Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 140: Teenage Mutant Ninja Boy Bill

The Shrekmono changed name to The Sexy Pumkin
The Sexy Pumkin: Give me the budder~


Gooper Blooper: I found the first PG Establishment Sign
Gooper Blooper: It was during the bar's first drinking contest: Ilsaria vs Spy vs Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Spy: "*HIC!* Thish ish fun . . . I sherioushly love you guysh."
Gooper Blooper: Sarah: "I LOVE YOU TOO MISHTER SHPY.

*she leans over to Sarah, and with what might be considered a sexual? tone, she says*
Do go on."

Gooper Blooper: "*Gezora laughs as they survive the first "water" break. Air Man, meanwhile, holds up a sign that says "PG ESTABLISHMENT." *"
Gooper Blooper: and there it is
Gooper Blooper: so far back he was still named Air Man
RubyChao: >​that was worthy of the establishment sign back then
RubyChao looks at Recent Events
RubyChao: how we have changed
Gooper Blooper: We started slow
iKomodo: Butts tits etc.


M Sheep: "Look at those stats! +3 to defense, AND +1 to dexterity! That's worth killing a family of goblins over!"
M Sheep Skinpiper died for your armor


RubyChao: >​run pixiv search for hex maniac and tenshi
RubyChao: >​nothin'
RubyChao: dammit japanese artists i don't know draw our weird crossovers already


Harpy: i am disappointed ricard and hansel haven't met
Harpy: quick have ricard sneak into las vegas next year
The Sexy Pumkin: I was actually going to reuse Ricard for 2015
The Sexy Pumkin: Especially snce Leo got the lion's share of the plot and chardev
Harpy: ...does that mean obligatory Siren
The Sexy Pumkin: He and Siren can be fabulous poker mages together
The Sexy Pumkin: She has the fancy masks already she'd fit right in
Harpy: they cheat people out of money together
Harpy: Carlos does not approve
Harpy: ....why do I suddenly imagine Janet being a barker at a carnival, advertising the "AMAZING, CUDDLY, SWEET CHEEKS CREAMPUFF! ALL YOURS TO CUDDLE AND TELL ALL YOUR SECRETS TO FOR 10 MINUTES PER TWO DOLLARS!"
RubyChao: because being hansel is sufferng
Harpy: i dunno if it'd be suffering, hansel would be stuck with rich old ladies who have nobody else to talk to and look, they brought their 14 cats and cookies!
The Sexy Pumkin: We should so post more Siren and Ricard shenanigans now that Ricard's 7-day ice cream headache is over
The Sexy Pumkin: ./this is why I haven't posted him
Harpy: alternatively, hansel ends up with Granny from the brawl
The Sexy Pumkin: ./the frigid cream of cows long since past is a rather new taste for him and its broken him
Harpy: did he turn into fat floaty wizard
The Sexy Pumkin: For the purposes of sight gags, yes
Harpy: *imagines Sarah buying an entire hour of Hanseltimes*
Vengeance, Thwarted?: Every time I hear 'fat', 'floaty',
Vengeance, Thwarted?: 'ice', and 'wizard' together, the inevitable AdventureTime flashback occurs.
Harpy: *entire time Hansel sits there listening to Sarah squeal about Alex, her new home, DA BEBBY, and hey would you like a part of my gundam-sized cupcake*
RubyChao: samus: "did somebody say"
RubyChao: "the baby"
Harpy: Sarah: I had a baby :D
Harpy: and then Samus and Hansel are bombarded with baby pictures
RubyChao: so many baby pictures
RubyChao: they're drowning in them
RubyChao: literally
RubyChao: there's that many
The Sexy Pumkin: And here's the thing Ricard joined a cult for
Harpy: Janet: I probably should have thought this through more.
The Sexy Pumkin: Ricardplot 2014 - An annoyed cultist knocks at his door to collect cult dues
Harpy: Janet: ...Long as it pays for the damage I did when I inevitably landed, hahah.. ha... *stares at bill of 10,000 dollars*
Gooper Blooper: I am semi-seriously considering Sarah returning as a regular next year
Harpy: goops you monster
Harpy: then you'll have to make me bring alex
Gooper Blooper: oh no whatever will I do
The Sexy Pumkin: YES
The Sexy Pumkin: don'tretiregloriathough
RubyChao: what spy said
RubyChao: also >​cycling back in sarahkin
RubyChao: THE RIDE
RubyChao: NEVER


The Sexy Pumkin: JOKE SPECULATION AHOY: Edyth memorial? No, no, Edyth doesn't die until it turns out she's The Lovers Tarot card and was trying to lure Leo into completing the deck this whole time.
The Sexy Pumkin: It was her all along Austin. Even her immediate family bought it
RubyChao: only if she actually says "IT WAS ME, LEO! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG, LEO!"
Gooper Blooper: That is a Cornwind-level Elder God Supreme Troll Twist
The Sexy Pumkin: Tell JRM my joke speculation
RubyChao: i did
RubyChao: his response was "10:56 PM - jumpropeman: ... *rewrites plot plans*"


RubyChao: are we allowed to ask how many people out of 46 have been murdered so fat
RubyChao: *far
Jumpropeman: so many people have been murdered fat
Jumpropeman: its not even funny
Jumpropeman: It's just how Morgan died over and over
Jumpropeman: I ran out of ideas quickly


The Sexy Pumkin: There is a tumblr that is literally 16 pages of "picture of Paper Bowser captioned 'I Wish I Could Turn Into Bowser So I Could Kill My Bus Driver'"
The Sexy Pumkin: Somebody is terrifyingly devoted to their gimmick


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
M Sheep: Pozzo, I hate you so much


M Sheep asked Chatzy to choose between sheep, Purnima, Eleven Thirty, Asparagus Brothers, Ant, Jack, Kiln, BONESAW, little old lady, Zigzag, Isa, Citrine, Briar, Lucky, smilling mask, The Boiler Men and The Mother. Chatzy chose: Citrine
M Sheep: TOO BAD
RubyChao: >​The Mother
RubyChao: now i'm imagining arthur being the unlucky guy to come face to face with a giant source of evil
RubyChao: ".............Hi?"


M Sheep: Jack wins: Year of Rubbish
M Sheep: but he won't win
RubyChao: what if ant wins
M Sheep: Ant is like the least possible person to win
Gooper Blooper: sheep is the opposite of cornwind
Gooper Blooper: have complete non-faith in your entries
Gooper Blooper: Sheep's least likely winner is Dr Deer
M Sheep: Dr. Deer, not the winner we want, but the one we deserve


Stillinternetlesswulf: Ahahahaha holy fuck
Stillinternetlesswulf: I went to tv/film/radio jobs and the first fucking thing is an ad for a porno
Stillinternetlesswulf: God I love this state
Stillinternetlesswulf: Wait a sec, like 95% are all porn ads
Stillinternetlesswulf: Shit
Stillinternetlesswulf: Goddammn it craigslist


Gooper Blooper: >​M sheep character is bad at conversing
Gooper Blooper: =O
M Sheep: I can't seem to help it, all my characters divulge details about themselves like they're getting teeth pulled
Gooper Blooper: much like your plots
M Sheep ba dum tish


RubyChao: "I would get pissed of at Jain because the next day at school he would always brag about how he beat me fair and square and no matter how hard I tried, most people believed him. In fact, my girlfriend left me because of this, even though I was winning races in real life kart racing and leading the championship. She told me she felt embaressed and would get teased by other girls about being with a loser"
RubyChao: this is over a video game
SteelKomodo: jesus dick
SteelKomodo: jesus christ's massive throbbing erection
Mobile GB: damn you len jain
RubyChao: "But I couldn't go to school and show each class, so I decided to make sure the whole school saw the real Jain. And, wouldn't you know, I had made a DVD of his BS one day before a whole school gathering to honor Jain. From Year 7-12, and high government officials, everyone would be there. And I would make sure I spoiled it."
RubyChao: is
RubyChao: is jain getting a school gathering for being good in a video game
SteelKomodo: whaaaaaat
Mobile GB: a parade in his honor for winning a multiplayer match that one time
Patman joined the chat
Patman laughs.

RubyChao: "I was horrified. Did he really commit suicide? I couldn't believe it. I just sat there, looking at the email, wondering what just happened. I started thinking a lot about if he was alright. But a few days later, I found out he did commit suicide."
RubyChao: this is basically Everyone Takes Video Games Too Seriously: The Pasta
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: ahahaha this comment on the pasta
Patman: I'm just so glad that suicide issue was cleared up.
RubyChao: "What universe do you live in where girlfriends break up with their boyfriends over loosing at a video game and schools hold awards ceremonies for one student for being the best at said video game?"
Mobile GB: did the author defend his masterwork?
RubyChao: no, sadly
Mobile GB: dammit dude get in there and explain yourself, because I'd love to hear your logic
Patman: Sounds like some kind of video game anime like YuGiOh and Pokemon where the whole world revolves around that thing.


RubyChao dies of fear
Del: "These-a novelty contacts were a bad idea, Luigi."
M Sheep: Gosh darn it, Creepypasta, haven't you bothered that poor plumber enough


RubyChao: "I searched around and eventually I found someone who could sell me one. "How much?" I asked them. They screamed at me "Take it, just take it for free!" and thrust the game into my hands. I thought it was odd, but I'm not one to turn down freebies so I took it home with me. I decided not to play it till tomorrow though. The next day, I saw in the newspaper that the man who sold me the game had been murdered. I thought it was an odd coincidence, but decided to play the game anyway, cause I really needed more Mario."
SteelKomodo has fallen asleep reading the first three sentences

RubyChao: "At the end, to my shock was a boss fight with Bowser. I tried to fight him, but he was impossible to jump over or get under. He grabbed Mario, and began to violently maul him apart. Blood was all over the screen. He then stared at me, and in a sinister voice said "You're next, Bill."
I was scared at this point. How did he know my real name? I shut the game off quickly and went to bed...
Newspaper headline from next day: Teenage Boy Bill found dead in bed, burnt and slashed."

RubyChao: how nice of the murderer to submit the story AND add the headline
M Sheep: I'm surprised that made the headline and they still called the guy "Teenage Boy Bill"
M Sheep: Where's that last name, reporters?
RubyChao: maybe that was his last name
RubyChao: his full name being Teenage Boy Bill


Del: i found mikey's bbb theme
Del: even the start is perfect
Gooper Blooper: editing that in right the fuck now, del
Del: hahahaha
Gooper Blooper: it's in
Gooper Blooper: let's see how far mikey gets on a handful of votes and ENDLESS HATE
Del: hopefully too far for his liking
RubyChao: don't forget spiteful effort
RubyChao: spiteffort
Del: if he wins he will just scream FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK at the top of his lungs
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi in the stands waving a "GO MIKE" banner
RubyChao: mikey wins, talks about how many people he hates
RubyChao: "but the person i hate the most is that blue-haired bitch and her fucking spite vote"
Breadleter: "Everybody."


RubyChao: i'm looking at old skype logs
RubyChao: did i seriously only plan to do kraid and mother brain this year at one point
RubyChao: past me please


my nose is terrible i hate it: . . . Y'know, I can't hate John Cena no matter how much RAPADOO happens


iKomodo: Watching some Patman Post
iKomodo: i love how his usual tactic to get out of awkward conversations is just to go "Goodbye" and leave
iKomodo: and it works
Gooper Blooper: I love how he uses the same "Goodbye" voice clip every time
Gooper Blooper: also "TERRIBLE"
iKomodo: "WHAT YER DOIN"
Breadleter: A leather-bound stick with a handle
Gooper Blooper: I'll show it to the wife
Gooper Blooper: she WILL be pleased
Gooper Blooper: that's one way of delivering a parcel
Breadleter: I love our shared enthusiams for stupid fucking videos


RubyChao: *rolls*
RubyChao: HER JOB
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: is she back to jobbing?
RubyChao: well she defended against a 30 with a 2
RubyChao: you tell me
Gooper Blooper: *off-key metroid theme playing in the distance*
iKomodo: D:
RubyChao: posted
RubyChao: it's like
RubyChao: she does so well
RubyChao: but then at the critical moment suddenly a 2
RubyChao: you never truly leave


RubyChao: "And Harold, identified by his goody-goody halo and the word "HAROLD" emblazoned across his chest, is repaid for his commitment to the truth with a horrific maiming that will likely leave him crippled for life. Ha ha, comedy! Such fun we have with these little girls!"
Gooper Blooper: quadro gang final bosses 2014
RubyChao: eventually, everyone's ready to fight the final boss of 2014
RubyChao: but no one shows
iKomodo: XD
RubyChao: it turns out all the characters mentioned as final bosses for 2014 knocked each other out in a bid to become the only final boss
RubyChao: kobbers win by default
my nose is terrible i hate it: I still say we should have a Big Villain Brawl
Gooper Blooper: I agree
Gooper Blooper: Everyone enters one or two of their old villains, fite proceeds in virtual reality or something
RubyChao enters Botwoon
Gooper Blooper: *botwoon wins, his KOs include Tiamat, Slenderman, and The Lord*
RubyChao: that reminds me i thought of an absurd city of beasts idea for botwoon
Harpy: *looks at villains*
RubyChao: would anyone like to know
Harpy: *enters Farmer John as a joke*
Gooper Blooper: Is City of Beasts Botwoon a great old one or something
RubyChao: yes, actually
RubyChao: a ten thousand mile long worm that sleeps in the core of the world
RubyChao: waking it would bring about the end
RubyChao: so, good call there :V
Gooper Blooper: yay


RubyChao: "attention passengers this is your pilot speaking, we’re going to be experiencing some heavy turbulence shortly so please strap in. this loser just bet that i couldn’t do a 360 barrel roll in this thing and let’s just say i’m about to be $20 richer real soon"
RubyChao: and this is how tenshi lost her pilot's license
iKomodo: D:


Gooper Blooper: A few days ago I saw the best yard sale advertisement ever
Gooper Blooper: A piece of neon green paper that read, and I'm quoting here
Gooper Blooper: "OMG Becky LOOK at her YARD SALE it is so BIG"
iKomodo: XD
Harpy: that is THE BEST
Harpy: should have added "we have milkshakes, too"
Gooper Blooper: Tragically I found this sign in the dirt at the side of the road, so the sale was over and I missed it
Gooper Blooper: I missed the buttsale
Harpy: goopsale
iKomodo: Beck: I don't get it :/


Breadleter joined the chat
Breadleter: link
Breadleter left the chat
Gooper Blooper: KermitAfterWinningBrawl.​gif


RubyChao: i am on my own and my dinner consists of oatmeal and stuff i found in the fridge
RubyChao: im good at food


(Janet and Sammy have near-identical bright green text)

Harpy: holy
Harpy: fucking
Harpy: SHIT i can't tell the girls apart aside from dialogue
RubyChao: which girls harps
Harpy: *points to post*
RubyChao: ...oh god
RubyChao: you're right harps
RubyChao: they are 2alike
Harpy: sammy is slightly lighter than janet
Harpy: ...janet fat
Gooper Blooper: lel


Draco: General Cleft tells a fat joke. "Are you an amber wave of grain? Because you spread from sea to shining sea."


Cornwind Evil: "I'm loving the whole "Dean Ambrose will never stop ruining Seth's chances of cashing in" angle, but for it to remain fresh throughout the summer, it has to get crazier and crazier every week. It has to get into Looney Tunes style Wile E Coyote levels of ridiculous."
Cornwind Evil: "It starts with Seth trying to cash in, but failing when Ambrose beats him up."
Cornwind Evil: "Then it has to escalate to a steel cage dropping over Seth and the champion so Dean can't interfere, but then Seth is surprised when Dean was under the ring."
Cornwind Evil: "Then Seth has to plant "ACME Dean Ambrose traps 100% GUARANTEED" all over the ring, but in a mistimed Spot, Seth falls in the traps instead."
Gooper Blooper: yes please
Cornwind Evil: "Then Seth has to try to cash in on the stage after distracting Dean by planting a pack of "ACME cigarettes" on top of the titantron, but as Seth's about to cash in, Dean picking up the cigarettes somehow loosens the tron, and Seth opens up one of those tiny umbrellas before it falls on him."
iKomodo: XD
RubyChao: i would watch this
Cornwind Evil: "It's Mania 31 with an open air arena, the champ just defended his title in a long exhaustive match, Rollins comes down to cash in. In comes Ambrose in a helicopter to airlift the champ out the arena/jumps out the helicopter to attack Rollins."
Cornwind Evil: "Dean dresses up in a suit and a fake moustache, poses as the time-keeper, the foolish ref hands him the briefcase and Dean runs off with it for a month"


RubyChao: "The doctor took out a bone saw and slowly cut off baraka's bladed arms. He then went over to the immobile Scorpion. The Doctor then cut off one of Scorpion's legs and stitched on one of baraka's arms in it's sport. Scorpion dropped to the ground unable to keep his balance. He then ripped off his other leg by hand and attatched the other arm."
RubyChao: oh god it's blood in a mortal kombat pasta
RubyChao: how terrifying


RubyChao: "She broke free of whatever had her's grasp and ran towards me. just as she was an inch away, her foot go stuck on something. I wasn't able to reach her. I tried and tried but I just couldn't. I knew there was no chance and I said a heartfelt goodbye and left the scene."
RubyChao: maybe it's just me but this guy sounds kind of callous
iKomodo: yeah D:
RubyChao: ...god i just made it better/worse by imagining it as the patman post "goodbye" clip
RubyChao: i'm trying so hard not to laugh in the middle of class now
Gooper Blooper: XD
iKomodo: XD
iKomodo: That would be amazing
Gooper Blooper: "HELP ME PAT" "no" "HELP ME PAT" "I can't!" "HELP ME" "goodbye"
iKomodo: just replace the protagonist of every creepypasta with Patman Post
iKomodo: and every time something 2Spooky happens he just says "GOODBYE" and walks off


Gooper Blooper: For one night, the Big Bar Brawl topic is the hottest thing on the forum
RubyChao: and then it never gets posted in again until rainbow dash arbitrarily revives a character
Gooper Blooper: joltik is alive


Harpy: >​tropical storm arthur
Gooper Blooper: Don't worry harpy
Gooper Blooper: he'll roll a 1 and it'll be a small shower


RubyChao: "I remember playing bits of Yoshi's Story when I was younger, and though I remember it very little, I could tell things were off. Enemies seemed slow, rare, and harmless (some, like the Chomps, were absent altogether), with the few I faced hardly causing me any problems. Mario's cry when I got hit sounded even more shrill and grating than normal"
RubyChao: >​yoshi's story
RubyChao: >​it's yoshi's island
RubyChao mad about inaccuracy


Everything Is Fine?: RP as Vince McMahon
Everything Is Fine?: In fact lets have the Big Vince Brawl
Everything Is Fine?: No, no
RubyChao: >​Big Vince Brawl
RubyChao: did you mean
Everything Is Fine?: The Big Sandow Brawl
RubyChao: Wrestlemania
Everything Is Fine?: Every character is replaced by Damien Sandow in a costume
Everything Is Fine?: Except the mystery fighter, who is Original Sandow and everybody loves and respects him and lets him win
Harpy: well, if that makes you comfortable, go for it
Gooper Blooper: No spy, the mystery fiter is an armless john cena
Gooper Blooper: he winslol
Everything Is Fine?: Nah Goops, that's the secret fiter
Everything Is Fine?: Preemptively entered by Bree to end this Sandow-fuelled nightmare
Gooper Blooper: secret fiter as chosen by vince
Everything Is Fine?: And prove that, even in his greatest fantasies, no matter how hard he tries, Sandow will always job
Gooper Blooper: sadnow
Everything Is Fine?: Sandow In Penguin Suit double-chokeslams two Sandow In Dragon Suits, only to be interrupted by a divekick from Sandow Dressed As A Pony
RubyChao: Vince McRopeMan
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: Bree is genius. ;D
Everything Is Fine?: Oceanus Sandow and Zephyrus Sandow wonder how they're both in the same place at the same time
Everything Is Fine?: Sandow Encarta simply summons more Sandows to flood the battlefield
Everything Is Fine?: In the end its like the normal Triple B but with way more sarcasm and Sandow praise
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: What's the environmental trap? A literal flood of Sandows, Spy?
Gooper Blooper: Remember when Gunter made an endless flood of green gunters last year
Gooper Blooper: that
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: 0_0
Everything Is Fine?: The environmental trap is a giant viewscreen with Sandow's face on it


RubyChao: you know i'll be very disappointed in patman post
RubyChao: if the guy changes the "goodbye" voice clip


Pelicans joined the chat
Pelicans: SQUAWK
Cornwind Evil: BIRD
Pelicans: SQUAWKS
Harpy: squark
Cornwind Evil: GET THE BIRD
Cornwind Evil gets a net and starts trying to catch the pelicans.
Everything Is Fine?: PELICANS!?!?
Pelicans FLAPS.
Pelicans begins pecking things!

Cornwind Evil: OW
Cornwind Evil: DUMB PELICANS
Cornwind Evil gets a gun and starts shooting.
heron joined the chat
heron: i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
Gooper Blooper: dammit, I was just gonna make a pots and pans joke
Gooper Blooper: 2slow
heron: i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont make the pots and pans joke on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
heron: i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you try to stab me i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans. then shank you.
heron: don't fuck with me
Harpy: well yeah you're a bird
heron reaches for the shank, tries to shank Pelicans
Pelicans SQUAWKS.

Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: Geese! Geese and turkeys, all of you! @))__((@
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: -searches desperately for flamethrower-
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: Well oi ain't callin' ye fer dinner, puffin-breath
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: D:<
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: -sets chat on fire-
Pelicans SQUAWKS.
heron YARLS

Pelicans: I'M ON FIRE. SQUAWK.
heron uses WATER GUN
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: -uses masterball on assumed disguised host-
Pelicans: I'M ON WET FIRE.
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: WET FIRE!? Who gave me napalm?! It's like Christmas up in here!
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: ... burninggg, painful, deadly christmas.
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: :<
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: Sadness.
Gooper Blooper: herons vs pelicans for BBB4 pre-show battle
heron: i am a redspy. i haev a long knife and i pick snipers out of the water w/ my gun. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your base tonight and make a mess of your intelligence
Pelicans: SQUAWK.
Draco joined the chat
Draco: Hello friends! =D
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: EAT THE BIRDS, DRACO
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: DON'T STOP TO QUESTION ME
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: DO IT
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: DO IT NOW
Pelicans: BITCH.
heron: you are a draco. you haev a long wallet and you pick coins out of the water w/ your monocle. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages you will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your finances
Draco summons a Megazord and cuts Pelicans.
Pelicans dies.heron: . . . That made less sense than I hoped
RubyChao: what's me
Draco: The chat is safe once more.
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: All hail Draco, tamer of sillytime. -bows-
heron: you are a rubychao. you haev a long touhou and you pick creepypasta out of the water w/ your eyes. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages you will fly into your Steam tonight and beat all of your hard games
Draco sends a mammoth to repossess Redspy's house for bravely defaulting on his loans.
Cornwind Evil: Someone kill this damn chain letter Heron
heron: you are a pirate. you haev a yarhar feedledeedee and you do what you want 'cause a pirate is free. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages you will fly into your crows nest tonight and make a mess of your booty
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: Here. You take this end of the chains, and I'll take this one. And together- see?- we wrap them around it...
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: AND STRANGLE!
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: >​lD
heron: i am a strangle. i haev a broken neck and i ded
heron: blargh
heron left the chat
Everything Is Fine?: Well that was fun :D
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: JRM? D; No. No, buddy. I didn't mean it. It was an accidental intentional homicide. We- we was just playin', officah.
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: Honest to goodness I swears.
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: ;-;
Everything Is Fine?: Ven no it was me D:
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: Oh.
Everything Is Fine?: And I'm pretty sure the Pelicans were Draco but I dunno
Gooper Blooper: what's my heron copypasta
Vengeance, Paid Out Wrong: Alrighty, then. :)
Everything Is Fine?: Oh, one second
Everything Is Fine?: Let me consult The Ghost Of Herons Past
ded heron joined the chat
Draco eats the ded heron.

ded heron: i am a gost. i haev a long soul and i pick dead fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your house tonight and make a mess of your heron copypastas
ded heron: anyway lets do dis shit
ded heron: you are a gooper. you haev a wide sarah and you pick cute out of the water w/ your rping. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages you will fly into your computer tonight and make a mess of your white mages
Gooper Blooper: >​a wide sarah
Gooper Blooper: fuckin lel

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