Saturday, November 29, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 165: Imagine Party Babyz Strikes Back

(Bree is describing a dream she had about Tenshi. The beginning was cut off by Free Chatzy)

Harpy: oh jesus
Bree: remove her soul, exorcise/purify her body and get the Bad Thing out of it, then put her soul back in her body now that it is okay again
SteelKomodo: TENSHI PLS
Harpy: this is the plot to LoT2
RubyChao: that does sound very zfrp.txt
Harpy: (no it isn't)
Bree: except none of that actually happened in the dream, for some reason the dream decided to focus on the guy who was doing the soul removing
Harpy: that does sound cray tho
RubyChao: was it viola
Bree: he wasn't a real character
Bree: it was definitely a man
RubyChao: oh ok
RubyChao: inexplicably male viola
Bree: he had some really vaguely shamanistic/fortune teller type of aspects and--no he was not at all similar to Viola in any way
Bree: and I think Viola appeared briefly to speak to him but idk I don't remember it other than "Viola was there for a whopping five seconds"
Bree: literally, five seconds
Bree: she got a cameo
Bree: somehow, she only cameoed in this tenshiplot
Bree: anyway so the dream decided to focus on the guy who would remove her soul
Bree: because he could see auras/ghosts/shit like that, and his job during the plot was to protect tenshi's soul while everyone else captured her body (by beating it into submission) and then exorcised the bad shit
Bree: for some reason Tenshi's soul looked like a small child version of Tenshi, was super adorable and vulnerable and--okay basically Tenshi's soul was Momoko, only not
RubyChao: hahahaha
Bree: it was specifically Tenshi but it acted like Momoko, if Momoko were child!Tenshi
Bree: and he spent the rest of the dream carrying Tenshisoul piggyback and it was adorable
Bree: then suddenly the setting was Wal-Mart
Bree: no really I swear to fucking god
Harpy: what
Harpy: did Tenshi demand peaches
Bree: Tenshisoul and Random Guy went around Wal-Mart and then some bad guys in Wal-Mart killed Random Guy and Tenshisoul was scared
RubyChao: random guy noooooo
SteelKomodo: what
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: and they had a weird castle/tower sort of thing that they hauled around, it had wheels on the bottom???
Bree: they drove it around Wal-Mart
Bree: I don't even
RubyChao: i don't even either
Bree: like I said, my dreams are weird and fucked up when I sleep too much
SteelKomodo: what is this
Bree: I don't know what happened after that
SteelKomodo: WHAT IS MY LIFE etc.
Bree: I think I remember a bit about Tenshisoul going to Heaven, in the sense that she "moved on," because the dream forgot that she was not dead
RubyChao: tenshi nooooooo ;_;
RubyChao: followup plot: bust tenshi outta heaven
Bree: Iku returns from Bhava-Agra Heaven with Tenshisoul like "DID YOU LOSE THIS >:I"
Bree: I also remember a bit about a family gathering where there was tons of food, literally there was so much food even Gluttony couldn't eat it all, I swear to god there were eighteen tables overflowing with food or something
Bree: fud
RubyChao: so
Bree: like, what, is my family the Sarahkin now
RubyChao: sarahkin family, righ- hahaha
Harpy: >​even gluttony couldn't eat it all
Bree: and I was mad because they wouldn't let me in and I got in late and most of the fud was gone
Harpy: Gluttony: Is that a challenge~?
Harpy: srsly tho holy shit
Bree: my dreams are so random
Bree: I remember one other scene with the Wal-Mart parking lot
Bree: it was very dark outside and rainy and 2scary
Bree: lonely, scary, empty, dark, rainy parking lots are a recurring theme in my dreams
Bree: I swear I remember previous dreams with parking lots and they always involve me being totally convinced there is a knife-wielding thief somewhere in this parking lot
Bree: also it's always the Wal-Mart parking lot
Bree: always
Bree: I don't understand the recurrence of the Scariest Parking Lot Ever because I have no actual fear of dark parking lots
Bree: and I'm not afraid of Wal-Mart, either
Bree: like, usually the things that show up a lot in my dreams are stuff least sort of make sense
Bree: and the mack-daddy of Bree Nightmares is cars
Bree: fucking cars
Bree: every single dream there is always a scene where for some reason I am driving a car, and it's wildly out of control
Bree: which makes sense, I'm scared shitless of driving which is why I don't know how despite being 20 years old
SteelKomodo: it's okay, I don't know how to drive either
Bree: that makes sense. I understand the overabundance of scary driving scenes in my nightmares.
SteelKomodo: and I'd rather not, I'd get road rage all the time
Bree: but I do not understand this fixation on the Wal-Mart parking lot.
Bree: I just don't even
Bree: I don't get road rage, I just inspire road rage in others
Bree: the few times I've driven, I was so paralyzed with fear and so busy hyperventilating that I made tons of mistakes
Bree: ran a red light? yep
Bree: missed a turn? yep
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Bree: one time I almost ran over an old lady while going approximately 1 mile per hour in the--
Bree: --in the Wal-Mart parking lot. o_o
Bree: anyway, I hope you enjoyed my trippy-as-hell dream about Tenshi
RubyChao: i liked it
Bree: I...I almost feel like it might make it into a chatzy madness because it was so...weird
SteelKomodo: twas weird indeed
Bree: the lack of Viola was the weirdest part though
Bree: I remember thinking that while I was actively dreaming the dream
Bree: like "where is Viola"
SteelKomodo: lel
RubyChao: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give viola
Bree: Viola would protect Tenshi's soul so hard if she were in that dream
Bree: I bet she wouldn't have died like Random Guy
Bree: 2determined
RubyChao: viola uses the power of love to just
RubyChao: lift and throw the entire fortress thing yuugi-style
RubyChao: despite being puny
Bree: no no the moving castle thing belonged to Random Guy
RubyChao: oh ok, i thought it belonged to the villains in wal-mart
Bree: no it did not
Bree: there was also a doge
Bree: Random Guy kept a doge in his moving castle thingy
RubyChao: ...was random guy actually juan
Bree: no
Bree: trust me it wasn't anyone in zfrp
Bree: P.S. there was a scene where Random Guy told the villains their fortunes using Tarot cards
Bree: in the room at the bottom of the castle thing
Bree: it was before they were villains though
Bree: okay now I am done talking about this because I don't remember anything else and it's so damn weird
Bree: back to talking about normal things THAT DON'T INVOLVE WAL-MART


Draco: I found a trainer I'd missed during the story and felt bad about curb-stomping his Level 12 Volbeat. WHY, LEVEL 98 TYRANTRUM? WHY?!


RubyChao: "I checked my Diancie's stats... But now it was covered in blood, and what used to be pink crystals were now blood red crystals... And it was holding an "item" called Crystal Blade..." covered in BEEEEEEES BLOOOOOD


Harpy: agg where are you goopy
RubyChao: he prolly got caught up in things and couldn't show up
Draco: He probably dumped us and found a new RPing group to write white mage stories about.
Harpy: :C
Draco: And his new group has someone who writes about the fantasy Warhammer and likes reading Slashfics in chat. And they have a IWBTG fan and a zombie who hosts the Bowt Yer' Friends contests.
RubyChao: wait, is the IWBTG not-me or not-spy
Draco: Not-Spy.
Draco: Not-Ruby reads Slashfics.
Draco: Not-Harpy writes about confident young women who use basebats to shoot fireballs and Not-Draco posts.
RubyChao: oh ok
Draco: Not-Del is sober a Warcraft nut, Not-Cornwind writes nice, happy plotlines, and Not-SK writes about the Ice Climbers.
Draco: Oddly enough, not-Saberwulf is exactly like our Saberwulf except the the goatee.
Harpy: >​young women who use baseball bats to shoot fire balls
Harpy: you mean i don't do that already?
Draco: You did electric yo-yos.
Harpy: touche
Draco: Did I miss anyone?
RubyChao: what're not-bree and not-ven like
Draco: Not-Bree has a cat that goes around the ship like it owns the place. Plot twist: it does.
Draco: Not-Ven has a ninja griffon who rules over a clan that secretly fights evil.
Draco: Also, there are no Regibros. Everyone likes Digimon there.
Harpy: so wargreymon
Draco nods.
Draco twirls.


Harpy: also goops, on a scale of 1-10
Harpy: how badly did you want to hug tina after you read the first part of her story
Gooper Blooper: 8
Harpy: damn, makes me wonder what's a 10
Harpy: ded alex
Gooper Blooper: I have to reserve my 10s for special occasions
Gooper Blooper: I try to use the whole ratings scale
Gooper Blooper: imagine party babyz etc
Harpy: oh no
Harpy: please no
Harpy: in addition, I had like
Harpy: 24 dollars on my PSN account so I wasted it all on Disgaea
Harpy: and thus, the tale of the GRRRRREAT GONZALES and Bonnie begins
Harpy: oh yeah, and Tina once I get to.... *gulp*
Harpy: 5-3
Gooper Blooper: I finally thought to look up footage of Imagine Party Babyz
Gooper Blooper: there's a twist I don't know anyone expected
Gooper Blooper: the babies aren't realistic babbies like on the box
Gooper Blooper: they're "american company attempts to animu"
Harpy: oh god plz
Gooper Blooper: no sound for some reason
Harpy: goopy no
Gooper Blooper: *JRM buys it*
SteelKomodo: oh god no D:
Harpy: goopy
Harpy: you are toeing a fine line here
Tableter kills self
Harpy: thou mustn't
Gooper Blooper: :V


Jumpropeman: "Gooper Blooper: *JRM buys it*"
Jumpropeman: I can see this line
Jumpropeman: but literally it cuts off right before that
Harpy: imagine party babyz
Tableter: And i am glad it's gone
Gooper Blooper: allow me to repost that gameplay footage for JRM
Jumpropeman: i have to wonder why that video is as silent as the eternal sleep of death
Bree: to distress and unnerve you
Bree: that is the required atmosphere for playing Party Babyz
Jumpropeman: "Get accepted into a famous babysitting school and prove that you're the best babysitter ¿ alone or with your friends!"
Bree: do you tend to forget periodically?
Jumpropeman: the upside down question mark is baffling in its presnece
Jumpropeman: also, in its presence, if I could spell things correctly


Jumpropeman: also, i'd like to make this facebook official, that all birthday money I received went towards the purchase of garbage video games
Draco: Sweet. How many copies of Binding of Isaac did you buy? =V
Jumpropeman: besides Superman 64, I used the rest today to purchase Imagine Party Babyz and Ride To Hell: Retribution and its DLC
Jumpropeman: most people give money when they think the person can better find a gift themselves
Jumpropeman: they thought wrong
Gooper Blooper: >​JRM actually bought party babyz
Gooper Blooper: good lord dude


RubyChao: i might put yuugi in as a regular entry, but i'm honestly more likely to lean towards Tenshi + 2015 Newcomers for the main slots. still got months to decide tho
Gooper Blooper: A lot can change in the next six months
Harpy: yeah
RubyChao: yeah, like me CUTTING TENSHI FROM 2015
Harpy: *shoves Tina in a box and ships her away*
RubyChao cackles while lightning crashes
Harpy: ruby
Harpy: we can't be friends anymore
Gooper Blooper: Turn in your fossil grimer, you're out of the club
RubyChao: let's be real if i cut tenshi from 2015
RubyChao: i am 90% sure that goops would use his knowledge of my address to come to new york
RubyChao: turn up at my home
RubyChao: and slap me
Harpy: the monarch waits for a rival that never arrives
Harpy: a single tear streams down his cheek
Harpy: the miracle never happen
Harpy: mondorplot bad end
Gooper Blooper: villain feels
RubyChao: mental image
RubyChao: tenshi casually filling out the bbb5 form
RubyChao: viola and her pogeys forming a defensive line against like 10 different characters trying to take tenshi's spot


Tableter: Priscilla is cool and i hope she returns
Bree: Priscilla is definitely returning yes
Tableter: So she can come into Manga Carta
Bree: Priscilla plans for 2015: hit on Blade, a lot
Bree: like, a lot
SteelKomodo: yissssss
Harpy: oh my
Tableter: Haha
Harpy: crackship 2015: blade x priscilla
Bree: well I mean he just walks around without a shirt
Bree: he's fully clothed except for a shirt, just walking around being all rippling abs and delicious biceps
Bree: how could Priscilla not notice
Bree: it's like he's begging to be harassed by Priscilla
Gooper Blooper: Blade probably actually does wear a shirt most of the time
Gooper Blooper: it's just that half the enemies in streets of rage 2 are shirtless
Harpy: don't ruin it, goopy
Bree: shhh, stop, don't ruin my justification for fairy shenanigans
Bree: I insist on it being canon, Blade never wears a shirt


RubyChao: confession: i hope imageshack crashes and burns


Negativity Shulk: Fuck it feels so wrong saying Dark Pit when I mean Dirk
Negativity Shulk: It just doesn't work
Negativity Shulk: #ruined
SteelKomodo: #Ruined
SteelKomodo: I call him Dirk too
RubyChao: there are people on this forum who don't call him dirk?
Negativity Shulk: Hack the tapogres to email sakurai a mass protest instead of viagra email. Subject: name him Dirk
SteelKomodo: HONK name him dirk HONK HONK


RubyChao: tenshi no


Harpy: dude
Harpy: Kanji is voiced by
Harpy: motherfucking
Harpy: give me a sec
Saberwulf: pfff
Harpy: TROY
Gooper Blooper: all that buildup and she forgot
Jumpropeman: *sits on edge of seat for contextless reveal*
Harpy: TROY
Harpy: BAKER
Jumpropeman: ... *wiggles on the edge of seat, still without context*


Jumpropeman: my repressed desire is to put Parmesan cheese on every meal


Gooper Blooper: your reminder that "Q got turned into an owl and had to go to a spirit quest in the Amazon where our heroes dealt with a mutant version of the dragonfly from The Rescuers" was a real plot that actually happened
RubyChao: zfrp.txt
Gooper Blooper: that's not even touching on the part about the T-Rex with miniguns for arms
Jumpropeman: fun fact: had I not mentioned Wexter already sorta appeared in ZFRP, Rainbow Dash might have used him instead of Ralph in BBB4
Gooper Blooper: aw
Gooper Blooper: JRM's sisters scrap the best brawl entrants
Jumpropeman: like fucking Periwinkle
SteelKomodo: :<
Gooper Blooper: periwinkle comes up the winner for bbb5
Gooper Blooper: JRM pauses, thinks, and rolls again
Gooper Blooper: gets Mac Tonight
RubyChao: welcome to hell
Jumpropeman: the Big Mac Brawl
Jumpropeman: Mac Tonight wins every year!
Draco: I'm voting for Mac AND doing an effort post for him.
Gooper Blooper: please don't
RubyChao: draco no
Draco: BI
Draco: Fine.
Jumpropeman: you can't waste your vote on Mac when you find out Spider-Pig is making his return this year, giant and green
Harpy: i'm gonna use all 5 of my votes on mac
Harpy: ...maybe spider pig, too
Jumpropeman: you guys
Jumpropeman: I hate you all <3


Jumpropeman: apparently, one of Sonic the Hedgehog's nicknames is Big Blue
Jumpropeman: I can finally stop making F-Zero jokes and start making Sonic jokes instead
Gooper Blooper: I've never heard him called that
Gooper Blooper: then again I stopped caring about Sonic in the mid-2000s
Jumpropeman: gooper, the sonic wiki would never lie


Harpy: oh hey a power gauntle-
Harpy: >​2070 HL


Jumpropeman: gooper, how are you gonna transfer your pokemon from X and Y to ORAS
Jumpropeman: are you gonna use Pokebank or something
Jumpropeman: im trying to figure out how I'm gonna do it
Jumpropeman: since I don't have two 3DS systems
RubyChao: gts, trade REALLY fast :V
Gooper Blooper: I believe you use Pokebank
Gooper Blooper: ORAS are definitely compatible with it and Diancie was heavily advertised during the giveaway as being transferable into ORAS
Jumpropeman: I don't want to pay 500 yen to transfer pogeys! Guess I'm going with a freshly caught team for Alpha Sapphire
Gooper Blooper: If only Pokemon Bank was really awful and full of problems, then it'd be worth the five dollars
Jumpropeman: amen


Jumpropeman: I just want to finally train my favorite pokemon
Jumpropeman: it's gotta be perfect
Jumpropeman: I'll light some candles, turn on "Juice Box" by the Pre-School Popstars
Jumpropeman: and watch as it falls behind the rest of the party in level


Jumpropeman: i'm sure it had its uses
Jumpropeman: but the term "ski warfare" will never stop being hilarious to me


Cornwind Evil: Now we need a running joke where someone keeps calling Pit Icarus
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: "I DON'T KNOW D:<"
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Because he has wings like Icarus and looks young.
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Simple.
SteelKomodo: Pit: Thank you, wise one.
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Also considering his inability to fly once his wings might as well have been a bunch of feathers and wax.
SteelKomodo: Pit: :I
RubyChao: wow rude
Cornwind Evil: For having bird attributes, Pit sure seems keen on eating birds.
SteelKomodo: Dirk: I'll say~
RubyChao: a bird, pit
RubyChao: *googles "a bird, pit"*
RubyChao: *chatzy madness is the fifth result*
RubyChao: this will do


Del Inc: i had today off
Del Inc: and did nothing
Del Inc: #WasteOfFlesh


RubyChao: i was reading up on mystery series last night
RubyChao: The Tragedy Of X—1932
The Tragedy Of Y—1932
The Tragedy Of Z—1933
Drury Lane's Last Case—1933
RubyChao: this was the entire drury lane series
RubyChao: the moral is don't start at X


Gooper Blooper: oh dear, I've found the final boss of the bootlegs
Gooper Blooper: it's almost creepypasta-level
RubyChao: 2spooked
Gooper Blooper: On the surface, the Evil Stick appears harmless
Gooper Blooper: save the name, of course
Gooper Blooper: however
Gooper Blooper: When in use, the toy makes a very loud cackling noise and flashes lights
Gooper Blooper: and an image lights up in the center of the black shape on the end
Gooper Blooper: The image varies from stick to stick but is always some kind of shock image
RubyChao: D:
Gooper Blooper: One depicts a photoshopped demon girl looking thing cutting herself, another has zombies on it
Gooper Blooper: this is a real legitimate product and there is no SomeOrdinaryGamers link
Harpy: 2015 plot point: creepypasta magical girl
RubyChao: so, giffany's resurrection?
Harpy: i never use the same boss twice
Harpy: ...
Gooper Blooper: harpy pls
RubyChao: *looks at levian generals*
Harpy: *stuffs Greed and Wrath in a locker*
Harpy: *and levian generals*


Jumpropeman: sakurai was actually interviewed about ridley and surprisingly he said Ridley was too big
Gooper Blooper: well there it is
Gooper Blooper: direct definitive confirmation, THE DREAM IS DEAD
Jumpropeman: time to shift gears
Jumpropeman: Mother Brain for Smash!
Gooper Blooper: Zebesian for smash
Gooper Blooper: Fake Kraid for smash
Gooper Blooper: Botwoon for stage boss
RubyChao: oh god goops no he'd be so OP
RubyChao: Anthony Higgs for smash
Jumpropeman: I'd love me some Higgs
Jumpropeman: as long as his taunt is "Remembuh me?"
Gooper Blooper: well we know what Higgs' taunt would be
Gooper Blooper: 2slow
RubyChao: get eight people together to all play higgs
RubyChao: they just keep spamming "REMEMBUH ME"


Draco joined the chat
Jumpropeman: i spent a long time thinking of the perfect way to say happy birthday to you draco
Jumpropeman: i hope it paid off


Jumpropeman: The Plot of the DS game "Master of Illusion": "Barbara the Bat had invited you to play at her magic shop."
Jumpropeman: Full Stop
Jumpropeman: I love wikis
Gooper Blooper: it's concise!


Bree: "Tenshi grew to level 22! Utsuho grew to level 22! Siren grew to level 22!"
Bree: this is when you know you have problems
Bree: 2many pogeys named after ZFRP
Bree: not to mention my trainer is Melody so like


Jumpropeman: i don't know if I like Prinny as much anymore now that they are all ex-convicts


Saberwulf: I was bullshitting around in the store today and suddenly came up with "David, owning to his mutation abilities and long spans in the desert, can actually on demand mutate kohl-eyeliner to keep the sun away"
Saberwulf: Like he just snaps his fingers and perfect winged eyeliner


Gooper Blooper: I watched every Godzilla movie with my mom
Gooper Blooper: After we watched All Monsters Attack she looked at me and said "let us never speak of this again"


CHAOMANIA joined the chat


RubyChao: *2 damage*
Harpy: aya sucks


Gooper Blooper: My christmas list this year is infested with Pokemon to the point where it looks like my 1999 christmas list
Gooper Blooper: (My 1999 Christmas was fucking awesome)


Harpy: remind me to send the goopsfamily tons of chocolate
Harpy: 45 russel stover chocolates
RubyChao: buy 50
RubyChao: send me the other 5
RubyChao: you know you want to harps
Harpy: dude i'd hand deliver


SteelKomodo: ok so the gym leader is being a huge pansy
SteelKomodo: and I gave to go find him in these woods
SteelKomodo: and they're filled with angry trees
Gooper Blooper: You may want to catch one of those angry trees while you're there - it's a trade evolution so it's a pain to catch otherwise
SteelKomodo: ah, good idea
SteelKomodo: there are foongus amoongus
Gooper Blooper: the forest is full of living plants
Gooper Blooper: and also jigglypuff
RubyChao: *GASP*
RubyChao: are you sure
RubyChao: jigglypuff isn't a plant
Gooper Blooper: the rare fairyplant
RubyChao: and with that i brb


Tableter joined the chat
Tableter: Top butts
Tableter left the chat


Gooper Blooper: yesterday I saw a shiny Regigigas on the GTS and all they wanted was an ordinary Beldum
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: I rushed to Pokemon Bank, which began auto-updating
Gooper Blooper: ten minutes of auto-updating later, I withdrew my Beldum with the knowledge that there was no fucking way I'd make it
Gooper Blooper: I didn't make it
RubyChao: noooooooooooo ;_;
Gooper Blooper: I did however get a shiny Durant by trading my spare Raikou
Gooper Blooper: unfortunately it has an awful nature
Gooper Blooper: plus Special Defense, minus Attack
RubyChao: ouch
Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry Durant but that special def boost isn't going to stop Flamethrower


(Chao names his Fletchling "Utsuho")

RubyChao: *checks okuu's summary*
RubyChao: she's got big pecks alright ;)
RubyChao: ...i don't actually know how that innuendo would translate to a human form
Gooper Blooper: "Pectoral may refer to: The chest region and anything relating to it."
Gooper Blooper: stonking great tits
RubyChao: pit theory etc
RubyChao: utsuho's big tits pecks continue to save her from defense lowering moves
RubyChao: they just sink right in
Gooper Blooper: Manga Carta carries a figurine in a blind box that "combines the greatest assets of Josephine and Utsuho"
Gooper Blooper: in a tragic manufacturing accident the figure has Jo's chest and Okuu's butt
RubyChao: the pitbros mourn


RubyChao: >​pikachu has my scatterbug at 1 HP, uses tail whip
RubyChao: glad to see the trainer AI is the same as always!
Gooper Blooper: genius tactical strategy
Gooper Blooper: brutal difficulty, hardcore gaming nirvana
Gooper Blooper: a pikachu's tail waggling in the darkness forever
RubyChao: i won
RubyChao: the pikachu spend seven turns using Growl and Tail Whip
RubyChao: while my bug was at 1 HP
RubyChao: until it died of tackle
Gooper Blooper: you overcame the odds
Gooper Blooper: rapadoo
RubyChao: when i meet the name rater that scatterbug's becoming John Cena
Gooper Blooper: jhon census


RubyChao: don't you guys wanna see tenshi get karmic comeuppance next year? :U
Gooper Blooper:


Jumpluffropeman: this song is so annoying
Jumpluffropeman: its a decent song
RubyChao: jesus what the heck happened to it
Jumpluffropeman: but in the background there is this random double click
Jumpluffropeman: I thought something was dripping
Jumpluffropeman: ...wait a minute
Jumpluffropeman: if the ashy route is back
Jumpluffropeman: does that mean... those amazing flutes are too
Jumpluffropeman: i'll be so happy if those are back
Gooper Blooper: Bulbapedia doesn't mention it, but the flutes are back and you can gather ash faster now
Jumpluffropeman: im not looking at that spoiler
Jumpluffropeman: im sure its disappointment
Jumpluffropeman: I found the hut :3
Harpy: the pizza hut eh
Jumpluffropeman: that would be nice too


(Harpy talks about doing a Royal Rumble with 20 entrants)

Gooper Blooper: attempt at harpy rumble guess
Gooper Blooper: Alex Stella Garnet Kirby Hansel
Sammy Carlos Juan Sol Mikey
Sophia Gluttony Reimu Kela Satoshi
Scarlet Belinda James Carla Siren
Magical Harpsichord: >​James
Bree: James the Blastoise?
Magical Harpsichord: what an interesting roster
Magical Harpsichord: yes
Gooper Blooper: and secret 21st entrant Yuran
Magical Harpsichord: *snort*
Magical Harpsichord: i will say that there are at least 2 representatives from most factions, at least 2 for every year aside from 2012
Magical Harpsichord: take that information as you wish
Jumpluffropeman: "Anyway, I guess I can talk about Yuran Durell here. I actually got the idea for an empath pretty early on during the break."
Magical Harpsichord: pfft
Magical Harpsichord: yuran
Gooper Blooper: You can't spell yuran durell without most of durant
Magical Harpsichord: you mean that guy who got lost in manhattan
Magical Harpsichord: duran yurell
Gooper Blooper: he saw a bunch of people coming back after Jonesy was taken by the zerg
Gooper Blooper: got really agitated because of their negative emotions
Gooper Blooper: fainted
Gooper Blooper: and we never saw him again
RubyChao: and we never saw him again
Jumpluffropeman: i cant believe I forgot Yuran existed
RubyChao: dat hivemind
Magical Harpsichord: the zerg ate him, oh nooo
Magical Harpsichord: i remember he existed
RubyChao: i forgot he existed too
Magical Harpsichord: but he was kind of... eh
Gooper Blooper: His biggest moment was watching Sarah on Who Wants to be a Gorillionaire
RubyChao: i'm going to go with "the zerg ate him" too :U
Gooper Blooper: RIP Yuran, you were very tall


RubyChao: >​tenshi gets kicked out for being unstylish


Draco: The Jumpluffropeman name has been tarnished by a wicked imposter. Can the real deal track down the enemy, defeat the eight cowboy blaster bots, and restore his honor? Only you can decide with "Jumpluffropeman the Bandit: Vengeance for Honor" now on Sintendo Virtual Gear!
Draco: "Play as your favorite characters, like Jumpluffropeman, The Moderate Blue, and the mysterious Stegosaurus! Solve puzzles to find out what happened to Jumpluffropeman's old partner, the RedSpy Renegade! Fight your way through nine hair-raising levels to the showdown with Blooper the Kid!"


Bree: you can choose green or yellow for your bike
Bree: but those are the only two colors :<
Bree: totally would've gotten Melody a red bike if I could
SteelKomodo: :<
RubyChao: >​no blue


Gooper Blooper: today I fought very dumb people on Pokemon wifi
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: how dumb were they?
Gooper Blooper: I can usually tell by the team preview how a match is gonna go
Gooper Blooper: if someone's team contains a mix of the following and nothing else, it's not going to be what I'd call high-level strategy
Gooper Blooper: Legendaries that are on the cover of a Pokemon game, Charizard, Greninja, Lucario, the legendary birds
Gooper Blooper: About half of the teams I see online are those things and nothing else
Gooper Blooper: EVERYONE has a Charizard


Gooper Blooper: now to upload pics of the collection

RubyChao: yessssss
RubyChao: the best legendaries
RubyChao: i'm so glad gigas is in oras it would have been a complete failure on their part if he wasn't
Draco: How many Garfield books do you have? =U
Magical Harpsichord: xD
Gooper Blooper: A lot
Draco: I had a lot of 'em too. I saw the fat puns on the spines and knew they had to be Garfield.

1 comment:

  1. I had a dream tonight where the opening of the old Reboot show became this unfathomable different thing that I can best describe as a cross between the opening of Nip/Tuck. Dexter, and open heart surgery. Dreams just go WEIRD places.
