Thursday, August 28, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 147: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

RubyChao: "thought of Razaan trying to join the Space Pirates"
RubyChao: now i'm imagining him sitting in a boardroom interviewing with mother brain
RubyChao: "We already have a giant dragon. What can you bring to our organization?" "I have a really dapper hat."


(Harpy comments on working in a government-owned facility)

WorkyKeeby: basically we can't really log in or post anywhere where our ips can be tracked, I think
SteelKomodo: ouch
WorkyKeeby: imagine how awkward it'd be to watch dota on twitch and the announcers are like "GUVMENTS WATCHING, HAI GUVMENTS"
SteelKomodo: pfffft
SteelKomodo: i'm imagining government officials watching dota
SteelKomodo: and they're commenting in the chat going FARM MORE YOU GUTLESS FUCKS
SteelKomodo: that would be amazing


Vengeance of the Alamo City: Anything you say in Chatzy can and will potentially be used against you for the lols. You have the right to as much silliness and blather as you wish. I don't have a third pseudo-miranda-right-rul​e. I assume this means there is no extra rule.
Vengeance of the Alamo City: ;D


Gooper Blooper: I have gotten my mom so into toho films that she watched one without me
Gooper Blooper: I heard noises from her room and I came in and Rebirth of Mothra 3 was on


(Harpy runs a battle with a character that can use "Luck Reversal", which makes tractor rolls opposites)

Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Jumpropeman: WOO!
Jumpropeman: im liking tractor reversal already :V
RubyChao: watch as arthur gets all 21s
M Sheep: Arthur is suddenly the God of War


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Keeby: jojo deflected holy magic with her butt
M Sheep: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
M Sheep: is what she's going to fondly remember this as when she wakes up in the morning
RubyChao: but what's her stand
M Sheep: it's her butt
M Sheep: How can you even ask?
M Sheep regrets everything


RubyChao: >​2, 3
RubyChao: hell of a time, arthur


Slowwind Compevil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Jumpropeman: cornwind fails hard


Slowwind Compevil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Slowwind Compevil: The storm stops
Slowwind Compevil: And I quit
Slowwind Compevil drops mike, storms off.
Slowwind Compevil: Two thrice-damned 21's...AND OF COURSE ITS ON A LUCK REVERSAL FITE


Draco: JRM is officially my ZFRP Bestie, because he is drawing me an awesome picture. =)
Draco showers JRM in copies of Shannon Tweed's Murdering Groupies game.
Jumpropeman: ~I'm in Heaven~


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: babby josephine
Keeby: that's reimu, goops
Gooper Blooper: I know :U
Keeby: reimusephine
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: if you put reimu and josephine in an arena
Keeby: suddenly reimu has a headtowel and a lard cannon
RubyChao: and held up a gold coin as a prize
RubyChao: would we get the next FYM
Keeby: i say they should be on a team together against their mario and luigis
Gooper Blooper: >​lard cannon
Gooper Blooper: what on earth would this weapon do
RubyChao: get everyone really fat
Keeby: make bacon
RubyChao: except sarah because she can't gain weight in comedic moments
Gooper Blooper: makin bacon
Keeby: reimugineer
RubyChao: sarah is forced to do something so horrible, so drastic, that she never thought she could ever do it:
RubyChao: lead everyone else through an exercise routine
Gooper Blooper: nooooo


Aquarius Appears Nonetheless!: So guys did you hear a Godzilla sequel is in the orks
Aquarius Appears Nonetheless!: *works
Aquarius Appears Nonetheless!: No Orks have been part of the making of this film


Saberwulf: God I wrote such bad outlines
Saberwulf: I literally just have FATIMA SCENE written on there
Gooper Blooper: I generally have no outlines except for extremely important plot climaxes
Gooper Blooper: It's always just "I want to post a thing"
Saberwulf: I never write outlines at all but it's for the Sentinels book so I have to do something, at least
Saberwulf: Otherwise I just stare at the page and then go play morrowind


Keeby: the fish in my aquarium see me as their overlord and follow my fingers
Keeby: so i booped the fish
Bree: gasp
Bree: fishies


RubyChao: skeleton king.png
Bree: lel


Bree: oh my gawd SK's real name is TOM
Bree: secrets uncovered
RubyChao: you will never discover my real name
RubyChao laughs evilly
Bree: unless it's in a chatzy madness from like 3 years ago!
Draco: Wil Wheaton.
Slowwind Compevil: TRY AGAIN
RubyChao: windvil ecorn
RubyChao: vile windcorn
Draco: Brent Spiner?
Slowwind Compevil: No, but I like that last name
Slowwind Compevil: Should use it somewhere
Bree: his real name is Eric
Bree: there. I win.
Bree: I also know his last name, and his parents' names, and his street address.
Bree: and his phone number. ALL of them.
Slowwind Compevil: Lying liar who lies!
Slowwind Compevil: And is lying!
Draco: Do you even know the number he uses for his balloon animal sex line that he uses to support his Mighty Max habit?
Slowwind Compevil raises hand, opens mouth, closes mouth, lowers hand.


Saberwulf: Hahaha holy shit Ostarion declared war on Ekspansa
Saberwulf: That's like trying to fight the sun with a stick
Saberwulf: Then again the dynasty are fucks and probably won't help Zoe unless she gets really fucked over
Jumpropeman: we're not helping until you learn to be a responsible princess
Saberwulf: Oh man, I'm totally going at this
Saberwulf: Zoe is 100% up for fighting an entire army with Park
Saberwulf: also probably the Wulf Crew when her ass gets ground to bone meal
Slowwind Compevil: Sine: Zoe I need some orcicha....why are you fusing those two spaceships together.
Saberwulf: Zoe proceeds to cause more destruction to the planet than the entirety of Todenwald
Slowwind Compevil: Sine: What are you trying to blow up?
Saberwulf: Zoe just wildly slaps her hands at a picture of skeletons while Park stands on the side, sighing
Saberwulf: That reminds me
Saberwulf: I need to have Park and Chet simultaneously sigh at some point
Saberwulf: The combined dumb shit of the Wulf father daughter duo can only be expressed by such ways
Slowwind Compevil: Sine:....*raises hand, opens mouth, lowers hand, closes mouth, repeats twice* this something you DON'T want your dad to know?
Saberwulf: "Know, he's already here!" "RATTLE THEM BONES"


Tableter: Tom Kirby, chairman and acting CEO of Games Workshop said:
“Games Workshop has had a really good year.
If your measure of 'good' is the current financial year's numbers, you may not agree. But if your measure is the long-term survivability of a great cash generating business that still has a lot of potential growth, then you will agree.”
Here is what I respond to Mr. Kirby:
"No. Nobody agrees. Not your shareholders, not your customers, not your fans, not your stores, not your traders, not your employees. GW had a horrible year.
Instead of growing your business and our community you are now talking about survivability of GW. I award you no points and may the deity of your choice have mercy on your soul.


Vengeance of the Lost: This was a thing. :I Is this still a thing? Have we tried already for this year and for lols? :3

(shortly thereafter)

Jumpropeman: alright folks, ran some crack ships through the old generator
Jumpropeman: lets see what we got
SteelKomodo: oh lawd D:
Vengeance of the Lost: -awaits JRM announcements-
Jumpropeman: Mynmikda x Gloria to start us off, with Samus X Ricard and Henry X Scorpion to follow
Jumpropeman: Oceanus x Reject
Jumpropeman: and here's the first real gem: Granny Diptera x Tak-Sin ;D
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: DDD:
Jumpropeman: Everett x Utsuho
Vengeance of the Lost: Hahahahahaahahaaaahaaaaa​a
Dacro: That's an otp if I ever heard one.
Jumpropeman: he don't hate star people no more ;D
Jumpropeman: speaking of pit
Jumpropeman: Tenshi apparently scooped him up, Pit x Tenshi
RubyChao: heaven and heaven
SteelKomodo: oh god D:
SteelKomodo: 2Heaven4U
Jumpropeman: Redscales x Draco =o
Jumpropeman: Kermit x Zeph~
Jumpropeman: Ash x Tallish, and Christine x Shuma
Vengeance of the Lost: I wish I could say I was horrified, but I almost knew that was going to happen. |D
SteelKomodo: i am horrified
SteelKomodo: Shuma: Humans? Blech!
RubyChao: Christine pls he's an elder god
Jumpropeman: Leonardo has abandoned Edyth, instead pairing up with... OSTARIAN! Leo x Skeleton King
RubyChao: well, he's still royalty!
Jumpropeman: Edyth paired up with Sine as revenge
Dacro: Leo likes Boners.
Jumpropeman: Sapphire and Sammy are radical in love, Sapphire x Sammy
Jumpropeman: Beatbox x Lisa :V
Dacro: Shocking.
Vengeance of the Lost: Groovy.
SteelKomodo: Edyth pls
Jumpropeman: Dakota x Hypotenuse, Melody and... Santos :V
Dacro: That one's not a crack pairing; it's canon.
SteelKomodo: it is a crack pairing tho, draco
Dacro: Lisabox OTP
Jumpropeman: Beck and Cauren, Fiore De Rosa and... Michael Angstrom!
Vengeance of the Lost: Hypotenuse appreciates land value. :'P And Alaska wasn't putting out this time.
Jumpropeman: United in hatelove
2Del4U: I come back to this
Jumpropeman: Hansel and Carol, unable to be with the ones they love, chose each other
2Del4U: mikey super angry
Vengeance of the Lost: Bubbleboy and oversize, huh. :/ Oh, that poor kid would be so confused. By everything. Everything, ever, about the BF. |D I half want to see that.
Jumpropeman: Priscilla x Silence, she loves the muscles after all :D
Jumpropeman: Dirk x Checkmate, Jewel Man x Rainbow Dash
RubyChao: i didn't know dirk was into the muscles
Jumpropeman: Saxton Hale x Zoe, a plausible pairing perhaps?!
RubyChao: ...who did Victor and Arthur end up with
Dacro: Rainbow Dash always dresses in style.
Jumpropeman: Victor with Mac Tonight, and Arthur with Andromalus :D
Jumpropeman: your characters love my characters
RubyChao: arthur no he'll just leave you
Jumpropeman: last few: Skurvy x Aiden, Reimu x Viola (still loves touhou), Kela x Beta Ray Bill, and the GRAND FINALE!... Eggerman x Jack
Dacro: Sugoi
Vengeance of the Lost: Will Arthur job in love? Or can he turn Andromalus from his (already deceased) course? : | Find out in the next great Draco harlequin romance novel!
Vengeance of the Lost: Why exactly did it say all me menfolk are gay, and me dear young lesbian went straight for a technoman? :| I don't know. I suppose I'm going to have to do some talks with these people. :P
Dacro: I'm baffled too.
Jumpropeman: its almost like...
Jumpropeman: it was random
Vengeance of the Lost: Ohno. Ohnononono. Why? Why? Why?
Vengeance of the Lost: Why did you get soggy, cereal?
Vengeance of the Lost: D;
Dacro: I'm baffled too.
Jumpropeman: its almost like...
Jumpropeman: it was soggy


SteelKomodo: back
Jumpropeman: hi dk
Jumpropeman: *sk
RubyChao: sk
RubyChao: steel kong
RubyChao: sk
RubyChao: steel kong is here


Jumpropeman: what the hell happened to candyland
Bree: Candy Land got sexay


Jumpropeman: I remember liking a facebook page about ending violence against animals, only for it to change into the "Michael Vick support page" a few days later


Draco: I have already come up with some ideas for ZFRP '15. I just need to survive ZFRP '14 to use them...
Jumpropeman: Draco will RP as his brand new character
Jumpropeman: Blake-o
Jumpropeman: He's just like draco
Jumpropeman: except he's a human
Jumpropeman: and he doesn't do anything Draco does
Draco: Close. His name is STEVE-O, the Swedish Paladin who shoots dragons in the face.
Jumpropeman: Steve-o, from Jackass?
Draco: I've never seen Jackass.
Jumpropeman: guess you haven't looked in a mirror!
Jumpropeman: ZING!
Draco: ......
Draco left the chat
Jumpropeman: egads...
Jumpropeman: this whole time
Jumpropeman: it was I who was the Jackass D:
Draco joined the chat
Draco: ZING!
Jumpropeman: ......
Jumpropeman left the chat
Draco: FINALLY. I thought he'd never leave!
Draco begins baking a cake? I dunno.


Cornwind Evil: Hey Del
Cornwind Evil: A reminder that the Oasis is right up against the borders of Ostaria
Cornwind Evil: What are the likelyhood skeletons are around
2Del4U: skeleton%
2Del4U: which is to say
2Del4U: very high
Dacro: Skele10%
Dacro: Cloudy with a chance of skeletons.


SteelKomodo: Dirk and Josephine spar, Jo uses hip-check on Dirk
SteelKomodo: instant win
Gooper Blooper: that would probably down him, yes
SteelKomodo: #Butts
Gooper Blooper: "SO PILLOWY"


Cornwind Evil: (On an episode of Wrestling Challenge)
Cornwind Evil: Bobby Heenan: Gorilla, what's with you naming all the body parts?
Cornwind Evil: Gorilla Monsoon: I happen to have a knowledge about it. Why don't you try it?
Cornwind Evil: (Heenan does. Skinner kicks a jobber in the stomach.)
Cornwind Evil: Bobby Heenan: There's a kick to the uterus!


Bree J Walker changed name to Birthday Bree
Draco: Are you old now, Bree?
Birthday Bree: yes
Birthday Bree: I am old
Birthday Bree: I'm 20 now omg


Draco: I will begin the FINAL CHAPTER OF VINAPLOT on August 9th.
Draco: SIGN-UPS BEGIN......
Draco: NOW.
Jumpropeman: good thing I got my vote for Elvis in
Jumpropeman: he's taking this
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, Elvis and Ash. Chatzy chose: Elvis
Draco: Ash jobs again.


Jumpropeman: I found the guy to replace Mac Tonight after next year
Jumpropeman: he'll just snap the anthem
Draco: As the Brawl musician, right? Not as champion?
Jumpropeman: BOTH BV
Draco: You're gonna have Goops enter him then? 'cause nobody wins twice in a row.
Jumpropeman: I think I'm gonna force everyone to at least enter one Bobby Badfingers
Cornwind Evil: I can only imagine what would happen if JRM rolls next year and it somehow lands on Mac AGAIN
Jumpropeman: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Draco: Mac: first time repeat champion. JRM: first time repeat user.
Jumpropeman: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Draco: I can get behind this idea.
Draco: Every year, JRM and Mac Tonight keep winning the Brawl. Users just start going for 2nd place.
Jumpropeman: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Draco: Every plot is ended by Mac Tonight showing up and throwing his battle piano.
Jumpropeman: (╯°□°)╯... ¯\( º _ º)/¯
Cornwind Evil: JRM, you have no more tables to flip
Jumpropeman: they are all upside down on the ground before me
Jumpropeman: a testament to my fury


Keeby: and then Kela became naruto able to turn herself into yarn and paper
Gooper Blooper: Kela's Epic Yarn
Keeby: promptly turns herself into a sailboat
Keeby: "WHEE"
Keeby: you know what, I'm gonna do this
Keeby: Paper Kela is happening
Gooper Blooper: she's already thin enough *rimshot*
Keeby: we're making skinny jokes now?
Keeby: Ariel's so skinny, she'd probably float in the breeze
2Del4U: she's so skinny, she could hide out in ostaria and not be found
2Del4U: cos she's A SKELETON
SteelKomodo: Kelaton


Keeby: [3:19:40 PM] HarpyKuro: man, i thought of something
[3:19:49 PM] HarpyKuro: if Sol stepped in the lake, he'd probably get something like
[3:20:09 PM] HarpyKuro: screams a tray of burnt muffins


Cornwind Evil: Hold on to your butts
SteelKomodo: oh dear :S
RubyChao: *dirk holds onto josephine's instead*
SteelKomodo: dirk pls


Gooper Blooper: I am crunching the numbers and you guys are going to be shocked at what's coming up
RubyChao: in what?
Gooper Blooper: Calculating how far along each season was in posts at the halfway mark
Gooper Blooper: I've just finished
RubyChao: tell us
Gooper Blooper:
Casual: 4920
SRS: 1760
Total: 6680
Casual: 5920
SRS: 4280
Total: 10200
Casual: 960
SRS: 2040
Total: 3000
Casual: 3460
SRS: 3440
Total: 6900
RubyChao: holy shit 2012
Keeby: damn, 2012 got busy
Keeby: i'm sad i missed out
Gooper Blooper: 2012 was mega-frontloaded and there's the conclusive proof
Gooper Blooper: and 2014 just barely squeaks out a win over 2011 due to season 1 starting so slow
Gooper Blooper: 2013 was just *flop*


Spy Had An Idea For A Vidya: Man Aliens was a great movie
Spy Had An Idea For A Vidya: And I can't believe Godzilla vs. A Total Asshole was in it too
Spy Had An Idea For A Vidya: Seriously, I've seen quite a few movies at this point
Spy Had An Idea For A Vidya: Some of the Big G's foes are nasty. Some of them have motivations, some are just destructive
Spy Had An Idea For A Vidya: But Destoroyah? I think Destoroyah just likes hurting everything
Draco: Yep.


Jumpropeman: dont forget ur drink suggestion harps
Keeby: oops
Draco: Suggest Crystal Pep.
Cornwind Evil: VOMIT


Bree: oh my god, SK, Sam needs to ask about Christine's line "no sharing...Ash too shy...I asked him about it once and he nearly fainted..."
Bree: that sounds like another good story :B
iKomodo: Shall I edit that in? :B
Tableter: Nice dodge dere :B
Bree: I have this mental image of a sober, serious, polite Christine being like "So Ash. How do you feel about threesomes?" and Ash looks at her like O_____O
Tableter: (Vgcw)
Electro Blooper: DIRK, FROM BEHIND
Bree: Chastity or someone is in the background, like, (^_^)-b


Keeby asked Chatzy to choose between M, H, S and AYAYAYAYAYA. Chatzy chose: H
Draco: No.
Draco pushes Keeby into a ballpit.
Keeby: :I
Draco: =3

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