Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 164: Pokemon XY Edition and Sarah Madness

Five Nights at Dels: Five Nights at Jonesy's: BOOZE GUNS BUTTS BOOZE GUNS conrad BOOZE BUTTS GUNS
Draco: Five Nights at Draco's: you better have your entrails cleaned up by morning or you're fired.
Draco: We aren't paying a Health Department fine 'cause you don't know how to close a door.
SteelKomodo: Five Nights at Dirky's: Closed >:I


Superman 64 joined the chat
Superman 64: Guess which game I bought today
Gooper Blooper changed name to Pac-Man 2600


(Harpy is hatching Cleffa eggs in Pokemon Y)

Harpy: Lax Cleffa
Harpy: really
Superman 64: The last cleffa is now in captivity
Superman 64: the universe is at peace


Superman 64: my niece looks like Nana of the Ice Climbers in her winter coat


Harpy: carla's gonna have some nicely toned legs after this
Pac-Man 2600: josephine's biked like 7000 miles on her bike on route 7
Pac-Man 2600: her butt remains large
SteelKomodo: Dirk: Nah, all the biking's toned it~
Pit: Dirk, do you ever think of anything else?!
Dirk: You want the honest answer? :U
Pac-Man 2600: GOT IT
Pac-Man 2600: I got the scale
Pac-Man 2600: (no josephine not that one)
Harpy: okay now let's weigh the feebas
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: last swablu characteristic: nods off a lot
Harpy: bet that's not even good ivs
Harpy: *turns up nose*
Pac-Man 2600: I have four feebas eggs
Pac-Man 2600: let's see what I get
Superman 64: I'm betting you are going to get
Superman 64: Four Feebas
Pac-Man 2600: surely you jest
Pac-Man 2600 bikes heavily
Superman 64: *Egg hatches* Hi is Febas


Harpy: i will train u little cleffa
Harpy: become one
Harpy: with my famiry


Pac-Man 2600: Josie is a grand duchess, a pokemon master, a league champion, AND a pirate
Harpy: Carla is a seamstress, a grand duchess, a league champion, and a robot


Superman 64: NOOOO
Superman 64: I can't chatzy pm
RubyChaoing: yeah we lost premium a couple days ago
Pac-Man 2600: ded chatzy pms
Superman 64: i forgot it was a premium only feature
Superman 64: and what I had to say was so unimportant that I shan't bother saying it otherwise
Superman 64: i am beyond lazy
Superman 64: I am... SUPER lazy
Superman 64: *super flop* *super roll*
Superman 64 changed name to Superseal F4T


Cornwind Evil: Tomorrow
Cornwind Evil: Tomorrow
Cornwind Evil: Tomorrow


(Harpy is going in various Friend Safaris in Pokemon Y)

Harpy: going in an ice-
Pac-Man 2600: SPHEAL
Superseal F4T changed name to Superspheal F4T
Superspheal F4T: *rolls... can't stop rolling*
SteelKomodo: I kinda liked Sealeo back in Gen 3
SteelKomodo: he just looked kinda cool with that moustache of his
SteelKomodo: like, you could have a conversation with him and walk away satisfied
SteelKomodo: if that makes sense


Harpy: thats enough pogeys for one day
Superspheal F4T: now we can finally talk about something else!
Superspheal F4T: so guys, Digimon
Pac-Man 2600: SO HOW ABOUT THAT DIGI- dammit


Cornwind Evil: I was going through my old list of villains
Cornwind Evil: There was one who called herself Shriek Blooddawn. Real name: Sarah
Superspheal F4T: yeah, that sounds like an alias Sarah would use
Cornwind Evil: You retroactively ruined a villain, GB
Pac-Man 2600: hooray


RubyChaoing: oh shit we have 10 people in chatzy
RubyChaoing: better hope nobody else needs in
RubyChaoing: *sheep chooses this moment to return but-
RubyChaoing: goops pls


Superspheal F4T: Spy
Superspheal F4T: I got the Isaac
^____^: YESSS
Superspheal F4T: I'm gonna Isaac with my Isaac all Isaac


Superspheal F4T: i wonder if we gamed the system through the formerly magical schrodinger's bree
Pac-Man 2600: I don't think so because she's consistently appeared on the online list since we lost premium
And/Or: Formerly magical girls. Is there a sadder thing in the multiverse?
And/Or: ... yes, actually. Tons.
And/Or: But it was fun to say.
And/Or: :P
Superspheal F4T: Tons are pretty sad. They weigh so much more than pounds
And/Or: So much more. They're almost as sad as miles, which keep getting redefined to use whether nautical or landmain.
And/Or: Kilometers laugh at them all the time.
And/Or: No smiles for miles.
Cornwind Evil: That was sad like tongue depressors
And/Or: Sad, indeeeed.
SteelKomodo: :<
Superspheal F4T: tongue depressors are fun
Superspheal F4T: anything that can be stuck in your mouth in a pair to make walrus teeth is a laugh and a half
And/Or: Fair enough, but those lit dynamite sticks were a poor choice just now, Superspheal.
And/Or: :/
And/Or ducks and covers
Superspheal F4T: my super blubber protects me from such things
Superspheal F4T: *blubbers*
Superspheal F4T: it was I who was the saddest all along
Superspheal F4T changed name to SuperSADspheal F4T
And/Or: Yes. :I I'm sorry to force you through it, dear, but acceptance was the last stage to reaching the end of your grief.
And/Or: -pats with chlorine poison- Now it can all be better. Go out there and punch those tuskogres with all of Isaac's tears.
SuperSADspheal F4T: keep that chlorine off me
And/Or: Oh, fine.
SuperSADspheal F4T: I'd like to keep me skin thankee
And/Or: 10/10 deletons would be happy to tell you it's overrated. :u
Draco: Nope. We're repossessing it.
SuperSADspheal F4T changed name to SuperSADskelespheal F4T
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: im literally big-boned now
And/Or: Draco needs it to make more dufe, you see. A key not-secret ingredient is poisoned and irradiated superpowered spheal skin. :v It's not the main source of the radicalness though.
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: no wonder he's always clubbing me
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: I thought we were just performing a painful deconstruction of a Punch and Judy show
And/Or: How his Lordship chooses to dance and drink is his affair, sir. :v Going clubbing is a past time, though he prefers to do so in Gentlemanly manner.
And/Or: And by dance, and 'clubbing', we do generally mean violent and business-proactive tendencies, such as clubbing spheals with blunt instruments as opposed to dance.
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: I think we've met our stupidity quota for the day. Pleasure doing business with ya
And/Or: Aww.
And/Or: D;
Draco: I concur. Time to talk about stocks.
And/Or: Chicken broth is always a good stock. Onions can be used for a wide variety of bases in cooking, too. Maybe a little mushroom stock, too?
Draco: I enjoy using cream of mushroom soup to make casseroles.


And/Or: So!
If we ever saw the advent of Skinny Sarah for some reason- I don't know how, or why- what token could we use to recognize her, besides the voice and robe?
Draco: The hammer.
Pac-Man 2600: Her kindness
Pac-Man 2600: She is a very cheery, happy-go-lucky sort
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: the idiot hair
SteelKomodo: :3
Pac-Man 2600: If you really want Skinny Sarah, just hang with Ariel, it's pretty much what you'd get except with a dash of activism
SteelKomodo: lolz
And/Or: Alrighty! Good to know. : 3 Shouldn't be that har-
But Ariel was such a lazy librarian! D8 She'll horrify all the librarians I don't have with me!
Nah. She'll be fun in Vegas, I have no doubt.
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: just take this and squeeze the horizontal edges and boom, skinny sarah:

SuperSADskelespheal F4T: there

And/Or: JRM! D: You should never squeeze a lass without knowing she be alright with it first. :l You lecher, sir.
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: for five easy payments of 6.66 you too can look this good!
And/Or: -whaps-
SteelKomodo: FV pls

Harpy: she's starting to look a lot more like paper
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: soon the paper she will be indistinguishable from the paper she is holding
SteelKomodo: Paper Sarah
Draco: =I
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: that sentence was a train wreck
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: I haven't slept in almost 24 hours, could you tell :V
Draco: No, a train wreck isn't half as tragic.
Draco: No, this is about par for the course for you, SSSSF.
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: with the proper comma, that sentence is nearly poetic
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: "soon the paper she will be, indistinguishable from the paper she is holding"
And/Or: JRM has yet to play his Yoda card. :I That was just his Jim Henson impression.
Pac-Man 2600:

SteelKomodo: GOOPS PLS
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: dammit goops

SuperSADskelespheal F4T: my Sarah's bigger
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: which means...
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: the other end of the spectrum
Pac-Man 2600: sarah circa the second sin city battle
And/Or: Smush d' demon with d' biggirlie.

And/Or: Draco takes the cake, however. That's an adorable edit.
SteelKomodo: that's actually kinda cool draco :3
Pac-Man 2600: haaaaa
Draco: Thank you. It's Cinnamon.
Pac-Man 2600: pfff
SuperSADskelespheal F4T joined the chat
Draco: Hi Walrein.
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: so, my computer just froze, because, I shit you not, the Sarah picture got too big
And/Or: Dracojoke made manifest: Computers cannot comprehend the size.
Pac-Man 2600: "you are trying to create an image that is 144 TB"
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: it was my fault for playing god
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: there was a pop-up box the first time I tried that literally told me to delete some things on my computer to make room for the picture
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: before I ever tried to save it
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: don't play with MSPaint kids
Pac-Man 2600: eternal vistas of sarah


Pac-Man 2600: Bootlegs
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: Funny Dino and Martin, my two favorite Nintendish characters
Pac-Man 2600: http://sunyshore.com/scrap/europeplush07.jpg
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: oh god
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: that reminds me of a story
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: so this family friend of ours, back when Pokemon craze was in full swing, had that tangential awareness of someone who hears about things a lot will have
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: well, he knew there were two pokemon that were the rarest of the rare, the legendaries at the end of the pokedex
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: so, as a gift for me and my brother, he got us plushes
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: "Who better than Mewtwo... and Meowth"
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: He thought Mew was Meowth
Pac-Man 2600: so close, and yet so far
RubyChaoing: well he tried!
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: so my bro got Mewtwo, and I got this raggedy meowth
Pac-Man 2600: mewth
SuperSADskelespheal F4T: he pronounced it mewth even


RubyChaoing: them wacky touhou fans
RubyChaoing: what will they think of next
Gooper Blooper: good old JAAAN
RubyChaoing: alas, now i cannot have the gensokyo inquisition appear next year
RubyChaoing: because they'd be
RubyChaoing: expected
Gooper Blooper: But now they're not expected because you said that
Gooper Blooper: but now they ARE expected because I said that
RubyChaoing: the real reason that they don't appear next year: they're stuck in a stable loop
RubyChaoing: "are you sure the directions said "turn to the left constantly"" "sure i'm sure"
RubyChaoing: wait i've got it
RubyChaoing: the gensokyo inquisition as my secret fiter
Gooper Blooper: scooby dum lives


RubyChao: looking at ORAS and getting hype
RubyChao: flopping at my keyboard
RubyChao: realizing that out of habit i clap when excited i'm literally a goddamn seal
Harpy: do you clap at creepypasta :U
RubyChao: no lol
Tableter: Hahaha


Life Is Cocoa: Don't worry, Conrad! : D It can always get weirder. :k
RubyChao: he's dating a color shifting alien tho
RubyChao: he prolly knows that
Life Is Cocoa: Truuuuue. :v


Harpy: wrrwrrwrrwrrwrrrwrrrwrrr​wrrr
RubyChao: *eyebrows intensify*
Harpy: if you don't use this SFX to introduce patchy and ridley in the patchymobile for BBB5 I will cry
Gooper Blooper: the patchymobile: now she doesn't even have to float
RubyChao: "floating is too much work"
Harpy: no, no, no
Harpy: better idea
RubyChao: oh my god
Harpy: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU​U" "What the fuck did I even do"
RubyChao: also actually i just came up with an Excellent idea for it
RubyChao: which you will see in
RubyChao: approximately seven months


RubyChao: utsuho tastes like THE BURNING FLAMES OF THE CORE OF THE SUN and also burd


The Moderately Sized Blue: Moo


Bree: offseason madness: dolls discover teshni likes coffee, also discover not to give teshni coffee ever again


Life Is Cocoa: I have a question of subjective term colloquialism vs morality. :l If I was a cannibal inspired by demons that only ate people in comas, could I tell neighbors with a straight face that I was a vegetarian?
Life Is Cocoa: ... awful joke, that. Awful. I'm going straight back to hell for those poor 'vegetables'.
RubyChao: goodbye *patman post*
Life Is Cocoa: D:


Sanity Long Gone: There is no possible way Gluttony is as skinny as Laharl. .s. Unless- is that where most of that intercosmic Sin power goes to? Surpassing mass acquisition? .3.
Gooper Blooper: He has two forms - one is thin and one is fat
Sanity Long Gone: What happens if the thin one eats the fat one?
Gooper Blooper: he divides by zero


Sanity Long Gone: Just- just tell me Lust isn't a Broodmother.
Sanity Long Gone: I can't deal with that one.
Harpy: Lust sure ain't a broodmother
Bree: I hope Lust is super hot
Bree: because who doesn't want more hot chicks in RP
Harpy: Lust is anything you desire
Sanity Long Gone: As do I. Anything I desire, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Bree: or hot dudes
Harpy: Anything
Harpy: that's her main method of luring people
RubyChao: general cleft meets lust
Harpy: she becomes their greatest, deepest desire
RubyChao: she turns into America
Sanity Long Gone: :D
Harpy: in a bikini
Gooper Blooper: the statue of liberty
Bree: Cleft is all over those amber waves of grain---oh wait Draco already did this joke about Hansel
Bree: *bricked*
Harpy: anyway, after luring them in, she essentially tears them apart while they're entranced
RubyChao: i just have no idea!
Bree: Viola
Harpy: viola
Gooper Blooper: oh man
Bree: the sexiest Viola ever
Sanity Long Gone: Voela.
Gooper Blooper: imagine Tenshi trying to explain that one
Harpy: it doesn't have to be sexy or anything
Bree: true, but if your deepest desire is another person...


Harpy: *watches Disgaea LP*
Harpy: fuck I forgot to make the "NIN NIN NIN" joke with Kela
Gooper Blooper: Middle of Season 5
Gooper Blooper: A character hears "NIN NIN NIN" in the hall
Gooper Blooper: goes to check, it's Kela
Gooper Blooper: "Never speak of this again."
Gooper Blooper: Kela doesn't appear the whole rest of the year
Gooper Blooper: that's all she did all season
Harpy: oh god goops
Harpy: better idea
Harpy: BBB5 rolls up
Harpy: "nin nin nin!"
Harpy: It's Kela in a Flonne Cosplay


RubyChao: >​answer says "round to the nearest dollar"
RubyChao: >​rejects $40, accepts $39.55
RubyChao: :I
Harpy: is this mymathlab
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: well, myfinancelab
RubyChao: but somehow i get the feeling we mean the same program


Bree: "4Kids Entertainment very frequently made Pokémon type match-up errors, resulting in at least nine incorrect answers given, questions with multiple correct answers, questions with no possible correct answer and questions with no right or wrong answer at all. The company also occasionally misspelled the names of Pokémon or gave them the wrong name altogether. These constant mistakes were seen by many as an indication that 4Kids actually knew very little about the franchise."
Bree: oh, 4kids
Bree: I don't miss you
Draco reloads his rifle.
Draco: I didn't miss it either.
Gooper Blooper: "This is incorrect because Combusken is weak to Psychic. Beautifly would be the best choice since it has an advantage and a double resistance to Fighting.
Also, Nuzleaf's name appears under Beautifly's image."

Gooper Blooper: beautifly looks just like nuzleaf, it's an easy mistake to make
Draco: I get the feeling 4kids doesn't actually play Pokemon.
Draco: They had to go to McDonald's to ask the children there for Pokemon tips.
Bree: "This is incorrect because Exploud is weak to Fighting. Dustox would be the best choice for its double resistance to Fighting. Also, Nuzleaf's name appears under Sealeo's image."
Bree: things that are Nuzleaf: Beautifly, Sealeo
Gooper Blooper: NUZLEAF STOP
Bree: "Flaaffy was misspelled as Flaafy for the third time."
Bree: that damn sheep
Harpy: faffy
Bree: if it was teshni, she'd literally just call it faff
Gooper Blooper: flafy


Cornwind Evil is warned repeatedly not to face too many foes, they are too strong.
Cornwind Evil: *Content is tuned for just boosted Level 90's with a Level 500 Item Level*
Cornwind Evil spent a year raiding and is covered in Mythic Warforged Gear hence granting a 586 Item Level.
Cornwind Evil: Not quite seeing the threat
Cornwind Evil: "Do not face the wolf riders! They are too strong!"
Gooper Blooper: 2strong4cornwind
Cornwind Evil tears through the wolf riders like they are made of tissue paper and cotton candy.
Gooper Blooper: kobbers.txt
Jumpropeman: I think Cornwind is the true warlord here
Cornwind Evil: Well enough collecting bear asses


Draco: I have a shiny Gengar. It's not even the Gamestop one.
Jumpropeman: i have a shiny gyarados, its totally legit [smug] ​
Gooper Blooper: no way, JRM, me too!
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: what are the chances?
Gooper Blooper: my first pokemon gold run was so messed up
Harpy: how fucked up
Gooper Blooper: I fainted the red gyarados, I fainted the legendary beasts, I fainted a shiny Drowzee and I used my Master Ball on a Mantine
Harpy: y-
Harpy: you monster


Gooper Blooper: To get the prophet to trust you, collect the asses of the dragons that threaten his people
Cornwind Evil: Technically that would be warlords
Cornwind Evil: Legendary Quest: Collect All The Warlord's Asses
Jumpropeman: i don't think anyone wants those asses
Gooper Blooper: and mount them over your fireplace
Cornwind Evil: It turns out they all have pet donkeys
Cornwind Evil: Prophet: What did you think I meant?
Bree: the most bootylicious expansion yet


Harpy: no i will not create this samurai who carries a dozen swords with her with the spirits of her ancestors doing ~magical samurai~ things


Five Nights at Dels: it's nearly christmas
Five Nights at Dels: well no it's not
Five Nights at Dels: i just wanted an excuse to post one of those turtles christmas videos


Gooper Blooper: So I went back and looked at Hadeon's tractors to see what she got in her fight
Gooper Blooper: 22, 21, 28, 19, 27
Gooper Blooper: old cw would have just killed everyone


Gooper Blooper: I bought a skeleton for 25 cents today
Gooper Blooper: thanks, halloween discounts


Gooper Blooper: The good thing about Honedge is that it's a great Pokemon with awesome typing, a good moveset, and great stats that you can catch really early on
Gooper Blooper: The bad thing about Honedge is that everyone with X and Y already knows this
Gooper Blooper: so that dang sword is everywhere


Gooper Blooper: "Scooby-Doo and the gang will join forces with WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan and an array of other WWE Superstars to crack another mystery crime full of hijinks and adventure. Stay tuned to WWE.com for more on the “Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery” sequel!"
Gooper Blooper: they're making another one
Gooper Blooper: cenamazing
Jumpropeman: Scooby Shill more like
Tableter: Scooby doomed


Jumpropeman: in twenty months, when someone is looking through old chatzy madnesses, they'll idly click the link and be surprised by the grossest, loudest pig noises ever recorded
Harpy: ...um
Harpy: what
Gooper Blooper: I'm really impressed by their production values
Gooper Blooper: even managed to work in that all-time classic, "I'm too close to my shitty mic so you can hear my breath when I talk"


Draco: I should try selling my old Virtual Boy. Maybe I could get $20 for it.
Jumpropeman: I'd buy that virtual boy off ya
Jumpropeman: and any games you might have
Jumpropeman: and your house, wife, and first born


Draco: Quick question: does a 5-ft, 100 lbs., 20 year-old half-elf doctor lady sound at all clichè?
Jumpropeman: make her 2 ft and she's perfect
Draco: Alas, Pathfinder mandates the minimum height is 5 ft. or I would be tempted to make her almost as short as a Dwarf.
Jumpropeman: fooey
Jumpropeman: make her a gnome
Jumpropeman: a 5 foot tall gnome
Draco: Gnomes are expressly forbidden in this campaign.


Draco: Goops made a typo in the new Chatzy Madness. Now I have to sit here and be angry until he comes back.


RubyChao: i think I still have the old card guides somewhere
Gooper Blooper: I have several of my old pogeybooks but not all
RubyChao: Including a couple weird guides that have fakemon for covers for some reason
Gooper Blooper: oh god I think I know what you're talking about
RubyChao: charizard what happened to you
Gooper Blooper: YEP that's the one
Gooper Blooper: I never owned it, but I owned their card game book and that one was advertised in the back
RubyChao: and this one!
RubyChao: with Weird Horse Thing
RubyChao: i have their card game books, i think i might have Weird Horse Thing book too
RubyChao: fossil is a mess tho, like half the pages fell out, rip
Gooper Blooper: I think the idea there is that they're allowed to make a guide about the game but they can't use official images on the covers for some reason
Gooper Blooper: INSIDE the book it was Ken Sugimori art fuckin everywhere
Gooper Blooper: but on the cover they apparently couldn't just slap a pic of Gen 1 Fat Pikachu doing his stock pose jump
RubyChao: the fattest pikachu
Gooper Blooper: best pikachu
Gooper Blooper: pikachu with no neck
Watching Dragon Age: Keep: What do you even eaaaat to be so fat, rat. :I
RubyChao: souls
Watching Dragon Age: Keep: I bet it's rattattatttattattatata. tats. :v
Watching Dragon Age: Keep: -lost count of syllables somewhere-
Gooper Blooper: I have a Diddy Kong Racing guide I got at a yard sale that has the same "no official stuff on the cover" rule
RubyChao: hahahahaa
RubyChao: i love how it's just
Gooper Blooper: THEY TRIED
RubyChao: "oh diddy sped out of the frame"


Gooper Blooper: Bree must receive her fossil grimer in order to truly join the elite four
Gooper Blooper: it's her membership card
Harpy: I love your fossil grimer, thank you


Harpy: ...
Harpy: goops
Harpy: is it safe to say that
Harpy: we should keep Lily as far away from Laharl as possible?
Gooper Blooper: Laharl would have the expected reaction to succubi
Harpy: no, you don't understand: his weakness is optimism AND bodacious babes! LILY IS BOTH TERRIBLY OPTIMISTIC AND BODACIOUS [1]
Harpy: [1] Sonia Revel, "Why I Love Lily". Chronus Times, December 15th, 2014.
Harpy: also lily fired a fucking hope laser that helped kill pestus so uh, that's also a thing


Harpy: at last, the goopy returns to me
Harpy: us
Harpy: derp
Harpy: i am not kidnapping goopy
Gooper Blooper: harpy trying to have all the goop to herself


Harpy: *generates names*
Harpy: >​garland
Gooper Blooper: but he'll knock you all down


Delthulhu: there's an addon for chrome and opera that replaces SJW with skeleton
Delthulhu: this means whenever i type SJW or SJWs i get skeleton instead
Delthulhu: i just love posting about SJWs
Delthulhu: hahaha i love this addon
Delthulhu: it's incredible


Gooper Blooper: oh my god, these pogeycombos I'm finding
Gooper Blooper: Maractus holding a Big Root with the ability Water Absorb with Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Ingrain, and Substitute
Harpy: oh jesus
Gooper Blooper: if you don't kill it on turn one you best hope you can wait that out


Harpy: "Mages are known among themselves as Troyra, which comes from a word meaning "self sacrifice" in an ancient language. The Mage's ribbon is given to them by the Magic Association and both helps them control their power as well as serving as antenna for receiving information about new magic from the Association."
Harpy: wait what
Harpy: disgaea are you telling me
Harpy: that if I take the ribbon off a mage
Harpy: they will unlease the power unimaginable by others?
Harpy: welp, carla, time to take your ribbons off and make you a killing machine
iKomodo: Oh lawd
Gooper Blooper: it's like Machoke's power belt
Harpy: god forbid you ever let a galaxy mage's ribbon fall off


Jumpropeman: so today in Bravely Default I fought one Fiore DeRosa
Jumpropeman: something something ruined whatever
Gooper Blooper: lel
MobileChao: did u kick his ass
Jumpropeman: naturally
Harpy: Fiore needs to get his ass kicked more :I
Jumpropeman: his magic wasn't the only thing red when we were done with him B|
MobileChao: fiiiiine I'll buy bd


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: ._.
Jumpropeman: that's why Beheeyem didn't use Hypnosis against JRM


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: jiggly's reign of terror

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