Monday, July 23, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 317: Nyan-Nyan Baka Sheep-San Desu Desu =^.^=

Admiral BC of Marshmallows: also fuck i have ideas for Chickenplot 2019
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: oh god Miss Featherbutt might be a breakout char for 2019
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: what the fuck
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: it's too early go to bed, Miss Featherbutt


iKomodo: turts
PhoneDel: Meenage Tutant Tinja Nortles


Brinehammer joined the chat
Gooper Blooper joined the chat

Jumpropeman: hi gooper brineper
Deletons: Gooper brineper
Deletons: A terrifying combo of sugar-addicted goth girls
Brinehammer: Cutest characters, hardest lurking.
Gooper Blooper: pff


Jumpropeman: apparently Knack had a crossover with a game called Destiny of Spirits, one of those "collect all the character" types of games. It included such memorable Knack characters as: Country Goblin, Powered-suit Goblin, Android Soldier, and Mining Robot
Gooper Blooper: all your favorites
Gooper Blooper: how about a knack smash brothers clone
Green Waluigi: oh, it was a Vita game
Green Waluigi: that's why I never heard of it :U
Jumpropeman: how I found it was that Giant Knack is one of the "Spirits" and his attack is creatively called Strong Arm Punch. Compare this to other characters having attacks like Power, Therefore Justice; Dangerous Philosophy; Invention of the Century; Freedom and Justice; and even Little Knack's Speed Star


Senior Drrrrrraco: Added Deb to my profiles.
Secretary of Defenestration: Deb, the sentient patch of haze?
Senior Drrrrrraco: Deb the...lady who walks up around huge gears.
Jumpropeman: finally, Deb's form revealed
Senior Drrrrrraco: Eeyup. Goops reminded me I hadn't put her profile up yet.
Secretary of Defenestration: I've been thinking about playing Deb, the sentient patch of haze.
Secretary of Defenestration: But she's kind of a bitch.
Senior Drrrrrraco: I don't know who that is, sadly.
Secretary of Defenestration: She's Deb, a sentient patch of haze.
Secretary of Defenestration: Obviously.
Jumpropeman: I don't know who she is
Secretary of Defenestration: Teasing, she's from Night Vale.
Secretary of Defenestration: I don't know who you are.
Jumpropeman: I don't know who I am
Senior Drrrrrraco: Ah.
Cornwind Evil: Time to introduce my new character, Shirtpants.


PhoneDel: Jeffery is amazing
PhoneDel: Thank you sheep for this glorious skeltal


Secretary of Defenestration: Apparently, the surefire way to wake yourself up is to try to sleep.
iKomodo: Welp
MobileDraco: I tried that and missed Brine posting last night. 😟
Secretary of Defenestration: Well, you did it wrong.
Secretary of Defenestration: Do it right.
Brinehammer: Yeah, sorry for late nighting you. I have to resist the urge to constantly throw Oda at Demonde and Zeldoten.


Mon Sheep: >Desu
Mon Sheep: Brine, this is an intervention.
Brinehammer: Nyan-Nyan Baka sheep-San Desu desu =^.^=
Mon Sheep dies
Brinehammer: ...I think I puked a little.
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: i saw that sentence and died
Mon Sheep reaches up towards Brine weakly
Mon Sheep: u-
Mon Sheep cough
Mon Sheep: ugu
Mon Sheep dies
RubyChao: brine
RubyChao: i'm going to ban you someday
RubyChao: and you will know why :IO
RubyChao: *:I
Mon Sheep: *:IOO
Mon Sheep: Chao's a snowman
Mon Sheep: 'cuz he's one cool guy


ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: boo
Jumpropeman: ivel you are doing me a frighten
Mon Sheep: Is that a JoJo reference?
Mon Sheep: No, see it's funny because
Mon Sheep: because
Mon Sheep: i was answering a meme with another meme
Mon Sheep: you referenced and older meme
Mon Sheep: so I
Mon Sheep: I mentioned a newer meme
Mon Sheep: the joke
Mon Sheep: joke being
Jumpropeman: >newer meme
Jumpropeman: funniest joke you've told all week
Mon Sheep: A meme is defined as an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture
Mon Sheep: often with the aim of conveying a particular phenomenon, theme, or meaning represented by the meme
Mon Sheep: actually, I'm going to have cut off the rather long "joke" I planned here :U
Mon Sheep: Brb
Jumpropeman: there is a god


Mon Sheep: >Sees Miu in Black Magic bakery
Jumpropeman: look sheep
Jumpropeman: Celestia has to turn back to a villain somehow
Mon Sheep: >Friend to all children and grownups who still act like children!
Mon Sheep: Gamera vs Celestia would be a fun fight.
Gooper Blooper: As I recall Gamera and Celestia briefly tussled during Fite Week 1 Finale
Jumpropeman: there's art of it
Gooper Blooper: yep, I remembered that pic
Gooper Blooper: Celestia vs Gamera in a Child On A Pole match
Jumpropeman: *Sarah breaks the pole*
Gooper Blooper: Going full Season 1 complete with Sarah fat jokes
ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: jokes? ;U
Senior Drrrrrraco: Get with the times, JRM.
Senior Drrrrrraco: *MAGIC breaks the pole*


Mon Sheep: >DeMonde sighs and removes one of her gloves, showing a glowing acorn symbol on the back of her hand before returning the glove.
Mon Sheep: High priestess of the squirrel god?
Senior Drrrrrraco: Something like that.
Senior Drrrrrraco: A nature goddess of the elves that more or less became an underground cult because the mainstream religion murdered most of the full-blooded elf worshippers and violently oppressed anyone even caught with a holy symbol or text of the nature goddess.
Mon Sheep: >Oda did her level best not to stare at Zeldoten's tail, since she wasn't some country peasant.
Mon Sheep: Presented without context
Senior Drrrrrraco: Context makes things worse.
Mon Sheep: Interesting, Draco.
Senior Drrrrrraco: Glad you're enjoying it. This is the last time DeMonde appears this year. :p jk
Mon Sheep: The people are crying out for more, fresh episodes of DeMonde, Medicine Woman!
Senior Drrrrrraco: No, they're crying out because they ate Tide Pods like dummkopfs. :I
Mon Sheep: Still crying out for DeMonde though!
Senior Drrrrrraco: This is true.
Senior Drrrrrraco: She'll have to replace their stomachs with amphibious puffer fishes.
Mon Sheep: And science marches forward
Senior Drrrrrraco: On legs made of living stone!
Mon Sheep: and feet of clay
Senior Drrrrrraco: YELLOW STAINED CLAY
Senior Drrrrrraco: Listen, General, you're gonna LOVE having an eyeball on each toe.


Admiral BC of Marshmallows: HEY WHO WANTS A CUTE GIRL
ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: I already have you harp
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: wrong girl
Bree: smooth like melted butter, ivel


Bree: just got an ad on my phone for a garfield mobile game called "garfield snack time". jrm, you know what to do
Jumpropeman: my word
Gooper Blooper: There are so many garfield mobile games
Gooper Blooper: so, so many
Gooper Blooper: JRM could do an entire series
Jumpropeman: Garfield and his Nine Games
MobileDraco: Somebody sign up for the $50 level so he has to.


RubyChao: "NASCAR Racers is anything but. The racers compete on a wide variety of courses, including road course, off-road, mountain, and Motorsphere. The Motorsphere track starts with a typical race track leading into a sphere, then tracks are wrapped around the inner surface of the sphere, which look like the AcceleDrome track from AcceleRacers.
The NASCAR Unlimited Division features cutting edge, over the top technologies (from the show's point of view). To protect drivers from crashes, each race car has an inner Rescue Racer that ejects from the outer body if an accident happens. XPT racers, introduced in season 2, are the new race cars for Team Fastex. XPT racers use atomic fuel run by forced-combustion systems. Nitro Racers contain high-flux fusion units that can get maximum power out of atomic fuel."

RubyChao: i had an epiphany
RubyChao: wasn't this show just American F-Zero?
ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: never heard of it
Jumpropeman: so when do you RP NASCAR Racers
RubyChao: season 9, duh


RubyChao: this is half of the kobbers
Bree: only half?
Gooper Blooper: link


Myotis Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Myotis Sheep: Here lies Jeffery.
Myotis Sheep: He never Brawled.
Bree: here lies jeffery. he liked golf.
Bree: "but mommy, where do golf skeletons go when they die?" "well, sweetie, jeffery's in a place where he can golf all the time, forever, as much as he wants, and never have to pay any money. and every stroke is a hole in one."


Admiral BC of Marshmallows: i'm gonna end up naming this mermaid
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: i was expecting a mermaid NPC
ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: it worked for Brgrgr Harpy
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: but not like this
ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: wait :Y
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: not like this
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: that is a TITLE
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: not a name
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: nobody asked her name
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: AND THEREFORE
ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: exactly
Senior Drrrrrraco: What's her name?
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: tabitha
Senior Drrrrrraco: Good name.
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: wait, the mermaid or the harpy? :U
ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: gonna make another small post
ivelpool 2: electric boogaloo: both, harpy :U
Senior Drrrrrraco: Both.
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: fack
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: uh
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: tabitha's the harpy
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: i dunno about the mermaid atm
Myotis Sheep: Mermanda.
Gooper Blooper: Ivel commissions me to draw Tabitha
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: my first thought was "Koilani" but she's not a Koi-type mermaid
Myotis Sheep: Fishmantha
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: my second thought
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: was Bonito
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: :U
Myotis Sheep: Bonito "Cold Cuts" Reigns
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: Bonito a smol tuna
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: mermaid
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: please don't turn her into tuna salad
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: but
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: do i actually go through
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: DO I
Myotis Sheep: they call her Tuna Salad
Myotis Sheep: "Only if you feed me a bucket of crawdads after we live through this."
Myotis Sheep: How romantic.
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: that's what kailani thought too
Myotis Sheep: Just imagining one of those blue, plastic buckets with the cheap, kind of plasticky rope
Myotis Sheep: and he's dumping it on her face
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: she just
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: flails
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: happily
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: "FOOD"
Gooper Blooper swoons
Gooper Blooper: so romantic
Gooper Blooper: all harp mermaids are fat seals
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: i mean
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: yeah, a fat fish is a healthy fish
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: eventually we'll unlock the legendary phat jellyfish mermaid
Admiral BC of Marshmallows: princess jellifish
Senior Drrrrrraco: You mean MAGIC?
Senior Drrrrrraco: MerMAGIC


Bonito and Gonzy: *thinks about posting*
Bonito and Gonzy: nah
Del: *thinks about cattes*
SteelKomodo: *thinks about-* nah, can't finish that :P


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi gooper blooper
iKomodo: Hi goops
iKomodo left the chat
iKomodo: Shit, wrong button
Jumpropeman: I thought you just got really shy all of a sudden


M Sheep: "We restrict access to our city and several of the surrounding ruins, but when Par Seas called and told us they needed to search for a lost employee, I had my people start preparing licenses. We normally issue them on an individual basis, but circumstances dictate we change procedure a bit."
M Sheep: Well, I guess I know who has to come along then
Senior Drrrrrraco: I'm sorry, Sheep. I know you wanted a whole plot about filling out paperwork.
M Sheep: My dreams, always and forever dashed.
Senior Drrrrrraco: Next year, Sheep. Next year.
Gooper Blooper: just you wait until Denise Marmalade Plot
M Sheep: Roll to file!
Jumpropeman: roll too low and you crinkle the paper!
M Sheep: roll too low and you get audited.


Cornwind Evil: "The Chuckster, meanwhile, amuses himself with an attempt to chuck the Dragon's corpse."
Cornwind Evil: Okay Chuckster I think this is starting to become a problem
RubyChao: cornwind he has to keep in shape somehow
RubyChao: what do you want him to do
RubyChao: NOT chuck?
Cornwind Evil: Does he have to chuck every thirty seconds or he dies?
Cornwind Evil: Chuck joins Bob Bifford's team
Cornwind Evil: Dawn sprays his hands with a powerful grease
Cornwind Evil: Now he can't chuck anything
RubyChao: then he just football tackles
Cornwind Evil: HE CAN'T GET A GRIP


Del: post
Del: in which yale does the nerdiest attack ever
MobileDraco: He throws Sumireko at us?!


Gooper Blooper: they betrayed wilkins coffee
Gooper Blooper: heel turn of the century
RubyChao: i like how it's even the same scripts
M Sheep: I'm apparently so tired I was just daydreaming about Weyland's next hitman being Wilkins and Wontkins
M Sheep: My logic being "because Wilkins will kill for any brand that pays."
Cornwind Evil: Well Kobbers don't drink a lot of coffee...
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: we haven't seen them in two years
RubyChao: maybe they got other work...
Gooper Blooper: they're assassins for hire
Gooper Blooper: the kobbers just need to find a way to offer more money than Weyland
Gooper Blooper: or something more valuable than money
Gooper Blooper: like coffee
Bonito and Gonzy: Dia is prepared to buy Wilkins Coffee brand coffee for the rest of her life, if need be.
Bonito and Gonzy: ...don't ask why Dia would
M Sheep: Just Those Two Guys from that Bond film
M Sheep: But felt puppets
Deletons: Jesus
Deletons: I'm very tired which is why I'm laughing so hard
RubyChao: mental image
RubyChao: the deciding factor
RubyChao: is when wilkins looked at elizabeth mills' shelf
RubyChao: and saw that she was drinking Wilkins Coffee
ivel: it's because Dia is rich hun
Bonito and Gonzy: dia isn't that rich
Bonito and Gonzy: ...though i should gacha soon
Gooper Blooper: We know what Wilkins would do
Gooper Blooper: but what does Wontkins add to the team
M Sheep: "Dia seems to be out of coffee, Mr. Wilkins" "Now that's a shame., Mr. Wontkins." "A crying shame, Mr. Wilkins." "Practically criminal, Mr. Wontkins."
Bonito and Gonzy: Dia takes out two guns and points it at the both of them.
Bonito and Gonzy: "I don't see you two with Wilkins Coffee either, so...~"
Bonito and Gonzy: mexican standoff
M Sheep: Wontkins is Wilkins emergency bodyshield
Deletons: I do have a third character in mind for Weyland contract killers but after that I guess it's willkins
RubyChao: sheep i'm laughing too much
Gooper Blooper: imagine it in their voices
RubyChao: i am
RubyChao: it's making it better
RubyChao: also Wontkins wins people over to the side of not drinking Wilkins coffee
RubyChao: after which Wilkins is extra motivated to kill
Bree: brb
iKomodo: Wilkins and Wontkins walk into Vent's lab
iKomodo: they discover he drinks like fifty brands of coffee all at once so he can do science all-nighters
iKomodo: they have no idea if any of them is Wilkins coffee
iKomodo: And he can't tell because he doesn't pay attention to the labels


RubyChao: kaede's backstory is "marshmallow with a good upbringing"
RubyChao: and now she is a happy marshmallow


Gooper Blooper: "Off-brand quarter water"
Gooper Blooper: dime water
Senior Drrrrrraco: Qwarter Wat'r
Jumpropeman: Dr. Down keeps contaminating each new brand of water until we get down to Free Water


Senior Drrrrrraco: "The box sits there. It's a box." <- Sounds like something one of my GMs might say.


M Sheep: >And with that, he turns to look at a few palettes of Quarter Water the bar had ordered after the surge in orders for them.
M Sheep: Could always sell them to the mutants
M Sheep: "Not gonna serve maybe-poison just cuz it caught on."
Jumpropeman: next you'll be asking for smallpox blankets
M Sheep: Serving maybe-poison 'cuz it caught on to King of Beast patrons is a time honored tradition!
M Sheep: It's been the bulk of bar orders since Gezora's day!
Jumpropeman: look, as long as no one poisons the rat poison, we'll keep serving it
M Sheep: "I was thinking of trying to, you know, give people something better to drink instead already."
M Sheep: Like something that electrifies you
M Sheep: or water from a cursed lake that makes you really depressed
Jumpropeman: or zima
M Sheep: or a cup of LSD
M Sheep: "Maybe it's time to roll out... Squeezits!"
M Sheep: Noone asked for this
M Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: you kids didn't play nice with your quarter water
Jumpropeman: now you gotta live with the consequences
M Sheep: Ettie will rip Down apart with her dainty, gloved hands
M Sheep: Note to self: actually use Ettie again
Jumpropeman: i know she doesn't look like it
Jumpropeman: but I imagine Ettie as Padparascha from Steven Universe
M Sheep sweats
M Sheep: crazy
M Sheep: man
Jumpropeman: *squints*
Jumpropeman:'re off the hook this time
M Sheep: "Off-brand quarter water... sounds terrible,"
M Sheep: Mah favrit
M Sheep: Ettie will still not be placated though
Jumpropeman: i hope she arranges a protest with signs and everything
Jumpropeman: "Hey hey! Ho ho! Quarter Water should not go!" Ettie chanted in her outrage
M Sheep: "Ra ra ra and roo roo roo, Quarter Water is technically a drink too!"
M Sheep: Ettie chanted in impassioned outrage
Jumpropeman: Kick 'em in the dishpan, hoo hoo hoo!


Senior Drrrrrraco: The villains! They're....a Knock-off! The Momniom!
Bonito and Gonzy: MOMNIOM
Bonito and Gonzy: I'M SO DEAD
Bonito and Gonzy: may this plot point become a meme
SteelKomodo: Meet their Original Character, Blelestia
Bonito and Gonzy: i think you mean
Bonito and Gonzy: Bestia
Senior Drrrrrraco: It's true. Momniom has replaced Celestia in my heart.


Jumpropeman: Part uno of fite uno of the year is up!
Bubble: Huzzah!
Bubble: I came just in time.
RubyChao: i misread that as "fite of the year"
RubyChao: and was going to say "wow"
RubyChao: "fite yer mates really suffered some budget cuts if they can only do one fite per year"
Jumpropeman: it's all downhill from here!


Jumpropeman: is oppai just japanese for breast
Deletons: Okay who wants to be the first to answer that


M Sheep blinks
M Sheep: Oh yeah, there's plot tomorrow.
M Sheep stops digging grave
ivel: you were digging that grave a long time
ivel: can you even get out?
M Sheep: There are some things you want to bury deep, ivel
M Sheep stares into the distance
M Sheep: But no
M Sheep: I'm going to need, like, a stepstool
ivel: I know how to help!
M Sheep: An overturned pot
M Sheep: something
ivel shovels dirt back into the grave
M Sheep: this is fine
ivel just keeps shoveling


M Sheep: Can you become the Ace of Seafood?!
Senior Drrrrrraco: .........................................................................what?


Jumpropeman: Thanks for people saying my art improved in review mode. I'm not sure what I did different but I at least know what to keep doing? :V
Senior Drrrrrraco: Just randomly change things and hope we praise you?
Jumpropeman: they're onto me >_>


PhoneDel: I am trapped for the final hour
PhoneDel: Unable to release myself from this glass prison both external and internal
PhoneDel: I crave mcnuggets but find none
SteelKomodo: del pls D:


Cornwind Evil: Man if Miu pulled a sex-based betrayal out of Stalk, we're never gonna hear the end of it
iKomodo: Stalk was probably gonna betray Rogue at some point, sex or no sex
iKomodo: but if Miu wants to believe that :U
Jumpropeman: darn *scraps plan for Miu to sex all the bad guys*
Cornwind Evil: Damn you JRM for even putting that concept in my head


Jumpropeman: random video game thoughts: Mega Man 11's double gear system looks promising even if it's not a huge leap, Pokemon Let's Go is easier to swallow knowing it's not the core title after all, and some third funny observation to justify making this statement... uh... hm... Spike in Mario Tennis Aces sure looks sexy
Jumpropeman: his racket is huge if you know what I'm saying
Jumpropeman: he sure can gobble those balls
M Sheep: You've lost me.
Cornwind Evil: You have odd tastes JRM


Jumpropeman: for Gooper's next Eggetteplot, I'm sending the dream team of Marina, Yotam, and Faith. Expect a laugh riot!


M Sheep: finding images for plot is hard
M Sheep: and nobody understandsss
M Sheep blobs
A Bubble: I understand.
A Bubble: But at the same time
A Bubble pops - off to bed.
Cornwind Evil: Try Pinterest
M Sheep: I have
M Sheep: It's worked well for some things
A Bubble: Reddit
Bree: ask brine, perhaps has something
Bree: assuming what you need is a cool lady pic, that is
A Bubble: Pay Panda money, and then wait 5 months
M Sheep: But given my predilections for things like: "Yes, hello, do you have any eight or nine so legged deer/ donkey centaurish people in stock? No? Have you checked in the ba-okay I'm going, sheesh."
Senior Drrrrrraco: Some things are beyond even that of medieval chemistry.
M Sheep: Have to do a lot of compromising and making mutants more human-looking along with those M Sheep Warehouse Brand Tightly Cropped Facepics
M Sheep: Anyway, this is nothing new
M Sheep: I complain about this like, once a year, I'll get over it
Jumpropeman: I understand sheep
M Sheep: A pox on all these pretty looking young people!
M Sheep: It's a youthful plague, I tell you!
Jumpropeman: why must everything be so sexy
M Sheep: Truly, it's a curse.
Senior Drrrrrraco: Just photoshop pictures of Junko.
Senior Drrrrrraco: She's truly the most horrifying mutant. If you want to scare us, she should come back and do lots of stuff.
Jumpropeman: I'm shvitzing just thinking about it!
Senior Drrrrrraco: Truly. I gets shivers of terror.
Jumpropeman: I heard a rumor
Jumpropeman: that the presence of Junko increases the chance of people rolling single digits
Jumpropeman: but I can't think of any user who would want to roll low
Senior Drrrrrraco: Yeah. Nobody would ever want to roll one-hundred 1s in a row.
M Sheep: :I
Senior Drrrrrraco: 👍🐴👍


Jumpropeman: life is pain for rejected Amity 2.0


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21

Gooper Blooper: pff
RubyChao: this fuckin' start
Gooper Blooper: *JRM waves Rachel signs furiously*


Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Jumpropeman: I was hoping for a low roll :V
Jumpropeman: now I gotta worm out of the dire strait I was writing
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Jumpropeman: what is this kappa
Jumpropeman: why does she always succeed
M Sheep: Time for another JRM Brawl win


Gooper Blooper: >Maria and Dolby getting married
Gonzy: who, indeed...~
RubyChao: bwahahaha
RubyChao: the shipping
Gonzy: do you really wanna know
Gonzy: do you
RubyChao: of course
Gonzy: dia.
Gooper Blooper: shipper on board
RubyChao: hehehehe


Senior Drrrrrraco: I would like to say I'm both glad and dismayed that "boogers" is not used in RP more often.
M Sheep squints at Draco
M Sheep: Dismayed?
Senior Drrrrrraco: You baa-tcha, Sheep.
Jumpropeman: Usually when my characters cry, they don't pretty cry. I'm sure I'm high up there in mentioning snot and boogers because of it
Senior Drrrrrraco: Your characters don't cry though.
Jumpropeman: Stalwart walls of veiled emotion
Jumpropeman: you can never read what Shimmer is thinking
Senior Drrrrrraco: Okay, nevermind, JRM used boogers yesterday, so we're all good.
Gonzy: shit man, i thought i was going to a pioneer
Gonzy: oh well
Gonzy: *throws MAGIC in the trash*
Senior Drrrrrraco *Hazel rescues MAGIC and releases her back into the wild*
Gooper Blooper: I had noticed the sudden influx of boogers in RP
Gooper Blooper: clearly this was to prepare us for this year's mystery fiter, Boogerman
Gonzy: time for some classic Harpy
Jumpropeman: "Pulling her beanie off to appease Bob, she begins mopping the snot from her face, the six babies all crying along with her."
Jumpropeman: out of context Brawl quotes
Senior Drrrrrraco: That' snot boogers though. ^_~
Jumpropeman: "Pteron wipes the mix of blood, snot, and tears from his face" "and you all treated me so well! he said, wiping the snot from his nose as it began dribbling out.""the sniveling knight sniffing up snot as he crawls over to recover by the king's throne.""Kapponi wiped her eyes clear of tears and her nose clear of snot as she finally swallowed the throbbing head pain""His eyes were making the pictures even blurrier as he started mopping up the snot and tears""wipes her face clean of tears and snot, and puts on her best angry look." Yeah, I definitely go for snot over boogers because its a more serious word for crytime


Jumpropeman: "But I guess the saying is true "Those who think Lucario's paws are disgusting, have never worshipped them before""
Jumpropeman: I'm reading old miitomo posts and trying not to make them all my signature
Gooper Blooper: The only people who don't like Krabby Patties have never tasted one


Gooper Blooper: did MAGIC accept Inshabel's cookies
Senior Drrrrrraco: No. MAGIC hates cookies.
Gonzy: no, she THREW THEM ON THE FLOOR and pouted because they have RAISINS in them
Gonzy: no of course she ate the cookies


M Sheep: "Game Theory: Are You a Kid or Squid?-Splatoon SOLVED"
M Sheep: Is this what we've come to?
Senior Drrrrrraco: Scraping the bottom of DK's barrel, they are.


Jumpropeman: now that gooper is gone, I can kidnap his cast and make them have tea parties!
Senior Drrrrrraco: FTFY: *and give them noses.
Jumpropeman: how else would they sniff the scented candles at the party
Senior Drrrrrraco: That's what Nightmare is for.


Jumpropeman: Password Security Score: 0
Jumpropeman: I'm offended :I


M Sheep: >The coffee was getting worse.
M Sheep: They should get a man on that.
M Sheep: Or two
M Sheep: two felt puppets
M Sheep: Also, hi
M Sheep: Maybe should have lead with that.


Jumpropeman: if you need any more of a reminder that CKR is an adult, she's currently working at Wing Daddy's, a place where the servers are deliberately female but a step down in overtness from Hooters
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: Wing Daddy for BBB8


Jumpropeman: "Big Man comes June 7th"
Jumpropeman: an oddly ominous text message from my mother
Gooper Blooper: does he hass the rock
Jumpropeman: I do believe she means bug man, as in pest control.


M Sheep: oh, hello, Collin Underfoot portrait. How roguish.
Jumpropeman: I'm pretty happy with most of that image
Jumpropeman: It's in that "don't point out the small issues and hope no one else notices them" camp :V
Jumpropeman: you might notice that his skin pores aren't clearly visible for example OH SHIT


MobileDraco: "Zeldoten how do cookies work?" "DOC NO" And then the hotel burned down.


Gooper Blooper: I'm no stranger to a plot being mostly goofy and then getting more serious
Gooper Blooper: look at Format Wars, or look at what I'm doing with Sonic Mania plot
Jumpropeman: you mean letting me adopt Eggette in real life?
Gooper Blooper: JRM craves more tiny cute girls
Jumpropeman: *makes a tiny ugly girl to throw people off the trail ;>_>*
Gooper Blooper: you tried that with Shimmer
Gooper Blooper: didn't work


iKomodo: Tap the screen to tap dat ass

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