Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Gloria's Bestiary

At long last, here is a reference page to catalog everything the summoner Gloria Encarta can create with her summon magic.


Being a Mysidian summoner has similarities to necromancy, but there are significant differences. For instance, the summoner can't just summon any old dead body. In fact, they aren't summoning dead bodies at all. Rather, a summoner requires a brief but potent connection to the soul of a given target. When that target dies, the killer experiences a brief blowback of soul energy. In most cases, this means nothing. However, a summoner can imprint on these soul blowbacks and call upon an illusory facsimile of the deceased that can fight alongside them.


-All of the mana used in summoning is used at the start, when the creature or person is summoned. There is no mana burn for keeping a summon active and they can be around for as long as the summoner wishes, provided they do not take a lethal blow.
-Summons can be removed in two different ways - incurring damage that would be lethal to the summon if it were a true living thing, and being "recalled" back through a summon portal by their "owner". A "killed" summon goes poof in a cloud of magic smoke.
-A summoner may call upon as many simultaneous summons as they desire. However, proper control of summons requires concentration, which is split more and more ways as more summons are called in. Summons are generally loyal, but some may become unruly, listliss, or confused when the summoner is not around to guide them. The smarter the creature was in life, the better they are as a summon at handling themselves alone.
-The summon is connected to the summoner. The summoner does not feel pain when the summon is attacked, nor vice-versa, but if a summon kills something, the summon absorbs the soul energy blowback and passes it on to its owner, allowing the owner to summon anything their existing stable kills.
-Should a summon kill another summon, the losing summon is stolen from the losing summoner's "inventory" and added to the winning summoner's selection. When summoners duel, they play for keeps.
-Gloria accidentally caused her own death in Season 3's Fite Week Rumble. However, she is not capable of summoning herself as there is no soul blowback from such a feat - there's nothing for the soul to interact with.
-A summoner can kill a summoner and then in turn summon them (Gloria summoning Garland), but the summon is not capable of doing any summoning of their own.



Despite Gloria not yet becoming a summoner before the second season of RP, she still had the after-effects of previous soul blowbacks lingering on her. All of these summons were collected during the adventures she had with her sisters in Mysidia.

Size: Three foot legspan
Power level/magic required: Very Low
Abilities: Fast, can spin webs, poisonous venom
Acquired: In a forest near Cornelia, Gloria's hometown. This was the first monster she ever defeated by herself.

Size: Six feet tall
Power level/magic required: Low
Abilities: Low-level ice magic, can float a foot off the ground, icicle spears for arms
Acquired: One cold winter's night, a group of Icicles invaded Cornelia and antagonized the townspeople. Helios and Celestia were part of the effort to drive them away, but Gloria got involved by "borrowing" her father's wooden hammer and using it to smash apart an Icicle that had gotten too close to her younger sisters.

Size: Two feet wide
Power level/magic required: Low
Abilities: Can breathe fire, can self-destruct
Acquired: Early on in the Sarahkin's "Four White Mages" adventure, they ran across this Bomb. While it proved a formidable foe for a time with its' fire breath, Gloria eventually hit upon the successful strategy of picking up a large branch with the help of her sisters and ramming it into the Bomb's open mouth, causing a self-destruct at a fairly safe distance.

Size: Four feet tall
Power level/magic required: Low
Abilities: Resistant to physical damage, vulnerable to magic/fire/water/ice/thunder, gooey
Acquired: A simple random encounter early on in the adventure of the four white mages.

Death Eye
Size: Six feet tall
Power level/magic required: Medium
Abilities: Darkness magic, poisonous gas breath, paralyzing stare attack
Acquired: Deep within the Cavern of Ice, the Death Eye guarded the precious Levistone, needed to power an airship buried in the desert. The four sisters pooled their efforts and destroyed this monster after a long, difficult struggle.

Size: Fifteen feet tall
Power level/magic required: High
Abilities: The T-Rex from Jurassic Park on a smaller scale
Acquired: On the outskirts of the desert, before acquiring the airship, Gloria and her sisters ran into this wild dinosaur. They were able to defeat it eventually through cunning plans devised by Gloria and a multitude of white magic.

Blue Dragon
Size: Twenty feet tall
Power level/magic required: Very High
Abilities: Ice breath, flight, teeth and claws
Acquired: An old keep said to be guarding a great treasure actually contained this dragon and a fairly modest-by-comparison gold hoard. In retrospect, however, the "great treasure" was in fact the dragon itself - it is one of Gloria's strongest and most useful summons.


Plaque Monster
Size: Four and a half feet tall
Power level/magic required: Very Low
Abilities: Spiked mace, causes tooth decay with Plaque Attack hose, sings about poor dental hygiene
Acquired: During the course of Dr. Rabbit's Bright Smiles Manhattan Tour, Gloria was roped into doing battle in a giant mouth (or perhaps she was shrunken down and placed in a normal-size mouth) against a horde of "Plaque Monsters" that were attacking the teeth. Rather than shield the teeth from destruction, the assembled group went after the Plaque Monsters instead in a one-sided slaughter not seen in the world of Zoofights since tapogres were still common.

Earthrock Trilobyte
Size: Eight feet tall
Power level/magic required: Medium
Abilities: Can create walls of crystal to shove and crush
Acquired: For a period of time in 2012, Zephyrus was tormented by seemingly endless waves of Reploids - Robot Master-like machines from another time and place. In her breakout performance as a badass and "tractor goddess", Gloria took out one of the reploids - this one - with a series of powerful moves.

Size: Six feet tall
Power level/magic required: Medium
Abilities: Armored knight with sword, can cast lightning magic
Acquired: A man gone mad with hatred and consumed by lust for power, Garland devoted his life to destroying the Sarahkin, but ultimately only succeeded in being so evil that his defeat inspired the gods to bless the family with miracles, one of which was the revival of the only one of them that actually died. For extra irony points, Garland's initial defeat was at the hands of his former summon, the Phantom Train.

Phantom Train
Power level/magic required: Very High
Abilities: Creates shimmering phantom tracks that allow it to travel anywhere, can teleport, can create small clouds that drizzle acid rain, is a train
Acquired: This summon was originally Garland's. Gloria defeated it with the help of Zephyrus, thereby taking it from Garland's collection and adding it to her own.


Size: Small
Power level/magic required: Very Low
Abilities: Flight, biting, strength in numbers
Acquired: Gloria learned how to summon bats when she wiped out a significant portion of a huge group of them attacking the kobbers as they traveled through an underground cavern on their way to save Josephine from an arranged marriage.

Size: A normal young human woman
Power level/magic required: Medium-low
Abilities: Technopath, mechanic, equipped with Pomson 6000 laser gun
Acquired: Carol was defeated by Gloria during the Season 3 Fite Week Rumble. While Gloria has avoided summoning her so far, should she ever need to fixy fix a thing and her mother isn't around, she has an option!

Size: 7"8" in length
Power level/magic required: Medium
Abilities: Amphibious, powerful jaws
Acquired: This creature, similar in appearance and behavior to what scientists theorize ancient amphibians such as Eryops were like, was encountered and killed in the same cave Gloria fought the bats.

Size: 5'4"
Power level/magic required: Medium
Abilities: Five Fingers of Death, facepunch, Bubble Lead, head nozzle, trident harpoon
Acquired: Gloria learned how to summon her pal Oceanus during Fite Week.

Platinum Blonde
Size: 6'3", six hundred pounds
Power level/magic required: High
Abilities: Superhuman strength and durability. Gloria's summon is very strong, but offers only a fraction of the real PB's power.
Acquired: Platinum Blonde was defeated by Gloria during the Season 3 Fite Week Rumble.


Size: Three feet tall
Power level/magic required: Low
Abilities: Ghostliness, minor dark magic
Acquired: Stolen from the Great Lich with a Diaga.

Space Pirate
Size: Six feet tall
Power level/magic required: Low
Abilities: Wall climbing, laser beams from claws
Acquired: Killed by the Golden Torizo when Gloria summoned it immediately after killing it during the raid on Neo Tourian. Fifteen space pirates were killed, meaning Gloria is capable of summoning fifteen space pirates simultaneously, similar to her flock of bats.

Kaptain Skurvy
Size: Bigger than the average human
Power level/magic required: Medium
Abilities: Skill with pirate-type weapons, great singer
Acquired: Skurvy's ghost was KOed by Gloria during the fourth Big Bar Brawl.

Great Lich
Size: Seven feet tall
Power level/magic required: Medium
Abilities: Dark magic, fire magic
Acquired: This lich was destroyed during the visit to the remains of Yurikstown.

Size: Twenty-five feet long
Power level/magic required: Medium-high
Abilities: Can launch T. Rex skulls like cannonballs, capable of moving on land or in water due to skeletal limbs
Acquired: This summon was collected after being destroyed by Icicle during an attack on the Mechanimal Brody Beaver.

Golden Torizo
Size: About thirteen feet high
Power level/magic required: Medium-high
Abilities: Fireballs, energy beams, high strength and armor
Acquired: Gloria KOed the Torizo herself with her Fan-O-War during the attack on Neo Tourian.

Peach Tree
Size: Kaiju size
Power level/magic required: Very High
Abilities: Sheer size, various combat plant standbys like stabbing branches and absorbing roots
Acquired: The Death Eye contributed to the death of the Peach Tree when it attacked during the fourth Big Bar Brawl.

Size: Human size/kaiju size
Power level/magic required: High for normal form, Very High for final form
Abilities: Mental manipulation, mind games and trickery, flight, telekinesis, acid spit, crab claws, fabulousness
Acquired: Another prize from the fourth Big Bar Brawl. Plaque Monster scored the decisive blow. Note that Gloria is capable of summoning Him's normal form OR his final form, but the summon cannot change form once created.

Size: Human size
Power level/magic required: Extremely High
Abilities: Flight, extreme strength, can clone self, can pull on people's minds and memories for attacks, likes fairies
Acquired: The kobbers faced down the most powerful haruspex ever created. Although they seemed unable to hurt her directly, a constant barrage of attacks overwhelmed her body's regeneration and made her explode as she could no longer contain her own strength. Gloria landed the final blow with a trident to the chest. Her trident was destroyed in the effort, but she received her most obscenely powerful summon yet in the process. Gloria's version of Hadeon is significantly weaker than the genuine article, but still a force.

Size: Around ten feet tall
Power level/magic required: Medium-high
Abilities: Fire breath, extraordinary jumping power, spiked shell, teleportation
Acquired: A copy of a copy, Bowser was painted by Mikey and given to Gloria to add to her collection. Bowser is talkative, rowdy, and hard to control - unlike almost all of Gloria's summons, he won't always follow orders and will do whatever he thinks is the right course of action. Hates plumbers.

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