Monday, November 10, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 161: Dubstep Gnome Yacht

Bree: d'aww
SteelKomodo: :3
Deletons: catte
Deletons: harpy pls there is going to be a critical overload of catte
Deletons: i cant handle it
Harpy: as the resident cat lover here, I say
2Goopy joined the chat
RubyChao: hello goops
RubyChao: is it time for heroic tenshi
2Goopy: hello friends
2Goopy: teim 2 get spoopy, pokemon style
2Goopy: Operation Save The Spook
RubyChao: tenshi: "No it's not."


RubyChao: i like how chatzy madness is chronicling my continued descent into despair and doom


Saberwulf: So apparently Kurt Russel's Escape From New York stunt double was named Dick Warlock
Tableter: What a kickass name
Cornwind Evil: I swear, people don't like the Ravenskys, but if I can ever make a movie about them by some miracle, I'm going to see if in the credits I can get all the stunt people who played the main characters listed right after the actor instead of a big block of names
Saberwulf: Speed Weed, Dick Warlock, all the classics
Harpy: *has a heart attack and dies*
Harpy: rip, died of ravensky overexposure
Saberwulf: By the way Speed Weed is a real person
Cornwind Evil: No one said you had to go SEE the movie Harpy
Saberwulf: They co-produce a few shows like Law & Order
Cornwind Evil: Though wouldn't that be hilarious? We lose touch, twenty-five years later Del's kids are like 'Hey dad we wanna go see this movie." "Okay." And then it turns out it's about the Ravenskys and Del is all like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
iKomodo: That would be amazing
Saberwulf: It's the other film in the theater, alongside three romantic comedies and the 17th movie of my books, which has just made even more billions of dollars
Saberwulf dares to dream
iKomodo: They are soon followed by the movie version of my own novel, which has giant monsters in it
iKomodo: i worked on the special effects
iKomodo is probably more ambitious than Wulf is


Jumpropeman: *imagines his future*
Jumpropeman: *sees a fat seal slapping a keyboard*
Jumpropeman: everything seems to be in order :D
 Jumpropeman: it seems we also discussed fears in chatzy
Jumpropeman: *imagines his fears*
Jumpropeman: *sees a fat seal slapping a keyboard with a witch mask on*
Jumpropeman: D:


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
RubyChao: tenshi going ham
2Goopy: Tenshi fueled by the power of love
2Goopy: "NO I'M NOT"


RubyChao: "When you would jump, you couldn't do it as high as usual, and if you fell more that what seemed like 15 feet in game, Mario would make a hyper-realistic crunching noise and double over in pain as if he broke his legs. At this point I couldn't move and I had to reset. When I did, it wouldn't let me.
Then this text appeared: 'Mario has fallen and broke 8 bones. He died in the hospital due to internal bleeding.'"

RubyChao: i like how it has to be a HYPER-REALISTIC noise too
RubyChao: "Dark Samus said that I was no better than the Space Pirates, causing pain and suffering where ever I went. I wasn't saving the galaxy, but destroying it. Everywhere I had been, death was sure to follow." ahaha this pasta did the same thing i did with samus's sin back in 2013


Harpy: I am doing organic II homework during this plot
Bree: organic chem is pretty spooky
Bree: *viola in labcoat and safety goggles*


Draco: Oh yeah, the Sar Chasm is SO HUGE. It's totally not just a tiny crack in the ground. BU


Jumpropeman: so, are we going to try and save Pestus on his plot day too?
Jumpropeman: I think there's still good in him :D
Draco: Sure. All hugs and kisses for him.
Jumpropeman: I will make sure to send my most affectionate characters than
Draco: And Gloria gets trapped in a Game Gear.
Jumpropeman: she's screwed, the battery will die the moment its turned on
Draco: She'll have twenty seconds if the volume is off.
Jumpropeman: well, it's about time I write a lead-in sentence so me leaving chatzy isn't abrupt
Jumpropeman: so, goodb-
Jumpropeman left the chat


SteelKomodo: AW YESSSSS
Tableter: He messaged wulf on tumblr
SteelKomodo: awesome
Cornwind Evil: It's funny, as I just found out what happened to Doomrider in 40K canon
Tableter: What happened
Draco: He timewarped.
Draco: Vina and Rebecca will be attending the wedding in armor the rest of their clothes are burning in a wrecked spaceship where Actaeus was.
Cornwind Evil: He got killed by the White Scars Master Of The Hunt
Cornwind Evil: But his head's still alive
Cornwind Evil: So maybe we need to go rescue him


Draco waves around a leather-bound, gas-powered stick on a handle.
SteelKomodo: ELLO PAT
Draco: It was Peter Fogg in the Transparent Zone.
SteelKomodo: it was still TERRIBLE
Draco: Hold on, Catbug, my driving is TERRIBLE.
SteelKomodo: WHAT YER DOIN


Harpy: >Gooper Blooper: Harpy bursts into the elite four with five level 80s and a level 95 clefairy


RubyChao: "Youmu.exe is a clone of Sonic.exe and work with him"
RubyChao: "Friends: Ally, ScareReimu,Bloody Medicine.Yuyuko.exe (Her former Master) Sonic.exe (Boss) Sally"
RubyChao: butwhy
Jumpropeman: it's nice that all the creepypasta guys can get together and be friends after work
Jumpropeman: "good job bleeding from your eyes today Dead Bart!"
RubyChao: "There was 1 option and no exit. That option was "Die". I couldn't exit even by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete so I chose Die."


Harpy: meanwhile I battle the kobber's true enemy
Harpy: popcorn kernels
Gooper Blooper: aaaagh


Jumpropeman: you may say he's a psycho, but he's the only one
Jumpropeman: *doesn't know why John Lennon's Imagine always comes up in his head*
SteelKomodo: lolz
SteelKomodo: ...oh god
SteelKomodo: I'm imagining it too
SteelKomodo: You may say I'm a Tigger,
But I am the only one!

Jumpropeman: why doesn't this song exist already


Ven: -tries to review mental list and see if he's ever been someone both good and not insane-
Forscythe Puddingshins.
Out of nineteen characters roleplayed, PC, only one comes to mind that fits that description.
Ven: But I am assured I make a fairly fun evil companion anyway. :P
Ven flops over


Jumpropeman: I rate nearly everything on Netflix a 5 so as to not mess with my taste profile (Save the worst movie I ever saw... which I gave a 4 :V) so when Netflix suggests that I'd rate "Video Game: The Movie" with 2 stars, it must be complete garbage


Bree: I never noticed before, but Machamp has kind of a King DeDeDe face


Bree: what were the game developers smoking when they decided to create Magikarp
Bree: "so like, it's like, this... this stupid-looking fish, right? and its only ability is to flop around uselessly!"
Bree: "that's so fucking perfect. the players will hate it."
SteelKomodo: *shrug*
Bree: "no no no, but then it evolves into this super badass doom fish dragon thing--"


Bree: harpy... when I get a clefairy... should I level it to 100 and defeat the Elite Four with it? :B
Harpy: it's not fairy type in gen IV so it might be difficult. it's normal type
Harpy: but sure, why not
Tableter: do it


Bree: I think I'll try and join
Tableter: i believe in you no matter what bree
Draco: that's the spirit
Tableter: that may be the alcohol talking tho
Bree: oh del, it's always the alcohol talking
SteelKomodo: XD
2Goopy: Draco was right, it was the spirits all along


2Goopy: So Botwoon unknowingly helped Beck
2Goopy: The End unknowingly crippled Razaan
Jumpropeman: Botwoon is the real hero
2Goopy: Ixael felt guilt and took himself out
SteelKomodo: mmhm
2Goopy: And Niggles switched sides
2Goopy: Thank you, Season Four Worm Things
Jumpropeman: Team Worm Squad!


Bree: that reminds me, I was bored so I spent some time pondering the six Pokémon that I think would make a perfect JRM pogeyteam
Jumpropeman: oh, tell me Bree!
Bree: I believe the JRM team was: Hippowdon, Pelipper, Piloswine, Seel, Snorlax, Spheal
Bree: a hippo, a derpy pelican, a mammoth, a fat seal, a something-or-other, and another fat seal
Jumpropeman: fantastic
2Goopy: Feels like there should be a ghost in there somewhere
Bree: also considered: Bibarel, Psyduck, Quagsire, Spoink
Bree: maybe Jellicent?
2Goopy: Yes, male Jellicent
2Goopy: with his Pringles moustache
Jumpropeman: Pringles Mustache Jellicent is totally up my alley
2Goopy: well JRM would certainly have no issue with surfing


Cornwind Evil: I think she also showed Sine David's anime
Cornwind Evil: Sine:...This is remarkably even-handed in its treatment of me.
2Goopy: She did, yeah
2Goopy: I think it wound up going somewhat the other way re: sine in the anime
2Goopy: if the vague narration and Sine's reaction was anything to go by
Jumpropeman: *Sine has a long twirly mustache, ties Zephyrus to some train tracks*
Cornwind Evil: She speaks only in silent movie title cards
Cornwind Evil: "Ho ho! I again prove to be a subpar friend!"
2Goopy: Now I'm imagining a secondary character using "Silent movie character" as their gimmick
Jumpropeman: *scraps character idea discretly*


Harpy: i love how I have no boss music here
Harpy: it could be peaceful ambiance with wrath going "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAH" ocassionally
Harpy: with the sounds of violence


2Goopy: aw
Draco: If I don't get bikini Sonia today, RIOOOOOOOOOOOT.
Draco: Just kidding.
Draco: ;p
Harpy: wait does anyone really want bikini sonia :U
2Goopy: Lily does!


Yello Dello: Typo esit
Yello Dello: *edit
Yello Dello: My tablet has EDI on autocorrect
Yello Dello: I don't fucking know


nankai yattemo nankai yattemo: , , , Aaaand I lost the skull barrier
nankai yattemo nankai yattemo: But its okay! I kept BOTH identical Chaos Kin trophies
Jumpropeman: don't forget frequent visits to the trophy shop!
ZodiacHarpy: i read that as "Chaos Kin"
ZodiacHarpy: as in "Chao's Kin"
ZodiacHarpy: as in "did chao make babies"
Jumpropeman: Chaokin, the sequel to Sarahkin
RubyChao: not yet
Bree: Chaokin is the new term for 2hus
ZodiacHarpy: now featuring the Sarakin
RubyChao: call back in forty years
Jumpropeman: chao, are you saying you're gonna have kids when you're SIXTY
ZodiacHarpy: i'll call back when you're 101 and you can tell me about all the wonderful great grandchilden you got
RubyChao: *sixty-two
ZodiacHarpy: >​ruby is one year older than me
RubyChao: "Yeah, I'm teaching them all about Touhou!"
ZodiacHarpy: well
ZodiacHarpy: i guess i know what I must do
Jumpropeman: Chao's daughters all have Touhou names
ZodiacHarpy: *sharpens knives*
Jumpropeman: and his sons have Kiniikkuman names
Gooper Blooper: "and this is Medicine"
Bree: he names one of his daughters Utsuho, is disappointed when she graduates valedictorian, perfect GPA
Bree: "can't you be stupider, Utsuho?" "um, sorry dad?"
Gooper Blooper: "what's for dinner?" "Gods!" "yuck" "I am so disappointed in you"
RubyChao: i tried seeing if my other daughter would do any better
RubyChao: but to my shame little Tenshi is so good about sharing with and respecting other people
Jumpropeman: please don't test her tankiness
RubyChao: "You look down on your friends right now, young lady!"
Jumpropeman: gym class will do that come dodgeball time anyway
Jumpropeman: except like
Bree: he really hit the mark with Patchouli though! last month he had her committed to an institution and he's SO PROUD of daddy's little lunatic
Jumpropeman: modern gym classes, amiright?
Jumpropeman: we don't abuse our children enough in those anymore
Jumpropeman: bring back pain sports
RubyChao: Ah, dodgeball
RubyChao: the only time in school it was legal to hurl things at other people


nankai yattemo nankai yattemo: >​Giant Palutena
nankai yattemo nankai yattemo: Deviantart put down the art supplies, its just a boss battle


Draco joined the chat
Draco: Spankity spankity spankity
SteelKomodo: draco pls
Draco: Ok


Tableter: Jonesy and Del gonna draw a huge dong in napalm on Guillaume's lawn
Saberwulf: "They burned a pattern into the jungle, my liege" "what does it say?" "Guill sucks dicks and his beard looks like shit" "Son of a bitch I'm gonna murder their families"


2Goopy joined the chat
Draco: But is he bloopy?


Bree: oh my god this trainer has a team of six Magikarps
Bree: just... what even
2Goopy: Just FYI
2Goopy: That asshole is in every game in the series
RubyChao: what if it's the same fisherman
RubyChao: he keeps travelling around the world
Bree: fuck you magikarp guy


Jumpropeman: i will note, for the Host Fites, I hadn't really written the follow-up fite yet outside the opening or even run the tractor. I didn't want to repeat things done in fite club or taint my performance there with foreknowledge and such. I am working on such things now :V
Jumpropeman: so it will be later than usual sadly
Jumpropeman: hopefully not too late
RubyChao: we will live, jrm
2Goopy: Ah, I'd thought about that
RubyChao: take however long you need
2Goopy: I would have tried to do this earlier than today if I'd known it, though
Jumpropeman: to be fair gooper
Jumpropeman: we only did it now because I skipped class :V
Jumpropeman: *bad student*
Harpy: JRM is the worst student
Jumpropeman: gonna get my degree doing the bare minimum of effort
2Goopy: he gets an F, expects it to be because he skipped
2Goopy: teacher calls him over
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: horrifying
Harpy: i think JRM would prolly partly die inside if his teacher found out he RPs a ghost
RubyChao: it turns out his teacher is only mad because he reads the fites
RubyChao: and his favorite characters keep losing
RubyChao: "I wanted to see the gay robots win!"
Jumpropeman: my professor is actually Rainbow Dash and she keeps docking my grade with every loss


Harpy: i wonder if lilah can get away with scooping some frosting off the chocolate cake without nobody noticing
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
RubyChao: HAHAH
Harpy: i think the entire cake's missing
Saberwulf: CAKE NINJA
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
RubyChao: tenshi got sick after the fifth slice
2Goopy: dammit tenshi
RubyChao: she spent the rest of the wedding incapacitated by illness no dammit i'm done tormenting her this year


RubyChao: "I believe a lot of conflict in the Wild West could have been avoided completely if cowboy architects had just made their towns big enough for everyone."


Jumpropeman: "Leah: An extraordinarily smart name, for eloquent people."
Jumpropeman: it also means cow
Harpy: moo


Jumpropeman: my final post of the year will be Tallish standing in an empty bar realizing he will no longer have anyone to talk to and he'll be all alone.
RubyChao: what about the orvancian regulars
Jumpropeman: But then he'll take all the cash he earned over the two years and buy a yacht and party with all the gnome honeys on the high seas to loud dubstep music
RubyChao: hahahahah
RubyChao: but will the camera be shaking wildly and strobing colors
Jumpropeman: you bet
2Goopy: beautiful
Jumpropeman: and Top Dog will be off on the side harumphing as he reads the newspaper
Harpy: yesss


Jumpropeman: man, gooper killed chatzy when he left
Jumpropeman: all we have left is this big dumb dragon we can't get to leave >:I
Jumpropeman: draco's here too though, HI DRACO!
Draco: Hello!


Eureka joined the chat
Jumpropeman: !!!
Jumpropeman: Archimedes!
Jumpropeman: I thought we took care of you centuries ago BI
Eureka: Friends. Countrymen. Ladies and Gentlemen. JRM. May I have your attention, please? I, Archimedes, have uncovered the identity Sine X. Cosine will possess in her next incarnation, using math such as your punitive minds could never comprehend.
Eureka: The answer was obvious in hindsight.
Eureka: She will be Princess Bubblegum.
Eureka: :I
Jumpropeman: woah
Jumpropeman: that, is actually a pretty good comparison
Eureka changed name to Venge
Venge: Isn't it though? ;3
Jumpropeman: you don't even know 2011-2012 Sine and yet you hit that nail right on the head :P
Jumpropeman: or 2013 even
Jumpropeman: ro 2015!
Jumpropeman: in 2015, or is officially changed to ro to accommodate the shifting economy
Venge: Ro, ro, fight the powah? D8
Jumpropeman: exactly


Venge: When Sarah is Flag Admiral, will her bodyguards shoot detractors that call her fat?
Draco: Being a badass Admiral, she is above petty insults.
Draco: Literally above them. Orbital bombardment is a bitch and so is the Vice Admiral.
Venge: Hah!


SickBree: we went to get meds at Walgreens and I was like "mom can I buy some cookies, I promise I won't eat them until I feel better"
SickBree: I ate like six of them already though


2Goopy: This was in the summer of 2006
2Goopy: I remember because that was the year I moved
2Goopy: For a while, my brother and I had to share a room
2Goopy: I was in one of my "must play pogeys" phases at the time, and I EV trained my first ever Pokemon (a Metagross, specifically to kill an annoying Latios in Pokemon Colosseum)
SteelKomodo: Latios pls
2Goopy: My team also had a Groudon on it, and he had AncientPower as one of his attacks
2Goopy: All this is connected
2Goopy: Because
2Goopy: One night my brother asked me a question while we were both in our beds, and I had just woken up and wasn't thinking coherently
SteelKomodo: oh boy
2Goopy: Apparantly in response to him I mumbled "How was Ancient Power?"
2Goopy: Which doesn't even make any fucking sense
SteelKomodo: D:
2Goopy: signs you're playing too much pogeys
2Goopy: But it all comes full circle this year
2Goopy: I saw this and asked for it for Christmas
2Goopy: I want my brother to give it to me
2Goopy: so at last
2Goopy: I can finally tell him how Ancient Power was
2Goopy: "I didn't get any holos, it sucked"
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: goops you genius
Draco: Rad.




Harpy: [4:22:48 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: phoenix will never believe apollo's stories :V
[4:23:11 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: "You shot a ghost through the chest? Really?"
[4:23:01 PM] HarpyKuro: dude he interrogated a parrot
[4:23:09 PM] HarpyKuro: phoenix has no wright to say anything
[4:23:15 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: that pun
[4:23:17 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: arrrrgh
[4:23:19 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: *collapse*


2Goopy: people are keeping their 9.99
RubyChao: BUT IT'S ONLY 9.99
2Goopy: I can buy pogeystuff with that 9.99
2Goopy: because I'm a huge dork
2Goopy: I looked at my wishlist for christmas and it's almost entirely pokemon
2Goopy: "pogeycards"
2Goopy: "shit to hold the pogeycards"
Draco: Corooper Blooper
2Goopy: "pogeygame"
2Goopy: "also slippers"
SteelKomodo: i need to start making my wishlist, i guess
SteelKomodo: the Britbros usually do it at this time of year
2Goopy: My mom is Very Enthusiastic about Christmas
2Goopy: She told me the same story she does every year
2Goopy: "don't expect anything too big, gonna save money"
2Goopy: Get in the car to run errands and there's this massive fucking box taking up the entire backseat
2Goopy: "mind your own business"
RubyChao: clearly
RubyChao: it's a box containing another box
RubyChao: and so on, and so on, and at the bottom is one chocolate bar
2Goopy: the box contains one copy of every pogeycard ever printed
Draco: All the Fossil Grimers.


Harpy: link
SteelKomodo: ...Saralex in ORAS?
Harpy: i'm flattered you think Alex is as handsome as Ringabel, but sadly no
2Goopy: sarah thinks alex is the handsomest
SteelKomodo: oh lawd


Saberwulf: I feel like this is gonna be a fun plot
Saberwulf: "Kobbers labeled Multiversal terrorists worse than Ishtar, have to fight the Republique and Sentinels while trying to keep a Changeling from eating them"
Harpy: i have a feeling sine is going to torture the everloving shit out of Guillaume
Saberwulf: I bet you fifty shekels like three RP characters will be immortal avatars by the end of this
Saberwulf: "Welcome to the club ya gits"
Harpy: alex is already immortal and would like a refund
2Goopy: the three are Tiberius, Stag Beetle and Sakura Atari
Tableter: Godde Dogge
Saberwulf: Stag Beetle ends up becoming Patron of Hub bugs, travels around in a tiny royal procession with a miniature sun on his head and a gold shell
Saberwulf: "There goes that dang beetle again, blessing the ruffage"


RubyChao: "anything, anywhere, at any time, may in fact be Teshni."
RubyChao: hi is ruby
RubyChao changes shapes
SickBree: lel
SickBree: Goops has accurately summed up my rule of thumb for teshniposts


2Goopy: "This is why I’m not employee of the month"
RubyChao: viola ruins another life
Harpy: viola has a job?
Harpy: looking at pictures of herself?
SickBree: clearly that's tenshi at work
SickBree: "I wasn't googling images of viola on the internet"
SickBree: "sh-shut up"
2Goopy: baka
SickBree: lel
RubyChao: it's not like she likes viola or anything


2Goopy: twas the night before halloween and all through the house it was spoopy
2Goopy: and I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight
2Goopy: "have another chatzy madness"

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