Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 137: Shacking Up With A Bird

RubyChao: darn, i was all set to theorize that the crops were being eaten by Really Big Appetite Man
RubyChao: sarah's longstanding rival


RubyChao: so would anyone like to know the Uncomfortably 2spooky part of my dream
SteelKomodo: me
RubyChao: it had gloria in it though so that made up for it :V
Gooper Blooper: I gotta hear this
RubyChao: basically i remember me, her, and maybe someone else were being pursued by something that had unlimited movement outside but couldn't go inside, but we had to keep finding rooms without windows due to the fact that it could see in through the windows and get us that way. it was hampered by the fact that the place we were in was like 10 floors up (overlooking a dam) and nearly every room (except for like one or two) had windows so we kept trying to find completely dark rooms because of that. don't remember too clearly what happened, but i know the eventual escape involved diving into the lake below and somehow not dying


RubyChao: "'Oh my fucking God, Pit, your girlfriend is a bird! Insert random jumble of swear words here!'" the best dirk impression hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Dirk asks for Josephine's baby pictures in retaliation
Gooper Blooper: "NO SEE MINE WAS CUTER"
RubyChao: oh god now i'm imagining dirk finding out about okuu on his own
RubyChao: "PIT YOU NEED TO KNOW, YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS A BIRD!!" "yeah i know" "BUT YOU'RE SHACKING UP WITH A BIRD" "i don't care" "A BIRD, PIT" "go away dirk"


Del joined the chat
SteelKomodo: i return
Del: so have i
Del: just in time to miss literally everyone
SteelKomodo: :<
Del: only one thing to do
Del wanks furiously
SteelKomodo: del pls this is a public chat
Del: oh okay


RubyChao: "Remember the NES days, the days when Legend of Zelda took over the fans by many ratings and reviews. It was like we’d all been brain washed into thinking that the future actually can look bright."
RubyChao: wat
SteelKomodo: i'm as confused as you are
RubyChao: "I opened the message, but to my surprise it read "Hi can you do a lets play of contra 3 thanks!" The lack of grammatical correction in that message made the inner writer in me wanna punch this guy in the face, but I figured what the fuck? Let's play some Contra 3!"
RubyChao: "This had to be a virus, that fucking "messenger" told me to play Contra 3, and now this shit was happening, he had to have put a virus on my computer. My thoughts suddenly started spinning. How destroyed was my computer already? If I tried to close the game would it ruin everything? I decided the only thing to do...was to see this through, despite every bone in my body telling me to just turn off the computer, turn it back on, and hope that nothing was affected." viruses are transmitted through youtube messages now


Deleter: I know what would cheer me up
Saberwulf: hard liquor, skeletons and house music?
Deleter: ConRAD going to chez david and saying "you uncle i need a zillion bucks to found a militia in order to live out my stupid comic book fantasies"
Deleter: Also that
iKomodo: XD
RubyChao: david's reponse is probably gonna be "lol take 2 zillion"
Saberwulf: David would totally do that because he would "accidentally" put massive loopholes all over the deal
Saberwulf: "Haha by the way you're now sworn knights of Ekspansa LONG LIVE THE SAND"
Deleter: "Fuck"
Cornwind Evil: Oh that wacky David
Cornwind Evil: *laugh track*


RubyChao: "There is indeed a final boss. If by the grace of God the player manages to make it to the final dungeon with any Pokémon remaining he will find that the final boss cannot be beaten. The most likely scenario is that the player will die before reaching him, but even if he takes the boss down to 1HP, the final boss cannot be killed. Ultimately the point is that for all the player’s accomplishments, all the levels gained and dangers overcome, in the end it is all fruitless. All the player friends eventually go away and the only thing the player can do is delay the inevitable defeat."
RubyChao: well this sounds like a game i want to play


Cornwind Evil: Wulf I think I am having an allergic reaction to your energy
Cornwind Evil: I suddenly want to write stuff filled with Eastern religious allusions and have really out there descriptions of things
Saberwulf: That's called radiative fallout, cornwind
Saberwulf: But the good kind


7: . . . I thought Ricard had low standards and here Siren is attracted to a literal box
Ninja Kirby: when you can't get a date, gotta lower your standards
Bree: Sirenplot 2014: find Siren a boyfriend
Ninja Kirby: the box is actually just books
Bree: it's skurvy
Ninja Kirby: i await the day that the books go on maury when siren and/or gloria have a child
Ninja Kirby: are they the fathers
Gooper Blooper: Gloria X Siren X Books
Ninja Kirby: "g-gloria senpai, I am sorry, but...I may have found someone else"


M Sheep: "Gophourtwenties"
M Sheep: Quite possibly the worst pun seen by the board yet
M Sheep: and by worst, I mean best
RubyChao: and by best, you mean worst! :V


RubyChao: i was very shocked by your post goops and the twist that mercurito actually knows when to set aside principles if necessary
RubyChao: *mercuito
RubyChao: i keep thinking it's supposed to be derived from mercury argh
Gooper Blooper: *mercutio
RubyChao flings himself into the abyss


iKomodo: ...I just googled how to build a time machine
iKomodo: that's how bad I want smash bros right now


RubyChao: "and then hooks the leg like she saw those nice gentlemen do on the tv show."
RubyChao: oh, celestia
6: Why do I have a feeling Celestia's favorites are the biggest and scariest ones
Gooper Blooper: She's everyone's somewhat out-of-touch but really nice auntie
RubyChao: "That Kane fellow really just needs a hug and some cookies."
Gooper Blooper: "Rapadoo!" "Mom, please please never say that again."


Cornwind Evil: Something something line in the sand


RubyChao: god i just imagined the stupidest thing
RubyChao: Myriam: "Are you here to try and kill Samus?" Ridley: "...No." *PSYCHE-LOCKS EVERYWHERE*


SteelKart8: jesus christ Mario Kart 8
Del: the rage
SteelKart8: its exactly like getting fucked on top of a bramble patch
Del: the raaaaage
SteelKart8: you should hear Del rage


5: . . . Wait wait wait what
5: Bandana . . . Dees?
Ninja Kirby: multiple bandana dees
Ninja Kirby: i call dibs on classic
5: Obviously palettes for his Smash 4 playable appearance DON'T STOP DEELIEVIN'


M Sheep: 'SPORTS: How About That Small Town Sports Team?'
M Sheep: ohoho, SO FAHNEE
Briola: unbeknownst to Aria, the Wensdale basketball team is in fact the Wensdalian Megantulas
Briola: ...that's the species name of her companion Matilda
Briola explains the joke
M Sheep: Wensdale Megantulas are going to make it to finals this year
M Sheep: I can feel it
Draco: You know what? I'm not for Small Town Sports Team this year. I'm for the Cross-city Rivals now.
M Sheep: Blasphemy!
M Sheep: and Slander!
M Sheep: You
M Sheep: You!
Briola: Draco? A capitalist? Perish the thought.
Draco: If using an upper-case letter at the beginning of a sentence or when describing proper nouns is wrong, I don't wanna be right. BU


Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornwind Lisa


Jumpropeman: FUCKING HELL FIREFOX REALLY? Spellcheck doesn't flag guesstimate but if flags basic slang
Jumpropeman: guesstimate is just a cute word fourth grade teachers use to try and be funny
Jumpropeman: *storms off to read a dictionary*
Jumpropeman: "Origin: 1935-1940"
Jumpropeman: *protests the english language*


4: Look at a Kaiju name generator
4: "Codododo"
4: Yeah no


Drachao: Bad news, gang: there's a summer event going on in Star Trek, including swimsuits for captains. How will Captain Sarah navigate the treacherous waters of a beach resort? D=
Cornwind Evil: Need to get that natural body size campaign going again


Saberwulf joined the chat
Saberwulf: Only popping in for a moment because I'm currently writing a book out of SHEER UNBRIDLED FUCKING ANGER but I'm also cracking up because there's a classical song called Panis Angelicus
Saberwulf: THAT IS ALL
Saberwulf: GOODNIGHT
Saberwulf left the chat


Bree: I had to google image to find out what the zero suit was (I didn't know it was the name for that blue thing she wears under the armor...)
Bree: you don't wanna know what images I got
RubyChao: dammit internet
SteelKomodo: welcome to the internet, bree :U
Bree: this one amuses me because of ZFRP
Bree: (it's safe for work, there's no nudity)
Gooper Blooper: lel
RubyChao: myriam pls


Cornwind Evil: Sleepy
Cornwind Evil: Yell at me, people
Cornwind Evil: Sadness makes me less sleepy
SteelKomodo: WAKE UP AND RP CW
M Sheep beats Cw with stick
SteelKomodo: and del says YOU SUCK
M Sheep: Am i doing it right?
M Sheep: D:
M Sheep in shame, quits Rp forever, changes name and grows a mustache, moves to Mexico and starts a Javelina farm
M Sheep is broke because used all the money to start a up a Javelina farm, the winter approaches, no house just Javelina farm
M Sheep forced to spent the freezing night in barn with Javelinas, accidentally kicks one in the face during sleep, Javelina bites off toe, M Sheep bleeds out and dies
M Sheep don't be M Sheep
M Sheep don't beat friend with stick


Mobile GB: I fired up Castle Crashers again today
Mobile GB: I had Grey Knight at the last level so I got to personally reenact the mega powers exploding


(Phantoon is defeated in RP)

RubyChao: i hope everyone enjoyed killing a ghost!
Mobile GB: b-but the boo from mario 64 said ghosts don't die


Allerpy: the law is that you can't kill off melody and hitomi permanently
Allerpy: and I
Allerpy: AM
Bree: Lawrpy
Allerpy: that looks too much like Larpy and I dunno if i would like to pretend to be an angry fairy
Allerpy: irl


3: We had Aquatic Skurvy fight Draygon
3: Ghost Skurvy fought Phantoon
3: Will Skurvy be breaking into the monster blood for a Kraidoon fight?
RubyChao resurrects Ridley just for the opportunity to see Dragon Skurvy

Gooper Blooper: Josephine drinks multiple Giant's Tonics, grows to kaiju size, executes Headlock Driver
3: Nah man
3: "I be a Metal Head, a Metal Head, THE METALLEST O' HEADS!"


Jumpropeman: DK is my new favorite cornwind char because I am fickle and easily impressed by single performances
Cornwind Evil just plays Donkey Kong based on a few game traits and of course JRM thinks its my best work.


hantotv joined the chat
Ninja Kirby: who is this
Ninja Kirby: IS IT A BOOT
hantotv: whats happening? how i get here?
Ninja Kirby: you assumed this was a lion king chat
Ninja Kirby: sorry, it's not
Ninja Kirby: we're a chat full of people who pretend we're things we're not
Ninja Kirby: like that one guy who thinks he's a number that's mentioned everywhere
Drachao: This is definitely not Disney-related.
Ninja Kirby: i think i'm a specific version of a nintendo franchise character
hantotv: litle crazy, isn´t...
Drachao: Very crazy.
hantotv: whats chatzy?
Ninja Kirby: if you don't know what it is by looking at what you're typing in, I have some bad news for you


Bree: so I caught a Solosis in Pokémon White and I couldn't think of a name for the damn thing
Bree: and I was like, fuck it, it's kind of a jelly blob thing
Bree: >​Lisa
Bree: so now I have Lisa the Solosis :U
Jumpropeman: that single cell has curves like DAMN
Bree: this continues my trend of ZFRP-inspired Pokémon names
Bree: ...well not really
Bree: I don't actually have that many named after ZFRP characters
Bree: must fix that
Jumpropeman: if you ever get a froakie, make sure to name it... Froakie


Bree: Sis agreed to vote on brawl but she's not submitting any characters of her own
RubyChao: :<
Jumpropeman: that's a shame, she sounds like she's got 1001 cool ideas
Bree: she's got cool ideas but she's frequently self-conscious about them and it takes her a while to build a character
Bree: we're still working on her first character for RP
Gooper Blooper: This is almost completely identical to Chao a year ago
RubyChao: it is
RubyChao: i remember how i put utsuho's entry in spoiler tags because i was scared everyone would hate it for ANIME
RubyChao: and now everyone likes utsuho and tenshi
Gooper Blooper: "I'll watch but I won't join" "I'll vote but I won't submit" "I'll submit one guy" "OH GOD I WON"
RubyChao: YUP


Cornwind Evil: I would like to say something
Cornwind Evil: If I am lying about the rolls I just got
Cornwind Evil: May all my characters place last in the BBB
Cornwind Evil: May I never roll a 21 again
Cornwind Evil: I swear on my sister's honor, this is what Random.Org gave me

(Cornwind rolls a 1 and a 1 against a 1, resulting in a loss)

Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: triple 1s
Harpy: that is fuckin glorious yet sad
RubyChao: today is 1 day
Harpy: although I would think 1 + 1 = 2 against a 1
Harpy: put their heads together and they're only a tiny bit suspicious :U
Gooper Blooper: maximum derp
Cornwind Evil: If they hadn't failed all their other rolls as well, yeah. But due to that, maximum derp
Gooper Blooper: and then philander got away and richard never walked again and Melody got eaten by The Devourer the end
RubyChao: mother brain successfully takes over part of the planet
RubyChao: edyth dies
RubyChao: farmer john builds his skate park
RubyChao: ok that's enough Bad Ends for now
Harpy: henry successfully suicides
M Sheep: Aaaw, i missed Bad End time
Cornwind Evil: The Lord comes back and is secretly every villain in Season 4
RubyChao: don't worry sheep i'm sure you have plenty of bad ends!
RubyChao: samus's bad end: other m happens for real
Cornwind Evil: Except Philander
Cornwind Evil: Who is really Christopher Ravensky
Harpy: Pestus devours everything
Cornwind Evil: This is the darkest timeline
Harpy: reimu's shrine breaks again
Harpy: Peridot never got the Succubi's numbers
RubyChao: tenshi ends up making everyone hates her and only then realizes all she wanted was friendship
RubyChao: even viola hates her
Harpy: Sol runs out of peanut butter
Gooper Blooper: Sarah starves
Harpy: that'll take like 500 years for her to starve with all that fat she has stored
Cornwind Evil: AHA!
M Sheep: End JACK-ALL: Jack and WALL!! combine and devour Earth
Cornwind Evil pulls off Harpy's face to reveal Draco.
Cornwind Evil: I KNEW IT
Harpy: ow
Harpy: my face
Cornwind Evil: No wonder when we encountered that dragon in that dungeon, you suggested we give it all our money!
Harpy: i don't remember that
Harpy: but you must be
Harpy: *rips off CW's face*
Cornwind Evil: I know, that's part of the-OW
Gooper Blooper: Plot where Draco is impersonated ends when a Sarah fat joke opportunity presents itself
Harpy: No wonder you told everybody to jump in a hole several times
M Sheep: Then that means I'M
Cornwind Evil changed name to Vyrellis
Vyrellis: How did you KNOW?
Harpy: natural 20
M Sheep tugs on face really hard
M Sheep: Ow
M Sheep: Me, i guess


Draco: In Captain Sarah news, she was recently mistaken for a pregnant woman at the beach resort. She tried to play it cool, but she suddenly got cold feet about going shopping for a swimsuit.


1: . . . Guys I have bad news
1: "Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler have now spent about 35 hours in the booth recording new lines — most of them together. I heard an introductory clip in which they bantered about The Undertaker and it sounded a lot more natural."
SteelKomodo: oh lawd D:
Draco: Call Dikembe Mutumbo! This is truly....
Draco: ....the END of the WORLD.
Del: good cole and king commentary?
Del: vgcw will be ruined


Draco: JRM, can I enter Botwoon? Just kidding.
Jumpropeman: you can only enter Botwoon if he is tied at the tail with nine other botwoons to form the Botwoon Hydra
Draco: Hmmm...... BI


M Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: sheep:
M Sheep: AM I
M Sheep: I even cleaned out all the sheepguts, so it grinds smoother
M Sheep paperbag


Draco: Chatzy, which wig should Draco wear to the BBBall?
RubyChao: all of them
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Hypotenuse, Sarah, Pit, Jumpropeman and Ash. Chatzy chose: Hypotenuse
RubyChao: his weapon is a tower of wigs
SteelKomodo: A Respectable Pillar of Hairstyles
Draco: I've actually had his weapon picked out since I agreed to enter. >​o>​
M Sheep: His pride?
Harpy: i just thought of a lion, sheep
Draco: Yes, he's bringing a pride of mammoths. They're all joined at the hip so it's technically one assistant.


RubyChao: pit overhears dirk voting for gloria
RubyChao: leans in and asks him to repeat himself
RubyChao: ", i meant utsuho. yeah. totally."
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: "You think okuu's gonna win, don't you bro"
Gooper Blooper: "don't you, bro"
iKomodo: "...yes? D:"
RubyChao: dirk is torn between cheering for gloria or utsuho
RubyChao: on the one hand pit is pressuring him to vote for utsuho
RubyChao: on the other hand josephine wants to vote for gloria


Gooper Blooper: Captain Sarah has proven herself thoroughly
Gooper Blooper: She has murdered the borg with the best of them
spyruto im on my way: the rest of them?
spyruto im on my way: tougher than leather?
Gooper Blooper: The sarahkin are only tougher than leather if they have Protect up
Gooper Blooper: Otherwise they're roughly as tough as a fresh pastry
Draco: As tough as a fresh pastry and twice as sweet. ^.^


Deleter: Oh god
Deleter: Lisa and a snapture ready
Deleter: The horror
Deleter: The glorping
iKomodo: ...del pls
Deleter: Mostly the horror
iKomodo: you don't want to know what- ok yeah you do :U
Mobile GB: snapture lisa yells "THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM", glorps her entire self into her chest
iKomodo: Goops pls XD
Deleter: Oh god goops
Deleter: Oh god
Deleter: I cant know that
RubyChao: goops please
iKomodo: Hahahahahaha
Deleter: I MUSNT know that
Deleter: Aaaaaaaaaaa
iKomodo: She divides herself, loads of high Lisa's running around the ZFS
iKomodo: making pop culture references and macking on people
RubyChao: one lisa macks on jo and one on dirk right next to each other
RubyChao: also i think we broke del
iKomodo: We did
iKomodo: alao yiss Chao that is awesome
iKomodo: and also hilarious
Deleter: Somehow she finds santos lurking in the vents somewhere
Deleter: "Get out."
Mobile GB: frogout.gif
iKomodo: XD
Deleter: A convo with mikey would be hilarious
Deleter: "Blow me, you stupid fucking - I WAS KIDDING CHRIST ALMIGHTY GET THE FUCK OFF ME"


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
M Sheep throws up hands


Gooper Blooper: ants stand no chance against the might of sephine and her stomps of fury
Bree: stompsephine
1: Insert booty joke here
Harpy: bootsephine
Gooper Blooper: you should see her ground pound
Harpy: ground pounding dirky is rated R
Harpy: ...first thing that came to mind. kill me now
Bree: and people say I'm lewd
iKomodo: XD
iKomodo: You win a gold star
iKomodo gives Harpy a gold star
RubyChao: this is what i come back to
RubyChao: you guys are the worst
RubyChao: (you guys are the best)


Harpy: "fuck yourselves with a prize-winning leek"
Harpy: dirk i love you
1: You show me a man who doesn't love Dirk-isms
1: I show you a wrong man


Cornwind Evil: I originally planned to enter eight or so characters for the Brawl
Cornwind Evil: Because I misremembered JRM's love of numbers
Jumpropeman: god forbid the day I'm so desperate for entries I give everyone 8


Jumpropeman: is there a current list of Gloria's summons somewhere
Jumpropeman: I know she picked up someone recently
Bree: you'd need to ask GB when he's around
Draco: Just have her summon random FF monsters.
Jumpropeman: *summons Sephiroth*
Draco: *summons Leafer*
Jumpropeman: If Gloria kills herself, can she summon Gloria?
Draco: I think I posed this question once before. Are you Gloria, summoning the question you defeated about yourself? =V
Jumpropeman: well, gloria killed herself in Fite Week Rumble
Jumpropeman: so it might actually be relevant :V
Draco: I would think she could then.
Jumpropeman: then the follow up question
Jumpropeman: could the summoned Gloria summon another Gloria?
Bree: infinite glorias
Draco: I would actually say no, because the Gloria that is summoned would be the one that didn't know how to summon Gloria.
Draco: Gloria would have to defeat herself twice in order to summon a Gloria that could summon a Gloria since the first summoned Gloria wouldn't know that power.
Jumpropeman: ah, good point, like how Gloria summons a specific version of Oceanus instead of the current oceanus
Draco: So Gloria could summon herself for awesome three-ways with Dirk playing herself at checkers, but she'd have to somehow beat herself again for a full game of Poker.
Jumpropeman: woah woah woah, Gloria doesn't like Dirk
Jumpropeman: she likes Tallish
Draco: Oh. My apologies. =U
Draco: I am thinking of the other fat white magic-using Sarahkin. You're right.
M Sheep: Gloria isn't fat
Draco: ......well, I just look silly now. Don't even know my ZFRPeople.
M Sheep: Gloria=Bookmage with horn and summons things
M Sheep: Sarah=The fat one, the UR Sarah-kin
M Sheep: Josephine=Wight consciousehine, greedy when it comes to moneysephine, alchemistsephine
M Sheep: Ariel=Activism intensifies
M Sheep this has been late night incoherency with M Sheep
Jumpropeman: Wight consciousehine
Jumpropeman: White Powersephine?
Draco: She's afraid of ghosts, duh.


Jumpropeman: my reference pic for Saxton Hale
Jumpropeman: cuz in ZFRP, if you can't draw the butt right, you might as well not draw at all
Jumpropeman: Big Butt Brawl
Deleter: He's right
Jumpropeman: the perfect ZFRP character
iKomodo: Lolz
iKomodo: Big Butt Brawl: Josephine vs... um, I dunno :U
Jumpropeman: alright, you got me. Fite 100 is the big butt brawl
iKomodo: Guess it's a no contest!
iKomodo: lel
Gooper Blooper: Poor josephine pitted against her mother
iKomodo: XD:


Harpy: back
iKomodo: Ty
iKomodo: I mean wb
iKomodo: damn it
Harpy: thanking me for being back? you flatter me~ *shoots self*


RubyChao: so i was rereading the bbb3
RubyChao: watch as goops makes a new bingo
RubyChao: the free space is "Mac Tonight"
Gooper Blooper: The free space will still be "The Fite Is Awesome"
Jumpropeman: well we can't just assume it will be
Jumpropeman: :V
Jumpropeman: V:
Draco: Free Space is Rainbow Dash loses.
Gooper Blooper: Give JRM several dozen characters every June, and early July he lays a golden egg that kills all but one of them
Gooper Blooper: The bona-fide certified most hype thing in ZFRP


RubyChao: >​attempt to go to goops' blog
RubyChao: >​go to jrm's
RubyChao: derp
Jumpropeman: its a sign
Jumpropeman: read my blog chao
Jumpropeman: read about Q's Bayou Adventure once more
Jumpropeman: a story I wrote so I can introduce a dragonfly who did nothing


Gooper Blooper: I liked your writing of Tenshi
Jumpropeman: between all the jobbing?
RubyChao: tenshi's fun to write
RubyChao: i like my other characters and their generally companionable natures but it's also fun to have a character who straight-up cares more about herself than anything else
Jumpropeman: *introduces a suspiciously similar character to tenshi so he can keep doing that attitude*
RubyChao: Ishnet
Jumpropeman: Tallish is the closest I got
Gooper Blooper: call me ishnet
Harpy: fishnet?
Jumpropeman: >​fishnet
Jumpropeman: >​Viola sweats
Gooper Blooper: super best friends
RubyChao: viola somehow manages to invade tenshi's personal space more than lisa could


Harpy: "Gooper Blooper: I totally have all the material I need to make Blue Knight my main in ZFRP 3"
Harpy: this never happened and i am disappointed
Gooper Blooper: I did Castle Crashers stuff instead
Jumpropeman: shroud was the blue knight all along


Bree: Priscilla is doomed
iKomodo: D:
Bree: I meant in the BBB
Bree: he's not just beefcake. he's the beefcake from which all other beefcakes were cloned
Gooper Blooper: Silence will be the only buff character not hit on by Priscilla
Bree: don't be so sure, GB~
iKomodo: *Lisa changes shape so she's a muscular dude*
RubyChao: Beefsa
iKomodo: Hey, she's technically sexless, she can be a dude if she wants!
Gooper Blooper: Male lisa goes around emphasizing his pecs
Bree: He can make them dance!
iKomodo: (but usually chooses not to because tits~)
Jumpropeman: no matter what form she's in, she's always got a great chest ;D
RubyChao: alas all of my male characters are not muscly
Bree: *Male Lisa rhythmically flexing pecs*
Deleter: i cant take you guys anywhere
iKomodo: JRM is correct
Deleter despairs
Gooper Blooper: It's okay del we're talking about men this time

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