Monday, December 22, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 167: We Make Holes In Teeth

Saberwulf: Oh I bought a skirt five minutes ago
Saberwulf: I spent seven dollars on shipping because i'm garbage


Tableter: Im pretty sure im gonna end up naming a kid weedlord bonerhitler


RubyChao: >​shiny sandile appears when i've run out of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
RubyChao: oh wait i found one
Gooper Blooper: chao really
RubyChao: CAN I DO IT
Kogasa: plafetixinv
Gooper Blooper: STATUS IT
Stressed Spy: TOUCAN DO IT
Stressed Spy: CAW CAW
RubyChao: it's a sandile tho
Kogasa: do it ruby
RubyChao: the only status move i have is thunder wave
Gooper Blooper: oh nooo
Kogasa: shit
iKomodo: OH GOD CHAO
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing no false swipe or sonicboom
RubyChao: >​lucky bugger
RubyChao: sk did you miss the part where i have one shot at this
iKomodo: ...yes I did
iKomodo: D:
Bree: one pogey ball and no effective status moves
Bree: that reminds me, Blue is apparently obsessed with getting a shiny gardevoir
RubyChao: i had sonicboom but that pogey got KOed
Gooper Blooper: Catch rate: 180 (23.5%)
Gooper Blooper: This means you have a 23.5% chance of just throwing the ball at full health and catching it
Bree: she's done nothing but breed pogeys for like a week
RubyChao: HERE I GO
Bree: do you have a revive to use on sonicboom pogey
RubyChao: nope
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: YISSSSS
RubyChao: i am pretty sure this is like my second legit shiny
RubyChao: ever
Stressed Spy: YES
Stressed Spy: YEEEEEEES
RubyChao: (not counting Gyarados)
RubyChao: and yes i'm going to immediately save because >​not saving after that
Bree: I have never seen or caught a shiny
Kogasa: I have seen shinies but I never caught one
Bree: then again my pogey career has been brief
Gooper Blooper: tonight's lesson: ALWAYS carry lots of pokeballs
Gooper Blooper: so you don't have heart attacks over catching sandile
Kogasa: grats ruby
Kogasa: i want a shiny eevee :/
iKomodo: Never found a wild shiny
RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: nickname this sandile for me
Stressed Spy: Kaptain Skuvy
Bree: Skurvy
Kogasa: skurvy
Bree: name it Skurvy
RubyChao: thanks guys :)


Saberwulf: I love the description for these boots I bought
Saberwulf: "Punky engineer boot"
Kogasa: lel
Tableter: Industrial rebellion


RubyChao: i... i think i had a dream that involved Anthony Higgs in Smash


Gooper Blooper: The succubi in manga carta will be good times
Tableter: "Welcome to Manga Carta. Adult section's that way."
Tableter: "We have a deal where kobbers buy stuff staring them at a discount. Im surprised we even have stock left."
Gooper Blooper: "Are my thighs really that big, dear sister?" "Yeah." "Awesome!"


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Stressed Spy: OH NO
Stressed Spy: CAVITY CREEP
Stressed Spy rips all my teeth out and flings them at JRM as a distraction
Jumpropeman: *crushes them into powder and sells them at a chinese market*


RubyChao: i like the dowsing machine
RubyChao: and how you get it
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi shall dowse for riches
Gooper Blooper: oh god why did I think of this
Gooper Blooper: dowsing machine detects something
Gooper Blooper: tenshi inspects the ground
Gooper Blooper: Viola pokes her head out of the ground
Gooper Blooper: "hello, tenshi"
RubyChao: "did you tunnel the whole way here with that spider... ant... well i know it's not a dragonfly i have one of those"


Flks: Not enough chips, I think.
Kogasa-Chan~: not enough booze
SteelKomodo joined the chat
Kogasa-Chan~: ...
Kogasa-Chan~: that timing is really sketchy, SK :U
SteelKomodo: i apologize :U
Del Inc: sk brings da booze
Del Inc: boozer
Kogasa-Chan~: expand boozer
SteelKomodo: yisss
SteelKomodo delivers booze


Gooper Blooper: Preparing the Rumble
Gooper Blooper: Entry order and winner are decided
Gooper Blooper: now all I have to do is write the dang thing
Bree: good luck goopybloop
RubyChao: clearly you must stare really hard at the computer until the rumble writes itsefl!
Schoolspy: I dunno Chao
Schoolspy: That didn't work on my end
RubyChao: failing that at least you have like eight tentacles for rapid fire typing
RubyChao: oh good point :U
Gooper Blooper flails tentacles and sprays ink everywhere
Gooper Blooper grabs new replacement keyboard from box full of them after ink ruins the current one

Gooper Blooper: that's the fifth one this month
Bree: lel


Gooper Blooper: Battle Chateau is the best place in the game to grind, but only after you get to a really high rank and the Audino trainers and other elites show up
Gooper Blooper: It is, however, always the best place to grind for money
Bree: sweet, sweet money
Gooper Blooper: most of the trainers there are loaded
Schoolspy: To fix things
Schoolspy: You need moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy​yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Gooper Blooper changed name to Josephine
Schoolspy: Nosephine
Josephine: I don't have a nose unless JRM draws me
iKomodo: Hello jo
iKomodo: How's life?
Josephine: Comfortable <3
Josephine: but what do you get for the dark angel that has everything
RubyChao throws money slightly over the sephine
Josephine does a dramatic leap to reach for the money
Josephine rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13

Josephine: mine


Gooper Blooper: no, no, remember the legendary harpy team?
Gooper Blooper: Six Clefables, each using a unique moveset
Kogasa-Chan~: GIVE IT A MEGA
Gooper Blooper: *looks for fan-made mega clefable designs*
Gooper Blooper: wow most of these suck
Kogasa-Chan~: she's from the moon
Gooper Blooper: This one maybe? She lost her bulk though and I like how durable keffy is
Kogasa-Chan~: make it a dark/fairy
Gooper Blooper: okay so Clefable's stats are
HP: 95
Attack: 70
Defense: 73
Sp. Atk: 95
Sp. Def: 90
Speed: 60
Let's add 100 to that...
Gooper Blooper: HP: 95
Attack: 10
Defense: 130
Sp. Atk: 145
Sp. Def: 130
Speed: 73
Gooper Blooper: aw yeah
Kogasa-Chan~: dat defense
Gooper Blooper: tank all day


RubyChao: "celestials live in a carefree manner enjoying music, fishing, and playing games. They usually descend to earth to say absurd things that trouble normal humans and then return to heaven."
RubyChao: goddammit tenshi
RubyChao: then again tenshi doesn't act much like a proper celestial at all anyway soooo
Kogasa-Chan~: i bet they play stuff like go fish and old maid
Kogasa-Chan~: old, dead people stuff
Kogasa-Chan~: :U
RubyChao: *tenshi jumps off bhava-agra*
Kogasa-Chan~: she's learning how to bench press her sisters
Kogasa-Chan~: so she can be strong enough for the BBB5
Kogasa-Chan~: "MOOOOOOOOOOOM TENSHI'S LIFTING ME AGAIN" "Tenshi sweetie put your sister down" "NO FUCK YOU MOM I DO WHAT I WANT"
SteelKomodo: pfffft
RubyChao: tenshi goes through six months of extreme training
RubyChao: somehow looks physically just as shrimpy
Kogasa-Chan~: bench press all the touhous, Tenshi
RubyChao: the end goal is to bench press letty
Kogasa-Chan~: letty 2 fat


Tableter: Oh christ
Tableter: Sonic boom knuckles can't read
SteelKomodo: looks like he chuckled
Tableter: That joke will never die
RubyChao: "Sonic Adventure DeadX"
RubyChao: promising name
Tableter: Oh dear
RubyChao: "Knuckles model was stretching and stringing out strange ways." and now we know how knuckles became sonic boom knuckles
Tableter: Hahahahaha


RubyChao: "On 4 April 2013 Ride to Hell resurfaced as three games sharing the same theme and branding: Ride to Hell: Retribution on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, a beat-em-up with a biker theme, handled by Eutechnyx and released on 25 June 2013; Ride to Hell: Route 666 on PSN (PlayStation 3) and XBLA (Xbox 360), focusing on road combat, and handled by Black Forest Games; and Ride To Hell: Beatdown, aimed at mobile platforms.[4]
Following the disastrous reception of Ride to Hell:Retribution, none of the other titles were released, although Ride to Hell: Route 666 was originally to be launched in June 2013."

RubyChao: rest in peace
RubyChao: also i love that second title
RubyChao: that's literally a generic creepypasta title
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Tableter: Jrm would kill for those


Kogasa-Chan~: and as Yursarsh breathed his last, begging for mercy
Kogasa-Chan~: Shelby said but one word
Kogasa-Chan~: "Neigh"


Kogasa-Chan~: holy shit i'm actually poor in a pogeymans game again
Gooper Blooper: l.i.t.t.l.e.m.o.n.e.y
Kogasa-Chan~: goopy no


Gooper Blooper: my mom made homemade granola bars
Gooper Blooper: Except she, in her own words, "can never wait for them to cool"
Gooper Blooper: so it's actually "pile of warm granola and melted chocolate in a bowl"
Gooper Blooper: it's delicious
Kogasa-Chan~: holy shit that sounds like bliss
Gooper Blooper: I had to get the inspiration for celestia from somewhere :V
RubyChao: i want
Kogasa-Chan~: so are you sarah
RubyChao: gooooops you need to invite me and harpy over so we can indulge in ridiculous sweets
RubyChao: right harpy
Kogasa-Chan~: well possibly
Gooper Blooper: Sarah is the goddess of sweets we all worship
RubyChao: iirc goops said he put an interest of his into each sarahkin
RubyChao: books money sweets and environmentalism
Gooper Blooper: I knew they differed, but not why
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, the sarahkin inheriting traits of myself was intentional
Gooper Blooper: What was not intentional was that each sarahkin is linked to Celestia via an aspect of their personality
Draco: So Sarah has Celestia's inherent bloodthirstiness and eagerness to destroy? =D


iDel: Sdfsdfsd
iDel left the chat


SteelKomodo: "If the action is slow, throw dinosaurs at people."


Kogasa-Chan~: let's drink the still beating hearts of snakes
Kogasa-Chan~: yum
Jellyfish: Why not, Harps? But you forgot to serve the live baby rodents lightly toasted in almond sauce running around squeaking through the candy glass bowl.


SteelKomodo: so who here wants to be stuck on an island full of dinosaurs?
Jellyfish: Who here wants to be stuck on an island full o-
I only just got my refund from the first of three trips. D:<
SteelKomodo: hahahahahahaha


Gooper Blooper: link
Kogasa-Chan~: GLORIAAA
SteelKomodo: Gloria plushie :3
RubyChao: dat gloria :)


Kogasa-Chan~: hey goops
Kogasa-Chan~: did your naming convention for the fites come from Super Training's sort of naming convention?
Gooper Blooper: Yes! That was the reference!
Kogasa-Chan~: I just realized it when I was playing this
Gooper Blooper: I even originally planned to straight-up have a Super Training match in there
Gooper Blooper: a fite club against Wailord Balloon
Gooper Blooper: "Wail."


Kogasa-Chan~: more random thoughts: I have so many male mage leads ;; Xavier, Hansel, Gluttony... I love them too much. At least one's trying to be a sage and learn literally EVERY magic there is. Including food magic, where he'll end up just summoning chocolate comets to distract enemies with.
Jellyfish: Kitchen witch.
Kogasa-Chan~: that's basically what most people in the Cupcake Kindom are
Kogasa-Chan~: Kitchen Witches and...... Mango... Maguses?
Kogasa-Chan~: fuck
Jellyfish: I regret to inform you that you only had yourself to blame, combining summoning and cooking. :v
Jellyfish: That devil's food cake should have been an obvious cautionary tale.
Jellyfish: Good day, m'am.
Jellyfish tips hat and leaves burning hut
Kogasa-Chan~: the cake
Kogasa-Chan~: IS ALIVE
Jellyfish: Sloppy Joes in the cupcake kingdom are a hideous sign of BLOOD MAGIC
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Jellyfish: D8
Gooper Blooper: oh no, not evil living sweets
Gooper Blooper: how will the kobbers ever stop them
SteelKomodo: what would the cupcake equivalent of Chuck E. Cheese's be?
SteelKomodo: i dunno, just felt I has to ask that
Jellyfish: Sarah 2 sick. Is flu. D: We's really be in trouble dis time.
Kogasa-Chan~: Hm
Kogasa-Chan~: Prolly Cheery Chi-Chi's Cupcakes
Kogasa-Chan~: dessert pizza for days
Gooper Blooper: Fear not, FV, we have reserves
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Gooper Blooper: okuu, josephine, pitbros, alex, sammy, sonia, etc
Kogasa-Chan~: Sonia prepares the bib
Kogasa-Chan~: that reminds me
Kogasa-Chan~: Sonia and Gluttony would get along way too well
Kogasa-Chan~: Sonia turns people into food, Gluttony eats them
Kogasa-Chan~: also Sonia is a demonolgist and friggin loves demons
Gooper Blooper: a crimefighting duo
Kogasa-Chan~: the question is
SteelKomodo: Gluttony
SteelKomodo: you srsly needed to ask that? :U
Tableter: Its me austin
SteelKomodo: DEL PLS
Tableter: No
Kogasa-Chan~: well Sonia's a bit eccentric :U
Gooper Blooper: Sonia is definitely eccentric, but we gotta think relative here
Gooper Blooper: Sonia could be Bad Cop if paired with Lily
Kogasa-Chan~: she'd be a terrible cop
Kogasa-Chan~: takin pictures of Lily's thighs
Kogasa-Chan~: stop staring Sonia
Gooper Blooper: Lily's Thighs added to Court Record


Gooper Blooper: This fucker right here is nuts
Gooper Blooper: splits off from vertebrates over 500 freaking million years ago, and STOPS
Gooper Blooper: and stays the same
Gooper Blooper: for half a billion years
RubyChao: "No, this is good."
SteelKomodo: jesus D:
Gooper Blooper: and they're still around today
Gooper Blooper: like, somehow "some of a fish" is that great a design
SteelKomodo: "not quite a fish but getting there"


(Chao is playing Pokemon Y)

RubyChao: i got to geosenge town last night
RubyChao: that totally unsuspicious monument
RubyChao: i'm sure it means nothing at all
Gooper Blooper: nothing to see here, move along


SteelKomodo: where's Spy when you need him
IM HERE SK!!!! joined the chat
IM HERE SK!!!! crashes through at least 7 walls
IM HERE SK!!!! trips and slides out of cbox on the way in
IM HERE SK!!!! left the chat

Harpy: Spy is here
Accident Prone Spy joined the chat
Accident Prone Spy: Ow my leg
SteelKomodo: holy shit how did you even know I was gonna say that
SteelKomodo: like, how
Harpy: clearly chao warned him
Harpy: "hey SK is looking for you"
Accident Prone Spy: Because RubyChao told me I was needed I'm a psychic
Harpy: see? what'd I tell ya
RubyChao: rip spy
SteelKomodo: pfffft


Driving statutes are boring: Hey Carol! :D How would you like some Psycho? Few puffs, and you'll finally be able to get rage out without falling for big blue eyes or cultural standards, first. Guaranteed to net you at least one bloody fist. Used to be we'd guarantee at least one -kill- to even someone as refined as Gandhi, but, ah, that didn't make for good advertising.
Driving statutes are boring: Just thirty seven bottle caps, that's all we're asking.
Driving statutes are boring: Whaddayasay?
SteelKomodo: hmmmmm
SteelKomodo: Carol sneaks out all the bottle caps Daniel hordes from his beer
SteelKomodo: she probs would go for something like that, but stash it away for a "just in case" moment
SteelKomodo: she takes the view that you can't ever be too prepared
Driving statutes are boring: HaHA! Pleasure doing business. Pleasure. You take care now~
-hands off chem-
-scurries before Sine Intervention can occur-
Driving statutes: -in distance- You want to be The Best, Tenshi? Act before your opponents can even start moving. This here Turbo'll speed things up like nobody's game, dig? Your defense is immaculate, baby, it's the tops, but with this your offense will cut through like butter since they won't have TIME. 83 Only fifty caps a tube, whaddayasay?
Driving statutes are boring sets up peddling stand until dragged away by cops again
Driving statutes are boring simply reappears in two days selling HMs and magic evolving rocks instead

Harpy: i read that as "pudding stand"
Driving statutes: I tell ya, it'll fly you all the way to Hoenn, Harps. :v Only two twenty for it, and a secret one free.
Driving statutes are boring sets up a pudding stand next to peddling stand
Harpy: I gots me own flier, thank ya very much! More pogeys than you got change in yer wallet!
Harpy: I'm well prepared for some flyin' to Hoenn for some good ol' fashioned monster pocketing, oh yes I am
GB: I don't know how I've never seen anyone call playing Pokemon "monster pocketing" before but I frickin love it
Driving statutes are boring: Monster pocketing? Ya hear that offica Joy? :J This ere gally's been pocketing monsters. Most likely from other trainers like yerself. Might be part of that Rocket gig, neh?
Driving statutes are boring: Way more important than a mere sales violation like me.
Driving statutes are boring: Ya should go take down the kidnapper.
Driving statutes are boring: Take the candy, it might help.
SteelKomodo: pffffft
Driving statutes are boring changes out wares again in another two days
Driving statutes are boring: Your fountains, your generic gifts, your e-cards f' other players! You want status, power, easy wins? Right here, friend. Lil bit of RL cash, I can make your pettiest dreams come true. It's not like -you- broke the game, right? Just usin' an established system!
C'mon down, the palette's unlocked fully to subscribers!
Harpy: Eh? This ain't no Oree stuff, where there ain't no choice but to pocket monstahs from them lamebrain trainers. I'm just pocketin' me some wild racoons and weird psychics!
Driving statutes are boring: Weird psychics, ya say. If y' willin t' toss them over, I hear there's a pretty li'l school for folks like them. :v Xavier offahs a decent findin' fee for helpin 'em out of the woods, too.
Driving statutes are boring: Alakazam in the X-men Academy
Driving statutes are boring: A David Wulf anime.
Driving statutes are boring: :P


Gooper Blooper: WHAT A DEAL
Accident Prone Spy: WHADDAMANUEVER
Driving statutes are boring: I refuse to pay more than thirty dollars for a doll or a plush, however popular. : { One thousand and excess is ridiculous.
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure it's the usual Amazon auto-price-bot malfunction
SteelKomodo: tru that
Gooper Blooper: There's a bunch of obscure stuff on Amazon that costs thousands of dollars for no reason
SteelKomodo: i may be a huge nerd, but I'm a huge nerd who tries to be careful with his money
Gooper Blooper: Often with other people selling the same thing for sensible prices, as well
Draco: Woah woah woah woah! DON'T pay that much for a plush?
Draco cancels Ruby's other gift. D;


(Harpy is writing a blog post)

Harpy: i started around six
Harpy: it's 10
Harpy: I'm not done writing
Harpy: what the fuck
The Wyrd of Eld: Ahehehhehh.
Accident Prone Spy drops the elbow
Accident Prone Spy trips in mid-fall
Accident Prone Spy drops the skull instead


RubyChao: >​literally an akinator creepypasta
RubyChao: wait i think i told you guys about akinator creepypasta
SteelKomodo: what is akinator, even
RubyChao: that guessing genie
SteelKomodo: ah
SteelKomodo: ...oh god there's a creepypasta of it
RubyChao: there is
Tableter: Oh dear


Gooper Blooper: In terms of pairing length Saralex takes it as that was the first one
Gooper Blooper: it's just usually offscreen
Harpy: NOT FOR LONG *prepares blog for SARALEX ADVENTURES*
Harpy: *...2 weeks later*
Cat: Harps, this is the wrong lex. D: -stares at Sarah's date with Luthor and weeps-
Harpy: oh gods no
Tableter: Pfft


SteelKomodo: octodad is the worst spy ever
RubyChao: octospyyyyyyy
RubyChao: everyone suspects a thing
Tractor whipped: Except, possibly, Teshni. :P
Harpy: draco no
Cornwind Evil: Run for your life Octospy
Cornwind Evil: There's a gimmicky boss after you
Cornwind Evil: Spray ink in his face
Harpy: are you sure you're not asking him to spray water in his face
Harpy: because goops would like to have words with you
Draco: Words that we couldn't say?
Tractor whipped: No, WORDS are Sine's things. D8 You'll confuse the younger audience!
Gooper Blooper: The words I'm looking for, I can't say, because there's preschool toys present.
Tractor whipped: D8
Tractor whipped: -covers Melody's ears-
Cornwind Evil: It reminds me of my fanfic writing days
Cornwind Evil: I wrote some Christmas stories
Cornwind Evil: Didn't want to curse in them
Cornwind Evil: So I replaced all the curse words with 'smurf'
SteelKomodo: whaaaaat XD
Gooper Blooper: I wrote a "Christmas on Monster Island" fic once
Gooper Blooper: Biollante was the tree
SteelKomodo: biollante pls


Kogasa: like holy shit DC is nice and all but the streets are more curvy and confusing than succubi and finding a spot to park is a pain in the dick
Cat+: I'll take your word for that, madam. My genitals and I have no business with Columbia. :O


SteelKomodo: ok, i need to sleep
Cat+: Back down into the lesser death a brave man descends. May you reemerge as expected into the other side.


RubyChao: i had a mess of dreams as usual but the important one was
RubyChao: dreaming of wvgcw, where Josephine was now a character
RubyChao: not "the FFT chemist", specifically Josephine
SteelKomodo: Suddenly, Dirk is in the crowd
SteelKomodo: "GO JO~"


Gooper Blooper: "Ya’ know how this is Christmas and all? Well, I’m expecting 10,000 more pictures of Utsuho in a sexy Santa outfit by the end of December."
SteelKomodo: Dirk: ...Pit? Are you okay?
SteelKomodo: *pit is out cold on the floor after an explosive nosebleed*
Gooper Blooper: gifts from okuu


RubyChao: so i've decided
RubyChao: next year i will roleplay
RubyChao: (not really)


SteelKomodo: broseph
Del Inc: brosephine
Del Inc: Shingeki no Kyosephine


Del Inc: maybe i should be an idiot and host 2 pbp games
Del Inc: whilst also playing in two
Del Inc: whilst also working
SteelKomodo: del pls
Editingwulf: Don't be like me Del
Editingwulf: Don't drown in pbps


Gooper Blooper: Harpy RP 2015
RubyChao: i read NOD as NWO and thought it was gonna be reimu as hogan
RubyChao: this is still good


Editingwulf: Oh so here's a really wierd fact
Editingwulf: The guy who composed the music for the Shrek Films is also the composer for Metal Gear Solid
Editingwulf: Which is why in a picture from 2001 Kojima has Shrek shit all over his office
Tableter: Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Allstar
Gooper Blooper: get shrekt


RubyChao: >​five-hit doubleslap
RubyChao: :I


Draco: I will give anyone $5 to come over here and put up my Christmas lights for me next year. Gotta find your own transportation though.


Tableter: I have the best christmas gift for all of you
Tableter: But shhhhh
Tableter: Sekrit
Gooper Blooper: spoilers del bought bad rats
Tableter: Im not a monster goops
Draco: Del is going to get extra krunk and tell us fairy tales.


Editingwulf: Del if Conrad had a character handle for Proxy War what would it be
Tableter: Something really stupid
Tableter: NightKing420
Draco: SuperSilverRockStar6666
Editingwulf: perfect
Tableter: Yesssss


RubyChao: "Can you try out my creepypasta? They won't let me get it on the creepypasta wiki?"
RubyChao: i wonder why
Gooper Blooper: I'm going to write a one-paragraph creepypasta right here right now in chatzy and it will be indistinguishable from the shit chao digs up
RubyChao: oh boy
Gooper Blooper: I used to love playing Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. It was so cute and fun, and I beat it many times. But one day, when I booted up the file, I saw my crystal count had dropped down from 100% to 99%. I wondered why. I looked through the stages and saw stage 1-1 had FOUR crystals in it now, and I was missing one! I played the level, looking all over for the crystal, and couldn't find it. Finally I gave up and finished the stage. Kirby looked very depressed during the minigame, and his friends weren't looking at him. He didn't play the minigame right, doing a tiny jump that didn't collect anything. Then the screen went black and it said "Kirby got sad and went home because he failed. He never went adventuring ever again." and my file was deleted. I never played Kirby 64 again.
RubyChao: i'm terrified


Tableter: Basically in this season sad things will happen to conrad
Tableter: But also good things
Gooper Blooper: So like last season then
Gooper Blooper: Things Happen To Conrad
Tableter: Yes


Editingwulf: I've figured out my new characters for this year
Draco: Wulf, Ellie, and Grover Cleveland.
Editingwulf: It's the dress makers, and they are so fucking stoked to make a fashion line out of bad guys
Tableter: Yaaaaaay
Editingwulf: Also one has a really long name
Editingwulf: Lupercalia Palantina Úrsula Akira Octavia Augusta Buendía de Arkadia, expert fashionista
Tableter: Please tell me we have to refer to her/him via full name
Editingwulf: Yes
Harpy: oh gods
Tableter: Perfect
Editingwulf: Also they're 90's yuri anime lesbians on the level of rose of versailled so they're insanely fucking dramatic
Harpy: new to our latest line is "Green Eyed Monster", now made with the flesh of Envy~
Editingwulf: Like fainting and roses everywhere
Harpy: gasp


Harpy: okay
Harpy: goopy
Harpy: are you fucking ready
Gooper Blooper: oh boy

Draco: I feel gypped. There's only one Clefairy. BI
Gooper Blooper: they're lovely
Harpy: I'm so sorry that I cannot purchase 20 more clefairies
Gooper Blooper: they're so happy to see you
Harpy: my arms aren't big enough to hold that many as i sleep
Harpy: cleffy is much softer than clefairy; made from a different matieral
Harpy: but i love 'em both
Harpy: now i need to buy myself a clefable
Harpy: complete the holy trinity of pink
Gooper Blooper: Clefable's harder to track down, but I KNOW some kind of clefable plushie exists
Harpy: i showed them to my sister and my sister was like "WOAH KIRBY LOOKS DIFFERENT"
Harpy: i had to explain to her that it wasn't kirby
Draco: I couldn't find a Clefable on Amazon or I'd've gotten one of those too. =I
Harpy: i will scour ebay for this
Harpy: only to be banned from ebay forever


Tableter: Wulf how do i write mafia princess type characters
Tableter: Need to know
Editingwulf: Mafia Princess? If you mean like "daughter of the boss" usually preppy girl who can get anything she wants because everyone knows her dad can kill them
Editingwulf: Also she has that "laughing with the back of my hand" laugh that anime girls did in the 90's
Editingwulf: 36 seconds into this
Tableter: Yes that
Tableter: Except her dad is cthulhu
Editingwulf: Then exactly how I described
Editingwulf: Basically old god renge
Tableter: Thank
Editingwulf: No prob
RubyChao: i think i semi-intentionally made that tenshi's laugh
Tableter: You now hear my text in moonbase alpha text to speech
RubyChao: welp
Tableter: Thank
Editingwulf: aeiou


Gooper Blooper: mental image
Gooper Blooper: a crystal jonesy statue in the center of a chocolate fountain, chocolate cascading down it
iKomodo: She can put it next to that life size statue of himself Jewel Man has :U
Tableter: "This is the worst thing you have ever bought mom"
Editingwulf: Jonesy's just gonna sit in the hallway in a lawn chair with a beer and every few swigs she laughs under hear breath like she just made the best purchase of her life
iKomodo: XD
Tableter: Jonesy owns
Gooper Blooper: I remember Season 1, when Jonesy owned and everyone told Del she owned and Del couldn't believe that she owned
Gooper Blooper: but she did
Tableter: Jonesy goes crazy and builds a giant mansion that, if viewed from space, is an artistic nude of herself
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
Tableter: Conrad moves to another universe to escape
Tableter: Jonesypalace
Tableter: Im going to sleep before i embarrass myself further


Gooper Blooper: Extremely obscure #ruined in the wild


RubyChao: "cries ... But seriously though this game was the best game ever I remember when I used to play this as a kid when I was little.. I'm 16 and I still love these games till this day"
RubyChao: it feels kind of... jarring to see people say this about super mario galaxy 1
RubyChao: i guess because for me personally it doesn't really feel that old? shrug
Gooper Blooper: Came out seven years ago
Gooper Blooper: That kid was 9 at the time
Gooper Blooper: TTYD is ten years old Pokemon is over 15 etc etc
RubyChao withers into an aged dry shell
Gooper Blooper: On a similar note, I have the special distinction of having played both the first and last Sega Genesis games ever made
Editingwulf: Do tell
Gooper Blooper: First would be any launch title but I'd consider it Altered Beast because that one was the pack-in game when the Genesis first released. I borrowed it from someone years ago
Gooper Blooper: That came out in 89
Gooper Blooper: The last officially licensed Genesis game was Frogger. It's just an arcade port of Frogger, no bells or whistles, pretty clearly made for a quick payday. I still have the cart for that one. It came out in 1998.
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom loves a good game of frogger
Editingwulf: The life and death of genesis, a play by da goops
Gooper Blooper: well I technically wasn't actually alive when it was born BUT I WENT BACK AND SAW
Gooper Blooper: wise fwom you gwave etc
RubyChao: *does the math*
RubyChao: wait what month did the genesis come out
Gooper Blooper: October 1988 in Japan, August 89 in USA
RubyChao: oh ok
Gooper Blooper: hahaha the genesis had three different online services
Gooper Blooper: TECHNOLOGY


Editingwulf: Holy fuck
Editingwulf: Hooollly fuck
Editingwulf foams at mouth


Del Inc: the best move from the faceless playsheet
Del Inc: "Pit bull: whenever you take a debility, name the person you hold most responsible. Take +1 ongoing to all rolls versus them, forever."
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Saberwulf: Haha
Del Inc: the wording of stuff is the best part of AW


SteelKomodo: Dirk is going to try this next year
SteelKomodo: that is a statement, not a promise
Del Inc: hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: Honestly? I think Jo would find that pretty hot
Gooper Blooper: lel
Tableter: WELP
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: Dirky does it again!
Tableter: Wait
Tableter: If the card is true
Tableter: And lets say theres twenty chocolates in the average fancy box of fancy chocolates
Tableter: Then rip dirk's pelvis
iKomodo: Hahaha
Tableter: By the time it was over he would seriously consider becoming a monk
Gooper Blooper: Except that this is a Sarahkin we're talking about
iKomodo: Oh lawd
Tableter: In that case we don't see those two for an entire day and dirk emerges in a wheelchair, proud
Gooper Blooper: 80+ pieces
Tableter: oh fuck
iKomodo: "Worth it. Fucking worth it."
Tableter: Thats more than two weeks
Tableter: Rip dirk
Kogasa-Chan~ joined the chat
iKomodo: oh hai harps
Kogasa-Chan~: what' up ya'll
Gooper Blooper: not much aside from dirksephine madness
Tableter: We're calculating whether or not dirk will ever be able to have sex ever again
Gooper Blooper: "maybe... maybe we should ration it out some" "It'll all be digested by then!" "It'll go to your butt anyway, I'm fuckin spent"
Kogasa-Chan~: i'm pretty sure dirk will have sex until he's an old withered angel and rambling about that stupid guy who overglorified that angel war or somethingy
iKomodo: Pretty much
iKomodo: Hahaha


RubyChao: 1:58 PM - The Red Superchao: so remember that chatzy discussion about how tenshi might tell viola about iku
1:58 PM - The Red Superchao: and viola might assume tenshi's PA is literally a fish
1:58 PM - The Red Superchao: just a fish flying around
1:59 PM - The Red Superchao: and then iku shows up and it's a very classy woman
1:59 PM - The Red Superchao: well
1:59 PM - The Red Superchao: i imagine viola would initially be distrustful of iku being who she says she is
1:59 PM - The Red Superchao: which would mean
1:59 PM - The Red Superchao: she'd find iku
1:59 PM - The Red Superchao: a little

RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: fishy
Kogasa-Chan~: *ba dum TSH*
Tableter: Booooooooooooooooooooooo​ooooooooooooooooooo​oooooooooooo


Tableter: Remember, when you're feeling down
Tableter: Look in a mirror and try to catface
Tableter: That always works


Kogasa-Chan~: laharl so short
Kogasa-Chan~: 4'4''


RubyChao: sent a thing to one gooper von blooper
Gooper Blooper: Replied
RubyChao: that reply
RubyChao: i laffed
iKomodo: Oh god now I need to know
Kogasa-Chan~: plz
iKomodo: but I can't because privacy
Gooper Blooper: Chao gave me a helpful RPG Maker XP tip
RubyChao: which i had discovered a few days ago
Gooper Blooper: But I already knew said tip and have been doing it for years
Gooper Blooper: wups.avi
RubyChao: somehow it just managed to never come up ever
Kogasa-Chan~: top lel


RubyChao: oh yeah, it's been six months since the lot2 site updated
RubyChao: at this point i'm just kinda numb
Kogasa-Chan~: they're just waiting to update on your birthday :U
Kogasa-Chan~: they'll update next year
Kogasa-Chan~: *optimistic*
RubyChao: we gotta believeeeeee
Gooper Blooper: at least they released the actual game, this was just extra content wasn't it?
Kogasa-Chan~: yep
RubyChao: yeah, an expansion pack
RubyChao: new floors and characters
RubyChao: and if nothing else the devtwitter is alive and the site didn't go down
RubyChao: that's better than at least one other fangame
Gooper Blooper: or zoofights
Gooper Blooper: *sobs while rimshotting*
RubyChao: too soon
Kogasa-Chan~: GOOPY
Kogasa-Chan~: bad squid, back in the box for you
Gooper Blooper changed name to Goopiam Blooplebutt


Goopiam Blooplebutt: remember when someone said that under mercutio's helmet was another helmet
Goopiam Blooplebutt: they were right
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao goes to double check
RubyChao: RubyChao: a smaller helmet
Goopiam Blooplebutt: chao does it again


Goopiam Blooplebutt: "After a decade break in Japan, Toho is planning to make a new Godzilla film. Set to begin production in the summer of 2015, the title is currently scheduled for release in 2016. The film will be a stand alone movie, not attached to the US Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. series."
Goopiam Blooplebutt: mfw


RubyChao: i found this in my computer
RubyChao: i'm glad i saved it
Goopiam Blooplebutt: #unyu


Goopiam Blooplebutt: link
Chao: i would totally find out how to buy that if it weren't for the fact that there's no way it doesn't cost loads of emone
Goopiam Blooplebutt: The cheapest okuu figure I know of is this one
RubyChao: >​43 bucks
RubyChao: >​cheapest
RubyChao: good sign *bookmarks for later reference anyway*
Goopiam Blooplebutt: yep
RubyChao: everyone loves the okuu
Goopiam Blooplebutt: *looks up Tenshi*
RubyChao: i just had the dumbest mental image
Goopiam Blooplebutt: a 150-dollar statue, a 40-dollar pillow, some cosplay gear, and our good friend Rock Bull, the Mousepad Guy, is back and he's brought friends
RubyChao: you know those mousepads with the - 150 dollar statue? i have to see this - ahem, bulges
RubyChao: viola finds a tenshi one
RubyChao: because she lacks boobs or butt they had to put peaches there
Goopiam Blooplebutt: lel
Goopiam Blooplebutt: here
RubyChao: i like the keystone detail
Goopiam Blooplebutt: oh man the product description
Goopiam Blooplebutt: "Carried the sword of virtual scarlet, softly descended from Rapture! "Project" Touhou immensely popular doujin game in development. Among them, appeared to be figure "天子 (Ki is a chick Iru) have 那名 ratio" popular character! Selfish personality, usually are beautifully encapsulated in a smile that was full of confidence in the flawless living in heaven. In the building included very fine, perfectly well worth seeing even Tousled costumes and distinctive. Has become a figure that is where it is condensed without express skillfully as well as "keystone" or "sword of Scarlet virtual" items in 作 中 impressive, and their view of the world is exhaustively 天子 charm!"
RubyChao: even with the clear google translate, important parts shine
RubyChao: like "selfish personality" lel
Goopiam Blooplebutt: ki is a chick iru
Goopiam Blooplebutt: also "smile full of confidence"
RubyChao: (except for that one bit near the end of last year)
Goopiam Blooplebutt: (you made viola so happy)
RubyChao: (well i was talking about when she was pretty much completely crushed BUT THAT'S A MUCH BETTER ONE TO POINT OUT)
Goopiam Blooplebutt: *searches Amazon for letty*
Goopiam Blooplebutt: a 40-dollar pillow and sixteen mousepads
Goopiam Blooplebutt: rock bull please go away


Tableter joined the chat
Tableter explodes
Tableter left the chat