Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 134: Mage Getting Hit By Football

Steelzilla: i wonder if Pepsi Man had an arch nemesis in Coca-Cola Man
Cornwind Evil: Wouldn't surprise me


Thanks OBAMA: . . . Oh my god
Thanks OBAMA: The two most used names for Shepard in Mass Effect (in Italy)
Thanks OBAMA: For malesheps, Alex
Thanks OBAMA: For femsheps, Sarah
Parasol Kirby: fuckin lel


Del asked Chatzy to choose between dota, marvel heroes, civ v, empire at war and nothing lel. Chatzy chose: nothing lel
Del: you're the boss chatzy
Gooper Blooper: YOU GET NOTHING


Del: i just had
Del: the best idea
Del: dungeon-world style 40k ork game
Del: Gorkamorka
Del: actually more apocalypse world style but the general idea is waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh


Cornwind Evil: SO
Cornwind Evil: What have we learned from this fight?
RubyChao: tenshi should not be allowed to carry because she becomes insufferable
Draco: Always put your best fist forward.
iKomodo: The Thunder Kings might actually be a big threat D:
Jumpropeman: they are cornwind villains
Jumpropeman: of course they are


Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 300 sides. The die showed: 247
Parasol Kirby: what
Parasol Kirby: did you just roll
Jumpropeman: the new boss tractor die :V


Parasol Kirby: i can't believe Kirby is legitimately 22
Mobile GB: The Kirby series is old enough to drink and the Pokemon series is old enough to drive
Parasol Kirby: i'm one year younger than kirby.
Jumpropeman: I'm as old as kirby
Jumpropeman: and i have an eating disorder, and I routinely fight dark monstrosities from hell
Jumpropeman: I think I'm Kirby guys


Ghost Dad: If I had an ounce of self-confidence with that kind of thing I'd totes stream Zafehouse Diaries
Ghost Dad: Other things I want to stream: Petz 4
Ghost Dad: You will see the live birth and noneuclidan movements of my horrors
Mobile GB: You can stream Spore so we can all watch 17 dance to that tribal drum music that plays in every Spore monster video ever created
Ghost Dad: That's the only music it has
Ghost Dad: Forever and ever


Mobile GB: Sarah is the sort of gal who would buy chocolate online


iKomodo: it's amazing how changing one word in something can lead to the oddest things
iKomodo: for example: Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions ->​ Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Worlds
Mobile GB: very true, SK. Even one letter can make a change
RubyChao: Final Fantasy Tactics: Bar of the Lions
Jumpropeman: for example, Pooper Blooper
Jumpropeman: What was once a writer of cute white mages is now a hilarious toilet incident!
Jumpropeman: A Pooper Blooper is like any other America's Funniest Home Video. The dad walks into the restroom, and his son hits him in the nuts with a baseball bat. Classic comedy!
Cornwind Evil: I don't see how changing a letter in my name would get anything amusing
Ghost Dad: Pornwing
Ghost Dad: *Pornwind
Jumpropeman: Lightwing's sexy cousin
Mobile GB: Mage Getting Hit By Football
Mobile GB: *josephine hit in the butt by football*


Ghost Dad: How can you change RedSpy
Parasol Kirby: BluSpy
Jumpropeman: BedSpy ;D
Jumpropeman: Bedspy and Pornwind
Mobile GB: RedSoy
Parasol Kirby: i can change my name to Happy
RubyChao: what about RubyChao
Jumpropeman: and Humpropeman
Jumpropeman: we're all an inch away from innuendo
Ghost Dad: Lewd levels have reached critical mass
Draco: BoobyChao
Jumpropeman: Humpropeman is just what my mexican friends call me
Ghost Dad: My friends call me Knuckles
Ghost Dad: Unlike Sonic I don't chuckle
Ghost Dad: I'd rather flex my muscles
RubyChao: that's more than one letter, draco
RubyChao: you failed
Draco: BubyChao
Jumpropeman: I was listening to some awful sonic slash fic read aloud, and in it, Knuckles chuckled
Ghost Dad: RubbyChao
Jumpropeman: RubyChap
Mobile GB: RugbyChao
Parasol Kirby: RubyChan
Jumpropeman: Needless to say, Knuckles chuckling made it hard for me to believe in the authenticity of the Knuckles/Tails fanfic they were reading.
RubyChao: ruby-chan is my japanese counterpart


RubyChao: how would you guys describe kraid in appearance
Parasol Kirby: a big fat dragon with no friends


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: greetings carpetbaggers
Ghost Dad: Ey JRM!
Jumpropeman: spy is too happy to see me
Jumpropeman: what are you trying to sell me this time?
Ghost Dad: Crack
Jumpropeman: oh. I will take twenty cracks please
Ghost Dad gives all the cracks


Parasol Kirby: if sammy wishes hard enough, Robot will be powered by an atari and IT'LL BLOW APOLLO'S MIND
Draco: If Sammy wishes hard enough, can she make a hoagie big enough that even she can't eat it?
Parasol Kirby: yes


gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4 joined the chat
gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4: I chose my name with random swiping at the keyboard
gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4: I hope you appreciate today's piece of Spy performance art
SteelKomodo: spy pls


Parasol Kirby: you may take away our lives
Bree changed name to Breedom
gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4: Bree, no need to conform your name to others' expectations
gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4: Just Bree yourself *SHOT*


SteelKomodo: Fulgore was a jobber
Gooper Blooper: I actually thought Fulgore was on a normal tractor until his super move, he was getting such mediocre rolls
SteelKomodo: I guess I shoulda specified he was on miniboss tractor
SteelKomodo: ...actually, here's how to tell
SteelKomodo: if the thing at the top says "Unable to Identify Weakness" or has a marked weakness of some kind, then it's a boss
SteelKomodo: if it says "Strong Opponent Detected" then that's a miniboss
SteelKomodo: now you know :U
SteelKomodo: XD


Cornwind Evil: So Bubs gave her fake money?
SteelKomodo: nah, I'm sure that was just a joke on his part
Draco: It'd be pretty tough to 3D print out that many gold coins so quickly. =p
Del: it may or may not be fake
Del: 50/50 chance
Del: because bubs
Gooper Blooper: *Cornwind flips a coin, they're fake*
Gooper Blooper: *Sine arrested for counterfeiting, trial ends this time due to JRM's efforts RPing as Jaws*
Draco: Sine is sentenced by a jury of her peers, gets an all-Sine jury.
Draco: "That gorgeous defendant looks pretty innocent to me, am I right?" Other 11 Sines nod and agree.
SteelKomodo: one of them is Carol


Gooper Blooper: So today my brother went garage saling
Gooper Blooper: He came back with Elder Scrolls Morrowind and Superman 64
Cornwind Evil: Wow, did he lose a bet on the last one
Gooper Blooper: No, he had a friend who had a copy for some reason and said friend gave it to him for free, like 50 percent of bad vidya creepypastas
RubyChao: oh god it's haunted
RubyChao: "And then I played it... and it was terrifying!" "Was it hyper-realistic?" "Worse: It was Superman 64!"
Gooper Blooper: I wonder if I took my 2 copies of Atari 2600 Pac-Man and my ET cart and placed it with Superman 64 if I could summon anything
Gooper Blooper: Might need to add Big Rigs
RubyChao: alchemize them into one game
RubyChao: see if it turns into a can of expired walnuts a really bad game or a mediocre game


Del: new gimmick
Del: when santos gets a prize from bbp
Del: he instantly hands it off to bluejay
Del: don' wan' no stinkin' dolls
Cornwind Evil: There's a wall of Santos dolls in Bluejay's room
Del: Bluejay, we need to talk about this hobby of yours
iDerpKomodo: XD
Cornwind Evil: No, as in, the dolls he gave her
Parasol Kirby: bluejay confirmed creeper
Cornwind Evil: Bluejay: Hey! They're gifts from a friend!
Bree: Bluejay X Santos
gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4: Does she ever combine them into Santron
Cornwind Evil: Bluejay's asexual. Not interested in a relationship with anyone.
Del: oh good, so's santos
Del: relationship via apathy
Parasol Kirby: it does not mean what you think it means
Cornwind Evil: A man and woman can just be friends and comrades after all.
Del: the most tortured and dumb pairing *robotnik voice* EVER DEVIIIISED
Parasol Kirby: aromantic is the word
RubyChao: "you wanna date?" "sure" *the dating consists of absolutely nothing special happening*
Del: the dating consists of murder and justice
Del: and mostly saying "good job"
Parasol Kirby: the only successful pairing CW has
Parasol Kirby: :u


RubyChao: "SLAY wants to battle! SLAY sent out COFAGRIGUS! Go BULLY! COFAGRIGUS used Lick! BULLY lost 1 health and i let him use Torment. BULLY used TORMENT! COFAGRIGUS got depressed! "Depressed?" I said to myself, "Would that even happen when you use Torment?" COFAGRIGUS commited suicide! "Oh my god! what the fuck is wrong with this game?" But I was interested, so i kept playing this god forsaken game."


Del: you know that eye in goop's ??????? character thing
Del: i tried to google search the image and see where it came from
Del: pro-tip
Del: don't do that
Del: for the love of buddha, rama and chaac, don't do it


iKomodo: Hmmm
iKomodo: should I post Froakie coming in at the worst time?
Cornwind Evil: SURE WHY NOT
Cornwind Evil: Oh wait what scene are you talking about SK
iKomodo: The arguing


Cornwind Evil: Let's see who can type "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." the fastest
Cornwind Evil: And.....
Cornwind Evil: Go
RubyChao: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
Cornwind Evil: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Gooper Blooper: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4: Alright time me starting RIGHT NOW
Melted Kirby: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4: the quick brown fox jumpe dover hte laser dog
gjugrstehijfdjisadjokm,.htrkn4: I WROTE FUCKING LASER DOG I'M TRASH
RubyChao: the fox tried to jump over the laser dog
RubyChao: it was lasered
Cornwind Evil: That was about six seconds Spy
Cornwind Evil: But you win
Cornwind Evil: Because laserdog


RubyChao: imagine samus as the maid of honor
RubyChao: she somehow remains expressionless the entire time


IWasToldThereWouldBeTitties: How many Pokemon can you remember?
RubyChao: hi draco
Dr. Dray: I'm sorry, Harpy, but that IS his name right now.
Dr. Dray: Hi Ruby.
IWasToldThereWouldBeTitties: . . . I put "the miz" and that somehow gave me all 6 of the B/W elemental monkeys, Keldeo, and Meloetta
IWasToldThereWouldBeTitties: THAT'S
IWasToldThereWouldBeTitties: NOT THE MIZ
Dr. Dray: XD
RubyChao: i entered The and it gave me the entire first gen starter group
Bree: lawl


Dr. Dray: What's Doctor Who again? Is that the one about the dead parrot and the Holy Grail?
Jumpropeman: no Draco, that's Doctor What
Dr. Dray: Oh, okay. Which one has the guy driving around with his cat delivering mail?
Jumpropeman: You are thinking of Taxi Cab Confessions
Cornwind Evil shoots you both.
Cornwind Evil throws you down some stairs for good measure.

Jumpropeman: I was actually the head director of Doctor Who all along, I was never Jumpropeman! *dies*
Jumpropeman: *My Will says to cancel all further Doctor Who seasons for the next 65 years*
Dr. Dray: I was Doctor Who himself all along!
Cornwind Evil: I don't think anyone has that singular power
Dr. Dray: *regenerates*
Dr. Dray changed name to 14th Draco
Cornwind Evil: So, by regenerating, you now have a whole new look and personality
Cornwind Evil: So what are you
Jumpropeman: obviously, Doctor Who regenerated as a dragon
Jumpropeman: hence Draco's name
14th Draco: Seriously. I used to love rap, now I love the day after Friday the 13th.
Jumpropeman: Friday the 14th?
Cornwind Evil: Well, I will leave you to further adventures in time and space
Cornwind Evil: I am certain the Daleks will be unhappy that The Doctor is now a dragon
Cornwind Evil: Then again they are always unhappy, they were created to only feel hatred and pride.
14th Draco: See?
14th Draco: Draco before
14th Draco: Draco after
14th Draco: Totally different.
Cornwind Evil: You are ridiculous, Draco
Cornwind Evil: GB, make sure you save this in Chatzy Madness
14th Draco: GB, draw Cornwind like a smiling turnip.
Cornwind Evil: Since he has no idea what I look like, wouldn't that just be a picture of a smiling turnip?
14th Draco: Okay, draw Sine as a smiling turnip.
Cornwind Evil: You heard the dragon, GB
14th Draco: Yeah, um, if you ever want to see Sarah again, like, comment, and subscribe. =U


Del: : ☐ rekt ☐ not rekt ☑ Tyrannosaurus rekt


RubyChao: "I first battled the Metroids on Planet Zebes" yes, samus. i know.
RubyChao: ...wait a second i found the speedup button
RubyChao: i can skip thiiiiis
Mobile GB: they need to hack the text
Mobile GB: "I've come here on a quest to stop jobbing."
RubyChao: "I first jobbed against..." etc etc
Mobile GB: I first jobbed against ZFRP on Moron Mountain
RubyChao: My next job was on Planet Poryphion, against Daniel and Carol


Tableter: Newsflash
Tableter: dongs
Gooper Blooper: genitals
Cornwind Evil: Balls


(Viola's Psyche-Lock breaks and she pours her heart out to Tenshi)

RichardChao: now to write tenshi's reply
RichardChao: where she writes viola off as a weirdo and leaves her to be alone forever
RichardChao: not really
Gooper Blooper: lel


Harpy: *rolls on floor like a worm out of dirt*
RichardChao: Harpwoon
Harpy changed name to Dio


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Del: the magnificent goops in his posting machine


RubyChao: i went exploring again
RubyChao: you know what's a big help when exploding
Gooper Blooper: The Damp ability?
RubyChao: ...*exploring


Jumpropeman: so I was playing Fire Emblem today, and two of my female characters were talking. Both of them were already married, but they were asking each other about crushes and both refused to admit who they had a crush on


Jumpropeman: SHIT man, Kirby's Epic Yarn's soundtrack is so FUCKING RELAXING!


RubyChao: any time i worry i don't update my profiles enough, i look at spy's
RubyChao: and then i feel better


Jumpropeman: Gloria is a strong independent summoner who don't need no man
Harpy: had to make the Gloria joke
Harpy: I HAD TO
RubyChao: as long as they don't make Gloria: Other G
Harpy: other Girl
Harpy: i'd die if that actually happened
Harpy: too good for men, so she has to look for women, instead
Gooper Blooper: she does seem to have a fetish for old musty things, but JRM's characters fail to affect her
RubyChao: goops pls


RubyChao: also: would anyone like to know the silliest benefit of the nature of space pirate plot
Summer Breeze: yes pls
RubyChao: the fact that it's obvious and thus no need to hide that Phantoon and Kraid are going to be bosses allows me to satisfy my desire to Talk About Plots
RubyChao: without actually spoiling anything
RubyChao: so yay
Summer Breeze: *envy envy envy envy envy envy*
Summer Breeze: having to consciously resist the urge to be like GUYS LOOK AT HOW GREAT MY VILLAIN IS
RubyChao: oh trust me i still feel that pain
RubyChao: i want everyone to know about utsuhoplot but i can't spoil it argh


Gooper Blooper: Chao playing Pokemon XY will be fun
Gooper Blooper: I've already Ruined it
RubyChao: it will be
Draco sends Chao a Level 100 Metapod.
RubyChao attempts to play all his games even faster
Harpy: nobody can see me clapping
Gooper Blooper: *chao rushes through the game to get to the first hex maniac*
RubyChao: i will play as a girl named Tenshi just for it
Gooper Blooper: Tragically you can't give your character blue hair
RubyChao: also aw :<


Gooper Blooper: *patents the sarahkin*
RubyChao: *gets around it with the Sarakin*


Jumpropeman: Baby Fite. It will happen some day
Jumpropeman: Conrad wins on virtue of not being a baby
RubyChao: conrad disqualified for unfair advantage
Jumpropeman: I would love to write a baby fite where it was not a true battle, just some babies fiting over a rubber ducky
Gooper Blooper: Cinnamon given enormous mecha battle suit to even the odds
Gooper Blooper: babby leg removal
Jumpropeman: it would be Sanura vs. Cinnamon vs. THE BABY
RubyChao: also now i'm imagining alex calling the zfs
RubyChao: and it's sarahcravings
Gooper Blooper: turns out the thing eating all the crops
Gooper Blooper: is sarah


Gooper Blooper: I think at the rate we're going there's not going to be anything left of Orvance to save >​.>​




Bree: so, where's Everett been
Bree: haven't seen him around in a bit
Jumpropeman: he had a breakdown when he saw space bar
Jumpropeman: I'll probably have him show up soon
Bree: did they cart him off to the loony bin?
PlasmaKomodo: D:
Jumpropeman: nah, no straight jacket can hold him
Bree: we'll have to discuss him meeting the tooth fairy then
Bree: must determine acceptable levels of flirting
Cornwind Evil: Let's BREAK HIM EVEN MORE
Jumpropeman: Everett will go from strongest man to nervous wreck by the end of the year
Bree: everett was not prepared for tooth fairy
PlasmaKomodo: XD


Del: is RP time doktor
Jumpropeman: *ubers Del*


Bree: henry is the cutest dork
Harpy: the cutest gator dork
Harpy: the comic to dorcha's straight man
PlasmaKomodo: i read that as gator dirk
PlasmaKomodo: "WHY AM I AN ALLIGATOR D:<"
Harpy: henry confirmed to like butts
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna introduce a new controversial character who hates butts


(People are trying to figure out which characters to send for an RP event)

RubyChao: hmm, who to send
Jumpropeman: I know who I'm sending!
Jumpropeman: GO! WHITEY!
Bree: "Whitey, I choose you! *JRM throws Pokeball, Whitey falls out, tries to crawl away*"
Jumpropeman: That's a technical foul


Cornwind Evil: Yeesh, Sheep, I expected some death, not for Solomon to massacre half the population! Poor bastards.
M Sheep: What's a few 60,000 people be-okay, I might have gone a little oveboard
Cornwind Evil: Solomon probably did half the Haruspex' work FOR them with that one attack!
M Sheep: (It was originally going to be even higher)
Cornwind Evil: They've probably been praising him ever since
Bree: Solomon did receive many a bellyrub from the Haruspices that day
Jumpropeman: XD
Bree: "whosa good boy? whosa good boy murderin all the lil peasants? is it you? YES IT IS, YES IT IS"
Gooper Blooper: haruspex rewarding that mastodon with a push after he passed all the tests


A Half Day For Spy?: Goops, best part of Godzilla Week
A Half Day For Spy?: "EDF! EDF!"
A Half Day For Spy?: amiriteoramirite
Gooper Blooper: *Biollante pelted by jet jaguars*
Gooper Blooper: I think their reaction to Mothra FINALLY transforming in the very last battle is a worthy runner-up


Jumpropeman: tornado warning nearby in case I disappear
Jumpropeman: im sure we'll be fine, but if my family gets too paranoid we gotta hide under a staircase
Bree: tornado warning generally means there isn't a tornado but one is possible
Bree: might be wrong though
Jumpropeman: well in that case I mean tornado alert or whatever
Jumpropeman: I went on weather channel to hear about it, and apparently they are covering a tornado in North Dakota instead
Jumpropeman: dammit, I sent you to space, stop taking the news away from my state!


iKomodo: Sine is a wimp, Carol got claws and she's still fighting >:I
Gooper Blooper: Sine is indeed a bit wimpy compared to the average kobber
Gooper Blooper: she's not really built for this
iKomodo: Carol builds her a power suit to help her survive battles
iKomodo: "Buildy Buildy suit~"
Bree: Carol makin sure her lady is protected
Harpy: ...
Harpy: *giggles furiously*
Gooper Blooper: it's important to use protection
Gooper Blooper: *succubi etc*


Bree: I was telling my mom about my new group of friends and mentioned "also there's Wulf and Sheep
Bree: my mom was like "how do you keep one from eating the other?"
A Half Day For Spy?: PFFFFFFT
Jumpropeman: she must have been especially shocked to here about a person named Jumpropeman. As if a man would ever jump rope!
Gooper Blooper: You have to do that raft puzzle
Bree: lel
Gooper Blooper: take Wulf in the boat so he doesn't eat Sheep
Saberwulf: You have to make sure you leave the grain on my side or I eat myself though


Gooper Blooper: *looks up Tenshi on tumblr*
Gooper Blooper: why are there so many pictures of her eating things
RubyChao: is she eating peaches or
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes peaches, other times food you wouldn't expect
Gooper Blooper: like corn dogs
RubyChao: oh i've seen that picture before
RubyChao: i don't understand it though lol
Gooper Blooper: Has there ever been anyone anywhere ever who ate like this
Bree: tenshi is like kirby. she is always hungry.
Bree: tenshi vs. kirby in eating contest fite
Gooper Blooper: Sarah hanging out with Viola through Tenshi
Gooper Blooper: they might have some issues getting along
RubyChao: sarah and tenshi in an eating contest
RubyChao: sarah falls asleep
RubyChao: cut to viola waving a bottle of pills with a smile on her face
Gooper Blooper: "victory for tenshi"


(Regarding 2013's Big Bar Brawl)

A Half Day For Spy?: I thought 17, with no votes and no hopes, would be dead last of my entrants
A Half Day For Spy?: Then he goddamn swept an entire zombie army and even killed a character before dying in a safely midcard location
Gooper Blooper: Don't forget the most important part, spy
Gooper Blooper: he placed 17th
A Half Day For Spy?: ^
A Half Day For Spy?: Fate


Bree: Henry meets Skurvy, gator vs. croc
Jumpropeman: when they part ways, they say "See you later alligator" "In a while crocodile" in the most literal way of all recorded history
Bree: I love you JRM


Harpy: Goops, when you headin off? I'll need sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: I can provide sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: which kin do you desire
Harpy: the best one that can bring Dorcha from near death
Jumpropeman: Andromalus could
Jumpropeman: but you know, I don't think you want him to because he's not cute and in a white robe
Jumpropeman: If you want, Andromalus can be like, super creepy about it so Henry turns him down :V
Bree: "super creepy about it" cue mental image of Andromalus breathing heavily and rubbing hands together while suggesting he heal Dorcha
Jumpropeman: XD
M Sheep: "Would you like to be healed by abyssal and damned magicks today?"
Gooper Blooper: "I can take her in... make her STRONGER..."
Gooper Blooper: "oh sorry excuse me I don't know what came over me"
Bree: "no see, licking her is definitely part of the healing process, so is the disrobing"
Gooper Blooper: andromalus please, you're married
Jumpropeman: Technically they are not married
Jumpropeman: ;D


M Sheep: Radical 194? Why is this in my SUPER SECRET Rp notes?
M Sheep: ...and why are my Rp notes so cryptic


M Sheep: Who's that Pokemon?
M Sheep: It's IA IA skdfhjfkjdsfjk


M Sheep: "The lasers swirl around Andromalus, flowing around him like electrons to an atom. His eyes glow brighter and brighter as he rises up into the air, his arms outstretched. And with one giant blast of white energy from his mouth, he seeks to sear the mantid into the biggest fried bug ever."
M Sheep: I keep picturing Andromalus as Andross
M Sheep: from Star Fox
Jumpropeman: "Andromalus's enemy, is MY enemy!"
M Sheep also, skipping forward to read Henry suffering, ssh, don't tell anyone
Jumpropeman: "I've been waiting for you, Star Folks!"


Saberwulf: Del can I just say how fucking funny I find it that when you're drunk I can't help but read your text in a drunk Jonesy voice
Drunkleter: I appreciate this
Drunkleter: Drunk caitlin glass


Jumpropeman: i don't see how haruspex magic is different from other magics
Bree: it's fueled by blood and death
RubyChao: but what isn't?
RubyChao: *laughtrack*
Harpy: in two words
Harpy: they're necromancers
A Half Day For Spy?: But Bree
A Half Day For Spy?: Is it fuelled by DEA-
A Half Day For Spy? left the chat
Bray Spyat joined the chat
Bray Spyat lights lantern
Bray Spyat: We did this joke already
Bray Spyat blows out lantern
Bray Spyat changed name to RedSpy

RedSpy: . . . There should've been another T there


Bree: Octavious is british but I don't write him with an accent or british slang or anything because fuck british people
Bree: just fuck 'em
Saberwulf: ahahahaha
Jumpropeman: he he
Jumpropeman: *covers the britbros's ears*
Jumpropeman: continue Bree
Drunkleter: Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​e
Drunkleter: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeeeee
Jumpropeman: *User Bree has been banned from the forum*
Bree: Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel
Drunkleter: Thats not very nice


Saberwulf: Oh jeez gay guys are hitting on me
Saberwulf: What do I do
Jumpropeman: hit on em back
Bree: get you some booty, wulf
Jumpropeman: duh
Draco: Let them buy you dinner, then say you only want to be friends.
Saberwulf: Well he lives in, you know, BRAZIL so uh
Saberwulf: And he's like 25
Bree: boo
Jumpropeman: OI GIT LAID MATE
Bree: tay
Draco: Put him down gently then.
Harpy: "i can't do this i'm too young for love"
Saberwulf: Not in the market for a brazilian sugar daddy
Draco: It's too bad you aren't interested in him, Wulf. You could ask him for some Brazil Nuts. BD
Saberwulf: hahaha fucking hell draco


Saberwulf: Tak-Sin's the kinda guy who pushes someone down the stairs and takes a duckface selfie with their shattered corpse
Saberwulf: #downwhereitswetter #queenbitch #nofilter
Drunkleter: When Tak-Sin discovers cell phones hes gonna take so many duckface selfies
Drunkleter: If he somehow survives his plotline hes gonna be a gay fashion model in the hub and its gonna be yaoi as fuck
Drunkleter: Tak-Sin is a gay merdude who seeks power at any cost and hides his massive racial sociopathy under a veneer of duckface selfies and yaoi character behaviour
Drunkleter: Also he wears womens clothes sometimes
Jumpropeman: but don't we all
Jumpropeman: right guys?
Jumpropeman: ...right?

--- "Doing it for Chatzy Madness" is our version of "Doing it for the Vine" except without the cute dancing girl to accompany it


Glorious Mistress of Earth: Sheep. Can I pet you?
M Sheep: Given the propensity of hooved animals in this Rp to actually be horrific monsters, i would not advise it
Glorious Mistress of Earth: Aaaaaaw =(


M Sheep: My interpretation of Nerique is of a man who's never stuck out in anyway, good or bad all his life, totally forgettable. No matter how hard he worked. I personally, find that horrifying. This has gone on to his career in medicine, where despite having the big break to get signed aboard the the ZFS, he finds his rightful place as head of the department supplanted by somebody who isn't even a doctor and giant man-child who everything in life as handed to. I feel like he's suppressing a lot of hideous anger.
M Sheep making up things about literally the most generic character in RP, doop ,doop, doop
Harpy: holy shit that's amazing sheep
Harpy: i love you
RubyChao: watch, half the revelations in sheeplot will be delivered by dr. nerique
RubyChao: in a secret effort to get grendel and glass fired


Glorious Mistress of Earth: I'm gonna go buy a cake.


M Sheep: "Scans indicate your assessment to be factual. If you require assistance in the removal, Commander Octavious, I will gladly aid you. Do not worry. I will not throw the shark at you. I am standing on top of that previous event. Error, expressed incorrectly. My vertical level is higher than the incident where you threw me. Error...I am over it. That is the correct expression."
M Sheep: Oh that Hypotenuse
Cornwind Evil plays the laugh track.

M Sheep: One day I'm going to Rp a laugh track or something have it have an existential crises
M Sheep no more laughs, only tears
M Sheep: "It's okay, Melody. We may not be sisters by blood, but I'd be happy to consider you an honorary sister."
M Sheep: The ranks of the Sarahkin continue to swell with might
Draco: Swell with candy too. =p
Cornwind Evil: Draco STILL hasn't gotten over that defeat.
Draco: Never will either. Losing to a white mage! The shame! It's a good thing he never gave a damn about what his mother thought of him or he'd've revived on the spot to die of shame.


M Sheep: Has anyone ever explained to Bree what Chatzy Madness is?
Draco: Has anyone ever explained to US what Chatzy Madness is?

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