Saturday, January 27, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 303: Bigfoot Is Real, Bigfoot Is Great

Jumpropeman: I'm surprised Shipt keeps putting Dr. Pepper 2 liters on sale
Jumpropeman: maybe they're like "we ordered so much stock and that one guy hasn't bought yet to clear it. Maybe it's the price?"
Gooper Blooper: they like you
Jumpropeman: well I like them too <3
Jumpropeman: man, a ton of chicken is on sale too
Jumpropeman: I recently remembered toast exists so I've been trying to think of other food I haven't had in a while
Jumpropeman: I can apparently buy a random single donut
Jumpropeman: who knows what the mystery donut will be!
Jumpropeman: >ice cream cake
Jumpropeman: *looks at belly* have I sunk that low yet, will I eat cake without an occasion to celebrate?
Jumpropeman: labor day is soon right
Jumpropeman: strangely the search bar suggests Eskimo Pies but does not have them


ivel: "Nintendo Is Officially Ending Miiverse Services On November 8" Huh
Jumpropeman: but with miiverse gone, who will draw dicks for the Smash Bros Miiverse stage?


ivel: hey jrm
ivel: the demo for Knack 2 is out
Jumpropeman: ivel don't do this to me
Jumpropeman: i have to finish the pet show tonight
Jumpropeman: I can't be tempted by Knack
ivel: let it be your inspiration to finish


Gooper Blooper: So I mentioned a couple times a while back that I did some "research" for Arcadeplot that suddenly made it all come together
Gooper Blooper: and now that the finale is done I can safely divulge that the "research" was watching Pixels with Goopsmom :V
Bewildered Cosplayer: kek
RubyChao: haaaaa
RubyChao: i could guess
RubyChao: (how was the film?)
Jumpropeman: I was tickled seeing the Pixels versions of characters
Jumpropeman: that movie did a good job of making centipede seem threatening
Gooper Blooper: We both could understand why it received poor reviews but we both loved it. It was stupid, but it was the enjoyable kind of stupid
Gooper Blooper: And the special effects are straight-up legitimately great
Gooper Blooper: as the pac-man gif showed
Gooper Blooper: The movie also inspired Goopsmom to get back into playing vidya regularly and she discovered Pac-Mania via Namco Museum, which she adores and plays almost every day
Gooper Blooper: She has gushed about Pac-Mania to her coworkers and even looked up the level 1 theme on youtube to listen to the music
ivel: :D
Gooper Blooper: I have caught her singing along while playing
Jumpropeman: fangtastic


nice going, Genghis!: Okay so my next post will be second-to-last
nice going, Genghis!: because it's getting late and I wanna do my big twist soon-ish
RubyChao: fine by me
Jumpropeman: Fredrik's tusks are fake, he's just been a big seal the whole time
Gooper Blooper: the fat seal was the villain all along
Jumpropeman: SK could probably legitimately make that a serious thing with great backstory
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: at this point i think whatever snowmad backstory he gives us will be great
RubyChao: because this track record


Matter Sheep: >And Bashmaster, if anyone cares.
Matter Sheep: I CARE D:
Matter Sheep: "Oh, dear god, you have friends." Gerrard said, wrinkling his nose. "How could you have sunk so low?"
Matter Sheep: I've missed Gerrard.
Cornwind Evil: Well enough of that depressing stuff, let's watch Voth eat meat
Matter Sheep: Brine then spins it into the most heartwrenching meal you've ever read
RubyChao: it reminds her of her lost homeland which was conquered by the scots
RubyChao: or something


Undone By Sleep: You know what's weirdly relaxing? Listening to peoples' death screams in masse with, like, an anime open in another window. Wait, no, don't give me that You Sick Psychopath look just yet. Unless you already were. It's kind of consoling on the whole being-alive front, especially with badly dubbed voices, so you know there isn't actually someone in pain.
B.C.: Cheesy 80s anime death screams.
Undone By Sleep: Yes. Those. Exactly.
B.C.: then they are too cheesy and you die laughing
B.C.: adding to the death toll
Undone By Sleep: I'm only three quarters dead. :Y
Lord Lysias: hooray


Undone By Sleep: Original 6'3 Samus versus 4'8 Little Mac
RubyChao: "original"
RubyChao: that's a strange way to say "only"
Undone By Sleep: R-right. Only. That's what I meant, nice fellow with the knife to my neck.


The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: When I get back I'm gonna have Julius ask Ko out and nothing can stop me
MobileDrac: Except Brine not being around and a T-Rex.
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Brine not being around will stop me it's true
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: But a t-rex cannot
Undone By The Blood: T-Rex is probably the bigger danger, though.
Undone By The Blood: Or nooot.
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Look if anyone has stylings upon Ko then they should have told me by now
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: I would have known


The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: I can't believe we live in a world where "Luigi is a sniper" is a phrase now


(Dr. Devastating turns Widow Maker into a gijinka of herself)

Gooper Blooper: srspost
Jumpropeman: the design is cute BUT GIVE ME BACK MY MANTIS
Best Couch: i love how stag beetle's expression is like "wot"
Gooper Blooper: JRM: When I saw you commenting that you didn't like human forms the other day I was like "SORRY BRO"
Jumpropeman: I thought for a second Stag Beetle would be hit instead and turn into a beetle with no personality
Gooper Blooper: you know you've posted a significant seriouspost when it's immediately followed by a wall of chatzy spoilers
Bree: "Stag Beetle looks like he might actually give a fuck about this." oh shit son, that's how you know it's serious


The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Legally Distinct Bob Bifford
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Ogorr
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Not an ogre!
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Ogorrs are a distinct trademark owned by Games Workshop
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Yfhfkdhdj
The Seljuk Turks: asdfghjkll
Jumpropeman: how long until Duarffs
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Sorry jrm
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: It's Duardin
The Tommy Oliver LP Channel: Steamhead Duardin


Jumpropeman: when you try and make a ghost into a textbox and give your ghost an enormous badonkadonk by accident
Gooper Blooper: ghostsephine


Jumpropeman: Keahi almost asked if Widow Maker needed help getting used to having a nose and offering a tissue box to start her off... til I remembered she's a goop char ;P
Sazabivel: lel
N Goat: You could say Keahi...
N Goat: ...
N Goat wait for it
Sazabivel: Sheep no
N Goat waiiiiit for it
Jumpropeman: think about what you're doing sheep
N Goat: noseticed.
Sazabivel: ...I expected better of you, Sheep
Jumpropeman: *calls the SWAT team on Sheep*
F0E: Well done, Sheep. Splendid landing.
Sazabivel: I was expecting "nose what's up" honestly


N Goat: "Do you like Clones, but balk at at clone prices? Then come on down to Clone Bob's CuuuuRAYzee Warehouse O' Clones! Where the lack of basic rights isn't the only thing insane!"


N Goat: Jinteki did, in fact, clone a Vince. He just couldn't be bothered to show up.
BatDel: they tried like five times and each time it gave up, too lazy to come out of the tube
Bree: They fused vince, patchy, and gino DNA. The resulting clone had such powerful indifference that every scientist in its vicinity became equally as lazy as the clone


I am: How is everyone?
Jumpropeman: I would describe myself as "chillin"


Phone: Owen is not helpful to demons.
Phone: I could probably have accurately abbreviated the statement to 'Owen is not helpful'.
Best Couch: Owen please
DeMonde joined the chat
DeMonde: Saying Owen is not helpful is like saying the sun is hot or the ocean is cold. 99% of zhe time, you're correct.
DeMonde: Zhen zhere is zhat vun percent of zhe time he manages not to replace his intestines vith a stretch lizard.
DeMonde left the chat


N Goat: >Cavendish lapped up the laughter and compliment as he squirmed happily within his brother's neck.
N Goat: I think this may be the most "sheep" thing I've ever typed.
Jumpropeman: i really didn't expect to find out that not only is Cavendish precious, but he was the perfect guy for Jasper to get along with
The Seljuk Turks: Pfffft


Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: rude, zelda
RubyChao: rude


Bree: I'll probably do a post later, idk when, but, basically
Bree: for the first time ever caprice is truly genuinely happy
Bree: jinteki is still a threat, but considerably less of one
Bree: and she has her family
Bree: they're safe
Bree: for the first time literally ever
Bree: we even got all of them!!
Gooper Blooper: I was so sure the last one was doomed as a way for Jinteki to slip away with a minor "win"
Gooper Blooper: I was happy to see they were saveable
Bree: I considered it
Bree: it was entirely possible that she mighta died
Bree: but man, noodle was so fucking determined :V
N Goat: Caprice and the Capricette's step out into the sun
N Goat: and Caprice steps away while they use they use their own eyes to view something Caprice saw every day
N Goat: And Caprice just
N Goat: watches them watch
Bree: awww sheep
Bree: that is beautiful
Bree: and also accurate
N Goat: And the the guy hoisting the rope loses his grip and the piano falls and crushes them
Bree: why, sheep
Bree: why did you have to ruin it
N Goat: It is my curse
Gooper Blooper: everything he touches
N Goat: Everything that I tooooouch


N Goat: Cell Phone Activated Log Traps is the name of my new high school ska band


N Goat: >After all, you can't chuck bullets!
N Goat: Well, not with that attitude you can't!


N Goat sinks into the mire of uselessness


Draco: So I've been watching a bit of the actual IM Meen game and wow.
Draco: It's an FPS where you punch monsters to death.
SteelKomodo: yep
SteelKomodo: it barely has anything to do with grammar :P


Gooper Blooper: nerd
Draco puts money in Sumi's hat.
RubyChao takes the money back out

Draco: Poor girl must be living off the streets with a get-up like that. (jk)
Jumpropeman: won't you take a poor sinner's hat
Gooper Blooper: >taking sumi's money
RubyChao: money isn't esoteric :I
Gooper Blooper: but it can be exchanged for goods that are
Draco: Fine, fine, fine.
Draco throws some Dongs in Sumi's hat.
Draco: That esoteric enough for you, PartyPooperChao.
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: number one paranormal investigator-type person


Five Minutes to Greednight: >writes Charjablook instead of Charjabug
Five Minutes to Greednight: Shit
Gooper Blooper: (1) Charjabug lies on the ground and feels like garbage


Jumpropeman: don't put maggots in a dead person, that's exactly where they want to be


ivel: *scrolling through Facebook, get a Knack 2 ad*
Jumpropeman: so you immediately clicked it right
ivel: it was taking me to the Playstation Store page for it I think
Draco preorders a copy of Cory in the House Knack 2 for everyone.
RubyChao cancels his Danganronpa V3 preorder so he can use the money on Knack 2 instead
Draco gets Knack 2 for Ruby so he never has to buy his own Knack games either.


Jumpropeman: back on the super nintendo, Super Mario World made the Wiggler enemy to show case the ability for a single character to be made up of multiple sprites moving in different ways. Now, imagine if Nintendo decided to base the entire game around Wiggler instead, and that's what Knack is for the PS4
Jumpropeman: I just connected that the reason we are probably getting Knack 2 is because of the PS4 Pro, aka MORE GRAPHICS


Vote for Lucky or Lucky: Now, if I were you, audience, I would vote for Lucky between Lucky and Lucky, because Lucky will be lucky if Lucky gets voted, really. It's up to you, ultimately, and maybe Lucky will get lucky instead. Or it'll draw, and Lucky will replace Lucky and Lucky.
Vote for Lucky or Lucky: Who knooooows
I am: My head exploded
Vote for Lucky or Lucky: Alright, alright, let me help you out, I guess. =u They're both giant gruesome monsters with beautiful magical partners, but only one of them is bringing theirs. =Y The other distinction is that one is owned by Dawn and the other by Pozzo.
Vote for Lucky or Lucky: But there's so many other jokes to be made!
SteelKomodo: lucky for you :P
Vote for Lucky or Lucky: HA



Adeptus Weebanicus: 2018 plot
Adeptus Weebanicus: Vote Jonesy
Five Minutes to Meennight: I would be so fucking down for President Jonesy plot
Five Minutes to Meennight: But . . . would she have to run against Eggerman?
RubyChao: Jonesy vs. Eggerman would be the hypest election
RubyChao: their debates are just posing


Best Couch asked Chatzy to choose between Dragon and no dragon. Chatzy chose: no dragon
Best Couch: BUT MAAAA


Jumpropeman: The latest in RainbowDash adventures. At some point, the Bigfoot jokes made their way to my four year old niece that we routinely babysit, so whenever she sees me, she yells "BIGFOOT IS REAL! BIGFOOT IS GREAT!"


(Regarding the spambot "cenaromanvs")

Five Minutes to Meennight: You know
Five Minutes to Meennight: Even now I read
Five Minutes to Meennight: And realize
Five Minutes to Meennight: "Everyone that devices want to grow to be driving with the actual luxurious car. Luxurious manufacturers for example Mercedes Benz, Porsche along along with Audi generate automobiles which might have top high quality functions plus they are very satisfying about the sensory performance. They are definitely not the 1 real producers associated with luxurious autos. Businesses for example Hyundai along along with Toyota provide best conclusion luxurious variations."
Five Minutes to Meennight: I have NO idea what Cena and Roman want to sell me


Gooper Blooper: I'm almost tempted to get Gold again on Virtual Console since my Gold cart is ded
Adeptus Weebanicus: I have yellow
Adeptus Weebanicus: It has not aged well
Adeptus Weebanicus: *shrieking static* PIKACHU
Introducing BRONZE: I remember the heated arguments del and I would have over which starter was better
Introducing BRONZE: because when you're a kid that matters :U
Introducing BRONZE: I also remember him getting mega-pissed at me because I made him get quilava instead of croconaw on colosseum's story mode
Introducing BRONZE: i dunno if he ever forgave me for that
RubyChao: plot twist
RubyChao: he didn't
RubyChao: he's biding his time
RubyChao: you will be getting married at 30 and ask del to be your best man
RubyChao: and he will say no
RubyChao: and explain it's because quilava
RubyChao: and thus vengeance shall be his
Gooper Blooper: gonna need more than one character before this plot can start
Gooper Blooper: brb
Introducing BRONZE: Oh god D:


Gooper Blooper: so a while back we joked about whether the old banner ads screaming about "OBAMA WAIVES REFI REQUIREMENT" would be updated
Gooper Blooper: Short answer, no
RubyChao: wait really
Gooper Blooper: But in a new wrinkle I just got a spam mail that simply used "President"
Gooper Blooper: they can recycle that spam until the end of time and never update it again, the geniuses
RubyChao: heheheh
Gooper Blooper: but yes, chao, really, the ads are the same ads they were in 2009
RubyChao: i'm surprised
Gooper Blooper: I see these ads when using my tablet btw
RubyChao: you'd think they'd at least make it TRUMP WAIVES REFI REQUIREMENT
Gooper Blooper: I am still encountering an ad I remember seeing at least ten years ago
Gooper Blooper: they are still using it
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: that is legitimately even lazier than i expected
RubyChao: like i didn't expect any great changes but come on
RubyChao: it's two five-letter names
Gooper Blooper: it says "Want to outsmart these salespeople?" and shows a bunch of silhouettes of businessfolk
RubyChao: surely you can at least - OH
RubyChao: that one i DO remember
Gooper Blooper: it's not part of the president ad series, it's even older than that
Gooper Blooper: These salespeople were being outsmarted when Bush Jr was in office
Gooper Blooper: that's how fucking old this ad is


Gooper Blooper: goopsmom made muffins


Brinehammer asked Chatzy to choose between Trash, Trace, An Elemental and Beth. Chatzy chose: Trash
RubyChao: i forgot brine had a trace when i brought in the hunter trace
RubyChao: trace vs. trace next year?
Brinehammer: A whole week they just glare at each other across the bar.
Jumpropeman: hopefully there is no character named Komachi so I can introduce my new character Komachi next year


Jumpropeman: they're adding a fourth powerpuff girl
Gooper Blooper: in before she explodes at the end of the episode
Jumpropeman: Bunny was the best


Jumpropeman: Knack 2's japanese name: "Knack: Futari no Eiyuu to Kodai Heidan"
Jumpropeman: no clue what it means though
Gooper Blooper: if you had the katakana you could run it through google translate
ivel: Google translate says "Two people singing and sorrowing"
Gooper Blooper: oh, google worked for that version, neat
Best Couch: please
Jumpropeman: oh my gosh
Jumpropeman: that's amazing
ivel: I don't think that's correct but it's neat :U
Gooper Blooper: JRM has his title for next year's Knack megaplot
Jumpropeman: Knack's gonna lay on the pathos
MobileDrac: After hearing about that glitch, I'd be sorrowing too.
Gooper Blooper: live through the good times and bad with knack by your side
MobileDrac: The only Knack I need is the weasel.
Jumpropeman: I half wonder if I had a PS4 Pro it would work fine


RubyChao: "Trash was thirty feet away, directly behind it; she hoped it couldn't turn on a dime or she'd be finished, out in the open"
RubyChao: it's been years since i watched it
RubyChao: and i still just think about MOMENTUM CAN TURN ON A DIME
Gooper Blooper: VGCW commentary was legendary
Gooper Blooper: DEER LORD


Gooper Blooper: golf will not be stopped by a mere apocolypse
RubyChao: chaoplot 2018 confirmed


Phone: Holy fiddlesticks, batman. 8l Anne fixed Dawn's body perfecly despite shenanigans. Might have made it better , being a crit. I was expecting laundry for it and wreckage to apologize for.
Phone: Clearly I need worse shenanigans
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: I guess having access to Dawn's higher functions and processing power pays a crapton of dividends
Jumpropeman: anne accidentally makes dawn's next brawl body
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: It's probably better in terms of data gathered in the sense that Dawn would have never sky-dived without a parachute from orbit on purpose.
Introducing BRONZE: Dum de dum, just gonna check rp-
Introducing BRONZE: >Dawn has the body Dirk made for her
Introducing BRONZE: ...CW, I swear if you do not use the Booty Guns at some point, I will flip a table
Bree: dirk made a body for dawn?
Introducing BRONZE: holy fuck it's actually canon :O
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: You think I forgot? I didn't.
Bree: also, while it's not as amazing as boob lasers, meiling approves of booty guns
Introducing BRONZE: okay long story, I made a stupid blogpost where dirk made that body Dawn's in right now
Introducing BRONZE: which had machines guns in the booty a la Astro boy
Introducing BRONZE: and then CW said "I miiiiiiight make this canon" and I said "I miiiiiight have no objection"
Introducing BRONZE: and well, here we are - stupid non-canon thing gets made canon
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: That's why Dawn is now flush with back: Dirk's influence.
Introducing BRONZE: TBH I don't imagine Dirk having the kind of proficiency to make an android body
Introducing BRONZE: so I will say that he at least designed it
Bree: I commented on the booty earlier
Bree: I should have known that dirk was responsible, somehow
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: It is always Dirk
Jumpropeman: don't let drunk dirk near Celestia's "Make-a-robot" machine
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: Should be a rule of Zoofights
Introducing BRONZE: If it's to do with butts, it is usually dirk. Or Jewel Man :U
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: If it involves Butts, it is Dirk
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: I dunno if Dawn would go up to the Bar in this body as of yet though
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: She's still pretty reserved
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: She'd probably go up wearing a long coat
Introducing BRONZE: Dirk would be disappointed :P
Introducing BRONZE: "Why hide your best features, girl?"
Webby And Her Amazing Phone: Dawn: -dryly- You mean YOUR best features?
Introducing BRONZE: "Let's not start pointing fingers here."


Jumpropeman: srspost
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: NO
MobileDrac: Man, this is almost as dangerous as the bottled water business.
Bree: personal goal for this plot: save ice cold water man from this terrible fate
Bree: clearly he needs to be a wandering, outdoor sales rep for kuwahawi springs
RubyChao: dumb post
RubyChao: mental image: hand a bottle of ICE COLD WATER to utsuho
RubyChao: she gives it back three minutes later
Bree: boiling hot and also irradiated lol


Jumpropeman: the best part about the line "I wonder what's for dinner" is it sounds like its a new line spliced in at the end
Jumpropeman: careful sheep, I'm capable of RP at the moment
Jumpropeman: you might have to spill everything
M Sheep: Shimmer asks one question and unravels the grand mystery of sheerp
Jumpropeman: "Hey Gran, what's the dealio with the whole Alice junk?"
Jumpropeman: *sound of 5,000 psychelocks breaking*
Draco: "Hey Gran, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" *THE MOTHER EXPLODES, SHEEP TURN INTO ANGELS, JUNKO GETS A SEEING EYE DOG*


Jumpropeman: *tortures myself by reading my 2011 RP*
Jumpropeman: there's no narration describing their actions... there's hardly any commas... who is this man and why did I let him write my stuff
RubyChao: how bad is my 2011 rp
Jumpropeman: I can't even look at it Chao
Jumpropeman: totally forgot Q thought Pech was Australian for the longest time


Best Couch: >Junko
Best Couch: i am going to wiggle in jubilation
Gooper Blooper: as an ally of the planeswardens, touhou junko shall help save the day
Gooper Blooper: by wiggling, I guess, I dunno, she's weird


RubyChao: looking on seiya's wiki page and
RubyChao: "Seiya is the least popular character in Japan of the main characters of the Saint Seiya series."
RubyChao: being the main character doesn't win you any points, it seems
RubyChao: wait wow
RubyChao: the saint seiya wiki has for saint saiya
RubyChao: only the very first arc's summary
RubyChao: for the main character


(Sheep prepares people for his upcoming plot)

Missing Sheep: Sister Alice is in this one, so, uh, buckle up.
Missing Sheep alienates entire audience


Missing Sheep: Tonight
Missing Sheep: we have done the impossible
Missing Sheep: Sheep character growth has occured
Missing Sheep: this is not a drill
Missing Sheep: Sister Alice has undergone character growth
Missing Sheep: this is not a drill
Missing Sheep: do not attempt to adjust your computer monitor
Missing Sheep: Either Jrm hates me or is saying "VINDICATION" for back when he was pointing Gran as acting in a darker way when not directly observed.
Jumpropeman: srspost~
Missing Sheep: In which Shimmer destroys the entire sheepcast systematically
Bree: wow
Bree: some shit went down in this sheeplot setup
Jumpropeman: *tries not to die*
Missing Sheep: don't you do it
Missing Sheep: dying's for chumps
Jumpropeman: don't tell me what to do!
Jumpropeman: *dies*
Missing Sheep: posted
Jumpropeman: and I JUST died too!
Missing Sheep: I WARNED YOU


Jumpropeman: lastp ost from me
The invention of concerns: What
You can't stop pirating OSTs on me
Don't you
Don't you cut me off, man
I need my fix
The invention of concerns: 8 L
Jumpropeman: go to bed ven


Best Couch: oh shit gino actually
Best Couch: said a thing
Best Couch: oh fuck i have fucked up
Best Couch: i am royally screwed
Best Couch: what have i wrought


Bree: one time I had to go to summer school, first day the math teacher for my class made a truly legendary "verbal typo" as I call them
The Rhyme Minister: Oh boy
The Rhyme Minister: do tell
Bree: when you mean to say something but misspeak
Bree: he was assigning seats
Bree: and said
Bree: "Please shit here"
Adeptus Weebanicus: Lolllll
The Rhyme Minister: Haaaaaaa
Gooper Blooper: WELL IF YOU SAY SO
Bree: I could tell he was a cool guy when he quickly laughed it off (albeit he was mortified) and said "No wait please do NOT shit there. Please SIT there. Thank you."
ivel: lel
Bree: the verbal typo was funny, but when he made that recovery everyone fuckin died
Bree: I also had one teacher who would legit just say (mild) swears when she was shooting the shit with the students
Bree: she was like, grandma age, but she was a certified Cool Lady
Bree: she even had a gangsta nickname, because her name was Jill Wilkerson but for short everyone called her J-Wilk
Best Couch: i
Best Couch: i misread "grandma" as "gundam"
Best Couch: gundam age
Bree: kek
Bree: one time she told a boy in class to stop being a dick
Bree: exact words
ivel: some people need to be told that :U


Adeptus Weebanicus: Khorneflakes
SteelKomodo: that's the worst pun bro
Adeptus Weebanicus: It is

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