Friday, November 14, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 162: Josephine's Good End

Deletons: i'm prob gonna run dungeon world at 5pm or something your time
Saberwulf: 5 PM my time's in 5 minutes
Deletons: huh
Deletons: uh
Deletons: fuck
Deletons: 6pm wulf time then
Deletons: fuck it we're doing it live
Mobilewulf joined the chat
Deletons: oh
Mobilewulf: Five seconds after I said that my router died
Mobilewulf: WELP


Draco: What would Blade call his original character?
RubyChao: Bblade
RubyChao: you stutter


SpookKomodo: Dirk gonna conquer Josephine's landmass someday
SpookKomodo: (del told me to type this please don't kill me)
2Goopy: XD
2Goopy: careful dirk there's a lot to conquer, bring provisions
SpookKomodo: Oh, he'll bring provisions, all right
SpookKomodo: most of them chocolatey
2Goopy: hell yeah
2Goopy: note: josephine is absolutely going to vegas
2Goopy: I mean how could she not
RubyChao: High Rollersephine
RubyChao: hits the jackpot
RubyChao: buys the casino
RubyChao: starts raking in all the dough
RubyChao: good end


2Goopy: Is Yuugi's idea for a contest literally "take turns punching each other until someone falls over"
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: it is
2Goopy: beautiful


Harpy: *​Y update is needed*
Harpy: *tries getting Y update*
Harpy: *system update needed*
Harpy: BLURG

(But eventually...)

Harpy: >​diancie
Harpy: <3333


Saint Vengeance: Meow.


Jumpropeman: an image straight from draco's dreams


Jumpropeman: "Beijing declares scary halloween costumes illegal"
Harpy: welp
Jumpropeman: samhain gonna poof back into existence for one day just to slap the beijing government


RubyChao: "Not a gimmick, but my favorite insane moment in wrestling: Rick Steiner gets attacked by a masked assailant in a bumblebee outfit.
A week later, the bumblebee man enters the arena, starts to unmask as the crowd gasp's Rick Steiner. Because in WCW the writers were even more braindead than the wrestling writer average."
SteelKomodo: XD
Jumpropeman: its like that part in fighting game storylines where you fight your "inner demons", a.k.a. the character you are playing as
Deletons: haha
Deletons: SHADOW *insert your character here*
SteelKomodo: SHADOW JAGO etc.


RubyChao: i'm playing metroid prime 3 and it reminded me
RubyChao: can you imagine how embarrassing it would have been for samus had the yearlong space pirate plot happened last year
RubyChao: she would have jobbed against every single boss
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Jumpropeman: By the time we reach Mother Brain, Samus is in a full body cast, but Mother Brain thinks its some new form of power suit
Deletons: "WHAT FIENDISH TRICK IS THIS" "i can't even move"


Harpy: *stares at retro alex content*
Harpy: *shoves it in a corner to be forgotten forever*


RubyChao: post

(Chao's post concludes with Tenshi hugging Viola)

Gooper Blooper: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Gooper Blooper: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeee
Gooper Blooper: aggggh
RubyChao: u ok goops
Harpy: goopy are you okay
Harpy: no actually that's a silly question
Harpy: he's really
RubyChao falls over and chokes and dies
Draco: Goops is turning into a....SUPER SAIYAN.
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: i think
RubyChao: goops liked my post
Gooper Blooper: thank you chao
Harpy: i told you he was feeling it
Harpy: the feels
RubyChao: the most important part:
RubyChao: tenshi is not under any kind of mental influence whether it be booze or drugs or alien mind control
RubyChao: this is tenshi herself right here
RubyChao writes out the plot twist where it's actually Teshni


Gooper Blooper: I will probably move a couple Sarahkin to the backburner if only temporarily
RubyChao: i'll survive if Gloria sits out for a while
RubyChao: i mean it'll be painful and soulcrushing
RubyChao: but i'll weather it


Harpy: just finished a quiz
Draco: What kind of quiz? Plant anatomy? How to make bombs from common household flowers? "What kind of Pokemon ARE you?"
Harpy: Health quiz
Harpy: like "how much fuckin' exercise do you need to do to to lose a pound of fat you giant lardass"
Harpy: (not worded that way at all)
Draco: D; How did you know I'm a sentient ball of lard?


RubyChao: >​giant floating disembodied skull enemy
RubyChao: ostarion pls get out of my vidya


Harpy: alas, we must now weep, for chatzy premium shall also leave us
SteelKomodo: mmhm :<
Harpy: for people who can actually afford to pay 10 dollars or something a month
Laundry Day: So wait
Laundry Day: You're saying the price
SteelKomodo: not really :U
Harpy: i forget the actual price
Draco: Cornwind could always forget to cancel the subscription, like last time.
RubyChao: 3 months (quarterly)
$10 or $3.33 a month

Harpy: welp
RubyChao: but yeah, it's the same price as the WWE NETWORK
Draco: 12 months, $129, ONLY $0.35 A DAY


SteelKomodo: where the heck is cernwang


Tableter: I'm imagining ZFVegas as like the Hub and Disney World's kid


(Reimu asks TYP-E if she's being downsized)

Harpy: i have no idea why I made this post so dramatic
Harpy: i didn't want it to be a simple "yo am I losin my job or what" sort of post
Harpy: because Reimu did make friends through it!
RubyChao: "yes, now get out."
RubyChao: bad end


Gooper Blooper: man, I wanted to put Pawniard on my pogeyteam but he doesn't evolve until level 52
Gooper Blooper: By the time you're level 52 in Pokemon Ruby the game is done
Gooper Blooper: will probably use Durant instead
Gooper Blooper: Gen 5 definitely made Pokemon evolve too slowly
RubyChao: yes let's make a pogey evolve at level 64
RubyChao: people won't mind
Gooper Blooper: reminder that I trained a Deino to 64 to get Hydreigon
Gooper Blooper: and then one just fell from the sky fully-evolved at me in Y
Bree: lel
Gooper Blooper: and then I gave the first one to Harpy so she wouldn't have to level a Deino
Gooper Blooper: ...and then she too got a second one that fell from the sky
Bree: they should put up a sign
Bree: "watch out for falling hydreigons"
Bree: bitch can't you fly
Bree: you've got wings, son
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: *looks at bulbapedia's evolve by level stuff*
RubyChao: *6 of the top 10 are gen V*
RubyChao: why
Jumpropeman: training a Vullaby from level 1 to level 54 to evolve must be what hell is like
Gooper Blooper: I had to do that
Jumpropeman: im here if you need to talk


What the Heck Am I Doing: I've just given up on Sunshine making sense


Jumpropeman: papa nurgle from Warcraft looks like how I imagined Pestus looked
Harpy: ...well that's pretty close
Harpy: i dunno if I could compare my initial vision of him to anything else
Harpy: but it looks like that and the broodmother from dragon age had a very disgusting baby
Harpy: and now he's gone
Jumpropeman: he will be missed
Harpy: he's not soul shattered at least!
Jumpropeman: >​_>​ I take it back, he won't be missed, soul shatter him now
Harpy: just in case he's actually neeeded for something
Harpy: lel
Harpy: Jasper's seen things
Draco: We put Pestus' soul in a soul gem and bonded it to a toilet. =V


Jumpropeman: Shannon Tweed is on sale for 1.24, just fyi
Jumpropeman: i know ya'll have been waiting for that price drop so you could finally join the community
Jumpropeman: we can share our best groupie-stopping tactics
Jumpropeman: like the one that always works up until the last few levels where things become insanely hard for no reason
What the Heck Am I Doing: "Steam Rating: 5/10"
Jumpropeman: if you buy two copies of the game, that adds up to 10 for score!


Jumpropeman: oh snap, wait, I want Thomas to leave with Meat Boy
Jumpropeman: and go on rad rectangle adventures in the off-season
What the Heck Am I Doing: Yessssss
Jumpropeman: my next few seriousposts are just the Narrator struggling to keep up as Thomas's sendoff becomes less and less consistent
What the Heck Am I Doing: So many offscreen adventures to be had. Like when Meat Boy and Thomas defended their air vent home against the Endless Rat Swarm
Draco: Or when they defended their air vent against Sunshine.
What the Heck Am I Doing: Or when they built an obstacle course out of old beer bottles and popsicle sticks
What the Heck Am I Doing: Sunshine's probably less of a threat than a buncha vent rats
Jumpropeman: or when they found a funny looking bug
Jumpropeman: and then Widow Maker got mad they called her funny looking
What the Heck Am I Doing: pffffffft
Draco: And then they defended Sunshine from their air vent.


RubyChao flops at the keyboard in an effort to transmit ideas to text without having to create words
RubyChao slumps in disappointment when it fails


RubyChao: "My Summer Job - A Five Nights at Freddy's Creepypasta" oh come on


Gooper Blooper: I had a good Sigilyph in Y and was gonna nickname it Kauket, but it was male so I looked up if there was a male version of the name 'kauket'
Gooper Blooper: there is, but it's 'kuk' or 'kek'
Gooper Blooper: I am not naming my Pokemon 'kek'
RubyChao: kek
SteelKomodo: kek


Gooper Blooper: major changes coming to my character profiles
RubyChao: oooooOOOh
RubyChao camps out in the topic
RubyChao: "Years: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014"
RubyChao: and then next year
RubyChao: goops adds 2015 to that


Harpy: *Writes down for 2015 notes: Sonia must explode into a wedding dress*


Jumpropeman: Jasper was an idea I came up with listening to the Retsupurae podcast where they were playing Dungeon World. They encountered a mimic who was cute and sympathetic and I wanted to make a sympathetic mimic character
Jumpropeman: then I made him a complete dick :V
Gooper Blooper: lel
Gooper Blooper: I do the opposite a lot
Gooper Blooper: I try to make a character that's rough around the edges and they soften up fast
RubyChao: that happened to me
RubyChao looks at Tenshi
Gooper Blooper: examples: Silence, the succubi, Viola
Harpy: *stares at Gluttony*
Harpy: *looks back to chat* we're clear, he's still an asshole


Gooper Blooper: I gotta speep now, nite guys
Harpy: aw, bye goops
RubyChao: night already goops
Gooper Blooper: dammit you two don't you go guilt tripping me
RubyChao buys Goops a premium ticket to Guilt Trip Airlines
Gooper Blooper inserts the ticket into the Hoodoo Doghouse and lets his magical shitting goats work his magic


RubyChao: the twist is that cerno's just misunderstood
RubyChao: he didn't mean to kill all those people honest


Jumpropeman: if Dakotadate had been a success, it would have ended with them heading back to Dakota's main body for her to show him something. Dakota had been working on a more human looking avatar because she didn't like Hansel being teased for dating a rock and although she wouldn't have the mouth movements down right, it would look like this
Jumpropeman: she would have then said something like, "She is a human, so now you don't have to feel bad about dating me!" and if Hansel was cool with it Dakota would have been really hurt because even though she did it for Hansel, she didn't really want him to love the human avatar more
Jumpropeman: because it wasn't really her
Jumpropeman: I scrapped the idea around the time they had their talk about the non-permanence of their relationship, because then Dakota no longer needed a long term solution to the weirdness issue
Harpy: so sad
RubyChao: :<
RubyChao: all the :<
Harpy: Hansel wouldn't have accepted it, because he would have known that Dakota was doing it to stop the teasing
Harpy: "I prefer you as you, Dakota."
Jumpropeman: :3
Harpy: even if it is never meant to be, they can be friends!
Harpy: *sobs over brownie cookies and broken dreams*
What the Heck Am I Doing: ;;
What the Heck Am I Doing: Meanwhile, Leo and Edyth: is it meant to be? Find out EVENTUALLY!!!!!!
What the Heck Am I Doing: Like maybe for Season 10: 2 Orvance 2 Furious
Harpy: *snrk*
Jumpropeman: a strange, abnormally small new character with grey armor and Edyth's hair appears in the bar! Who is this strange child?
Jumpropeman: and why did they steal leo's armor and Edyth's hair?
What the Heck Am I Doing: Its Ricard, who de-illusions and laughs in the audience's face for five hours straight
Harpy: ricard plz, your children shouldn't pretend to be edyth's and leo's bebbies
RubyChao: i can't wait for that to happen so much next year
RubyChao: "It's Zephyrus - NO IT'S RICARD"
RubyChao: "it's 17 - NO IT'S RICARD"
What the Heck Am I Doing: It's Ricard - NO IT'S THE SPAH
Jumpropeman: its a jigglypuff, seen from above
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: do Siren and Ricard ever go on dates
Harpy: the answer is yes
RubyChao: as Ricard disguised as Siren and Siren disguised as Ricard
Harpy: yes
Tableter: Weird
Jumpropeman: sometimes, when they are late for their dates, they send their illusions ahead of them so they don't appear late
Jumpropeman: entire dates have taken place just between two illusions


Draco: I don't understand half the words Wulf types, but she's still a good writer.
Jumpropeman: wulf's writings are like those really old really busy frescos. There's so much going on and its just on some wall so you have no context but its crazy interesting the more you look at it
Saberwulf: That's a perfect encapsulation of my writing, thank you JRM


RubyChao: i hope you guys liked rubychao rp of 2014
Jumpropeman: as usual, my only criticism:
Jumpropeman: too goopy, not enough bloopy
RubyChao: well FINE
RubyChao cancels all plans and leaves in a huff


Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna be doing a huge wonder trade thing later
Gooper Blooper: I have like twenty sigilyphs to get rid of
Harpy: I'll take one off your hands later
Tableter: Sigilyph owns
Tableter: But should have been an unown evo
Tableter: Maybe
Gooper Blooper: Yes I agree, it would have been a nice way to give purpose to unown
Gooper Blooper: I still have your Hathor, Del
Tableter: How is he
Gooper Blooper: He is the proud father of thirty kids
Tableter: That is not the answer i anticipated
Gooper Blooper: how do you think I got so many sigilyphs
iKomodo: XD
Tableter: I think you might be some kind of pokemon battery farmer goops


Working Nine to Del: HE RETURNS
RubyChao: YES
iKomodo: Eyo- YES
RubyChao: there goes 10 minutes of my day
RubyChao: "Seamus Lochgius shared this 8 minutes ago"
RubyChao: del on the fucking ball
iKomodo: Lolz


Saberwulf: I'm physically conditioned to cry at anime


Harpy: too short to be sailor jupiter, not great enough to be sailor venus
Harpy: clearly i'm chibi usa


iKomodo: i remember my old writing I did for secondary school
iKomodo: like Patman Post's cups of pee, it was all TERRIBLE


Gooper Blooper: After I got my Diancie code card, my mom asked me what it was exactly so I explained the promotion to her
Gooper Blooper: "So you just walk in and ask and they give it to you?" "Yeah."
Gooper Blooper: She promptly went into the Gamestop and pretended to be a clueless grandmother to get two more diancie codes
The Prettiest Diancie: oh my god
Still Lacks Gen VI: goopsmom pls
Gooper Blooper: So I have two extras now
The Prettiest Diancie: your mom is the best mom, not gonna lie


Prinny, dood: hmmm, a good name for a bowling alley in the demon world...
Gooper Blooper: "Police officers bowl for free, citizen!"
Prinny, dood: ahahaha
Prinny, dood: ha


Bree: oh
Bree: my
Bree: god
Bree: ohmygod
Bree: ohmygod ohmygod you guys
Bree: CW
Bree: is buying me
Bree: this 3DS
Bree: right now
Gooper Blooper: holy fuck
Prinny, dood: yay
Bree: two hundred fucking dollars
Gooper Blooper: Cornwind's generosity knows no bounds
Bree: we're in a Skype call and I'm totally silent but inwardly I am flipping out this is insane
Bree: he's also buying me Pokémon X
Bree: in addition to the two hundred dollar 3DS
Gooper Blooper: good lord
Bree: I don't
Bree: I'm kind of at a loss for words
Bree: also the divorce between my inward reaction and my outward reaction is amusing to me
Gooper Blooper: The 2DS costs half that much, are you put off by the weird shape?
Bree: you can play X on a 2DS?
Bree: what about Alpha Sapphire?
Gooper Blooper: The 2DS is exactly the same in hardware as a normal 3DS, just without the 3D
Bree: um he already just did it
Bree: sooo...welp
Gooper Blooper: you can cancel online orders right after making them most places
Gooper Blooper: they don't run to the warehouse and jam in it a box the instant you click okay
Bree: his response "Now why would I wanna do that"
Bree: this is so bullshit he's just reveling in it now
Gooper Blooper: haha
Cornwind Mushdoom: This is a backlog of Christmas and birthday presents
Cornwind Mushdoom: I don't have to do anything for the next four years
Cornwind Mushdoom: So I tell Bree "Name your starter after me."
Cornwind Mushdoom: She says "No."
Cornwind Mushdoom: That's how you can tell your are a name hispter
Cornwind Mushdoom: Bree complains about my spelling
Cornwind Mushdoom: "I'M TIRED."
Bree: just for clarification here
Bree: I teasingly read aloud the sentence
Bree: (I had trouble pronouncing "hispter")
Bree: I don't want anyone to think I'm being an asshole so soon after he spent $233 on me :U
Gooper Blooper: ha


Jumpropeman: you know what I rediscovered today
Jumpropeman: that we
Jumpropeman: have a Links topic!
Jumpropeman: there are
Jumpropeman: 3 LINKS
Jumpropeman: in that topic
Jumpropeman: I even tried to think of a good link to put there to randomly revive it
Jumpropeman: but, I can't
Jumpropeman: so instead, have this video


Draco: Posted the Cervan/Zett epilogue. Hopefully nobody else will post there so they can do the first and last casual bar posts of the year. =)
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna post in big letters DE END
Jumpropeman: and screw you over


Tableter: My dumb idea is
Tableter: In one of Ettin's cthulhutech fate games, the protagonists find an anime store that sells mangas, doujins, and all kinds of nerdy shit about them
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Tableter: It's run by a fairly nice guy who is their honest biggest fan
Tableter: And there's a regular joke involving the guy who turns into an angry mecha getting mad at all of the gay porn of him and his teammates whilst everyone else laughs at it
Tableter: And another character plays the dating sim
Tableter: Nya
Tableter: Oh shit i meant to type nyalarthotep
Tableter: But i went all anime
Prinny, dood: oh god
Prinny, dood: animudel
Tableter: Anyway nyalathotep shenangians are involved i think
SteelKomodo: XD
Tableter: Basically the dumb idea is just do the kobber version
Tableter: Cthulhu-esque being becomes a fan of the kobbers and creates a chain of stores that sell anime kobber shit
Tableter: Including yes figurines and pillows and dating sims and stuff
SteelKomodo: #YES
Tableter: David gets mad cos it's putting him out of business or something, other kobbers are weirded out by the doujins with tak-sin on the cover
Tableter: Kobbers eventually confront the store, walk into the back room and you're standing in infinity with what looks like a big fleshy recursive owl
Tableter: Which then meekly says "Oh dear, I'm sorry"
SteelKomodo: "the doujins with tak-sin on the cover"
SteelKomodo: of course :U
RubyChao: tak-sin is probably the only one who would not be weirded out by those
Prinny, dood: oh my god yes
Tableter: Mostly i want a scene where Conrad buys a doujin with him and Ellie in on a bet or something
RubyChao: conrad pls
SteelKomodo: Dirk finds a Josephine figurine
SteelKomodo: complains the booty isn't big enough
Tableter: Or widow maker buys the touhou-esque shmup
RubyChao: "Featuring REAL TOUHOUS!"
RubyChao: (the player characters are Reimu, Utsuho, and Tenshi)
Cornwind Evil: Sine: I do not understand people...I just do not...
Tableter: Oh god the lesbros walking in
Tableter: Also reminder it's technically one person, even if that person looks like a kaleidescope bird
SteelKomodo: BUT
SteelKomodo: are there any doujins with Jewel Man on the cover?
SteelKomodo: this is important
Cornwind Evil: Sine: I understand the wide rainbow of sexual tastes but I still just do not understand...
Tableter: Yes
SteelKomodo: hooray!
Tableter: No tom
Tableter: Not hooray
SteelKomodo: ...oh yeah
Tableter: (Maybe hooray)
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: Jewel Man: Oh, they never get my face right in these things!


Jumpropeman: "There has been a lot of talk about Destiny, Advanced Warfare, and Halo on Xbone and PS4. While these are or will be great games in their own right, they pale in comparison to what is coming to Wii U.
Armpits, foreheads, and palms will sweat. Our hours awake and our hours asleep (if we'll be able to sleep in the midst of it all) will be perpetually haunted. Mentally, I'm not prepared--and neither are you.
Duck Hunt is coming to Wii U, guys...
And there's nothing anyone can do to stop it."


RubyChao: i keep checking the forum out of pure habit
RubyChao: even though i know there is nothing to be posted
RubyChao: halp


RubyChao: oh hey
RubyChao: it's the 7th in japan
RubyChao: which means it's been five months
RubyChao: which means
RubyChao takes Gooper's previously proffered mattress and lies down limply on it
Gooper Blooper: ded 2hu fangame


Gooper Blooper: *goes into random old chatzy page with Save/Print
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman joined the chat 275 days ago
Jumpropeman: POKEBANK IS OUT
Jumpropeman: No US
Jumpropeman: they know Gooper lives here
Jumpropeman: Nintendo is getting back at him for using one of their character's names as his forum name


Saberwulf joined the chat
Saberwulf: Heya folks
Jumpropeman: yo wulf
Gooper Blooper: hi wulf
Draco: Hi Wulf. We were just talking about you.
Saberwulf: gasp
Draco: Is the only weird thing about the Jersey Devil compared to your average Jersey citizens the fact that it has wings?
Saberwulf: Basically yes
Draco: Do the wings even make the Jersey Devil weird compared to the Jersey person?
Saberwulf: I used to own a dog that looked like the jersey devil actually
Saberwulf: Also no, as New Jersey is a very diverse, strange place
Draco: HA! I knew it!
Draco: I win, Goops. You owe me an Ariel. =V
Gooper Blooper: for draco
Draco: Yay =D
Draco treasures the Ariel.
Draco mounts it on the wall in his den.

Jumpropeman: what do I have to do to get dead sarahkin pics
Draco forms a small cult around worshipping it.
Jumpropeman: besides draw them myselves
Gooper Blooper: I can get excuses for you to draw them at least

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