Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 318: Texts From Dolby

Brinehammer: Full disclosure; I never expected anyone to like Oda at all ;>.>
Yelly McHarpy: sorry brine, you humanized her too much
Yelly McHarpy: its the same trap you fall into every year
Brinehammer: You're not wrong... I just, dang. I meant for her to be a side character, not another main. Confirmed for Brawl though. She's Gotta.
Senior Drrrrrraco: Sorry, Brine, for making her happy.
Brinehammer: I guess I'll live with it :V
Senior Drrrrrraco: I'll make sure DeMonde inevitably betrays General-chan by saying anime isn't real.
Senior Drrrrrraco: It's true, Ivel. Cory in the House didn't actually happen. >=l
ivel: ;;


Dia: kobberfans.jpg
ivel: that is Kaede.png ;U
RubyChao: you are right
RubyChao: that IS kaede


Dia: gacha reward
Gooper Blooper: Dia looking a little bit like Junko
Dia: lacks the aura
Dia: i mean
Gooper Blooper: not enough fluff
Dia: i can fix that :U
Dia: either way she's wearing golden pega wings
Dia: and i keep making saint seiya jokes at ivel in spite of the fact that i know 1% about seiya
Gooper Blooper: of course you only know 1%
Gooper Blooper: but it's the most important 1%
Gooper Blooper: because that one percent is the toughest of the one hundred percents
Dia: KEK
RubyChao: i love how that ikki meme will never die
RubyChao: just thanks to how absurd a phase "strongest of the 100 orphans" is
Gooper Blooper: if we ever get to 100 brawl entrants, keep your eye on ikki


M Sheep: "Should we really just leave 'em alone like that, meow?"
M Sheep squints
M Sheep: "The big monkey almost broke their ship in half, meow."
M Sheep squiiiiints
M Sheep: "Yeah, but they almost melted our sword, too, meow. And we still don't know where we are, meow."
Dia: sheep's just about to die
M Sheep: Dear criminy, there's two of them.
Gooper Blooper: meow
Dia: meow




Jumpropeman joined the chat
M Sheep: Hello, JRM
Senior Drrrrrraco: Hello, m'boy.
M Sheep: Knock twice if you can hear us.
M Sheep: Knock three times if Timmy fell down the well.
M Sheep: Knock four times if you're trying to connect to the Taylor Swift chat.
Senior Drrrrrraco knocks once.
M Sheep: Must be the wind
Jumpropeman: *knocks twice on the pipe*
M Sheep: Oh hey
M Sheep: Heard you've been having internet troubles, JRM
Jumpropeman: I have, but today's dropping out was caused by sleep troubles
Jumpropeman: I'm a troubled man, Sheep *looks into the distance, cloak billowing in the wind*
M Sheep steals what he can while he's looking the other way


M Sheep: Steam, don't you tell me I have 0 items on my wishlist
M Sheep: HURK
M Sheep: Where The Water Tastes Like Wine is 30% off...
M Sheep breaks out into a cold sweat


M Sheep: >Agatha listened and watched while grazing though her vegan nachos
M Sheep: Agatha's on the villain list, right?


Jumpropeman: wish I didn't miss Glob boy
Jumpropeman: hopefully I'll be back to normal soon enough
Jumpropeman: I would have sent Elbow the rabbit and Cello with a Face if I had been on
Senior Drrrrrraco: Oh well. They can still cameo during the season.
Jumpropeman: well, they're my nuclear option, so hopefully we'll have something akin to the Glob in scope, like, the sun attacking the bar, which would warrant their use
RubyChao: okuu, why
Jumpropeman: it got fed up after all the years of Dawn dumping people on it
Senior Drrrrrraco: Seriously. There's more dead space marines in there than interstellar gas these days.


M Sheep: Video Footage of M Sheep writing a post


The Jengabus: Fun cutting room floor - when attacking Oda, I was deciding whether to send Mr Stone or Jacket
The Jengabus: And in the end I decided Jacket hates it when you shoot him
The Jengabus: So Mr Stone it was
Jumpropeman: I can relate to Jacket in that way


Jumpropeman: Mrs. Trump Wants a Divorce: 1893
Jumpropeman: so prescient, those papers
Jumpropeman: "It is not permissible, the use of too much punctuation. Thankfully, the exclamation point is almost obsolete. Hawaii, 1905"
Jumpropeman: LOOK AT US NOW HAWAII!!!!


SteelKomodo: pulled out jurassic world alive whilst in the queue for biscuits
SteelKomodo: bagged me a stegosaurus outside sainsbury's
M Sheep: Nothing like the thrill of a Sainsbury Stegosaurus


Bree: ibuki's frands being in different groups makes this difficult but oh well
M Sheep: Ibuki on a golf cart just driving haphazadly over to each group to shout encouragement
Bree: shout? do you even know who you're talking about
Bree: she brought a goddamn keytar and you think she's gonna shout encouragement? :V
RubyChao: sorry bree :V
RubyChao: i thought it would be interesting if kaede DIDN'T have sonia able to support her
Bree: I'll put ibuki with sonia then
Bree: what are they going to do about their "go kaede" flags now
Jumpropeman: make them about Rachel clearly
Bree: rachel's not even here golfing
Gooper Blooper: they see her on the other side of the course and wave the flags enthusiastically from a half-mile away
RubyChao: of course it's kaede
RubyChao: it's a round pink dot


Jumpropeman: must... not... doze off
MobileDraco dips Jrm in warm water.
Cornwind Evil: Go post in Bar
Jumpropeman: *falls asleep immediately*
Cornwind Evil: I AM NOT THAT DUKK
Cornwind Evil: ....dull
Bree: cornwind confirmed not a duck
M Sheep: Jrm, wake up
M Sheep: Mac Tonight is winning the Brawl
M Sheep: AGAIN
M Sheep: And he's drinking all the Dr. Pepper.
Bree: they're retiring dr pepper
Bree: they're not going to sell it anymore
RubyChao: also mac tonight cancelled the brawl forever
Bree: only diet
RubyChao: this was the last one
Dia: we've sent jackal to drink all the dr pepper
Bree: you'll have to drink diet dr pepper for the rest of your life
M Sheep: Also, they're making another Bubsy game.
M Sheep: IGN gave it a 7/10


Jumpropeman: The Air Buddies will return in... Blood Bowl 2
Jumpropeman: There ain't no rule that dogs can't play blood bowl BI


Gooper Blooper: Harpy's commission payment came in the mail today
Gooper Blooper: shenanigans ensued, just as she would have wanted
Gonzy: oh god the giant dinosaur war has begun
SteelKomodo: :3
Gonzy: Rexy was fucking WORTH IT
Jumpropeman: some very fun poses
Gooper Blooper: she's beautiful and fun and I have no fucking idea where to put a three-foot dinosaur
Gooper Blooper: but when I told Goopsmom this, she had a very wise response
Gooper Blooper: "Well, YOLO."
Jumpropeman: my favorite
Gonzy: in your bro's room in his bed with a nightcap and PJs
Gonzy: he comes back from work and finds a dinosaur sleeping in his bed
Gooper Blooper: I like how Lizzie's kinda snickering off to the side in that pic
Gooper Blooper: that wasn't on purpose


ivel: there's the ruined
Gonzy: i bet
Gonzy: weyland is gonna make merch of oda
Gonzy: all these fuckin chibi odas everywhere
Senior Drrrrrraco: DeMonde buys one and actually wears it.
Gonzy: and she's going to kill each and every one of them
Brinehammer: Those monsters D=
N Goat: Weyland just makes a bunch of chibi Oda warbots
ivel: oh god
ivel: the nobus come true
ivel: no
N Goat: "Fire artillery, desu!" "Are you watching, Demonde, desu?!"
Senior Drrrrrraco: DeMonde is watching, unfortunately. It's time to summon the bees.
Brinehammer: Beesu
ivel: this is what would happen, Sheep
N Goat: Sounds like Pikachu
Senior Drrrrrraco: O_O; DeMonde doesn't want to live in this world anymore.
Bree: dafuq is that, ivel
ivel: someone was wondering why Oda was a girl
ivel: "never wonder why someone is a she in Fate universe, ever"
ivel: that, Bree
ivel: is the chibi offshoots of Oda
ivel: she never wanted this
N Goat: Anyway, I approve and hope this becomes canon
ivel: but it happened
ivel: those are why I dread the Nobus :U
ivel: they're like Poppos but less stealy and more stabby
N Goat: "Merry Poppo, nobu."
ivel: this is from an event, 42 seconds has some clips of them fighting
ivel: also featuring angry Oda
Senior Drrrrrraco: I'm having trouble taking Oda seriously now.
ivel: lel
Senior Drrrrrraco: Nobuguntank?! XD
ivel: yes :U
Senior Drrrrrraco: Excellent.


MobileDraco: Unrelated note: DeMonde probably won't adopt Blood Stalk.
Jumpropeman: Blood-chan doesn't have quite the same ring
iKomodo: Pfffft
ivel: and Stalk-chan sounds like a yandere
iKomodo: Very much so


Men With Hats: Netrunner existed as a CCG in the nineties
Men With Hats: It was very bad


M Sheep: Okay, let's try this "upright and responsive" thing again.
M Sheep: blblbl
M Sheep: "Just don't forget your ol' pal Keahi back here on the islands, yeah?"
M Sheep: Who?
M Sheep: >... There were an awful lot of lesbians all around the islands.
M Sheep blinks
M Sheep takes off glasses
M Sheep squints
M Sheep cleans glasses
M Sheep puts on glasses
M Sheep peers

M Sheep: Hm.


Cornwind Evil: What powers does Wisp have
Gonzy: Wisp the cat has the following powers
Gonzy: -Ultimate in Cute
Gonzy: -Cat
Gonzy: -And therefore ultimately invincible against CW villain sheenanigans
Gooper Blooper: kek
Cornwind Evil: Just checking
Gooper Blooper: yeah I'm pretty sure Stacy's cat has as many supernatural powers as Stacy herself
Senior Drrrrrraco: You magically cute she is? :3
Gonzy: stacy isn't invincible to CW villain sheenanigans
Gonzy: and therefore, is worse than her own cat
Gonzy: worst powerset
Gooper Blooper: total weaksauce
RubyChao: counterpoint
RubyChao: stacy is not kaede
RubyChao: and therefore is not the weakest kober
Gooper Blooper: true
Gooper Blooper: Stacy's probably the sort of Kobber Kaede especially admires though
Senior Drrrrrraco introduces Mr. Tinkles as villain of his S9 plot.
Gonzy: Stacy is Kaede's sister
Gonzy: and therefore
M Sheep: sjkdfrfvuiodfvmnfrg
Gonzy: they're the best
Gonzy: same, sheep


MobileDraco: If a pirate's replacement hand is important to the story, is it a plot hook?


Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: hey hey heyropeman
Jumpropeman: didja miss me
RubyChao: no.
Jumpropeman: fine chao, I'll just put this copy of Metroid Prime Pinball my brother is letting me borrow in the trash
RubyChao: you wouldn't dare!!
Jumpropeman: I wouldn't actually, while my collections is more broad, his is neatly curated and to let me borrow his better games I had to make a promise I'd buy him a brand new copy if I messed the box or game up :V
Gooper Blooper: hah


Jumpropeman: "This tooth is just plain wrong"
Jumpropeman: I have a sneaking suspicion
Jumpropeman: a hunch, if you will
Jumpropeman: the slightest inkling
Jumpropeman: that Hookjaw
Jumpropeman: may be unnatural
Jumpropeman: don't quote me on it
ivel: nahhhhhhh
Jumpropeman: the jury is still out
Gooper Blooper: a fascinating theory, but will it hold up
RubyChao: we'll test it
RubyChao holds up rachel
RubyChao: by feeding it this nerd
Senior Drrrrrraco: D:
Gooper Blooper: Rachel can't die to Hookjaw!
Gooper Blooper: She has to die to MAGIC in the final two of BBB8!
Gooper Blooper: Hookjaw enters the Brawl and CW gets rid of him that way
RubyChao: Deadhead 2.0
Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: I'm not expecting a first place Rachel in the slightest
Jumpropeman: but a second place Rachel
Jumpropeman: I don't think I could take it
RubyChao: you will
RubyChao: because she's ALWAYS SECOND FIDDLE
Gooper Blooper: You were able to survive Second Place Gloria Losing To Mac Tonight
Gooper Blooper: you can do this
Jumpropeman: survive is not the proper word for what happened that day
Gooper Blooper: endure?
ivel: regret?
RubyChao: despair?


RubyChao: link
N Goat: "Sithter Act 2: Back in the Habit"
N Goat: A line
N Goat: has been crossed
N Goat: "The Hutt Father"
N Goat: I mean
N Goat: I'd watch it.
N Goat: "Boss Nass v Boss Baby: Dawn of Gungans"
N Goat: Did JRM write this list?
N Goat: "Lego Star Wars Batman Boss Baby"
N Goat: Because I'm pretty sure JRM wrote this.
Gooper Blooper: Lego Batman Minions Star Wars Bee Movie Shrek Boss Baby Avengers Emojis Of The North: A Star Wars Story
Senior Drrrrrraco: The Star Wars Holiday Special: A Star Wars Story


RubyChao: hi jrm
RubyChao: i have good news
RubyChao: i have purchased
RubyChao: L.A. Noire
Jumpropeman: niiiice
RubyChao: now i can (X) Doubt all i want!


iKomodo: Been watching footage of this Realm Royale thing
iKomodo: not into battle royale as a genre but this looks interesting
iKomodo: also the female characters have appealingly large butts
Bree: #butts
Cornwind Evil: I read that as 'appallingly'
iKomodo: CW pls :I


MobileDraco: "only the most megalomaniacal sort of Villians put their face on their lairs" <- Zeldoten wanted to do this, but it's expensive.
Brinehammer: Oh, for sure- it's got to be a "You get what you pay for" thing.


PhoneModo: del says penis
PhoneModo left the chat
MobileDraco: Tell Del I say vagina.


M Sheep: >Maria: these peeps i dunno picked me up, had a pirate ship and everything
M Sheep: I wonder if Dolby gets these kind of texts often.
RubyChao: i think sheep will enjoy the post with dolby's reply
M Sheep: be back late. spelunking with some guys i met at the bar. caves called devils throat. sounds pretty gr8.
MobileDraco: Dolby got that text eight times in the off season.
Jumpropeman: Maria is the last surviving girl of at least a dozen exploration-based horror movies
Jumpropeman: she hates how often she loses phone reception during them though
RubyChao: maria survives them by the fact that she has a remarkable superpower most of the people who get picked off don't
RubyChao: it's called
RubyChao: common sense
Gooper Blooper: kek
M Sheep: sorry i didn't respond to your text. guy wearing a mask didnt have a charger. his house is real old. crashing here until morning. going to explore the swamp now. local guy with a glass eye said the gators are enormous and possessed by ghoats.
Gonzy: read that as "goats"
Gonzy: goats can possess people with enough willpower
Gonzy: BAAAA
Cornwind Evil: Coming next fall
Cornwind Evil: The Goats Who Stare At Men
M Sheep: sorry, meant, ghosts. had to go around some zombies.
M Sheep: anyway, i'll bring home milk. seeya.
RubyChao: sheep i'm dying
RubyChao: i'm tempted to canonize that dolby occasionally gets texts from maria that sound like horror movie nonsense
Gooper Blooper: hey dolby you're not gonna believe this but I found a hole shaped just like me, what a riot huh
Gooper Blooper: gonna try and fit in it for keks, will report back
RubyChao: status update: it dead-ends like a foot inside the wall
RubyChao: what a letdown
Gooper Blooper: "hey dolby this dinosaur is staring at me but its alright cuz i heard it won't attack as long as I dont move or shine a light in its face"
Gooper Blooper: "maybe I should turn down my phone screens brightness what do you think"
Gooper Blooper: "shit, bbl"
RubyChao: "hey dolby, i gotta ask: spirals aren't that common right?"
RubyChao: "everything in this town is a spiral"
M Sheep: Texts From Dolby, the new comedy coming to NBC this fall
RubyChao: "p. sure it's not supposed to be"
Gooper Blooper: "dolb keep me company, this nighttime pizza place security guard shift is so fuckin boring"
Gooper Blooper: "wait who turned on the music, brb"
Cornwind Evil: She turns her limbs to stone
Cornwind Evil: Mountain won't stop pulling her
Cornwind Evil: Her limbs make the whole mountain shatter apart
Gooper Blooper: This is a winning formula
Gooper Blooper: 1: take scary story
Gooper Blooper: 2: add Maria
Gooper Blooper: 3: Horror collapses because Maria is an outside context problem
Gooper Blooper: 4: Maria wins
Gonzy: thanks guys for giving dia more shipping bait
Gonzy: :U
RubyChao: "yooo dolb check it"
Cornwind Evil: "Hello Maria. I want to play a ga...wait what are you doing, stop breaking the traps, wait no I'm not behind this wall-!"
RubyChao: "this texas family told me to come over for dinner"
RubyChao: "sure he's got a weird mask but no reason to judge"
Gooper Blooper: "You will LOSE YOUR LIMBS-" *Maria turns limbs to metal, breaks trap*
Gooper Blooper: Guess Who's Texting From Dinner
RubyChao: so basically
RubyChao: Maria and Chuckster together would ruin any horror story they were in
RubyChao: y/n
Gooper Blooper: N
Gooper Blooper: they didn't pull it off against hook jaw yesterday
RubyChao: they weren't horrified :I
Gooper Blooper: true
M Sheep: The real question is if Dolby's like "I'm calling the police. AGAIN." or "ok. heres a video of a cat in a box."
Cornwind Evil: Freddy Krueger MIGHT be dangerous for Maria
Cornwind Evil: "babe lol this dude painted a captain kirk mask he looks so dumb"


Gonzy: posted
Gonzy: i just slap my keyboard and things happen
Gonzy: this is how all harpplots are done


Jumpropeman: I figured it out guys
Jumpropeman: Knack 3
Jumpropeman: is actually already inside Knack 2
Jumpropeman: but they don't let you access it
Jumpropeman: because the window that leads to it doesn't load right


M Sheep: >Though lacking a sword and axe, Labrys is able to draw on the Asterisk for powerful magical powers.
M Sheep: I keep forgetting she can do this
ivel: same
M Sheep: transformation was neat
DOOOOOM: What if
DOOOOOM: She'd drawn on Asterix
M Sheep: Del, no
DOOOOOM: Del yes
M Sheep: you leave those Gauls alone
iKomodo: The power of the crazy Gauls is unbeatable
DOOOOOM: I want my persona to be a crazy gaul
iKomodo: Full disclosure I was gonna RP Asterix at some point during the Porphyrion era
iKomodo: I was gonna introduce him in a Fite or maybe the brawl
iKomodo: but then I chickened out because I wasn't sure I could pull that off


RubyChao: so dumb question
RubyChao: how many gems do people think there are
ivel: 7 because there usually are :U
Gooper Blooper: Six
Jumpropeman: 74, if I recall my Kirby properly
Jumpropeman: 10 more than 64
Jumpropeman: a missed oppurtinity
Gooper Blooper: Okay but JRM just made me imagine, like
Gooper Blooper: Chao does events with one gem each, each gem getting a lot of attention and buildup as something important
Gooper Blooper: and then near the end he does an event where we just find like fucking 80 gems at once
Jumpropeman: darn, I was hoping no one else would think the same thing
Jumpropeman: I was starting to wonder if I could do a plot like that :V
Gooper Blooper: five events long
Jumpropeman: it's like when a series is forced to rush to a conclusion
Gooper Blooper: it'd be like if they did a finale movie where Eddie McDowd blew through all his good deeds in 90 minutes


Jumpropeman: I'm at the coloring phase of fite art so I don't need to be as focused
Jumpropeman: *makes Labrys green*


Jumpropeman: I've mentioned before my worries when given something both incredibly broad but with a qualifier
Gooper Blooper: You won't have to worry about that with Rachel
Gooper Blooper: Her brawl entry is pre-written and goes into excruciating detail about what she can and cannot make with her hardware magic
ivel: oh good Goops :U
Jumpropeman: thank you~
Gooper Blooper: gotta make sure Rachel's entry is full-featured because JRM will be using her in every post of the brawl
Jumpropeman: she'll be a bit like the sunflower
Jumpropeman: just checking in on her doing nothing
Bree: checking in on rachel as she creates a fully-stocked home depot store
Jumpropeman: It'll all make sense when we find out Jinako is Rachel's assistant


[Live reaction to Smash Ultimate's Ridley reveal]

SteelKomodo: NO WAY
ivel: ...
SteelKomodo: IT'S HIM, HE DOES IT
Gonzy: jkl;sdgiojadf
Gonzy: ridley confirmed for hunterplot? :Y
SteelKomodo: So I guess they decided "fuck it" :P
SteelKomodo: well i've seen all i want to see :P
RubyChao: I''M NOT OK
Jumpropeman joined the chat
RubyChao: WHAT
Gonzy: ruby's dying
Gonzy: so basically
RubyChao: i am
Jumpropeman: I can't believe Ridley killed Mario
RubyChao: i didn't even get prime 4 but FUCK IT I'M OKAY WITH THAT
Gonzy: Ridley killed Mario, confirmed. also meggers
ivel: so this Smash has to be a birthday gift for me
Gonzy: daisy mains rejoice
SteelKomodo: Also man, so many changes from Smash 4, it's crazy
Jumpropeman: It is sort of Smash 4 Deluxe, but that's definitely not a bad thing. Tons of old stuff coming back, some new characters and stages, and who knows what the DLC strategy will be
Jumpropeman: and I'm happy for Daisy, but she better have "HI IM DAISY" as a line
RubyChao: i'm still dead because of ridley
RubyChao: i had resigned myself to looking to Anthony Higgs if we wanted another smash rep
Jumpropeman: Meta Ridley looks clean as hell
Jumpropeman: definitely playing as that costume
Jumpropeman: oh yeah! More costume variety is also a thing I've wanted for so long
SteelKomodo: i feel dead stupid now because for ages I didn't think they'd put Ridley in
Jumpropeman: Same, I was on the Too Big train
SteelKomodo: shows what I know :P
Jumpropeman: I thought at best we could hope for playable bosses
ivel: I think at this point not many people expected it
SteelKomodo: so if it's based on Other M Ridley, I guess he's about the okayish size?
Jumpropeman: like how you could glitch Melee to play as Master Hand
Jumpropeman: I think the most important reveal, and it's not a spoiler, is that it's called Super Smash Bros Ultimate instead of For Switch or something lame like that
ivel: Mhm
ivel: Or 4 Switch
SteelKomodo: it's a strong title
Jumpropeman: another thing about Ridley: Sakurai really listened to fan requests? Like, hope for King K. Rool still lives now? And directional air dodging is something Melee players wanted, the Battlefield version of stages, it does feel like he's listening more than before but I think people say that every smash game
Jumpropeman: I was a touch bit disappointed that so many Final Smashes are captures after that being my complaint with Smash 4, but that's probably the only thing that bothered me
Jumpropeman: I thought for a second ALL of them would be captures, but at least they look sick
SteelKomodo: Daisy better have a different Final Smash :I
Gonzy: chao has left to dig his own grave


Del: "He took my pizza" isn't a bad line.
Jumpropeman: but it is an unforgivable sin


Jumpropeman: >beat a 1 with a standard tractor
Jumpropeman: oh man, not sure I can handle this!
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao flipped a coin. The coin showed: Tails

RubyChao: yams, WHY
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao flipped a coin. The coin showed: Tails

RubyChao: Bad


Concertvel: The concert for Anthrax was the most enthusiastic I've ever seen ivelmom


Jumpropeman: *types hot dogs in a site's search bar*
Jumpropeman: *presses enter, it changes to milk*
Jumpropeman: ???


Gooper Blooper: this next post will take me a bit
Gooper Blooper: because this
Gooper Blooper: is an extremely major post
Jumpropeman: we will finally learn the truth
Jumpropeman: of why the scorpion boss from Spinball wasn't here
Gooper Blooper: Scorpius skipped this plot because I wanted to give Rexxon the attention instead
Gooper Blooper: he's probably the most famous of the spinball bosses if only because he's first so he didn't need the exposure as badly
RubyChao: how nice of rexxon
RubyChao: to participate in this plot for exposure


Jumpropeman: tomorrow, we kill widow maker finally
Jumpropeman: she's had it coming


N Goat: "Giant snake things...always giant snake things..."
N Goat: Indiana JOYnes
N Goat bow tie spins
N Goat coughs
N Goat: Indiana JOYnes
Gooper Blooper applauds wildly so as to stop sheep from descending into an endless whirlpool of adjusting his collar and sipping water
N Goat: And they said it would never work.
N Goat: See, I can get applause, DAD

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you run a Chatzy Blog?
    Interesting! Maybe you could make a Chatzy about this too?
