Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 301: Bread Vestments

Beach Car: "server temporarily down"
Beach Car: and then MGM finale was canceled because the god of roleplay decided to leave us
Megazord on Acid: Rip
MobileDrac: All plots cancelled after ZetaBoard follows Photobucket.
-: That was... not the way I wished to reunite our statuses, god of roleplay. Everyone being permabanned does not assist anything. Please do reverse your inclination.
Beach Car: none of us are free of sin
SteelKomodo: :<
MobileDrac wallows in his son.
MobileDrac: *sin
SteelKomodo: draco pls
Beach Car: draco had a kid and never told us- wait shit
Beach Car: he already has several sons!
MobileDrac: Forum's back. Cancel the Apocalypse.


RubyChao: "I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali is an animated series featuring boxer Muhammad Ali, who starred as his own voice. The series was broadcast Saturday mornings on NBC in the fall of 1977, but was cancelled after just 13 episodes."
RubyChao: sometimes i love the world


Jumpropeman: Emoji Movie reviews are rolling in
Jumpropeman: so far, Bree is spot on with her bet
Jumpropeman: 22 out of 22 reviews on rottentomatoes are negative


RubyChao: hopefully i did a good job with enigma
RubyChao: i didn't have any clue what i was doing at first
RubyChao: but then we figured it out
Gooper Blooper: ^ZFRP.txt


Jumpropeman: so on my ipad last night I found a Zootopia police investigation game
Jumpropeman: Clawhauser can give you free hints while the ZPD investigate!
Jumpropeman: but he repeats lines from the movie a lot :V
Jumpropeman: i also think its meant for kids because its really easy :P


Gooper Blooper: I got distracted looking up shitty steam games after you mentioned zen vs zombie
Gooper Blooper: get ready for the upcoming game from the same developer where you play as a fidget spinner and explore The Vape Kingdom
Gooper Blooper: 5000 achievements
Jumpropeman: steam why
RubyChao: are
RubyChao: are you joking because i hope you are
Gooper Blooper: would I lie to you
RubyChao: well in this case i was hoping you were


Jumpropeman: "Monday, July 31: Punching Jerks ‘n’ Stuff (Brinehammer)"
Jumpropeman: bree kicking butt on plot name game


Jumpropeman: https://i.imgur.com/oyiz0Tg.jpg


Fuck My Life: IT'S FUCKED UP


B.C.: I'll drop duer and someone else in the bar
B.C.: but who else do people want to see?
MobileDrac: Brgrgr Harpy?
B.C.: sorry friend
B.C.: that is
B.C.: Not an option, drac
MobileDrac: Then I'm going to pout.
MobileDrac: :I
B.C.: i kis u
A Name???: The sordid, torrid love affair of Brgrgr Harpy and Corned Beef Sandwich Prinny. Dooood.
B.C.: mwah


MobileDrac: When is He plot?
MobileDrac: HECAPLOT
ivel: HE plot
Big Squids for Big Kids: he has no plot
Big Squids for Big Kids: he has no plan
Big Squids for Big Kids: this kong just wrecked his van


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Draco: Clownpiece defeats anyone trying to interrupt the ceremony.
Gooper Blooper: oh man, nice. Hold onto that 21
Draco: Alright. I'll put it in my pocket for when I need to hold a hot dog.


Yarr: This thread is a wild ride


Bree: dare you to watch the emoji movie
Talk Woomy To Me: no


Draco: I get one scene a season where I tear up a bit writing it and this was it.
Jumpropeman: only one? dude, my eyes are constantly on the brink
RubyChao: awwww, thank you
RubyChao: i'm very glad i made sure to schedule this on a draco-available day
Gooper Blooper: For three characters who I'm pretty sure me, Chao, and Draco all introduced as jokes
Gooper Blooper: the lunatics have come a long way
Beach Car: i nearly cried on those
Beach Car: and my own post
Beach Car: i'm shameful
RubyChao: yeee
RubyChao: and to think
RubyChao: this wouldn't have happened if i didn't have a dream about it
Gooper Blooper: And you were like "why did I dream about Hecatia, she's just some random hu"
Jumpropeman: moon trio rule
Jumpropeman: *high fives all three*
Jumpropeman: *even, dare I say it... down lows all three, without too slowing them*


Blast-Off, Corgi!: >upgrade to gyazo pro to see all your images!
Blast-Off, Corgi!: no


ivel: "Monster Hunter World Is Having A Contest To Let Fans Design A Weapon For The Game"
ivel: "The official Capcom blog notes that the original design must be for one of the 14 existing weapon types in Monster Hunter: World and must include a name and a short description of your creation. The winning design will get the honor of being placed into the actual game.
Those wanting to design their weapon have until 9:00pm PT on August 16th, 2017 to submit their ideas."

Jumpropeman: *submits my Garfield drawing as my weapon design*


ivel: well, apparently of the 100 orphans, 10 survived and became the Bronze Saints; no idea why I had to look at a random unimportant char's wiki page to see this info


Jumpropeman: I'm good at naming teams
Jumpropeman: I'm the mind behind Muscle Mamas after all


MobileDrac: If there's no RP to quote tonight, I'm just going to find a quote from the W Ketchup site to put in the ticker.


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: my work here is done
RubyChao: *chuckster pianta leaves*
RubyChao: (not gonna lie i'm tempted to make that my actual post)
RubyChao: (he came, he chucked, he left)
DMG: rolls 1, chucks self into oblivion
DMG: ascends to godhood
Gooper Blooper: good work chuck
RubyChao: somehow i feel this basically only works for chuckster
Jumpropeman: *futilely tapes posters of cute girls to osric and antonio so we'll spare them*
RubyChao: don't worry, we'll make up for it
RubyChao: by mulching voth too
Gooper Blooper: and eating her pidgey
Jumpropeman: and drinking all their pepsi
MobileDrac: Best ending.
Gooper Blooper: we left their Dr. Pepper alone though
Gooper Blooper: we aren't monsters


Jumpropeman: Gather round folks, and buy your ZFRP Gachas! The only way to get new characters in RP!
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP Mystery Minis
Gooper Blooper: collect all five thousand
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between cute character, inexplicable shape, cool lady, touhou, old person, sheep mutant and kamen rider. Chatzy chose: cool lady
Jumpropeman: awww yeah, I'll take a cool lady!
ivel: only 5000? But what about all the alternate outfits? Dia alone has 10,000
Gooper Blooper: I'll open a box from Series 2, the villain collection
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between joke villain, shadowy overlord, cackling maniac, kaiju, evil pretending to be good, eldritch abomination, evil businessman and Jester Chao. Chatzy chose: shadowy overlord
Gooper Blooper: the classics!


Yarr: Bad news gang
Yarr: Shark tale is playing at the gym
Yarr: Save me
I am: haha
MobileDrac: No can do. You're finished.


Gooper Blooper: Been doing some arcadeplot research and goopsmom has gotten into it as well. She'd either never played Galaga before or forgot she did, now she's hooked
MobileDrac: Gasp
Gooper Blooper: She wanted to try Donkey Kong, results were mixed
Birthday Bree: dankey kang
Gooper Blooper: Got pretty good at the first level, but couldn't do the second (came close though) and eventually told Mario Pauline wasn't worth the trouble
Gooper Blooper: Also, she has surprisingly limited experience with the original Pac-Man despite loving the absolute shit out of the Genesis version of Ms Pac-Man
MobileDrac: They're totally different.
Gooper Blooper: She said back in college she had a lame boyfriend who would always drag her to the campus' Pac-Man arcade machine and have her watch him play
Gooper Blooper: He never let her have a turn
RubyChao: i was able to beat donkey kong
RubyChao: in dk64
RubyChao: the third level is bullshit :V
MobileDrac: >watch him play
Gooper Blooper: Understandably she eventually dumped his ass
RubyChao: also RUDE
MobileDrac: Lame Boy
B.C.: :/
B.C.: Kill him


B.C.: I think after duerplot(s?) ill schedule oboroplot as we go
B.C.: cant afford to jump the gun
ivel: schedule oboro as we goboro
B.C.: Plz
MobileDrac: If we give him a loan, does he Oborrow?
Gooper Blooper: If he digs a hole he Oburrows
Cornwind Evil: If he dresses as Superman, is he the Man of Otommorow?


Cornwind Evil: You know what I love?
Cornwind Evil: People who decide that there need to be sequels to forgotten films literally a whole generation later.
Gooper Blooper: "The film was followed by a sequel, Cop and a Half: New Recruit (2017)."
Gooper Blooper: wow


Blast-Off, Corgi!: planning out my ff1 team
Blast-Off, Corgi!: warrior-thief-white mage-black mage
Blast-Off, Corgi!: what should i name my white mage
Blast-Off, Corgi!: not sarah
Jumpropeman: ah yes
ivel: sara
Blast-Off, Corgi!: or any of the sarahkin :U
Jumpropeman: the classic arrangement
Jumpropeman: name her Stuffing
ivel: ^
Blast-Off, Corgi!: won't fit :U
Blast-Off, Corgi!: 6 char limit i think?
ivel: that second one is what I thought Bree
Jumpropeman: Stuffy
Gooper Blooper: Sara
Jumpropeman: Puffy
Blast-Off, Corgi!: goopy is cheating
Jumpropeman: Fluffy
ivel: I said that too :I
Jumpropeman: Muffin
Jumpropeman: Uncle Greg
Draco: Gloria
Blast-Off, Corgi!: for the record, the other names will be Duer for the Warrior, Oboro/Kazuki for the Thief, and Dia for the Black Mage
Draco: Shaggy
Jumpropeman: not big surprise :V
Blast-Off, Corgi!: were you expecting
Blast-Off, Corgi!: anything less


30 Minutes to Meennight: I've got the solution to my self esteem on lock
30 Minutes to Meennight: Shrink inside myself
30 Minutes to Meennight: Until the self worth bottoms out, overflows, and I become the happiest guy in the world
30 Minutes to Meennight: Like Gandhi and nukes except with self esteem
ivel: you're a wonderful dude Spy
30 Minutes to Meennight: No! You fool!
30 Minutes to Meennight: You're undoing all my progress!
30 Minutes to Meennight withers away


Jumpropeman: Jury Duty was pretty fun! I didn't get picked for a case though
Jumpropeman: there was a chick who saw me playing my 3DS as I waited to get called, so she pulled out Mario and Sonic Olympic Games and we played that, we watched That 70s Show, we fed some pigeons who flew up onto our hands, and I bought a fidget spinner that lights up. You know, typical jury duty stuff
Phone: So you won't be called out again for this round, then?
Jumpropeman: I've got at least three years before I have to do another jury duty, although they can call me again and I can do it if I want, I don't HAVE to do it since I showed up
Jumpropeman: I did get called for a panel
Jumpropeman: but the lawyers were asking us questions to help pick us, and one asked "Have you ever been accused of something you didn't do?" and I thought, Well, everyone has been of course, we were all kids once! But I was one of like six people who said they had been, and I bet that colored their perception of me
Jumpropeman: also I was yawning a lot, maybe that hurt my chances too :V
Jumpropeman: funnily enough, the girl who I was hanging out with, we just randomly ended up talking to each other, but out of 300 some people, we got called to the same panel, I was number 7 and she was number 8. She was picked for the jury though :V
Phone: Weirdly enough, telling them unprompted that you're a firm believer in the guillotine tends to get you rejected, I have learned.
Jumpropeman: they don't really let you bring up your own thoughts, but they certainly give you a lot of questions that you can answer easily to get out of it. A lot of "do you think you could judge a case fairly if ______"
Jumpropeman: main takeaway is, if you get called for jury duty, it's basically adult play time until they need to call some people for a prospective panel. Maybe that's just because we're in a big busy city though
Phone: Nope. There's a reason it's called recess. 8b
Phone: Granted, the children's playtime is named after the adult legal break or suspension, but it has secretly always been adult playtime.
Phone: Or at least get that murder off your mind time.


Yarr: Okay
Yarr: I'm here to drop hot truth on you all
Yarr: Doom is the Citizen Kane of video games
Yarr: Shit story, but technically groundbreaking and paved the way for an entire industry
Yarr: Except Doom isn't better because it got a remake/sequel that was a metacommentary on itself
SteelKomodo: welp
MobileDrac: People don't try to watch Citizen Kane on printer displays either.


Blast-Off, Corgi!: mabi status: Dia running through a desert ruin to murder beetles
Blast-Off, Corgi!: looking absolutely stylish while doing so


Jumpropeman: >DMG playing Faerie Solitaire
Jumpropeman: gooooooood
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha JRM saw that
ivel: Faerie Solitaire is fun
DMG: it is


Big Squids for Big Kids asked Chatzy to choose between vince gets some clown care and holy shit are you an idiot. Chatzy chose: holy shit are you an idiot
Big Squids for Big Kids: thanks for talking sense into me, chatzy algorithm
Draco: Vince goes and gets some lickens. :p
Big Squids for Big Kids: i just googled what lickens is
Big Squids for Big Kids: and now i regret things
Draco: I'm keeping myself blissfully unaware.
Big Squids for Big Kids: im still unsure myself


Draco: Hi Jumpropeman. Welcome to the chat. We like pornography.
Bree: ...what?
DMG: do you not?
Jumpropeman: "You've got to be pulling my penis!"
Jumpropeman: clearly you all do :V


Mental Sheep joined the chat
Spy Breathes: IT'S SHEEP
Mental Sheep: Where?!


(Harpy is playing Miitopia)

Blast-Off, Corgi!: >"it looks like gooper wants bread vestments"
Blast-Off, Corgi!: oh god
Blast-Off, Corgi!: game
Blast-Off, Corgi!: are you trying to make me make the joke
Bree: because the vestments were a loaf of bread
Blast-Off, Corgi!: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFUCK
Blast-Off, Corgi!: fuckin bread tho
Blast-Off, Corgi!: >gooper came back with MP candy
Blast-Off, Corgi!: well at least you'll give me the leftover money back
Blast-Off, Corgi!: NOT THIS TIME
Bree: came back with candy? authentic goop portrayal here
Draco: Dang, Gooper. Why you taking all of Harpy's bread? D:
Gooper Blooper: FOOD
Blast-Off, Corgi!: >ask goops to get the bread vestiments, still gets candy
Blast-Off, Corgi!: she saw the deals
Blast-Off, Corgi!: (the reason i'm calling goops a she here is cuz his avatar that he provided is a tiny girl)
Gooper Blooper: I wanted bread... until I saw the candy
Gooper Blooper: I'm one of the only people I know who didn't want their Mii to actually resemble myself
Blast-Off, Corgi!: you'd confuse 2011 me further
Blast-Off, Corgi!: "she's a he? OR IS HE TRULY A SHE? *points at Mii* "
Draco: "Goops is a Goops."
Blast-Off, Corgi!: finally
Blast-Off, Corgi!: goops brought back the bread
Blast-Off, Corgi!: she is now the bread and butter of our team
Gooper Blooper: they ran out of candy
Blast-Off, Corgi!: toasty
Gooper Blooper: BREAD
Draco: The armor was a loaf of bread.
Blast-Off, Corgi!: oh god theres even sesame seeds on top
Blast-Off, Corgi!: oh my god
Blast-Off, Corgi!: ...
Blast-Off, Corgi!: um.
Blast-Off, Corgi!: REGRET?
Draco: Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang. Sarah got ripped swinging her hammer!
Blast-Off, Corgi!: goops when saralex is canon
Gooper Blooper: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: also the bread vestments make my girl look like beheeyem
Blast-Off, Corgi!: (unfortunately the princess and that guy was not selected unintentionally- i did that completely on purpose
Blast-Off, Corgi!: i mean
Blast-Off, Corgi!: he is your pogey ;U
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I figured, but it's still beautiful
Gooper Blooper: is it me or does Alex look like he's struggling there
Draco: It's not just you.
Blast-Off, Corgi!: it's not just you


(Barubary makes an appearance)

Jumpropeman: someone call ryuko
Jumpropeman: and then call someone who can actually beat barubary
Gooper Blooper: kek
Draco: *nobody attends plot* *Barubary wins* *never appears in RP again* *too busy winning forever*


Jumpropeman: a touching heart to heart routinely interrupted by obamadon
Jumpropeman: he was the lizard whose tail got torn off




Bree: stupid thought of the day
Bree: I should have izumi visit the arcade at some point
Bree: she would like it
Bree: and the nostalgiakin
Bree: hell they'd probably be her favorite thing on kuwahawi
Bree: highlight of the trip
Bree: izumi is a historian
Bree: been trying to think of a possible way to bring it up because ~character depth~
Bree: she likes books and legends and history and would be super fascinated by literal physical embodiments of nostalgia
Bree: because duuuuude that's so cooooooooooool
Gooper Blooper: a lot of people seem to think they are indeed cool :V
Gooper Blooper: reminder that they were all supposed to just be there for one plot then leave
Bree: meiling thinks they're cool, she'd probably be the one to tell izumi about the nostalgiakin
MobileDrac rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
MobileDrac: Parsee not interested in new fangled nostalgia.
Bree: because izumi is an old person who likes old things so it's right up her alley
Bree: although again she will still punch you if you call her old
MobileDrac: Not many things old next to Izumi.
Bree: izumi talking about the nostalgiakin "they're living history, isn't it amazing!" "you're living history, dear" "I didn't marry you so that I could listen to you sass me for the rest of our lives :I"
MobileDrac: Parsee likes Hong.
Bree: lel


Beautiful Cheetah: i'd throw the cryptid club at this but i'm not sure if I feel up to it
Gooper Blooper: I bet they're in the vicinity even if you don't post
Gooper Blooper: you can tell where they are by the sound of chips being eaten
Beautiful Cheetah: now you've done it
Beautiful Cheetah: you've activated my trap card


Bree: someone should just throw inch over the crowd
Bree: give him a tiny parachute and then just
Bree: chuck
Jumpropeman: if only someone present was good at chucking
MobileDrac: Zeldoten is.
Bree: I bet the chuckster's never chucked a tiny one-inch-tall person before!
Gooper Blooper: Inch soars five miles
Jumpropeman: would that require him to execute the rare one-handed chucking maneuver?
Jumpropeman: spoken of only in hushed tones
DMG: more like the rare two finger chucking maneuver
DMG: he just flicks him across the room
Jumpropeman: they call that maneuver the Chucksticks


Jumpropeman: if Dr. Deer had gone further, Mario was one of the considered foes
Jumpropeman: guy likes his venison
Jumpropeman: in the brawl i mean
Gooper Blooper: I can see that, that would have been a good match
Jumpropeman: but he also likes his venison outside of the brawl
Jumpropeman: *further contorts things until nothing makes sense*


Bree: oh my god I love this better than the hand-over-mouth suggestion
Bree: "shut up and eat chips julie"
Beautiful Cheetah: look, you gotta use what you got
Gooper Blooper: I love how Hannah is finding multiple uses for her chips
Beautiful Cheetah: delicious utz ripple sour cream and onion chips
Jumpropeman: the most powerful weapon
Beautiful Cheetah: her actual psychic power is chip manipulation
Jumpropeman: Sandra, take notes
DMG: post
Gooper Blooper: eventually she'll be in a fight and weaponize them
Beautiful Cheetah: goops
DMG: well, when the chips are down
DMG: anything's a good weapon
Beautiful Cheetah: do you know how tempting that is
Gooper Blooper: tempting like a potato chip
Beautiful Cheetah: i've been feasting on potato chips at work during my break
Beautiful Cheetah: its not exactly healthy, i know
Bree: hannah's ultimate attack is chips and dip
Beautiful Cheetah: hannah's ult is actually just dumping her chips on the ground
Jumpropeman: "You know what they say... you can never eat just one"
Beautiful Cheetah: and crying crocodile tears
Beautiful Cheetah: no, wait, that's more of a julie thing
Bree: made hannah drop her chips = maximum heel heat achieved
Gooper Blooper: there's always more
Beautiful Cheetah: chip wizard
Beautiful Cheetah: a chip off the ol' block


Mortified Sheep: >Not to mention that only proves WHO is the NASCAR racing legend and just that the other ISN'T.
Mortified Sheep: THAT'S HOW WE PROVE IT
Mortified Sheep: A race!
Mortified Sheep: Whoever wins is Mario Andretti
ivel: the race winner is chosen by rolling a d21. The real Mario rolls a 1 and his car fails to start
DMG: a foot race, cars are expensive
DMG: a... BIG foot race
Mortified Sheep: We open it up to everyone and we call it Race Yer Mates
DMG: Don't be silly, Sheep, that would never work
MobileDrac: Written and illustrated by M_Sheep Shyamalan
Mortified Sheep: :I
DMG: and then it turns out that Gooper planned this out, and RYM is actually part of this plot
Gooper Blooper: you got me, the real mario andretti is the mystery racer
DMG: Sorry to ruin the surprise 😐
MobileDrac: Gasp
ivel: well now it's Scooby Dum
Gooper Blooper: this isn't the brawl
Gooper Blooper: a revealed mystery racer will instead be changed to Squiddly Diddly
DMG: I'd be okay with that
Beautiful Cheetah: it was gooper blooper all along
ivel: fair enough Goops
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha look at the episode list
DMG: Booty and the Beast
DMG: Naughty Astronaut
DMG: is this a kids show or a porno?
Gooper Blooper: Foxy Seal
DMG: Squiddly Double Diddly
DMG: One Black Knight
Gooper Blooper: Sea Grunt


Jumpropeman: I'm looking at this website called Marapets, its a Neopets imitator that, while it seems okay as a whole, I'd like to share with you four real Winners from the pet section
Jumpropeman: first we have the Actual My Little Pony, with the beautiful, cute name of Gonk
Gooper Blooper: my little gonky
ivel: Gonk - Pronounced Gonk
ivel: thanks Bulbapedia MaraPets
Jumpropeman: next we have "my eight year old designed this" Kronk the crab monster thing guy
Jumpropeman: our third one is Sonic OC pet, Rofling
Jumpropeman: and to top it all of, my personal favorite: Justin
Jumpropeman: just Justin
Jumpropeman: Justin the beaver
Jumpropeman: sure!
DMG: Justin
Jumpropeman: The "Headless Justin" variant is a particularly good one
Beautiful Cheetah: i like the monster kronk


Shin Deljira: Kesha has released a song about having Godzilla as a boyfriend
Shin Deljira: She doesn't mention the radiation risk but that might be too dark for a light pop song
Manic Sheep: what
Shin Deljira: It's true
Manic Sheep: I do not know know how to react to this
Shin Deljira: Laugh at the mental image of Godzilla eating pizza
Shin Deljira: 🍕
Shin Deljira: DA PIZZ
Manic Sheep: :I
Shin Deljira: Wow I type bad


Bree: ProZD, who is currently playing AA2 on his let's play channel with his friend alex, got a fan question asking him to imagine the worst phoenix wright case ever
Bree: his response: "The worst Phoenix Wright case would be a return to the circus but Larry Butz, Lotta Hart, and Sal Manella are there too, and Moe gets ten times more dialogue. It would take us forever to play it because we would not finish it."
Bree: they're currently playing turnabout big top and they hate it, so :V
Jumpropeman: I like Lotta, even though I do find her annoying sometimes :V
Gooper Blooper: I'm not sure if Goopsmom likes Lotta Hart or if she just likes the ridiculous voice I do when I read her lines
Bree: they are voicing all the characters and had a pretty funny one for lotta
Jumpropeman: you gotta have a crazy voice for lotta


Netcrashed: It seems the kind of prank Lysias would pull.
Netcrashed: I've seen you in stores, sirrah. ;V
Abaddon: yes i would
Netcrashed: Hnehk.


Bree: do you want to know my dumb idea for participating in dracoplot finale
Bree: which I'm not gonna do because headache and also because it's dumb
Jumpropeman: barubary turns out to be amity
Draco: Well, Dracoplot in general has dumb ideas, so it can't be because of that. :V
RubyChao: what is it
Bree: for my "character" to go on the plot
Bree: I was going to send
Bree: all 58 of the SDM fairy maids
RubyChao: oh god
Bree: rolling on one standard 1-21 tractor between all of them
Gooper Blooper: You should absolutely do that at some point for a plot
Gooper Blooper: it sounds amazing
Bree: well I was going to do it for this specifically because clownpiece
Jumpropeman: cirnoplot
Gooper Blooper: You're missing out on the chance of a lifetime not doing Tanned Cirno in Kuwahawi!
Bree: cirnoplot would be a good place to send the fairy maids, yeah :V
Draco: That's what my swarms of badguys do: roll one tractor vs. everyone.
Beautiful Cheetah: welp
Beautiful Cheetah: i have
Beautiful Cheetah: a gang of cats
RubyChao: >not rolling 58 individual tractors and forcing whoever's hosting the plot to do the same
Beautiful Cheetah: and a fairy leading them
Bree: the fairy maids are so derpy mook tier that it takes 58 of them to equal 1 kobber
Beautiful Cheetah: but the cats are actually competent
Beautiful Cheetah: and most of them stayed to watch the ship
Jumpropeman: *rolls 28-32 tractors for the weasels*
Bree: anyway past dracoplot finales have been quite serious and involved a lot of characters getting rekt, so that was the real reason (besides the migraine) that I didn't do it
RubyChao: fair enough
Bree: because it's more of a silly idea and I don't want them to get hurt too badly
Gooper Blooper: That is also very true
Gooper Blooper: This is looking like it's gonna be a pretty brutal finale
Gooper Blooper: look at all those kaiju


Jumpropeman: so ven
Jumpropeman: Zargeesh keeps saying star wars is after his time
Jumpropeman: but star wars is a long time ago
Netcrashed: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, yes.
Netcrashed: He's just from a longer, longer time ago in a galaxy far far away.


Komodo: Resurgence: who remembers Soul Calibur 2?
Komodo: Resurgence: what dickgargling fuckbend decided to make unlocking Lizardman that difficult?!
Cornwind Evil: Someone who hates ring outs, I assume


Meddlesome Sheep: Can't Anime Hard Enough is my new garage band


Bree: flying food truck for hospital staff


Meddlesome Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Meddlesome Sheep: hmm
Meddlesome Sheep: what do I even do with this
Meddlesome Sheep: Welcome back to Sheep complains about every roll


Bree: man it really has been a slow day today, the bar thread hasn't been posted in since I went to bed last night
Jumpropeman: i'll post Keahi doing a dance number to rectify that


Bree: http://imgur.com/gallery/qjdK5
Jumpropeman: im jelly
Gooper Blooper: them store demo kiosks
Gooper Blooper: *Odyssey drooling pixels in the background*


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: >kappaengineer
Bree: we found nitori's tumblr
Gooper Blooper: they drew this


RubyChao: so i'm curious
RubyChao: does anyone have any theories on what's up with ruukoto (besides bree who put in her theory)
Beautiful Cheetah: none
Gooper Blooper: Celestia's dialogue in my next post is basically my theory
Gooper Blooper: which is basically the same as Bree's (but Celestia won't mention Maria because, again, meta)
MobileDrac: The obvious suggestion is Azure Sea did it.
RubyChao: neat
MobileDrac: If it had happened sooner, I'd say it's related to Commander Bradley.
ivel: Zombrad
MobileDrac: Might still be Council related.
Phone: Surely it's Business Chao's vengeful brother, Corporate Chao.
MobileDrac: I doubt it's Gardevoir. Maybe Gallade wanted a battlebot?
Jumpropeman: based on all evidence
Jumpropeman: Sine bought Ruukoto
MobileDrac: My theory will be it's Council related.
Phone: It was Lancer!
Jumpropeman: Ruukoto
Jumpropeman: or RIDLEYKOTO
Gooper Blooper: IT'S PIKACHU
Phone: Orrrr
Phone: It could be
Jumpropeman: legitimately, my hat is in the same ring as bree and goop
Phone: The aggressive roboticist in the room. She's popped up a couple of of times.
Phone: Mostly clubs, though.
Jumpropeman: ruukoto is the Roll to Kiibo's Rock
MobileDrac: Zeldoten stole the robot on commission.


Jumpropeman: I think I found something horrifying
Gooper Blooper: jesus christ how horrifying
Jumpropeman: http://youtube.com/watch?v=fL1GWRCpJaI
MobileDrac: Wow. Yikes.
Jumpropeman: the full movie is on youtube
Jumpropeman: do I dare
MobileDrac: No.
Gooper Blooper: "And the result is shocking."
MobileDrac: Wait, Goops can take over Fite Yer Mates. Go for it, Jrm.
RubyChao: do it jrm
RubyChao: dooooo iiiit

(JRM begins watching Anna and the Moods)

Jumpropeman: for some reason this movie has full narration
Jumpropeman: this might be worse than Ratatoing
MobileDrac: OoO
Gooper Blooper: so clearly it's going to be in your RP

(JRM continues watching)

Jumpropeman: Anna and the Moods won the Edda Award for Best Short Film.
Jumpropeman: the official website for the movie, http://www.annaandthemoods.com/ has been replaced with a healthy eating blog
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure the Edda Award is as prestigious as they come
Gooper Blooper: Ah, one of those domain squatters that makes fakey content
Gooper Blooper: we've come a long way from "what you need, when you need it"
Jumpropeman: im down a rabbit hole
Gooper Blooper: "Follow the famous Maestro covered with his long white beard who will present The Life, The Man, The Discoverers, Explorers, Space, Americas and Our Earth..."

(It concludes)

Jumpropeman: alright, so, Anna and the Moods was just as great as I hoped
Jumpropeman: my favorite part is, her parents sent her to this kid reform place, and Anna realizes she is trying to be fixed... but she thinks that if she plays along with their tests... they won't let her out because that's a lie! She has no basis for this! And she starts sabotaging all the tests!
Jumpropeman: "The Opening movie theme song is not great but still a pretty rockin' tune. The jokes are funny if you are between the ages of 1 and 10. The escaped gorilla subplot was nothing then a filler. The 1 time cast members like Sheriff Buzby,Billy Bob & his Sister were and still are stereotypical "at best" and I use that term loosely. The Boo Brothers were kind-of funny and they do help Shaggy & the Dogs here & there but I still think of them as a cheap 3 stooges knock-off. The Biggest pothole is this film is "Why could'nt Shaggy's uncle just give him the treasure instead of making him find it with all of the clues?" The animation is the best just like in Top Cat And The Beverly Hills Cats. The Movie itself is scary some times but funny most of the times"
Jumpropeman: "My four year old has recently fallen in love with Scooby Doo, and I try to find the oldest ones I can for her to watch. The newer ones have scarier goblins IMO."
Gooper Blooper: I got to the part about the Boo Brothers before realizing JRM was not quoting an Anna and the Moods review
Jumpropeman: i wonder if I can find an Anna and the Moods review
Jumpropeman: CKR and I just watched it together so I've seen it twice already
Jumpropeman: people on rateyourmusic.com have given Anna and the Moods a 4.9/5
Jumpropeman: MintyPepps says: well i mean why not
Jumpropeman: 237 canadian dollars for a physical copy!

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