Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Nerd Club Christmas

"I do not very much enjoy Christmas."

It was Christmas Eve, and here a child with messy black hair hid under her sheets, grumbling to herself while peering at a book with a flashlight.

"Mother and father do not listen to me. I am certain I just got frilly girly things again. I bet they're pink."

The girl known as Viola Brown sighed, her cheeks puffing out. Long has she wanted to run away from home, start her own life where no one would make fun of her for liking the occult. She'd go far away and change her name. Viola was nice, but Brown was much too plain. Maybe something like... like...

She looked down at the book she was reading again. The Official Pokemon Handbook. She'd read it cover to cover many times, but she always came back for more. The pages were open to the two-page spread devoted to Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar, and she stared at those pages with wide, wistful eyes.

"I wish I could be a Pokemon Trainer. They get to go wherever they want and have adventures. Pokemon would not judge me."

Her eyes fell to the list of attacks the Pokemon could learn. The words "Night Shade" drifted over her vision.


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

GB Plots 2018 Retrospective

Alright, let's get this show on the road. Time to look back at all my plot events this year and let loose any behind-the-scenes or cutting room floor stuff!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 318: Texts From Dolby

Brinehammer: Full disclosure; I never expected anyone to like Oda at all ;>.>
Yelly McHarpy: sorry brine, you humanized her too much
Yelly McHarpy: its the same trap you fall into every year
Brinehammer: You're not wrong... I just, dang. I meant for her to be a side character, not another main. Confirmed for Brawl though. She's Gotta.
Senior Drrrrrraco: Sorry, Brine, for making her happy.
Brinehammer: I guess I'll live with it :V
Senior Drrrrrraco: I'll make sure DeMonde inevitably betrays General-chan by saying anime isn't real.
Senior Drrrrrraco: It's true, Ivel. Cory in the House didn't actually happen. >=l
ivel: ;;


Dia: kobberfans.jpg
ivel: that is Kaede.png ;U
RubyChao: you are right
RubyChao: that IS kaede


Dia: gacha reward
Gooper Blooper: Dia looking a little bit like Junko
Dia: lacks the aura
Dia: i mean
Gooper Blooper: not enough fluff
Dia: i can fix that :U
Dia: either way she's wearing golden pega wings
Dia: and i keep making saint seiya jokes at ivel in spite of the fact that i know 1% about seiya
Gooper Blooper: of course you only know 1%
Gooper Blooper: but it's the most important 1%
Gooper Blooper: because that one percent is the toughest of the one hundred percents
Dia: KEK
RubyChao: i love how that ikki meme will never die
RubyChao: just thanks to how absurd a phase "strongest of the 100 orphans" is
Gooper Blooper: if we ever get to 100 brawl entrants, keep your eye on ikki

Monday, July 23, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 317: Nyan-Nyan Baka Sheep-San Desu Desu =^.^=

Admiral BC of Marshmallows: also fuck i have ideas for Chickenplot 2019
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: oh god Miss Featherbutt might be a breakout char for 2019
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: what the fuck
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: it's too early go to bed, Miss Featherbutt


iKomodo: turts
PhoneDel: Meenage Tutant Tinja Nortles


Brinehammer joined the chat
Gooper Blooper joined the chat

Jumpropeman: hi gooper brineper
Deletons: Gooper brineper
Deletons: A terrifying combo of sugar-addicted goth girls
Brinehammer: Cutest characters, hardest lurking.
Gooper Blooper: pff


Jumpropeman: apparently Knack had a crossover with a game called Destiny of Spirits, one of those "collect all the character" types of games. It included such memorable Knack characters as: Country Goblin, Powered-suit Goblin, Android Soldier, and Mining Robot
Gooper Blooper: all your favorites
Gooper Blooper: how about a knack smash brothers clone
Green Waluigi: oh, it was a Vita game
Green Waluigi: that's why I never heard of it :U
Jumpropeman: how I found it was that Giant Knack is one of the "Spirits" and his attack is creatively called Strong Arm Punch. Compare this to other characters having attacks like Power, Therefore Justice; Dangerous Philosophy; Invention of the Century; Freedom and Justice; and even Little Knack's Speed Star


Senior Drrrrrraco: Added Deb to my profiles.
Secretary of Defenestration: Deb, the sentient patch of haze?
Senior Drrrrrraco: Deb the...lady who walks up around huge gears.
Jumpropeman: finally, Deb's form revealed
Senior Drrrrrraco: Eeyup. Goops reminded me I hadn't put her profile up yet.
Secretary of Defenestration: I've been thinking about playing Deb, the sentient patch of haze.
Secretary of Defenestration: But she's kind of a bitch.
Senior Drrrrrraco: I don't know who that is, sadly.
Secretary of Defenestration: She's Deb, a sentient patch of haze.
Secretary of Defenestration: Obviously.
Jumpropeman: I don't know who she is
Secretary of Defenestration: Teasing, she's from Night Vale.
Secretary of Defenestration: I don't know who you are.
Jumpropeman: I don't know who I am
Senior Drrrrrraco: Ah.
Cornwind Evil: Time to introduce my new character, Shirtpants.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 316: BRONTO BURT

SteelKomodo: a bootyload is two whole buttloads :P
MobileDrac: Dirk knows an exact bootyload on sight.
SteelKomodo: canon


Jumpropeman: "Hi, giant gross rabbit, I think video games should not be gatekept by weird tricks"
RubyChao: jumpropetom
Jumpropeman: Vince is right you know
Jumpropeman: Springtrap IS a giant gross rabbit
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: He really is
Jumpropeman: oh hi spy!
Jumpropeman: I know a trick to fighting heat
Jumpropeman: you gotta Beat the Heat with the Digibeat! (All Summer!)
ivel: I don't think Spy will fit in the freezer
RubyChao: spy lives
ivel: oh :U
RubyChao: For Now
Jumpropeman: that ephemeral DigiBeat commercial shows the importance of the preservation of the most ephemeral pieces of media
Jumpropeman: how else would I be allowed to sing this song in public without having a source to cite
Gooper Blooper: >ephemerial media preservation
Jumpropeman: who knows how many "Next time on" style of commercials have disappeared into the air waves for all eternity
Gooper Blooper: in honor of jumpropeman's exsquisite taste
Gooper Blooper: rachel's in the bar
Jumpropeman: how can she be in the bar
Jumpropeman: when she's already in our hearts
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: JRM no
Gooper Blooper: *links it again*
MobileDrac: Do people even like Rachel?
MobileDrac hides his cosplay.
Jumpropeman: *posts, ignoring Rachel*
Jumpropeman: *has turned his back on the Rachel universe*
Gooper Blooper: witness JRM's willpower to not have his characters glomp rachel every time she appears
Gooper Blooper: He doesn't have Gysel anymore to shower her with compliments, what will he do?!?!
Jumpropeman: Shimmer is currently shackled to her bed to keep her away from Rachel
Jumpropeman: barpost
Jumpropeman: I could only resist so long
Gooper Blooper: the sweet siren song of dear rachel called to JRM


Gooper Blooper: barpost
Gooper Blooper: I feel like JRM's going to point to this post and go "this is why I love Rachel"
Jumpropeman: *deletes chatzy message I was in the middle of writing* NO
Gooper Blooper: *JRM hides Rachel plush behind back*
Jumpropeman: and I swear
Jumpropeman: while Tomi and Rachel might not fite in Brawl
Jumpropeman: I won't NECESSARILY avoid her with all my cast :V
Jumpropeman: it just might happen
Jumpropeman: randomly
Jumpropeman: or she kills all my guys who knows
Gooper Blooper: She kills all of your entrants except Tomi to inflate her kill count
Gooper Blooper: Rachel sets a record for most KOs
Jumpropeman: Rachel kills 70 people before making it to the end
Jumpropeman: where Mac Tonight wins again somehow
Gooper Blooper: Or JRM does one of those "popular character is KOed by a heel-type entrant" things


PalaModo: Time for half-asleep rambles with SK
PalaModo: so what the heck was with that Babe film
PalaModo: and who greenlit the shit with that duck because they needed a punch in the stomach
Jumpropeman: the guy who made Mad Max
Jumpropeman: which explains a surprising amount

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 315: Doing A Boo-Boo With the Wa-Wa

Bree: my character with the largest breasts is komachi, who is a shinigami and doesn't get tired because she's an unliving revenant
Bree: also she's a lazy blob and she doesn't run 'cause she's slow as fuck
Bree: so I think it's perfectly realistic


Jumpropeman: it's not much, but check this out
Jumpropeman: I'm a recognized review source on mobygames :3
B.C.: aw
Jumpropeman: they only got the switch titles now but the others are in an approval queue
Gooper Blooper: Ha, that's great
Gooper Blooper: good work JRM
Bree: I could appreciate your achievement better if I knew what the mobygames site is about
Bree: do they collect reviews or something
Bree: is it like IMDB but for games
Jumpropeman: mobygames has been around since 1999. It's a video game information site sorta similar to IMDB yeah
infinitivel: "Video game information, credits, reviews, box covers, screenshots and more for 200+ video game platforms from 1950 to date!"
Jumpropeman: it's especially useful for finding info on retro games
Jumpropeman: so hopefully they'll approve my retro reviews as well
Bree: oh, okay, nice
Bree: cornflarturations
Bree: u did it
Gooper Blooper: Ah yes, the 50s, my favorite gaming decade
Jumpropeman: Gamerankings is my next prey, but they have a 300 review minimum before they recognize you :V
Gooper Blooper: maybe next offseason
Jumpropeman: a flood of atari and colecovision reviews
Jumpropeman: alternatively: a flood of barely different iOS dentist games
Gooper Blooper: I'm waiting for the day you review a real stinker from mobile game hell
Bree: I want a full disaster report on one of those inane beauty makeover games for little girls
Gooper Blooper: Honestly I feel like JRM could get a full disaster report out of mobile hell, but only if it was, like, a look at a number of different games all in the same category
Gooper Blooper: like "games that rip off Hello Neighbor" or "makeover/doctor games"
Gooper Blooper: Just one probably doesn't have enough substance for an in-depth lengthy review, and it'd let him dissect the general trend and the stuff that led to awful mobile shit being the norm
Jumpropeman: my white whale still remains A1 Celebrity Wedding Dentist Awesome Kids Little Surgery Salon HD - Fun Superstar Dental Doctor Office Makeover Game
Jumpropeman: I found the name, but by the time I had the hardware, it disappeared


Jumpropeman: steamed hams would eventually get into rp no doubt
Jumpropeman: might as well be first day
Jumpropeman: *scraps Just the Entire Steamed Hams Scene mystery fiter*
Jumpropeman: you might think they'd get no kills
Jumpropeman: but there's no Krusty Burger in sight
Jumpropeman: he'll have to get that meat elsewhere
Gooper Blooper: their weapon is a burning house, that's pretty dangerous
Jumpropeman: "These burgers are quite similar to the combined flesh of our fellow entrants." "Patented skinning- SKINNER... burgers"

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 314: Embrace the Baby Shit

Jumpropeman: I don't know if I ever told anyone that my used original Xbox came with tons of early 2000s music downloaded on it and whoever owned it before me set the system name to WHORE
Jumpropeman: first time I played Halo and went into multiplayer and just saw WHORE plastered across the screen
Jumpropeman: so confused
Gooper Blooper: that sounds hilariously edgy
Gooper Blooper: so early 2000s it hurts


Yijun: i want in on more mutant plot goddamn it and I NEED MORE MUTANTS
Yijun: *shoves Shiva in everything like he's the new fad*
Jumpropeman: *makes Knack into a mutant AND a psychic for maximum plot potential*
MobileDrac: Clone Sammy?
Yijun: we can't clone sammy
Yijun: that would destroy the very fabrics of our universe
MobileDrac: With joy


Jumpropeman: chao said he wanted to read about the beanie baby boom
Jumpropeman: but what about the big mouth billy bass boom
Jumpropeman: catfish, swordfish, lobster
Jumpropeman: there were singing fish on plaques across the land
Jumpropeman: and then suddenly we realized
Jumpropeman: we didn't actually like them
Jumpropeman: but it was too late
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat baby
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat
Jumpropeman: we tipped the boat over
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Monday, April 23, 2018



Donuts were the finest food to ever be invented. On this, Officer Patricia Wagon was absolutely certain. She didn't care if cops and donuts was a stereotype - they were delicious, dammit, and nothing would keep her from her daily donut. But as she finished eating her treat and washed it down with a sip of black coffee, her eyes drifted over her mug to the girl sitting across from her nibbling worriedly on a toaster pastry with one hand while scanning the Hoku Lewa Times newspaper she clutched in her other hand. The girl looked like an overwound toy, ready to snap if the slightest thing went wrong... even though so far things had been smooth sailing.

Of course, Patty suspected she knew why.

"Are you going to be ready for this?"

"AAAGH!" Denise Marmalade flung her newspaper into the air in a panic, though she miraculously didn't throw her pop-tart. "What?! Now?! OKAY!" She opened her mouth wide-

"Wait, wait, hold on-"

Denise promptly shoved the entire rest of her pop-tart into her mouth, and promptly began choking on it. Patty groaned, put down her coffee, and slipped behind her coworker for the Heimlich maneuver. Once the artificial incident was over with, Patty spun Denise around and put her hands firmly on her shoulders.

"You're too tense, Denise. You need to calm down."

"B-but the kobbers are coming! They're coming in less than ten days! Some of them are already HERE!"

"I know. And there will be incidents, and there will be trouble, and there will be stress. I get it. But you have to take it easy and not act like it's the end of the world. This happens every year! I've read all about it, Browny's told me stories, it's crazy compared to other places but here it's nothing new. So just try and take it one day at a time, alright?"

"A... a-alright. Thanks, Officer Wagon."

"Please. We're coworkers!" Patricia patted Denise on the shoulder and gave her a friendly smile. "Call me Patty."

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 313: Former Tertiary Antagonist

M Sheep: Suddenly, all the dog barking
M Sheep: turned out to be nothing
M Sheep: What a surprise.


Phone: The Big Bar Bawl, where competing' characters compare backstories for the darkest and/or saddest. Winner gets 1 year free therapy and drinks.
Brinehammer: At last, my time has come Again
Gooper Blooper: the triumphant return of Antoinette


Jumpropeman: really powerful knockoff board games
Jumpropeman: plus my favorite star wars film
Gooper Blooper: holds 12 space figures
Typos quietly tapes Babbo from MAR onto the end of JRM's character profiles and returns to Brine's lurk corner


MobileDrac: Hello. I think I've gone insane.
PalaModo: Oh no D:
PalaModo: what is wrong?
MobileDrac: I keep watching awful Globgogabgalab meme videos.
PalaModo: Why do you do this to yourself
MobileDrac: Losing X-Wing last night has left me a bitter self-loathing shell of my former self. Or something.


Nintendy: That is... entirely too much fun to read aloud, Chao.
Gooper Blooper: apocalypse beanie
Draco: I might have one of those somewhere.
M Sheep: Sounds like an article of clothing a universal concept/hipster would wear
RubyChao: i should read about the beanie bubble

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 312: I Despise Wednesdays

Cornwind Evil: There was some point I wanted to raise to Sheep
Cornwind Evil: But I forgot
Draco: Was it your memory issues?
RubyChao: here's a point
RubyChao stabs Sheep to death
Draco: 😱
Cornwind Evil: Well Chao now you have to be prime sufferer of bad comics
Draco: But who will RP Junko now?
Gooper Blooper: I will
Draco: Awesome! :3
M Sheep: I guess I really got
M Sheep: the point
M Sheep: haha
Cornwind Evil: Knife pun, Sheep
M Sheep coughs
M Sheep: ...ha
Draco: You're a sharp one, Cornwind.
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna have to cut these puns short
Draco: No need to be on edge, JRM.


Jumpropeman: ...why is the background touhou
M Sheep: They've finally taken over
M Sheep: my god
Jumpropeman: cirno looks displeased by my top game choice
M Sheep: We should have known a company of hat lovers would buckle to them


Jumpropeman: hey sheep
Jumpropeman: Metal Gear Survive comes out tomorrow
N Goat: Jrm, there is such a thing as tact
N Goat lies down
N Goat sinks through the floor and into the basement
N Goat keeps sinking
N Goat: busts through the crust
N Goat skedaddles past the mantle
N Goat bores through the core

N Goat collapses in on self under the weight of despair and creating a gravity well that forms a supermassive black hole event
N Goat via subjecting this space to effects cause the breakdown of various rules of physics, a wormhole is formed

N Goat popping Sheep into a dimension where Metal Gear Survive does not exist
N Goat however, popped into existence in a javelina pen
N Goat startling said javelinas
N Goat and is mauled to death

N Goat: On the one hand, it sucks that a game a team of people put time and effort into looks like it may not come out great
N Goat: but there is a part, in the deepest, darkest, Persona-esque Shadow part of my heart and soul that hopes this game bombs so badly their pachinko feels it

Monday, April 2, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 311: Sheep Buscemi

Honster Munter: holy fuck
RubyChao: goodbye snorlax
Honster Munter: he ded


Jumpropeman: "Search for beautiful wife of developer" it also struck me as odd when a headline brings in words like "beautiful"
Jumpropeman: "maybe if we call her beautiful she'll show up"
Gooper Blooper: that's all she wanted
B.C.: Works for ivel
Draco: Yeah, Ivel says he's looking for his beautiful wife and people know exactly who he's talking about.
Gooper Blooper: :3


Jumpropeman: >Bratz Forever Diamondz is on Console Classix
Jumpropeman: *vibrates intensely*
Gooper Blooper: IT'S TIME
Gooper Blooper: Angry Sun in a rare moment of happiness
Gooper Blooper: judging by the things JRM has been digging up I think he's down the ConsoleClassix rabbit hole
RubyChao: he's lost to us now.
Gooper Blooper: who knows which of these ridiculous gamelike objects he's shown us tonight will be his 52nd review
Jumpropeman: I'm trying to find at least one game per system for the ones I now have access to so I can get a good feel for the various emulators and make a proper site review
Jumpropeman: I might put off things like Bratz and Mario's Early Years until after that though :
Jumpropeman: those things must be enjoyed slowly and carefully
Jumpropeman: like a filet mignon


PhoneDel: Current mood - the two team skull members squatting on royal avenue
SteelKomodo: current mood - slow down any can can ytpmv to 0.75

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 310: Numerous Of Chucksters

Miniscule Sheep: "I am tempted to try and think of such a name for myself. A Hydrusona, perhaps."
Miniscule Sheep: did Vykarius ever do this?
MobileDrac: I assume that's why he's Duke Snugglecrusher.


Gooper Blooper: heading off
RubyChao: night goops
Jumpropeman: night gooper the war criminal
Gooper Blooper: I'm guilty of youtube crimes
Jumpropeman: you're strange man goop
Jumpropeman: but you steam a good ham
Draco: Bye Goops.
Gooper Blooper: I roleplayed Edea who I made an expert burger chef because of one dumb picture, I need to be able to steam hams
Draco: You called Brgrgrs "steamed hams" even though they're clearly grilled?
Gooper Blooper: Um... uh...
Gooper Blooper: you know
Gooper Blooper: one thing I sh...
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman: sounds like goops is pooped


Marauder Sheep: Ugh, I can't escape Metal Gear Survive trailers
Marauder Sheep: Has not this poor series suffered enough?
Marauder Sheep: STOP
Marauder Sheep: STOP
Marauder Sheep: 'E's DEAD


yugivel: "Godzilla is now playing Total War Shogun 2"
yugivel: well, rip
SteelKomodo: rip all of us
Smol Catto: godzilla picked a good game
Smol Catto: i wonder if he started with the shimazu or something

Monday, March 26, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 309: The King Of Limbo

The Goopy Express: Harpy's physical gift came to me in a massive box
The Goopy Express: also I'm called "goopity bloopity" on the address label
The Goopy Express: that's how you know harpy sent it
The Goopy Express: Harpy gave me... this!
RubyChao: holy big pogeys
Sunkern: What in god's name is that abomination WHO'S THAT POKEMON
MobileDrac: I got one of those with Mega Tyranitar.
The Goopy Express: Harpy included a note
The Goopy Express: "Ey Goop, LEGS INTENSIFY - Harpy"
MobileDrac: That's the Priere Pokemon.
The Goopy Express: pogeysephine


Jumpropeman: Protagonist of Rogue Warrior Richard Marcinko says "It's like Christmas" as one of his few profanity free lines
Jumpropeman: of course he says it about murdering north koreans and soviets
Jumpropeman: a very interesting version of christmas


The Goopy Express: I got Pac-Man 256 on Steam the other day and tried it today
The Goopy Express: It's easily the coolest "endless runner" I've ever seen, but maybe I'm just infatuated with ancient pixelated franchises
RubyChao: >coolest
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: but meme run
The Goopy Express: THE MEMES JACK


Jumpropeman: also, if you want a good idea of what Rogue Warrior is like, just listen to the end theme
The Goopy Express: oh boy, I read about the end theme
The Goopy Express: here goes nothing
MobileDrac: "MC Mickey Rourke" I have a good feeling about this!
Jumpropeman: also, someone called Disaster Newz followed me on twitter, and they tweet out news on disasters
Jumpropeman: i have to wonder if they mistook what my disaster reports are about
MobileDrac: That was special.
Jumpropeman: hi ho hi ho this fucker's gonna blow


Conksuck Santa: My brain keeps conjuring up bullshit to try and complicate the simple process of putting head on pillow and closing eyes

Monday, March 19, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 308: A Distinct Lack of Sephine

On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Miu tries to improve on Dawn's design 'just to show her she can'
RubyChao: she would
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Creates my main 2019 villain Twilight
RubyChao: and/or attempt to sexually proposition her
Jumpropeman: miu would make a more sexually charged design than dirk i wager
RubyChao: miu and dirk collaborate and dawn's just like
RubyChao: "this is a sexbot design isn't it" "yep!"
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Dawn: You just HAD to show you could TAME them, didn't you.
Jumpropeman: Dawn is no longer human
Gooper Blooper: Dawn was never human
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Dawn: Such a design is unnecessary.
Jumpropeman: Gooper! How rude!
RubyChao: OR WAS SHE
Jumpropeman: *Faith piledrives gooper*
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Dawn: The octopus is TECHNICALLY correct...
Draco: DeMonde teleports to where Zeldoten is and brings her back. She smacks both her and Dawn upside the noggin. "Play nice or I'm grounding zhe both of you." Then she goes back to making her own Hedorah or something IDK.
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Dawn puts Miu in STEM to help her with Chaos' reformation/reformatting since she's SO GOOD with machines.
Jumpropeman: "Gooper Blooper is a larger than average Blooper who never displays much in the way of intelligence"
Jumpropeman: mariowiki is harsh to our good friend
RubyChao: that's cause they're blooperacists


On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Shining Force has a subtitle, much like The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Subtitles can really add to something sounding epic
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: So guess what the Shining Force subtitle is
ivel: :U
ivel: anyway I dunno
ivel: The Shining?
Jumpropeman: gotta love the things that have nonsense subtitles
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: ....I think someone mighta have been confused over some Japanese kakana aspects
Jumpropeman: Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Jumpropeman: holy shit man, I gotta know about that Gobbo legend
Jumpropeman: hold up guys, I might blow your mind with this hot take on Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Jumpropeman: its not a game about the legend behind the Gobbos
Jumpropeman: no, Croc perhaps IS the legend of the Gobbos, for his bravery in collecting generic crystals
ivel: :O
Phone: You're rapidly losing my financial support, but go on
ivel: with this revelation, I need to go to bed to process this
Jumpropeman: Gobbos, by the by, appearing to be Tribbles with eyes
Jumpropeman: and naturally, Croc was raised by the Gobbos, who found him in the exact same way baby Moses was found in the Bible
Jumpropeman: "One day, Baron Dante and his band of villains known as the Dantinis invade Gobbo Valley and begin terrorizing the Gobbos, capturing them and locking them in steel cages. Amidst the chaos, King Rufus summons a magical yellow bird named Beany, who uses her magical abilities to transport Croc to safety"
Jumpropeman: why don't I own Croc
Phone: Final Fantasy 14-7, Return of the Unrepetent Subtitles
Draco: Because it might actually have decent gameplay.
Phone: I was gonna suggest the opposite to Draco's quip. 8u Ya got distracted with good games for a bit and lost your badsenses.
Phone: So is Dante more the Gaming Inferno, or the Devil May Crier
Jumpropeman: I was legitimately thinking of starting Fallout:New Vegas lately, but Ven is right. I've strayed from my roots. Time to look into playing Croc: Legend of the Gobbos instead

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 307: Suffer, Small Nerd

MobileDrac: Pretty sure my wrap up will be "Zeldoten steals Rifa's bouquet and eats it."


ivel: I'll try to play Neverwinter Nights in the offtime to see what Deekin can do again
ivel: there is one thing I didn't get to show off~
Draco: His chainsawchucks?
ivel: well now that you ruined it, no :I
Draco: ^n^


RubyChao: i'm finally awake again which is nice


Cornwind Evil: Okay JRM
Jumpropeman: yo
Cornwind Evil: Do you know what you have made me do?
Cornwind Evil: All your biggening, all your madness?
Cornwind Evil: For the first time, in my life...I have bought a Dr. Pepper
MobileDrac: WHAT
Jumpropeman: yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Cornwind Evil: And it is sitting right next to me ready to be opened
Cornwind Evil: You want proof? ONE SECOND
Jumpropeman: cornwind no
Jumpropeman: you don't need to mail me an envelope full of it
Jumpropeman: i believe you


RubyChao: hi
SteelKomodo: sup
RubyChao: working on epilogues
RubyChao: someday i will run out of answers to "sup" and then what, sk
RubyChao: then what
SteelKomodo: then I'll think of something else to say :P

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 306: Fourteen Hours Of Golden Girls

Bamboozled Cat: i also brought back my
Bamboozled Cat: bag o
Bamboozled Cat: fuckin
Bamboozled Cat: artificially cheesy popcorn
ivel: #lewd
ivel: oh




iKomodo: hi goops
iKomodo: And brine
RubyChao: hi goop
Brinehammer: Hey hey
MobileDrac: Brine is kind of like Jrm, right?
iKomodo: Pfffft
Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: brine is DIET JRM
RubyChao: and now we have FULL JRM
ivel: out of curiosity and killing time i looked up dr. pepper ripoffs and i’m gonna list my favorites:
dr. pig
dr. good guy
dr. thirst
dr. a+
dr. choice
dr. pete
dr. radical
Jumpropeman: Dr. Pig
ivel: got another taste test for jrm


Brownie Chomper: i am eating shrimp teriyaki right this second
ivel: teriyaki
ivel: is gud
ivel: shrimp isn't tho :U But that means more shrimp for Harps
Gooper Blooper: Shrimp teriyaki?! Your username lied to me!
Brownie Chomper: i do not have brownies to chomp


B.C.: I dunno who is running the demon booth atm
MobileDrac: I'd say Brinetime but that's the Devil Booth.
MobileDrac: Maybe Morgan and Lily.
B.C.: Hm
ivel: it's clearly Dia
B.C.: Dia is not a demon
B.C.: she isnt occult in the slightest
MobileDrac: Dia is too occult. She's so adorable it's spoopy.


Jumpropeman: I had no idea I Am Bread is supposed to be hard
Jumpropeman: I thought it was just like goat simulator but with bread

Friday, March 9, 2018

New Recruits


Officer Browny peered through the papers in his hands one last time. He didn't need to - he already knew the decisions he was going to make - but he always did enjoy being organized and thorough. Before him sat two recruits, awaiting his word on whether or not he would allow their transfer to the ZFPD.

The first possible new recruit was a prodigy. Still young and youthful, she was as smart as a whip, extremely capable, and fast on her feet. She had had great success in her previous assignments, always coming out on top against physically superior foes and making her way through obstacle courses like it was a stroll down the street. And the additional backup she requested seemed promising, as well, though it may take time to approve them as well.

Then there was the other one.

Hoo boy.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 305: World Hard, Tiddy Soft

Jumpropeman: "Bob may not have made this stone, but it'd make a damn good football in a pinch."
Jumpropeman: IT'S A STONE, BIFFORD
Jumpropeman: YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT


Jumpropeman: "and we can safely rule Maria out of this, considering she doesn't know much about the why or who of it."
Jumpropeman: you sure about that Brandon
Jumpropeman: or has Maria been playing the long game
Bitter Coffee: Chao can't fucking do that twice in a row
Bitter Coffee: i will murder him
RubyChao: sez u
Bitter Coffee: oh god chao did you do the long con
Bitter Coffee: how could you
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahaha
Bitter Coffee: ...she still wouldn't have much to gain from it
Bitter Coffee: considering she barely dealt with the experiments
Draco: Just everything.
Gooper Blooper: the most delayed heel turn
Draco Maria rolls around in bottles of Kuwahawi Springs water.
spyvel: Chao's plan to actually get us to kill Maria


Bitter Coffee: hey guys i found halothane
Bree: fifty keks
Gooper Blooper: perfect
Bitter Coffee: cleffa
Bitter Coffee: sees
Bitter Coffee: ALL


Phone: Walmart was out of Doctor Pepper.
Jumpropeman: D:
Jumpropeman: is there
Jumpropeman: a dr. pepper shortage
Draco: You caused it!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Belated Behind the Scenes of 2017 GB Plots

It's been a long time coming, but now at last I'm bringing you some behind the scenes on my plots from Season 7. Here you'll find a chronological rundown of every event and details on the characters involved, what got cut, and my thought processes while plotting.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 304: Combo-Juggling A Robot

RubyChao: oh shit
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: jrm missed cirno day
RubyChao: ;_;7
A Flute-Busting Prussian: RIP jrm
Gooper Blooper: I noticed this morning and was upset
Gooper Blooper: When Cirno is finally actually in RP, I expect a plot about her on Cirno Day
RubyChao: 9/9/19 in Season 9
RubyChao: cant' pass up that confluence
RubyChao: especially if he manages to post at 9:09
RubyChao: (even if cirno shows up next year cirnoplot should be season 9)
Jumpropeman: *steeples fingers, glasses shine*
Gooper Blooper: you only get one shot at this
Gooper Blooper: it's not something you can afford to pass up


Grabbin Pillz: Does anyone remember the yugioh episode with the zombies
Grabbin Pillz: From like season one
Grabbin Pillz: That shit was creepy when I was ten
RubyChao: i do!
Grabbin Pillz: I don't think that deck even worked like that in the actual card game
Grabbin Pillz: All the zombie monsters were separate cards
Grabbin Pillz: Yu-gi-oh is systemically busted anyway
ivel: I remember the episode with Bonz but I don't think that was season 1
RubyChao: it most definitely could not have worked like that
RubyChao: but then again season 1 had the flotation ring
RubyChao: basically duelist kingdom treated it like some weird hybrid of a card game and a tactics game
Five Minutes to Meennight: I could see a card reviving cards, changing their type to Zombie, and axing their defense
Five Minutes to Meennight: But not summoning entirely separate designs
ivel: wait Duelist Kingdom was season 1? Huh.
Five Minutes to Meennight: . . . Also god that reminds me of my favorite stupid Warhammer thing
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: season 1 is kaiba and then duelist kingdom
Five Minutes to Meennight: Namely, how to repopulate the Earth with just two lovers from two different planets
RubyChao: 2 is battle city, 3 is THE BIG FIVE i mean virtual world and battle city finals, 4 is Filler 2: The Fillering, and 5 is dawn of the duel
RubyChao: oh god why do i remember that all so easily
RubyChao: help
Five Minutes to Meennight: All you need is a Necron Warrior, a Poxwalker of Nurgle, some mood lighting, and really good luck on the dice
Five Minutes to Meennight: Poxwalkers revive troops they kill as another Poxwalker. Necron have Reanimation Protocols that, on a good role, let them come back from the dead
Five Minutes to Meennight: In all their infinite wisdom, GW ruled that these are not mutually exclusive
Five Minutes to Meennight: Zombie kills robit. Robit rises as zombie. Robit apparently climbs out of the zombie and gets back to fighting
Five Minutes to Meennight: There is no limit to this. You can end up with an entire zombie planet just combo-juggling this robot
ivel: oh god @Spy
ivel: of course they didn't think of that
Five Minutes to Meennight: Oh no, they thought of that
Five Minutes to Meennight: This was a conscious FAQ ruling
ivel: ...
Five Minutes to Meennight: I guess they didn't want to be rude to Necron players and say "oh this one specific unit can stop your reviving"
Five Minutes to Meennight: In the off chance a Poxwalker actually accomplishes something
Five Minutes to Meennight: But the result is friggin hilarious
Grabbin Pillz: I vote for the next chatzy madness title to be "combo-juggling a robot"

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 303: Bigfoot Is Real, Bigfoot Is Great

Jumpropeman: I'm surprised Shipt keeps putting Dr. Pepper 2 liters on sale
Jumpropeman: maybe they're like "we ordered so much stock and that one guy hasn't bought yet to clear it. Maybe it's the price?"
Gooper Blooper: they like you
Jumpropeman: well I like them too <3
Jumpropeman: man, a ton of chicken is on sale too
Jumpropeman: I recently remembered toast exists so I've been trying to think of other food I haven't had in a while
Jumpropeman: I can apparently buy a random single donut
Jumpropeman: who knows what the mystery donut will be!
Jumpropeman: >ice cream cake
Jumpropeman: *looks at belly* have I sunk that low yet, will I eat cake without an occasion to celebrate?
Jumpropeman: labor day is soon right
Jumpropeman: strangely the search bar suggests Eskimo Pies but does not have them


ivel: "Nintendo Is Officially Ending Miiverse Services On November 8" Huh
Jumpropeman: but with miiverse gone, who will draw dicks for the Smash Bros Miiverse stage?


ivel: hey jrm
ivel: the demo for Knack 2 is out
Jumpropeman: ivel don't do this to me
Jumpropeman: i have to finish the pet show tonight
Jumpropeman: I can't be tempted by Knack
ivel: let it be your inspiration to finish

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Mock Sheep: >Sunwoop smiled, "Don't be silly! Murders are premeditated."
Mock Sheep: Sunwoop
Mock Sheep: concerns me
Gooper Blooper: Sunwoop actually went straight to the villains list for that one
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: when do we have the fite
RubyChao: Sunwoop vs. Jester Chao
Jumpropeman: when we want to suffer, chao


MobileDrac: Am I dead yet?
Gooper Blooper: Reports of your death were greatly exaggerated
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between yes, no and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Chatzy chose: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ivel: Chatzy doesn't know what you are, Draco


Jumpropeman: the sonic mania hype has been getting me to almost pull out and play Sonic the Hedgehog the past few days
Jumpropeman: ive resisted the urge because the ps2 requires like ten seconds of setup and I ain't got time for that!
Jumpropeman: I have a very nice Jabba the Hutt thing going here I can't afford to interrupt


Komodo: Resurgence: Speep
Komodo: Resurgence: nite
Komodo: Resurgence left the chat
Morose Sheep (Mint Sheep) joined the chat

Jumpropeman: hello sheep
Jumpropeman: you will be playing the role of SK tonight
Jumpropeman: I hope you read your copy of the script
Morose Sheep: Oh God, it's just like my nightmares!
Morose Sheep tries to improv and fails miserablly


Jumpropeman: there's a pokemon youtuber by the name of NumbNexus who I literally unsubscribed from because his favorite pokemon was pelipper, and whenever he used it he made an obnoxious screech noise


Mach Sheep: Hm, even if I was around, I don't think I have any characters that it would make sense for them to attend Water Gun Wars
Mach Sheep puts Maurice and Eugene on separate teams anyway

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 301: Bread Vestments

Beach Car: "server temporarily down"
Beach Car: and then MGM finale was canceled because the god of roleplay decided to leave us
Megazord on Acid: Rip
MobileDrac: All plots cancelled after ZetaBoard follows Photobucket.
-: That was... not the way I wished to reunite our statuses, god of roleplay. Everyone being permabanned does not assist anything. Please do reverse your inclination.
Beach Car: none of us are free of sin
SteelKomodo: :<
MobileDrac wallows in his son.
MobileDrac: *sin
SteelKomodo: draco pls
Beach Car: draco had a kid and never told us- wait shit
Beach Car: he already has several sons!
MobileDrac: Forum's back. Cancel the Apocalypse.


RubyChao: "I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali is an animated series featuring boxer Muhammad Ali, who starred as his own voice. The series was broadcast Saturday mornings on NBC in the fall of 1977, but was cancelled after just 13 episodes."
RubyChao: sometimes i love the world


Jumpropeman: Emoji Movie reviews are rolling in
Jumpropeman: so far, Bree is spot on with her bet
Jumpropeman: 22 out of 22 reviews on rottentomatoes are negative


RubyChao: hopefully i did a good job with enigma
RubyChao: i didn't have any clue what i was doing at first
RubyChao: but then we figured it out
Gooper Blooper: ^ZFRP.txt


Jumpropeman: so on my ipad last night I found a Zootopia police investigation game
Jumpropeman: Clawhauser can give you free hints while the ZPD investigate!
Jumpropeman: but he repeats lines from the movie a lot :V
Jumpropeman: i also think its meant for kids because its really easy :P


Gooper Blooper: I got distracted looking up shitty steam games after you mentioned zen vs zombie
Gooper Blooper: get ready for the upcoming game from the same developer where you play as a fidget spinner and explore The Vape Kingdom
Gooper Blooper: 5000 achievements
Jumpropeman: steam why
RubyChao: are
RubyChao: are you joking because i hope you are
Gooper Blooper: would I lie to you
RubyChao: well in this case i was hoping you were

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 300: The Best of Chatzy Madness III

Gooper Blooper: I played a puzzle game with some of the worst music ever
SteelKomodo: whut D:
Gooper Blooper: you are not ready for how little this music fits Zoroark
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: this one is just a normal puzzle gamebut then the cacti started multiplying and things spiraled rapidly out of control
SteelKomodo: ​D:

(Chao vanishes for about 15 minutes)

RubyChao: ok that's
RubyChao: probably enough cactus ring game for now
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: hardcore cactus gaming action


Gooper Blooper: I found the absolute nadir of the already-poor mario cartoons
RubyChao: oh my
Gooper Blooper: it is called Club Mario, and it was literally just The Super Mario Brothers Super Show, except they took out all the live action parts and replaced them with two totally radical skateboard dudes
Gooper Blooper:
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: early_nineties.avi
RubyChao: hahaha "Although the segments were intended to replace the Mario and Luigi vignettes, DiC destroyed all tapes used for filming Club Mario."
RubyChao: old shame
Seth Rollins Walks In Circles: So Club Mario is lost to the ages
iKomodo: Thank god for that
RubyChao: there's still some results on youtube
RubyChao: oh my god this one is about earth day apparently
RubyChao: ariel watches, left shocked
Gooper Blooper: Have I mentioned ariel has the worst allies
Gooper Blooper: because Ariel has the ​worst​ allies
RubyChao: who else was on her list of allies?
Gooper Blooper: I forget but it definitely came up before with something dumb
RubyChao: oh yeah, this
Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, that's right, good work chao
RubyChao: why did i just picture ariel facing off against a bunch of CEOs
RubyChao: "Yeah, well I have allies too!"
RubyChao: pan over to the Campbell Kids and the Club Mario hosts
Gooper Blooper: and the wheelers
RubyChao: "...As I was saying, I can take all of you on by myself!"