Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 143: Mikey Barfs Up A Balloonicorn

Cornwind Evil: You know, I just realized just what happened in the Sleepy Hollow story
Cornwind Evil: There was no Headless Horseman
Cornwind Evil: Ichabod was scared off by the guy he was competing with for the hand of a girl
Draco: !!!!!
Draco: The Headless Horseman industry is ruined! D:


RubyChao: my ecology final is today so i'm going to channel my inner ariel
LazyBree gives Melody


RubyChao:  welcome to hell


Dacro joined the chat
SteelKomodo: ey harps
SteelKomodo: i mean draco
SteelKomodo: damn it why do you have to use Harpy's old text colour D:
Dacro: Because I am mobile.
SteelKomodo: oh ok
Dacro: I understand the confusion though. Harpy is almost as pretty as I am


RubyChao: i feel i succeeded on my ecology final
RubyChao: got in touch with my inner ariel
RubyChao: now i just need to find my inner josephine
RubyChao ponders how to improve the look of his booty


iKomodo: WELP
Jumpropeman: they are going all out
Gooper Blooper: And the game still isn't even out yet
Jumpropeman: I can't wait to buy all his playsets and toys!
iKomodo: They are pushing Beck like... Who is the WWE pushing right now?
fd: John Cena
fd: Then, now, forever
RubyChao: Beck Cena
RubyChao: SK's beck vote was more spot on than expected
iKomodo: Also they want full English voice acting
Jumpropeman: I'm hoping for some Mega Man 8 quality voice acting
Gooper Blooper: yu mus wecova all da enewgy immediatwy, m-megaman
iKomodo: If that happens, JRM, I will personally hold you responsible
Jumpropeman: the 15 dollars i contributed would probably match the voice acting budget for Mega Man 8 at least


Gooper Blooper: Blast from the past


(Regarding the Sarahkin getting an airship and Josephine crashing it while drunk)

iKomodo: Josephine pls
iKomodo: drinking and driving? What would Dirky think :|
iKomodo: ("Gimme some of that wine")
fd: Ariel asked for hours first how eco-friendly the engines were
fd: Sarah took the group to the candy store
fd: Gloria drove with such crispness and perfection, but in a series of safe, standard loops
Jumpropeman: Gloria spent all night reading the manual


Cornwind Evil: Christine: I always preferred to think love is like water.
fd: "I swim in it?"
Vengeance loathes slumber: It can freeze you, beat you over the head, and painfully shrink your lungs as you helplessly flail in it, if you do it wrong or it happens the wrong way? :3
Vengeance loathes slumber: But all the same it can also relax you, clean you up, and help you survive.
Vengeance loathes slumber: 's a nice analogy.
Vengeance loathes slumber: But hail-love is terrifying.
Keeby: i read that as "love is a sweater"
Cornwind Evil: Christine: It's like that too.
Jumpropeman: I made you this sweater out of my eyelashes


Keeby rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Keeby: siren is impressed with Ricard's butt
Keeby: not even his buttomancy


RubyChao: ...hang on
RubyChao: >​looking at tenshi's wiki article
RubyChao: "She is described as 'delinquent'."
RubyChao: YA THINK


Vengeance, avoiding Hypnos: Pooooost! -calling from distance-
Jumpropeman: post
Vengeance, avoiding Hypnos: -from Assassin's Creed knifing distance behind a JRM- -whispers- Post.


umpropeman: Razaan's libido leads him to hitting on the bar's most available bachelorette: Dakota
Vengeance, avoiding Hypnos: She does have... ~huge~ tracts of land...
Jumpropeman: she's got a HUGE butte
Vengeance, avoiding Hypnos: But Hansel's wrath would be bigger than his appetite, no?
Jumpropeman: Hansel hasn't put a ring on it :V
Jumpropeman: really though, I have no idea why my character, a literal american state, has become shipping bait


SteelKomodo: del is having an amazing day, he just got a job


Kirbree: somehow nobody has commented on how the woman in black's text color is not black :I
Kirbree: I'm so disappointed in you people
Kirbree: ermahgerd
Keeby: that's because her voice is as soft as snow
Kirbree: her text color isn't white eitherrrrr
Delby: Lel


Gooper Blooper: reminder that this actually happened
SteelKomodo: Sine pls


Drunkleter: Drunk del attempts to rp
Drunkleter: Here i/we go
Dacro joined the chat
iKomodo: Ey Draco
Dacro: did jrm evrr draw a picture of sarah as Long John Silver???????????
Gooper Blooper: Is Draco drunkposting as well?
iKomodo: Oh god
Dacro: no. one janded illicit work typing.
Gooper Blooper: draco you've spoiled sarah's 2014 halloween costume
Dacro: look ma no jands
Gooper Blooper: now I need to find a new one
Dacro: new costume is jerself
Gooper Blooper: One-handed typing or no one-handed typing, draco typing in nocaps without periods feels so... strange
Dacro: Well excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess. :P


Drunkleter: Ronnie is on a mission
Drunkleter: I wanna see high christine now
bootybootybootybootyboo: IT'S NOT WEED YOU PIECE OF SHIT STONER
Drunkleter: I am going tkget everyone in that village high
Keeby: Kela and her fam get high
Drunkleter: This once noble quest subverted by snoop dogg's favourite drug
Gooper Blooper: The succubi are totally on board
Drunkleter: Haven turns into a hippie commune
Keeby: Peridot's like 'YEAH I'M ON THIS SHIT LETS DO THIS'
Drunkleter: Final boss 2014: tf2 soldier vs haven
Drunkleter: "Die hippies"


RubyChao: >​does rolls
RubyChao: >​minor character gets the 21
RubyChao: priorities


Dacro: Hey Ruby, here is a thing for you
RubyChao: oh my god
iKomodo: :3
Gooper Blooper: amazing


Gooper Blooper: Is it canon yet that Reimu loves Nature Valley granola bars?
Keeby: it is canon yes
Gooper Blooper: excellent


Gooper Blooper: "jhon cena is now playing team fortress 2"
Gooper Blooper: I wonder if that message will ever fail to amuse me


Cornwind Evil: Two and A Half Men somehow made it to TWELVE FRACKING SEASONS
Cornwind Evil: Seinfeld had 9, Friends had 9, Frasier had 10, Cheers had 8...geez.
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: Did they get a new half man for 2 and a Half Men, because there's no fucking way that kid isn't an adult by now


Gooper Blooper: "​I totally didn’t believe this when I first heard about it, but it’s true. On the WWF website they ran a poll asking fans to vote on names for the new WCW TV show. Here were the names listed: “WCW Saturday Night Nitro”; “WCW Hot Box”; “WCW Uprising”; “WCW Late Night Appetite”; “WCW Primal Urge”; and “WCW Hard-On Saturday Night.” I swear to GOD these are real, even the last one. - F4W #304, April 22nd 2001"
Gooper Blooper: "Scott Steiner beat Stevie Ray with the Recliner to retain the WCW Title. Stevie blew up like nobody’s business and could barely move by the end of the match. Turned into one of the worst matches ever on Nitro. At one point, Stevie went for a kick but was so tired that he couldn’t even get his foot up. Steiner literally had to reach down and pick Stevie’s foot up for him. I’m not making this up. It had to be seen to be believed. - F4W #284, December 4th 2000"
Gooper Blooper: >​the mental image of someone grabbing someone's leg and having them "kick" him with it
Cornwind Evil: I have like a 100 page list
Cornwind Evil: Of WCW fails
Cornwind Evil: WCW was a screwed up company
Cornwind Evil: I bet that if I went back in time
Cornwind Evil: Gathered us all up in 1999
Cornwind Evil: Put us in a room
Cornwind Evil: And we were told to run the company
Cornwind Evil: We'd do a better job
RubyChao: you mean seven year old me would be better at it than they were?
Cornwind Evil: I would honestly not be surprised.
bootybootybootybootyboo: . . . CW
bootybootybootybootyboo: I was 4 in 1999
bootybootybootybootyboo: Do we REALLY want Reptar vs. Dora live on PPV
Keeby: i was 6
RubyChao: yes we do, spy


Vengeance, D;: I missed the fiddler crab. I left me musician in the Griffin, and I missed the fiddler crab.
Vengeance, D; curls into a ball


Cornwind Evil:
Gooper Blooper: The contrast between Cornwind's love of dark, morality-centered plots and his love of cats, kittens, and puppies never ceases to amuse
Cornwind Evil: It shows that the light at the end of the tunnel is never a train
Cornwind Evil: It also shows I will warp reality to not harm animals
Cornwind Evil: ....I swear if you metagame and start having Tiberius go against my villains...
Gooper Blooper: lel
Keeby: don't murder hansel
RubyChao: Utsuho turns into her raven form
Keeby: he is cute
RubyChao: starts pecking at the thunder kings
RubyChao: they can't do a thing
Keeby: wait does that mean i can cheat and use maple
Cornwind Evil: .....
Keeby: oh yeah, belated "posted"
Gooper Blooper: Maple fought Dante and Peak
Cornwind Evil: I have said too much
Keeby: Maple defeats the haruspex on her own
Keeby: she's too cute to kill
Keeby: she also knocked over all their important stuff like a shithead
Gooper Blooper: oh god, mental image time
Gooper Blooper: okay, try this one on for size
RubyChao: fun fact i'm pretty sure that technically any animal youkai can turn into their animal form, including utsuho
RubyChao: she just never uses it because an ordinary raven can't make out with an angel
RubyChao: and also it's hard to carry stuff without arms
Gooper Blooper: Maple wins the big final haruspex battle, the Lion King Circle of Life sequence is reenacted with Sonia as Rafiki, Maple as Simba, and the kobbers as the animals assembled watching
Gooper Blooper: wait for it
Gooper Blooper: Sonia thrusts Maple into the air triumphiantly
RubyChao: but who is mufasa
Keeby: one of the therians
Gooper Blooper: Maple stretches until her feet touch the grass at the foot of pride rock
RubyChao: the longest cat
Gooper Blooper: music swells, Mammoth Force trumpets, etc
Keeby: best


Gooper Blooper: Reminder: Gloria can now summon Kaptain Skurvy for a sea shanty whenever she desires
Gooper Blooper: two skurvies singing a duet
Gooper Blooper: the mirror finally ceases lying - it really IS showing him


Jmprpmn: "Dacro: did jrm evrr draw a picture of sarah as Long John Silver???????????"
Jmprpmn: I damn well did B|
Draco: Awesome.
Jmprpmn: with Widow Morph as a bonus
Draco: You are a good person, Jmprpmn.
Jmprpmn: i don't remember why it ever came up
Jmprpmn: but dammit it exists now
Draco: I was reading old Chatzy Madness yesterday.
Jmprpmn: which one is that from
Jmprpmn: i found it
Jmprpmn: right as you gave it :V
Jmprpmn: i decided against making her a fat alien man
Jmprpmn: one day all the alternate universe sarahs need to team up to take on the biggest threat yet: A LITERAL ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET
Draco: She was already a third of the way there though.
Jmprpmn: Captain Sarah, Long John Sarah, City of Beasts Sarah, Sarah, and Sarah Michelle Gellar
Draco: Don't forget the most important one: Mecha Sarah.


Jumpropeman: hmmmmm
Jumpropeman: getting ideas
Jumpropeman: ideas i'll never use
RubyChao: like what
Jumpropeman: but i will put them in my idea folder
Jumpropeman: right next to the powerpuff girls bit character i'll never RP
Draco: Code Lyoko? I liked it better when it was called Real Adventures of Johnny Quest.
Jumpropeman: and Tohru from Jackie Chan Adventures
Jumpropeman: and the scuba tree from spongebob
Jumpropeman: because i'll rp literally anything at this point
Draco: When are you going to RP as that jingle specter fellow you were talking about? He sounded mild.
Jumpropeman: i retooled him into a tyrannosaurus rex from hell, but i killed that character off because i got tired of it
Draco: Ah. Okay.
Draco: I think I need to prune my roster. I have too many characters.
Jumpropeman: definitely. Jimmy and Kevin have to go, they are taking up way too much screentime
Draco: That Dacro guy is dead weight too.
Jumpropeman: yeah, you keep building up to the grand reveal of his true identity
Jumpropeman: but we all already figured out he is a crow
Jumpropeman: you really had to read between the lines, but after he said "I am not a crow" for the seventh time, I had my suspicions
Jumpropeman: what am i doing with my life
Draco: You are bringing us the most important RP event of the year: Befriend Yer Mates.


Jumpropeman: "Join Winnie the Pooh and his friends on five birthday-themed adventures in Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure. Play all of the most famous Pooh characters around including Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, and Winnie himself. Find as many honey pots as you can, but beware of the mischievous Heffalumps and Woozles who will steal them back from you. Whether it's finding a new house for Eeyore or helping Tigger out of a sticky situation, you're exploration of Hundred Acre Wood will allow the use of special skills for each playable character and an advancement that's customizable for all age brackets."
Jumpropeman: i am tempted
Jumpropeman: i want to go on rumbly tumbly adventures
Draco: Do iiiiiiiiiiiit.
Jumpropeman: but it's.... 3 DOLLARS
Draco: Fuck that then. It's only worth 2.99.
RdSp: But JRM
RdSp: You can get THREE
RdSp: Count 'em
RdSp: Bottles of ice cold water for that price
Draco: But I want a generic-brand cola. D:
Jumpropeman: guys, don't worry, i found it for 44 dollars on amazon
Jumpropeman: that's much more reasonable
Draco: Whew! Fashionably reason!
RubyChao: "Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure is an action-adventure video game of the action-adventure genre released in 2005. "
Jumpropeman: apparently, if I get the GBA version, I can get a combo version which comes with Rumbly Tumbly Adventures and Rayman 3 on the same cart!
Jumpropeman: there is a lot of crossover between the winnie the pooh and rayman fandoms


RubyChao: i think ZFRP may be the most discussion/hype botwoon has ever gotten anywhere
Jumpropeman: botwoon in a chatzy madness is on the second page of google when i search him
Jumpropeman: although that might be because of google knowing my search habits
RubyChao: i googled botwoon in incognito and got Botwoon Edition on page 2 as well
Jumpropeman: oh snappers


Jumpropeman: meet vengeance, he's really neat. meet vengeance, he's got two left feet. meet vengeance, he doesn't eat beats, meet vengeance, he's a tasty treat
Vengeance, N.E.M.I.A.: YOU SHUSH. D:< You got me eaten by enough giantesses and space monsters this year, JRM. Y' don't need to advertise me as tasty or point out me tendency to trip while runnin'.


The Big Blue fades into the background, nibbling on Bree as is my norm.
Bree sprays Blue with Mace.
The Big Blue: Gah! MY EYES!


Draco: So....anyone want to suggest a name for Rear Admiral Sarah's new ship? =D
Gooper Blooper: USS Cornwind Can't Spell
Jumpropeman: U.S.S. Bootay
Vengeance, N.E.M.I.A.: If I said 'Josephine', it would just be adhering to tonight's chat themes.
Jumpropeman: USS Long John Sarah
Bree: USS Hugs For Everyone
Draco: USS Cornwind Can't Spell is too close to the venerable USS Spy Can't Spell.
Vengeance, N.E.M.I.A.: U.S.S. Cattywumpus.
The Big Blue: USS From Behind
Vengeance, N.E.M.I.A. pokerfaces
Draco: ...Cattywumpus? >​_O
Erosion: USS Spy Can't Spell
Bree: Cornwind is worse than Spy when it comes to spelling
Bree: trust me
Draco: USS Spy Really Can't Spell?
Erosion: . . . Holy crap
Vengeance, N.E.M.I.A.: Hahhahhhahhh. It got a reaction at least.
Jumpropeman: USS USA
Erosion: I've lost my claim to the Bad Spelling Throne
Bree: I've known that bastard seven years. He can't fucking spell.
Jumpropeman: gues yull haff too stepp it uup
The Big Blue: xD
Bree: Maybe it's eight?
The Big Blue: Christ, has it really been so long?
Bree: yep.
Erosion: Damnit, Harps and I need to step up our game
Erosion jumps into a time machine
Jumpropeman: don't worry, it's never too late to get Cornwind Removal Surgery
Jumpropeman: *hands out pamphlets*
Jumpropeman: did you know five plots a year get overly complex thanks to Cornwind Evil?
Jumpropeman: with this new experimental procedure, you can get reduce Cornwind symptoms
Draco: Alright, instead of Cattywampus, it'll be Botwoon.
Jumpropeman: all you need is a few hours of wrestling to lessen symptoms


Danielle Breeyan: speaking of chess, I can't wait for Checkmate to be revived because Octavious is going to demand to know if he even knows how to play chess.
Jumpropeman: Checkmate: "Actually, I prefer Checkers!"
Danielle Breeyan: (Barbie: "It's just a gimmick, Commander, nobody cares if he plays chess." Octavious: "I care!")
Cornwind Evil: Ash:...that's not how chess works.
Erosion: "It's what those guys on the Gears of Duty game say before they call me every slur in the book!"


RubyChao: reading chatzy madness
RubyChao: RubyChao: i get the feeling i'm going to have a lot of fun when my characters get to interact with viola
RubyChao: hahahahaaaaaaaa


Vengeance, N.E.M.I.A.: I knocked the laptop over while ordering pizza. I believe I am now at the point of 'too drunk'.
Danielle Breeyan: lel
Danielle Breeyan: change your name to Vengeance, Drunken
Vengeance, N.E.M.I.A. changed name to Vengeance, Drunksh
Danielle Breeyan: DRUNKEN >:I
Danielle Breeyan: use the right word dammit
Cornwind Evil: He's too drunk
Vengeance, Drunksh: mRaow.


(During discussion of the train wreck that was DashCon)

SteelKomodo: what sort of a con?
SteelKomodo: A ZFRP con? :U
Lemon: A ZFRP con would be terrible
Lemon: Every panel would be hijacked by monsters
Keeby: and goops would be invisible
Lemon: The drinks'd probably be lethal
SteelKomodo: oh god D:
RubyChao: goops walks in completely cloaked
Lemon: And we'd need to pay a ton of money to go to Ardea
Keeby: his identity must never be revealed
RubyChao: you can only see glowing eyes
SteelKomodo: I TAKE IT BAAAACK D,:
Keeby: xD
Keeby: i bet there will be a con


(During a touhou RP plot, Iku attacks Mima by riding on Utsuho)

RubyChao: i hope pit will not be upset by another girl literally riding his girlfriend


Mobile GB: >​is about to finalize pogeytrade
Mobile GB: >​some rich asshole swoops in and buys the guy's entire collection
Mobile GB: well then
Lemon: What a boner
Lemon: Kill hm
Mobile GB: spy no it's fourth grade all over again


Draco: Rear Admiral Sarah will never die. She will only have an extended respawn time.


Lemon asked Chatzy to choose between No Sell, Injured Bad, Injured Very Bad, Injured Very Bad, Injured Bad and Ded Crab. Chatzy chose: Ded Crab
SteelKomodo: D:
Draco: ;-;
Mobile GB: he returned just to die
Keeby: uh, he's kind of behind Mima
Keeby: so he's not exactly hit
Keeby: unless i forgot something
Lemon: He's still in the blast radius
Keeby: welp
RubyChao: it literally said it was Everyone Who Wasn't Aquarius
Lemon: He pulled a Goku. Damn crab pulled a Goku on us
RubyChao: spy please
Keeby asked Chatzy to choose between ded crab, injured, no sell and very injured. Chatzy chose: ded crab
Lemon: I meant the magnet bombs, RC
RubyChao: chatzy stop trying to murder aquarius
Lemon: Not Mima's attack
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between kill aquarius, no sell, injured and badly injured. Chatzy chose: no sell
Mobile GB: this kills the crab
Lemon: Okay, okay, not DED crab
Lemon: Heavily Injured NEARLY Ded Crab
Keeby: :I
Keeby: damn u mima


Keeby asked Chatzy to choose between L, U, T, S, A and R. Chatzy chose: U
Lemon asked Chatzy to choose between L, U, S, T, E and R. Chatzy chose: L

Lemon: Chatzy demands Leo Luster appears.
Keeby: no
Lemon: There, monthly DKC joke made, *throws back into the abyss*


RubyChao: josephine cosplays as the kinnikuman character Big the Budo
RubyChao: dirk immediately dubs her Big the Booty


RubyChao: out of curiosity goops; is blade going to come along for Checkmateplot
Gooper Blooper: Blade may come, he DOES have a new weapon after all
Gooper Blooper: And then the plot is over and he stands there for a second and then it suddenly hits him that he just did a kobber adventure
Gooper Blooper: "...well, fuck."
RubyChao: beautiful
RubyChao: blade goes on a wild torrent of MY CLIENT to balance it out
Gooper Blooper: *Silence off to the side laughing, no sound comes out*
Draco: Is Silence going to wrestle against Dik-Dik?
RubyChao: nah, he isn't dead enough
Keeby: do two Dik-Diks make a Big Dik?
Keeby: ...
Keeby: i suddenly regret everything


LazyBree: if I had to design an Evil Silence Clone, I'd name her Pandemonium
LazyBree totally not relevant but whatever
Gooper Blooper: evil silence's mask covers the OTHER eye instead
RubyChao: evil silence never shuts up
LazyBree: ^
Draco: Does Evil Silence also have a goatee?
Gooper Blooper: Maybe, but you can't tell because of the mask
Draco: D:


A Dick Lasagna Diet Diet: I just hope Mikey won't need a barf bag xD
Keeby asked Chatzy to choose between barf, no barf, barf, full blown hangover and BALLOONICORN!. Chatzy chose: barf
Keeby: darn
Keeby: are you suuuure, chatzy
Keeby asked Chatzy to choose between barf, no barf, barf, full blown hangover and Balloonicorn. Chatzy chose: barf
Keeby: okay :I
A Dick Lasagna Diet Diet asked Chatzy to choose between barf, no barf, barf, full blown hangover, BALLOONICORN! and Waluigi Appears Anyway. Chatzy chose: barf
A Dick Lasagna Diet Diet: God damnit chatzy
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between barf, no barf, barf, full blown hangover and Balloonicorn. Chatzy chose: Balloonicorn
Keeby: holy shit
Keeby: mikey barfs up a balloonicorn


Draco: As far as I know, Canada's pretty much the US with free health care and mandatory French.


Jumpropeman: I realized something I forgot to put in my post-brawl blogpost
Jumpropeman: mainly, I said The Green Giant almost had an assist
Jumpropeman: in some of the Green Giant commercials there is a character called Sprout
Jumpropeman: but i decided against killing a child
Jumpropeman: especially since he couldn't contribute much
Jumpropeman: I DO have morals!


RubyChao: >​look up this touhou attorney game
RubyChao: >​tenshi is the defendant for case 4
RubyChao: well we're fucked


Breetroid: Other B: the cat likes to sleep curled up right next to her face, or behind her head on the pillow, so I like to joke that someday she'll accidentally inhale the cat
Breetroid: Other B: my mom is actually a Kirby
DMG: I wish my mom was a star warrior >​.>​
Breetroid: Other B: my mom is the least intimidating star warrior to ever exist
DMG: even less so than Kirby?
Breetroid: Other B: she's like Sarah
DMG: because Kirby isn't very intimidating
iKomodo: Pfffft
Breetroid: Other B: she's short, fat, and adorable
DMG: like Kirby?
Breetroid: Other B: well at least Kirby has an impressive/intimidating track record of beating bad guys


Breetroid: Other B: okay, confession: I've seriously considered having Priscilla chat with Lisa and end up applying to be a model for Fornax :I
Breetroid: Other B: (just a random thing I was considering yesterday and felt like sharing)
iKomodo: ...really? :O
Breetroid: Other B: yes
Breetroid: Other B: if I'm going to ruin the concept of the Tooth Fairy, I might as well go all out with it
iKomodo carefully turns off the 2Lewd switch
Breetroid: Other B: I'm not sure she's "weird" enough for Fornax though XD
iKomodo: Nah, they'll accept anyone :D
Breetroid: Other B: haha it's just a possibility
Breetroid: Other B: I thought it'd be funny and very in-character for Priscilla
Breetroid: Other B: ...also because I wanted to see how Checkmate would feel about it
iKomodo: Sure, why not!
iKomodo: i'm all for it!
Breetroid: Other B: okay then
iKomodo: XD
DMG: I'm sure there's somebody out there that's into the tooth fairy


Demoleter joined the chat


RubyChao: imagine if jewel man fought lisa
RubyChao: the bell rings, they charge towards each other
RubyChao: cut to black
RubyChao: "Oh god, I've never seen anything like it in my life D:"
M Sheep: "This is a family show!"
SteelKomodo: everyone in the stands is just like D:


.: What happens if you die in the deadland?
Keeby: you die forever
Keeby: and ever
Keeby: and ever
RubyChao: uhhh hmm
Keeby: and get a "you tried" sticker
RubyChao: probably that, with the devil choujin and devil knights that omegaman killed only coming back through THE POWER OF AKUMA SHOGUN
RubyChao: but since shogun don't give a shit about the dmp
RubyChao: they ded




Draco changed name to 8f7658tgy9u0
8f7658tgy9u0: Spy has inspired me to spontaneously let a cat step on my keyboard to pick my username.


Cornwind Evil: Wonder where Tyrannoclaw is
RubyChao: he's been hanging out in the bar quietly, waiting for everyone to get back
RubyChao: now that everything's clear he'll prolly talk a bit to priscilla, sunshine, and checkmate before departing the ZFS for parts unknown
Goops McMahon: >​for parts unknown
Cornwind Evil: As a joke, he got lost on the ship and accidentally goes through the Haven portal, and the last we see of him is Ash and Christine chasing him around
Goops McMahon: the place all great wrasslers go
RubyChao: he's gonna train with the best
RubyChao: someday it'll be "FROM PARTS UNKNOWN... TYRANNOCLAW!"
RubyChao: i still like how he was supposed to be Slightly More Motivated Mook and he ended up as Redeemed Mook
RubyChao: zfrp.txt


Goops McMahon: Don't expect the succubi to get mixed up with Razaan again in the future. Y'see, they have a certain special ability
8f7658tgy9u0: Common sense?
Goops McMahon: lel


Cornwind Evil: Oh god ahahahaha
Cornwind Evil: They played this on Raw
Cornwind Evil: The crowd cheered until the end
Cornwind Evil: When they realized they were shilling a video game
Cornwind Evil: And then they started booing so loud the WWE cut to commercial
Cornwind Evil: They've been booing ever since. They're PISSED


Cornwind Evil: Everyone will remember Sting's historic WWE debut...on


8f7658tgy9u0: On a scale of 1 to Viola, how awkward would it be if Rebecca started telling Samus how awesome her suit makes her butt look in the middle of the bar? ' =V


Cornwind Evil: The Kings...have returned. Send me someone...just don't send me someone you want BACK.
Keeby: *nobody participates*
Keeby: :U


RubyChao: how will blade deal with acting...... unselfishly
RubyChao: does he go around kicking puppies and taking candy from babies

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