavy Keeby: no :I
RubyChao: the only thing more terrifying than tenshi
RubyChao: is a horde of tenshis
RubyChao: a new meaning to teacup ride
SteelKomodo: tenshi stahp
Heavy Keeby: Teashi
Gooper Blooper: Spy, you're gonna love this
Gooper Blooper: A completely 100% straight-faced ridiculously intensive and overwrought in-depth analysis of...
Gooper Blooper: From 99 years ago
Sttub: Oh my god
Gooper Blooper: It's the Viola treatment
Gooper Blooper: From what I've gathered, ZUN (the touhou guy) can pretty much only draw one kind of girl, and then fandom adds the personal touches
RubyChao: pretty much goops
Jawsropeman: gooper
Jawsropeman: are you ZUN
Gooper Blooper: JRM, you wound me
Jawsropeman: IT'S TIME FOR JAWS
Heavy Keeby: all good. waffles were made.
RubyChao: reimu challenges utsuho to a fite
RubyChao: it's not KO rules, or kill rules
RubyChao: no, it is something even worse
Sttub: D:
Heavy Keeby: no :I
RubyChao: the only thing more terrifying than tenshi
RubyChao: is a horde of tenshis
RubyChao: a new meaning to teacup ride
SteelKomodo: tenshi stahp
Heavy Keeby: Teashi
Gooper Blooper: Spy, you're gonna love this
Gooper Blooper: A completely 100% straight-faced ridiculously intensive and overwrought in-depth analysis of...
Gooper Blooper: From 99 years ago
Sttub: Oh my god
Gooper Blooper: It's the Viola treatment
Gooper Blooper: From what I've gathered, ZUN (the touhou guy) can pretty much only draw one kind of girl, and then fandom adds the personal touches
RubyChao: pretty much goops
Jawsropeman: gooper
Jawsropeman: are you ZUN
Gooper Blooper: JRM, you wound me
Jawsropeman: IT'S TIME FOR JAWS
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 144: My Hatpeaches
iKomodo: Ooh, spah is on the forums
Demoleter joined the chat
iKomodo: Del pls D:
RubyChao: i was frozen while being hit with repeated concussive force
RubyChao: it was fun
Demoleter: that doesn't sound too fun
RubyChao: it's just another way of saying i was at the beach :V
M Sheep looks at new posts in fite topic
M Sheep sees Spy has entered Oceanus into a fite and not specified whether its lethal or not
M Sheep: So Oceanus is going to get back just in time to die again.
M Sheep weeps
.: Eh, death is a daily part of the ro-bro's life cycle
.: Wake up, brush your teeth, show off for Gloria, get ripped in half by a godbeast, go back to Celestia's
.: So long as Ricard doesn't eat Osh's brain he'll be okay
Vengeance of the Psychic Wars: Mmmf those rockin' bagpipes. <3 ... Good god that sounds lewd. D: I retract my statement.
Steam Challenge #1: oh no
Steam Challenge #1: blood bowl chaos edition is £5
Steam Challenge #1: JUST AS I SET OUT ON MY QUEST
SteelKomodo: del pls D:
Steam Challenge #1: I'M TEMPTED TO BUY MORE
Bree: lel do it
Bree: I'll be the shoulder devil to SK's shoulder angel
Bree: do it :U
Demoleter joined the chat
iKomodo: Del pls D:
RubyChao: i was frozen while being hit with repeated concussive force
RubyChao: it was fun
Demoleter: that doesn't sound too fun
RubyChao: it's just another way of saying i was at the beach :V
M Sheep looks at new posts in fite topic
M Sheep sees Spy has entered Oceanus into a fite and not specified whether its lethal or not
M Sheep: So Oceanus is going to get back just in time to die again.
M Sheep weeps
.: Eh, death is a daily part of the ro-bro's life cycle
.: Wake up, brush your teeth, show off for Gloria, get ripped in half by a godbeast, go back to Celestia's
.: So long as Ricard doesn't eat Osh's brain he'll be okay
Vengeance of the Psychic Wars: Mmmf those rockin' bagpipes. <3 ... Good god that sounds lewd. D: I retract my statement.
Steam Challenge #1: oh no
Steam Challenge #1: blood bowl chaos edition is £5
Steam Challenge #1: JUST AS I SET OUT ON MY QUEST
SteelKomodo: del pls D:
Steam Challenge #1: I'M TEMPTED TO BUY MORE
Bree: lel do it
Bree: I'll be the shoulder devil to SK's shoulder angel
Bree: do it :U
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 143: Mikey Barfs Up A Balloonicorn
Cornwind Evil: You know, I just realized just what happened in the Sleepy Hollow story
Cornwind Evil: There was no Headless Horseman
Cornwind Evil: Ichabod was scared off by the guy he was competing with for the hand of a girl
Draco: !!!!!
Draco: The Headless Horseman industry is ruined! D:
RubyChao: my ecology final is today so i'm going to channel my inner ariel
LazyBree gives Melody
RubyChao: welcome to hell
Dacro joined the chat
SteelKomodo: ey harps
SteelKomodo: i mean draco
SteelKomodo: damn it why do you have to use Harpy's old text colour D:
Dacro: Because I am mobile.
SteelKomodo: oh ok
Dacro: I understand the confusion though. Harpy is almost as pretty as I am
RubyChao: i feel i succeeded on my ecology final
RubyChao: got in touch with my inner ariel
RubyChao: now i just need to find my inner josephine
RubyChao ponders how to improve the look of his booty
iKomodo: WELP
Jumpropeman: they are going all out
Gooper Blooper: And the game still isn't even out yet
Jumpropeman: I can't wait to buy all his playsets and toys!
iKomodo: They are pushing Beck like... Who is the WWE pushing right now?
fd: John Cena
fd: Then, now, forever
RubyChao: Beck Cena
RubyChao: SK's beck vote was more spot on than expected
iKomodo: Also they want full English voice acting
Jumpropeman: I'm hoping for some Mega Man 8 quality voice acting
Gooper Blooper: yu mus wecova all da enewgy immediatwy, m-megaman
iKomodo: If that happens, JRM, I will personally hold you responsible
Jumpropeman: the 15 dollars i contributed would probably match the voice acting budget for Mega Man 8 at least
Cornwind Evil: There was no Headless Horseman
Cornwind Evil: Ichabod was scared off by the guy he was competing with for the hand of a girl
Draco: !!!!!
Draco: The Headless Horseman industry is ruined! D:
RubyChao: my ecology final is today so i'm going to channel my inner ariel
LazyBree gives Melody
RubyChao: welcome to hell
Dacro joined the chat
SteelKomodo: ey harps
SteelKomodo: i mean draco
SteelKomodo: damn it why do you have to use Harpy's old text colour D:
Dacro: Because I am mobile.
SteelKomodo: oh ok
Dacro: I understand the confusion though. Harpy is almost as pretty as I am
RubyChao: i feel i succeeded on my ecology final
RubyChao: got in touch with my inner ariel
RubyChao: now i just need to find my inner josephine
RubyChao ponders how to improve the look of his booty
iKomodo: WELP
Jumpropeman: they are going all out
Gooper Blooper: And the game still isn't even out yet
Jumpropeman: I can't wait to buy all his playsets and toys!
iKomodo: They are pushing Beck like... Who is the WWE pushing right now?
fd: John Cena
fd: Then, now, forever
RubyChao: Beck Cena
RubyChao: SK's beck vote was more spot on than expected
iKomodo: Also they want full English voice acting
Jumpropeman: I'm hoping for some Mega Man 8 quality voice acting
Gooper Blooper: yu mus wecova all da enewgy immediatwy, m-megaman
iKomodo: If that happens, JRM, I will personally hold you responsible
Jumpropeman: the 15 dollars i contributed would probably match the voice acting budget for Mega Man 8 at least
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Gloria's Bestiary
At long last, here is a reference page to catalog everything the summoner Gloria Encarta can create with her summon magic.
Being a Mysidian summoner has similarities to necromancy, but there are significant differences. For instance, the summoner can't just summon any old dead body. In fact, they aren't summoning dead bodies at all. Rather, a summoner requires a brief but potent connection to the soul of a given target. When that target dies, the killer experiences a brief blowback of soul energy. In most cases, this means nothing. However, a summoner can imprint on these soul blowbacks and call upon an illusory facsimile of the deceased that can fight alongside them.
-All of the mana used in summoning is used at the start, when the creature or person is summoned. There is no mana burn for keeping a summon active and they can be around for as long as the summoner wishes, provided they do not take a lethal blow.
-Summons can be removed in two different ways - incurring damage that would be lethal to the summon if it were a true living thing, and being "recalled" back through a summon portal by their "owner". A "killed" summon goes poof in a cloud of magic smoke.
-A summoner may call upon as many simultaneous summons as they desire. However, proper control of summons requires concentration, which is split more and more ways as more summons are called in. Summons are generally loyal, but some may become unruly, listliss, or confused when the summoner is not around to guide them. The smarter the creature was in life, the better they are as a summon at handling themselves alone.
-The summon is connected to the summoner. The summoner does not feel pain when the summon is attacked, nor vice-versa, but if a summon kills something, the summon absorbs the soul energy blowback and passes it on to its owner, allowing the owner to summon anything their existing stable kills.
-Should a summon kill another summon, the losing summon is stolen from the losing summoner's "inventory" and added to the winning summoner's selection. When summoners duel, they play for keeps.
-Gloria accidentally caused her own death in Season 3's Fite Week Rumble. However, she is not capable of summoning herself as there is no soul blowback from such a feat - there's nothing for the soul to interact with.
-A summoner can kill a summoner and then in turn summon them (Gloria summoning Garland), but the summon is not capable of doing any summoning of their own.
Being a Mysidian summoner has similarities to necromancy, but there are significant differences. For instance, the summoner can't just summon any old dead body. In fact, they aren't summoning dead bodies at all. Rather, a summoner requires a brief but potent connection to the soul of a given target. When that target dies, the killer experiences a brief blowback of soul energy. In most cases, this means nothing. However, a summoner can imprint on these soul blowbacks and call upon an illusory facsimile of the deceased that can fight alongside them.
-All of the mana used in summoning is used at the start, when the creature or person is summoned. There is no mana burn for keeping a summon active and they can be around for as long as the summoner wishes, provided they do not take a lethal blow.
-Summons can be removed in two different ways - incurring damage that would be lethal to the summon if it were a true living thing, and being "recalled" back through a summon portal by their "owner". A "killed" summon goes poof in a cloud of magic smoke.
-A summoner may call upon as many simultaneous summons as they desire. However, proper control of summons requires concentration, which is split more and more ways as more summons are called in. Summons are generally loyal, but some may become unruly, listliss, or confused when the summoner is not around to guide them. The smarter the creature was in life, the better they are as a summon at handling themselves alone.
-The summon is connected to the summoner. The summoner does not feel pain when the summon is attacked, nor vice-versa, but if a summon kills something, the summon absorbs the soul energy blowback and passes it on to its owner, allowing the owner to summon anything their existing stable kills.
-Should a summon kill another summon, the losing summon is stolen from the losing summoner's "inventory" and added to the winning summoner's selection. When summoners duel, they play for keeps.
-Gloria accidentally caused her own death in Season 3's Fite Week Rumble. However, she is not capable of summoning herself as there is no soul blowback from such a feat - there's nothing for the soul to interact with.
-A summoner can kill a summoner and then in turn summon them (Gloria summoning Garland), but the summon is not capable of doing any summoning of their own.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 142: Just In Time For Death
Jensoy joined the chat
Jensoy: Hello yu dufes
Jensoy: Wass happenin
RubyChao: nothin' much
RubyChao: you?
Keeby: lel
Jensoy: Everfins great
Jensoy: M a bit drunk lel
iKomodo: Eyo jonesy
Jensoy: Eyyyyyy
Jensoy: Eeeeeyyyyyyyyyy
RubyChao: eyyyyyyy
RubyChao changed name to RubyFonz
Keeby: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
iKomodo: Lolz
iKomodo: Lisa is gonna get a trophy
iKomodo: at some point :U
RubyFonz: lisa eats the trophy
RubyFonz: that way whenever people ask about it
RubyFonz: she just reaches inside and pulls it out
Jensoy: hahahaha
Keeby: if you get an extra clefairy plz get me one
Keeby: that was like
Keeby: my favorite pokemon card
Gooper Blooper: I love that card too, it looks great
Gooper Blooper: I even made this unused avatar of it
Keeby: brb using it
Keeby: can't say its unused now :U
iKomodo: Lel
Gooper Blooper: how did I know that would happen
Keeby: because motherfuckingsammy clefairy
Gooper Blooper: I really like how my MSPaint of Priscilla came out btw, happy with that one
Bree: yeah, your art of Priscilla was amazing
Bree: all them details, holy butts
Bree: and it was a drawing of her with Kermit
Bree: I might've emitted a fangirl squeal so high that only dogs could hear it
Bree: when I saw the picture
Gooper Blooper: did you notice I intentionally mimicked the mystery box video
iKomodo: I did
iKomodo: that was cool
Gooper Blooper: "I tell you what I'll do"
Gooper Blooper: "If YOU guess what is in the box, you get a mens' swimsuit calendar."
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: HowChaoWishesBrawlEnded.avi
RubyFonz: pretty much
Jensoy: Hello yu dufes
Jensoy: Wass happenin
RubyChao: nothin' much
RubyChao: you?
Keeby: lel
Jensoy: Everfins great
Jensoy: M a bit drunk lel
iKomodo: Eyo jonesy
Jensoy: Eyyyyyy
Jensoy: Eeeeeyyyyyyyyyy
RubyChao: eyyyyyyy
RubyChao changed name to RubyFonz
Keeby: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
iKomodo: Lolz
iKomodo: Lisa is gonna get a trophy
iKomodo: at some point :U
RubyFonz: lisa eats the trophy
RubyFonz: that way whenever people ask about it
RubyFonz: she just reaches inside and pulls it out
Jensoy: hahahaha
Keeby: if you get an extra clefairy plz get me one
Keeby: that was like
Keeby: my favorite pokemon card
Gooper Blooper: I love that card too, it looks great
Gooper Blooper: I even made this unused avatar of it
Keeby: brb using it
Keeby: can't say its unused now :U
iKomodo: Lel
Gooper Blooper: how did I know that would happen
Keeby: because motherfucking
Gooper Blooper: I really like how my MSPaint of Priscilla came out btw, happy with that one
Bree: yeah, your art of Priscilla was amazing
Bree: all them details, holy butts
Bree: and it was a drawing of her with Kermit
Bree: I might've emitted a fangirl squeal so high that only dogs could hear it
Bree: when I saw the picture
Gooper Blooper: did you notice I intentionally mimicked the mystery box video
iKomodo: I did
iKomodo: that was cool
Gooper Blooper: "I tell you what I'll do"
Gooper Blooper: "If YOU guess what is in the box, you get a mens' swimsuit calendar."
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: HowChaoWishesBrawlEnded.avi
RubyFonz: pretty much
Monday, July 14, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 141: Big Bar Brawl 4 Edition
Draco: Dudemanguy combines the strength, speed, and agility of a dude, a man, and a guy!
iDel joined the chat
iDel: I declare today to be Butts day
iDel: increase the amount of butts and butt gags in RP by 200% k thanx
RubyChao: >pasta says "to be continued"
RubyChao: >last actually updated in october 2013
RubyChao: rip in peace
RubyChao: "Each person who could would control fusion energy differently. What would you do with it if you could steal it away? The ultimate vehicle? The ultimate weapon? Or, maybe, the ultimate magic? Well, I want to revive the Blazing Hell. I'll melt the Earth away!"
RubyChao: utsuho please
RubyChao: (to be fair that's a quote from when she was a villain)
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: pitbros talking about girlfriends
RubyChao: "Mine once turned into a giant!" "Mine tried to destroy the world." "...I think you can keep her."
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: "I'm going into a fight to the death against fucking everything."
Gooper Blooper: bbb.txt
RubyChao: chrome recognizes "donuts" and "doughnut" but not "donut"
RubyChao: ok then
iDel joined the chat
iDel: I declare today to be Butts day
iDel: increase the amount of butts and butt gags in RP by 200% k thanx
RubyChao: >pasta says "to be continued"
RubyChao: >last actually updated in october 2013
RubyChao: rip in peace
RubyChao: "Each person who could would control fusion energy differently. What would you do with it if you could steal it away? The ultimate vehicle? The ultimate weapon? Or, maybe, the ultimate magic? Well, I want to revive the Blazing Hell. I'll melt the Earth away!"
RubyChao: utsuho please
RubyChao: (to be fair that's a quote from when she was a villain)
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: pitbros talking about girlfriends
RubyChao: "Mine once turned into a giant!" "Mine tried to destroy the world." "...I think you can keep her."
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: "I'm going into a fight to the death against fucking everything."
Gooper Blooper: bbb.txt
RubyChao: chrome recognizes "donuts" and "doughnut" but not "donut"
RubyChao: ok then
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 140: Teenage Mutant Ninja Boy Bill
The Shrekmono changed name to The Sexy Pumkin
The Sexy Pumkin: Give me the budder~
Gooper Blooper: I found the first PG Establishment Sign
Gooper Blooper: It was during the bar's first drinking contest: Ilsaria vs Spy vs Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Spy: "*HIC!* Thish ish fun . . . I sherioushly love you guysh."
Gooper Blooper: Sarah: "I LOVE YOU TOO MISHTER SHPY.
*she leans over to Sarah, and with what might be considered a sexual? tone, she says*
Do go on."
Gooper Blooper: "*Gezora laughs as they survive the first "water" break. Air Man, meanwhile, holds up a sign that says "PG ESTABLISHMENT." *"
Gooper Blooper: and there it is
Gooper Blooper: so far back he was still named Air Man
RubyChao: >that was worthy of the establishment sign back then
RubyChao looks at Recent Events
RubyChao: how we have changed
Gooper Blooper: We started slow
iKomodo: Butts tits etc.
M Sheep: "Look at those stats! +3 to defense, AND +1 to dexterity! That's worth killing a family of goblins over!"
M Sheep Skinpiper died for your armor
RubyChao: >run pixiv search for hex maniac and tenshi
RubyChao: >nothin'
RubyChao: dammit japanese artists i don't know draw our weird crossovers already
The Sexy Pumkin: Give me the budder~
Gooper Blooper: I found the first PG Establishment Sign
Gooper Blooper: It was during the bar's first drinking contest: Ilsaria vs Spy vs Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Spy: "*HIC!* Thish ish fun . . . I sherioushly love you guysh."
Gooper Blooper: Sarah: "I LOVE YOU TOO MISHTER SHPY.
*she leans over to Sarah, and with what might be considered a sexual? tone, she says*
Do go on."
Gooper Blooper: "*Gezora laughs as they survive the first "water" break. Air Man, meanwhile, holds up a sign that says "PG ESTABLISHMENT." *"
Gooper Blooper: and there it is
Gooper Blooper: so far back he was still named Air Man
RubyChao: >that was worthy of the establishment sign back then
RubyChao looks at Recent Events
RubyChao: how we have changed
Gooper Blooper: We started slow
iKomodo: Butts tits etc.
M Sheep: "Look at those stats! +3 to defense, AND +1 to dexterity! That's worth killing a family of goblins over!"
M Sheep Skinpiper died for your armor
RubyChao: >run pixiv search for hex maniac and tenshi
RubyChao: >nothin'
RubyChao: dammit japanese artists i don't know draw our weird crossovers already
Friday, July 4, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 139: Hostile Takeover
Cornwind Evil accidentally writes Bill's name as 'Billy'
Cornwind Evil: Suddenly he seems less intimidating
A Spy Who Actually Posts: . . . Fly, please go away
A Spy Who Actually Posts: Do not stand on my face
A Spy Who Actually Posts: It's not nice
A Spy Who Actually Posts: How would you like it if I stood on YOUR face?
Draco: That fly is pretty kinky. I bet it'd like that.
Bree asked Chatzy to choose between hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, no hugs, lots of hugs, epic hugs and brofist. Chatzy chose: brofist
Bree: ...
Bree: did not go as planned
Bree: so, chatzy wants illusionist brofists
A Spy Who Actually Posts: It could be worse
A Spy Who Actually Posts: It could be a high five
A Spy Who Actually Posts: No, no
A Spy Who Actually Posts: A handshake
Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between hug, hug, hug, ULTRAHUG, hug, hug and nuzzle into her warm bosom. Chatzy chose: hug
Harpy: aaaaaw
A Spy Who Actually Posts: . . . Ricard no don't jump headfirst into the boob
Harpy: ricard gets first base anyway
Del: so i got zeus for smite free from this month's pc gamer
Del: mwahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: yayyy
Gooper Blooper: yyyoh dear he's gone mad with free vidya stuff power
Draco: Turns out Free Zeus is Nerf.
SteelKomodo: XD
Del: free stuff is the best kind of stuff
RubyChao: "When you see Donkey Kong Country for the first time, you'll do what I did ... turn into a blabbering, drooling idiot! This is the most amazing 16-bit game yet, and that's a fact. Simply everything about DKC is kick-butt rocking magnificent ... you'd swear it was 32-bit. If you possess a SNES, you have no excuse not to buy this game NOW."
Harpy: what
Cornwind Evil: Suddenly he seems less intimidating
A Spy Who Actually Posts: . . . Fly, please go away
A Spy Who Actually Posts: Do not stand on my face
A Spy Who Actually Posts: It's not nice
A Spy Who Actually Posts: How would you like it if I stood on YOUR face?
Draco: That fly is pretty kinky. I bet it'd like that.
Bree asked Chatzy to choose between hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, no hugs, lots of hugs, epic hugs and brofist. Chatzy chose: brofist
Bree: ...
Bree: did not go as planned
Bree: so, chatzy wants illusionist brofists
A Spy Who Actually Posts: It could be worse
A Spy Who Actually Posts: It could be a high five
A Spy Who Actually Posts: No, no
A Spy Who Actually Posts: A handshake
Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between hug, hug, hug, ULTRAHUG, hug, hug and nuzzle into her warm bosom. Chatzy chose: hug
Harpy: aaaaaw
A Spy Who Actually Posts: . . . Ricard no don't jump headfirst into the boob
Harpy: ricard gets first base anyway
Del: so i got zeus for smite free from this month's pc gamer
Del: mwahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: yayyy
Gooper Blooper: yyyoh dear he's gone mad with free vidya stuff power
Draco: Turns out Free Zeus is Nerf.
SteelKomodo: XD
Del: free stuff is the best kind of stuff
RubyChao: "When you see Donkey Kong Country for the first time, you'll do what I did ... turn into a blabbering, drooling idiot! This is the most amazing 16-bit game yet, and that's a fact. Simply everything about DKC is kick-butt rocking magnificent ... you'd swear it was 32-bit. If you possess a SNES, you have no excuse not to buy this game NOW."
Harpy: what
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 138: Sheepe Makes the Poste on the Forume
The Deleter: if i recall correctly, when conrad is attacked he kind of metamorphoses into some sort of xenomorph
RubyChao: apparently i aced my first ecology exam
RubyChao: *ariel intensifies*
Bree: wat
Bree: the fuk
0!: I don't know
iKomodo: Neither do I
Gooper Blooper: just another day in chatzy
0!: D: Noo I made Dakota sad ;;
Jumpropeman: geeze spy
Jumpropeman: one day we'll take you to the real North Dakota
Jumpropeman: and you can apologize in person
0!: I don't want to make characters sad it hurts my soul
0! proceeds to casually break Leo and Ricard, tosses them aside
RubyChao: *has Utsuho become broken hearted over a spy action*
Jumpropeman: *all characters now cry whenever Spy characters talk to them*
Harpy: Siren is eternally sad whenever Ricard talks about his ex-friend
Harpy: you can see the infinity in her tears
Harpy: what the fuck did i just type
Jumpropeman: *Ignazio makes a glorious return from death only to be permakilled by a spy char*
Jumpropeman: Andromalus will run on the super mega ultra boss tractor
Jumpropeman: 1-100
Jumpropeman: actually, 1-101
Jumpropeman: so each attack can be assigned to a different dalmatian
Bree: must...write...post...nngh...
Bree flop
Bree crawl
Bree roll
Bree drags self across keyboard
Bree flails at submit button
RubyChao: apparently i aced my first ecology exam
RubyChao: *ariel intensifies*
Bree: wat
Bree: the fuk
0!: I don't know
iKomodo: Neither do I
Gooper Blooper: just another day in chatzy
0!: D: Noo I made Dakota sad ;;
Jumpropeman: geeze spy
Jumpropeman: one day we'll take you to the real North Dakota
Jumpropeman: and you can apologize in person
0!: I don't want to make characters sad it hurts my soul
0! proceeds to casually break Leo and Ricard, tosses them aside
RubyChao: *has Utsuho become broken hearted over a spy action*
Jumpropeman: *all characters now cry whenever Spy characters talk to them*
Harpy: Siren is eternally sad whenever Ricard talks about his ex-friend
Harpy: you can see the infinity in her tears
Harpy: what the fuck did i just type
Jumpropeman: *Ignazio makes a glorious return from death only to be permakilled by a spy char*
Jumpropeman: Andromalus will run on the super mega ultra boss tractor
Jumpropeman: 1-100
Jumpropeman: actually, 1-101
Jumpropeman: so each attack can be assigned to a different dalmatian
Bree: must...write...post...nngh...
Bree flop
Bree crawl
Bree roll
Bree drags self across keyboard
Bree flails at submit button
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 137: Shacking Up With A Bird
RubyChao: darn, i was all set to theorize that the crops were being eaten by Really Big Appetite Man
RubyChao: sarah's longstanding rival
RubyChao: so would anyone like to know the Uncomfortably 2spooky part of my dream
SteelKomodo: me
RubyChao: it had gloria in it though so that made up for it :V
Gooper Blooper: I gotta hear this
RubyChao: basically i remember me, her, and maybe someone else were being pursued by something that had unlimited movement outside but couldn't go inside, but we had to keep finding rooms without windows due to the fact that it could see in through the windows and get us that way. it was hampered by the fact that the place we were in was like 10 floors up (overlooking a dam) and nearly every room (except for like one or two) had windows so we kept trying to find completely dark rooms because of that. don't remember too clearly what happened, but i know the eventual escape involved diving into the lake below and somehow not dying
RubyChao: "'Oh my fucking God, Pit, your girlfriend is a bird! Insert random jumble of swear words here!'" the best dirk impression hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Dirk asks for Josephine's baby pictures in retaliation
Gooper Blooper: "NO SEE MINE WAS CUTER"
RubyChao: oh god now i'm imagining dirk finding out about okuu on his own
RubyChao: "PIT YOU NEED TO KNOW, YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS A BIRD!!" "yeah i know" "BUT YOU'RE SHACKING UP WITH A BIRD" "i don't care" "A BIRD, PIT" "go away dirk"
Del joined the chat
SteelKomodo: i return
Del: so have i
Del: just in time to miss literally everyone
SteelKomodo: :<
Del: only one thing to do
Del wanks furiously
SteelKomodo: del pls this is a public chat
Del: oh okay
RubyChao: sarah's longstanding rival
RubyChao: so would anyone like to know the Uncomfortably 2spooky part of my dream
SteelKomodo: me
RubyChao: it had gloria in it though so that made up for it :V
Gooper Blooper: I gotta hear this
RubyChao: basically i remember me, her, and maybe someone else were being pursued by something that had unlimited movement outside but couldn't go inside, but we had to keep finding rooms without windows due to the fact that it could see in through the windows and get us that way. it was hampered by the fact that the place we were in was like 10 floors up (overlooking a dam) and nearly every room (except for like one or two) had windows so we kept trying to find completely dark rooms because of that. don't remember too clearly what happened, but i know the eventual escape involved diving into the lake below and somehow not dying
RubyChao: "'Oh my fucking God, Pit, your girlfriend is a bird! Insert random jumble of swear words here!'" the best dirk impression hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Dirk asks for Josephine's baby pictures in retaliation
Gooper Blooper: "NO SEE MINE WAS CUTER"
RubyChao: oh god now i'm imagining dirk finding out about okuu on his own
RubyChao: "PIT YOU NEED TO KNOW, YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS A BIRD!!" "yeah i know" "BUT YOU'RE SHACKING UP WITH A BIRD" "i don't care" "A BIRD, PIT" "go away dirk"
Del joined the chat
SteelKomodo: i return
Del: so have i
Del: just in time to miss literally everyone
SteelKomodo: :<
Del: only one thing to do
Del wanks furiously
SteelKomodo: del pls this is a public chat
Del: oh okay
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 136: Don't Hurt Our Feelings
byeah: . . . Oh my god
byeah: A 21 on the fucking tractor
byeah: And it's going
byeah: Toward Spongebob Fucking Squarepants
Bree: pls have Viola wax philosophical/go on a purple-prosey creepy analysis of spongebob
byeah: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
byeah: Alternatively go all Spongebob to Squidward on poor Tenshi
Deleter: I am the last bastion of sanity here
Cornwind Evil: Yuck, Red lost
Gooper Blooper: what else is new, CW
Cornwind Evil gives Gooper The Knee That Beat John Cena and Triple H But Did Not Beat Randy Orton.
Saberwulf: Oh by the way Del, my sister thinks you're awesome because I told her "yeah that's Jake he thinks skeletons, robots and moonbase alpha are the height of comedy"
Deleter: They are though
Kirbree: #truefacts
M Sheep: I keep thinking I've exited out of this tab I've got open, only to keep noticing every ten or so minutes that I, in fact, have not
M Sheep: and it is still there
M Sheep: I feel like I'm in a bad creepypasta
Gooper Blooper: What animal is a Fairplayah supposed to be?
RedSpy: It's
RedSpy: 8D
RedSpy: 8D
RedSpy: 8D
RedSpy: 8D
Gooper Blooper: oh god
byeah: A 21 on the fucking tractor
byeah: And it's going
byeah: Toward Spongebob Fucking Squarepants
Bree: pls have Viola wax philosophical/go on a purple-prosey creepy analysis of spongebob
byeah: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
byeah: Alternatively go all Spongebob to Squidward on poor Tenshi
Deleter: I am the last bastion of sanity here
Cornwind Evil: Yuck, Red lost
Gooper Blooper: what else is new, CW
Cornwind Evil gives Gooper The Knee That Beat John Cena and Triple H But Did Not Beat Randy Orton.
Saberwulf: Oh by the way Del, my sister thinks you're awesome because I told her "yeah that's Jake he thinks skeletons, robots and moonbase alpha are the height of comedy"
Deleter: They are though
Kirbree: #truefacts
M Sheep: I keep thinking I've exited out of this tab I've got open, only to keep noticing every ten or so minutes that I, in fact, have not
M Sheep: and it is still there
M Sheep: I feel like I'm in a bad creepypasta
Gooper Blooper: What animal is a Fairplayah supposed to be?
RedSpy: It's
RedSpy: 8D
RedSpy: 8D
RedSpy: 8D
RedSpy: 8D
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 135: Sexy Stories To Tell In The Dark
Draco: Why is Del always off to the movies? I come in and 9/10 times there's a "I'm going to the movies" message from Del. Does he have a.....social life? D:
SteelKomodo: yes :U
Harpy: i'm RPing a star that happens to act like kirby's mom
Harpy: i have found a new way to fuck up in RP
Cornwind Evil: Obviously we need to have ANOTHER GIANT PUNCH UP IN THE MALL
SteelKomodo: no we don't :I
RubyChao: of course! that's genius!
RubyChao has a character set up a new store, called Giant Punch
RubyChao: (it's a boxing gym)
Cornwind Evil: In any case, I must go do some RL stuff
RubyChao: seeya cw
Cornwind Evil: So I'll be back later
SteelKomodo: NO >:I
SteelKomodo: I got nothin
Gooper Blooper: ZFRPLadiesNight.txt
SteelKomodo: goops pls
SteelKomodo:most likely the Succubi started it off :U
Gooper Blooper: everyone loves Celestia's buns
Gooper Blooper: they flock to see them
Harpy: Kirby loves her love muffins
Gooper Blooper: they're spongy
Gooper Blooper: it's not a bubble butt, it's a gas tank for a love machine
iKomodo: Editing for- Goops pls
SteelKomodo: yes :U
Harpy: i'm RPing a star that happens to act like kirby's mom
Harpy: i have found a new way to fuck up in RP
Cornwind Evil: Obviously we need to have ANOTHER GIANT PUNCH UP IN THE MALL
SteelKomodo: no we don't :I
RubyChao: of course! that's genius!
RubyChao has a character set up a new store, called Giant Punch
RubyChao: (it's a boxing gym)
Cornwind Evil: In any case, I must go do some RL stuff
RubyChao: seeya cw
Cornwind Evil: So I'll be back later
SteelKomodo: NO >:I
SteelKomodo: I got nothin
Gooper Blooper: ZFRPLadiesNight.txt
SteelKomodo: goops pls
Gooper Blooper: everyone loves Celestia's buns
Gooper Blooper: they flock to see them
Harpy: Kirby loves her love muffins
Gooper Blooper: they're spongy
Gooper Blooper: it's not a bubble butt, it's a gas tank for a love machine
iKomodo: Editing for- Goops pls
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Chatzy Madness Volume 134: Mage Getting Hit By Football
Steelzilla: i wonder if Pepsi Man had an arch nemesis in Coca-Cola Man
Cornwind Evil: Wouldn't surprise me
Thanks OBAMA: . . . Oh my god
Thanks OBAMA: The two most used names for Shepard in Mass Effect (in Italy)
Thanks OBAMA: For malesheps, Alex
Thanks OBAMA: For femsheps, Sarah
Parasol Kirby: fuckin lel
Del asked Chatzy to choose between dota, marvel heroes, civ v, empire at war and nothing lel. Chatzy chose: nothing lel
Del: you're the boss chatzy
Gooper Blooper: YOU GET NOTHING
Del: i just had
Del: the best idea
Del: dungeon-world style 40k ork game
Del: Gorkamorka
Del: actually more apocalypse world style but the general idea is waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh
Cornwind Evil: SO
Cornwind Evil: What have we learned from this fight?
RubyChao: tenshi should not be allowed to carry because she becomes insufferable
Draco: Always put your best fist forward.
iKomodo: The Thunder Kings might actually be a big threat D:
Jumpropeman: they are cornwind villains
Jumpropeman: of course they are
Cornwind Evil: Wouldn't surprise me
Thanks OBAMA: . . . Oh my god
Thanks OBAMA: The two most used names for Shepard in Mass Effect (in Italy)
Thanks OBAMA: For malesheps, Alex
Thanks OBAMA: For femsheps, Sarah
Parasol Kirby: fuckin lel
Del asked Chatzy to choose between dota, marvel heroes, civ v, empire at war and nothing lel. Chatzy chose: nothing lel
Del: you're the boss chatzy
Gooper Blooper: YOU GET NOTHING
Del: i just had
Del: the best idea
Del: dungeon-world style 40k ork game
Del: Gorkamorka
Del: actually more apocalypse world style but the general idea is waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh
Cornwind Evil: SO
Cornwind Evil: What have we learned from this fight?
RubyChao: tenshi should not be allowed to carry because she becomes insufferable
Draco: Always put your best fist forward.
iKomodo: The Thunder Kings might actually be a big threat D:
Jumpropeman: they are cornwind villains
Jumpropeman: of course they are
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