Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 163: Conrad 'Huge Dork' Svilzerian

Gooper Blooper: >​ticker
Gooper Blooper: >​can't go back in review mode
Gooper Blooper: >​no pms
Gooper Blooper: it's been a while
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Tableter: Rip in peace


RubyChao: every time i try to listen to the actual postman pat theme it sounds wrong
RubyChao: it's supposed to be descending not ascending dammit
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: #ruined


Bree: pogey question time: should I get Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire
Tableter: Alpha Sapphire
RubyChao: Omega Ruby
Tableter: Cos kyogre is a cool whale
RubyChao: because Groudon is rad


Former Vengeance: I was lured into trying a pokemon game once. My friend claimed it had tactics and medieval conquest and all. I thought to myself, 'At last! At last, I can murder ala Fire Emblem, with a Gyrados instead of Roy!' I was sorely disappointed. :V
SteelKomodo: oh, that was Pokemon Conquest!
SteelKomodo: funfact: that one was technically a crossover
SteelKomodo: between the pogeys and a little-known japanese TRPG called Nobunaga's Ambition
SteelKomodo: it's called Pokemon X Nobunaga's Ambition in japan, but they changed it because... well, yeah
Former Vengeance: See, that just makes me sadder. With a name like Nobunaga's Ambition, I expect to light at least one civilian and field on fire.
Former Vengeance: D;
SteelKomodo: lel
SteelKomodo: I don't think there was a Nobunaga game on DS before that one, which may say something...
Bree: such as?
SteelKomodo: that the series might have had whatever FV's looking for
SteelKomodo: because as far as I know, Pokemon Conquest doesn't let you torch fields
SteelKomodo: this might help ya, FV
Former Vengeance: Officer: M'am, put down the Honedge! I know he broke your bike! Just calm down!
Lady: D:<
Officer: She has a Voltorb! Get down! D:
Former Vengeance: Broken house falls in three burning pieces next to streetside epicenter.
Former Vengeance: Team Rocket -was- blasting off again. :v We remembered to deploy the safety nets over the city this time. They ain't gettin' away nowheres.
Bree: lel
Former Vengeance: I am a madman, with a madman's dream! One day, troop commanders will ride Onyx and Charizard into battle, as our fighting types swell through the field, and Durant-... keeps doing what Goops tells it to, actually.
Former Vengeance: :V
Former Vengeance: But on console, not on paper. Er, chat.
Former Vengeance: E|
Former Vengeance: One day.
Former Vengeance: And they will take spears through the face without blinking, like the old Fire Emblems, and it will be glorious.
Bree: chanseys wearing army helmets and throwing eggs painted like grenades
Bree: dittos are now international superspies
Former Vengeance: C: Yesss. Except also running through trenches consoling pogeys and troops in the line of (occasionally literal) fire.
RubyChao: "hi is spy"
Bree: hi is bond
Bree: james bond
Former Vengeance: XD
SteelKomodo: "sodlier"


RubyChao: "But what spurred her into becoming a mastodon? It's not like you wake up one day and decide, "I want to become strong enough to snap the necks of demons!", right?"
RubyChao: says you
Buffcubus: what do you mean, "says you", ruby


Jumpropeman: I keep seeing Regigigas pictures on the internet
Gooper Blooper: #ruined
Jumpropeman: this was one of them

Buffcubus: AHAHAHHA
Buffcubus: AHAH
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: why, why, WHY did you not bring this to me before Halloween
Gooper Blooper: that is the perfect costume
Gooper Blooper: well there's always next year!


RubyChao: i'm slightly changing my bbb5 plans
RubyChao: tenshi will now be entered... in the lotto
Gooper Blooper spits bile and vitriol in chao's general direction
Buffcubus: YOU MONSTER
RubyChao: instead of holding my characters over the meat grinder
Jumpropeman: *tenshi doesn't get in, CKR's entry of a slipper with googly eyes gets in instead*
RubyChao: now i hold tenshi's brawl chance over it instead
Gooper Blooper: we can't rely on JRM being unable to restrain himself
RubyChao: nah the lotto entry might be yuugi or something
Jumpropeman: *keeps including lotto entrants until the tractor hits Tenshi*
RubyChao: i would not put that past you, jrm
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi is the second-to-last lotto entrant picked
Gooper Blooper: Rainbow Dash demands to know why everyone except Spider-Pig is in
RubyChao: "it was a reverse lotto"
RubyChao: "i rolled for who wouldn't get in"


Buffcubus: caveat: if goops draws any of these chars i will end up using them
Buffcubus: somehow
Buffcubus: goops ruins everything
Gooper Blooper: I only ruin what the rest of you have not already ruined
Buffcubus: what did I even ruin
Gooper Blooper: Final Fantasy Tactics
Gooper Blooper: Kirby
Buffcubus: w-well
Gooper Blooper: Blastoise
RubyChao: did i even ruin anything besides moon clefts
Jumpropeman: touhou
Buffcubus: ustuho and tenshi
Gooper Blooper: touhou
RubyChao: what about metroid
Jumpropeman: botwoon


Cornwind Evil: Smokey The Bear strikes again
Tableter: Oh god damnit
Tableter: That goddamn bear


RubyChao: ridley finds his way back from having his soul exploded in time for the next metroid game by the power of Being Ridley
Vrrrop: Ridley exploits the Razaan Perk to Keep Doing Shit after losing his soul. :/ Ain't no biggy. Just a dragon thing. It's business. More than that, IT'S A LIVIN'
Gooper Blooper: Ridley tears open a hole in reality and reappears along with every other soul-exploded character, including the Four Fiends, Chaos, the entirety of The Deck, and The End
Gooper Blooper: Reimu one-shots them all while screaming "GO AWAYYYYYY"


Gooper Blooper: the new bionicle is not what we expected
Tableter: i have
Tableter: No words
Tableter: Like
Tableter: Wow
Gooper Blooper: COLLECT THEM ALL! DIY!
Tableter: Thats so dumb, how do you go from "gear" to "bionicle" without some serious memtal gymnastics
Gooper Blooper: How do any of these exist at all, you mean
Tableter: Like that's not even a bionicle, its a knockoff GoW figure, what the christ
Tableter: Aaaaaaa
Tableter: Goodnight damn it
Tableter makes the power down noise with my mouth
Tableter: Byoooooooooo


Jumpropeman: "Who knows, because I discarded practically everything interesting about Shroud. Poor bastard."
Gooper Blooper: rip shroud doing things
Gooper Blooper: never - never
Jumpropeman: he shall forever be Shrouded in mystery
RubyChao comes back
RubyChao sees JRM's pun
RubyChao leaves again


Jumpropeman: Blackjack is gonna be perfect next year with our d21s
Gooper Blooper: so much tractor gambling
Jumpropeman: for the slot machines, to roll a jackpot, we'd have to use approximately a d10648, and I might be lowballing
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 10648 sides. The die showed: 4665
Jumpropeman: darn, there goes a nickel
Gooper Blooper: I think rolling a 100 or 1000 would be sufficent
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 8
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 1000 sides. The die showed: 594

Jumpropeman: three nickels wasted D:
Jumpropeman: I like to pretend Vegas still uses nickels on their machines like it was the 1920s
Gooper Blooper: I don't see why not
Gooper Blooper: 100-side machine takes nickels, 1000-side machine takes quarters, payouts are different
Jumpropeman: and the penny machines pay out candy
Gooper Blooper: 1 million-side tractor for the MEGASLOT, which costs a dollar and awards David's fortune upon a winning spin
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 1000000 sides. The die showed: 94094
Gooper Blooper: darn
Jumpropeman: im gonna do the penny machine
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 2 sides. The die showed: 1
Jumpropeman: darn D:
Gooper Blooper: I don't think this bodes well
RubyChao rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 97
Jumpropeman: i just hope I have this tractor "luck" come brawl time
RubyChao: like i said jrm
RubyChao: i'm sure no one will be so mean as to vote for mac tonight
Gooper Blooper: Last Place: Mac Tonight
RubyChao: ...heck, voting for mac would be even cruel to mac!
Gooper Blooper: Second to Last Place: JRM's Other Entry
Jumpropeman: watch, my sisters will
Gooper Blooper: Mystery Fiter: somewhere in the upper half because they do better every year
Jumpropeman: I bet three spins of the penny machine
RubyChao: *jrm uses admin powers to change their votes to Not Mac Tonight*
Gooper Blooper: Literally no one wants to see Mac win again
Gooper Blooper: It was fitting the first time but god no not again
Gooper Blooper: We've been lucky to avoid repeat winners so far
RubyChao: nobody wants mac to win again
RubyChao: mac tonight does not want mac to win again
RubyChao: i can't wait for mac to throw himself in in the most self-destructive entry.
RubyChao: "Please don't vote for me. I want to be free."
Jumpropeman: *Sister Alice stuffs the ballot in favor of Mac*
Gooper Blooper: Mac Tonight's weapon
Jumpropeman: did I ever mention that Mac Tonight almost brought the Grimace as his assistant last year
Jumpropeman: not current Grimace either
Jumpropeman: creepy four armed grimace of the past
Jumpropeman: he wouldn't talk at all, just breathe heavily and look at people


Bree: still mad that Florges isn't Grass/Fairy :I
Bree: >​haven't even played the game
Bree: >​still mad
Bree: >​still madGooper Blooper: Game Freak fucks up sometimes
Buffcubus: grass fairy. ITS A FUCKING GRASS FAIRY
Bree: y'mean like how they didn't make Chansey a Fairy type? :U
Gooper Blooper: they aren't geniuses, they just found The World's Most Addictive RPG and ran with it
Bree: lel
Bree: but seriously, Chansey being Fairy would've been so perfect for Momoko :<
Bree: Fairy is one of her two favorite types that I decided on
Gooper Blooper: well it's an honorary fairy
Bree: lel
Gooper Blooper: like Audino was before it got promoted to Actually Fairy with its' mega stone
Gooper Blooper: actually is dolan fairy


Jumpropeman: well, I'm not saying anything, so maybe I should leave
Jumpropeman: or, I could just sit here silently
Jumpropeman: THE CHOICES


Gooper Blooper: Today I made a joke team for pogeys consisting of the regi bros and Beheeyem and took it online to do Rotation Battles
Gooper Blooper: It proceeded to win half a dozen fights before losing
Tableter: Nice
RubyChao: amazing
Gooper Blooper: Beheeyem is the lynchpin, he uses Trick Room and then magic happens
Gooper Blooper: Regirock swept entire teams by himself
Tableter: Trick room owns
Gooper Blooper: Two people forfeited
Gooper Blooper: One guy stayed in even though he was clearly there by mistake (his team was a bunch of unevolved level 20s, he wasn't done the main game)
SteelKomodo: ouch
Gooper Blooper: yeah I felt really bad for him
Gooper Blooper: I winced as I murdered his level 22 quagsire
SteelKomodo: D:
Buffcubus: ow


Mmrgugghr: Once upon a time in the early two thousands, there was a group of scientists that wanted to bait a squid through a traditional maze puzzle- in this case, a simple metal grille without a ceiling- to see if it could find its way through to the dinner, and how long it would take, what choices it would make, etc.
Mmrgugghr: It surprised them by simply climbing over the walls, however, rather than moving through the maze. It was done in all of fourteen seconds.
SteelKomodo: squids pls
Mmrgugghr: The second time, they instead made sure to make a glass enclosure with a roof, and tried to get it to go through again.
SteelKomodo: but yeah, the flaw in that plan is that they didn't put a roof on the flipping maze- ah
Mmrgugghr: It simply flexed and smashed the glass, then went and grabbed the fish again.
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: SQUIDS PLS


Buffcubus: almost typed in "Lily" for "Tina"
Buffcubus: welp
SteelKomodo: XD
Buffcubus: your characters are invading my stories, Goopy
Gooper Blooper: back just in time to see more #ruined
RubyChao: yo
Gooper Blooper: reminds me of when Chao talked about how he wanted to learn more about the archer class in FFT, so he typed "Ariel" into google
Buffcubus: ahahaha
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao: that was the biggest #ruined i ever experienced
Gooper Blooper: It's my favorite kind of ruined
Gooper Blooper: ruining a generic class


Harpy: magical girls are my weak point, kill me
Gooper Blooper: ~MAGE GIRLS~
Harpy: you got that ground covered
Harpy: with like FUCKING 7 OF THEM
Gooper Blooper: four white mage magical girls, one older black mage magical lady, two magical succubi, one wannabe pogeytraining dark arts enthusiast
Harpy: okay 8, I didn't really count Viola
Gooper Blooper: and then there's this one wrasslegirl
Gooper Blooper: who don't need no stinking magic
Harpy: Silence is the best
Harpy: all of your girls are the best
Harpy: i'm turning into melody
Gooper Blooper: Next year:
Gooper Blooper: SILENCEPLOT
Harpy: oh fuck yes
RubyChao: did somebody say take someone else's char concepts
RubyChao sneaks up and swipes the char concepts from Harpy
Harpy: here take muscly team aqua member
RubyChao realizes he can't do very much with them
RubyChao gives them back

Harpy: i didn't develop him ye- well shit
Gooper Blooper: Team Aqua Guy, Checkmate, and Eggerman form a stable
Harpy: *cries*


RubyChao: patchy can't even run without getting winded
RubyChao: she just kinda floats
Gooper Blooper: why run when you can float
RubyChao: so that you don't turn into the laziest bookworm and spend all your time ordering fast food rather than walking down the short walk to the kitchen
Gooper Blooper: *Gloria starts floating everywhere with the Float spell*
Mmrgugghr: So... Patchy is the next candidate for Gluttony, when Xavier is purified. And then Gloria.
RubyChao: gluttony OR sloth!
Mmrgugghr: My god.
The Librarians must be Exercised.
It will be as difficult as Exorcising them.
Gooper Blooper: slotheny
Mmrgugghr: XD
RubyChao: are you sure it wouldn't be more difficult
Mmrgugghr: No. ;3
Gooper Blooper: to exorcise them you just have to get them to sit there while someone else does the ritual
Gooper Blooper: they're already sitting and everything
Mmrgugghr: Blails must be a master librarian, in secret. He already has an encyclopedic knowledge of original characters and a love of sitting.


Jumpropeman: i also realized today that Pumpkaboo is properly ruined
Jumpropeman: I was somewhat disappointed in the design they went with the inevitable Ghost/Grass pumpkinmon
Jumpropeman: now, not so much
Gooper Blooper: I am glad I ruined pumpkydoo
Gooper Blooper: my work is done


Gooper Blooper: This is such a bizarre idea
Gooper Blooper: "Own both games for the low price of exactly what they cost separately!"
Jumpropeman: but
Jumpropeman: the potions
Gooper Blooper: The 200 free potions is just hilarious
Gooper Blooper: That's like what some weird third party reseller would offer
Gooper Blooper: but it's an official Nintendo product
Jumpropeman: you know what I can't wait for
Jumpropeman: the people who take the 200 potion code and sell it on ebay


Gooper Blooper: *begins making post*
Jumpropeman: ITS NOT OVER
RubyChao: AGAIN
Gooper Blooper: MR BONES
Mannequins: YES
Mannequins: ... -is sadly disappointed when this turns out to be a jest-
Mannequins: D;
Mannequins: Aw, well.
RubyChao: alas i don't think this is so much a continuation of RP
RubyChao: as it is a short but important Character Moment
Jumpropeman: and then we can wrap it up with a nice bow and close the topics forever and then the boards and then delete the forums and then our blogs and then delete all pictures and evidence of RP and repress the memories
RubyChao: jrm pls
RubyChao: we need sheep to post first
RubyChao: THEN we can retroactively wipe RP from existence


PUPPETS: Also just gonna say it now
PUPPETS: Osh ain't kidding, if there's a BBB10 he's so on it
Jumpropeman: bad news, I'm gonna skip from BB9 to BBB11 due to my fear of zeroes
PUPPETS: No, not nega-gaben!


Bree: well if you've ever seen this Ron White bit... maybe you haven't, I'll sum it up
Bree: he describes how he got arrested once for being drunk in public and the cop asks if he has any aliases and he replies, jokingly, "They call me... Tater Salad."
Bree: and then a year later he gets arrested a second time, and he's handcuffed on a bench and the cop says, in total seriousness, "Are you Ron... 'Tater Salad'... White?"
Bree: and I'm imagining this happening to Conrad where he meets someone in the Hub and they're all "Are you Conrad 'Huge Dork' Svilzerian?"
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Tableter: Hahahahaha
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
Tableter: Yes
Tableter: Thats incredible


Gooper Blooper: japan at work
Gooper Blooper: because when I think dancing to anime songs, I think Boldore
Suppositions: ~Too Late~


RubyChao: would anyone like to hear my new short story
SteelKomodo: me! :D
RubyChao: The Metamorphosis, featuring Utsuho Reiuji
RubyChao: "One morning, Utsuho Reiuji woke to found that overnight she had transformed in her bed into a bird."
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: "She decided to change back later, and went back to sleep."
RubyChao: THE END
SteelKomodo: XD


Bree: now I'm imagining Viola going to work and leaving the pogeys at home
Bree: and for like the first month Cleffa cries and cries until Viola gets home
Bree: Cofagrigus and Froslass make valiant efforts to console it
Bree: Gourgeist tries to pretend it's Viola
Bree: Durant and Lampent hide from the noise
Bree: then Viola comes home and cannot separate Cleffa from her person for the entire rest of the day
Gooper Blooper: "Why is that thing on your shoulder" "It's Bring Your Cleffa To Work Day." "You told me that yesterday." "Every day is Cleffa day."


Bree: review mode to see me talking about Tenshi's sexy boots
Bree: not that any part of her outfit is even the slightest bit practical
Bree: or at all fitting with her personality
Bree: but those boots just baffle me
Bree: maybe the sexy boots are to make up for her lack of sexy boobs
Bree: see what I did there
Bree: I'm an idiot
Bree: we go to the kobber anime store Del is planning
Bree: Tenshi spends the whole time complaining about all the artistic renderings of her that give her absurdly large breasts
Gooper Blooper: bigger than her head
Bree: "ARE MY BREASTS NOT BIG ENOUGH FOR THEM?" "well yeah, you don't have any" "SHUT UP YUUGI"
Gooper Blooper: She's ranting and raving, turns around, sees Viola holding an armload of Tenshi merch
Gooper Blooper: awkward pause
Gooper Blooper: "I was inspecting it"
RubyChao: viola isn't tenshi's natural form good enough D:
Harpy: you can't sleep on a tenshi
Bree: as long as that armload of merch doesn't include a tenshi body pillow
Harpy: she's as hard as a rock
Gooper Blooper: sure but there's no merch of that form
RubyChao: you can if you're viola!!
Bree: is that an invitation :U
Harpy: peeeerhaps
RubyChao: not if you asked tenshi
Gooper Blooper: "THERE SEE"
RubyChao: it turns out viola isn't so much sleeping as fainted
Gooper Blooper: viola whited out
Harpy: viola dies of nosebleed
Gooper Blooper: viola lost half her money


(GB is knocked offline for about five minutes due to computer issues)

Harpy: at least they weren't curbstomped by an alie- WE LOST GOOPY
Bree: nooooooooooooooooooooooo​oooooooooooooooooooooo
RubyChao: dead goops :<
Bree falls to knees, turns face towards sky, rain pouring
Bree: nooooooooooooooooooooooo​oooooooooooooooooooooooo​ooooooooooooooooo


RubyChao: "His loud moth tends to get him in trouble" NEW ALLIANCE: BLADE AND SKIRPKA
Gooper Blooper: how did I do that
Gooper Blooper: edited, RIP loud moth
RubyChao: no but now i'm picturing blade trying to sneak around on some sort of top secret thing
RubyChao: and then skripka suddenly blows their cover with smooth jazz
RubyChao: "this is the fifth time"
Gooper Blooper: "WHY DID I EVEN BRING YOU"


Gooper Blooper: Thankfully I became less protective of the sugar mages after season 2
Gooper Blooper: now I'm even entering them in the brawl
SteelKomodo: woot
RubyChao: well yeah
RubyChao: look at season 3 ariel
Gooper Blooper: *watches as ariel and gloria dance into the meat grinder* HAVE FUN KIDS
RubyChao: you let her get murdered like three times over!


Gooper Blooper: *finds old article about the 3DS from 2012*
Gooper Blooper: "Despite ample precedent, Nintendo is unlikely to release a revised iteration of the 3DS, according to comments from Shigeru Miyamoto made to IGN."
Gooper Blooper: toppest lel


(Del talks about his Season 5 idea of a shop selling kobber merchandise that parodies Japanese anime merchandise)

Harpy: I am fine with just about anything because if you don't do it, some weirdo on the internet who stalks us and cares way too much about zfrp will
Gooper Blooper: Alex X Pit fanfic, chapter 1 of 87
SteelKomodo: ...does someone like that exist? D:
Cornwind Evil: ....maybe?
Harpy: i sure hope not but considering that some people prolly found the dirtiest things to say about kirby games and weird implications, nothing is safe
Tableter: We are a community of like ten people
Tableter: If we have a fanbase then something has gone wrong somewhere
Gooper Blooper: we are our own fanbase
Gooper Blooper: *watches people squeal over each others characters*
Tableter: Oh god it's like the cube
SteelKomodo: oh lawd del you're right
Harpy: in an alternate universe there is a lot of people shipping sarah with ariel
Gooper Blooper: Sariel best pairing 5ever
Tableter: Im basically not gonna touch Goops' characters
RubyChao: silence action figures
RubyChao: with real wrestling action
Gooper Blooper: Whyever not, del
Gooper Blooper: do you not see anyone you could use????
Tableter: well shit my dick
Tableter: how did i forget crack pairing
Tableter: and succubi in general
Gooper Blooper: hypnotized etc
Harpy: >​shit my dick
Gooper Blooper: I would totally buy a Silence action figure
Harpy: i never imagined anyone in this chat would even say that
Tableter: somedays harpy
Tableter: you gotta shit your dick
Harpy: what if i never had a dick
Tableter: it's gender neutral
Harpy: well shit


SteelKomodo: apparently the spirits in Valhalla are fed on the meat of a boar that never fucking dies
SteelKomodo: and it always comes back to life so there's enough meat for everyone
SteelKomodo: that boar is not paid enough


Cry havoc: Death doesn't even really try for Established Kobbers. They're just lying there sleeping, secretly, for a good half hour before he shows up in pajamas and makes a halfhearted effort. Don't pay any attention to how fatal the wound or decapitation looks. : v It's not that bad.
Cry havoc: Look! There he is over there now with a coffee cup, waiting to see if Falling Sarahkin will happen. He has an umbrella and everything.
RubyChao: i'm imagining a bunch of different reapers sitting around a table
RubyChao: they all look over when, i dunno, ariel dies again
RubyChao: then they return to their conversation, not even bothering to try collecting her
Gooper Blooper: hyper-realistic tiny archer corpse
Harpy: D:
RubyChao: little horn returns
RubyChao: but made of ariels


RubyChao: so guys, i hope you're all ready for the twist where my five cloaked characters decloak themselves
RubyChao: and turn out to be
RubyChao: five shrouds
Harpy: goops is so proud
Gooper Blooper: five times the nothing
RubyChao: remove shroud's cloak
RubyChao: another one's underneath
RubyChao: and another one under that
RubyChao: and you keep taking cloaks off
RubyChao: and eventually there's nothing at all under the last one
Gooper Blooper: you keep taking off more and more cloaks and underneath all of them is a dead rat
RubyChao: oh my god goops
RubyChao: you read that too?
Gooper Blooper: many many years ago


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: what would be the biggest way to establish myself as a heel for BBB5
Harpy: kill sarah
RubyChao: deny tenshi entry, give my top vote to mac tonight, or effort everyone except sarah
Gooper Blooper: all of the above
RubyChao: okay, i'll deny mac entry, give my top vote to sarah, and effort everyone except tenshi
RubyChao: wait i think i messed up
Gooper Blooper: you did
Gooper Blooper: you need to give effort to tenshi
RubyChao: tenshi attempts to effort
RubyChao: it's constantly interrupted by my other entrants


RubyChao: "It happens for every game we play when we get a game over, only with the playable character instead of Rayman and the error's message is replace with '[playable character's name] has died. There's no game left to play.' Sonic, Portal, you name it, it's there."
RubyChao: the ultimate challenge run
RubyChao: EVER
Harpy: shame


RubyChao: oh god i just thought of something
RubyChao: imagine if tenshi successfully enters bbb5
RubyChao: and then
RubyChao: places last
Gooper Blooper: pls no
Gooper Blooper: 50th Place: Tenshi (Bella Swan)
RubyChao: viola has to spend the next week helping to pull tenshi out of the depths of despair
Gooper Blooper: tenshi's blood alcohol level is 50-50 blood and alcohol
Harpy: what
RubyChao: Tenshi enters BBB6
RubyChao: features an artificial liver after she destroyed her natural one
RubyChao: hi harpy we're talking about what if tenshi places last next year
Gooper Blooper: 60th Place: Tenshi (Leather-Bound Stick With A Handle)
RubyChao: not gonna lie i'm hoping tenshi doesn't job too badly next year
RubyChao: i don't want to spend another three months of Bad Things Happen To Tenshi
Harpy: what do you mean, 60th place
Harpy: she'd end up in 0th place, high beyond 1st
Harpy: infinity placed
Harpy: -1st
RubyChao: at the start of the battle, tenshi rockets into the sky on a keystone
RubyChao: is completely forgotten about
RubyChao: at the end, whoever thinks they won is suddenly crushed by a meteor
Harpy: damn xavier I didn't know you were doing a meteor shower
Harpy: in all srsness, if only that could happen
Gooper Blooper: 2nd Place: Tenshi (Stag Beetle)
Harpy: goops I will fuckin
Harpy: no


Gooper Blooper: In other regi news I cleared the 20 battle challenge for Rotation Battles at the Battle Maison today with my regi trio plus beheeyem team
RubyChao: nice
Gooper Blooper: The battle was nuts
Harpy: sweet
Gooper Blooper: Regirock got one kill early (a Sawsbuck), then was taken out by a Klefki
Gooper Blooper: A Swalot rotated in and starting buffing its' defenses with Stockpile, so I rolled with it and had Registeel set up with Iron Defense and Amnesia
Gooper Blooper: Regice tagged in to kill a Mantine
Gooper Blooper: Back to Registeel to finish off the Klefki
Gooper Blooper: I then engaged in a fifty-turn stall war with The Swalot That Would Not Die
RubyChao: did it keep using swallow
Gooper Blooper: Regice and Beheeyem both got hit with Toxic and killed
Gooper Blooper: Swalot's moveset was Stockpile, Toxic, Protect, and Earthquake
RubyChao: ow
Gooper Blooper: So it came down to just Registeel and Swalot
Gooper Blooper: It had used three Stockpiles (the max) and Registeel is immune to Poison
Gooper Blooper: After three Iron Defenses, Earthquake dealt a devastating ten damage, which was healed completely by leftovers
Gooper Blooper: Swalot eventually struggled itself to death
Harpy: jesus shit
Harpy: intense
Gooper Blooper: I was super careful and avoided using my registeel's thunderbolt
Gooper Blooper: I knew if he got paralyzed, that was one more turn I use PP and he doesn't
RubyChao: niceeeee
Gooper Blooper: I ran out of PP for everything except Thunderbolt on the turn Swalot died
Gooper Blooper: note to self, apply PP Ups - that was too close


Jumpropeman: Hi is Registeel
Harpy: i'm laughing at registeel's "whurp whurp whurp"
Gooper Blooper: THEORY: the regis didn't get different voice actors in the dub of that movie
Gooper Blooper: Regirock is definitely going "Regirocku" in some of those
Draco: Why would you need to redub someone just going "Regirock" or "Regiice" Not like the Regis are going to speak anything but their name.
Jumpropeman: so that my delicate western sensibilities aren't offended by hearing the voice of a non-american
Draco: I see.


Jumpropeman: I've started Bravely Default
Jumpropeman: i like how all the male villains are sexist


RubyChao: if someone in RP made Super Tenshi World a thing
RubyChao: would she be rescuing
RubyChao: viola
Draco: Her hat.
RubyChao: subtitle to the game
RubyChao: "I Want My Hat Back"
Harpy: Viola is P2 what are you talking about
Harpy: we're rescuing her pumpkaboo gourgeist


(Bree gets her 3DS and shares her and Blue's friend codes with everyone)

Bree: Blue: "I have friends now! I feel special."


Del as Fuck: you are now in the bone zone
Del as Fuck: how spooked are you
SteelKomodo: 2spooked

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