Saturday, April 14, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 313: Former Tertiary Antagonist

M Sheep: Suddenly, all the dog barking
M Sheep: turned out to be nothing
M Sheep: What a surprise.


Phone: The Big Bar Bawl, where competing' characters compare backstories for the darkest and/or saddest. Winner gets 1 year free therapy and drinks.
Brinehammer: At last, my time has come Again
Gooper Blooper: the triumphant return of Antoinette


Jumpropeman: really powerful knockoff board games
Jumpropeman: plus my favorite star wars film
Gooper Blooper: holds 12 space figures
Typos quietly tapes Babbo from MAR onto the end of JRM's character profiles and returns to Brine's lurk corner


MobileDrac: Hello. I think I've gone insane.
PalaModo: Oh no D:
PalaModo: what is wrong?
MobileDrac: I keep watching awful Globgogabgalab meme videos.
PalaModo: Why do you do this to yourself
MobileDrac: Losing X-Wing last night has left me a bitter self-loathing shell of my former self. Or something.


Nintendy: That is... entirely too much fun to read aloud, Chao.
Gooper Blooper: apocalypse beanie
Draco: I might have one of those somewhere.
M Sheep: Sounds like an article of clothing a universal concept/hipster would wear
RubyChao: i should read about the beanie bubble


M Sheep Looks at Recommended Videos column, somehow certain that he'll see a certain kind of video.
M Sheep nods

Nintendy: Behold the wrath of a thousand people with opinions and time on their hands
Lavish in its glorious decadence
M Sheep: To be fair
M Sheep: Mineta as the seed of original evil sticks out somewhat given the tone of the series
Nintendy: To be fair, I'm lowballing that number quite significantly. =U
M Sheep: To be fair
M Sheep: Fairness is, like, your opinion, maaaan
Nintendy: To be fair and pretty in the springtime,
With the petals fluttering all about~
And the birds all a twitter in the treeptops
Singing without shadow or a doubt!
Dancing down the orchard with a smile
Pleasant face and feature on display
The sun gently mildly is showing
And setting it all bright and gay~
Right up until the dragon burns it all
And bones are left there bleaching
With admirers taken in the blast
Or left to screams and screeching.

M Sheep: To be fair
M Sheep: I think it'd be ironic if we were all made of iron
Nintendy: We are! Very very very partially. =u Not wholly by any stretch. But we are all technically made of iron to an extent.
Nintendy: :B
Gooper Blooper: stay tuned for a carnival attraction all about Brinegirl Wren's inspiration
Gooper Blooper: yes, bring the kids to
Gooper Blooper: the 2B Fair
Nintendy: I laughed. I laughed pretty hard. It startled Panda.
Nintendy: Good on you, Goops.
Gooper Blooper: I needed to get in on this so I thought carefully and there you go
Nintendy briefly considers porting impromptu To Be Fair poem to gallery for the larks
M Sheep: To be fair
M Sheep: that was pretty good
RubyChao: to be fair
RubyChao: no >:(
Nintendy: Oh my
Draco: Yikes. D:
M Sheep: Chao heel turn
Draco: BY GAWD KANG! Chao's turned his back on the Sheepverse!


Jumpropeman: I was looking for lists of all the games released for consoles and finding nice straightforward plaintext lists is harder than expected
Jumpropeman: Copy-pasting the wikipedia list of All NES games requires so much undoing all the extra guff you get with it
Jumpropeman: just thought it would be nifty to add a Progress List to the site (even if it would show how far off the goal is :V)
Jumpropeman: the real barrier to completion: 22 nearly identical Club Football PS2 games where each one is just about one soccer team which is the greediest game design I've ever seen
Jumpropeman: Every other sports game that puts all the teams in one game
Jumpropeman: they spread it out across a bunch of games so you have to buy the single team you decided to back
Gooper Blooper: pffff
RubyChao: damn
Jumpropeman: as far as I can tell each one was full price as well
Jumpropeman: Club Football 2005: Tottenham Hotspur (EU), Club Football 2005: AC Milan (EU), Club Football 2005: Ajax (EU), Club Football 2005: Arsenal (EU, AU), Club Football 2005: Aston Villa FC (EU), Club Football 2005: Birmingham City (EU), Club Football 2005: Celtic FC (EU), Club Football 2005: Chelsea FC (EU), Club Football 2005: FC Barcelona (EU), Club Football 2005: FC Bayern Munich (EU), Club Football 2005: FC Intenazionale (EU), Club Football 2005: Juventus (EU), Club Football 2005: Liverpool FC (EU), Club Football 2005: Manchester United (EU, AU), Club Football 2005: Newcastle United (EU), Club Football 2005: Rangers FC (EU), Club Football 2005: Real Madrid (EU, AU), Club Football 2005: Liverpool (AU), Club Football 2005: Borussia Dortmund (EU), Club Football 2005: FC Bayern Munchen (EU), Club Football 2005: Olympique de Marseille (EU)
Jumpropeman: Club Football: AC Milan (EU), Club Football: Ajax (EU), Club Football: Arsenal (EU, AU), Club Football: Aston Villa (EU), Club Football: Borussia Dortmund (EU), Club Football: Celtic (EU), Club Football: Chelsea (EU), Club Football: FC Barcelona (EU), Club Football: FC Bayern Munich (EU), Club Football: FC Internazionale (EU), Club Football: Hamburger SV (EU), Club Football: Juventus (EU), Club Football: Leeds United (EU), Club Football: Liverpool FC (EU, AU), Club Football: Manchester United (EU, AU), Club Football: Rangers (EU), Club Football: Real Madrid (EU, AU)
Draco: Play them all, review them all in one article.
Jumpropeman: it might fall under the same umbrella as something like Pokemon Sun and Moon
Gooper Blooper: Might nothing, it's obviously the same game
Jumpropeman: or should I say Pokemon Sun (EU) Pokemon Moon (EU) Pokemon Stars (EU) Pokemon Meteor (EU) Pokemon Satellite (EU) Pokemon Mercury (EU) Pokemon Venus (EU) Pokemon Saturn (EU) Pokemon Earth (EU) Pokemon Black Matter (EU) Pokemon Nebula (EU) Pokemon Quasar (EU) Pokemon Neptune (EU) Pokemon Planet (EU) Pokemon Comet (EU) Pokemon Uranus (EU) Pokemon Galaxy (EU) Pokemon Universe (EU) Pokemon Black Hole (EU) Pokemon Supernova (EU) Pokemon White Dwarf (EU) Pokemon Asteroid (EU)
Gooper Blooper: I got it
Gooper Blooper: 800 versions of the next Pokemon game
Gooper Blooper: each version only has one playable Pokemon
RubyChao: you get a different starter - dammit
RubyChao: also what
RubyChao: no Pokemon Jupiter?
Jumpropeman: that will be for the 2005 Nearly Identical Wave of Releases
Draco: Pokemon Earth (EA)
Jumpropeman: a business model so nice they tried it twice


Brinehammer: Beat my buddy 3-0 in magic, kinda feeling like I kicked a downed man.


RubyChao: "tenshi hinanawi - character development"
RubyChao: should i bother watchig this 10 min vid
Jumpropeman: is it that tenshi slapping game


Jumpropeman: Tadaaaaaaaaaaa
Gooper Blooper: haha
Jumpropeman: im part of internet history boys
Gonzales: magic
RubyChao: the internet archive
RubyChao: is one of the few things i''ve donated to
RubyChao: just because i love what they do so much
Jumpropeman: it was actually done by some dude who found me through the Farewell to WiiWare series
Gooper Blooper: >The Internet Archive found you because of Farewell To Wiiware
Gooper Blooper: poetry


RubyChao: hi sheep
Minced Sheep: dfgfsdfwrjiofr
Minced Sheep: Hello
Minced Sheep: Wrjiofr might hack it as an Alruthine name.
Minced Sheep: Just barely
Minced Sheep: A smidge too Nordic-flavored nonsense


Jumpropeman: I was looking at my Steam library and considered playing a game called Vigil: Blood Bitterness. Then... I saw the reviews. If you click to play it it doesn't start, it takes you to the steam page for RIP Trilogy to try and get you to buy that. If you download the demo or are lucky you can play Vigil without buying the trilogy, but then it has humongous compatibility errors and running issues. If you can get it running after all of that... the controls suck and its still got bugs unrelated to getting it running
Jumpropeman: I think this might legitimately be the worst game I own
Patoleter: Nice
Jumpropeman: "It's too indy to understand... This game requires a trick to play cutscenes"
Jumpropeman: >a trick to play cutscenes
Jumpropeman: but it has a metacritic score of 61
Patoleter: Lol
Jumpropeman: Games apparently worse than Vigil according to metacritic: Sonic Forces, Ryse: Son of Rome, Wario: Master of Disguise, Deadpool, Resident Evil 2 on Gamecube, and the biggest upset: Disney's Tarzan Untamed for PS2
Patoleter: Yeah that seems pretty backwards
Jumpropeman: it would not surprise me if critics were sent an actual working copy


Jumpropeman: I've been thinking about it, but I think if I had to pick a favorite kaiju, it's gotta be Grape Ape
Gooper Blooper: A very JRM choice
Draco: My favorite Kaiju is Huge the Cat.


(Re: a Dracoblog)

Jumpropeman: IT'S ZAZZ RIGHT
Jumpropeman: IT'S ALWAYS ZAZZ
Jumpropeman: I can't even abandon thinking it after his master stroke with Zook
Minted Sheep: Zook will be missed
Jumpropeman: I'll be on my death bed, the light fading as I finally see the true face of God... Zazz
Jumpropeman: my last words will be "Damn Draco... the long con..."
Cornwind Easter: "What is a man? A Miserable Pile of Secrets"
Cornwind Easter: Actually Ven the line was "A Miserable LITTLE Pile of Secrets"
Cornwind Easter: So it is AMLPOS.
Jumpropeman: I think you'll find the actual line was "A mopey miniscule heap of susurrus"
Minted Sheep: I believe the line was actually something like "A miserable pile of ZAZZ"
RubyChao: huh, yeah, it was little pile
RubyChao: wonder where it came from, because i remember the other version but maybe that's just osmosis
Jumpropeman: quotations tend to shed and simplify
Minted Sheep: "Yeah."-Abraham Lincoln
Gooper Blooper: "going to bed, nite guys" - Benjamin Franklin
RubyChao: "Farewell, Blooper" - Captain Nemo
Draco: Bye Goops.
Draco: I mean,
Draco: "Bye Goops." - ALBERT EINSTEIN
Jumpropeman: "Good night Gooper, sleep well. Take care. Stay awesome. Kisses" - Darth Vader
Minted Sheep: "The British are coming."-Paul Revere
Draco: Was that Episode 3 or 5 Darth Vader?


Cornwind Easter: Who was that Kobber superfan who entered Fite Rush at the end of last year again?
RubyChao: Kaede
Jumpropeman: do you mean Tomiko?
RubyChao: tokiko, probably
Jumpropeman: touhou girl with wing on head
RubyChao: nerd club fan
Jumpropeman: look
Gooper Blooper: Tokiko is the nerd club fan
RubyChao: look
Jumpropeman: these names
Minted Sheep: listen
Gooper Blooper: Kaede is the general fan
RubyChao: i can memorize touhou names
RubyChao: you can too
Jumpropeman: it's not that she has a hard name to remember
Jumpropeman: it's just the exact same as my girl tomi
Minted Sheep: Even I can remember Toquito
Gooper Blooper: ...oh god
Gooper Blooper: I didn't even realize that until now
Gooper Blooper: Tokiko. Tomiko.
Gooper Blooper: I'm so sorry
Jumpropeman: believe me, I noticed it instantly :V
Gooper Blooper: I'll just have to call her The Youkai Who Read A Book
RubyChao: But Only One
Gooper Blooper: it was a long book
RubyChao: some say
RubyChao: she's still reading that book
Cornwind Easter: It was Sine's old Fate Locus
Cornwind Easter: Which is every book
Jumpropeman: ooooo, uh, goops, that's gonna interfere with my The Youkai Who Fed a Cook character
Gooper Blooper: Looking for the way to Celestia's heart are you
Cornwind Easter: Also my Utsuho childplot
Cornwind Easter: The Youkai who Bred A Rook
Jumpropeman: The Youkai Who's a Fool of a Took
Gooper Blooper: Stay tuned for the anime adaptation of the famous hook-hand maniac urban legend
Gooper Blooper: The Boo Guy Who Shed A Hook
Gooper Blooper: anyway the good news is that Tokiko and Tomiko have COMPLETELY different personalities so that will help with getting the two straight
Draco: The Kappa Who Once Walked By A Library By Mistake
Jumpropeman: I usually call her Tomi and everyone else calls her Tony Kapponi so we're probably good :V
Cornwind Easter: Gloria dragged it in
Draco: Tony isn't her real name? D:
Jumpropeman: her parents weren't prescient enough to predict her new york accent
Minted Sheep: I've always thought of her as "'EEEY I'M WALKIN' 'EEEEERE!"


Bree: saw the trailer for rampage when I went to see black panther
Patoleter: I'd wanna see Pacific rim 2 first tho
PalaModo: it looks like shlocky fun
PalaModo: oh ok
Bree: well you two jerks could watch it together :V nobody wants to go see movies with me
Patoleter: It's true, we could do that
Patoleter: I'd see a movie with you bree
Bree: you're in england
Patoleter: Yes but it's the thought that counts


Jumpropeman: "Game Capture is still in use by: Sticky Notes"
Jumpropeman: ????
Gonzales: wha
Jumpropeman: sticky notes, have you betrayed me
Gooper Blooper: and then JRM accidentally streamed his brawl notes
Jumpropeman: i believe, at the moment, you'd just get my entire 2018 plot instead
Jumpropeman: right now the brawl stuff has a FOLDER
Jumpropeman: ritzy i know


Jumpropeman: found a new wikiwar
Jumpropeman: the war to call characters on the Don Bluth wiki sexy
Jumpropeman: "Ms. Fieldmouse is ostensibly kind, unbearably beautiful, very attractive, insanely sexy and caring"
Jumpropeman: insanely sexy
RubyChao: i'm so horny right now
RubyChao: dammit jrm
Jumpropeman: the most recent edit to the Ms. Fieldmouse page is one of NateDawg's still
Jumpropeman: oh snap! This wiki has one of my favorite fan wiki traits: overly long personality trait lists!
Jumpropeman: "Personality: Very sweet, extremely polite, well-behaved, well-mannered, courteous, respectful, kind, sincere, adorable, gentle, patient, protective, lovable, caring, understanding, sympathetic, sentimental, sensitive, fun-loving, optimistic, rational, wise, adventurous, bold, confident, daring, faint-hearted (briefly), insecure (briefly), humble, modest, innocent, beautiful, lonesome (formerly), imaginative, independent, mature, responsible, amiable, nice, naive, encouraging, dependable, mild-mannered, affectionate, righteous, intelligent, educated, soft-spoken, quick-tempered (briefly), upbeat, even-tempered, assertive, keen, exuberant, relaxed, animal lover"
Jumpropeman: the (formerly)s and (briefly)s really make them delectable
RubyChao: who the fuck is that
Jumpropeman: you weren't able to guess that that was Anne-Marie from All Dogs Go to Heaven? I thought it painted a very clear picture
Jumpropeman: "Trivia
Mrs. Toad is the second Don Bluth anthropomorphic character to have a bosom, the first one is Goldie from Rock-a-Doodle."

Jumpropeman: "Auntie Shrew is the former tertiary antagonist in The Secret of NIMH"
Jumpropeman: being abrasive sets you up as a tertiary antagonist according to this wiki
Jumpropeman: I am scrubbing this wiki
Jumpropeman: partly to see the reaction :V
ivel: jrm
ivel: plz
Jumpropeman: eyyyyy
Jumpropeman: it's a good thing I used Tony Toponi as my comparison for the voice instead of the character I initially though of, Miranda from Full Throttle
Jumpropeman: Miranda is hard to squeeze kappa into
Jumpropeman: Kappanda? Mirappa?
Jumpropeman: sounds like two entirely different things
Bree: kappanda is taken, that's the name for the kasumi/meiling pairing
Jumpropeman: hi bree
Bree: which is dead forever now but you'll have to ply that amazing ship name from my cold corpse fingers
Draco: If you insist. BI
Draco starts digging up Bree's collection of dead people.
ivel: so "Teteragonist" is 4th protagonist
Jumpropeman: I'd say there's hardly any use for the word tritagonist, let alone the nonsense after
Jumpropeman: you're just getting hung up on literal interpretation instead of the meaning of the words
Jumpropeman: a story can, shock of shocks, have multiple protagonists, deuteragonists, antagonists, etc.
Jumpropeman: Batman: Protagonist. Robin, Batgirl: Deutaragonists.
Jumpropeman: Tritagonist: ALFRED
ivel: Teteragonist: Bat-cow
Bree: tetragonist, not teteragonist
ivel: it should be, yes
ivel: but someone typoed on the wiki or just spelled it weird
Jumpropeman: apparently the typo has spread to other wikis
ivel: hm...
ivel: Commissioner Gordon: Deuteragonist?
Jumpropeman: or well, as much a typo of a made up word there can be
Jumpropeman: I think official wording stops at tritagonist
Bree: oh god, when someone makes a typo and then other people adopt it and it overshadows the correct word
Bree: that is the stuff of my nightmares
ivel: mhm
Jumpropeman: well, it would be an uphill battle to remove all the FORMER TERTIARY ANTAGONIST nonsense from this wiki, but I at least made tetragonist into a more correct wrong word
Jumpropeman: some of these pages for the female characters
Jumpropeman: their image galleries are every frame with that character in them
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Draco: Goops, help. I don't understand a thing anyone is saying.
Jumpropeman: take a look at Flo's
Bree: hi goppity von bloppity
RubyChao: hi goops
Jumpropeman: like a flipbook
Gooper Blooper: JRM has uncovered a deep dark place
Gonzales: i read that as "duertagonist"


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: hold up
Jumpropeman: is that just a forklift
Gooper Blooper: It's better than that
Draco: That's Dirtboss, my next Decepticon.
Gooper Blooper: There is a VERY successful robot that competes in various non-TV competitions named Original Sin
Gooper Blooper: It has won oodles of championships and is very durable
Gooper Blooper: But it's just a wedge, so it doesn't qualify for Battlebots
Gooper Blooper: So the builder slapped forklift stuff onto Original Sin and entered it into Battlebots and was accepted
Gooper Blooper: It's the robot equivalent of groucho glasses


Jumpropeman: one thing I thought was interesting
Jumpropeman: I read today about "injectable bandaids" that are basically going to make video game health kits real
Bree: yup!
Gooper Blooper: neat
Bree: I've heard of similar stuff
Draco: :O
Bree: cutting edge (no pun intended) medical technology be cray
Jumpropeman: it's literally billed as being most useful for battlefield wounds, essentially becoming a stimpak for real peoples
Bree: well I mean most of this uber fancy technology is most useful for battlefield wounds because how often does the average person need to patch up serious injuries
Bree: generally, hopefully, not that often
Jumpropeman: "With a gelling agent commonly used in preparing pastries, researchers from the Inspired Nanomaterials and Tissue Engineering Laboratory have successfully fabricated an injectable bandage to stop bleeding and promote wound healing."
Jumpropeman: "commonly used in preparing pastries"
Jumpropeman: I'd like to propose a new doctor for the medical staff who heals by ramming pastries into wounds
Jumpropeman: you don't even get to eat it
Gooper Blooper: So you're saying you want Celestia to get another job
Bree: risk of infection aside, "shove something into the wound" is an effective treatment to stop bleeding
Jumpropeman: just get slathered in cupcakes
Bree: always has been
Jumpropeman: Celestia finally becomes a healer
RubyChao: that's why they say "don't pull out the knife" after all
Draco: Confectioneer Yamame reporting for healing, sir.
Draco: For some reason, feeding MAGIC bon bons isn't curing her, sir.
Bree: the only way to heal MAGIC is putting more robes on her
Bree: the robes are her lifeblood
Bree: each robe is 1 HP
Gooper Blooper: It's like Mimikyu's ability
Gooper Blooper: if you hit her, the robe takes the hit and she loses it but she's fine
Fires in the rain: Why have you replaced this man's endocrine system with bagels and electric wire
O...kay, doktor.


Bree: last night when I said bye to chao in discord I said "night, fucker" and then I went "I bet miu would say that to her friends"
Bree: chao agreed and then I added "but she'd probably follow it with 'hope you dream of my bomb-ass titties, hyahyahyahya!'"
Bree: or something like that
RubyChao: that's what she says to kiibo when he goes to sleep
Bree: yes I made the joke that when she says it to kiibo she's actually genuinely hoping he'll dream of her rack :V
Jumpropeman: sounds about right


Jumpropeman: I got an email through the game hoard today that reads like a disney commercial and its super cute. The title is "Take More than a "Glance" at the past with The 13th Doll"
Jumpropeman: "Earlier this year you took a "Glance at the Past" [1] with The 7th Guest. We are the team behind The 13th Doll, a fully licensed fan game in The 7th Guest universe and we'd like to invite you to check out the official announcement trailer [2] for our game. You may have given The 7th Guest a "good" rating but, we think that ours will easily make a grade of "Great" on your scale."
"We think that the Stauf Mansion deserves more than a "glance" and hope to see you return this Halloween when our game goes live."

RubyChao: oh my
Gonzales: welp
Jumpropeman: they've said they'll likely get me a review copy before its release too! I just think the language is pretty nice
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: #MoreThanAGlance
Gonzales: no halloween fites for you, you must take more than just a glance at THAT GAME THIS HALLOWEEN
Jumpropeman: hopefully A Look is acceptable
Jumpropeman: I'm sure we can still do something for Halloween
Gooper Blooper: A Slightly Awkwardly Long Stare At The Present: The 13th Doll
Jumpropeman: Uncomfortable Eye Contact with Current Affairs
Gooper Blooper: Briskly Walking Away From Ancient History: Yoshi
ivel: Running Away from the Past: Bubsy 3D
Gooper Blooper: Shaking A Fist At From Across The Sea: [insert non-exported game here]


Molting Sheep: YESSS
Molting Sheep: Podcast I''m listening to-because what is doing one thing at a time-brought back a segment I long thought dead
Molting Sheep: It's time
Molting Sheep: for Haunted Doll Watch
Draco: Awesome. How many Haunted Dolls are they up to? :D
Jumpropeman: would that haunted doll
Jumpropeman: happen to be the 13th one?
Draco: No, it's the 7th Guest.
Gooper Blooper: the 13th doll opens its mouth
Gooper Blooper: "take more than a glance"
Molting Sheep: I listened to this a LOT while writing a piece about the eBay's haunted doll market
Molting Sheep: Haunted dolls have their own filter
Jumpropeman: they drink all your pepsi and call you a bitch too
Molting Sheep: Today's haunted doll is "Punkin Leah"
Draco: Haunted Doll Jumpropeman sits there doing nothing, just like the real Jumpropeman. BI
Draco: Haunted Doll Tut-Tut is a roll of Toilet Paper.
Jumpropeman: *does not reply, for that would constitute doing something*
Draco: Not you, JRM, the REAL Jumpropeman.
Draco points to Ven holding a dinner bell.
Jumpropeman: damn, he's got the act down pat D:
Oyo fires Dinner Bell at deathclaw and scuttles back to cover


Jumpropeman: the internet has dissolved most discussion to one extreme or the other. If you like something a little, you are forced to either concede to the critics or ardently defend it, removing subtlety from the affair
Draco: I live at 123 Spy's House, Spyville, Spyowa


Brinehammer: Cutest little war crime.


M Sheep (Molting Sheep) joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
M Sheep: Hello
Gonzales: hi sheep
M Sheep: It is, in fact, I
Jumpropeman: that's exactly something the real sheep would say
Jumpropeman: I have no doubts of your authenticity
Jumpropeman: (ivel, set phasers to kill just in case...)
RubyChao: hi jumpropesheep
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
M Sheep: Well, you know what I always say: "I am not an impostor."
ivel accidentally shoots the phaser
M Sheep: My constant and much beloved catchphrase!
M Sheep: always
M Sheep: always saying that
M Sheep: all the time
M Sheep: yea
Jumpropeman: D: I had thought sheep the imposter, but it was truly ivel the whole time
Jumpropeman: the REAL ivel would have shot HIMSELF
Jumpropeman: just to prove how real he is
ivel: then who did I shoot?
ivel: surely it hit SOMEONE
M Sheep: It must have somehow missed all of us
M Sheep nudges feet back under rug
M Sheep: truly miraculous


Bree: is ven stuck in review mode
Bree: did he drown in backlogs
Jumpropeman: he might be writing an essay on a small line said earlier
RubyChao: writing a self-introduction clearly
Jumpropeman: It all began in 1991 when he was born in a Nebraskan hospital...


Jumpropeman: I just saw the best ad and I'm sad I didn't screenshot it
ivel: what was it for
Jumpropeman: some iPad "hidden object" game but it was "find 5 hidden dogs" and there were just 5 huge obvious chihuahuas on screen
ivel: welp


Gonzales: i should be set to finish Disgaea 2
Gonzales: i'm wondering if I could do the final boss in Land of Carnage to give myself an actual challenge
Gooper Blooper: Would that still function as the story boss, with cutscenes and everything?
Gonzales: i would kinda hope so
Gonzales: but i haven't unlocked LoC yet
Gonzales: and i need to test it first
Gooper Blooper: You could always avoid using your best characters at first
Gonzales: that's the plan
Gonzales: i'm grinding up the B-team
Gooper Blooper: then if the boss gets the upper hand smash the panic button and send out Gonzy and MAGIC
Gonzales: which includes Adell, Rozzy, Satoshi, I GUESS ECLAIR
Gonzales: and best girl Flonne
MobileDrac: You mean Best Girl Eclair. BI
Gonzales: forgive me for i have sinned


Gooper Blooper: Honestly I thought Sheep would love him
Gooper Blooper: is he not horrifying enough for you?
M Sheep: the combination of the voice and music really grates my nerves
M Sheep: If not for the song, who knows, we could have been good friends


Jumpropeman: *starts playing a game called Datura*
Jumpropeman: hooooo doggy I might not be in the right mindset for this mess
Jumpropeman: right off the bat you take control of yourself as you gently caress your hairy chest with a disembodied hand
Jumpropeman: maybe some day soon Datura, but it's not disaster time right now


Yijun: lofdjslkjasd
Yijun: hi
Gooper Blooper: ounvoncvds
Gooper Blooper: hi
Jumpropeman: tonight, the role of M Sheep shall be played by Harpy
Jumpropeman: and gooper
Jumpropeman: akjgajgoiajegoadk
Jumpropeman: and me
ivel: vafdbsdbawersfdvfstrn
Jumpropeman: the only person who isn't M Sheep tonight is M Sheep
Dinner Dismay Mewls: Tonight is the night that they unveil themselves as Alruthine Sheep cultists, Brine. Prepare the net.
Draco changed name to D_Raco


(Re: Fire Emblem Heroes)

D_Raco: So I guess they had to say in one of the Japanese announcements that, yes, they were doing more units from Thracia instead of just pumping out more Fates and alts.
D_Raco: Or else a lot of players would leave.
Phone: Mmn. More Thracia and Jugdral characters. Guess I'll leave. Shirs are overpowered and they haven't even bothered translating those games.
Phone: Shots. Shits, as much as the phone appears to be determined to keep me from cussing.
Phone: Ya know how few Magvel bros we got? Name ten. I'll wait
Jumpropeman: YOU'RE ON
Jumpropeman: Gino, Phoenix, Deekin... Magvel is just ivel's street name, right?
Jumpropeman: it's what kids use when they don't want the cops to know they're reading his RP
Phone: Ivel is indeed secretly a Fire Emblem continent. Harps didn't want you to know Hansel/Dakota was based on real events.
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: ivel is the coolest continent I know
Jumpropeman: even cooler than Antarctica 🆒
Jumpropeman: *isn't just buttering up ivel in the hopes of getting free real estate on his body*
D_Raco: GASP
Jumpropeman: *but I mean, if he offers, I ain't saying no!*
ivel: Harps has dibs on my body, sorry
Jumpropeman: monopolist! MONOPOLIST!
Jumpropeman: IS THAT SO WRONG
Jumpropeman: IT'S MY DUTY AS A TEXAN!
ivel: Harps has dibs on drilling too
Jumpropeman: heyooooooooooo
Phone: Landmasses are a'right, but I'm telling ya, the ocean's where it's at. Dat Body (of water)
Phone: Dar be much booty to be found on tha bounding main


MobileDrac: Did someone lose a squirrel? There's one just running around the parking lot here.
Jumpropeman: Cauren's escaped retirement D: put her down before it's too late!


ivel: ...
ivel: jrm
ivel: I found your secret project
Jumpropeman: holy toledo
ivel: there's a second one and a remastered version of the first one too
Jumpropeman: clearly that's this year's brawl theme
Jumpropeman: there seems to be a Golden Mac Tonight
RubyChao: that's his super form
RubyChao: as powerful as Golden Frieza
Jumpropeman: even if you get wikishrink on this image
Jumpropeman: remember: that means there is a five nights at mac tonight wiki
MobileDrac: *Golden Kuriza
Jumpropeman: "The Mac Room is the location where Mac Tonight, which it is aswell the main room of Floor 2. "
Jumpropeman: not the best maintained wiki, but a wiki nonetheless


M Sheep joined the chat
M Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hello Two Sheeps
Jumpropeman: Twin Sheeps
Jumpropeman: it's like Twin Peaks but with a barnyard instead
M Sheep: Internet's having a bit of a hiccup
Jumpropeman: take a glass of water, place two chopsticks perpendicular over the top of it, and have your computer drink from each of the four segments without knocking the chopsticks off the glass. That should clear the hiccups up no sweat


Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: Doki!
RubyChao: but just one doki.
Jumpropeman: that's my favorite aweasome passportout game!
Oversleep: Not doki doki. Don't panic.
Draco: But it's THE literature club, Chao.
Oversleep: Nah. The literature club is the stick Patchy hits people with. =u It has ten thousand books within the staff's capacity for when she's too lazy to turn a page.
Gooper Blooper:
Oversleep: Hhehhehhhh
Draco: I swear, I'd LOVE to visit one of these knock off restaurants someday.
Jumpropeman: I'd be hesitant to try the food though
Jumpropeman: I'd be hesitant to try the food though
Jumpropeman: I'd be hesitant to try the food though
Jumpropeman: I'd be hesitant to try the food though
Jumpropeman: I'd be hesitant to try the food though
Jumpropeman: reaaaaaally hesitant
Draco: REALLY hesitant.
Jumpropeman: like you wouldn't believe hesitant
Gooper Blooper: jumpropeman's kitchen nightmares
Gooper Blooper: it's raw
Draco: ...did I get that right?


Jumpropeman: the real question for tonight is whether or not to start mass effect 2
Jumpropeman: surely everyone is more eager to hear my thoughts on Pressure Cooker for Atari?
Jumpropeman: anyone? anyone? Pressure Cooker? anyone?
Jumpropeman: anyone? anyone? Pressure Cooker? anyone?
Jumpropeman: anyone? anyone? Pressure Cooker? anyone?
Jumpropeman: anyone? anyone? Pressure Cooker? anyone?
Yijun: please
Jumpropeman: i somehow knew that one would repeat and it's half why I did it
Jumpropeman: thank you internet
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: ANYONE AT ALL?
Jumpropeman: PLEASE
Gooper Blooper: BUELLER?
ivel: I would've been interested, but those repeats sounded far too desperate BI
Oversleep: Calling out into the crowd in desperate hopes of recognition, JRM throws his pressure cooker adventures to the winds of chance, begging ill tempered fortune for a favorable reply...
Jumpropeman: I'm just jonesing for some Pressure Cooker
Oversleep: But


Jumpropeman: I don't mind collecting bear asses sometimes, just as long as I'm guaranteed to get some ass
Jumpropeman: that's also my approach to dating


Jumpropeman: the latest from messed up children's song world
Jumpropeman: Piggie on the railway lines, Picking up stones.
Down came the engine And broke piggie’s bones.
Aah! Cried the little piggie That’s not fair.
Oh! Cried the engine driver I don’t care!

Jumpropeman: a harsh lesson on hit and runs for the little tykes
Adult Cyborg Ninja Human: wtf
Adult Cyborg Ninja Human: what the fuck
SteelKomodo: i swear ive heard that one before
SteelKomodo: like, i might have read it in a book when i was a very wee lad


RubyChao: "A young pizza delivery boy, a middle-aged werewolf, a six-thousand-year-old demon, and the severed head of a gargoyle face the forces of evil which threaten mankind." so... a kobber plot
Gooper Blooper: sounds about right
Jumpropeman: "The main character, Regret, is controlled through use of an on-screen d-pad, which is located in the lower left corner of the screen."
Jumpropeman: I love that there is a character named regret
Jumpropeman: Reject's cousin
Jumpropeman: Reject's cousin
RubyChao: Reject's cousin
Gooper Blooper: only one problem
Gooper Blooper: they told us how old everyone else is
Gooper Blooper: don't keep us in the dark about the gargoyle head's age, gameJumpropeman: maybe the twist is the head is a baby
Crunch: Do we count the total age of the gargoyle or only for how long it's been a severed head?
Jumpropeman: well, we could do a test run with a human
Gooper Blooper: Maybe that depends on whether we phrase it, for instance, "the young severed head of a gargoyle" or "the severed head of a young gargoyle"


RubyChao: "I am still not sure about this crazy experience! I’m going to my childhood home in Hartford Connecticut to forget about it." wonderful conclusion to a story
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me of when people doing public speaking of some kind namedrop a location for cheap applause
Jumpropeman: It's wonderful to be here today in King of Beasts Casual Chat!
Jumpropeman: Go Kobbers!
Jumpropeman: You're a much better audience than [rival chatroom]
Gooper Blooper: Taylor Swift Chat
Draco: Ayy! (>^_^)>
Jumpropeman: hey, I'm going for cheap appeals here, not outright lies
RubyChao: "I tried to eject the tape, pressed the stop button, pressed the rewind button, but nothing worked, so I decided to wait for the tape to rewind itself, but when it did, the tape was gone, not the VCR, Not in the box, nowhere. No wonder they call it the Digimon Unseen Episode, because it can't be unseen."
Jumpropeman: CLEVER
RubyChao: "In either version, get a 100% completion rate. Select Tag Four Characters Mode and play as Tails Doll on Resort Island. Tag all four, but save Super Sonic for last. This allows the Tails Doll to break the protective seal placed on the game by Shigeru Miyamoto and enter the real world."
Gooper Blooper: seems legit
RubyChao: jrm you play bad games
RubyChao: give it a try
M Sheep: That escalated quickly
Jumpropeman: >Miyamoto
Jumpropeman: is this Sonic Gems or something
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: didn't you hear the tale of miyamoto banishing tails doll into his prison


Phone: Huh. There is a lewd I did not think I'd hear today. Someone commissioned CottonCandy to knit a boob scarf. A scarf of plushy fabric boob.
RubyChao: ...huh
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: is it a scarf for boobs
Jumpropeman: a scarf made to resemble boobs
Jumpropeman: or a scarf made from boobs
RubyChao: i feel like "plushy fabric" rules out #3
Jumpropeman: but that was the best option :I
Draco: All of JRM's scarves are made of boobs.
Phone: The second, but I imagine it could be used for the first. She's married and small, so likely not tres.
Jumpropeman: I never said they have to be HER boobs
Jumpropeman: GOSH
Jumpropeman: besides, full neck coverage requires at least four

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