Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 314: Embrace the Baby Shit

Jumpropeman: I don't know if I ever told anyone that my used original Xbox came with tons of early 2000s music downloaded on it and whoever owned it before me set the system name to WHORE
Jumpropeman: first time I played Halo and went into multiplayer and just saw WHORE plastered across the screen
Jumpropeman: so confused
Gooper Blooper: that sounds hilariously edgy
Gooper Blooper: so early 2000s it hurts


Yijun: i want in on more mutant plot goddamn it and I NEED MORE MUTANTS
Yijun: *shoves Shiva in everything like he's the new fad*
Jumpropeman: *makes Knack into a mutant AND a psychic for maximum plot potential*
MobileDrac: Clone Sammy?
Yijun: we can't clone sammy
Yijun: that would destroy the very fabrics of our universe
MobileDrac: With joy


Jumpropeman: chao said he wanted to read about the beanie baby boom
Jumpropeman: but what about the big mouth billy bass boom
Jumpropeman: catfish, swordfish, lobster
Jumpropeman: there were singing fish on plaques across the land
Jumpropeman: and then suddenly we realized
Jumpropeman: we didn't actually like them
Jumpropeman: but it was too late
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat baby
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boat
Jumpropeman: we tipped the boat over
Jumpropeman: we rocked the boaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Always Ask For A Lawyer: "The disclaimer, originally from the Bullet Hell shooter DoDonPachi, shown on Our Lawyers Advised This Trope: "Violator and subject to severe penalties will be prosecutedt to the full extent of the jam."("jam" is "law" with the first and last letters inverted)"
Always Ask For A Lawyer: "The boss warning sign from the first game says: "This is not similation. Get ready to destoroy the enemy. Target for the weak points of (the) fuckin' machine. Do your best you have ever done."
Always Ask For A Lawyer: English translation of the rather obscure action-RPG Prince of Qin is quite mangled, though it mostly manages to convey the intended message.
Always Ask For A Lawyer: -I am a fat lamb? Only if you have the capability!
-I want to take his life because I want to!
-But generally speaking, it is not proper to burn so many books and kill so many people.
-Now Wacheng has been conquered and I have no worries in my rear.
-See brother, this is troublesome. However, it's just small trouble. I don't want to bring you any trouble.
-You bold escaped criminal!

Gooper Blooper: I feel like those lines sum up RP decently well
Always Ask For A Lawyer: "And all of the Touhou games have bizarre English text on their loading screens: This game is curtain fire shooting game. Girls do their best now and are preparing, please watch warmly until it is ready."
Always Ask For A Lawyer: ""I take this bazooka", shouted by the ally soldier who actually gives you said weapon."
Always Ask For A Lawyer: Battle Rangers, a.k.a. Bloody Wolf included such gems as:
"You! Invaders! Get you the hot bullets of shotgun to die!" (Idiomatic translation: "Intruder! Prepare to eat hot lead!")
"Opp! I've got foods! Chuck, chuck..."
"I've got medicine! Must be good for wounds!"
"Hey! Same words to you!"
"Haha. Here's goes bloody sight!"
"Come on boy, you've got to be serious!"
"You stupid! You die!"
"Kuuh! You are the loser!!"
"Hugh! Me to lose???"

Gooper Blooper: I gotta say, I do love the idea of loading being that the characters are "preparing" and "getting ready"
Gooper Blooper: it sounds like the old joke of there being little people inside a radio/TV that make the magic happen
ITS A GUNDAM: oh my god
ITS A GUNDAM: "I am fat lamb?" kills me
ITS A GUNDAM: the sort of thing hiroki would say
MobileDrac: MAGIC is a fox, not a lamb.
ITS A GUNDAM: and then there's "HEY SAME WORDS TO YOU"
ITS A GUNDAM: which is Gonzy/10 when he was learning english
ITS A GUNDAM: hiroki is not MAGIC
ITS A GUNDAM: though he will put up a fight in the eating department
ITS A GUNDAM: either that or they'd be best buds
ITS A GUNDAM: i haven't decided


Jumpropeman: my brother and I
Jumpropeman: watched Strawinsky and the Mysterious House
Jumpropeman: aka the Globgogabgalab movie
Jumpropeman: 5/5 there's a rabbit in it named Elbow
Jumpropeman: (actually the movie is very boring and repetitive and they put A LOT of effort into building sets that they never use save for one shot where nothing happens)
Jumpropeman: but at the same time
Jumpropeman: not as boring as expected


Jumpropeman: Happy Foursquare Day everyone
Jumpropeman: I'm sure everyone remembers Foursquare
Hiroki: foursquare who
Jumpropeman: Foursquare was that app where people would check in when they got somewhere
Jumpropeman: basically allowing your friends to see what a cool life you live
Jumpropeman: going to "Arby's" and "Arby's" and "Arby's" and "Jim's" and "Arby's"
Draco: Mmmm...Arby's....
Hiroki: arby's...
Jumpropeman: you are thinking Arby's
Jumpropeman: all will think Arby's
Jumpropeman: and only Arby's
Jumpropeman: do not resist
Gooper Blooper: going to bed, nite
M Sheep: G'night, Goops
M Sheep: please remain unbothered by blood draining creatures
Jumpropeman: good night goop
Jumpropeman: May the Arby's smokehouse brisket carry you safely to dreaml na
Jumpropeman: and dreamland too
Jumpropeman: sorry, if I type too long without mentioning Arby's something weird happens to me
Phone: You have exposed the existence of Dreaml Na to outsiders. J8 The Order will be most displeased.
Jumpropeman: Arby will have my head for this D:
Jumpropeman: I'll be on their next roast beef or Reuben sandwich!
Phone: You have made me complicit by reprimanding you in public and confirming it. D8 I'll be fry grease for sure!
Jumpropeman: I've actually never been to Arby's


(Spy likes the new setting)

SKIYCTIY (NO) joined the chat
M Sheep: But what about
M Sheep: Tunnel Town
DMG: Ionosphere Cul De Sac


Hiroki: oh and one dumbass janitor i guess


M Sheep: "placing a hand on the back of his bandana-covered head"
M Sheep: Read that as "banana" for a second
M Sheep: Had some questions.


MobileDrac: Phone camera sucks at photos still
But mewow: The gunship paint job is neat, Draco, and thank ya for it, but what's that design on the table? It seems familiar somehow.
N Goat: I'd love to compliment your paint job, Draco
N Goat: But it looks a little
Hiroki: ...NO
Hiroki: *grabs shotgun* NO
N Goat: plane
Hiroki: NO
Hiroki shoots Sheep
But mewow slow claps for Sheep and drags his body to the lab

N Goat: I died do..ing...w-what...*hurk* I....l..o...v...e
But mewow: Yes, yes. Good boy. Now get the Lazarus tubes in him, boys, and get the Illusive man on the line. This'll be way easier to treat than post mortem reentry char.
But mewow: I'm thinking we add a low lever psionic transmitter this time around, just so the puns really stick in their heads when Lieutenant Commander Sheep Herd lets loose.
MobileDrac: Are you saying it's a piece of...
MobileDrac: SHIP?
Hiroki: draco
MobileDrac: Yespy?
But mewow: Gooood, Draco, gooooooooooooo-oood. Let the quips flooooow through you.
MobileDrac: D8
MobileDrac: Guess I ought to.......
MobileDrac: JET.


MobileDrac: Clownpiece calls home. "MASTER, Duer won't let me have any of his coffee." "Good." ":|"
B.C.: Kek
B.C.: Hiroki is also a coffee guy
B.C.: he’d die without it
MobileDrac: His coffee doesn't double as rocket fuel though.
B.C.: I mean
B.C.: how do we know
MobileDrac: Let Clownpiece have some. 😄
MobileDrac: If she explodes, we know.
B.C. asked Chatzy to choose between she explodes and nope. Chatzy chose: nope
B.C.: Safe
MobileDrac: Whew. Hiroki's coffee is just coffee.
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between she just got lucky and no it's just coffee. Chatzy chose: no it's just coffee
MobileDrac: Duer's lucky. Replacement fairies are hard to find.
MobileDrac: Just wrap Cirno in a Union Jack. Hecatia won't notice.


Jumpropeman: Nearly all of fiction carries the message that the more powerful character shall not prevail in the face of the weaker character's ingenuity, camaraderie, and persistence... but who's stronger guys, Goku or Superman?
ivel: Hercule can obviously take both down
Jumpropeman: you're a good man ivel
Jumpropeman: you get a raise and I'm promoting you to the head of promotion department, just so you can give yourself more promotions
Hiroki: kek
ivel: I promise to go mad with power


Jumpropeman: have you ever just brushed some of your teeth and not all of them
Jumpropeman: because I just brushed the left side of my mouth but not the right
Jumpropeman: it is strange
MobileDrac: Expected only smooches on that side tonight?


Jumpropeman: I sometimes forget I watched the entire Postman Pat movie
Jumpropeman: like it's some sort of repressed memory resurfacing
SteelKomodo: why would you inflict that on yourself
SteelKomodo: was it a "I gotta know" thing, or...?
Potato Nightmares and truths: I forgive you.
Jumpropeman: yeah, after I saw robot Pat and the British American Idol I had to know what was going on in that mess


Jumpropeman: is Electabuzz
Jumpropeman: a tiger
Draco: No, he's Electabuzz.
Jumpropeman: it's got a tiger tail, and the stripes, and sort of a cat like face
Gooper Blooper: Electabuzz is one of those Pokemon that may be inspired by certain animals, but is not strictly a direct animal analogue
Draco: Yeah, but it evolves from an electrical plug with no tail.
Gooper Blooper: sorta like how Slowpoke is kind of a hippo but not nearly as much of a hippo as Hippowdon
Draco: If anything, I'd think it an ape of some kind.
DMG: Electabuzz is based off of the Oni, which is a horned ogre that wears tiger skin
Jumpropeman: ah! Good catch!
Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, I think I read that somewhere
RubyChao: Electayuugi
Jumpropeman: now I'm trying to remember that old anime with the oni chick in a bikini
Gooper Blooper: Urusei Yatsura
ivel: Lum?
Jumpropeman: that's it!
Jumpropeman: Now I'm trying to get 30 dollars
Jumpropeman: *waits expectantly*
Gooper Blooper: lightning may not strike thrice tonight for our friend
Draco tries throwing three ten dollar bills at JRM, but they don't go far enough.


Jumpropeman: not sure I ever showed you guys this gem
Gooper Blooper: I found that when perusing your wishlist recently
Gooper Blooper: it needs a review
Jumpropeman: they just added 10 new levels!
Gooper Blooper: Hot dog!
RubyChao: ooooh i can save 51%!
ivel: "Robots Attack On Vapeland"
RubyChao: Includes 39 items: German Fortress 3D, Business-hooiznes, Kamikaze Cube, Deep Dark Fantasies, Deep Dark Fantasies - Artbook, Business-hooiznes - Wallpapers, Boy Next Door, Adventures Of Pipi, Deep GachiGASM, Pixel Space Battles, Fidget Spinner In Space, Boy Next Door - Gold Skin DLC, Africa Hunting, Ukrainian ball in search of gas, Santa Run, Deep GachiGASM - Artbook, Colony On Mars, My Little Bomb, Gay World, Gay World - OST, Anime girl Or Bottle?, Loot Box Simulator 20!8, Loot Box Simulator 20!8 - OST, President Trump The Way In Uganda, President Trump The Way In Uganda - OST, Russian AYE Race, Bitcoin Or Bomb?, Dokkaebi Hentai Adventures, Russian AYE Race - OST, Bitcoin Or Bomb? - OST, Putin VS ISIS, Dokkaebi Hentai Adventures - OST, Hot Mars 69, Crypto Girl The Visual Novel, Russian Prisoner VS Nazi Zombies, SAS VS Zombies, Putin VS ISIS - OST, Robots Attack On Vapeland, Russian World
RubyChao: this bundle though
ivel: clearly jrm needs the bundle
Jumpropeman: Putin VS ISIS - OST
Jumpropeman: the official soundtrack for Putin vs. Isis
Draco: O_O
Jumpropeman: surprisingly, games like "Ukrainian ball in search of gas" have positive review ratings
Gooper Blooper: Fidget Spinner In Space
Jumpropeman: Dokkaebi Hentai Adventures, with the innovative choice of not including any hentai
Jumpropeman: surprisingly, Robots Attack on Vapeland looks like... a game
Jumpropeman: instead of MSPaint thrown around
RubyChao: >only 38 bucks for 39 items
Jumpropeman: "You play for robot Pep, and you need to save your planet from invasion of invaders from Kokostan."


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: I was hoping this day would come
Hiroki: oh no
Hiroki: sarahkin memes
ivel: the most important chart
Hiroki: but is dia legally allowed to say fuck
ivel: pretty sure she has
Jumpropeman: what about Freddy Fazfuck
Hiroki: chao you know what to do
RubyChao: i do
Hiroki: tho honestly i think everyone but alex and carla have said "fuck" at some point in their lives
Jumpropeman: I'd be surprised if Alex hasn't since he was your season 1 mouth for a while
ivel: even Duer?
Hiroki: ivel
Hiroki: you're not allowed to talk to me for the next 10 minutes
Hiroki: >:U
Hiroki: oh i forgot
Hiroki: kirbies
Hiroki: kirby?
Hiroki: alex might have
Hiroki: but i forget
Hiroki: carla, definitely not
Jumpropeman: Puyo puyo FUCKING BITCH puyo puyo~
ivel: clearly "Puyo" means "fuck"
Hiroki: hubert has not tainted her vocabulary yet
RubyChao: brandon said fuck
Hiroki: brandon is 100% guaranteed to say fuck
Hiroki: he ain't sarah levels of pure
ivel: nobody is
Hiroki: except CARLA
Hiroki: cus she is BABBY
ivel: plz
ivel: Deekin is close :U
Gooper Blooper: It is entirely possible I had Gloria, Ariel, or Sarah say "fuck" at some point
Gooper Blooper: but you can always chalk that up to early installment weirdness
Jumpropeman: <3 Deekin
ivel: Puddlenaut isn't allowed to say "fuck"
ivel: because he's not allowed to talk
RubyChao: ok
RubyChao: dia
RubyChao: has NEVER said fuck
Hiroki: haHA
Jumpropeman: Shimmer said fuck once early on and I turned it into a plot
Hiroki: i'm good at this character thing
RubyChao: she was supposed to be dead so it wouldn't matter :V
Hiroki: too good
Bree: breeplot 2029: melody says fuck
Hiroki: i mean why else would i make a fuckin character at the last minute
Hiroki: goddamn it
Jumpropeman: the big twist in Breeplot 2029 is she actually said Phoque, the french word for seal
Pew pew pew: Pernicious perdition
Hiroki: *shoves Hiroki in the janitor closet*
Jumpropeman: the french word Phoque is also where we get Phoque Island, which sounds pretty close to Fuck Island
Jumpropeman: which would probably have more hentai set there if it wasn't just a rock covered with fat seals
Bree: *70's porno music playing over a montage of sunbathing seals*
Pew pew pew: Hello, yes, I was informed that the love shack is a little old place where we can get together?
Wait, what are you doing with that mace- aAaghhggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
MobileDrac: Bree pls continue


Jumpropeman: https://i.redd.it/610a6f2ly3t01.jpg
Pew pew pew: It's inappropriate to be too hands on at some dinner affairs. This can range from just not grabbing your steak like Ven a barbarian to letting the tea cup walk up your sleeve, in the house of elder magics, to pour itself in your mouth.
Pew pew pew: It's considered exceptionally impolite to scream at the living, limbed china.
Pew pew pew: In your training as an assassin of classy wizards and eldritch monsters, you will learn the usages of the thirteen species of spoon, and thirty seven ways to kill a man if needed with each.
Jumpropeman: *watches Ven spin an entire universe out of a picture of creepy cups*
Bree: not just cups, you racist
Pew pew pew: Pffft
Gooper Blooper: that's the set Sheep uses when he has guests over
Gooper Blooper: the fine china
M Sheep: "Next, let's move onto the egg spoon. Is it appropriate to scoop out the wizard's damn eyes before or after cracking the shell of the egg? You don't want to get your order of operations mixed up here. Not like me." *dead stare* "And end up teaching gelatinous traderlings that still are just a little fuzzy on the details of the outlier cutlery when you could strip a salad fork of runes in fifteen seconds at their age. Now work on your place settings while Prof. Treacher has his quick quarter of the hour tipple."
Pew pew pew sips tipple and gives drunken thumbs up


Jumpropeman: "If you put all the Regis next to each other they spell out H-O-T"
Gooper Blooper: they're describing Gigas, of course
 White Magic Shotgun Leverage: I read that as "Reigns"
Hiroki: put on your glasses
Draco: they're describing Gigas Sammy, of course
Draco: Fixed that for ya. ;V
Hiroki: Sammy poses


M Sheep: Mr, Bigglesworth is Planeswarden canon, huh?
Hiroki: now he is
Hiroki: i have an idea of what he's like
Hiroki: but that'll have to wait
Hiroki: just stealing ven's joke and making it canon, casually
Phone: Harps has mastered my one trick. 8')
Jumpropeman: One Weird Trick to Make RP Characters!


Brinehammer: Hey ya'll.
SteelKomodo: sup
Brinehammer: Home from work, chilling with my dog. He tore up my copy of It but left my Magic cards alone, so it's kind of a victory...?
Hiroki: where these doggo pics at
RubyChao: >he tore up your book
ivel: spared the important stuff tho ;P
Xnithi: It's impossible for a doggo to be a monster, though.
Brinehammer: Look at this jerk. He knows what he did.
Hiroki: big ol pupper
Xnithi: Pupper
RubyChao: sinner


Bree: my name is
Bree: listen
Bree: you're never gonna guess it
Bree: my name
Bree: is
Bree: bree.
Bree: it's my actual name.
Xnithi: WUT
Bree: totally unexpected, I know


Xnithi: I was thinking of Paprika.
Xnithi: Which isn't a color.
Xnithi: I think.
Bree: anything's a color
Bree: we had a car and I described the color as "baby shit"
Jumpropeman: I almost said "no one is using baby shit green" during the color suggestion
Xnithi: You should use it.
Xnithi: It's your destiny.
Jumpropeman: but am I worthy of such an honor
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: yes
Xnithi: There you go.
Jumpropeman: just making sure I don't lose my code this time: 757A79
Jumpropeman: and now, to try it on
DMG: Baby shit green is your calling JRM
DMG: embrace the baby shit
Xnithi: Well, maybe not physically embracing it.
Bree: all of the pls no
Bree: have mercy
Xnithi: Just, you know, metaphorically embracing it.
DMG: no, grasp it
DMG: hold it close, JRM
DMG: it loves you


Jumpropeman: so much homesickness in the goopblog
Jumpropeman: (there was probably two)
Jumpropeman: SO MUCH


Jumpropeman: Surfing Usa is from Genoskyo!?!?
Jumpropeman: but he is no tiny anime girl!
Blurred eyebrows intensify
RubyChao: he is one of those rarest of things
RubyChao: a gensokyoian male
Bree: did they add another one
Jumpropeman: Ven made one up
Bree: oh, huh
M Sheep: All together now: We can make stuff up?!
Jumpropeman: I guess I don't need to scene for scene copy the Theodore Rex movie anymore
Blurred: Make 'em up mock' 'em up ooh rah rah
Create them debate them ooh la la


M Sheep: My favorite precursor line to an explanation: "It took me a while because I'm thick, but..."


ivel: responded in the ask thread
M Sheep: A post from ivel?
M Sheep: The stories were true!
ivel: and now to delete it so nobody will ever know
Jumpropeman: too late ivel! I copied it!
Jumpropeman: This'll be all over the headlines tomorrow morning!
M Sheep: I'm printing it out right now
ivel bluescreens jrm's computer and Sheep's printer
M Sheep: So I can hang it on my fridge
ivel and Sheep's fridge


Xnithi: I need to get around to making Berry Dawn's summons....
M Sheep: I'm sure they're
M Sheep: BERRY nice!
Xnithi: Heh
Xnithi: No.
M Sheep: oh.
M Sheep: Let me take that one again
M Sheep clears throat
M Sheep: I'm sure they're
M Sheep: BERRY horrifying!
Xnithi: Berry horrifying is apropos.


Draco: Sheep should RP the bartender next year and Season 10.
Jumpropeman: the sheep bartender would spend all season trying to name the bar
Gooper Blooper: The sheep bartender would tell a joke on the first day
Gooper Blooper: then spend the next six months repeating and explaining the joke
Xnithi: Welcome to the King of Bleats.
Draco gives Xnithi a trophy.
RubyChao: all of it is about Steve Buscemi
Jumpropeman: Welcome to the Bling of Cleats
Blurred: So when good old Louis is out of commission again, you'll all treat the Meowster Chef kindly as a replacement, right
Jumpropeman: what if the sheep bartender
Jumpropeman: WAS Steve Buscemi
Jumpropeman: he constantly needs to explain his presence
M Sheep: This is like that Inside John Malkovich film
Draco: Welcome to the King of Beatboxes
Xnithi tries to eat the shiny, fails, and pawns it for $10.81.
RubyChao: you walk into the bar
RubyChao: sheep posts this face


RubyChao: "Jules Verne is a famous French science-fiction author best know for his works including: A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days and The Mysterious Island. What is lesser known about him are the facts that he participated in a millennia-old battle between alien robots here on Earth and is a time traveler."
RubyChao: tfwiki continutes to be great


Jumpropeman: The Game Hoard's e-mail account doesn't receive a lot of spam, but the one persistent spam it gets comes from: a tissue company. Tips and Tricks for using tissues. New tissues that are 10% smaller! Our tissues now have STICKERS!
Jumpropeman: I'm particularly fond of this thing they append to their emails:
"If that sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, hit the button below. Otherwise we'll go our separate ways with just the one look back over our shoulder — we hope you look back over your shoulder too. It's more poetic that way."
Jumpropeman: you've won my heart custom tissue company, but not my patronage
ivel: apparently you're going your separate ways in a circle


ivel: there's a board game publisher called Horrible Games
Jumpropeman: that make terrible games that no one should play?
ivel: apparently they're good :U
Jumpropeman: gonna have to file a false advertising claim


Jumpropeman: "What is happening to this gun? It is changing its form... it is turning into an ape!"
Jumpropeman: also the very first moment is great
Jumpropeman: Human Torch just freaking dies
Jumpropeman: 10:00-10:15 another highlight
The Hammer: This is the kind of linkage I find acceptable.
RubyChao: "and the first man to land on the moon shall rule the world!"
RubyChao: and that's how we came to live under the reign of Emperor Armstrong II
RubyChao: *closes book*


RubyChao: "Basically, China's National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture announces that it has successfully bred four new species of flowers via crossbreeding two species of the Lagerstroemia Indica genus.
The name for one of them is literally "灵梦", the Simplified Chinese writing of Reimu. Not only that, the petals also happened to resemble Reimu's ribbon!
The Taiwanese forum where I discovered this article also has a comment on it saying: "Looked closely. Apparently the idea to name (the flower) Reimu is indeed related to Touhou. Looks like there are also Touhou fans in (China's NERCF)""

Gooper Blooper: raymooflower
MobileDrac: Smells like PAIN.


ivel: iveldog bleps at you
ivel: then lays her face back down cause she's tired
Bree: boop the snoot
ivel: snoot status: booped
Draco boops Bree's snoot. BU
Grilled Panda goes on a shoot bopping rampage!!!
Grilled Panda boops all the snoots!!!

Draco: Don't waste your time with Gooper's characters; none of them have snoots.
Grilled Panda also murders autocorrect!!!
Draco: HA
Grilled Panda boops the goop.
Draco: My autocorrect turns "Ven" into "Been"
Gooper Blooper is booped
Bree 's snoot is booped (twice)

ivel: the bloop is booped
Bree: the boop is blooped


Draco: Are we a gaming forum? D:
ivel: we're the most toxic
ivel: the kind that never posts gaming stuff
RubyChao: ^
RubyChao: time to burn it all down


Grilled Panda: Oh, I have money!


Bree: omg draco bought me va-11 hall-a
RubyChao: oh nice
Bree: dracoooooo you're the best
RubyChao: have fun!!
Grilled Panda changed name to Jelly
Draco: Thanks, Bree. ^_^
Jelly: Hey, uh, Draco.
Draco: Yo.
Gene Paychequie: Draco go buy me a new motherboard, extra RAM, and a new video card so I can play South Park: The Fractured But Whole.
Jelly: Nevermind, it won't come out as funny as I thought it would.
Jelly: See, like that.
ivel: Draco is indeed a great person
M Sheep: Welcome to Va-11 Hall-A
Jelly: The had came out funny.
Draco: The last one I bought you wasn't good enough, Cornwind? BU
RubyChao: draco is the initial reason we have chatzy premium
Phone: Cause jam don't shake like that
Draco: jk
Gene Paychequie: No.
RubyChao: then cornwind
Gene Paychequie: Do more.
RubyChao: then jrm
Draco: Ven, what's Panda's Steam thing? I bet she wants a game about a cyberpunk anime bartender.
Gene Paychequie: (This is of course all a joke)
Draco: I know Ven paid for the Premium for awhile.
Jelly: Wait, seriously?!
Draco: Sure.
Jelly: facadepapergirl
Jelly: Yes please!
Draco: Accept my love friend request. :U
Jelly: Cyberpunk anything, really.
Jelly: Thank you!
Jelly runs wildly to their laptop.
Gooper Blooper: and lo did Panda learn how generous Draco is
ivel: I think we all just bombarded Panda with friend requests
DMG: yup
RubyChao: yep
Jelly: Yep. And it was glorious!!!
Jelly: I am glad that you all cannot see me.
Draco: There ya go, Jelly Panda. Enjoy your Cyberpunk Bartender game too.
Jelly: Adults do not make flappy hand gestures and giggle like a pervy goose.
Jelly: Thank you!!!
RubyChao: i mean
ivel: I have the same reaction to gifts too
RubyChao: adults don't clap like a seal when happy or excited
RubyChao: yet, i do so
 RubyChao: so there's that
Jelly changed name to Happy Panda
Bree high-fives Panda

Bree: new game pals
ivel: not the exact same but similar :U
Happy Panda high fives Bree back!
Gooper Blooper: My Steam Wallet is loaded so I can just buy Valhalla myself, but I'm gonna wait for a sale since I don't have time to play it right now anyway
Gooper Blooper: >sheep has no wishlist
ivel: time to send him Bad Rats
M Sheep: I am a ghost, Goops
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: WELL OKAY DMG
Bree: wait what
Bree: what's happening
RubyChao: what did he do
Gooper Blooper: (3 guesses what DMG just bought me, first two don't count)
RubyChao: he called the hell out of your bluff
Happy Panda: Cyberpunk bar?
Bree: haw, all the peeps getting valhalla tonite
RubyChao: alright, one of you chucklefucks drop 25 dollars and buy me touhou 15.5
RubyChao: (no, don't do that)
RubyChao: >dmg called the fuck out of my bluff
RubyChao: dmg
RubyChao: i bow to your superior skills
RubyChao: (he got me touhou 15.5)
Gooper Blooper: bahahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: this is amazing
Gooper Blooper: what the hell is going on
Gooper Blooper: there's not even a sale right now
Gooper Blooper: people are just heaving games at each other
Bree: ok anyway going to bed for serious now
DMG: good night bree
Bree left the chat
DMG: alright now that Bree's gone, let's raid her wishlist and buy everything
Gooper Blooper: kek
DMG: nevermind her wishlist is expensive
Gooper Blooper: double kek

(Chao buys DMG Getting Over It in return for Touhou 14.5)

DMG: oh alright Chao
DMG: it's like that, huh?
RubyChao: IT IS
DMG: check mate
RubyChao: jesus christ dmg i can't even keep up the meme
RubyChao: you are a generous and wonderful person
RubyChao: and thank you incredibly
RubyChao: also a madman.
DMG: also I make good money and don't pay for food or housing
RubyChao: yeah, that's why i'm not fretting too much
RubyChao: this is expendable cash :V
Phone: Good show, DMG.
RubyChao: (he bought me THREE more games)
RubyChao: (at once.)
DMG: you played right into my hand!
RubyChao: (i have truly been outplayed)

(The next day...)

Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: howdy
RubyChao: heyropeman
iKomodo: Hi jrm
Jumpropeman: apparently you miss a lot when you go to bed at like 5 pm
Jumpropeman: like christmas
Jumpropeman: you guys are adorable
RubyChao: i'm still floored by dmg's generosity
Jumpropeman: the G stands for generous
Jumpropeman: and the M for moneybags
Jumpropeman: and the D for... Doromaniac
iKomodo: What did I miss?
ivel: gifts were given
ivel: just random Steam giftsmas
ivel: DMG bought Chao a game, Chao bought him one back and said WHAT NOW, so DMG called his bluff and got him more stuff
RubyChao: three more games, specifically
ivel: mhm
Jumpropeman: I take it those games were Bad Rats, Bad Rats the Show, and Ostrich Island?
ivel: iirc it started with DMG buying... Goops that cyberpunk bar game?
RubyChao: nope
RubyChao: it started with Draco buying Bree the bar game
RubyChao: and then buying a copy for Panda
RubyChao: and then DMG bought one for Goops
ivel: ah right, I didn't think it started with DMG
RubyChao: also jrm:
Jumpropeman: too much chaos
Jumpropeman: gifts falling everywhere
RubyChao: touhou 15.5, a mystery game, beamng.drive, and a game by probably my favorite doujin game maker
Jumpropeman: for a second I thought you were saying Touhou is a mystery game
Jumpropeman: I want a bullet hell mystery game to be a thing
ivel: I mean as many 2hu games as there are
ivel: I wouldn't be surprised


Happy Panda: Also, late Gooping is still Gooping, right?
Gooper Blooper: early gooping, late gooping
Gooper Blooper: on-time gooping
Gooper Blooper: I do it all
Bree: punctual gooping
Gene Paychequie: Been a sore lack of blooping though lately.


KILL BIG CASS: Nitori is running this shop
RubyChao: she is
Gooper Blooper: I appreciate the honesty
MobileDrac: That is a steal for a +2 shield.
Gooper Blooper: Twice as good as a +1, but less than twice the price
Gooper Blooper: it's a no-brainer


Jumpropeman: Two games have made me cry
Jumpropeman: Mass Effect 3 and Metal Gear Solid 3
Jumpropeman: something about 3s, man
Draco: Because you were glad they ended finally?
Jumpropeman: :V
M Sheep: I'm still in a dream...
Phone: Congratulations are in order, JRM.
Phone: You have done well.
Jumpropeman: and once again, thank you ven, especially for the Citadel DLC
Phone: Thank you for obliging me, rather, I hope you had a good time.


Draco: I just realized both SK and I call our blogs our Lair.
Jumpropeman: Chain the lairs together
Jumpropeman: make a minimall but with lairs
Brief: Both you and he have special lizard fella things going, too. =u
A Distraction: Make it onion shaped.
Jumpropeman: SK is the Mecha-Godzilla to your Godzilla
Draco: This is true.
Draco: He's the STEEL Komodo.


There s War in Discordia: Perhaps instead of Mangs, my nickname for ye should be LitSniper. Both like what the kids refer to as 'neat' last I was informed, and an abbreviation for literature.
There s War in Discordia: Do they still use 'lit'?
Bree: yes
Xnithi the Pun Addict: Yes, they do.
Xnithi the Pun Addict: I was thinking like LitRPG.
Xnithi the Pun Addict: But snipers use rifle rounds, not RPGs.
Xnithi the Pun Addict giggles to themself.
There s War in Discordia: I'm finally current. *_* It only took nigh on a eight and twenty years for to reach this point.
BookSnipeZZZ: And mine is a play on sniper, to refer to the bird not the gun to confuse people
Xnithi the Pun Addict: Oooh
Xnithi the Pun Addict: Which is rarer, a snark or a snipe?
BookSnipeZZZ: No clue. But one of my names used the Shank.
Jumpropeman: CKR uses lit specifically to bug me
Jumpropeman: her favorite way to do so is the phrase "Litty lit, never quit"
BookSnipeZZZ: That's lit
BookSnipeZZZ: 😉
Xnithi the Pun Addict giggles more.
Jumpropeman: :I


Jumpropeman: you know what movie has a jump scare that shouldn't
Jumpropeman: Citizen Kane
BookSnipeZZZ: Oh I was gonna say Up
Jumpropeman: that has an Up Scare
RubyChao: rosebud *and then kane's zombie face appears*
Jumpropeman: there's just like a bird that freaks out all of a sudden and its used as a scene transition so you can't anticipate super angry bird
Jumpropeman: for reference
Jumpropeman: warning: Jump Scare :V
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: you weren't kidding, j-man
M Sheep: Okay.
M Sheep: I remember that bird now.
M Sheep: and being very confused when that happened
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: can we make a new category
RubyChao: the Scary Angry Bird of Citizen Kane of Jumpscares
There s War in Discordia: Isn't that just Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds in general?
M Sheep: That film was
M Sheep: for the birds
Gooper Blooper: holy shit that bird
Gooper Blooper: was that necessary
Gooper Blooper: I'm dying


Xnithi the Pun Addict: Apparently, writing your own Necromonicon means that you know everything Lovecraftian better than anyone else.
There s War in Discordia:
{ ( O ) }


RubyChao: "He specifically labels [a can of oil] so Kaede does not drink it to be more like Ruukoto."
RubyChao: good line
Gooper Blooper: Kaede just fuckin slams back that oil
Gooper Blooper: SHE'LL DO IT
RubyChao: (and then she violently retches because OIL, but she's still proud of herself)
Bree: and then ibuki arrives in kuwahawi to learn her friend has been hospitalized
Bree: "kaede what did you do" "I drank oil" "why" "because kobbers"
Draco: Kaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeede~ *cue laugh track*


A Distraction: Is anyone here not a ball of anxiety?

1 comment:

  1. "He specifically labels [a can of oil] so Kaede does not drink it to be more like Ruukoto."

    And two years later Deb drank the Forgotling Jungle Juice.
