Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 135: Sexy Stories To Tell In The Dark

Draco: Why is Del always off to the movies? I come in and 9/10 times there's a "I'm going to the movies" message from Del. Does he have life? D:
SteelKomodo: yes :U


Harpy: i'm RPing a star that happens to act like kirby's mom
Harpy: i have found a new way to fuck up in RP


Cornwind Evil: Obviously we need to have ANOTHER GIANT PUNCH UP IN THE MALL
SteelKomodo: no we don't :I
RubyChao: of course! that's genius!
RubyChao has a character set up a new store, called Giant Punch
RubyChao: (it's a boxing gym)
Cornwind Evil: In any case, I must go do some RL stuff
RubyChao: seeya cw
Cornwind Evil: So I'll be back later
SteelKomodo: NO >:I


SteelKomodo: I got nothin
Gooper Blooper: ZFRPLadiesNight.txt
SteelKomodo: goops pls
SteelKomodo: most likely the Succubi started it off :U


Gooper Blooper: everyone loves Celestia's buns
Gooper Blooper: they flock to see them
Harpy: Kirby loves her love muffins
Gooper Blooper: they're spongy


Gooper Blooper: it's not a bubble butt, it's a gas tank for a love machine
iKomodo: Editing for- Goops pls


RedSpy: Pooted
Deadmodo: spy crack a window :U
RedSpy poots
RedSpy poots and poots and pots
RedSpy poots all over the flo'

RedSpy poots all up in this club
RedSpy changed name to Vladimir Pootin
Vladimir Pootin changed name to Mr. Poot-ato Head
Mr. Poot-ato Head changed name to Winnie the Poot
Winnie the Poot changed name to The Great Mighty Poot


M Sheep: Morgan awkwardly extends a hand, eventually settling on petting Maple. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. Me and Lily are all about doing whatever the heck we want without anyone going after us. We've considered ourselves persecuted by the Guild, but... honestly, I don't think we've had it so bad compared to what happened to you."
M Sheep: That's not-you don't-STOP BEING LIKABLE VILLAINSSSS


M Sheep: "I should have made it hurt more." Ash mumbles to himself. Zealots. Oh, by any and all gods, he HATED zealots.
M Sheep: I'm sure Ash would have a great time
Cornwind Evil: Ash only hates zealots who insist on forcing repression and violence and their beliefs on others and won't listen to reason


RubyChao: ...ahahahahahaa oh my god
RubyChao: apparently there's actually a super metroid hack
RubyChao: with botwoon as the final boss
RubyChao: (you fight it during the escape sequence after mother brain)
Draco: Whaaaaaaaaat?
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: #Ruined


RubyChao: "The show started out normal, with Kermit introducing a special guest star. However, things turned a little strange when Kermit introduced the special guest 'Satan', and instead of the normal, happy singing, there was no sound at all."
Draco: That's because Satan is really shy about singing.
iKomodo: Kermit pls


M Sheep: Blew all our set budget on all these new towns we're never going to use again
Gooper Blooper: it's actually the same town repeatedly, we just rename it and recolor the buildings in post
M Sheep: "To tell the truth, Christine, we don't normally live here. Our home was within the glamorous city of Florem."
M Sheep: Hey guys, turn out we DID have some some of the budget set asi-GOSH, DARNIT GUYS


Harpy: wake me up, WAKE ME UP INSIDE can't wake up, WAKE ME UP INSIDE (SAVE BREEEE)
Harpy: *rolls out window*


Bree: I'm going to make my sister come up with the joke-iest joke character ever and enter the BBB with it
Bree: ...possibly on my roster if she's not willing to join :U
Bree: but seriously she has the stupidest, brilliant-est ideas
Bree: I was like "If you join ZFRP you can be anything you want" and she's like "Can I be a sentient disease?"
M Sheep: yes
M Sheep: although that character might not get along with other characters so well
Spyzilla 2000: . . . Your sis is awesome
Bree: just for the record, sentient disease got scrapped because LOGISTICS SUCK etc.
Bree: 'cause like her idea involved being a deadly microbe where nobody knows it's there and then at the end of the RP suddenly everybody dies
Bree: I'm like "no you can't do that sorry"


Jumpropeman: Fite Yer' Mates in one picture
Gooper Blooper: that about sums it up
Gooper Blooper: that's why we're here


Gooper Blooper: Gotta go for tonight, bye guys
THE DEMON KANE: Goooooooooooooooops
THE DEMON KANE latches on
THE DEMON KANE: . . . /looks at name, dies laughing at mental image
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: god dammit kane
Draco: Look out, Goops! He's going for the Choke Slam!


M Sheep: "The pen at first baffles her, having never really been exposed to ballpoint pens, but I mean, you can only be baffled by a pen so long"
M Sheep conspires to make a character who will be forever baffled by pens
Jumpropeman: that character will make it to the final two of the next BBB, when suddenly his opponent whips out a PEN, confusing him long enough to be killed
Bree: pens become the new FRENCH ANTHEMS
M Sheep: "Not PENS! My only weaknessss!"


Jumpropeman: I remember trying to use Limewire back in the day
Jumpropeman: I kept downloading segments of a Bill Clinton speech instead of the songs I was trying to find


M Sheep: "I'll spare you the usual details though, since performing a little song and dance every time we meet a new face is exhausting!"
M Sheep: Reject didn't go through his usual spiel!
M Sheep faith in humanity, LOST
M Sheep: Done with Rp forever
M Sheep: gg, everyone
Jumpropeman: WAIT SHEEP!
Jumpropeman: what if next time
Jumpropeman: He does it twice!
M Sheep: This thought pleases me
M Sheep: make it so
Draco: Don't worry, Sheep, I will carry on your legacy.
Draco proudly doesn't RP.
M Sheep plays laugh track


Jumpropeman: see you tomorrow for... *spins character wheel*
Jumpropeman: Whitey RP!
Cornwind Evil: Hypotenuse buys him off for the BBB4
Jumpropeman: Whitey cannot be persuaded by money or lengthy paragraphs
Draco: That's a technical foul.


Partyleter: I am the goddess of the luau, appease me with gifts


Ice Cream no Jigoku: But yeah
Ice Cream no Jigoku: I think
Ice Cream no Jigoku: When it comes to Cold Stone
Ice Cream no Jigoku: I just turn into Literal Sarah
Gooper Blooper: *sarah intensifies*
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: delicious iced cream
Ice Cream no Jigoku: Cheesecake flavored ice cream
Ice Cream no Jigoku: 3 scoops
Ice Cream no Jigoku: Graham crackers mashed in
Ice Cream no Jigoku: Peanut butter mashed in
Ice Cream no Jigoku: An Entire Brownie mashed in
Ice Cream no Jigoku: A big chunka cookie dough mashed in
SteelKomodo: the hell
Ice Cream no Jigoku: All mixed so the toppings aren't all on top, but evenly mixed in
Ice Cream no Jigoku: Perfect textured, tons of flavor, 10/10 would recommend again but not more than once every two months because I'm pretty sure it'd kill you
Gooper Blooper: Sarah has one a week
Gooper Blooper: get on her level
Ice Cream no Jigoku: . . . I don't think I could
Ice Cream no Jigoku: Ice Cream Hellven has left me full for decades


SteelKomodo: so how goes it, bro?
Del: it goes choresy
Del: ironing and stuff
SteelKomodo: :<
Del: it is needed
Harpy: Del has temporarily become
Harpy: Jonesy
Del: i was jonesy all along
Del: zfrp is my autobiography
SteelKomodo: lel


Bree: I wonder how many jokes Jewel Man has made about Hard Man
SteelKomodo: far too many
Godzilla Spynal Wars: Don't forget Wood Man
Bree: and Drill Man
SteelKomodo: Jewel Man walks in one day and is like "Beck, I want you to meet somebody"
SteelKomodo: and then a sheepish Crash Man walks in and is like "Hi ._."
SteelKomodo: and Beck is all "D:"
LazyBree: Beck walks in on Crash Man romancing Jewel Man
LazyBree: smoochyface etc
LazyBree: he's like "...NOPE"
LazyBree: nope nope nope nope nope nope
LazyBree: runs away
LazyBree: leaves Beck-shaped hole in wall like a cartoon character
LazyBree: sorry uncle I'm just gonna live with Ash k
LazyBree: I'm totes happy for you just, you know, I never want to think about your love life ever again
SteelKomodo: lolz
SteelKomodo: Beck
LazyBree: and that means I can't ever ever be in your presence again ever
Cornwind Evil: Heck let's do all of them
Cornwind Evil: Jewel Man's a PLAYAH BAYBEE
SteelKomodo: CW PLS
LazyBree: Jewel Man has many suitors :U
LazyBree: they are all vying for his love
LazyBree: then Crash Man gives him a ring with a huge flippin diamond on it
LazyBree: Jewel Man is all like "oh darling~ *swoon*"
SteelKomodo: Jewel Man confirmed Bizarro Purmina
LazyBree: tl;dr "hi Beck I'm married now meet your new OTHER uncle =D"
SteelKomodo: bree, whatever it is you drink that makes you a genius, don't stop drinking it
Del: you're all out of control
LazyBree: mostly I just drink gallons and gallons of soda
LazyBree: drank entire gallon of tea in like literally five hours yesterday :U
SteelKomodo: amazing :U
LazyBree always thirsty, possibly suffering from mummy curse?
LazyBree: anyway so which/how many of these ideas are you gonna use because I MUST KNOW
SteelKomodo: most likely Crash Man, and Beck's NOPE NOPE NOPE scenario
SteelKomodo: because I keep imagining Beck scuttling away much like that octopus
LazyBree: when you post it, I want to know immediately
LazyBree: haha Beck literally morphs into a goddamn octopus
LazyBree: more legs = can flee faster
SteelKomodo: XD
LazyBree: then later Jewel Man forces Beck to sit the hell down and endure a lesson on gay rights because he has decided Beck is homophobic and it is offensive
LazyBree: "really now what is my brother teaching you, child D:<"


Cornwind Evil: Why DID Utsuho eat that sun god in the first place?
Jumpropeman: she had the munchies
RubyChao: because another god was like "hey you want power to fix hell and make it hot again?"
RubyChao: "here you go!"
Cornwind Evil: And keeping hell in order was her job, right?
LazyBree: ...No I'm pretty sure she was just a burd
RubyChao: it went bird ->​ bird with human form ->​ bird with human form and sun god powers
RubyChao: also it was half that and half that she wanted to make her master (satori) happy so she decided she'd rekindle hell
SteelKomodo: burd
RubyChao: utsuho shows pit her baby pictures
RubyChao: they are all pictures of an ordinary looking bird
LazyBree: or of an ordinary looking egg :U
SteelKomodo: Pit: ...Um. Don't let Dirk see em, he'll get ideas.
RubyChao: dirk pls
RubyChao: wouldn't that technically be a prebirth picture bree :V
LazyBree: yes and no? with birds there's not really a universal agreement that "birth" is "when they hatch"
LazyBree: it's kinda open to debate
LazyBree: also I was just amused by Pit staring at this picture that contains nothing but an ordinary, round, white egg like the kind you buy at the supermarket
Godzilla Spynal Wars: Pit and Okuu bond over some Hatoful Boyfriend
RubyChao: hahaha
RubyChao: "Here's the earliest picture of me!"
LazyBree: and trying his damnedest not to think to himself "my girlfriend could have been an omelette"
RubyChao: *it's the egg*
RubyChao: BREE PLS
SteelKomodo: XD
Jumpropeman: Birds are pro-life when it comes to eggs
RubyChao: watch as when utsuho goes though the photo album
RubyChao: "Here's a picture of mom and dad!"
RubyChao: *it's two more birds*
LazyBree: *the birds look nearly identical to Pit because he knows nothing about birds*
RubyChao: "Um... which one is your mom, Okuu?" "The one on the left, of course!"
LazyBree: *he can't bring himself to ask which one is which because it'd be so rude*
RubyChao: hahaha


Godzilla Spynal Wars: spoilers: next room in Tex's lair will contain a PIPELINE HALFPIPE
SteelKomodo: XD
LazyBree: I don't understand why but I read "pipeline" as "penis"
LazyBree: JewelMan.txt
RubyChao: bree you are the worst
RubyChao eye lasers
LazyBree: #truefacts
LazyBree changed name to LazerBree
LazerBree: pew pew pewpew pew
SteelKomodo: jewelman.txt
LazerBree: set phasers to LEWD
LazerBree: pew pew, everyone's clothes disappear
SteelKomodo: D:


Godzilla Spy: Viola?
Gooper Blooper: "Missed Connection. You: Nice girl with blue hair and fancy hat. Me: Watching from the hallway. Wanna talk with you about ghosts."


Cornwind Evil: "Josephine, who is still large from the Giant's Tonic, joins Charlie in tentacle-wrestling"
Cornwind Evil: So much wrong with this sentence
LazerBree: hentaisephine
Gooper Blooper: *The Succubi are reading the RP on a computer*
Gooper Blooper: "Refresh faster, Dear Sister!"


Jumpropeman: now that I beat Fire Emblem, I have no idea what to play...
Jumpropeman: ... *plays Shannon Tweed*
Jumpropeman: the later levels in Shannon Tweed test your patience. If you turn up the speed, the game speeds up objects, but not your acquisition of money. So, if you want more money to use, you have to play on regular speed


RubyChao: "So, I was playing Super Mario 64 one day. And I'm a huge fan of Mario. Anyways, I have a long way to 120 stars. So, I was completing the game and etc. But, I did notice something strange. You know the part when you "pound the pillars" to drain the water? Well, I'd done that already. But, when I was randomly exploring the castle, I noticed the water was back. And it was electric."
Gooper Blooper: I'm terrified already
RubyChao: "So, I tried to swim in it. I instantly died. Suddenly, an image of Mario's corpse on the castle floor appeared for a split second. I shut the game off. But, I did save first. I also took screenshots. But, unfortunately, I dropped the camera and it broke."
Gooper Blooper: that fucking cop-out
RubyChao: "I was shocked. So, I turned it back on. And went back to the electric water. But, I saw what looked like a ghost of Mario. He jumped into the water like I had previously..."
LazerBree: >​took screenshots but dropped the camera
LazerBree: wat
RubyChao: "I began to understand what this meant. So many players... taken Mario's 1 life and just messed it up... But, suddenly... I was transported to Lethal Lava Land... and the lava was replaced with blood... I'll update you guys later..."
RubyChao: and that is the end of Super Mario Bloodland
RubyChao: yes. that's the entire story
Jumpropeman changed name to Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding
Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding: Next... YOU!
Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding points at chao
Gooper Blooper: AHHHHHHHH
LazerBree changed name to GhostBree
Gooper Blooper changed name to Hyper-Realistic GB
Spy But Taller And Hotter changed name to SPY BLEEDING OUT OF HIS ARMPIT

Hyper-Realistic GB: DRR DRR DRR
Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornwind Full Of Satan
Harpy: hi
Harpy: I just fuckin missed everything
Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding: oh wait, Harpy doesn't realize what we're doing
Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding: BE SPOOKY
Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding: OOOOOOOO~
Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding: MARI, LOOK BEHIND YOU~
HellChao emerges from the TV hyper-realistically


SPY BLEEDING OUT OF HIS ARMPIT: . . . I don't think I can finish watching this
Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding: 40 minutes of rap rat
Hyper-Realistic GB: Who are you and what have you done with spy
Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding: even people who played the game don't watch that much rat
SPY BLEEDING OUT OF HIS ARMPIT: I've done so much, Goops
SPY BLEEDING OUT OF HIS ARMPIT: I watched the foam video all the way through
Hyper-Realistic GB: The Spy I know would watch the entire thing while layering Bad, Bad Man over it

(34 minutes later)

Hyper-Realistic GB: yep, he's actually listening
Hyper-Realistic GB: I knew you'd do it old buddy old pal

(6 minutes later)

Hyper-Realistic GB: I knew you would spy
Hyper-Realistic GB: that's the spy I know
Hyper-Realistic GB: I believed


Jumpropeman with eyes bleeding: did you know: T-Tex's design is literally just me drawing Doug Dimmadome as a Gila Monster
THIS IS A RAPRAPRAPRATATTACK: How appropriate, that's my headcanon voice for T-Tex
THIS IS A RAPRAPRAPRATATTACK: Except slower and with a bit more drawl


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep: What do I do with this?


HellChao: Yarn Dedede looks like Yam Dedede in italics
Cornwind Full Of Satan: I wonder if Dedede would like yams
Cornwind Full Of Satan: They're like weird potatoes.
Cornwind Full Of Satan: Dedede:......
Cornwind Full Of Satan: Dedede: LOOK I GOT MAH CHIPS BACK.


why am spy awake: Alright, time for Spy's Challenge
why am spy awake: Every time he beats a cup he must use the char he unlocks for the next one
why am spy awake: Even if its Pink Gold Peach
why am spy awake: . . . YES ROSALINA A GOOD CHARACTER
why am spy awake: Shame its not a Koopaling though
SteelKomodo: XD
why am spy awake: Also I keep saying I can't bike but I keep trying bikes
why am spy awake: What's wrong with me
SteelKomodo: don't get me started on that spy :U


Del: as niche and hideaway as we are, i don't wanna attract super-weirdos
Del: so the rules on the forum are there
Bree: and Sis and I both know how to be polite and we know what's appropriate
Del: if it's funny it gets a pass though
Bree: >​don't wanna attract super-weirdos
Bree: what, you mean like Draco?
Bree ba dum tsh
Gooper Blooper: *rimshot*
Gooper Blooper: 2slow
SteelKomodo: hahahaha amazing
Draco: ._. 2true
Draco licks Bree's ear.
Bree: hahaha ilu2 Draco
Del: hahaha
Bree shoves Draco away
Del: we're cool
Bree: nu
Bree: my heart belongs to Cornwind
Draco: Fair enough. Your sister's the cute one anyway. =p
Bree: meh, you can have my sister. :U
Draco: Yay!


Harpy: Dededeplot is a go. Mission: find out WHO TOOK HIS CHIPS
Gooper Blooper: (spoilers it's kirby)
Harpy: top lol


Teenage Mutant Ninjamodo !
Teenage Mutant Ninjamodo !
Teenage Mutant Ninjamodo !

Teenage Mutant Ninjamodo: HERO IN A NUTSHELL
Teenage Mutant Ninjamodo: LIZARD POWER


Gooper Blooper: I like Kela awkwardly attempting to be hip
Gooper Blooper: It's the sort of thing that first came to mind when I first thought of the space/medieval blending setting
Harpy: i'm pretty sure sammy set her up for it
Harpy: imagine Kela with gold chains and shutter shades
Gooper Blooper: "Um... hell yeah, brosis, let us get 'with it'"
Gooper Blooper: "I'm going to go medieval on all of your donkeys. Asses. I meant asses."
Harpy: Kela gets glasses
Harpy: "OH MY GOD I... I... wow i can actually see stuff"
Harpy: "Maybe these will help with my mom's bad eyesight"
Harpy: now wait for Kela to be utterly confused by radios
Kaizo JRM: just don't show her ballpoint pens!
Gooper Blooper: Plop her down in front of a playstation 2 running Disgaea 2
Harpy: "...Is that me?"
Harpy: "...Are my clothes really"
Gooper Blooper: And Gloria's just taking it in stride
Gooper Blooper: "Yeah, you seem to like showing off. Have you met the succubi?"
Harpy: "...I have and they're damn hot in those clothes"
Harpy: "My brothers keep being lewd with them, though."
Gooper Blooper: Lily pops in, "right back atcha~"
Harpy: lily x kela otp
Harpy: people hear moaning and yelling, open the door
Harpy: its just the succubi and kela playing a hardcore game of monopoly
Gooper Blooper: they love board games
RubyChao: they have a fourth player
RubyChao: it's tenshi
Gooper Blooper: The one thing you can say about the disgaea fanservice is that at least the guys got in on it too
RubyChao: she only joined after they told her they'd prank people
Harpy: the men are hot as hell
RubyChao: are most of the guys clad in approximately underwear
Gooper Blooper: it's equal opportunity exposed midriffs in Disgaea-land
Gooper Blooper: Some, chao
Gooper Blooper: he's wearing shorts and a scarf and nothing else
SpyDGAF: . . . Those idiot hairs
Harpy: omg laharl~


Gooper Blooper: Beck has to have The Talk sometime
Bree: oh gawd
Gooper Blooper: And of course Jewel Man will be the one giving it
Bree: agree agree agree times a thousand
Bree: Jewel Man assisted by Crash Man, who has little puppets on each of his drill-hands
Kaizo JRM: Beck, there comes a time in ever bot's life where they must upload their mind into a shared hard drive
SpyDGAF: Yessss
SpyDGAF: Only thing worse than Jewel Man giving the talk is Oceanus giving the talk
Harpy: JRM
Harpy: ...
Harpy: Sammy would stop him
SpyDGAF: This is how Oceanus gives The Talk
Harpy: Sammy stares at Carlos
Harpy: Carlos starts sweating bullets
Gooper Blooper: Josephine giving the talk
Bree: eventually they just bring in Hypotenuse and make her explain
Gooper Blooper: "why did you want me to do this" "CINNAMON NEEDS TO LEARN, SIS"
Harpy: please
Harpy: she'd get into the nitty gritty that I know too much about
Kaizo JRM: Reject giving the talk: "What is 'The Talk'?"
SpyDGAF: . . . Can we just have all of our characters piling in to give Beck the talk
Bree: bah gawd now we have to give The Talk to Reject too
Gooper Blooper: It descends into rote factory-like instructions
Bree: and Melody D:
Gooper Blooper: tab A, slot B, etc
SpyDGAF: Zephyrus waits on standby with his PG Establishment sign
SpyDGAF: Like a Seth Rollins perched, ready to dive
RubyChao: "At which point, the male-" "AUNT HYPOTENUSE PLEASE STOP D:"
Gooper Blooper: How about Lisa, who has the entire Internet in her brain
Gooper Blooper: Imagine what SHE'D go on about
RubyChao: lisa knows things that should not be known by anyone
RubyChao: she tries to talk, is suddenly frozen and carted off
SpyDGAF: The Wheelers give the talk
Kaizo JRM: I don't think anyone in Reject really needs to know the talk :V I think Evinrude is the only one who actually multiplies through mating
Harpy: "So basically a woman and a man goes and says, 'hey wanna wrestle in bed' and they're all for it. then suddenly the woman is all like 'i feel sick' and 9 months later hey a baby"
Bree: Lisa's contribution is to simulate the sound effects of sexin'
SpyDGAF: Imagine The Wheelers giving the talk
Harpy: i have no idea who says that
Gooper Blooper: "Dude, it's like a Continue for your genetics"
Kaizo JRM: Attorcroppes are fairies
RubyChao: carlos
RubyChao: carlos says that
Kaizo JRM: so they just kinda pop up magically
SpyDGAF: The Wheelers mostly just give basics with tons of vidya puns
Harpy: Carlos... yeah he would say that
Kaizo JRM: Gizmo just needs to get wet... ;)
Kaizo JRM: Bakemon is data
SpyDGAF: Only to suddenly get into a seven-verse long rap about safe sex
Bree: 2lewd
Kaizo JRM: Calabat is Pokemon-style breeding. Eggs appearing out of nowhere
SpyDGAF: ". . . Where did THAT come from?" "We were in an afterschool special, dufe. Trust us, we know our stuff."
Kaizo JRM: and Moomba... well, when a tailor loves thread very much...
Harpy: Kirby wouldn't participate in talk giving because the last time he tried, Mario and pals stopped him
RubyChao: Utsuho attempts to give the talk, is stopped by Samus
Harpy: ...either that or he doesn't know how to
Bree: I think Octavious is the only character who would give a decent Talk. he wouldn't be awkward about it and he would totally give factual, but not too clinical, information
RubyChao: "Trust me. I don't think you're cut out for this."
Kaizo JRM: Kirby probably lives in a stork universe much like mario
Bree: like I don't know why but I feel like Octavious would be the master of The Talk
Gooper Blooper: You know it's late at night when you spend ten straight minutes talking about RP characters giving The Talk to Beck from Mighty No. 9
RubyChao: he probably would be
Harpy: i mean, the only ways his kind reproduces is either by being split into pieces or being genetically modified
Gooper Blooper: Celestia would probably do okay, she's a mom
RubyChao: samus is definitely the only one of my characters who would be worth asking
Harpy: yeah, Kirby prolly does
SpyDGAF: Ricard wouldn't give The Talk so much as Sexy Stories To Tell In The Dark
Kaizo JRM: Andromalus should give the talk in creepy mode
Gooper Blooper: Although she and Helios could do the old cliche
SpyDGAF: Thankfully they don't come with terrifying illustrations
Gooper Blooper: "Go ask your father" "Go ask your mother"
RubyChao: except maybe dr. nerique due to being a doctor
RubyChao: well in their case
Bree: technically she's given The Talk twice!
Bree: once for Sarah, once for Josephine
Harpy: Carlos would probably explain it well
SpyDGAF: . . . Wait Ricard's an illusionist
SpyDGAF: He could TOTALLY do scary illustrations
RubyChao: "Go ask Sarah's father" "Go ask Sarah's mother"
Harpy: Henry could probably explain it a bit too well
Bree: Ariel and Gloria already knew :U
RubyChao: ...why did ariel know
RubyChao: i mean gloria obviously read about it but
Gooper Blooper: Sexy Stories To Tell In The Dark, written by Morgan and Lily
Harpy: you don't ask Siren unless you want a dramatic reenactment
Bree: Ariel is like "wait so it's like how [insert zoo animal] does it?"
Kaizo JRM: Ariel saw two buffalos breeding one day
SpyDGAF: . . . Guys
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
SpyDGAF: How would SKURVY give the talk
Harpy: why am I- OH GOD ITS CW
RubyChao: hi cw
Harpy: in song
RubyChao: you came at a bad time
Kaizo JRM: hey cornwind
Harpy: i'm scared
Bree: I don't know, Ariel's so interested in the natural world, I feel like there's no way she didn't know how animals reproduce, so she makes the leap from there
SpyDGAF: "Yarr, now we be talkin' 'bout the REAL Booty Boogie!"
Cornwind Evil: Why is it a bad time?
SpyDGAF: "Yarharharrr~"
Cornwind Evil: I can leave
RubyChao: SPY NO
Kaizo JRM: we're talking about the birds and the bees and the things in the trees and the stars up above, and how me and your mother made love
Harpy: we're talking about sex
SpyDGAF: Smooth jazz remix about the Booty Boogie
Harpy: the thing most of us won't get soon
Gooper Blooper: It's just your trademark entering during awkward moments
SpyDGAF: Singing about very different crystal coconuts
RubyChao: we're talking about how rp characters would answer "where do babies come from"
RubyChao: harpburn
Harpy: i watched xmen today
SpyDGAF: >​soon
SpyDGAF: Pssh, more like ever
SpyDGAF: It'll be 80 years and I'll be
Harpy: i think i heard the name "eric" too many times
Cornwind Evil: It would depend on who was asking the question and why
SpyDGAF: ". . . Damn"
Kaizo JRM: in my case, more like every day B)
Harpy: spy reproduces asexually
SpyDGAF: I reproduce asexually . . . but very sexily~
Kaizo JRM changed name to Virginropeman
Harpy: ...
Virginropeman: I get laid all the time
SpyDGAF wobbles my cytoplasm to some sexy sax
Harpy: as a biology major i find that too hillarious
SpyDGAF oooooh yeah, work those microtubules, gurl
Harpy: just imagining mitosis and meiosis happening slowly to sexy music
Gooper Blooper:
SpyDGAF that chromosomal duplication is getting me so hot and bothered
SpyDGAF hey guuurl, you've got some nice cleavage
SpyDGAF furrows
SpyDGAF bet that'll lead to some SERIOUS cytokinesis

Bree: we are sick people
Virginropeman changed name to Jumpropeman
Harpy: no, i'm just a biologist
SpyDAE joined the chat
SpyDAE: And that's how a brand new babby spy was born!
Jumpropeman: I'm changing my name back so I don't end up in chatzy madness with an open declaration of virginity
SpyDAE: I've gotten an extra line added to my name by errors in duplicating my genetic code
Bree: it's okay JRM, you are not alone
Bree: except in bed
Harpy: you all slay me


Gooper Blooper: there's nobody quite like Spy
SpyDGAF awkwardly shuffles in place, occasionally raising my arm for a White Guy Fist Bump
RubyChao: And thank god for that, Goops!
RubyChao: (i'm kidding)
Jumpropeman: there is nobody quite like spy... except the blu spy
SpyDGAF: Well there might be, Goops, if I ever have a babby
SpyDGAF: Lets hope that never happens. Spare the next generation
Jumpropeman: *gives birth to a baby in a balaclava*
SpyDGAF: No, no, JRM. It's a perfectly normal baby
Jumpropeman: ...
SpyDGAF: Until it starts speaking in a super suave French accent
SpyDGAF: "It's a boy!" "But of course~"
Jumpropeman: that was supposed to be a *SPY gives birth to a baby in a balaclava*
Gooper Blooper: and then spy was a seahorse
Jumpropeman: my babies come out with stylish red hats
Gooper Blooper: The Artchive reminded me the was a brief period of time JRM the character was hatless
RubyChao: so that's two dead kraids, two dead phantoons
Gooper Blooper: It still looks so weird
RubyChao: and one dead JUMPROPEMAN
RubyChao shocking plot twist
Jumpropeman: DUN DUN
RubyChao: also i just figured out dr. light's version of the talk
Jumpropeman: I've been a ghost all along!
Jumpropeman: I'm not some sort of deformed dolphin as you all thought!
Harpy: oh shit i didn't see the new chatzy madness
RubyChao: "Well, you see, when two robots love each other very much, nine months later I build a baby for them!"
SpyDGAF: . . . Why do I have a feeling this is going to get its own page
Harpy: please no
SpyDGAF: "Chatzy Madness 734 - The Night Of All The Insanity"
Jumpropeman: well, to ensure it doesn't
RubyChao: it's definitely appearing i assume
Jumpropeman: GOOPER SUCKS
Jumpropeman: there, he won't put THAT in

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