Sunday, April 8, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 312: I Despise Wednesdays

Cornwind Evil: There was some point I wanted to raise to Sheep
Cornwind Evil: But I forgot
Draco: Was it your memory issues?
RubyChao: here's a point
RubyChao stabs Sheep to death
Draco: 😱
Cornwind Evil: Well Chao now you have to be prime sufferer of bad comics
Draco: But who will RP Junko now?
Gooper Blooper: I will
Draco: Awesome! :3
M Sheep: I guess I really got
M Sheep: the point
M Sheep: haha
Cornwind Evil: Knife pun, Sheep
M Sheep coughs
M Sheep: ...ha
Draco: You're a sharp one, Cornwind.
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna have to cut these puns short
Draco: No need to be on edge, JRM.


Jumpropeman: ...why is the background touhou
M Sheep: They've finally taken over
M Sheep: my god
Jumpropeman: cirno looks displeased by my top game choice
M Sheep: We should have known a company of hat lovers would buckle to them


Jumpropeman: hey sheep
Jumpropeman: Metal Gear Survive comes out tomorrow
N Goat: Jrm, there is such a thing as tact
N Goat lies down
N Goat sinks through the floor and into the basement
N Goat keeps sinking
N Goat: busts through the crust
N Goat skedaddles past the mantle
N Goat bores through the core

N Goat collapses in on self under the weight of despair and creating a gravity well that forms a supermassive black hole event
N Goat via subjecting this space to effects cause the breakdown of various rules of physics, a wormhole is formed

N Goat popping Sheep into a dimension where Metal Gear Survive does not exist
N Goat however, popped into existence in a javelina pen
N Goat startling said javelinas
N Goat and is mauled to death

N Goat: On the one hand, it sucks that a game a team of people put time and effort into looks like it may not come out great
N Goat: but there is a part, in the deepest, darkest, Persona-esque Shadow part of my heart and soul that hopes this game bombs so badly their pachinko feels it


Bree: found my headset!!!
Bree: get this, guys
Bree: do you know where I found it?
Draco: Cat box
Bree: I searched the whole room yesterday and I couldn't figure out where it was... I found the box it came in, but not the headset itself...
Jumpropeman: under the p4
Bree: and today I checked...
Bree: he put it in the box
Jumpropeman: =o
Bree: what an ingenious hiding strategy
Draco: Brilliant!


Jumpropeman: "All I have to do is collect homework and I'll pass the test!" *a few text boxes later* "Oh no! I lost my homework! I'll have to go collect it all!" I think this game messed up the order of these statements
Draco: This isn't Bart's Nightmare, is it?
Jumpropeman: nah, a Yu Yu Hakusho game
Draco: Ah.
Jumpropeman: *punches a nerd* *the nerd explodes*
Gooper Blooper: JRM did you just kill sumireko
RubyChao: HE DID
Jumpropeman: Sakamato, Sumireko, who's keeping track of such minor details
Draco: I said SHIMMER, not SUMI.
Draco: I mean, um, nooooooooooo.
N Goat: #SumiDidEverythingWrong
Jumpropeman: in this game, Koenma said to stop calling him a toddler before anyone ever called him a toddler
ivel: he knew
Jumpropeman: we were all thinking it
Gooper Blooper: he was getting it out of the way early


Bree: well, yes, the patient bleeding too much is a very common issue of surgeries in general
Bree: but this one in particular could cause major hemorrhaging if botched (or even when done correctly, sometimes)
Bree: because... I mean... icepick.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Bree: what a great time for goops to come in
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Bree: I was just about to shut up about horrifying medical procedures, I swear


Bree: I don't think chao RPing three V3 characters is going to involve much in the way of spoilers, especially since ZFRP canon is the killing games never happened
Bree: but there might be some minor stuff, time events spoilers?
N Goat: canon that they haven't happened
N Goat: YET
N Goat: upupupupu
Bree: canon that they aren't happening ever because there is no maniacal despair cult
Bree: and also because nobody wants that in ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: the only killing game round these parts is a little thing I like to call the titanic tavern tussle
Bree: haw
N Goat: R-right
N Goat: Nobody
N Goat: uh
N Goat: nobody would want
N Goat: that
Jumpropeman: we only like our cute character killings when a ghost in a hat arranges them


ivel: "The FSX: Steam Edition community is a very welcoming and active group of simmers."
ivel: I the only one reading that as sinners at first
Gooper Blooper: no
ivel: good


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: so very wide
Jumpropeman: it's like a more verbose thicc
Gooper Blooper: saved
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: surprised you haven't used that face more


N Goat: These fast technicolor animal games sure got dark


Cornwind Evil: I did this tiny little side thing
Cornwind Evil: Now that's some good bad comics
Gooper Blooper: I can tell just by looking at it - that looks just like the old stuff Stupid Comics reviews
RubyChao: it's by the same guy as some of them
Jumpropeman: Final Boss 2019
Jumpropeman: could literally be a villain plot on the island :V
Gooper Blooper: that pout
RubyChao: i like how he's going for broke
RubyChao: not the animals that hurt him
RubyChao: not the jungle in general
RubyChao: going right to the top of EVERY living creature
Jumpropeman: I feel like a tidal wave isn't the best way of doing it either
Cornwind Evil: I wonder what would have happened if someone had brought up what was he going to do in regards to fish
Jumpropeman: how will you get the creatures safely sequestered in colorado
Gooper Blooper: The tidal wave will shove all the freshwater fish into saltwater and the saltwater fish into freshwater
Gooper Blooper: dunno what he'll do about the bull sharks though
Jumpropeman: two giant watery hands meticulously sorting the fish
Jumpropeman: wait, i got it
Jumpropeman: the tidal wave launches the fish into Colorado like a catapult
Jumpropeman: burying those creatures and suffocating the others
Jumpropeman: *stamps Mythbusters PLAUSIBLE on the comic*


iKomodo: Okay I think I might as well address the elephant in the room
iKomodo: Night Rogue does say here that he's killed Kobbers before, so it's possible that at least one alt universe version of someone from your roster might be dead
RubyChao: i'm cool with that
iKomodo: but I would never outright say so without people's permission
iKomodo: so if you're not okay with it, just assume he didn't get around to your lot
iKomodo: if you are, feel free to discuss it with me
iKomodo: And we can figure out whom got bumped off, if at all
RubyChao: sounds good to me
Another Day Another Del: rip piggy tyro
Another Day Another Del: casualty of the rider war
Another Day Another Del: died a hero


B.C.: chao
B.C.: check out hell
B.C.: ...
B.C.: thanks phone
RubyChao: Hell
B.C.: mt
RubyChao: ok
B.C.: okuu is there
RubyChao: okuu!
B.C.: anyway theres an etsy named Jelly Momo
B.C.: they have super cute ronpa keychains
B.C.: including ibuki!
B.C.: i commissioned the artist behind them for a renais pic that they’re mailing
B.C.: so Aaaaaaaa
Gooper Blooper: >check out hell
Gooper Blooper: WELCOME HELL
B.C.: ”hey look a reimu figure”
B.C.: >hundreds of dolkars
B.C.: oops


RubyChao: ven look
Wyuoiea: The Egg of the King is not the Aurora Borealis, Skinner. :o That is... a significantly worse event happening in your kitchen.
RubyChao: "SEYMOUR! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" "No, mother, it's just the apocalypse."
Wyuoiea: Haaa


M Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: hi sheep
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
M Sheep: Hello
Jumpropeman: we were waiting for you
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep shuts door
Jumpropeman: :'(
M Sheep locks door
M Sheep slides chain across

Jumpropeman: :''''(
M Sheep inputs combination into keypad to engage electronic lock
M Sheep angles chair under doorknob

M Sheep: Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask, does anybody have anything to say as to how/good bad the game Stellaris is?
Jumpropeman: Hey neighbor! Just poking my head in through the window to say hello!
Cornwind Evil: Hi Sheep, we're already in the room
Cornwind Evil: Plus you forgot that window
Jumpropeman: del and bree could probably gush about it at length
Cornwind Evil: Also there's a rather large hole in the wall
Jumpropeman: or rather, as is del's way, he'd say it sucks and he hates it, which means it's really good
M Sheep: Jrm:
Jumpropeman: HEY VERN


Jumpropeman: for a game with nothing else sexually charged, this lady's chestplate seems a bit ridiculous
Gooper Blooper: wait a minute
Gooper Blooper: ?????
Gooper Blooper: I like how you keep reviewing games I remember seeing a thousand years ago when I subscribed to EGM
Jumpropeman: at one point, I just added a bunch of them to my gamefly queue


(FV lucks out with the Fire Emblem Heroes character lotto) 

Ficticious Franchises: Holyshitu
RNGod has ... seen fit to smile on me instead of the usual blood, piss, and tears. Double golden Hector and a gold Lucina all in the same draw. I... I don't even- I've never been that lucky in the entirety of playing the game.
Ficticious Franchises: And they were ones I actually wanted too.
Ficticious Franchises lays down to wonder if he's dying tomorrow in exchange or something
RubyChao: perhaps you were saving up all your luck for now, instead
Ficticious Franchises: I can hope. Yay anyway!


Another Day Another Del: behold
Another Day Another Del: my brave men beat an elephant to death
Jumpropeman: take that Hannibal
Jumpropeman: My thought when the link was first posted: Is this written by Del or is he just linking a cool battle- "I play Age of Sigmar because I am an idiot who does stupid things." Yeah it's del :V
Another Day Another Del: i mean
Another Day Another Del: who else would be so honest
Another Day Another Del: :V


ivel: jrm
ivel: yesterday
ivel: I tried
ivel: ...Knack
Jumpropeman: now you know
Jumpropeman: that he is the boy
B.C.: Did u die
ivel: several times
B.C.: the true knack experience


Gooper Blooper: >a steam popup saying Harpy is playing 100% orange juice is rapidly followed by another popup saying Ivel is playing it too
Gooper Blooper: ah, date night
Renais: "i'm banning red bean paste if i'm sweet king"
Renais: i love tomomo's redesign, give me a second
Renais: uh
Renais: this isn't
Renais: what i expected
Gooper Blooper: draw me like one of your orange juices
Renais: that's her casual outfit
Renais: she's so lazy
Renais: i love her
Renais: GODLIKE i mean uh


RubyChao: while i was out and about earlier
RubyChao: i saw a store called Venfield
RubyChao: and yes, i thought of our ven as garfield
Jumpropeman: "I hate Wednesdays... Wednesdays are typically the day of comic book releases"
Phone: Hnehk
RubyChao: >i hate wednesdays
RubyChao: no, no
RubyChao: "I despise Wednesdays."
RubyChao: much more ven


Cornwind Evil: "The final season of Babar was an unusual case, as it aired nine years after the previous season ended. It dropped the previous setting and instead focused on the cast travelling around the world in a balloon."
Cornwind Evil: And here is his balloon
Gooper Blooper laughs uproariously


N Goat: Goopsblog: "The main reason I did this twist was because people generally expect my cute girl characters to be... well, cute girls. Making one of my cute girls into a raging, insane psycho was the best way to subvert that."
N Goat: And I loved it.
N Goat: I-
N Goat spit takes
N Goat: Sonuva-Elton John's on The Late Late Show to plug Sherlock Gnomes
Jumpropeman: yessssssssss
N Goat: :I


ivel: "There's useless... and then there's Hercule."
ivel: WOW RUDE


Jumpropeman: this chatzy madness is making me miss sunwoop
RubyChao: bring him back for Jester Chao Plot
RubyChao: whenever that happens
Jumpropeman: ZFRP III: The Search for Sunwoop
Jumpropeman: holy
Jumpropeman: holy shit you guys
Jumpropeman: accidentally googled Sunwoop when I wanted to make sure my Search for Spock reference was right
Jumpropeman: I found a story called "Timid" by Sunwoop that has so many flags for offensive content
Gooper Blooper: he's real
Jumpropeman: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Bullying, Manipulation
Gooper Blooper: Jester Chao didn't kill him, he banished him to our reality
ivel: OH GOD NO
Jumpropeman: don't go reading it


Cornwind Evil: The best thing about Batman Forever the SNES/Genesis game was the commercial
Gooper Blooper: "This one really screams 1995."
Gooper Blooper clicks eagerly

Gooper Blooper: I'm glad it got a game gear release
Cornwind Evil: Also, the final boss of the game uses an idea from an older script where for some reason the Riddler shows up in the end in a giant fake body with a white outfit
Cornwind Evil: Which he then splits open to reveal his traditional green outfit
Cornwind Evil: Evidentally the makers decided this was dumb and just merged the concepts, giving him this rather cool outfit and look.
Draco: 11 year-old me could not get past the first level of that game.
Draco: Batman's legendary groin kick attack.
Draco: And wow, that game had awful hit boxes.
Gooper Blooper: it's beautiful
Gooper Blooper: mortal kombat mythologies: batman


Bree: goop isn't here but he'll see this in review mode so this is for him
Jumpropeman: *puts it on the fridge*
Bree: wids has lots of art like this on her fridge


Jumpropeman: just heard homophobia referred to as "gaycism"
Bree: pls


RubyChao: "Sometimes your Furby dances and then dies. No one knows why this happen."
Brinehammer: To lull you into a false sense of security.
B.C.: Furby final boss
Draco: When a Furby knows his time has come, he accepts his fate with a jig.


Jumpropeman: think I just saw living june bugs for the first time
Jumpropeman: although I think they're also dying so
Gooper Blooper: >june bugs dying in March
Gooper Blooper: I have so many questions


Jumpropeman: sometimes I wonder if I'm too stingy in not handing out the Fantastic rating
RubyChao: i don't thnk you are
RubyChao: fantastic implies Best OF The Best
Gooper Blooper: I like that the Fantastic is kept in reserve for stuff that goes above and beyond
Gooper Blooper: makes them feel special
Jumpropeman: then I remember many of my reviews have been of things like Little Mermaid and Ski Jumping Pro
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, also that :V
Gooper Blooper: You've reviewed very few mainstream big-time games
Gooper Blooper: a lot of obscure games are obscure for a reason
Phone: We hide them to protect the innocent.


M Sheep: Dog has stopped fussing but is back to being under my chair
M Sheep: Also, I forgot to mention that we have a returning series regular with us today in the part of Other Dog
Jumpropeman: The reunion special!
M Sheep: He was staying with my sister but is now here.
M Sheep: Aaand back to the fussing and trying to merge with my ankle on a molecular level


Jumpropeman: sheep puns are like clicking on a video of a car crash
Jumpropeman: you know its coming and you can't stop it
M Sheep ahem
M Sheep takes a sip of water
M Sheep adjusts tie
ivel tightens Sheep's tie
M Sheep takes another sip of water
M Sheep adjusts mic
M Sheep taps mic
M Sheep leans in close
M Sheep pauses
M Sheep takes another sip of water


M Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheepers
M Sheep: Alola
M Sheep squints
M Sheep: H-hello
Jumpropeman: you know what you did BI
M Sheep: I know nothing!
M Sheep: I am not a crook!
M Sheep: Weather balloons!
M Sheep: Swamp gas!
Jumpropeman: book 'em, danno


Jumpropeman: "My lord, there is an opportunity here to spread chaos!" *slightly spooks a horse that calms down immediately*
Jumpropeman: good plan friend
Gooper Blooper: How dastardly!
Draco: That was SOME chaos, alright.


N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: ....why was I searching for a "the Conjuring" wiki?
Jumpropeman: sheepplot 2018 confirmed
N Goat: I haven't even seen any of The Conjuriterations


Jumpropeman: "Utica's 20th-century political corruption and organized crime gave it the nicknames "Sin City",[12] and later, "the city that God forgot""
Jumpropeman: Superintendent Chalmers comes from an interesting city


Jumpropeman: Dora the Explorer: Journey to the Purple Planet: "The Gamecube version was not reviewed by any publication." What a snub!
Gooper Blooper: that means we don't know if it's a hidden gem!
Gooper Blooper: no one gave it a chance!
Gooper Blooper: move over TTYD
Jumpropeman: this is why I do what I do
Jumpropeman: except I don't intend to review ports unless they have significant differences
Gooper Blooper: does that mean you're currently playing a different version of Journey to the Purple Planet
Jumpropeman: IF ONLY!
Jumpropeman: I just end up down a lot of rabbit holes :V
Jumpropeman: 300 and Dora have a lot in common don't ya know
Gooper Blooper: it's a little-advertised fact that they're actually set in the same verse
Jumpropeman: I honestly forgot there was a sequel to 300
Gooper Blooper: 301


Bree: oh I almost forgot: @harpy, happy womens day
Bree: you are best girl
ivel: I agree with this statement


Working Del joined the chat
Working Del: did you know that lobster blood is colorless, thus making it legal to use in games of the pokemon trading card game?
Working Del: i thought that was interesting
SteelKomodo: wait what the fuck?
SteelKomodo: del are you alright
Working Del: it turns blue when exposed to oxygen though
Working Del: so that's an issue if you want to source some for your games
SteelKomodo: why the fuck would you even consider that
SteelKomodo: that's messed up
Working Del: i heard it on a podcast and im at the end of my tether so uh
Working Del: you get this
SteelKomodo: oh ok
Working Del: reminder to our viewers not to replace their energy cards with lobster blood
Working Del: its unethical and messy
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: i'm glad this is what i walked in on


LupinDel: You forgot something in your Godzilla for GBC review
LupinDel: The tar monster boss
LupinDel: Who has an attack that can freeze Godzilla for the entire fight and can't be broken out of
Jumpropeman: you hammer the stomp button to free yourself
LupinDel: Son of a bitch 8 year old me was an idiot
Jumpropeman: that does make the tar boss the hardest though because it can actually get an attack in edgewise
Jumpropeman: so long as your fireballs aren't lined up with where its launching the tar blobs from
Jumpropeman: I'm sorry you had to play that game del
LupinDel: It was not good but there were worse
LupinDel: Like the Muppets
LupinDel: Or Billy Bob's Hunting and Fishing
LupinDel: A game I swear to god is real
Jumpropeman: *checks*
Jumpropeman: It's on Console Classix
Jumpropeman: I COULD play it...
Jumpropeman: that name is great because it sounds like the generic names given to games in T.V. shows
Jumpropeman: ain't that some boxart
Jumpropeman: have you played this game del
LupinDel: yes I played it
LupinDel: That was the game
LupinDel: We didn't have that boxart
LupinDel: This is what we had
LupinDel: Less horrifying than the other one


The Deleter: hullo
The Deleter: stellaris trip report
The Deleter: oh god
The Deleter: a giant alien jellyfish is wrecking my shit
The Deleter: my entire fleet
The Deleter: no
The Deleter: help
The Deleter: i must protect my squishy human friends
The Deleter: oh no


Gooper Blooper: hey there
Best Cuddler: GOOP
Gooper Blooper: HARP
Best Cuddler: i need to fuckin write blogs again
Best Cuddler: but do i do one for tina? what about MAGIC and Satoshi? WHAT ABOUT BRANDON?!?
Gooper Blooper: we are entering the time of the offseason where people start prepping for May and writing pre-season blogs more often
Gooper Blooper: so it'd be a good time to mull ideas over
Best Cuddler: key thing is to reintroduce Tina back into the fold
Best Cuddler: and introduce Mai and Satono + mysteries
Best Cuddler: that's all for anything solid on my end
Best Cuddler: also plot buildup
PatoModo: Del and I are gonna be collabing on my next blogpost
Gooper Blooper: neat
PatoModo: i will let you know when that happens
Best Cuddler: and maybe MAGIC wearing a white mage robe in an attempt to infiltrate the Sarahkin family without having to transform
Best Cuddler: "hello i am the gloria, please feed, i so hunger"
Gooper Blooper: None of the sugar mages have freckles, but Celestia probably wouldn't try very hard to expose MAGIC
Gooper Blooper: she wants fud, she gets fud
Best Cuddler: Satoshi facepalms in the distance before Tina forcibly drags him into the store
Best Cuddler: "buy me one of everything."
Best Cuddler: shoves armfuls of coupons in his hands.
Gooper Blooper: consume
Best Cuddler: tina has not experienced Celestia
Best Cuddler: tiny budgetcubus
Gooper Blooper: she is not prepared for omnimom


Draco: OH! I forgot to mention it yesterday. There was a bit more #RUINED I saw in Hollywood: the Dolby Theater. :V


Jumpropeman: Follow up on my Hello Nurse comment in chatzy madness
Jumpropeman: somehow that changed the very next day without me trying to change it :V
Jumpropeman: I think the guys in charge of the Matrix realized their error and rectified it


Jumpropeman: *deletes another PM to someone where I try to obliquely gush about my brawl plans this year without saying anything spoilery*
Gooper Blooper: Oho
Gooper Blooper: last year, JRM simplified the brawl so there wasn't all that much new for him to get hype over
Gooper Blooper: this year he has plans he wants to gush about
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Jumpropeman: I needed a year to recharge my batteries
Gooper Blooper: It was a good idea to wipe the slate clean, so to speak, and then reintroduce gimmicks
Gooper Blooper: like the disney vault but with murder
Jumpropeman: this year's mystery fiter: the hunter who killed bambi's mom


RubyChao: goops made this and i love it
B.C.: Accurate
Jumpropeman: XD


Jumpropeman: RockCandyGuy threw a living bottle at us and left


Jumpropeman: basically the feeling I wish to capture with my forum signatures
Brinehammer: Trash falls to Nurgle
RubyChao: oh
Phone: So drugs then.
Jumpropeman: apparently
Jumpropeman: It's a Christian movie that says the Globglogabgalab was once a beautiful elf, but he turned away from God by... reading books, and that is why he became this
Jumpropeman: so a good Christian should not search for knowledge
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: well shit
Jumpropeman: I'm sorry chao
Jumpropeman: you shall become the yeast of thoughts and mind
M Sheep: the one decent lyric in that song
Jumpropeman: although he doesn't really read books so much as stand on them get, absorbed into their pages, and pop out later
M Sheep: "six songs similar to Disney films", my shlabrgrab!
RubyChao: i just noticed the books all have faces
Draco: What...the...HECK? Did they even TRY to write music? How much did they pay for that 10 seconds of flute sample?
M Sheep: On the other hand, a I see what appears to be a screen grab in which there's a violin with arms
M Sheep: so I guess all is forgiven
Jumpropeman: sounds like SOMEONE is full of shwibbly glibakind
Draco: This video of 1 minute 12 seconds seriously bothers me. Like, if you took out the flute music, he'd just be some ranting lunatic. You could put ANYTHING in the background and it'd make just as much sense, i.e. NO sense.


Draco: One of these days, I need to learn how to sell on eBay. I have way too many Y-Wings now.
Phone: A problem not shared with the actual Rebellion, heyo
Draco: HA
Draco: To be fair, the Rebellion didn't have a 100 point limit per battle. :p


Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, and one thing JRM didn't mention in his review
Gooper Blooper: Mighty Switch Force's soundtrack is thumpin yo
Brown Catte: this fuckin card
ivel: there's something to go with it...
Brown Catte: that 1-2 punch can be fuckin devastating
Gooper Blooper: *flailing mariachi mice*
Brown Catte: "hi i am child and i am lost"
Brown Catte: link
Jumpropeman: "Whoa I'm in Space Cuba" is a name of a song from Mighty Switch Force
Gooper Blooper: yes it is
Jumpropeman: not sure why
Gooper Blooper: well at least the one called "Yummy" is understandable
Jumpropeman: Dark Side of Business looks sort of Deviantart compared to the more cohesive Animoe style elsewhere
Gooper Blooper: I think Patty is supposed to be a cyborg or something because the health pickups in MSF are floppy discs with hearts on them and when she picks them up she yells "YUMMY" so I guess she's going full Dolby on those things
Jumpropeman: Wikipedia calls her a cyborg
Brown Catte: i think these are generally made by the community?
Brown Catte: another
Gooper Blooper: I think ZFRP Patty will be a straight human (or at least, like, 90% human) since aside from that nothing in the game indicates she's got robot parts
Gooper Blooper: I already have a robocop anyway
Jumpropeman: yeah, and she basically Samus strips at the end with no cybernetics showing anymore
Gooper Blooper: QP you idiot
Gooper Blooper: exactly! I'd also cite the post-level hot tub scene as evidence but her policebot friend is in the tub with her so :V
Brown Catte: QP's an idiot, but she's our idiot!
Jumpropeman: I figured out the real reason you like Mighty Switch Force though
Brown Catte: and now, time for tragic girls.
ivel: yep
Jumpropeman: them girls ain't got no noses, Lieutenant Dan
Brown Catte: they're hunting this girl down because she has a nose
Brown Catte: the goopy bloopy art police is chasing her down
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: war on nostrils
Draco: :O
Draco: No wonder Officer Browny hates Zeldoten!
ivel: In the quote for the card
ivel: it says "My nose is never wrong"
ivel: therefore SHE HAS A NOSE
Brown Catte: the nose is invisible
Gooper Blooper: we were talking about Patty Wagon, not QB
ivel: Harpy was talking about the Wanted card actualy
Jumpropeman: yeah, two conversation threads there
Gooper Blooper: oh wait
Brown Catte: QP
ivel: I asked :U
Brown Catte: i thought jrm was making fun of the artstyle
Brown Catte: for that card
Jumpropeman: let's just get rid of all noses and be done with it
Gooper Blooper:


Jumpropeman: "It's unbelievable what you can do with a tin can... Unbelievable!"
Jumpropeman: I don't think I'm catching what this game is pitching


RubyChao: I am uncomfortable
Draco: .......Squidward? D:
RubyChao: It got worse
Draco: The Krusty Krab?!
Draco: The 'Bob alright at least? ;-;
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: that first picture
RubyChao: should be all three houses
Gooper Blooper: they are Gone
RubyChao: ceased to be


M Sheep: Time for just a wee bit of Stellaris
RubyChao: *five hours later*
M Sheep: :I


LupinModo: Okay so
LupinModo: Me: Golly-gee, I need to write more of this Kamen Rider Build blogpost so I can get it done before the end of this month!
LupinModo: My brain:
LupinModo: Me: ...God damn it.


N Goat joined the chat
RubyChao: hi sheep
N Goat: Hello
N Goat: It's me
Jumpropeman: howdy
N Goat: I am....N Goat.
N Goat: I am in no way, shape, or form related to anyone that may or may not resemble me.
N Goat: I certainly am not a shameless knock off of any popular person you may or may not know
N Goat: I am my own man
N Goat: With my own super trendy style.
Buried Coffeecup: welp
Gooper Blooper: when's L Ram
N Goat: It's going through another round of bug testing
N Goat: We don't want another "O Llama" fiasco!


The Power Of Staff Treachery: So, bad translation doesn't just happen from Japanese to English
The Power Of Staff Treachery: The Legend of Dragoon has its characters have combo attacks called Additions
The Power Of Staff Treachery: One character's is called in English "Flurry of Styx", which was apparently a translation of "Fist of the Underworld Waters" or something
The Power Of Staff Treachery: Then it got translated to French
The Power Of Staff Treachery: And became "Staff Treachery"
Gooper Blooper: they tried


Jumpropeman: Gonzy > Renais >Bonnie >Corn Beef Prinny >Other Prinnies
Buried Coffeecup: i feel like that's ranked by the amount of character development given :U
Gooper Blooper: JRM has made clear he cares about that a lot!
Jumpropeman: if that were the case, why is Corn Beef Prinny so low?! I know exactly how he'd react to corn beef better than any other prinny
Buried Coffeecup: because you can't make a character out of just one personality trait :U
Jumpropeman: it's corned beef isn't it
Jumpropeman: I know little about beef
ivel: Gavin tops my list :U
Jumpropeman: someone needs to give beef some more character development
Buried Coffeecup: ivel please
Buried Coffeecup: i am not going to get too ahead of myself
Buried Coffeecup: but
ivel: but Gonzy has development
Jumpropeman: "can't make a character out of just one personality trait"
Buried Coffeecup: I may consider a subplot with Gavin/Corned Beef Prinny in 2019
Jumpropeman: *presents Blails as the counterargument"
Gooper Blooper: blails is my second favorite JRM character
Jumpropeman: your first is obviously The Merchant That Sold Edyth a Dress
Gooper Blooper: no, it's that beloved regular, Jumperopeman
Draco: My favorite JRM character is himself.
Jumpropeman: NOT ALLOWED
RubyChao: don't forget Anoethr Person
Buried Coffeecup: you're not allowed
Buried Coffeecup: :I
Jumpropeman: You're contractually obligated to dislike Rita
Gooper Blooper: that time JRM railed against squees
Buried Coffeecup: oh yeah I hate the shit outta Rita
Buried Coffeecup: BUT ASIDE FROM HER.
Jumpropeman: I made the world a safer place
Buried Coffeecup: anyway i hope tomorrow my brain cooperates enough so that i can actually write something down for another blogpost
Jumpropeman: you gotta pick the important battles
Buried Coffeecup: even if it ain't great
Buried Coffeecup: i cannot guarantee at this time that it'll be backstory; might be something to just
Buried Coffeecup: get things going again
Buried Coffeecup: writer's block blows
Jumpropeman: write a list of your top 10 bowser
Buried Coffeecup: plz
Draco: I like Rita. Bring her back.
Jumpropeman: I aim to please
Jumpropeman: she'll replace Shimmer in the regular cast
Gooper Blooper: I'm afraid Rita is permadead, but can I interest you in this very nice Rifa?
Draco: NO.
Gooper Blooper: Comes with a free battlebot
Draco shoves Rifa aside for budder.
Gooper Blooper: *Rifa is shoved into Nightmare's blade, soap opera ensues*
Buried Coffeecup: also goops, i am prolly gonna throw deets at you for security guard gonzy-
Buried Coffeecup: D:
Draco: #NSFRP
Buried Coffeecup: plz


Buried Coffeecup: i dunno who that sounds like
Buried Coffeecup: but it sounds like one of us
Gooper Blooper: me
Buried Coffeecup: ...yeah i knew it was you, goops
Gooper Blooper: I mean c'mon son
Gooper Blooper: *pulls out the undefeated hell team* no one is prepared for cerise
Jumpropeman: I've turned down quite a few people who wanted Pokemon battles because I didn't want to be that guy
Jumpropeman: I think it was maybe Pokemon White or so where my brother was like "let's just have a battle with our in-game teams" a few days after we got it and I was like "uhhh... I've already done my post-game grind and you're still doing gyms..."


Jumpropeman: for some reason
Jumpropeman: Imagine Party Babyz got reimagined for Europe but plays just the same
Jumpropeman: its mostly the boxart that changed
Jumpropeman: and it's now terrifying
Jumpropeman: that baby the babysitter is holding doesn't look like a baby, it looks like a child who's been forced to dress as one
Jumpropeman: not to mention her somewhat ominous pose overlooking the babies
Gooper Blooper: Ominous Looming Babysitter for BBB8


Jumpropeman: phew, just found out Sexy Poker is also on mobile! Don't worry everyone, WiiWare won't kill this beast!


Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: Imagine if that guy and his song had caught fire during Meenplot instead
Draco: He's like Jabba's loser cousin.
Jumpropeman: there would have been a whole lot more dibble dabble shribble shrabble
Gooper Blooper: delicious
Draco: Koa seeing that in HER library
Jumpropeman: RIP Yeast of Thoughts and Mind
Jiang: Cian nearly spills his tea
Jiang: "Gonzy, I'm gonna need you to be a little more protective of our library."
Jiang: "Just like Koa~"
Jiang: "I don't think they'll take me seriously with this outfit on, boss."
Jumpropeman: legit though, Globglogabgalab would be a pretty cool RP plot boss
Jumpropeman: when he enters a book, he transforms into something from it, but his creativity goes out of control and twists the form
Jumpropeman: in the cartoon its mostly humorous junk
Jumpropeman: but you could make us fight like, a twisted Moby Dick or something
Draco: Golobulus vs Gumby
Jiang: now that you said that, it's now going to be an entrant in the brawl and turned into a godbeast
Draco: Koa will enter the Brawl just to kill him.
Jumpropeman: my plan revealed D: *removes Tomi entering with the Necronomicon as her weapon*


Jiang: spy come into chatzy so i can hug you
Bree: tell him I said hi and I'm excite for crabs


M Sheep clicks to TF Wiki's "Ask Vector Prime" archive
M Sheep scrolls
M Sheep inhales through teeth
M Sheep keeps scrolling

M Sheep: ...That's a lot of words
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep: Why does the TF Wiki have a "Your Mom" disambiguation page?


M Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: hey sheep
M Sheep: sdfjkdfjngjkndfagjndaf
M Sheep: Hello
RubyChao: is that the usual sdfjkdfjngjkndfagjndaf of a sheep or an exceptional sdfjkdfjngjkndfagjndaf
M Sheep: A little bit of column a, bit of column b.


Rekkeah: link
Gooper Blooper: coming 2019: evil traffic light boss battle
Rekkeah: maybe
M Sheep: This summer
M Sheep: it's time to play Red Light Green Light
M Sheep: for keeps
Rekkeah: heh


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hello🎶
Gooper Blooper: someone's happy
Jumpropeman: every day's a good day until proven otherwise!
Gooper Blooper: Today's Wii Shop game must be stellar
Gooper Blooper: *clicks*
Jumpropeman: gooper is funny man
Gooper Blooper: I keep waiting for JRM to pull up a hidden gem that makes clear the Wii Shop dying is a tragedy
Jumpropeman: I'm trying


Cornwind Evil: Time to leave for two weeks again

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