Monday, April 2, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 311: Sheep Buscemi

Honster Munter: holy fuck
RubyChao: goodbye snorlax
Honster Munter: he ded


Jumpropeman: "Search for beautiful wife of developer" it also struck me as odd when a headline brings in words like "beautiful"
Jumpropeman: "maybe if we call her beautiful she'll show up"
Gooper Blooper: that's all she wanted
B.C.: Works for ivel
Draco: Yeah, Ivel says he's looking for his beautiful wife and people know exactly who he's talking about.
Gooper Blooper: :3


Jumpropeman: >Bratz Forever Diamondz is on Console Classix
Jumpropeman: *vibrates intensely*
Gooper Blooper: IT'S TIME
Gooper Blooper: Angry Sun in a rare moment of happiness
Gooper Blooper: judging by the things JRM has been digging up I think he's down the ConsoleClassix rabbit hole
RubyChao: he's lost to us now.
Gooper Blooper: who knows which of these ridiculous gamelike objects he's shown us tonight will be his 52nd review
Jumpropeman: I'm trying to find at least one game per system for the ones I now have access to so I can get a good feel for the various emulators and make a proper site review
Jumpropeman: I might put off things like Bratz and Mario's Early Years until after that though :
Jumpropeman: those things must be enjoyed slowly and carefully
Jumpropeman: like a filet mignon


PhoneDel: Current mood - the two team skull members squatting on royal avenue
SteelKomodo: current mood - slow down any can can ytpmv to 0.75


(Cornwind reviews an awful comic)

Cornwind Evil falls into the chat room, a broken mess.
Cornwind Evil raises up a link.

RubyChao: dear god
RubyChao opens pandora's box
Cornwind Evil: "Ohhhh, ahhhh, that's how it starts. But later there's running...and screaming..."
Madden Sheep sees CW review
Madden Sheep sighs
Madden Sheep googles Jon Stewart gifs

RubyChao: >load 32 more images
RubyChao pauses
RubyChao sighs
RubyChao clicks

Gooper Blooper: kek
Madden Sheep: Bury me with a good comic
Madden Sheep: like The Sandman
Madden Sheep: Current state of the sheep
Madden Sheep: Current-er state of the sheep
Madden Sheep: "the creepypasta where he's been punished by being unable to leave a room before he eats the entirety of a high quality desk..."
Madden Sheep: what the w-No. I don't even want to know.
Madden Sheep: Current-est state of the sheep
ivel: which one are you though
ivel: I retract that statement, I could barely tell who that was being slammed but I can see now
Madden Sheep scribbles on napkin labeled 2019 Plot Ideas: Everyone is Jon Stewart
Cornwind Evil: You think you have it bad, Sheep? I HAD TO REVIEW IT
Gooper Blooper: you asked for it
Gooper Blooper: you're going to review a third one, aren't you :V
Cornwind Evil: In a bit, maybe


Jumpropeman: so guys next year I'm RPing Kick-Ass
Draco: No you aren't. Season 9 is canceled.
N Goat: You know, displaying such courage, JRM, you'e inspired me to try a new, bold idea and RP Sister Alice, Obladee, and Beelzebub having been fused together in a magical accident
N Goat: Meet Black Oblicebub
Jumpropeman: I think you mean Blik Oblicebub
N Goat: "fffffffFFFFFFffuuuckckckckck UuuuUuU~ >0<#"", spasmed Blick Oblicebub
N Goat burns keyboard
Gooper Blooper: your BBB8 winner
N Goat: I have regrets already
Draco: Junko wins BBB8. She has to.
N Goat: I have broken a seal humanity should never have
Ehh: Thee's only one thing to be one for it. We'll have to burn it all down and start over.


Madden Sheep: The sister, her beau, and myself sat down to watch Your Name yesterday. I'd already seen it and kept declaring the film was over every time something happened that made them freak out
Jumpropeman: I must wonder what watching a movie with sheep is like
Jumpropeman: he can't pull up Jon Stewart gifs during it
Madden Sheep: When someone from the collection of folks I know from THAT OTHER FORUM, or even myself, stream something, I'm constantly making comments in the chat
Jumpropeman: Sheep is the Obladee of the other forum
Jumpropeman: over here, this is all an act
Jumpropeman: he's a very good actor
Madden Sheep: HOW DARE!! THE RUDE!! THE RUDEST BOY!!1! >0<
Madden Sheep: Next: My impression of Steve Buscemi
Madden Sheep: Ahem
Madden Sheep dies
Madden Sheep: See it's
Madden Sheep: it's funny because
Madden Sheep: he
Madden Sheep: he dies
Madden Sheep: in every movie
Madden Sheep: he dies
Madden Sheep adjusts collar
Madden Sheep: he dies
Madden Sheep taps mic
Madden Sheep: every
Madden Sheep: every movie
Jumpropeman: especially Armageddon
Gooper Blooper:
Madden Sheep: See it's
Madden Sheep: it's funny
Madden Sheep: because
Madden Sheep: ...
Jumpropeman: go to bed sheep
Madden Sheep: because Steve Buscemi is an actor
ivel: the only thing that died more than him is that joke
Madden Sheep: playing a character
Madden Sheep: who dies
Madden Sheep: it isn't Steve Buscemi who dies
Madden Sheep: but the character
Madden Sheep: who dies
Brinehammer throws a tomato
RubyChao suplexes Sheep

Madden Sheep: We see the man die while consciously realizing he is not dead
Gooper Blooper:
Madden Sheep: While willing ourselves to suspend our disbelief
Madden Sheep: And the human brain is a pattern finding machine
Madden Sheep: so when Steve Buscemi
Madden Sheep: is in
Madden Sheep: a movie
Jumpropeman: you are doubling down hard
Jumpropeman: you're like the man whose gone bankrupt and is still betting the house
Gooper Blooper:
Madden Sheep: Aristotle
Madden Sheep: says
Madden Sheep: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
Madden Sheep: So we are expecting Steve Buscemi to die
Jumpropeman: Get back to the padded room, Mr. Sheep
Gooper Blooper: waiting for laughter that will never come
Gooper Blooper: an eternity of Bad Joke Moray Eels
Madden Sheep: While trying to not be consciously cognizant of the actor
Madden Sheep: the actor playing the character
Madden Sheep: while suspending our disbelief of the fictional death
Madden Sheep: while also anticipating the death
Madden Sheep: because we recognize
Madden Sheep: recognize
Madden Sheep: the pattern
Madden Sheep: when
Gooper Blooper: this is the deadest joke in the world
Madden Sheep: When Steve Buscemi
Madden Sheep: is
Madden Sheep: in
Madden Sheep: a
Madden Sheep: m
Madden Sheep: o
Madden Sheep: v
Madden Sheep: i
Madden Sheep: e
Madden Sheep adds to 2019 Rp Plans Napkin: The Real Horror is Bad Jokes
Madden Sheep: ....
Madden Sheep: .....
Madden Sheep: ...........
Madden Sheep: Well, that's the end of my set
Madden Sheep: You've been a lovely audience
ivel: can I see my family again now
Madden Sheep: Only after you tune all the whoopee to B-Flat
ivel: I'll make it B-flatter than those jokes
Madden Sheep: see that's statement's funny
Madden Sheep: because
Madden Sheep BANNED
Brinehammer stands and claps in dead silence.

Gooper Blooper: goodnight :V


Jumpropeman: "wow, this game has like no music." *intense cacophony kicks in* "please... go back to hardly any music D:"
Gooper Blooper: MONKEY'S PAW


M Sheep considers on throwing random Delgadas into plots
M Sheep: Just running through the various mooks of the big bad and, boom, there's Caesar Delgada, nobody important
Jumpropeman: Beware... MEDIUM DICE
M Sheep: Got to fight First Mate Kikiko Poroka, Second Mate Accabba Dabi, and Quartermaster Diego Delgada
Jumpropeman: Beware... PETITE DICE
M Sheep: Got to fight off the Space Marines on the Moon; watch out for Cecil "L'il-But-Not-Quite-As-L'il-As-L'il-Dice Dice" Delgada's laser pistol!
Jumpropeman: Beware... BROBDINGNAGIAN DICE- oh, you already had the joke built in
Jumpropeman: fine, ruin my shtick at the magical 3 BI
M Sheep: And every time they kill one, they have to fight Big Dice again
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep decides against it
M Sheep: Any other Delgadas are probably dead or in jail anyway.
Jumpropeman: a fine family
M Sheep: Those of the Delgada line tend to meet unfortunate ends.
Jumpropeman: Head crushing by sledgehammer runs in the family
M Sheep: I believe Ernesto also lost his head.
M Sheep: Ohhhhh myyyy. I had forgotten I had used "You've Got The Touch" as climax music for when Big Dice was being taken down.
M Sheep: It seems I had a penchant for mood-whiplash, cheesy music before plopping down "Tubthumping" at the end of Quarterplot


ivel: so in this game The Amazing Frog
ivel: apparently there's a moon rover
ivel: on the bottom of it, it had a message saying "Please bring back Robot Wars" :U
ivel: it was updated to say "Thank you for bringing back Robot Wars" when it came back
Gooper Blooper: perfect
Gooper Blooper: unlike battlebots (rip) the robot wars reboot seems to be going strong

(A month later, Battlebots was confirmed for another season... and a couple weeks later, Robot Wars was cancelled again.)


Working Del: the civ 6 expansion is out
Working Del: im gone im dead
Working Del: rip my life


ivel: welp :U


Cthulhuzilla: Okay guys time for a game
Cthulhuzilla: ruin a game by adding one word to the title
Cthulhuzilla: or movie, I dunno
PhoneDel: Sonic Forces Greenlit
Cthulhuzilla: Sonic Boom Greenlit
PhoneDel: Okay but for real
PhoneDel: Sonic & Knuckles Kiss
ivel: I thought of a way to make a game title potentially better so I want to share that instead
Cthulhuzilla: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Bondage Mask
ivel: Monster Hunter Jurassic World
PhoneDel: Nice
PhoneDel: Wario Seizes Land
Cthulhuzilla: Okay you win that one
Cthulhuzilla: Ivel, I mean
ivel: :D
Cthulhuzilla: Team Fortress 2 furious
ivel: Super Mario Jurassic World
PhoneDel: I thought of a winner but it's too hot for chatzy
Cthulhuzilla: The Legend of Zelda: Bad Breath of the Wild
PhoneDel: So it will stay locked
ivel: now I'm curious
ivel: damnit
ivel: :I
PhoneDel: Are you sure
ivel: you can't say things like that around me, I'm curious :U
PhoneDel: #Cursed Tiny Metal Penis
ivel: oh my god
ivel: I dunno... Fire Extinguisher Emblem?
PhoneDel: Yes
ivel: I feel like that's all I've got
Cthulhuzilla: Wario Under Ware
ivel: ew
Cthulhuzilla: Yep :U
ivel: Mario Powerbomb Tennis
PhoneDel: Metroid: Samus Tax Returns
Cthulhuzilla: Kong: Skull Island Resort
Draco: Super Mario Galaxy S9
Cthulhuzilla: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Drinking Games
Draco: Monster Hunter S. Thompson
PhoneDel: Don't Fucking Starve
Draco: "We can't stop here; this is rathlar country."
Cthulhuzilla: Okay that was a good one Draco
Draco: Thanks.
ivel: Stripper Pole Position
ivel: there
ivel: finally thought of a good bad one :U
Cthulhuzilla: Pfffft
Draco: Dancing with the Star Wars
Cthulhuzilla: F-Zero sequels
Cthulhuzilla: Super Smash Bros. Bar Brawl
ivel: Sega "Superstars" Tennis
Draco: Farewell to Arms
Draco: on Nintendo Switch
Cthulhuzilla: No Arms
Cthulhuzilla: Mighty No. 9 THOUSAAAAAAAAND
Cthulhuzilla: Alright, I'm out
ivel: Arms Dealers
Cthulhuzilla: got no more in- oh fuck Ivel
Cthulhuzilla: Alright, one more
Cthulhuzilla: #Cursed Wario Ware Touched Innapropriately
PhoneDel: Darkest BDSM Dungeon
PhoneDel: Jesus yeah I quit that's
PhoneDel: You win
ivel: Mario Teaches Stereotyping
Cthulhuzilla: IVEL PLS


N Goat is now going to talk about his dream after the grace period the chat had to clear the impact site
N Goat: :I
RubyChao: go on
Draco gets in a bunker.
N Goat: It was actually pretty short
N Goat: So I'm sure this will only take an hour
N Goat: or two
Draco: Excellent. I have nothing planned for the next week.
Jumpropeman: legend says there was a time that Sheep wasn't explaining his dream, but I doubt that
Gooper Blooper: no, JRM, that's correct
Gooper Blooper: he spent that time explaining a steve buscemi joke
Jumpropeman: those were dark times
N Goat: As per the usual, I was not in my dream, but Polnareff and etc. of whatever season that is Stardust Crusaders were
N Goat: They ended up blundering into some rural town in the mountains where people were afraid of going outside because people would disapear suddenly
N Goat: I believe they talked two an old couple who gave them some exposition until they walked off their porch and disapeared mid-sentence
RubyChao: that sounds very jojo already
N Goat: A fractured dream sequence and a lot of dream logic later, they're trying to talk down this middle-aged woman dressed like a stereotypical babushka woman who's at the end of her rope after having lost her family piecemeal to these sudden disappearances. After a dramatic speech abut hoping to rejoin her family or just put an end to the sadness is going to step out from under an awning and out to look up at the night stars
N Goat: The JoGang are pleading her from various hiding places such as a barrel and tall grass as they've figured out, somehow, that there being nothing between you and the sky is the trigger that makes you disappear
N Goat: She steps out...and nothing happens. At which point the subconscious writing this script went "I dunno. Insert Araki twist here. I want to to get to the next scene.", and then tried to explain it with a slapdash flashback later in the dream
N Goat: Apparently the Stand doing the disappearing is really fast, but has zero peripheral vision and she survived solely because it was outside of that Metal Gear Solid-esque vision cone
N Goat: The Stand was vaguely humanoid shaped and its face jutted out into a blunt cone like a lazy attempt at a beak. Black and white color scheme, and it had yellow eyes. A second Stand was with it, but it didn't do anything. Humanoid, body kind of segued into a biological labcoat that obscured a lot of its body. Had two eyes like yellow headlights and these robotic needles extending from its head where ears would be. It was implied that this Stand could make the other oneof those long range Stands
RubyChao: i'm amazed at how jojo this all is
N Goat: Oh, and the guy with the labcoat Stand could talk through his, but only did when it was nearby for some reason.
N Goat: Also, the cone-faced Stand apparently dragged people up into the sky
N Goat: and just kept going
N Goat: I don't know what it did with them when it ran out of atmosphere
RubyChao: they went on The Space Journey, clearly
N Goat: Anywho, more dream logic ensues and the group is Metal Gear sneaking up the mountain road
N Goat: For some reason, they brought the babushka woman with them
N Goat: I assume they are heading to a location that's the bad guys stronghold or something
N Goat: They reach an old hotel that seems empty and decide to take a breather now they've got a safe spot with a roof between them and the sky
N Goat: At which point, we cut to the two bad guys the Stands belong to
N Goat: they are sitting in a very similar looking old, empty hotel
N Goat: in fact, the room looks very similar to the one the Jogang is in
N Goat: one lights an old oil lamp affixed to the wall, which come on with an electric pop for some reason and more smoke than necessary
N Goat: and the Jo gang and the bad guys are suddenly in the same room
N Goat: Apparently the hotel itself is in possession of a Stand; which to my limited knowledge is impossible
N Goat: An explanation about multiple dimensions ensues
N Goat: This is where the guy elects to speak through his labcoat Stand for some reason while continuing to stare down the Jogang
N Goat: Some incomprehensible explanation unrolls about how the same hotel occupies the same space in multiple ways
N Goat: And then the other villain stepped forward
N Goat: removed his hood
N Goat: and revealed he was Steve Buscemi
N Goat: okay, that last part didn't happen
RubyChao: good
N Goat: I was woken up by the dog somewhere through trying to explain Multiple Hotel String Theory
Gooper Blooper: if you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book
RubyChao: that sounds exactly like the kind of bullshit araki would write
RubyChao: good work
Jumpropeman: im a bit sad it wasn't Steve Buscemi
Jumpropeman: because then I would have understood one part of that
Jumpropeman: quite intimately


(Re: Street Sharks)

Shark Puns: I'm pretty sure this show was trying to say stuff about unhindered genetic manipulation and the consequences of messing with nature and all that
Shark Puns: which would make sense considering the time period where genetics was a very young and uncertain science
Shark Puns: but it doesn't come across very well because the sharks are constantly screaming their terrible catchphrases and it's obviously meant to sell toys first
RubyChao: so basically
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: Jurassic Shark
Shark Puns: ...FUCK


Jumpropeman: fun fact cornwind, your birthday is the same as my dog's
Birthday Evil: I'm...honored?
Jumpropeman: He's twelve times younger than you


(I opt not to read about offensive comic books)

Birthday Evil: Gooper is spared the absolute worst thing I could do
N Goat: It's true
N Goat: it's very powers wiki in here
N Goat: help
N Goat: it's so cold
N Goat: and overpowered
Jumpropeman: Powers Wiki is the final boss of my RP
Birthday Evil: Wow, the comic is so bad I've gotten six downvotes over it
Jumpropeman: destroying it is my prime directive
Bluh: Step one: Make an account.
Step two: Using 'select all', replace all text in as many of the wiki pages as possible with just the letter 'a'.
Step three: See how many can be destroyed in this manner before any mods catch on and stop us.
Step four: See if anyone whatsoever fixes it, and if so, how long it takes.
Jumpropeman: I did effectively destroy a Fanboy and Chum Chum wiki just for kicks once
Jumpropeman: powers wiki might be too well known to take down though
Gooper Blooper: I remember that story, JRM
Jumpropeman: where we reduced the article count so low it caused an overflow error
Jumpropeman: why wouldn't the Fanboy and Chum Chum wiki have 18 quintillion pages?


N Goat:
Jumpropeman: and here I thought VGCW had nothing else worth watching besides the rumbles
Birthday Evil: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Birthday Evil: For once I am at a loss


N Goat: oh
N Goat: oh no
N Goat: oh no
N Goat: They're making a Gnomeo and Juliet sequel
Jumpropeman: i think you mean
Jumpropeman: finally
Draco: WHAT
Jumpropeman: the first was so good I don't remember a single scene from it
Jumpropeman: and now we've got Sherlock Gnomes
Birthday Evil: Budget » $36 million[4]
Box office » $194 million[5]

Birthday Evil: Gotta do SOMETHING to entertain kids!
Jumpropeman: it's no Boss Baby, but God needs time to make movies, so sometimes he let's Jesus take the wheel instead
N Goat:
N Goat: Why on earth did they jump from Shakespeare to Doyle?
N Goat: Haven't they done enough?
Jumpropeman: next they'll do The Lion, the Witch, and the Gnomedrobe
Birthday Evil: In the year 2089
Birthday Evil: Having run through everything else
Birthday Evil: We'll get the 26th movie in the series
Birthday Evil: Gnome Country For Old Men
Jumpropeman: instead of Paradise Lost, Pair-a-Gnomes Lost
Jumpropeman: Dante's Infergnome
Jumpropeman: Fifty Shades of Gnomes
N Goat: the door
N Goat: you know where it is
Jumpropeman: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Gnome
Jumpropeman: Gnome of the Rings
N Goat: I cannot stress enough how important it is you know the location of this door
Jumpropeman: Uncle Gnome's Cabin
N Goat dials
Jumpropeman: The Great Gnomesby
N Goat: Hi, I'd like to report a crime in progress
Jumpropeman: Mein Gnompf
Draco: Gnome of the Gnorth
Jumpropeman: Gnome with the Wind
ivel: Double Gnome Seven
Jumpropeman: R.L. Stein's Gnomebumps
Draco: Star Wars: A Gnome Hope
N Goat: there is no hope
Jumpropeman: Zoofights Gnomeplay
ivel: Gnome Goat
Gooper Blooper: Jurassic Gnome
Jumpropeman: Steve Buscemgnome
Gooper Blooper: Gnominions
Jumpropeman: GnomGnom: Stardust Crusaders
RubyChao: Diagnome is Unbreakable
N Goat: but my heart is
ivel: Gnome Punch Man


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: it's the movie we've seen ten times before!
Jumpropeman: I specifically avoid the "character mistakes cars for a beast" thing whenever I write characters with a technological gap
Jumpropeman: Jasper for example was never so dumb :V
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, babies can intuit touch screen devices before they can even speak
Jumpropeman: i prefer the more subtle things, like how Shimmer is bad at reading and video games because she didn't grow up with them and finds the effort frustrating as an adult
Jumpropeman: that probably wouldn't work in a Hercules in New York kind of story though :V
Jumpropeman: I did like Kate and Leopold though
Jumpropeman: it achieved an acceptable balance
Jumpropeman: I wager if I rewatched it
Jumpropeman: I would then second guess that claim


(In response to FV's analysis of a Fire Emblem character)

Bluh: "That's a nice analysis that you seem to have put a lot of effort into but just hear me out. He's Squidward with a sword."
Bless you, redditor, I choked on my coffee starting a snort giggle.
SteelKomodo: XD


N Goat joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
N Goat: jkfdjkf
N Goat: Hello
Jumpropeman: whenever sheep enters the chat, he must first empty his bin of unused consonants to better communicate with us
N Goat: What have consonants ever done for me, huh?


Jumpropeman: "Vroom in the Night Sky (17) is the second worst rated modern videogame on Metacritic (16), beaten only by Road to Hell: Retribution"
RubyChao: Criticism targeted it's controls, story and translation. Jed Whitaker of Destructoid rated the game 1/10, calling it a "steaming pile of shit", saying it was not only one of the worst games on the Switch, but one of the worst he had ever reviewed in his life. He called the controls "slippery" and "imprecise", and the story nonsensical due to its poor translation. He stated that he could not imagine "how or why" Nintendo would have approved the game for sale, calling it "shovelware".[1] Glen Fox of Pocket Gamer said that it was better to "go outside and read a book" than even attempt to play the game, calling it "truly awful" and the price "insulting".[4] Casey Gibson of Nintendo World Report said that the game was "the epitome of a rushed launch title" and that "every Switch owner should pass on [it]".[5]
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: you have a switch, correct?
Jumpropeman: but of course
Jumpropeman: my brother has been "recommending" this game to me for a while
Jumpropeman: listen to all that energy in the music compared to the slow as heck bike
RubyChao: god i didn't expect how slow it'd look
RubyChao: also the dialogue
RubyChao: holy shit the dialogue
Jumpropeman: "I've never been toppled!" "It is such a thing"
Gooper Blooper: Vroom In The Night Sky looks glorious
Gooper Blooper: "My eyes are itchy!" "Don't close your eyes!"


RubyChao: for jrm
Jumpropeman: wonderful
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: haha, I didn't expect you to save that


RubyChao: so if you're a king of bots fan
RubyChao: could you call yourself
RubyChao: a kob-ber


Jumpropeman: "In all, Yoshi is a fun and quite addictive game, just as Tetris was." "Flipping at the bottom can be a bother and hard to control which makes this game all the more fun. You can make such killer scores with this game! It's one just to have fun."
Jumpropeman: ... *cancels ConsoleClassix sponsorship*
Gooper Blooper: it's fun, JRM
Gooper Blooper: it's super fun
Gooper Blooper: and quite addictive
Gooper Blooper: Poor controls make it even more fun!!
B.C.: They have to try
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman: hold on, there may be one redeeming factor in Yoshi
-Jumpropeman: that little yoshi on the right
-Jumpropeman: in the egg
-Jumpropeman: with that expression, like "You're not gonna like this buddy"

Jumpropeman: that baby yoshi is still the best part
B.C.: He knows
Jumpropeman: he and the chill mole are my spirit animals


Jumpropeman: oh hey, Mimi the Barista is still in my future folder
Jumpropeman: as if she had a chance
Jumpropeman: HA HA HA
Jumpropeman: and there's Ethopoeia too
Jumpropeman: HA HA HA HA HA
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: are you saying
Jumpropeman: probably not, unless I can remember a few more
RubyChao: honestly it's a shame Ethopoeia is scrapped
RubyChao: it sounded like a really neat concept
Jumpropeman: that was actually more of a joke than Mimi
Jumpropeman: Ethopoeia just needs the right concept attached to him, while I don't think I can salvage mimi
RubyChao: "even getting a quote teaser saying something like "I'm just doing my job!" during the 2015 pre-season before she got scrapped for one reason or another"
RubyChao: i still remember this
RubyChao: also i'm rereading maggie and imagine maggie meeting cirral
Jumpropeman: THE DRAMA
Gooper Blooper: THIS IS ELECTRIC


N Goat: Oh hey, I've been meaning to ask the hivemind
N Goat: What's this Aegis Defenders game?
N Goat: Any good?
RubyChao: oh shit
RubyChao: also that's a shame
RubyChao: at least this video makes up for it
Gooper Blooper: I have never heard of Aegis Defenders
Jumpropeman: one game I do know that Chao at least should look into
Jumpropeman: Iconoclasts
RubyChao: why's that
ivel: Aegis Defenders is
ivel: a game
ivel: that's all I know :U
Jumpropeman: Iconoclasts is a Metroidvania that is being very well received for its gameplay and story
N Goat: always count on ivel
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: you won me over
RubyChao: it's on the wishlist
ivel: I heard of Aegis but forgot about it
Jumpropeman: Aegis Defenders is now on my wishlist :V
Gooper Blooper: I know Chao is talking about Iconoclasts but I like to pretend it's in response to Ivel's stirring description of Aegis Defenders
RubyChao: hehehehehehehe
ivel: lel
Jumpropeman: hire ivel for all your advertising needs
Gooper Blooper: he's channeling gino
N Goat: Was asking because the silicone lifeforms wearing the meatpuppet overlords of steam are trying to lure me into buying it with a 20% price cut because Hollow Knight is in my library
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: most honest man in the biz
Jumpropeman: meowza
N Goat: JRM, are you okay
Jumpropeman: ivel's super honest you guys
RubyChao: most honest man in the biz
Gooper Blooper: most honest man in the biz
ivel: most honest man in the buzz


RubyChao: Kaede With A Gun makes a lot of my posts better


LupinModo: There is only one way to ease my troubled soul
LupinModo: time to tear apart another street sharks episode


Bree joined the chat
Bree: it is frandship appreciation day!! HAPP FRAND DAY
Bree: you are all my frands and I appreciate you, you fuckin weirdos
Gooper Blooper: words from the heart <3
Jumpropeman: right back atcha ☞ ゚∀゚)☞


RubyChao: i can't wait for the game horde to become the new rp plot
Jumpropeman: the likes of Keith Courage and the 88 heroes
Jumpropeman: just bumrushing the bar
N Goat: I demand 88 plot events for the 88 heroes
Jumpropeman: Miss Fortune's plot event: Every user flips a coin in chatzy. Heads, they win, tails, they immediately die


Jumpropeman: "Pikachu has sent you a Gamefly certificate!"
Jumpropeman: sometimes I forget the weird names I put down for things that don't matter
Jumpropeman: I was the Pikachu sending myself the certificate
Draco: lel
N Goat: Hey you, Pikachu


LupinModo: Hahaha
Working Del: *medic voice* TEN OUT OF TEN


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom movie night adventures continue. We ran out of Jurassic Park films but Goopsmom wanted another movie by Spielburg where a monster animal kills people so we watched Jaws
Cornwind Evil: Jaws is brutal
Cornwind Evil: I mean that in a good way
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom couldn't remember if Jaws was 1975 or 1976 (we checked the back of the case, it was 75) and she said "yeah that sounds right, because there wasn't bicentennial shit everywhere"
Gooper Blooper: From what Goopsmom tells me, 1976 and the bicentennial was like 1999 and Pokemania, it was fucking everywhere and no one would shut up about it
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: by the end of december she was very very sick of patriotism :V
MobileDrac: Goopsmom is a potty mouth. D;
Gooper Blooper: Jaws is technically ruined but JRM plays the shark so far from the film that it didn't FEEL ruined :V
Jumpropeman: jokes on you, he's going to act just like the movie when he comes back this year
Jumpropeman: slowly gnashing his teeth as best he can on the rare moments he's invisible
Jumpropeman: *visible
Jumpropeman: Invisible Jaws: Coming 2020
Jumpropeman: You'll never see it coming
Gooper Blooper: plot twist: Jaws has been Invisible Jaws for the last several seasons


N Goat: I want to ask how you decide what games to review, but I feel that a.) I wouldn't get an answer and b.) I shouldn't get an answer
N Goat: So, instead I'll ask: Heffalumps or Woozles?
Jumpropeman: the website does say EVERY game
Jumpropeman: also sheep
Jumpropeman: that's very confuzles
Jumpropeman: they come in every shape and size after all
N Goat: They do come in-darn it.
Jumpropeman: my season 8 rp will answer the question definitively though
Jumpropeman: although there is a heavy woozle lean at the moment
N Goat: #FreeTheHeffalumps
Jumpropeman: there's already a Heffalump movie!
Jumpropeman: it's time the woozles get their due!
N Goat: More like
N Goat: like
N Goat: the woozles get
N Goat: their doozle
Jumpropeman: go take a snoozle
N Goat: I refoozle to snoozle
N Goat: >:I
Jumpropeman: sorry sheep
Jumpropeman: you did not win the giveaway
Jumpropeman: some Romanian did
N Goat: #FreeTheHeffalumps
N Goat: Well, the odds were not in my favor
N Goat: Would have been funny though


A GOOD FATHER AND HUSBAND: fuck everything


RubyChao: that was a good chatzy madness
Draco: Chao, don't lie.
Draco: It was a GREAT Chatzy Madness.
RubyChao: okay, it was terrible-
RubyChao: i mean great
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: XD

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