Monday, July 14, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 141: Big Bar Brawl 4 Edition

Draco: Dudemanguy combines the strength, speed, and agility of a dude, a man, and a guy!


iDel joined the chat
iDel: I declare today to be Butts day
iDel: increase the amount of butts and butt gags in RP by 200% k thanx


RubyChao: >​pasta says "to be continued"
RubyChao: >​last actually updated in october 2013
RubyChao: rip in peace


RubyChao: "Each person who could would control fusion energy differently. What would you do with it if you could steal it away? The ultimate vehicle? The ultimate weapon? Or, maybe, the ultimate magic? Well, I want to revive the Blazing Hell. I'll melt the Earth away!"
RubyChao: utsuho please
RubyChao: (to be fair that's a quote from when she was a villain)
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: pitbros talking about girlfriends
RubyChao: "Mine once turned into a giant!" "Mine tried to destroy the world." "...I think you can keep her."
SteelKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: "I'm going into a fight to the death against fucking everything."
Gooper Blooper: bbb.txt


RubyChao: chrome recognizes "donuts" and "doughnut" but not "donut"
RubyChao: ok then


(Silence challenges Saxton Hale to arm-wrestling)

Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: oh for the love of
Bree: Silence can't wrestle effectively, she's too busy swooning
Breadleter: Lol
Bree: finally, a man worthy of her!
iKomodo: XD
Breadleter: Double lol combo
Vengeance, Art-blocked?: Jobsilence, or just romantically engaged? :s Hmm.
Gooper Blooper: m-maybe saxton will roll 1 t-too
Bree: s-saxton sempai


Bree: Utsuho's a nice person, and that's true of plenty of people but Utsuho especially so, since she's just friendly and helpful to everybody
RubyChao: i just realized
Bree: Utsuho is Melody
Bree: is that what you realized
RubyChao: it's no wonder utsuho has the appetite of sarah, it's not the only thing they have in common :V
Harpy: 3
Harpy: does utsuho have like 3 other sisters
RubyChao: gloria yuugi
RubyChao: koishi and rin appear to cosplay as josephine and ariel
Bree: does Koishi have a great ass
RubyChao: i am not sure
Bree: (Koishi brings along a prize-winning donkey for cosplaysephine)
RubyChao: potentially


RubyChao: so question goops
RubyChao: would Viola in Paper Tenshi be the tattle partner or the invisible/shadows partner
Gooper Blooper: That would probably depend on the other party members and if one of them would work for a given role better, but think about it
Jumpropeman: If she is the Vivian replacement things might get a tad awkward during translation
Gooper Blooper: could you possibly turn down an entire disc's worth of Viola purple prosing all over the entire game?
RubyChao: you're right, goops, i can't turn that down
RubyChao: viola identifies everything with THE BOOK OF DARKNESS AND EVIL
RubyChao: (it's "Encyclopedia" with "Book of Darkness and Evil" written over the title)


Gooper Blooper: that feel when your client silence has agreed to a one-on-one with half the field
RubyChao: the brawl ends up with a bunch of people casually waiting in line
RubyChao: as silence fights them


The Four Warriors Of Fite: Top Dog goes ragemode, solos the Musical Alliance
The Four Warriors Of Fite: Most KOs in Big Bar Brawl History


Draco: Draco guesses that Kermit butchered Miss Piggy and put her in the box to hide the evidence.
The Four Warriors Of Fite: But its something green D:
Gooper Blooper: Miss Piggy's guts are green?
iKomodo: D:
Bree: well maybe they're putrefying and thus green
iKomodo: BREE PLS
Draco: Wait, green? IS IT weed?!
Bree: now my brain is going "I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-Am."
Bree: I do not like them in a box
Bree: I do not like them with a fox
iKomodo: ITS NOT FUCKING WEED damn it spy beat me to it


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Bree clings
Harpy: what is love
Harpy: what is love
Breadleter: Baby dont hurt me
Bree: baby don't hurt me?
Bree: 2slow
Breadleter: Dont hurt me
Breadleter: No more
Gooper Blooper: what is beauty
Breadleter bobs head
Cornwind Evil: ...Hobgobins, hobgoblins, what can you do with those hobgoblins....they're over here...they're over there...
Cornwind Evil: *Bree is clinging to a cardboard cutout*
Harpy: honey are you hansel because you sound sort of insane
Bree: Cornwind deftly avoids my advances as he's been doing for years now
RubyChao: Bree x Cornwind Standee


RubyChao: one of my characters is currently arguing that another of my characters will defeat a third of my characters
RubyChao: is this zfrp.txt
Breadleter: Yes
Harpy: yes
Gooper Blooper: Welcome to Strangvia ZFRP


Gooper Blooper: If Silence wins, Blade will not be as bad as "BROKE THE STREAK"
Gooper Blooper: but he might come close for a day or two
RubyChao: i will be very disappointed if everything blade says the day after if silence wins is not
The Queen of Lewd: he just repeats that one line on loop for 24 straight hours after her win
RubyChao: ^
The Queen of Lewd: then abruptly stops at the 24-hour mark and just passes out
RubyChao: "What do you want to drink, Blade?" "MY CLIENT SILENCE CONQUERED THE BIG BAR BRAWL"
Gooper Blooper: His voice gives out about ten hours in
Gooper Blooper: Fortunately he recorded it beforehand


The Four Warriors Of Fite: (don't make Sunshine break out his ultimate weapon)
The Four Warriors Of Fite: (THE GROUNDING)
RubyChao: "dad please you are looking bad in front of my date"
The Four Warriors Of Fite: ". . . Father, I can jump hundreds of feet in the air, I don't see what a fence will do-" "TOO BAD GROUNDED"


Cornwind Evil: Hey guys
Cornwind Evil: Guess what
Gooper Blooper: butts?
Cornwind Evil kicks Gooper from the chatroom.
Harpy: don't do that to goopy
Harpy: I will drop out of DnD
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Harpy: :I
The Queen of Lewd kicks Cornwind from the chatroom
RubyChao kicks CW from the chatroom

Cornwind Evil: He'll be back shortly
The Queen of Lewd: 2slow
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Harpy hadokens CW out of the Chatroom
King Kalamari joined the chat

Cornwind Evil: I got kicked and
Cornwind Evil joined the chatCornwind Evil: I got kicked, but then got immediately kicked back into the chat room, then I got hadouken'd back out
Harpy: >​king kalamari
Harpy: i approve of this name change


King Kalamari: I thought of a "26th square" for Big Bar Brawl Bingo, and while I can't add it it should be kept in mind as something to look for
King Kalamari: The square, if it was on the board, would be called "Lost In City/Stuck In The Ground"
King Kalamari: If a character is taken out of the action early on only to finally rejoin the battle dozens of eliminations later, that square is crossed off
RubyChao: hahaha
RubyChao: we should definitely add that next year
King Kalamari: bonus points if said character gets second place


RubyChao: hello jrm
RubyChao: how fares your art
Jumpropeman: CKR is done with hers, Rainbow Dash is wrapping up, and I only have 10 left to do meself
Draco: Tell Rainbow Dash I will give her a free high-five if she makes me look good.
Jumpropeman: all my artists are really bringing their a-game this year
Jumpropeman: me... It looks more like a G Game D:
Jumpropeman: I'm trying ; _ ;
RubyChao: z game
Draco: You've improved then! =D
Draco: Last year you were L-Game at best.


Harpy: *tries to find a good name generator for a scepter*
Harpy: UM
Harpy: "Widow Maker, Conqueror of the Lion"
Harpy: this is one of these moments I wish goops was here for
RubyChao: amazing
Draco: Here comes ze lions...only in Kenya! Got lions and tigers only in Kenya! Forget Norway.


GBBB joined the chat
GBBB: aaaaaaagh
GBBB flails
GBBB left the chat




SPYCHIC: . . . I hear a high pitched beebing
SPYCHIC: Its starting to get irritating
Harpy: beibing?
SPYCHIC: Beeping
Harpy: or beeping
Harpy: good because if you hear loud pitched beibing you may need to run
ivelchild: it's just the C4 Harpy planted
ivelchild: no worry
Harpy: ssssh you shouldn't have said that
SPYCHIC: Its okay
SPYCHIC: I'm eagerly awaiting the boom


BBBree: whoa, CW is older than The Simpsons
BBBree: also, older than The Oprah Winfrey Show
BBBree: older than "Never Gonna Give You Up"
Harpy: CW is ancient
BBBree: CW's gonna come back and half of Review Mode is just me going on and on about how goddamn old he is


ivelchild: not that I haven't been interested but I still haven't even had a real chance to rp with someone 1 on 1
ivelchild: and wouldn't want to try a group
Harpy: you could ask me
ivelchild: I have before
Triple S: Ooh, pick me!
Harpy: well we won't eat you alive :U
Triple S: I have the best scenario and everything :D
Triple S: Your char is on a boat
Triple S: He doesn't remember a thing
Triple S: Not even who he is
Triple S: He looks across the ship and sees . . . a mirror?
Harpy: you fucking monster, spy


Harpy: calling coops, Ruby, Spy, and ivel
Harpy: ...*goops
Del: gerps
ivelchild: Koops
Bree: Koopa Bloopa
iKomodo: Barpost
Draco: Kooper Trooper.
Del: goopa'd up in blooper castle all gooper day


Cornwind Evil: God damn it now my next Chatzy Madness title is going to be 'Cornwind is Old'


Harpy: goops, meet ivel
Harpy: the harpyboyfriend
GBBB: the ivel of legend, whispered by harpykin
RubyChao: goops goes on about "YOU'D BETTER TREAT HER RIGHT" and all the other dad stuff
Harpy: legends spoke of a great ivel that would cover the RP boards with DAHKNESS
GBBB: *and then ivel reads about 50 characters he doesn't know killing each other*
ivelchild: welp
Draco: Which is funny 'cause Goops is almost as young as Harpy.
Harpy: he's 25
Harpy: or 24
Harpy: or both
Draco: Even though Harpy screeches like a...well...a herself at anyone who is older than her.
Harpy: dude ivel is older than me
GBBB: Harpy thinks I am, and I'm quoting here,
GBBB: "fucking OLD"
Harpy: the only screeching i do at him is in bed. seductively
Harpy: i take that back, goops
Harpy: he's older than Windows
Harpy: and that's terrifying
Draco: Harpy confirmed for bedroom baboon? >​.O
Draco: Goops is 24. Ivel is 24. They use same chat color.
Draco: Goops confirmed Ivel.
Harpy: no wonder I like both of them so much
Harpy: but goops never helped me buy a burrito
GBBB: I bought you chocolate tho
Harpy: i-i love you both okay but i can only date one of you
Draco: I bought her chocolate too, but she still hates me.
ivelchild: I've bought her Chipotle food, that's the way to her heart
Harpy: besides ivel gave me actual hugs
Harpy: i don't hate you
Draco: So chocolate doesn't buy as much love as it used to. INFLATION. CHOCOFLATION.
Harpy: i actually appreciated the chocolate
ivelchild: blame the spicy food
Harpy: and preserved it as long as I could
Draco: I'ma teasing you, youngster. It's what old folks do.
Draco: Now go get me my pills so I don't die of old age in the next ten minutes.
Harpy: i'll knock you out in three steps in a minute
Draco: Elder abuse! D:
iKomodo: Lel
Cornwind Evil: I'M NOT OLD
ivelchild: welp
Draco: Cornwind is 33 years roung.
Draco: *young
ivelchild: round?
Harpy: yes he ate too much
Draco: Yound.
GBBB: Age is just a number. It's all in how you feel
GBBB: Unfortunately Cornwind being surrounded by people a decade younger than him every single day may affect how he feels
Draco: "He ate too much." That's saying a lot, Miss "I Have So Many Brownies I Forget Where They All Are" =p


Breadleter: Jrm since you put Michelin man in zfrp i keep getting michelin ads
Breadleter: Damn you
GBBB: Google knows
Breadleter: Daaaaaaamn yooooouuuu


Harpy: goddamn it lisa now YOU'LL BE THE GODBEAST
Harpy: or godbreasts
Jumpropeman: them breasts were already godly B)
Harpy: JRM it'll only be godly when it gets to your beard level
Harpy: sorry
BBBree: *too tired to be clever*




GBBB: KERMIT WATCH: Kermit is still alive


bluetista: place bets how many spy chars do worse than 17
RubyChao: um
RubyChao: zero


GBBB: Looks like all the jokes are gone now too
Harpy: i'm just rooting so hard with Kela
GBBB: Aside from the cruel joke that would be Mikey winning
Harpy: is Kela a joke
GBBB: Kela's no joke, she got Widow Maker's endorsement
RubyChao: tenshi proceeds to party the hardest she's ever partied
RubyChao: a lot of her partying involves mocking mikey
Harpy: hrng about to cheer so hard to Kela
bluetista: sorry all but like a honking bird in a fire
bluetista: your goose is cooked
Harpy: i'm sorry spy
Harpy: but you can suck my nuts
Harpy: :U
bluetista: this is the Day of Meat Boy
bluetista: he's the secret secret fighter I negotiated 5 minutes ago


GBBB: Is Mac Tonight going to pull it off

(fifteen minutes later)

Jumpropeman: allow me to sum up my thoughts on this finale: >:I


RubyChao: "The Sarahkin make a sound amusingly similar to a band having the air let out of them. How fitting."
RubyChao: i'm just imagining all five of them sort of
RubyChao: draped
RubyChao: deflated
RubyChao: sprawled over limply
RubyChao: you get what i mean
Jumpropeman: pining for the fjords
GBBB: Chao that is canon


Jumpropeman: if Bella had lasted longer, she would have quickly gotten over Edward and tried to cling to Him instead


Cornwind Evil: Ash: Unless you can magic away my armor and defensive skills, you don't got squat Kraid.
RubyChao: *kraid begins collecting dufe in preparation*
Jumpropeman: that was draco's plan all along. Wait til you see the price hikes post brawl


Yaaarpy: Uranus would be the Hansel to Gaea's Janet. Although Uranus would more than likely be a lot less serious and depressed than the puffball he blesses.
Yaaarpy: sadly he would also be the target of "lol ur butt" jokes
Vengeance.Depressed: Possibly on Gaea's part, no doubt. ;D
Yaaarpy: he, she, whatever gender Ouranous decides he feels like being atm
Yaaarpy: "My, what a lovely ass you've acquired, Sir Hansel. You need assistance carrying it? Because my, Uranus cannot be handled so easily!"
Yaaarpy: Janet not sure how to react
Yaaarpy: Hansel probably mutters "how lewd" under his breath
Yaaarpy: either that or be incredibly embarassed and hide the baby pictures


Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6

Vengeance, Madman? rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20


StillHype: Is Cardboard Cutout of Mac Tonight Entering In Place Of Mac Tonight his BBB5 weapon?
Draco: Nah. He's JRM's second entry.


StillHype: Sup Harps
Keeby: i had a waffle


Stillinternetlesswulf: I need to somehow find a copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh and read it so I can steal most of it
Stillinternetlesswulf: Except for the massive amount of fucking in it
Stillinternetlesswulf: Because there's a lot
StillHype: Obviously, Wulf, you write two books
StillHype: The Epic of Gilgamesh, and the porno parody
RubyChao: The Epic Orgy of Gilgamesh


Demoleter: we love you wulf
Demoleter: i will send you gifts of internet and cocaine


StillHype: link
RubyChao: well we just found final boss 2015
SteelKomodo: oh my god
SteelKomodo: why was this not made
StillHype: I KNOW RIGHT!?


Gooper Blooper: I'm trying to determine what I did right in the Pirate Lisa pic that made everyone love it so much
Gooper Blooper: I didn't think it came out bad but I'm surprised how much everyone loved it
Gooper Blooper: Maybe it's the skull logo. Maybe it's that her hand is actually a scimitar instead of a hand holding a scimitar. Maybe it's Maybelline.
StillHype: It's because it's LISA
StillHype: As a PIRATE


RubyChao: "What? Hope is evolving! Will you try to stop him?!"
I clicked No.
That was my biggest mistake.
"Hope is evolving! The power is building up..."
"Hope cannot handle the power!"
"Hope died!""

RubyChao: "After two of my friends had died from playing Pokemon Hope Blue and Royal Red, I was scared to even touch my Treacherous Yellow. Both of them had died from the game being glitched or haunted of some sort. I didn't want to find out how they both died, I just knew it was the game's fault. But there it was, Pokemon Treacherous Yellow, sitting in my gameboy SP. I don't remember slamming the cartridge in there, but my temptation won over. I picked up the game and started playing."
RubyChao: sensible decisions


Draco: Next year my BBB entries are Captain Sarah, Lego Batman, and the chocolate bar I gave Harpy for almost-winning our Super Tetris wager.
Draco: Actually, scratch that. A pound of chocolate isn't worth a hill of beans in a BBB. Better enter the 5 lb. Hershey bar I originally planned to give her.


Cornwind Evil: And somehow
Cornwind Evil: Due to a slip of the tongue
Cornwind Evil: My fearsome orc hydra warriors ending up wielding blow up dolls full of rocks as their weapons
Gooper Blooper: What were they supposed to be using
iKomodo: What XD
Cornwind Evil: New weapons
Cornwind Evil: But I said "He draws a woman"
Cornwind Evil: And it went from there
Keeby: i made fun of CW and when an orc grew arms when it only had like 10 HP left he sprouted women instead of arms
Keeby: or at least i said so
Keeby: he just made it canon


Gooper Blooper: Lisa subscribes to Women of Mysidia
Gooper Blooper: gets the Gloria issue
StillHype: One of these days its going to appear in RP
StillHype: It'll become Canon
StillHype: . . . Gloriaplot 2014 - Destroy all copies to hide the evidence
Vengeance, Madman?: If at first you don't succeed, DESTROY ALL EVIDENCE YOU TRIED really doesn't apply to something like a peekaboo-magazine. I don't think she actively participated really.
Gooper Blooper: In all honesty, even IF Gloria showed up for a magazine shoot
Gooper Blooper: I can't imagine she'd pass muster
RubyChao: on the other hand
RubyChao: the whole point of ariel's campaign was to create wider acceptance of body types...
StillHype: >​Rejecting a badass like Gloria
Gooper Blooper: A magazine place pre-Ariel picketing would be like "too plain, also drop a few"
RubyChao: whaddabout post ariel :V
Gooper Blooper: then she'd probably get in "just to shut that kid up"
StillHype: It depends on how much sway Ariel had, proba- yay nepotism!
iKomodo: goops - who's to say she already hasn't subscribed? :U
Gooper Blooper: She has a complete collection!
Gooper Blooper: *every sarahkin has a cover*
Gooper Blooper: *even skeiron*
iKomodo: But she also has an equal amount of dude mags as well
iKomodo: equal representation awaaaaaaay
Gooper Blooper: that's where the helios issue comes in
Gooper Blooper: oh baby
iKomodo: Yisss~
StillHype: Osh on a cover
StillHype: The Zeph cover would just be Zeph blocking the camera with his hand
RubyChao: now i'm imagining samus on a cover
RubyChao: in a full suit
RubyChao: she made the editors play metroid first and they sucked
RubyChao: "No fanservice for you."
Gooper Blooper: samus just gives a thumbs up
Gooper Blooper: see you next issue



Anakin: The next mystery fiter will be David the Gnome. People will constantly get him and Tallish confused.
An Hhjhjk: I think any char that's been used to represent another char is off limits to prevent confusion
Anakin: Preventing confusion is boring.
Jumpropeman: *enters the dragon from Dragonheart*
Jumpropeman: he's also named draco but he's totally different guys


Cornwind Evil: Ash might be challenging Draco to a one on one Fite
Cornwind Evil: The knight shouldn't be slain by the dragon after all
Cornwind Evil: Draco can even pick the gimmick
Cornwind Evil: Draco challenges him to a "Being Draco" fite. Wins immediately.
Jumpropeman: oh god, don't let draco pick the gimmick
Jumpropeman: we're gonna have a kiss off or something
Draco: .x.
Cornwind Evil: Ash: How do you even WIN that?
An Hhjhjk: Nah
An Hhjhjk: A finance-off
An Hhjhjk: Draco's weapon: all his previous finances
An Hhjhjk: You have one day to play the real estate market hard enough to beat Draco's pre-established empire
Draco: Best idea: Sarah fat joke contest. Even if Draco loses, he wins! =D
Cornwind Evil: Ash: *hires a sea monster to eat Draco's ice cream*
Jumpropeman: Ogopogo's back to eat ice cream! :D
Jumpropeman: I had a dream yesterday where Del started RPing Saguaro PI


Cornwind Evil: You know what I've always loved about old school RPG's?
Cornwind Evil: That sometimes you'd find people wandering around the dungeons or caves or towers and you'd just talk to them and they'd give you advice like they're out for a stroll
Jumpropeman: "Some goblins carry strong weapons!" Walks in place a few times. "Some goblins carry strong weapons!"
Cornwind Evil: And then sometimes you even find an INN in these places
Cornwind Evil: And I just wonder...why do the monsters never bother these places?
Jumpropeman: well if they did, the inn would stop renting them out rooms
Jumpropeman: don't say the monsters can't pay
Jumpropeman: you know full well those squirrels are carrying 20 gil


Draco joined the chat
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Draco: 'cause I just got home from the Transformers movie.
Draco: Also, it's Saturday. I stay up later when I don't have work the next day.
Cornwind Evil: Oh.
Draco: The real question is why are YOU still up? Bree forcing you to make her chocolate pudding again?
Cornwind Evil: Pretty much
Draco: Gottdamn women. I tell you what.
Draco: Can't live with 'em, can't bury 'em in the backyard without a lot of awkward questions being asked, amirite?

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