Saturday, August 16, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 146: Shrine Maiden Throttles Game Developer

RubyChao: every time dr. nerique says his full name, without fail
RubyChao: some sort of loud noise blocks it out
RubyChao: and all you catch is nerique
M Sheep: and by loud noise
M Sheep: we mean Grendel
M Sheep: but, no, I really like that idea
RubyChao: "Ah, welcome. I'm your colleague, Dr.-" "HELLO!!!!" "-Nerique."
RubyChao: "What was that?"
RubyChao: "Oh, sorry. Dr.-" "IT IS VERY NICE TO MEET YOU!!!" "-Nerique."
RubyChao: how does grendel constantly pick exactly that moment to interrupt?
RubyChao: we may never know
M Sheep: because Grendel is always talking
RubyChao: (people try to read nerique's lips but they just can't make it out for some reason)


M Sheep: Grendel probably has Tiberius in the back room
M Sheep: hiding him from Glass
M Sheep: "CAN WE KEEP H-"
M Sheep: "No."
M Sheep: "No he didn't"
Draco: Tiberius is off leading his double life: captain of the Starship Enterprise.
RubyChao: i kind of want to see keiran Meet the Team
RubyChao: just for his reaction
RubyChao: "So who's next?" "Nobody."
RubyChao: "Nobody?" "You've met our entire staff."
RubyChao: "...That's it?" "Yup."


Melody: I was reading chatzy madness
Melody: that line about how Silence the mute mastodon would probably want a puny timid guy for her boyfriend
Melody: and rereading that, my brain shouted "SILENCE X GLASS"
M Sheep: Ahahahaha


RubyChao: everything draco did this year tied into vinaplot
RubyChao: he's going to have to stretch it out the whole year to keep from disappearing! :V
Draco: Pretty much.
M Sheep: And then Godzooky saved the day by summoning Godzilla's foot
Draco rewrites his ending. D=<
Cornbree Evilspymodo: ruined the plot tweest
M Sheep: So many tweests


Steamleter: A POST
Steamleter: A POST
Steamleter: A POST I MADE
Dacro: did you butter your post
Steamleter: i did
Steamleter: i had it with a hard-boiled plot


M Sheep: "Squig O'Clock"
M Sheep: I'm actually not sure what this is
Steamleter: i don't know how orks measure time
Steamleter: so i just used squig o clock
M Sheep: I can only hope a squig is a tiny, soft, adorable creature, and Squig O' Clock is just a solid hour of beating it with sticks
ReDSpY: A squig o clock is the time it takes for an Ork to get bored and smash a squig


Gooper Blooper: Today I learned that fate does not want me to play the Atari 2600 version of Lock N' Chase
SteelKomodo: D:
M Sheep: The Curse of Sakura Atari
M Sheep: You must Rp her again to lift it
Gooper Blooper: Two years ago I ordered a Lock N Chase cart online, and they sent me a different game with "lock chase" written on a piece of tape stuck to it
M Sheep does various spooky noises and finger waggles
Gooper Blooper: Last year I ordered a second (actually first) LNC cart and today I finally tried playing it
M Sheep: Ahha, WHAT?
Gooper Blooper: The cartridge connector thingy was crooked and the game didn't turn on
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: *shrug*
M Sheep: Wait, beep boop, back up, they literally sent you another game cartridge with a piece of tape over what the game was actually called, with "lock chase" written on it
Gooper Blooper: No, the label had fallen off
Gooper Blooper: I got it at a discount because it was therefore damaged goods
M Sheep: because this is what I am picturing-Ah, I see
Gooper Blooper: So the label was gone and tape with "lock chase" was in its place
Gooper Blooper: like a bad creepypasta
M Sheep: and then I entered the shop, but instead of the usual shopkeeper the graphic had been replaced with a hyperrealistic Reimu Hakurei!!!!!!!!!
M Sheep: The dialogue box opened up, but instead of the usual greeting, it read "THIS IS STUPID."
M Sheep: Then the game glitched out, I tried pressing all the buttons, but nothing happened, and then it shut off.
M Sheep: The next day the headline in the paper read SHRINE MAIDEN THROTTLES GAME DEVELOPER
M Sheep: THE END?????????????????
Gooper Blooper: ???????????


Gooper Blooper: I have a blog post and it's not a chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: a little something for you gloria fans (in before spy says "OH SO EVERYONE, RIGHT")

(Ten minutes later)

Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry spy
Gooper Blooper: but that was so late it almost warped around and became early




Vengeance, Diagnosis Murder: Heh. Ahh, 2013, that -was- the year JRM held a hot poker to my neck and made me finish Mad World. XD I almost forgot until I was double checking BBB-3 and read the opening line "Pimps, players, and pain purveyors". |D


Tableter: So i put a post on tumblr and it got reblogged by some other guy so hooray
SteelKomodo: amazing


ReDSpY: . . . Guys I thought of the best way to make a Mega Deoxys
ReDSpY: Give it Aegislash's ability
ReDSpY: Congrats, you don't have to pick between Attack and Defense anymore
iKomodo: Spy pls D:


Keeby asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: soup
Keeby asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: soup

RubyChao: just eat the soup
Gooper Blooper: chatzy demands soup


M Sheep: "Grendel continues to punch robotically towards Squid’s face"
M Sheep: Yeah, that sounds about right
M Sheep: "effects of the blow to the head not apparent if there were any at all"
M Sheep: "Grendel has accidentally taken the victory!"


Vengeance, Diagnosis Murder rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Vengeance, Diagnosis Murder: Y'know what, I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen. Or that that's an eighteen.


M Sheep: Stepover Toehold Facelock
M Sheep: Now THAT'S a mouthful
Jumpropeman: I decided to namecheck only one cena move used by name, the one with the longest name :V


Gooper Blooper: Sarah has now won an incredible third multi-way fite. She is really good at those
RubyChao: WINS
ReDSpY: . . . Do it
Gooper Blooper: I believe you mean she places second
RubyChao: no i don't >:I


Cornwind Evil: Sine motions for Zephyrus to hoist Sarah on their shoulders.
ReDSpY: Year 1 Cheer 1 Pyramid?
Gooper Blooper: Sine and Zeph put Sarah on their shoulders, they both fall over because they're tired but it looks like a fat joke


Gooper Blooper: "Josephine hears the sound of Ariel failing"
Gooper Blooper: Josephine heard this noise a lot last year
M Sheep: "we were all teaming up on Gloria and I felt bad!”
M Sheep: Sarah, with the sportsmanship
M Sheep: Ohohoho, that upset, that placing, delicious!
M Sheep: "doughy-necked white mage"
M Sheep: Really, Jrm?
Jumpropeman: authenticity!
M Sheep narrows eyes
Gooper Blooper: kek


M Sheep: Purnima Rahshama is what happened when I shotgunned the entirety of Ouran Host Club, because my sister had it and I'm a horribly curious little bugger
M Sheep: And I thought, Anime Tropes! Those are silly! CRAZY REACTIONS and sparkles, ridiculous speeches of purple prose, art style and background changes for the sake of comedy or drama, full of passion and no logic
M Sheep: and then it all went terribly, HORRIBLY, wrong
Gooper Blooper: But sheep, it IS funny
Gooper Blooper: Purnima's existential despair and collapse into insanity is the less funny part


Jumpropeman: Behind Fite 100: I tried my best not to say "Jewel Man's crotch slammed into Beck's face." choosing to use the word "waist" instead


Vengeance, Diagnosis Murder: I need to know. -Did- Samus claim that bounty before mutation set in? :L
RubyChao: no, unfortunately
RubyChao: she had to stay and watch how her protege did
Gooper Blooper: Now I'm imagining Samus intently watching the fite and then sprinting out of her seat the moment Puddingshins won
RubyChao: PFFFFT
Vengeance, Diagnosis Murder: XD
Gooper Blooper: "AND THE WINNER IS-" *Samus in the background knocking people over as she runs*
Gooper Blooper: *speed booster etc*
Gooper Blooper: *shinesparks to phone*
RubyChao: someone's at the phone already
RubyChao: samus shoulder checks them into the next county
RubyChao: complete with dramatic replays and commentary
Gooper Blooper: *Godbeast Razaan flies by* "SHIT"
RubyChao: samus's reaction to razaan is basically
RubyChao: "at least ridley had the decency to stay dead long enough for me to collect, this guy's just a fucker"


ReDSpY changed name to I Wish I Could Summon Bowser
I Wish I Could Summon Bowser And Fite My Bus Driver


Bree: goddammit Cornwind your avatar is super distracting
Bree: I'm trying to read the post but Dean Ambrose won't stop moving around and demanding my attention
Gooper Blooper: It's like you want to do silly things in bar BUT DEACON CROWE IS STILL OUT THERE LASERING TEENS IN HALF
I Wish I Could Summon Bowser: PFFFFT
RubyChao: you laser one teen


Vengeance, Diagnosis Murder: How do you maintain your metabolisms, eating giant monsters, cakes, and gods? .___o
Vengeance, Diagnosis Murder: Goodness, bar gals here.
Gooper Blooper: Sarah in particular has accomplished gastronomical feats the likes of which are rarely seen
RubyChao: utsuho is a living nuclear reactor
RubyChao: gotta supply that energy somehow
RubyChao: as for sarah, that's just because sarah
Bree: her spells are cast from FP (Fatness Points)


I Wish I Could Summon Bowser: I want to say things but its like 5 minutes to midnight
I Wish I Could Summon Bowser: And I'm way too tired to churn our proper effort
Gooper Blooper: You Wish You Could Summon Bowser To Transcribe Posts For You
Gooper Blooper: *picture of paper bowser*


Draco: So JRM, I did a Vinaplot last night. How long do I have to do another one before Del bans me? =V
Jumpropeman: sunday B|
Jumpropeman: and for every day late it is if you don't meet the deadline, he'll ban you again


iDel joined the chat
iDel: So when do we see the aftermath of dirk's loss
iDel: I'm sure Josephine needs to see it
iDel left the chat
iDel joined the chat

iDel: #Bisephine
iDel left the chat
iDel joined the chat

iDel: I'm going mad
iDel left the chat
iDel joined the chat

iDel: a leather bound stick with a handle
iDel left the chat
iKomodo joined the chat

iKomodo: Del pls D:
iKomodo: Take your meds


Doktor Pingas: *Reading Chatzy madness*
Doktor Pingas: But does Priscilla or Gloria's magazine sell better *SHOT*


RubyChao: >​find that i have the trial version of a particular game
RubyChao: >​look up the full version
RubyChao: >​it never came out
RubyChao: today is sad day :<


Vengeance of the BlueScreen: If brevity is the soul of wit, by god, I've done talked myself to boredom.


Cornwind Evil: Death is me trying to be my usual dark morally murky self
Cornwind Evil: And the cat is the rest of the group
The Big Blue: Lol. Poor thing.
Gooper Blooper: that's perfect
Gooper Blooper: "YOU GUYS READY-oh no"


A Decent Pair Of Pants flutters in the breeze


Dacro plays with his Sense of Right Alliance figures.


Gooper Blooper: and then cookie monster and DK became CW's mains and he does a dark megaplot about them


Gooper Blooper: New mental image
Gooper Blooper: Cookie Monster was in the stands during the Brawl, and when Kela KOed Kermit he bowed his head and said "arrividerci, frog"


Keeby rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Keeby: :/
Keeby rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Keeby: lel
Keeby rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Keeby rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Keeby: ...
Tableter: Thats as many as three threes
Gooper Blooper: what the
Keeby: okay i think I broke chatzy
Tableter: Four threes
Tableter: Thats as many as three fours
Cornwind Evil: My god...the odds of that are in the hundreds of thousands I think
Cornwind Evil: Don't roll again
Cornwind Evil: Go buy a lottery ticket
Keeby rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Gooper Blooper: bahahahaha
Keeby: just when I needed it most (not really)
Gooper Blooper: 3-3-3-3-21
Gooper Blooper: That's like some sort of tractor fighting game combo
A Decent Pair Of Pants rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
A Decent Pair Of Pants: . . .
Gooper Blooper: The tractor is being amusing today


Gooper Blooper: Draco is my secret best friend. We trade for each other's Goomies, Goletts, and Tyrunts when no one is looking


RubyChao: arthur goes through every class in fire emblem
RubyChao: "arthur i don't think being a brigand will help" "but it's the only thing i haven't tried D:"


A Decent Pair Of Pants: . . . I've made something in the Sims 2 even I can't stomach
A Decent Pair Of Pants: I've stared too hard into the abyss. It says "don't give dogs ridiculously small heads you jackass"


RubyChao: i'm gonna give you some advice for this bbbbp :V
RubyChao: fire
RubyChao: :V
Keeby: Reimu screams internally
Keeby: none of them even have fire
RubyChao: obviously they need to drag along gloria or something
Gooper Blooper: >​chao asks for gloria
Gooper Blooper: lel
RubyChao: w-well i mean it's just
RubyChao: she's a strong character!
Keeby: paging gloria
Gooper Blooper: i-it's not like he likes gloria or anything


Gooper Blooper: I am amused that both of the 2hu drops for fighting the 2hu boss with a 2hu are from non-2hu games
Keeby: LoT2 is chock full of RPG references. They even have Erdrick's armor from Dragon Quest, I think!
Gooper Blooper: >​Erdrick's Armor
Gooper Blooper: ruined
Keeby: wait, is Erdrick named after DQ Erdrick
Gooper Blooper: Now your armor can snark at you, too
Gooper Blooper: and your armor and sword start arguing and it's just a mess


(Harpy mentions a possible plot)

Vengeance, somehow still alive: Whar in th' bally blazes o' all the sev'n layhers o' 'ells be a plot.
Vengeance, somehow still alive: :I
Cornwind Evil: Aiden, stop posting on Vengeance's account
Jumpropeman: Aiden is so anxious to get involved in a plot he's taken over Vengeance's chatzy duties


Cornwind Evil: Well, it is time for me to get to bed
Cornwind Evil: No idea if I'll be around for the next few days
Bree: good night, Cornwind my love
Jumpropeman: farewell, cornwind my... fellow RPer
Cornwind Evil: I come back on Tuesday, you beat up all my villains offscreen
Cornwind Evil: I can just see the usual suspects scheming
Jumpropeman: I can't wait for Jaws to sneak up on Deacon
Jumpropeman: only to get killstealed by some random RP character
Jumpropeman: "Cornwind, while you were gone Deacon was killed by Barbon"
Cornwind Evil: WHAT
A Tattered Pair Of Pants: a bottle to the back of the head maybe
Jumpropeman: served him some bad lager


RubyChao: should i post a thing
SteelKomodo: do it
SteelKomodo: do iiiiit
RubyChao: OKAY
RubyChao posts Dr. G. Nerique playing cards with Tom Turbine and Patchy


Tableter: So sacrifice is getting hard now
Tableter: Air god offered me boons, went to his level
Tableter: Got murdered by flaming trolls
Tableter: And he didn't even give me the fucking boon
Tableter: Stupid balloon head
Gooper Blooper: Del Can't Defeat Air God
Tableter: Also i saw a romance between a tree man and a weird silver alien woman
Tableter: Bizarre
SteelKomodo: what
Tableter: Character design of that game is great but it makes the character interaction in zfrp look like two white dudes on the street corner
SteelKomodo: what D:
SteelKomodo: how dare you >:I
Tableter: I meant its really weird to see a silver insect woman tell a treeman with an eyepatch she's going to bang him tonight whilst metal link with a cape watches
Tableter: And helium baloon in a robe tries to outplay fat earthworm jim
Gooper Blooper: Is Wulf on the Sacrifice writing team
Tableter: Yes
Tableter: (No)
Gooper Blooper: We at least came close to that level of interspecies pairing with the inexplicableness that is Hansel x Dakota
Tableter: Hahahaha


Keeby: oh god the Booty Brigade is gonna be a thing
Keeby: tomorrow's plot is just gonna be twerking Lapis and the Church into submission
Gooper Blooper: fifty female characters lined up in a row in succubus outfits, twerking
Gooper Blooper: del shuts down the forum
Keeby: dirk takes pictures
Tableter: Also i cant shut down the forum if that happens
Tableter: The twerk clause says so
Keeby: the adelmin hath spoken
Keeby: let there be twerks
Tableter: jonesy is amongst the twerk brigade
Keeby: conrad is going to be so damn embarassed
iKomodo joined the chat
iKomodo: Oh god what did I miss


Keeby: almost talked about butt shaped pinatas and stopped myself


RubyChao: the problem is you just know it'll be nigh-impossible to convince samus it's time for fun until the pirates are dead
RubyChao: "but pirates" "samus please" "PIRATES"
Keeby: my idea was to put something in the Cronus Times that there are Space Pirates attacking Gloria's library
Keeby: or somewhere
Keeby: then suddenly SURPRISE PARTY
Keeby: Samus just turns and leaves


Keeby: in even sadder news, I found out the PS3 died
Gooper Blooper: :<
Gooper Blooper: Oh, almost forgot to be a crotchety old retro gamer
Gooper Blooper: >​PS3 broke
Gooper Blooper: >​PS3 came out one gen ago
Gooper Blooper: >​Atari 2600 I found at the side of the road is still going
Gooper Blooper: BACK IN MY DAY
Saberwulf: Old man yells at cloud storage


RubyChao: -i still can't get over the hilarious continuity fuckup in the complication dkc movie
RubyChao: like it's so goddamn absurd
RubyChao: i saw it months ago and it still gets me
RubyChao: (namely one of the flashbacks in part 3 is a flashback to SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS LATER IN THE MOVIE)


Keeby: Toria doesn't have the resources to go aggressive with the church on their asses
Keeby: they're fight back if they're bullied though
2Del4U: cool
Keeby: all these are important deets so that I know what's going on. world must react to events
Keeby: unless the entirety of ardea just goes and plays laser tag
Slowwind Compevil: That would be a sight
2Del4U: hahaha
Keeby: boner king just rolls up to a town
Keeby: all the signs say "brb playing laser tag"
Draco: They went to Jonesybus City?
Keeby: yes
SteelKomodo: lolz
2Del4U: hahaha
2Del4U: jonesybus city now canon
2Del4U: jonesy played the stock market too hard
RubyChao: "what am i gonna do with all this money"
RubyChao: three days later
RubyChao: the mayor has a giant pile of money dumped on his or her desk
SteelKomodo: XD
Keeby: jonesy buys off bonerking's lands
SteelKomodo: Zoe gets mad Jonesy beat her to it :U
2Del4U: mayor jonesy
2Del4U: "every saturday is chocolate day"
2Del4U: "eat the chocolate"
2Del4U: "do it!"
Draco: Suddenly Draco comes to town, makes a fat joke, then apologizes when he realizes it's not Sarah. =V
Slowwind Compevil: A funny thing
Slowwind Compevil: The housewarming yesterday had a small chocolate fountain
SteelKomodo: ooh, awesome!
Draco: Cool.
Slowwind Compevil: You can guess what immediately came to mind
Keeby: you didn't swim in it, did you?
SteelKomodo: 2Small4CW
Slowwind Compevil: It was one foot tall
Slowwind Compevil: I am not Hank Pym
Slowwind Compevil: Plus even if I was I don't think I would want to swim in chocolate. It's thick and sticky.
2Del4U: exactly why jonesy likes it
2Del4U eyebrows
Keeby: del omg


Keeby: But soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Dakota is the sun!
Keeby: ... god, Hansel WOULD say that wouldn't he
Draco: Yes.
Keeby: i'm sorry hansel but no, i'm afraid Dakota isn't big and hot enough to be a star... yet ;D
Draco: He also spends all night reading Harlequins.
Keeby: i have no idea what that's about
Draco: Cheap, tiny romance novels. The bookstore I volunteer at sells 'em 10 for a dollar.
Keeby: welp
Keeby: i'm 100% sure he'd read those
Keeby: and janet would tease the hell out of him for it
Draco: Cheesy plots like "The only way she could protect her daughter was by staying on the run, but how could she not fall in love with the tiny town whose cafè needed a waitress and whose most eligible cafè owner needed love."
Keeby: carlos no, stahp
Keeby: also jeez that IS cheesy
Draco: To my surprise, there are a lot of romance novels about ex-military guys who happen to fall in love with women in trouble they stumble upon.
Keeby: that'd go perfect with a hot dog
Draco: That is a real plot from a book I had to price on Saturday.
Keeby: sounds kind of dumb with a tinge of misogyny
Draco: The lady who volunteers with me cracks up when I read the back summaries like they're movie trailers.
Keeby: proof plz
Draco: Okay, just a second.
Draco: Here ya go
Keeby: i'm so confused what is she running from
Keeby: agg
Jumpropeman: her daughter is a shark and she must keep moving to make sure it can continue to breathe
Draco: XD
Draco: She's running from her abusive ex-boyfriendlovehusband.​
Draco: Actual line from an actual book "That day you almost ran me over made me realize how much I wanted to make you mine. Will you marry me?"
Keeby: ...
Keeby: oh my god
Keeby: what the fuck
Keeby: ahahah that is SO bad
Draco: Yep.
Draco: One book's plot was about a woman who had a prince's love child, so assassins targeted her when the royal family was attacked.
Draco: But a hunky detective was able to protect her and the prince, who survived, was totally cool with the detective marrying his babymama.
Keeby: lolwut
Gooper Blooper: in before one of the kobbers writes two of the other kobbers in an awful romance novel
Draco: I'm pretty sure that's already happened.
Keeby: i'm pretty sure stella already did that
RubyChao: pitsuho fanfiction
Gooper Blooper: I tried googling for pit x utsuho fanfics and found none
Tableter: Goops plays the most dangerous game


Jumpropeman: I dream of a BBB5 with Hanz in it. rainbow dash will be so happy to draw him again


iKomodo: I can't sleep
Slowwind Compevil: Why not?
iKomodo: Too warm
Slowwind Compevil: I will be cold to you to try and cool you off
Slowwind Compevil: I am not interested in RPing with you SK!
Slowwind Compevil: You're too fat and dull witted!
Slowwind Compevil: Now have this leg of mutton that's been sitting out on the table for several hours.
iKomodo: XD
Slowwind Compevil: That's the origin of the phrase 'cold shoulder' by the way
Slowwind Compevil: You would greet a welcomed guest with fresh, hot meat, or at least reheat it
Slowwind Compevil: But you'd just give an unwelcome guest what's edible
Slowwind Compevil: Hence you would literally give them a cold shoulder.


Slowwind Compevil: Well, after running virus and malware scans and CCleaner and Defraggler, I have reached the conclusion that my mom's just slow because its like 10 years old


Saberwulf: I should actually RP
Saberwulf continues to procrastinate for the rest of the year
Jumpropeman: draco's rped more than you this year wulf
Saberwulf: gasp
Jumpropeman: are you just gonna take that sitting down!
Saberwulf: Well I'm not getting up so I guess
Draco: I'm shocked.
Draco changed name to Shocked


Saberwulf: Snakevid made everything better through bullshit magic that made no sense


Lousy: Chao and I are reading a creepypasta
Lousy: And finding so many lines that just fall apart and make it ludicrous
Lousy: Here's the pasta. Plot summary, player gets greedy, digs too much, falls into tunnel, gets eaten by zamba
Lousy: Simple concept, how can it go wrong? Firstly:
Lousy: "I tried to use the Explorer Kit again, but this time it said 'There is no surface to go back to!'"
Lousy: Great goddamn job kid, apparently your vigorous digging collapsed the entire Sinnoh region
RubyChao: she dug WAY too deep
Jumpropeman: eh, we could do without sinnoh

Lousy: Before this, player finds their whole team tied up and dead because of course they are, its a cliche Pokepasta
Lousy: But the line just makes it go from cliche into total nonsense
Lousy: Because apparently beforehand this zombie thing was mobile enough to: sneak up on her, steal her whole team, tie them up, eat them, fight her, pickpocket her, take back his bones, surgically reinsert them into his body
Lousy: "Now I can move again" my ass, this guy's apparently a friggin gymnast
Lousy: Either that or very, very, VERY patient
RubyChao: however, after regaining the bones, he is now mobile enough to: eat her
RubyChao: apparently they were his jawbones or something because otherwise...
Lousy: But then how did eat the others
RubyChao: with his feet
Lousy: Of course, he has roots. All this time it was the goddamn trees
Slowwind Compevil: I swear I am going to write a creepypasta
Slowwind Compevil: Because I am so tired of these bad ones


Jumpropeman: bloop is a word
Jumpropeman: but what does it mean D:
Jumpropeman: if only gooper blooper was here
Former-Vengeance: -waits-
Jumpropeman: apparently, bloop is the verb form of blooper
Jumpropeman: so to bloop is to make a blooper
Jumpropeman: You really blooped up this time

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad our important romance novel discussion made it into Chatzy Madness. A+ material right there.
