Friday, July 18, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 142: Just In Time For Death

Jensoy joined the chat
Jensoy: Hello yu dufes
Jensoy: Wass happenin
RubyChao: nothin' much
RubyChao: you?
Keeby: lel
Jensoy: Everfins great
Jensoy: M a bit drunk lel
iKomodo: Eyo jonesy
Jensoy: Eyyyyyy
Jensoy: Eeeeeyyyyyyyyyy
RubyChao: eyyyyyyy
RubyChao changed name to RubyFonz
Keeby: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
iKomodo: Lolz


iKomodo: Lisa is gonna get a trophy
iKomodo: at some point :U
RubyFonz: lisa eats the trophy
RubyFonz: that way whenever people ask about it
RubyFonz: she just reaches inside and pulls it out
Jensoy: hahahaha


Keeby: if you get an extra clefairy plz get me one
Keeby: that was like
Keeby: my favorite pokemon card
Gooper Blooper: I love that card too, it looks great
Gooper Blooper: I even made this unused avatar of it
Keeby: brb using it
Keeby: can't say its unused now :U
iKomodo: Lel
Gooper Blooper: how did I know that would happen
Keeby: because motherfucking sammy clefairy


Gooper Blooper: I really like how my MSPaint of Priscilla came out btw, happy with that one
Bree: yeah, your art of Priscilla was amazing
Bree: all them details, holy butts
Bree: and it was a drawing of her with Kermit
Bree: I might've emitted a fangirl squeal so high that only dogs could hear it
Bree: when I saw the picture
Gooper Blooper: did you notice I intentionally mimicked the mystery box video
iKomodo: I did
iKomodo: that was cool
Gooper Blooper: "I tell you what I'll do"
Gooper Blooper: "If YOU guess what is in the box, you get a mens' swimsuit calendar."
iKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: HowChaoWishesBrawlEnded.​avi
RubyFonz: pretty much


(In ZFRP, Embla is "grounded forever" for attempting to learn magic she can't control)

Keeby: embla should just retort "YOU'RE NOT MY REAL MOM, GAWD"
Gooper Blooper: Embla Steals The Magic Book And Gets Grounded
Charlie: Embla Took The Precious Thing


Charlie: Alexander's Idiot Hair
Gooper Blooper: yes good


Bree: Tallish adopts Tiberius to fill the void left by Top Dog
Bree: puts a top hat on him and everything
Gooper Blooper: "here lies top dog"
Gooper Blooper: "he was the toppest of dogs"
Jumpropeman: "Listen here, you hate music alright? Get really angry when I start singing, ok? NO! STOP DANCING! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO LIKE IT!"
Bree: lel


(It is revealed by FormerVengeance that the Razaan that entered the Brawl was not the real Razaan, who instead observed the fight by hiding inside the calliope that was entered as his weapon)

Jumpropeman: I like that this power explanation makes Mac taking over the calliope less bullshit :V
Jumpropeman: since right now Mac basically has essences of Razaan, Skurvy, and Beatbox
Vengeance, placeless?: If Mac keeps it, he may even have a chance next and last year for him, if JRM decides to keep it. -shrug-
Gooper Blooper: But JRM doesn't WANT Mac to have a chance!
Jumpropeman: *is busy cutting off all of Mac's limbs* huh, what?
Vengeance, placeless?: And all those evil essences can't be good for the poor guy. Well; I don't know that Zoofites Skurvy is necessarily evil. But the other two. D8
Jumpropeman: Mac's gonna go big like Shuma next year
Gooper Blooper: The brawl starts, Mac takes off his head
Gooper Blooper: it was Gloria in a Mac Tonight costume the whole time
Jumpropeman: godbeast Mac: Mac Tomorrow
Vengeance, placeless?: Godbeast Empowered: Mac Infinite
Gooper Blooper: I was a little disappointed he didn't use his "create food from nowhere" power. I expected someone would go after him and he'd distract them with a burger
Bree: you have absolutely gotta use that next year
Bree: I totally forgot he had that ability but I agree it would've been HILARIOUS
Jumpropeman: next year marks the glorios return of the McCafe Chocolate Chip Frappe, still available at select locations!


Bree: fun fact: one of my dearest wishes is to have a Tenshi doll among my cast
Bree: and I will call her Tinyshi
RubyFonz: why's that
Bree: I dunno, because it's Tenshi that's why
RubyFonz: Everyone Loves Tenshi
Bree: Octavious has this thing going, at this point
RubyFonz: and everyone we mean Viola and Bree
Gooper Blooper: that just reminded me I have this pic in my dropbox I need to share
Bree: he's got a Thurg doll (who is currently the real Thurg) and an Ariel doll
Jumpropeman: mac tonight dolls are available :V
Bree: well, the doll would probably not do so well considering how the doll magic works
Jumpropeman: doll mac tonight would be overeager to fight and would constantly be trying to force his way into the brawl instead of away from it
Bree: alas, as I've established, they gotta be owned for a while
RubyFonz: that is how tenshidoll will look
Jumpropeman: he would like to be like his daddy, see
Bree: this is what I imagined for Tinyshi
Bree: Tinyshi is terrified of everything and wants to hide
Bree: she hates receiving attention :U
Gooper Blooper: I know exactly who would love and cuddle the tenshidoll enough to make the magic effective
RubyFonz: Myriam?
Bree: omfg
Bree: yes
Bree: do it
Vengeance, placeless?: Mongols in Candyland was never as amusing to anyone else as it was in my head. :I Burning gumdrop houses and quartered gingerbread men are apparently horrific, not satirical. I hereby donate candyland to scared Tenshi dolls and their like, because my own uses are ineffective at best.


Bree: O-C-T-A-V-I-O-U-S
Bree: "Octovaious"
Bree: submitted for posterity
Charlie: To be fair that's an unusual name
Gooper Blooper: I was surprised you didn't put Mercutio on that list, although it seems half the forum can't handle that one
Bree: put that in a goddamn chatzy madness so it's preserved for all to mock


Jumpropeman: I think Edyth and Woman in Black should have a picnic :3
Jumpropeman: Edyth is gonna friendzone Leo ala Sine and go with a girl instead
Bree: lel, WIB isn't big on picnics
Bree: it's hard to eat with that veil on :U
TheBreakMan joined the chat
Bree: it's Spyyyyy
Bree: hiSpy
Jumpropeman: hey spy
Jumpropeman: *covers Edyth's lesbian tryst up hurriedly*


Jumpropeman: well, i think that covers all the "what did you think of my brawl entrants" unless sheep swings in triumphantly to quiz me


Keeby: I accidently got 3 scoops of ice cream when I just wanted 1
Bree Plz: the best accident


M Sheep: I never want to work on a play on this kind of time frame again
M Sheep he says, but just wait


Keebree: RIP Cleft, I'm so sorreeeeeee
Keebree: Sapphire's not though
Keebree: cuz she is D-E-D
Keebree: (she'd still be totally-not-sorry if she was alive)
Draco: Draco appropriates Sapphire's image to sell Dufe Energy Drink and forges fake testimonials from her.
Jumpropeman: NEW DUFE FOR GIRLS! It's the same drink, but pink, because we're dumb and corporate and think it will sell better to women that way


Jumpropeman: someone drew James from Team Rocket dressed as all 151 original pokemon
Jumpropeman: people have the strangest hobbies
Jumpropeman: next you'll tell me some people RP on the internet as vidja gam chars
Draco: Jumpropeman, you are so crazy. Nobody on the Internet RPs and nobody who plays video games goes on the Internet.
Jumpropeman: thank goodness
Jumpropeman: if we ever let them have computers, all they'd do is complain anyway
Jumpropeman: EA and Ubisoft are saints and only have their customer's wellbeings in mind


Jumpropeman: also, i can't believe a new season of space dandy is out and wulf isn't devouring the world in glee
iKomodo: He's not on here to show us him doing it
iKomodo: ;_;7


Vengeance, placeless?: My voice has never suited me. I have tried to give them, all of them, to JRM's beard on previous occasions. It has yet to work, so I assume I must simply make more.


RubyChao: "i had a gold version and i was battling bruno and i had a noctowl out and bruno had out Hitmonlee i attacked hitmonlee with wing attack and said eriugheirghbeuifb used sky uppercut.............SKY​ UPPERCUT???????? tHAT WASN'T EVEN MADE YET!!! Any way noctowl turned red and flew off the screen and hit hitmonlee and fainted hitmonlee. any way i was so surprised i dropped my game boy on my bed and ran around my house screaming MISSIGNO STRIKES BACK MISSIGNO STRIKES BACK!!! i never battled bruno with NOctowl again."
RubyChao: sounds legit
RubyChao: "Next the really strange thing happened, I got a message that said "Garados has destryed Fushia City's Gym." Naturally out of curiosity I first checked my roster, no Garados..... I went back to Fushia and there was nothing wrong..... but when I went to the mart to buy some potions and pokeballs sence I was there, I had NO MONEY AT ALL! I had at first had something around 78,000 pokebucks but now I was compleatly broke! I guess they billed me for damages....."
RubyChao: also i love this next one because it really is tryhard pokemon creepypasta
RubyChao: "He went in battle with it and there was a 1-hit k.o. move. It was called blood drain or something else with blood. It did it on 2 of his pokemon. His blastoise and raichu. If I remember right it fled. I guess he rushed to the poke center and tried to heal them..... Guess what happened. The nurse said I can't heal or when it healed them, he looked at them and they were still out."


Del: Àaáæäåāã
Del: Wühü
Saberwulf: Del did you turn into missingno or did you just find the unicode function on your device
Del: Abusing umlauts for fun and pröfit
Del: Yes @ wulf
Saberwulf: hoorah
Del changed name to Dël
Dël: Æiou
Saberwulf: Hahaha
iKomodo: Yesssssss
Bree: Del has gone metal
Bree: no that wasn't a typo, I did not mean he's gone mental although he's that too


Dël: I found conrad's new uniform
Saberwulf: Oh man, that's rad as hell
iKomodo: Oh my god del that looks awesome
Dël: This is a gem amongst reams of michael bay jackoff material, gun porn and "i saw someone else's powersuit yesterday" crap
Dël: Conrad is gonna use the shades helm ALL THE TIME
Saberwulf: And then Conrad learns that fashion is pain when he realizes he's wearing a trench coat in a tropical country
Saberwulf: Sweating off those bacon sandwiches
iKomodo: Pffffft
Dël: Turns out you need to be a sergeant to earn the privilege to wear a belt
iKomodo changed name to iKomodö
Saberwulf: Conrad thwarted by constant pantsings
iKomodö: hahahaha
Bree: all of them by Zoe
Dël: Conrad is constantly thwarted , its his default state of being
Bree: he knows it was her because the culprit always flees while whooping "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORK"
Dël: Curses, foiled again, he cries
Dël: But nobody listens
Dël: Get in the fucking robot conrad


Bree changed name to ßƦɘɘ
ßƦɘɘ: I win
iKomodö: Bree pls
ßƦɘɘ changed name to ßƦɘɘ ƿƖʐ
ßƦɘɘ ƿƖʐ: (I still win)


iKomodo: Gonna roll my hand on this keyboard
iKomodo: rnydshiimijgytdesytbijmo​yusfuysnskowmuuqgus
Gooper Blooper: SpysNewUsername.txt
iKomodo: XD
rodspuh changed name to rnydshiimijgytdesytbijmoyusf
rnydshiimijgytdesytbijmoyusf: Fuck it didn't all fit
iKomodo: Aw :<
Bree plz changed name to uysnskowmuuqgus
Gooper Blooper: I could have literally bet money on Spy doing that, and I NEVER gamble


RubyChao: myriam writes about phantoon
RubyChao: she only does it because viola
RubyChao: "BUT GHOSTS" "Viola-" "GHOSTS" "But Viola-" "GHOOOOSTS" "OKAY FINE"


Let live and forget: I do have a question for you, Spy. Why exactly did They Might Be Giants say you lost to Triangle Man? D8 I thought you had it in the bag, mate.
rnydshiimijgytdesytbijmoyusf: Sadly, triangle always wins
rnydshiimijgytdesytbijmoyusf: Triangle OP nerf now


Keeby: >​Local Girl Eats Everything
Keeby: Janet made the news
Keeby: she's a reporter and she made the news


Bree: Silence x Everett
Bree: they were made for each other 8D
.: You keep forgetting the most plausible picture ever
.: Tallish x Gloria
Gooper Blooper: Not planning on Silence pairing up with anyone
Gooper Blooper: she don't need no man
Bree: awwww, but she and Everett were made for each otherrrrr D:
Bree: (I'm kidding)
Gooper Blooper: Although the idea DID come to me earlier today that if she DID pair with someone
Gooper Blooper: She'd look for some small meek boyish guy and she would protect them
Gooper Blooper: But that was just daydreaming
.: Silence just picks up Alex, walks away
.: Sarah goes SSJ1
ZIPZOPZOOPITYBOB: end of 2014, Scene: Gloria is about to leave Orvance and return to manhattan, as she steps on to the spaceship, she sees Tallish running past security to stop her. They run into each others arms, and Gloria pays her outstanding tab before Tallish strangles it out of her.
Gooper Blooper: OOC alert, Gloria would never have a tab
Let live and forget: The audience stands, crying and clapping, demanding an encore clip.
Gooper Blooper: she is responsible and pays in full
.: Osh pays for his tab in fite money
.: He uses the excess to build a boat
Bree: bote
Gooper Blooper: bote nales
.: Herd two of every Mechanimal on Earth onto it


RubyChao: so in the new arc, one of the members of the first set of opponents is called Marlinman, with an obvious theme (he fights the other aqua guy, Atlantis)
RubyChao: problem is, i keep calling him Marlinnium


FLAMINGJumpropeman: im lacking in trademarked characters lately. What am I doing with these OCs
FLAMINGJumpropeman: *Tosses my cast into a fire*
.: Oh! And inspired-by-may-or-may-n​ot-be-Castle-Crashers
Keeby: .n.
Keeby: *burns all her chars*
Gooper Blooper desperately pours water on burning characters while sobbing
Keeby: top lol goops
FLAMINGJumpropeman: from now on I'm only RPing characters from Pelswick
Let live and forget: -pulls characters out of fire with pyromancer powers- Shh, shh, babies. It's okay. I'll mutate you, but you'll live. Don't worry.
Let live and forget: More. More water. MORE. D8
FLAMINGJumpropeman: you know what
FLAMINGJumpropeman: burn all the characters
FLAMINGJumpropeman: everyone is gonna RP chars from Pelswick now
FLAMINGJumpropeman: Pelswick RP
.: Okay!
. throws Leo headfirst into the pile
FLAMINGJumpropeman: I call pelswick
FLAMINGJumpropeman: i assume there are other characters
Gooper Blooper: and that's how JRM killed the forum
FLAMINGJumpropeman: I'll just introduce my char Mr. Walrus
FLAMINGJumpropeman: he will report the bar as off-topic posting
Gooper Blooper: Mr. Walrus isn't from pelswick
FLAMINGJumpropeman: damn!
FLAMINGJumpropeman: foiled by my own plan
Let live and forget: It's okay. The fire was a Disney projector setting. I hate to say it, but they made a happy ending I like.
Let live and forget: -dies choking on words-
FLAMINGJumpropeman changed name to Jumpropeman
Jumpropeman: the fire has been put out
Jumpropeman: we are safe from Pelswick RP... for now


Gooper Blooper: Hey Chao, this is gonna sound totally nuts but I've already picked which character I want to send for the Checkmate dayplot
Gooper Blooper: :V
Jumpropeman: I might just send Everett even though it makes no sense
Jumpropeman: purely for Ultimate Muscle levels
RubyChao: IS IT
RubyChao: MYRIAM


Bree: speaking of Checkmate dayplot, Priscilla doesn't know that Checkmate is still D-E-D
RubyChao: let's tell her! :V
Bree: who wants to break the news to 'er :U
Jumpropeman: you would think she would assume
Jumpropeman: since she was in the final 10
RubyChao: well, she doesn't know he's still dead
RubyChao: she knows he died, she doesn't know he didn't come back
Bree: yes, "still" is the keyword
Gooper Blooper: Silence attempts to tell Priscilla through a rousing game of charades
Jumpropeman: we find Priscilla on a date with the brick remains of Checkmate, not realizing he is still dead


RubyChao: now i'm imagining dramatic handing-over scenes for Sarah/Bus/Alex to Osh/Sammy/Gloria
RubyChao: and zephyrus just kind of
RubyChao: takes his crystal out and puts it back in


Draco: Ruby: You know who else isn't a light warrior? Sammy.
Keeby: please don't talk shit about sammy she'll destroy you
Keeby: like she did against Francis
Draco: Because she's heavy, not light. =V
Keeby: dead to me
Gooper Blooper: there's the draco fat joke three days too late
Jumpropeman: It's Fat Joke Jesus


RubyChao: osh meets yuugi
RubyChao: gets outpunched
LazyBree: does Osh have a crush on Gloria?


Keeby: one of these days i need to toss either Angie or Janet into the fite ring


LazyBree: Priscilla would cheer Angie so hard
LazyBree: but with the agreement that if Angie somehow dies horribly and can't be revived, she gets to marry Sol
Jumpropeman: XD
LazyBree: the replacement wife agreement
RubyChao: priscilla no don't try to kill angie midmatch
Keeby: Angie's like "I have a respawn chamber for that!"
.: But what about Chicksdighimmate?
LazyBree: Priscilla's like "then you won't mind signing this contract"
Draco: Bree: Does that mean if Cornwind dies Spy has to marry you?
LazyBree: Sol and Checkmate in background like "...."
Keeby: Sol is just like
Keeby: facepalming
LazyBree: Cornwind's not allowed to die
LazyBree: not authorized
Gooper Blooper: I ain't gonna die cause it's a waste of my time
Gooper Blooper: luigi yo
Jumpropeman: *kills Gooper*
Gooper Blooper: *Harpy, Spy, and Chao descend upon JRM like wild dogs*


Draco: Uncle Greg cannot be stopped no matter how many Sarahs you drop on him
Jumpropeman: Uncle Greg got as strong as he is by benchpressing his nieces


Jumpropeman: musical alliance is an alliance of convenience
Jumpropeman: warriors of fite is friends forming an alliance
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I don't see why the musical alliance would stick together afterward
.: ^
Jumpropeman: probably only mac and skurvy only truly got along, and even then Skurvy couldn't get him back into a battle
Gooper Blooper: Three of them are various types of morally grey and Mac doesn't want to fite any more mates
Jumpropeman: WHAT A TEAM
.: Skurvy probably thinks they're the Bestest of Mateys, YARR!
Gooper Blooper: Warriors of Fite is a bunch of characters that have all become pals over the course of multiple years of RP forming a unstoppable team
RubyChao: did i ever link this picture, btw
RubyChao: it's Important
.: Potara earrings are introduced
.: Osh and Gloria fuse
LazyBree: Draco betrays the alliance
Gooper Blooper: gloria making an entrance
.: A second Yuugi is put into existence
Jumpropeman: new musical alliance: Skurvy, an actual jukebox, a cardboard cutout of Mac, and Draco in a Razaan wig
.: . . . That would be the saddest, most delusional alliance, JRM
.: Can that be Skurvy's weapon next time he fites
.: (With Draco's permission of course)
Jumpropeman: the arena would be an insane asylum


Jumpropeman: you got a point
Draco: Sarah beats MALP and Warriors of Fite and Uncle Greg on her own.
Draco: Sammy almost beats her though.
Draco: Oceananus does well too.
Jumpropeman: Sarah must be handicapped in a houdini trap. Once she escapes, she may start eating
Keeby: Sammy would beat Sarah
Keeby: thor's hammer is pretty ineffective
Keeby: against the goddess of thunder
Draco: No way. Sarah is the Queen of her plate.
.: *lel gloria hijack*
Draco: In a Shawarma-eating Contest, the thunder in your thighs means more than the thunder in your skies.


RubyChao: "Three... Sarah... she always seemed to stand out a little, didn't she?"
RubyChao: not anymore
RubyChao: "While they certainly won't be turning into major characters anytime soon - or even secondary, or anything beyond their role last year of occasionally-seen support characters"
RubyChao: haaaaaa


Draco: My favorite RP thing is Whitey. He brings dignity and compassion to the otherwise-heartless world of ZFRP.


Keeby: i'm gettin mah hair did


Draco: I'm pretty sure Bree is the 19. Harpy's, like, barely legal (to drink).
Jumpropeman: Read kirby fanfics by a girl old enough to get wasted writing them
Keeby: oh my god no
Keeby: i need to delete my account
Jumpropeman: time to go archive it before you can
Keeby: mother of fuck
Draco: =V
Keeby: i call blackmail
Jumpropeman: i call greenmail
Draco: I call Kuriboh in Attack Mode.


RubyChao: "Then very realistic blood started dripping down the screen. So realistic I was tempted to reach out and touch it. I indulged in my temptation and was petrified as my finger became covered in sticky crimson blood."
RubyChao: hyper realistic blood taken to new extremes


Jumpropeman: Starting a new Zafehouse session with RP chars
Jumpropeman: this time we have Sarah, Alex the janitor, Sine, Zeph, and Jonesy
Jumpropeman: "The five of us are wary of each other. Sine isn't adjusting well, but Sarah might be able to hold all of us together."
Cornwind Evil: Sine still can't be social
Jumpropeman: Alex the Janitor is uncomfortable around woman :V
Jumpropeman: "Zephyrus does not accept gay people"
Jumpropeman: uh.........
Jumpropeman: Zephyrus never comes out clean in Zafehouse it seems
Jumpropeman: Zeph still must be pissed about triple friend zone :V
Jumpropeman: "Jonesy and Sine had an argument in the kitchen." Oh boy, here we go already
Draco: Oh dear.
Draco: Suddenly, Sine was found burned to death and Jonesy teleported to the pain dimension.
Cornwind Evil: Some things transcend fictional bounds
Jumpropeman: They didn't last long. We tried to raid a hospital, Jonesy and Zeph broke away from the others and everyone died
Jumpropeman: Zephyrus's zombified robot body killed Alex specifically
Draco: GG, Zeph.


Vengeance, with a Diehard: How are you all?
Cornwind Evil: SSDD Vengeance
Cornwind Evil: In regards to how I am
Jumpropeman: Super Saiyan Donald Duck
Cornwind Evil: Donald Duck definitely has the rage for it
iKomodo: ...oh god
iKomodo: the world would end if Donald Duck, of all characters, earned that kind of power


RubyChao: >​tired
RubyChao: >​cannot fall asleep
RubyChao: whatever you say, body
LazyBree: awww
LazyBree pets Chao


Demoleter joined the chat
Demoleter: boop
Demoleter: wassup cernwand
Cornwind Evil: Saying Wassup reminds me
Cornwind Evil: Of my very earliest internet days
Cornwind Evil: When I was wandering the wild AOL at like 1 AM
Cornwind Evil: And got messaged out of nowhere by a stranger
Cornwind Evil: Who just said "Wassup, you got a picture?"
Demoleter: hahaha


Cornwind Evil: He talks to fish ALL MARINE LIFE
Demoleter: get owned swamp thing
Chao: well if you're fighting a plant man and you've got a bunch of ravenous plant eaters on your side
Chao: it's a simple equation
Chao is literally the slowest
Demoleter: hahahaha


Vengeance, Absentminded: It is a delightful thing to press on occasion. However, fair warning- you can really, really, really piss off a dungeon master if you run for it at too many twists.
Vengeance, Absentminded: S:


Saberwulf joined the chat
Saberwulf: Sup dudes
Del: Hey wulf, you're just in time for DEATH
Saberwulf: woooo
Saberwulf: My favorite state of existence


Gooper Blooper: When I woke up this morning and saw four new pages of barposts it felt like 2011 again
Gooper Blooper: Dudemanguy being responsible for a chunk of those helped


RedSandow gets my Gooper In The Bank briefcase tossed into the Gulf of Saberwulf
iKomodo: Sabergulf
Saberwulf changed name to Sabergulf
Sabergulf: Avast
iKomodo: Yiss mission accomplished


iKomodo: So Chao and I were talking about the recent Chatzy madness
Cornwind Evil: Posted
iKomodo: and then I wrote a thing and he was like post it in chatzy
iKomodo: So here it is
iKomodo: "Link collapsed as hyper-realistic blood spurted from his eye sockets. Behind him, Zelda laughed hysterically, bloodshot eyes staring at nothing in particular, her screams getting louder and louder until they were almost ear splitting.
"'GOODBYE,' said Patman Post, turning off the console and leaving the room."

Redman Spy: PFFFT
Gooper Blooper: beautiful


(Celestia gifts Gloria with multiple boxes of donuts for all of her Big Bar Brawl achievements, including merely entering)

RubyChao: i can't wait until celestia gives gloria a box for her KO
RubyChao: and then a box for plaque monster's KO
RubyChao: and then ones for every time she assisted
Gooper Blooper: gloria can't hold all these pastries


Gooper Blooper: harpy I drew you a thing
Keeby: yissss




Keeby: >​noodling wildly
Keeby: brb putting that in the dictionary
Sabergulf: The Davidian genetics include arm noodling as a dominant trait


Sabergulf: "is called Multiverse Crisis and is basically a MUD where people go 'Well, what if Optimus Prime fought a Pacific Rim Kaiju'?" Fuck there's a bigger version of us


Draco: I've decided that next month, Vina and Rebecca are going to get really drunk at some point and will just follow Tenshi and Viola around yelling "KISS"
Gooper Blooper: Viola starts yelling it too
RubyChao: but is viola drunk
Gooper Blooper: she attempts to get Tenshi drunk to relive the good times
Gooper Blooper: gets drunk herself later, madly theorizing that as long as at least one of them was drunk it would still work
RubyChao: viola ends up being the one to initiate
Vengeance, Absentminded: Yep. If she actively pursues this theory, Aiden will support Viola, if he ever hears of it. |D All of the drunk-supplying.
RubyChao: the moral of the story is whichever of tenshiola is drunk is the one to induce kisses
RubyChao: heaven help us if they BOTH get sloshed
Vengeance, Absentminded: Heaven helping us may be a problem. One's a celestial and the other can potentially capture and train a god.


RubyChao: "WATERFALL?!?!?!?!??!?!?​!?!?!? WWWWWHHHHHHAAAAATT....! It doesnt even EXIST in R/B/Y!!!!"
RubyChao: some people need to calm down
iKomodo: Didn't it? Also yeah dude D:
RubyChao: it did
RubyChao: someone also had their facts wrong
Bree: lel


RubyChao: violagetsachristmasprese​nt.jpg
iKomodo: :3
RubyChao: "I happened to have it lying around in my closet."
RubyChao: "That's definitely all."


RubyChao: not gonna lie, i was expecting Fossil Grimer
iKomodo: lel
RubyChao: ...2014 final boss: all the thousands of Grimer cards merge together
GB Hazard: I ran the calculations twice to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong but the math says that's 3/4ths of a penny per card
RubyChao: GRIMERMASS- holy shit
RubyChao: that actually is pretty cheap per card even if the overall price is insane
GB Hazard: too bad there aren't even 250,000 different cards in existence
GB Hazard: (100,000 fossil grimers)
RubyChao: Tenshi gives Mikey a present
RubyChao: it's Fossil Grimer
RubyChao: hundreds of Fossil Grimers
iKomodo: Pfffffft
RubyChao: his entire ship is filling with Fossil Grimers
iKomodo: And Mikey is like D:<
RubyChao: how did she even get this many cards
The Fartlord: She bought them with Oceanus' pennies, duh


RubyChao: "My friend got a Cyndaquil into his Pokemon Red! He traded [the ghost] Missingno into his Pokemon Gold and he was going to send a Pidgey to Pokemon Red, but he slipped his finger and accidentally sent Cyndaquil."
iKomodo: lel
iKomodo: so much lel
The Fartlord: RC are you still reading glitch stories
RubyChao: yes


GB Hazard: Spy, I found this today and thought you might enjoy it
The Fartlord: Oh my god
The Fartlord: This is beautiful
RubyChao: that was amazing


eerB: Priscilla has zero plans to poison Checkmate
eerB: it'd make it difficult to seduce him later :U
GB Hazard: Sunshine attempts to coach Checkmate, the "seduce me" segment from Expiration Date ensues


MEEM: Sunshine was supposed to be a vote gag
MEEM: How did it end up like this


GB Hazard: A small aside concerning the new Beat Hazard DLC
GB Hazard: there are finally other playable ships, and people can make their own and submit them via Steam Workshop. I've found some #ruined
GB Hazard: Samus' ship, a Terran ship from Starcraft, and Marisa
GB Hazard: Oh, and the Space Invaders Mothership
MEEM: Make Mach *SHOT*
GB Hazard: It's really easy to make a ship because it's just one static image that the game spins on an axis to make turn so there's a lot of random garbage but I found some decent stuff in there
GB Hazard: Someone uploaded a jpeg of holo base set charizard, for instance
GB Hazard: for some reason
MEEM: Nerdilus
GB Hazard: My favorites were uploaded by the dude who made the game - he recolored some of the enemies and made them playable characters
GB Hazard: I like it when you can play as random mooks
MEEM: Helper to Hazard



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