Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 158: Gnaw Gnaw Gnaw

Vendictated: I probably shan't try to participate in plot. Not for lack of interest, you understand, but it's projected to start thirty minutes out from work. Hope your mandatory bit goes favorably!
Vendictated: I would have thirty minutes of the plot being active, but knowing me, I'd just set any character sent on fire or explode them as an out.
Harpy: Mkay, do whatever you feel like doin'
Vendictated: Some would call that a poor choice of words. >​;D
-rolls up sleeves; begins plot to kill world with apparent kindnesses that turn out horrific tragedies-
-turns the seas to ice cream without first adapting the wildlife-
-disables death, leaving people with the ability to feel pain, get injured, and progressively decay... but not to cease these things-
-kills the concept of 'greed', leaving no equal vital spark of 'desire' or 'ambition' to make their miserable lives have meaning-
-paints sky purple for no deeper meaning-
-paints kobber kill silhouettes all over Ostarion's gleaming white bones-
-mutates half of cast and demutates other half of ZFS protagonists-
Vendictated quietly continues wrecking things
Harpy: within reason? :U
Vendictated: Ohhh.
Vendictated reverses these things
Vendictated dusts off relative reasonable normal things
Vendictated backs awaaaay

Harpy: and then the courier nuked the entire gallery and EVERYTHING DIED
Harpy: the end :D
Harpy: there goes his phat paycheck from selling off the Lunar Eclipse
Vendictated: Ahehhh.


Harpy: goops
Harpy: guess who saw a 5 lb hershey bar in the school store
Gooper Blooper: you
Harpy: damn right
Harpy: I did not buy it in fear of getting creeped out stares from people


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: Hello yourself, friend.
Vendictated: What's wrong, CW?
the walking dead: You okay CW?
Cornwind Evil: MRGRGRGR
RubyChao: cw what's up
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr?
Cornwind Evil: Mrgrgr
Vendictated: ohdear. : < That bad?
Gooper Blooper: CW has finally actually become a Pokemon
Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornmrgrgr
Cornmrgrgr: Cornmr.
Cornmrgrgr: Mrgrgr


RubyChao: >​search devourer
RubyChao: >​get results for devour, devouring, devoured
RubyChao: goops why
Gooper Blooper: not my fault zeta's search blows. Try quotes
RubyChao: it's more why didn't you name him like
RubyChao: Steve the Devourer or something
RubyChao: >:(


Gooper Blooper: One notable thing about the end of La Pucelle Tactics
Gooper Blooper: The last cutscene before the final boss is literally Cornwind Villain Monologues To Harpy Character
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Gooper Blooper: They go on about how humans are cruel and all of them must be exterminated for peace on earth
Gooper Blooper: The first thing the player character does in response is to yell "THAT'S THE DUMBEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD."
Gooper Blooper: then calls them a crybaby and uses the phrase "kick your ass"
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
Harpy: I have no idea if that's reimu or that's sammy
RubyChao: Reimmy
Harpy: Sammy in a reimu costume


RubyChao: Utsuho's creepypasta
Gooper Blooper: "once there was no food"
RubyChao: "And then I realized... all the food was gone and there was nothing left to fight!"
RubyChao: no, that's sarah
Draco: This is horrible.
RubyChao: gloria's is "once there were no books"
Gooper Blooper: Sarah's is "all the food tasted like broccoli"
RubyChao: josephine's is "once there was no money"
Harpy: Sonia's creepypasta involves there being no more cats to pet
Harpy: and the cake being
Harpy: MOLDY
RubyChao: helios's creepypasta
RubyChao: "once i woke up"
RubyChao: "and my wife had a flat butt"


Harpy: anyway i must go now to eat and stuff fuck
Gooper Blooper: By the way
Harpy: OH GEEZ
Harpy: *stays to hear what goops has to say*
RubyChao: yes, gooper-senpai?
Harpy: this is how i ended up staying past 4 AM on some nights back in the day
RubyChao: oh god harpy i know that feeling


Cornmrgrgr: Let this be a warning to all who start RPing at 4 in the morning!
Cornmrgrgr: It's just a bunch of drifting weirdness!
Cornmrgrgr: Sarahghost!
Cornmrgrgr: Without any ghosts!
Cornmrgrgr: Or Sarahs!


Draco: Kaito's punishment is he must fight the Sarahkin. If he wins, he is free. If he loses, he is Healed to death.


Tableter: guess where im going on monday
Tableter: clue - fried food and boobs


Deletons: "whos fucking child is this"


Deckropeman: this video has 8 million views and its nothing
Deckropeman: there isn't even a joke
Deletons: understand not do i
SteelKomodo: i'm not even touching that D:
Deckropeman: its not even anything weird
Deckropeman: Nurse Amy gives Luigi a mushroom. The end


Deckropeman: I had a dream where there was a secret Race Yer' Mates 2 I forgot about. The guys raced through Four Corners Arizona and Alaska again for some reason
Deckropeman: I assure you Four Corners is an incredibly interesting place to race through
Deckropeman: you'll race through four states at once!


Deckropeman: here's Ixael
Deckropeman: Here's the edge
Deckropeman: he's over the edge
Deckropeman: get it :V


PiscesHarpy: WHAT THE FUCK
Gooper Decker: Oh, you didn't know about that?
PiscesHarpy: not until it fucking said "hi"
SteelKomodo: oh yeah
SteelKomodo: that's a thing


Cornwind Evil: And I must go out
Cornwind Evil: Does anyone want me for anything at the immediate time?
Deckropeman: I want you
Deckropeman: to keep being awesome ☞ ゚∀゚)☞


ZodiacHarpy: i didn't know sine knew sign language. does she also know sine language
Jumpropeman: what the hell is sheena language
ZodiacHarpy: the kind with big boobied ninjas
Bree: lel tales of symphonia jokez


RubyChao: i finished that book with a Josephine in it
RubyChao: do you guys want to know about it
Tableter: yesssss
Saberwulf: Sure
Tableter: booksephine
SteelKomodo: yes
RubyChao: so it's called Crooked House, it's a mystery novel by agatha christie so don't hover unless you want spoilers
Draco: Literatursephine
RubyChao: josephine kills two people with poison because she has no concept of consequences or value of life
RubyChao: also the book josephine is like 12
SteelKomodo: Nosephine! D:
RubyChao: good ol' christie
Draco: So no booty?
Deletons: none
Draco: Bummer
SteelKomodo: :<


RubyChao: "Trainer Joey was in the woods one night with his pet rattata.
It was then that his rattata turned on him.

'*gnaw gnaw gnaw*', the rattata gnawed."
RubyChao: the 2spookiest pasta ever
Gooper Blooper: this is a masterpiece
Gooper Blooper: Chao, was this the entire story
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: it was
Gooper Blooper: holy fucking shit


(In Pokemon XY, GB trades Harpy a Swirlix nicknamed "Sarah")

ZodiacHarpy: Josephine trades away her sister for a hermit crab
Gooper Blooper: My for-keeps Slurpuff is also named Sarah
ZodiacHarpy: then who was the real sarah
Gooper Blooper: BUT WHO WAS SARAH
ZodiacHarpy: *looks at Sarah's moveset*
ZodiacHarpy: WHAT THE FRIG
ZodiacHarpy: NO SLURPUFF SHOULD BE THIS POWERFUL also lolwut sweet scent
Gooper Blooper: FLAMETHROWER
ZodiacHarpy: xD
ZodiacHarpy: >​Play Nice
ZodiacHarpy: eeeh
ZodiacHarpy: I kinda want to keep Sweet Scent for horde encounters
ZodiacHarpy: must find myself a Houndoom
ZodiacHarpy: on the other hand, other pogeys can learn sweet scent
ZodiacHarpy: >​sarah wants to learn fake tears
ZodiacHarpy: you can't even fake tears, sarah
ZodiacHarpy: those are real tears
ZodiacHarpy: of cotton candy
Gooper Blooper: "we're out of donuts ;~;"
ZodiacHarpy: sweet scent still wins out
ZodiacHarpy: >​round
ZodiacHarpy: I know Sarah is fat and all but jesus game


 RubyChao: "It was a stormy night and the boy and his trusted partner, a Jolteon named Helios, were caught in it."
RubyChao: helios how did this happen
Gooper Blooper: He's the Jolteon of Let's Plays


Okay, here’s the second part of my creepypasta fic. It’s a twoshot."

RubyChao: >​part 1
RubyChao: >​second part
RubyChao: ?????????
Jumpropeman: HIS FAT WAS SEAL
Gooper Blooper: PFFFFFFFF


Gooper Blooper: I had forgotten how sad and bleak Tapogre Fite was
Gooper Blooper: And also ridiculous
Jumpropeman: its the JRM way
Jumpropeman: give me your poor huddled minor characters
Jumpropeman: and I will do terrible/wonderful things with them


Saberwulf: So while I was out I had a German chocolate red eye with cinammon and whip cream at the local hipster cafe and GUESS WHO FORGOT THAT SHE CAN'T PROCESS COFFEE PROPERLY
Saberwulf: My entire body feels like my nervous system is seizing it's great


ZodiacHarpy: do you believe me dumping in 6 packets worth of sugar into my coffee is a crime against humanity
Bree: no


Jumpropeman: I think I've got everything I want in this fitepost
Jumpropeman: could use a few more waluigi emoticons
Gooper Blooper: *two years after posting, JRM goes back to the locked topic and adds another Waluigi emote*
Gooper Blooper: "NOW IT'S ART"
Saberwulf: I've always wanted to go back to an old post and add cryptic shit to it
Saberwulf: "ENKI LIVES" or whatever
Gooper Blooper: Cerno hiding in an old post from 2013 going "THIS IS WHY NOBODY'S FOUND ME, BECAUSE I'M IN LAST YEAR'S THREAD"
Saberwulf: Hahahah


Legendarily Furious At Myself: . . . Oh my god
Legendarily Furious At Myself: It IS canon xD
Legendarily Furious At Myself: And it sure is a good thing the Rally for Reality movement lead to Women of Mysidia taking on a much less risque direction
Gooper Blooper: Actually, what happened was the magazine was sold to new management who changed the format. There's still a part of the fanbase that demands the end of the PG Era, Thumbs Up If You Agree
Jumpropeman: if we can get 1000 people to like this page, they'll HAVE to change it
Legendarily Furious At Myself: Osh reads the "ideal evening" section very intently. So much material for Party 2: The Partying


Vengal Tiger: .
Jumpropeman: .
Vengal Tiger: Yes, yes, summon the mighty ellipses. One dot at a time now. That's all what's necessary for the wizard of breaking pauses' arrival.
Vengal Tiger: Drat.
Vengal Tiger: See, this is why you never monologue your plans out loud.
Jumpropeman: it is not yet his time
Vengal Tiger: Faaaair enough.
Vengal Tiger: Ellipses! ... One day! ... ONE DAAAAAY!!!!
Vengal Tiger collapses


(Spy is reading a Mega Man art book)

Legendarily Furious At Myself: Wow
Legendarily Furious At Myself: After a whole book of positivity its weird to see Inafune outright go "yeah 2 on the gameboy sucked sorry m8"


RubyChao: "(Dark Ralts Jumps Onto Pokemon Center And Howls Like A Mightyena And Thunder Rolls)
Lugia: *flies up with allot of strength*
Ho-Oh: *dodges*"

RubyChao: this whole thing is like this
Draco: o-o
SteelKomodo: D:


RubyChao: my beard is no more
RubyChao: now i have
RubyChao: a chin
SteelKomodo: Chao with a chin?! BLASPHEMY
SteelKomodo: ...forgive me, but chao with a chin
SteelKomodo: a chin chao
Deletons: god damnit sk
SteelKomodo: i know, it was a stretch :<


Oldven the Wiking: War Criminal Names:
Goran the Mutilator- doing it right.
Bloodclaw the Wraith- doing it right.
Yamren the Slayer- doing it right.
Cauren the Cuddler- no, no, no, no, no
Oldven the Wiking headdesk names
Draco: Cauren, you need to hire an image consultant.
Oldven the Wiking: Draco has several that come highly recommended.
Oldven the Wiking: Listen to the nice old dragon, will you?
Gooper Blooper: Sarah "Lollipop" Triden, The Cuddliest White Mage
Gooper Blooper: FEARSOME
Oldven the Wiking: It would strike terror into the hearts of ten thousand kobolds illegally watching their Boss Fite.
Oldven the Wiking: @_@
Oldven the Wiking: Fearsome indeed, White Mage.


Oldven the Wiking: I have too many regrets to enumerate, but the chiefest at the moment is lack of breakfast. Or pudding.


Oldven the Wiking: At some point, somehow, when you least expect it, a Teshni may well fool your romantic partner for lols. Usually mostly unintentionally in an attempt to be frandly. Warning signs include your partner already standing right there, oversized eyes, perhaps a minor tendency toward corrupted english and a trifle slobbery when kissing, or having been someone else three seconds ago.
A Teshni is, however, protected by Draco-like levels of disguise. You may well forget these things entirely when faced with the frandly ditto. Or not~


HoodooDoghouse joined the chat
HoodooDoghouse: *vomits out a small goat*
Bree: well, now that is an opener
FairyHunter: oh dear the doghouse holds goats
Bree puts a ribbon on the goat and pets it
Cornwind Evil: I think the hoodoo is on the fritz
HoodooDoghouse: *goat extends a lengthy tongue, snares the ribbon, and eats it*
FairyHunter:'s N Goat, guys
FairyHunter: aaaa
HoodooDoghouse: *goat swallows ribbon and then defecates out a chicken*
Gooper Blooper: hoodoo pls
HoodooDoghouse: i like to make a memorable entrance.


HoodooDoghouse: I'm living in a world of darkness


Gooper Blooper: One of the great underlying themes of ZFRP is Character A going "I CAN MAKE IT ON MY OWN" and then finding out that they cannot in fact make it on their own
Gooper Blooper: We're big on friendship, here
Jumpropeman: Lil' Brudder has no place in ZFRP
Jumpropeman: his lone wolf attitude just won't do
Gooper Blooper: RainbowDash enters Lil' Brudder in BBB5
Gooper Blooper: JRM fights it but she refuses to back down
Gooper Blooper: and then he wins
Jumpropeman: he made it on his own :')


Jumpropeman: the Asimov ruleset, in its home universe, was created just to be broken constantly
Jumpropeman: the Asimov books are all about breaking it
Gooper Blooper: rules are made to be broken
Gooper Blooper dons shades and rides motorcycle on OW THE EDGE
Jumpropeman: Gooper the Hedgehog
Gooper Blooper: I AM I'M ALL OF ME


The Flappy Butt joined the chat
The Flappy Butt jumps through a pipe
The Flappy Butt jumps through a pipe
The Flappy Butt jumps through a pipe
The Flappy Butt jumps too high, slams into the pipe, and faceplants


Jumpropeman: help D: I'm reading Karl Marx and I'm agreeing with him D:
RubyChao: COMMIEropeman
Jumpropeman changed name to Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: no more voting on fites. Fites will be decided by what is best for the community
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: users will have their characters distributed to them evenly for RP
Deletons joined the chat
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: greetings comrade
Deletons: sup
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: almost time for class, heading out
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: see you guys later
Deletons: laterrr
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: glory to arstotzka!
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade left the chat


Causeless Vengeance rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 1
Causeless Vengeance: Wanderer ded.
Causeless Vengeance: :L
జుమప్రోపమాన: jesus
RubyChao: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: good lord
RubyChao: this is ven tractor luck taken to a new extreme
Causeless Vengeance: Tried doing Medicine, nat-1'd. Stuck eyeball full of cyanide.
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 98
జుమప్రోపమాన: show off
Gooper Blooper: don't worry sarah will fix it
Causeless Vengeance: Sarah makes Wanderer notded.
Causeless Vengeance: Yaay.
Gooper Blooper: This has been Wandererplot 2014


Quesaritos Exist changed name to JHOMN CNEA


Jumpropeman: I am faced with a moral quandary
Jumpropeman: I've been saving for a deluxe Wii U, with a pack in game, and Harpy's tumblr links me to one for 200 doll hairs
Gooper Blooper: What makes that a question of morals?
Jumpropeman: I've got the doll hairs, I was saving for a full priced one after all, but I'm afraid I'm impulse buying or something. It's a lot of cash to splash
RubyChao: if you were saving for a full price one, then what's the problem with using the money to get the same but cheaper
Gooper Blooper: So you're reconsidering buying a Wii U at all?
Jumpropeman: im sure it will be a good buy, it's just a big step in my life. I need to talk over it with the wife
Jumpropeman changed name to Jumpropewife
Jumpropewife changed name to Jumpropeman
Jumpropeman: she makes a compelling case...
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna miss all this money ; o ;
Gooper Blooper: It's your call dufe
Jumpropeman: GAAAAAAAAH
Jumpropeman: The deed is done
Jumpropeman: *flop*
Gooper Blooper: the dirtiest of deeds
Jumpropeman: now I can finally buy Earthbound and be real snobby about how TOTALLY good it is for real you guys got to play it
Jumpropeman: *opens the mailbox, looks in, closes it, opens mailbox, looks in, closes it*
Jumpropeman: when is it getting here D:


Saberwulf: Ruined


RubyChao: am i correct in assuming that your preferred trio for psyche-lock solving would be utsuho, shimmer, and sarah
Gooper Blooper: and then bad end
Gooper Blooper: the miracle never happen
Gooper Blooper: because of The Three Derps
SteelKomodo: lolz
RubyChao: mercutio is just
RubyChao: "alright, i wasn't going to tell anyone, but i feel kinda sorry for you guys at this point"


DEAD Armies of vengeance: I was told once that to someone who has been dead for a hundred years, everyone is fat.


SteelKomodo: ...GUYS I THINK I GOT IT
SteelKomodo: Sam: Arin
Ash: Danny
Widow Maker: Jontron (ECH)
Conrad: Ross


Jumpropeman: watch, we're gonna turn up at Chronos's lair, and he'll be like, "HA HA! YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD TRICK ME!" and throws his arms out to indicate the dead IPU before him. But since its invisible, no one will know what he's talking about


(Sunshine enters All Hallow's Evil)

Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: he's going to win isn't he
Ed The Spry: He has a box!


Jumpropeman: next year I'm gonna RP Sparky from Fairly Odd Parents, Scrappy Doo, and Cousin Oliver from the Brady Bunch
Ed The Spry: Big Dog Brawl
Ed The Spry: Make it happen
Jumpropeman: spy no
Jumpropeman: i've killed enough dog
Gooper Blooper: 50 DOGS
Jumpropeman: you might even say
Gooper Blooper: ALL MUST DIE, except one
Jumpropeman: I've let dead dogs lie
Draco: Only Rapping Scottie survives.
RubyChao: i count six dog deaths this year
RubyChao: and jrm wrote five of them


Gooper Blooper: I think Shimmer captivated people because it eventually got to the point that the deck was down to a bunch of tough-looking, creepy characters, the mysterious Empress with the very powerful ability... and then there was Shimmer, hilariously out of place
Gooper Blooper: Also her picture reminds me of Lisa Frank sticker albums
Jumpropeman: She totally wanted to be taken seriously you guys. She belonged just as much as the others *angry puff face*
Jumpropeman: Shimmer is basically Jigglypuff from the anime when she's mad


SteelKomodo rolls for Uruk-Hai army
SteelKomodo: ...
SteelKomodo drinks heavily

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