Sunday, December 28, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 169: The Sarahkin Panty Raid

RubyChao: ...i just had a mental image
RubyChao: josephine doing scrooge mcduck style vault swimming
RubyChao: except it's half money and half chocolate
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: (dirk is reclining on an inner tube or something)
SteelKomodo: ...and now you've given me the perfect idea for Dirk's christmas present to her
RubyChao: yay!


RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: why are you telling me the TASK MANAGER is an unknown program, windows
SteelKomodo: D:


Gooper Blooper: "As reported several weeks ago, WWE originally had plans to make next year’s Royal Rumble elimination match a 40-man bout, but it was later confirmed that it will be a traditional 30-man match. As it turns out, WWE originally planned on capitalizing on the fact that the Royal Rumble is being held in Philadelphia next year by using a bunch of ‘ECW Originals’ in the match to get the number of competitors up to 40. The idea was later nixed and WWE executives decided to go with the regular 30-man match."
Gooper Blooper stares at massive half-finished Rumble
Gooper Blooper: fack
SteelKomodo: fuckery
RubyChao: well this just proves the GB Rumble is even better than the normal rumble
RubyChao: because it's 33% larger
Gooper Blooper: 33% cooler


Scholar Scowle: Go, magikarp!
Scholar Scowle rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Scholar Scowle: Exactly as expected.


Scholar Scowle: "Ware wicked wicker witches' wares, woman! Ware the wears and wares of Wyrd, and worship worthy weal without wondering of wandering warlocks!"
So grimly growled the grandfather Gorras, guzzling grog greedily, giving garrulous grim 'gems' about and to genuine glaring guerrilla gypsies.
Horror hove heavily on the hearts of hearth and home, honesty honestly hanging hard-fought hopes however much his hale and hearty horde harped- haranguing him to help by hushing.
Alas for all. Alack, alay, what a awful day- what a awful way!- for fine feathered fair folks to flee for fate's final fatal faithful fallows!
Unforgiven, unfortunately, unforgivingly up unto the Gallows.
Scholar Scowle throws a hammer at screen and collapses to sob


Gooper Blooper: Okay so
Gooper Blooper: you do a Double Battle, see, and use a Clefable or Togekiss
Gooper Blooper: They use Follow Me so Chansey can set up Minimize
Gooper Blooper: When Chansey's all Minimized up, it boosts its' stats more with Calm Mind
Gooper Blooper: When Follow Me faints, send in a Gardevoir
Gooper Blooper: Have Gardevoir use Psych Up on Chansey
Gooper Blooper: Then spam the move Stored Power
Harpy: OH GOD NO
Gooper Blooper: If Chansey gets to use Minimize three times and Calm Mind six times
Gooper Blooper: Then you get two Pokemon with max evasion, max Special Attack, and max Special Defense, and Gardevoir is attacking with a move that has a base power of 570
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure it's ballgame at that point
Gooper Blooper: LIFEHACK
ivelchild: literally


Harpy: I got a backwards compatable PS3
Gooper Blooper: Wow, it's still possible to find one of those?
Harpy: Yep
Gooper Blooper: Hot damn, have fun
Harpy: either that or my dad is a fucking wizard
Gooper Blooper: Disgaea 2 is pretty good, and there's lots of #ruined to have fun with
Gooper Blooper: Old-style succubus designs and Kela all in one vidya
Gooper Blooper: that's not even touching on the prinnies
Harpy: gonzales and prinnies and ariel
Draco: If I were a courtin' man, I'd say your dad IS a wizard 'cause you just cast a spell on me. ;p
Gooper Blooper: draco pls her boyfriend's right there
Draco: 'cause lame pick-ups line are only a step away from puns.
Draco: So? >​=V
ivelchild: excuse u
ivelchild: the one courting harpy with bad pickup puns is me
Gooper Blooper: we all love harpy
Gooper Blooper: as friends
ivelchild: truth
Harpy: but have you ever courted me with a giant chocolate bar
Draco: Good. You can have that one for free; any more and I'll have to charge you.
Gooper Blooper: I have, depending on our definition of giant
Gooper Blooper: :V
Harpy: friendship courting with giant hershey bars is all the rage now
RubyChao: draco vs. ivelchild
RubyChao: in a giant chocolate bar on a pole match


RubyChao: chirp
Harpy: walp
Gooper Blooper: okuu put some clothes on
Gooper Blooper: *utsuho puts on just her ribbon* "How's that?"
Harpy: :333
RubyChao: Dirk: "Good enough for bro, I bet."
Gooper Blooper: "wait, wait, hold on"
Gooper Blooper: *rustles hair, makes idiot hair pop up*
Gooper Blooper: "THERE"
Harpy: perfect
Fluropeman: when every hair is an idiot hair, is any hair truly an idiot hair?
Harpy: Alex ahoge does not approve of such reasoning


RubyChao: i actually found touhou metroidvania games
Gooper Blooper: but is okuu in a samus suit the playable character
RubyChao: no, and that is why it's not the ideal yet
RubyChao: they star the SDM/Youmu/the SDM again
RubyChao: if there WAS a touhou metroidvania starring utsuho (even in normal outfit) i would probably be throwing money at the screen
Gooper Blooper starts a petition to make japanese indie game developers make custom games for our 12-person community
RubyChao: >​12 person
RubyChao: sheep ;_;7
RubyChao: also don't forget the petition to make crossover fanart of Touhou/Kid Icarus and Touhou/Pokemon
Gooper Blooper: Draco already took care of that somewhat
RubyChao: oh right, he did
RubyChao: ...crossover fanart of Reimu Hakurei chasing Kaito Kid, clearly :V
Fluropeman: crossover
Gooper Blooper: Dark Pit X FFT Chemist
Gooper Blooper: "how the hell did you come up with this"
Gooper Blooper: "we don't know"
RubyChao: don't forget the requirement that the chemist has a huge
RubyChao: head towel
Gooper Blooper: the inexplicable head towel


SteelKomodo: ...what the flying fuck
SteelKomodo: kill it
SteelKomodo: with fire
SCREAMING: I love how there's 15 seconds of buildup for trying to picture a Kirby CAW
SCREAMING: And then that abomination runs out
SCREAMING: Hyped up like its on way too much candy


Saberwulf: Watch Twin peaks it's the best
Saberwulf: It's by David Lynch who made Dune and Mulholland Drive
Saberwulf: Holy shit I just read the Wikipedia page
Saberwulf: "On October 6, 2014, it was confirmed that the series will return for a nine-episode limited series to air in early 2016 on Showtime. All episodes will be written by creators David Lynch and Mark Frost, with Lynch directing all the episodes."
Saberwulf seizing


Harpy: so ivel, jewel man is the most fab person in RP and basically the only character you need to know extensively about
SteelKomodo: Yep
SteelKomodo: Everyone else with their tragic backstories and interesting love lives are unimportant
SteelKomodo: Jewel Man: The Only Character That Matters
Harpy: all other characters are on a need-to-know basis
ivelchild: even Skurvy?
Harpy: ...okay Skurvy is second most important character in RP
ivelchild: :U
Harpy: i think he's allergic to oranges
ivelchild: haw
Gooper Blooper: I find it unlikely harpy hasn't made a sarahkin reference to Ivel, whether by accident or not
Harpy: i never did
Tableter: You're all wrong
Tableter: There is only One King That Matters
Harpy: all you need to know, ivel
Harpy: is that sarah
Harpy: is me
Harpy: if i were a white mage
ivelchild: you mean you aren't already?
Harpy: dude did you see how badly i burned you in mario kart? i'm a black mage son
Harpy: or a sage
ivelchild: or a Red Mage


RubyChao: my GBC library of games was very... unvaried
RubyChao: it literally was pogeys, oracles, basketball
RubyChao: it wasn't until the GBA that i actually started playing other things, haha
Gooper Blooper: Sounds like my own GBC library, chao
Gooper Blooper: Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon, Super Mario Bros Deluxe, random bargain bin game, Pokemon
RubyChao: brothers in unvariety
RubyChao: also damn i just realized
RubyChao: the nba game is probably physically over/almost (my mind is muddled on the exact year we got it) 15 years old at this point
RubyChao: and it still works
RubyChao: then again goops has a thirty year old game system
RubyChao: so who am i to boast :V
Drao: Draco's Game Boy collection was a few Pokemon games, Tetris, Godzilla, Mario 1 and 2, Legend of Zelda, Kirby's Dream Land 2, and a few others I don't remember right now.
Gooper Blooper: I have a working copy of Air-Sea Battle
RubyChao: in fact doing some math
Gooper Blooper: Air-Sea Battle was released in 1977
Drao: I still live. That's an accomplishment.
RubyChao: that game is literally older than everyone here
RubyChao: even cw
RubyChao: now that's old
Gooper Blooper: Thanks to Air-Sea Battle my collection of vidya spans five decades
Gooper Blooper: cartridges were built to last
Gooper Blooper: except the save batteries
RubyChao: rip my pokemon gold file
RubyChao: if only i had discovered the mew glitch
Harpy: rip
Gooper Blooper: this gen, you can redeem yourself
Gooper Blooper: go forth, chao, and catch them all
Gooper Blooper: "Puddles are well-known for appearing in the locations of Legendary Pokémon."
RubyChao: thanksbulbapedia
Gooper Blooper: Bulbapedia's article on puddles has a whole conspiracy theory weaved into it about how puddles and legendaries are connected
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: really
Gooper Blooper:
SteelKomodo: What
Gooper Blooper: "Larger puddles appear on the event-only locations Southern Island and Faraway Island. Latios or Latias and Mew can be found in these puddles, awaiting capture."
Gooper Blooper: "Similarly to Generation III, they appear with more prominence in the locations of legendary Pokémon."
Gooper Blooper: "Stylized puddles also appear on both Fullmoon Island and Newmoon Island, the locations of Cresselia and Darkrai respectively."
Gooper Blooper: they keep bringing it up
SteelKomodo: Fukken puddles, man
Gooper Blooper: "However, battling Darkrai is considered battling in tall grass, despite both the player and Darkrai standing in a puddle."
Gooper Blooper: game freak why


Gooper Blooper: I once considered making a sarah caramelldansen gif but it was too much work so I never tried


Gooper Blooper: *casually browses amazon*
Gooper Blooper: *Rock Bull mousepad*
Gooper Blooper: GO AWAY
RubyChao: who was it this time
Gooper Blooper: Haunter
RubyChao: oh god it's not just touhou
Gooper Blooper: He now has two ratings
Gooper Blooper: the original 1... and a 5
Gooper Blooper: "Arrived very quickly. This is as beautiful as the picture, we will probably frame this mouse pad."
SCREAMING D: Rock Bull mousepad?
RubyChao: lucky spy
RubyChao: still innocent about rock bull
Harpy: must be him voting for himself with a dummy account
ivelchild: I am not certain what it is either
Harpy: who frames a mousepad of all things anyway
Gooper Blooper: Spy: I recently discovered an Amazon third-party merchant from Asia named "Rock Bull Anime" has flooded search results for [insert beloved japanese character here] with "custom mouse pads" that are clearly just pics ripped from pixiv or whatever and placed on cafepress-style mouse pads
ivelchild: ah
Harpy: do they have conan mousepads
RubyChao: harpy no
ivelchild: hey Harpy
SCREAMING D: Oh wow, that's awful
Gooper Blooper: all of their mousepads cost 10 dollars plus five dollars shipping
ivelchild: remember
Harpy: i ask as the ultimate test of trust
ivelchild: that one Conan mousepad
Gooper Blooper: this is too much for a mousepad
Harpy: oh yes, the conan "buttpad"
ivelchild: yep
Harpy: much like the boob mousepad some people like
Gooper Blooper: There are 17 pages of Conan mousepads, 18 displayed per page
Harpy: wh
Harpy: what
Gooper Blooper: collect them all
Harpy: AND NOT ONE OF THEM HAD KAITO KID they probably do
Harpy: still not buying them
Harpy: I never use mousepads anymore, although I really should
Gooper Blooper: "kaito" returns 32 pages, though this is because of the vocaloid
Harpy: wireless, no ball mice don't work too well on glass tables
Harpy: lel vocaloid
Gooper Blooper: 7 mousepads for milotic
Gooper Blooper: 0 mousepads for hex maniac
Gooper Blooper: 6 pages of mousepads for tenshi
RubyChao: >​0 for viola
RubyChao: discrimination
Harpy: she is safe
Harpy: no, it's a bad thing if they have them, because overpriced mousepads
Gooper Blooper: there are some mouse pads for tomoko so the "awkward gothy-looking shy girl" demographic is still appeased
Gooper Blooper: A dozen-plus mousepads for kirby
ivelchild: hm
Gooper Blooper: I use a mousepad, actually
ivelchild: deciding what to ask about
ivelchild: I use a mousepad
ivelchild: this company gave away free really nice mousepads that are like little rugs
Gooper Blooper: I found it in a cupboard a year ago when I got a new mouse and it works well
RubyChao: i don't use a mouse most of the time so i don't bother
Gooper Blooper: Mine has a wrist pad
Gooper Blooper: but it doesn't look like breasts, it looks like a wrist pad
RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: somehow
RubyChao: i never realized that's what it was for
Gooper Blooper: What, did you think those breasts were just for decoration?
Harpy: yes
Gooper Blooper: NO SIR these are PRACTICAL BREASTS
ivelchild: I actually knew that
Harpy: real life reimu tiddies
Harpy: and now that i said that
Harpy: *jumps off a bridge*
Gooper Blooper: 46 pages of mousepads for reimu
Gooper Blooper: They have 134 pages of products total
Harpy: my fav touhou, ruined
ivelchild: Dynasty Warriors? :U
Gooper Blooper: "anime team fortress Mouse Pad, Mousepad"
ivelchild: because I thought of nothing else to ask
ivelchild: oh god
Harpy: lu bu mousepad
Gooper Blooper: It depicts Rule 63 versions of RED Team
Harpy: oh
Harpy: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: A page and a half of "dynasty warrior" mousepads
Gooper Blooper: No results for lu bu
Gooper Blooper: Also no results: Yanma, Skarmory
RubyChao: poor reimu
RubyChao: but what about marisa
Harpy: you must not make mousepads of lu bu
Gooper Blooper: 18 pages of mousepads for marisa
Gooper Blooper: step it up, marisa
Harpy: reimu the superior touhou
Cornwind Evil: I do not understand how people could use such crass mousepads
Harpy: CW outta nowhere
Gooper Blooper: Rin Satsuki
Gooper Blooper: got a mousepad
Harpy: ...
Harpy: we must protect her
Gooper Blooper: I repeat, Rin Satsuki got a pad
Gooper Blooper: Just one, and Marisa shares it with her, and her name is not in the title
Gooper Blooper: BUT SHE GOT ONE
Harpy: ...depending on how you read that, that can be kinda awkward
Harpy: :U
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: there's no escape for touhous
RubyChao: no escape
Gooper Blooper: well she got the other kind of pad too, as you can see
Harpy: oooh, so she's like sakuya
Harpy: ...same with marisa apparently
Harpy: these pads look pretty tacky though
RubyChao: goops please
Gooper Blooper: The good news is
Gooper Blooper: because Rock Bull Anime doesn't know how to do anything besides slap a jpeg on a mousepad
Gooper Blooper: none of them have breast pads
RubyChao: yay
Harpy: otherwise yoko okino breastpad sales would be through the roof
Gooper Blooper: Mima got some mousepads
Gooper Blooper: like six of them
Harpy: mima you're dead, go away
Gooper Blooper: no mousepads for clippit/clippy
Gooper Blooper: One single solitary white mage mouse pad
Harpy: sarah mousepads
Harpy: oh
Harpy: *chirp*
Harpy: okay
Harpy: big question
Harpy: etna mousepad
Harpy: bonus points if she's anything but flat chested
Gooper Blooper: One FFT mousepad
Gooper Blooper: got about 20 etna mousepads
Harpy: lel
Gooper Blooper: her chest is surprisingly under control as most of the pictures used are screengrabs from the anime or official art
RubyChao: because fanart would take extra effort
Gooper Blooper: I also see a pic I remember seeing on DA once that has been given a random background
Harpy: Etna is displeased by this lack of boobies
ivelchild: what about Asagi
Gooper Blooper: It has boobs in it but they belong to a succubus, not etna
Gooper Blooper: so there's Morgan/Lily representation
Harpy: now i wonder if they have shorty mcshortshort-er laharl mousepads
RubyChao: the exception is critikal
Harpy: asagi will never get a game, nevermind a mousepad
Harpy: :U
ivelchild: scuse u
Gooper Blooper: laharl's in the stolen art one
Gooper Blooper: and a few others
Gooper Blooper: not as popular as etna tho, gee I wonder why
ivelchild: it's because he has a bigger chest
Gooper Blooper: "Asagi" returns seven pads but none of them appear to match
Gooper Blooper: King of Mousepads Casual Chat
Harpy: *sobs in her cereal*


Bree joined the chat
iKomodo: Ey bree
Bree: hello
iKomodo: How goes it?
Bree: fine
Bree: I wanted to see if goops was on but I guess not, oh well
Draco: How come nobody ever comes in here looking for anyone but Goops? Are we just bit players in the Gooper Blooper anime? BU
RubyChao: seems that way
Tableter: Goop-oh King of Beasts
RubyChao: man david's gonna have a hard time titling season 3
RubyChao: Zeph-O King Of Beasts
RubyChao: Disclaimer: contains no Zeph
iKomodo: Lolz
Tableter: He just exploits his family again
Tableter: Conrad-O King of Beasts
Draco: David-o King of English
RubyChao: Ariel-O Queen of Jobbers
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Tableter: The goopenator arrives


Goopy Claus: c'mon, lads, there's no clothes
Goopy Claus: you musta seen the signs


Fluropeman: So, there is this game on steam
Fluropeman: It's called GEARCrack Arena, it's going for 19 cents
Fluropeman: if you get the trading cards for it, you make a profit buying it
Goopy Claus: good lord, is that a Steam sale record?
Fluropeman: but the best part is, its garbage
Fluropeman: you don't have a health bar, you have a percentage of randomly dying when you are hit by an attack
Fluropeman: and you are too slow to dodge attacks
Goopy Claus: "This is a game set in future where your main objective is to alt-tab and wait for the trading cards to drop"
Goopy Claus: Gearcrack's reviews don't disappoint


Dong Squad: Primal carnage is £3 right now
Dong Squad: 75% off
iKomodo: Oh shit
iKomodo: how long does that last?
Dong Squad: Next 42 hours
iKomodo: MINE
iKomodo: ...if I can persuade mum to let me put money on my steam
Dong Squad: Dude its £3 thats not a problem
iKomodo: Oh ok :U
Dong Squad: You can put like a fiver on
Fluropeman: I remember the young virgin jumpropeman who encountered his first steam christmas sale
Fluropeman: 15 dollars for a game, how naive he was
Goopy Claus: Gaben, the grand high overlord of game discounts
Draco: I'll buy you the game, SK.
iKomodo: You SRS, draco?
iKomodo: because if you are, thanks loads
Draco: Yes, I am serious.
iKomodo: aw yiss, thanks
Draco: Oh yeah, you can have two games since it's Christmas too.
Dong Squad: Draco Claus
iKomodo: oh lawd draco
Fluropeman: draco's kindness knows no bounds
Draco: Oh, there are bounds. Only ONE copy of Cory in the House per person. >:U
Fluropeman: you are cruel draco D:
Draco: BU I am the law.
Draco buys SK a copy of Final Fantasy 7 instead of what he wants.

(SK ultimately received both Primal Carnage and Final Fantasy 7)


Saberwulf: Oh of fucking course Azazel is associated with goats and snakes
Saberwulf: Wikipedia does all of my writing for me I swear
Fluropeman: Azazel also comes with three Black Hearts and a gimped version of Brimstone
Fluropeman: #bindingofisaac
Saberwulf: pff


RubyChao: is this celestia's ultimate goal, goops
Goopy Claus: yes
RubyChao: the real question is
RubyChao: how long would it take for sarah to devour the food moon
Fluropeman: a minute or two
Harpy: 20 minutes
Goopy Claus: this isn't even sarah's final form


Harpy: "i ate all your candy sarah"
Harpy: *sarah snacking casually on the leftover candies that were never given out* "Oh? D:"
Gooper Blooper: There's a small handful of ZFRP characters that could actually accomplish such a thing
Gooper Blooper: sarah's friends with most of them
Harpy: gluttony get out of the saralex household panty
Harpy: ..
Harpy: not PANTY
Harpy: my god you perv
iKomodo: Hahahahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: I GUESS you're gonna MISS the...
Gooper Blooper: panty raid
Tableter: oh god
Gooper Blooper: SARAHKIN PANTY RAID 2015
Tableter: im going to die in a chatzy room
Harpy: Gluttony: Aaagh I like her but not like that geeeeez
Harpy: Gluttony: I'm only into girls with thick thighs tyvm <3
Gooper Blooper: "Woah-hohoho, XL pantiesephines, back dat ass up"
Gooper Blooper: "GET OUT OF HERE"
Harpy: is that dirk that's in there
Harpy: dirk you should ask first
Cornwind Evil: Ash: You people are going to get murdered
Harpy: Gluttony: You say that as if I haven't already been murdered >:I
Tableter: "How did i get here i have a girlfriend"
RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: There's a small handful of ZFRP characters that could actually accomplish such a thing
RubyChao: lisa, sephine... who else
iKomodo: Dirk pls
RubyChao: also alas i have no characters who would be on a panty raid
RubyChao: actually not alas
RubyChao: that's probably a good thing
Harpy: out of all my chars
Gooper Blooper: Lisa, Josephine, Kirby, Hansel in kirb form, Gluttony, maybe Sammy, and Alex himself
Harpy: only hubert would actively participate in a panty raid
Harpy: >​sammy
Gooper Blooper: maybe Sonia, too
Harpy: sammy would do a candy exchange
RubyChao: so i take it okuu would only be able to get through like half
Gooper Blooper: chocolate trade market
iKomodo: Actually I dunno if Dirk would do such a thing
RubyChao: "I can't believe it... there was too much candy."
Harpy: "YO HOMIE I GOT THE GOODS" *opens up trenchcoat, tons of russel stover chocolates fall out*
Gooper Blooper: I considered okuu but canon has shown she can't handle as much as sarah
Gooper Blooper: "here have my brownie"
RubyChao: that's true


(Wulf uses a computer she doesn't normally use)

Saberwulf: I got slightly confused by the sight of ads on webpages, like a badger in the face of philosophy books and had to quickly install all my usual firefox shit


RubyChao: i will appreciate the hell out of goopsgifts
RubyChao: even if they are bad creepypasta
Gooper Blooper: man that made me think of something awesome I could have done if I had more money
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: Use a vanity publisher to compile a book of creepypasta from SomeOrdinaryGamers, presented in a stylish and elaborate manner with fancy fonts, but it's completely unedited with all typos and formatting errors intact
RubyChao: oh my god
iKomodo: Hahaha
RubyChao: goops you madman
iKomodo: amazing
RubyChao: i would read it
Harpy: oh god
Gooper Blooper: Big swirling fancy italics in 30-point font
Gooper Blooper: "Dead Mario"
Harpy: "best of the worst of Creepypasta"
RubyChao: don't forget the table of contents
RubyChao: organized alphabetically
RubyChao: the D section is very long
Harpy: ohmy
RubyChao: as you can guess, i am very glad SomeOrdinaryGamers exists
RubyChao: that and webarchive have made up for everything
Gooper Blooper: it would have a glossary in the back so you could check which stories used the word "blood"
Gooper Blooper: it's just a reprinted table of contents
iKomodo: Hahahaha


RubyChao: hey harpy
RubyChao: how would you like my copy of sticker star
RubyChao: :D
Harpy: -10/10


Harpy: good god the food porn is back on my tumblr dashboard
Harpy: (not actual porn thank goodness)
Gooper Blooper: alex asleep, sarah quietly looking at food porn on a tablet
RubyChao: alex wakes up
RubyChao: sarah quickly switches to broccoli pictures


Gooper Blooper: anyway I like doubles and rotation and such in Pokemon because the changes in strategy make the games a lot more interesting


(The chat is currently empty)

Fluropeman joined the chat
Fluropeman: I'm back! Don't crowd around me all at once nobody!


RubyChao: so while i was out i thought of a new way to hold tenshi over the meat grinder a plot idea for 2015
RubyChao: who wants to hear :)
Gooper Blooper: ded tenshi
Harpy: Monarch looms over you and glares
Gooper Blooper: sadviola.jpg
RubyChao: don't worry, this idea is "tenshi is rendered comatose for 5/6ths of the season"
RubyChao: that should go over well, right?
Gooper Blooper: GREAT IDEA CHAO
Gooper Blooper: It's so great, I'll do the same thing!
Harpy: *grabs Chao and tosses him out of his room*
Harpy: *locks door*
Gooper Blooper rotates out Gloria for the entire season due to a coma
iKomodo: lel
RubyChao looks at Gooper and Harpy
RubyChao: fine, fine, fine
RubyChao tears up the idea
iKomodo: Lisa actually gets fat, doesn't appear for the whole year
iKomodo: "I can't show up like this! People will think I'm a shitty Eddy Murphy film!"
Gooper Blooper: she can just make herself tall
Gooper Blooper: Lisa shows up fifteen feet tall
iKomodo: Oh lawd
iKomodo: "Now I'm a shitty Emmerich/Delvin film!"
Gooper Blooper: "Uhhh Lisa, did you-" "YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING" *bonks head against ceiling*


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