Thursday, March 29, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 310: Numerous Of Chucksters

Miniscule Sheep: "I am tempted to try and think of such a name for myself. A Hydrusona, perhaps."
Miniscule Sheep: did Vykarius ever do this?
MobileDrac: I assume that's why he's Duke Snugglecrusher.


Gooper Blooper: heading off
RubyChao: night goops
Jumpropeman: night gooper the war criminal
Gooper Blooper: I'm guilty of youtube crimes
Jumpropeman: you're strange man goop
Jumpropeman: but you steam a good ham
Draco: Bye Goops.
Gooper Blooper: I roleplayed Edea who I made an expert burger chef because of one dumb picture, I need to be able to steam hams
Draco: You called Brgrgrs "steamed hams" even though they're clearly grilled?
Gooper Blooper: Um... uh...
Gooper Blooper: you know
Gooper Blooper: one thing I sh...
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman: sounds like goops is pooped


Marauder Sheep: Ugh, I can't escape Metal Gear Survive trailers
Marauder Sheep: Has not this poor series suffered enough?
Marauder Sheep: STOP
Marauder Sheep: STOP
Marauder Sheep: 'E's DEAD


yugivel: "Godzilla is now playing Total War Shogun 2"
yugivel: well, rip
SteelKomodo: rip all of us
Smol Catto: godzilla picked a good game
Smol Catto: i wonder if he started with the shimazu or something


Jumpropeman: today my site broke a view record! Over 200 people and counting dropped by and for one simple reason: I posted the KOTOR review to the KOTOR subreddit
Manatee Sheep: Jumpropeman?
Manatee Sheep: More like
Manatee Sheep: Advertisingman!
Gooper Blooper: nailed it


The Great Gonzy: renais gets hit, and i'm like
The Great Gonzy: "GENAIS NO"
The Great Gonzy: "wait"
Gooper Blooper: Gonzales/Renais/MAGIC love triangle
The Great Gonzy: MAGIC pretends to be the baby
The Great Gonzy: "Waah, waah! Feed me, guys! I'm gonna die if you don't get me a donut!"
The Great Gonzy: Satoshi's actually just the nanny.
The Great Gonzy: MAGIC is too good for love
Gooper Blooper: I've never seen a baby need this many donuts
The Great Gonzy: are you sure
The Great Gonzy: *stares at Sarah and Celestia*
Gooper Blooper: MAGIC vs Adult Sarah is one thing
Gooper Blooper: MAGIC vs Babby Sarah is quite another
MobileDrac: Celestia mistakes MAGICK for Sarah the day the Kitsune wears a white robe.
Gooper Blooper: She didn't even need to transform
The Great Gonzy: oh god
The Great Gonzy: she's better than Sammy
The Great Gonzy: instant integration into Sarahkindom
The Great Gonzy: just add white mage robe
Gooper Blooper: Sammy was also accepted as an honorary niece or whatever
The Great Gonzy: cousin once removed
yugivel: I'm picturing that as her official family connection, stated by Celestia
yugivel: "niece or whatever"
The Great Gonzy: "she's my niece"
The Great Gonzy: "or
The Great Gonzy: "whatever you call her"
Gooper Blooper: Celestia doesn't really care about the details much, she just likes being omnimom
The Great Gonzy: Gonzy wishes he could integrate with some people that easily :U
Gooper Blooper: "Close enough, have a ticket for Hydro City"
The Great Gonzy: Unfortunately, he does not have a giant sweet tooth
MobileDrac: Gonzy is a Parseekin.
The Great Gonzy: He does, however, have an eternal craving for anything meaty
Gooper Blooper: Parsee's business family
yugivel: but does he crave
The Great Gonzy: Parsee and Cian might as well be some sort of mafia bosses
yugivel: BIG
yugivel: MEATY
yugivel: CLAWS
Gooper Blooper: Gonzales and Widow Maker go hunting together
The Great Gonzy: dude he will eat some BIG
The Great Gonzy: MEATY
The Great Gonzy: CLAWS
yugivel: might as well be? You mean they're not?
yugivel: oh wait that's Dia
The Great Gonzy: Gonzy would absolutely lose it if WM actually did that
Gooper Blooper: Parsee is only a mob boss if it's the gag where the "legitimate business" the mob presented as a front winds up being so profitable and enjoyable that they get really into it and the family actually goes straight
The Great Gonzy: big fights? enemy gets cooked? hell yeah
The Great Gonzy: i feel like this is the subplot of an ace attorney game...
RubyChao: hold on that reminds me of something
Gooper Blooper: Are you two thinking of Apollo Justice case 2? :V
RubyChao: no
The Great Gonzy: "this reminds me of a puzzle"
The Great Gonzy: YES
The Great Gonzy: i am, at least
RubyChao: but that's pretty much how it went
RubyChao: i was thinking of this line from one of those saw it for you's
RubyChao: "Meanwhile, terrorist leader Abu Nazir’s (Navid Negahban) chicken restaurant cover operation becomes so popular he’s forced to run it like a real business."
The Great Gonzy: accurate


RubyChao: >dungeon says it's gonna be about math
RubyChao: "oh that isn't so bad, i-"
RubyChao: >calculus problem
RubyChao: "fuck"


M Sheep: "If you're a Disney fan, you've probably heard that fun little theory that ties Disney's two films, Tarzan and Frozen, toge-"
M Sheep: Noooooope
M Sheep: no
M Sheep: we're done here
M Sheep jumps through window
M Sheep: bye


Gonzy joined the chat
Gonzy: GOOPS
Gooper Blooper: HARPY
Gonzy: hi
Cornwind Evil: STELLA
Gooper Blooper: DONKEY
Cornwind Evil: ADRIAN
Gooper Blooper: KHAAAAAAAAAN


Gonzy: what we need
Gonzy: is consentual sex


Jumpropeman: yellow
Cornwind Evil: The loudest color


M Sheep: I don't know if we're friends on Discord or not
M Sheep: I use the thing so rarely
M Sheep: I never know who anybody is since people keep changing names
M Sheep: I miss Skype. All these channels make me feel like an old man.


Gooper Blooper: if I ever get one of those games, I gotta be ready with a bigger mii roster
Gooper Blooper: which is why I just scanned this mii I found while doing chatzy madness logs the other day
Draco: HA!
Gooper Blooper: (Yes, despite the angle and blurriness, the 3DS could scan that QR code)
Gooper Blooper: (impressive little machine)
Draco: (Ditch Switch. Get 3DS.)


MobileDrac: I loved JRM's review of Yoshi.
Gooper Blooper: it's going to be a patron pick someday, just you wait
Jumpropeman: *enjoys his freedom while it lasts*


Jumpropeman: *opens The Mermaid Podcast, because if you find out something like that exists, you HAVE to listen to at least some of it to find out what the heck*
M Sheep: Let me know how it goes
Jumpropeman: "Mermaid Bloggers Forecast Mermaid Trends for 2018 Don’t miss an episode!"
Jumpropeman: thankfully, they don't seem to actually believe they're actually mermaids when they're out of character, but the mermaid industry is apparently a thing and its on the rise?
Jumpropeman: *googles "how do i get a job as a professional mermaid"*
MobileDrac: Yeah, there's a state park in Florida that hires mermaids.
Jumpropeman: >perform synchronized swimming routines
Jumpropeman: I'm out
Jumpropeman: I'd have two left fins ;p


Roundabout: Wait shit before I go one fix to what I told ya Harps blue ghostys is usually ur friend but never ever ever ever trust dem in the kittywoods Brine will tell you the Hunters wreck people bye gotta run now
Renais n Gonzy: kittywoods
Gooper Blooper: cat forest
Renais n Gonzy: i'll be sure to store my humanity somewhere so nobody can take them
Renais n Gonzy: :U
M Sheep: If only we all took such precautions


Cornwind Evil: So, I just did a small chore
Cornwind Evil: And something popped into my head
Cornwind Evil: Do you know what film has WAY too complicated a plot for being an adaption of a popular sci fi show from several decades ago? (and it's not Star Trek)
ivel: Star Trek 2
Cornwind Evil: By that I mean not ANY of the Star Treks
RubyChao: flash gordon
Cornwind Evil: Also 2 has a very simple plot: Khan Hates Kirk
ivel: that would be my real guess but apparently Flash Gordon wasn't a show
Cornwind Evil: No, Flash (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!) is just poorly plotted
Cornwind Evil: It's Lost In Space
Cornwind Evil: Which came out in...1998?
Cornwind Evil: Anyone seen it?
ivel: nope
Cornwind Evil: The show is the source of the DANGER WILL ROBINSON meme
Cornwind Evil: Which I hope at least ONE of you know
ivel: yup
ivel: I knew the name and the robot but that's about it
Cornwind Evil: Well, the TV show's plot is right there
Cornwind Evil: A family, their robot, and their 'lovable' evil doctor companion are Lost In Space
Cornwind Evil: Trying to find where they were supposed to go originally and having adventures on the way
Cornwind Evil: This seems like it would be simple to adapt into a film, wouldn't it?
Draco: I saw the remake Lost in Space, yeah.
Cornwind Evil: Have them launch, have them get Lost, have their first adventure, off they go
Cornwind Evil: Guess which one the film decides has to be made 20x more complicated than it should be
ivel: the launch, clearly
Cornwind Evil: No that goes fine
ivel: darn
Cornwind Evil: Okay, so the plot is It's The Future And Earth Be Screwed
Cornwind Evil: So the Robinson family are being launched in The Most Advanced Spaceship to a new planet to settle and set things up and chart a path I forget the exact details
Cornwind Evil: They're using some hyperspace jump tech to get there
Gooper Blooper: DANGER WILL ROBINSON scored a reference in Bulgrave Plot
Cornwind Evil: Anyway the Evil Dr. Smith wants the launch to fail for some reason
Cornwind Evil: So he sneaks onto the ship and reprograms the robot to destroy the family and the ship X amount of time after launch
Cornwind Evil: But somehow by doing this he gets trapped on the ship
Cornwind Evil: So he's accidentally on board when it launches and hence he has to try and stop the robot before he gets killed too
Cornwind Evil: Ultimately the robot completely wrecks the ship's main controls and computer so now they drop out of hyperspace with no idea where they are
Cornwind Evil: Hence they are now LOST IN SPACE
Cornwind Evil: ...and then they find another spaceship that's even bigger and fancier than they are
Cornwind Evil: So they go on board to investigate. It's a ghost ship. Initial studying of the computer shows it has all sorts of star charts including ones to replace their own. Wow that's great mapping, who did it?
Cornwind Evil: Then they find a video log...of a friend that the Robinsons left back on Earth...except he's now 20+ years older
Cornwind Evil: The ship is from Earth. The log talks about how they've been looking for the Robinsons for years, but they made contact with a hostile species and now everyone is dead.
Cornwind Evil: It turns out the ship is infested with alien spider things, forcing the crew to flee back to Their Ship in a running gun battle. Along the way, Dr. Smith gets scratched by one spider and the robot stays behind for a last stand and is destroyed
Cornwind Evil: But for some reason once they get off the ship they have to make an emergency landing on a nearby planet despite readings showing it is IMMENSELY unstable and due to basically fall apart soon
Cornwind Evil: (Also the kid genius son gets the robot back by somehow getting its memories and whatnot in a spare head, so the robot is sort of back it just has no body)
Cornwind Evil: So while some of the crew tries to get the ship and its warping technology working against so they can get off the planet before it explodes, others go looking around
Cornwind Evil: They almost, but don't, stumble over some graves...marked with the names of the family members
Cornwind Evil: Then they get a very crudely rebuilt Robot.
Cornwind Evil: And they get taken to...their ship, except long scrapped and rebuilt. Its inhabitant? A now grown up and not very sane Will Robinson.
Cornwind Evil: He's decided to build a time machine to go back in time and stop the launch. His initial efforts are why the crew ran into a spaceship from their future and why the planet is falling apart
Cornwind Evil: He's turning reality into swiss cheese and probably ROYALLY irritating whoever has Jumpropeman's job in that universe
Cornwind Evil: And due to his initial efforts the present and the future of the planet are now basically existing at the same time in different places
Cornwind Evil: And I don't recall if this is the case, but the reason Will went off the deep end started because his father 'abandoned' him and his family...
Cornwind Evil: ...because he wandered into the space that's years in the future hence removing him from that space in the past hence causing that future to exist in the first place because the future itself made him vanish
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, Will isn't alone: Dr. Smith, now mutated into a giant alien spider man, is also there and he's the one who raised Will after his father vanished and his mother and sister were killed by some of the alien spiders that hitched a trip onto the main spaceship before it crashed
Draco: Which happens because he got BIT by a spider earlier. Peter Parker much?
Cornwind Evil: Spider-Smith, of course, really killed them: he's got a nest of eggs on his body and he's going to use the time machine to go back to Past Earth and conquer it for 'a master race of spiders'
Cornwind Evil: However, the fact that it was observed the alien spiders immediately killed and ate their wounded is used against him: they wound him, the baby spiders break from the eggs and try and eat him, and he falls into the 'event horizon' of the time warp portal and gets disintigrated
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, I forget exactly HOW it shakes out this way, but all these plot events have left Present-Father Robinson and Future-Will on the ruined Future Ship-Now-Time-Machine and everyone else on the present day ship
Cornwind Evil: Father Robinson can't get back to his ship, which has to take off before the exploding planet gets them
Cornwind Evil: But they can't break its gravity and Father Robinson watches as the ship is riddled by debris and explodes, killing everyone
Draco: I think he went to save Future-Will.
Cornwind Evil: So Future Will reprograms the time machine so instead of it going back to the time of launch it goes back to just before the ship took off from the exploding planet and tosses his father into it
Draco: From something.
Cornwind Evil: There is I guess a nice moment where the portal is briefly open and Future Will gets to say goodbye to his dead-by-his-experience mother and siblings before it closes and he presumingly vanishes into nothing
Cornwind Evil: Or gets killed by the exploding planet in another timeline
Cornwind Evil: Or gets taken by Jumpropeman to give him SUCH A TALKING TO
Draco: It was Smith's idea. Will was a victim.
Draco: Jumpropeman gives him cocoa.
Cornwind Evil: Anyway Father Robinson figures that since they can't escape the planet's gravity, they'll instead turn around and fly THROUGH the exploding planet and use the slingshot effect if they get all the way through to break free and use the hyperspace machine to warp away before the planet's gravity field sucks them back in
Cornwind Evil: So they do that, but while the warp engine is working again and they have fresh star charts from the future ship it's not fully fixed and they're not sure where they'll end up when they warp
Cornwind Evil: But they have no choice, and so the son says HERE WE GO AGAIN
Cornwind Evil: And they warp off, roll credits
Cornwind Evil: ....perhaps you can see why this movie is not considered very good
Draco: Yes.
Draco: I liked the robot's first design in the movie, but yeah, not a great movie.
Cornwind Evil: Also the main actor clearly didn't give a crap
Draco: That was so emotionless, I almost thought it was Critical.
ivel: even he has more emotion than that scene


Lysias: How are you doing Ven?
Ven, the Angriest Vulcan: Trying to fix m' glasses. Doing better than I probably should be for having been clipped by a car a couple days ago. Bike and I are good.
Lysias: That's good, I was worried.
Lysias: But knowing Ven he could lose both of his legs and all he'd ask for is something strong to drink
Lysias: That's the Norse Viking I know
Lysias: Just a bottle of mead and he'd be fine
Ven, the Angriest Vulcan: Hehh


ivel: I had heard Cup Noodle was doing some sort of deal with the new Dissidia, some sort of code for a bonus in the game
ivel: I actually saw them in the store today
ivel: sadly the beta is over
ivel: only char I tried was Alex Ramza
ivel: thoughts: he's a decent melee fighter with some strong ranged attacks, including his most important move: the rock throw
ivel: in midair that command is replaced with some strong spell
M Sheep: The Sarah Throw
M Sheep: The most powerful spell


B.C.: I am back to say
B.C.: ever oasis might actually sneak into chengde plot
Gooper Blooper: hehe
B.C.: its kailani.exe
Gooper Blooper: I considered Ever Oasis RP characters but moved them to the backburner when nobody else played it and I had time to cool off
B.C.: Lilli? LESBIAN
Gooper Blooper: they may yet get their shot eventually
B.C.: Kailani the main char? LESBIAN
B.C.: Esna? Super mega lesbian
B.C.: either way this is the harpiest game this side of american
Gooper Blooper: kek, I knew it
Gooper Blooper: it's just so you
Gooper Blooper: extra cute game... VERY DARK BACKSTORY
B.C.: i would fuckin make plant people
Jumpropeman: you already did
B.C.: No jrm
B.C.: we need to make them
Gooper Blooper: we have to go cuter
B.C.: lilli is god’s gift to man
B.C.: btw
Jumpropeman: *makes Gysel chibi as fuck*
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: i take it lili is the one in more clothing
Gooper Blooper: imposing the screenshot onto a 3DS stock image for that maximum immersion
Gooper Blooper: Yeah that's Lili on the right and the male version of the protag on the left
B.C.: Shit thats not the pinkest seedling
B.C.: lili is still good but
B.C.: its the one who runs the juice shop
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Gooper Blooper: That was the one I thought you were talking about and when this one came up instead I was surprised
Gooper Blooper: I know you too well
B.C.: I mixed up my cute girls
B.C.: the monocle girl is also godlike
B.C.: how three cute girls exist in the same town as me is beyond me
B.C.: also dragongirl
Gooper Blooper: here she is
Gooper Blooper: you'll get plenty more
Gooper Blooper: my faves show up later
Jumpropeman: that face is pure animu
B.C.: CANCEL MY PLANS, THIS IS MY NEW MAIN CHAR no wait thats a stretch but AAAAAH
B.C.: I would die for her
B.C.: if i end up importing most of the cast for chengde blame goops


Jumpropeman: I tried to play some Urban Champion on ConsoleClassix
Jumpropeman: it was pretty much exactly what I thought it would be, and I had very low expectations
Gooper Blooper: hehe
Jumpropeman: don't expect a review of it any time soon. I think to beat it technically you have to win 99 fights
Gooper Blooper: So no quick reviews of games you're certain are worthless and don't deserve a full playthrough then :V
MobileDrac: When are you reviewing Lester the Unlikely?
Jumpropeman: but goops, what if Urban Champion's 60th fight suddenly gets really good?
MobileDrac: Spoilers: it doesn't.
Gooper Blooper: Even if it got better after 60 fights it would still be garbage because it thought having 59 shitty fights first was a good idea
Jumpropeman: true, true
M Sheep: But when will JRM review that king of games
Jumpropeman: Pyst?
M Sheep: 100ft Robot golf
Jumpropeman: sheep, you can't present a serious answer after that lead in
MobileDrac: Well, I know who the final boss of Golfplot is now.
Phone: I thought he was going Yugioh meme for a ticket there.
M Sheep: Sorry, Jrm. Clearly, I meant Cyberswine
Jumpropeman: *hires Sheep as my Game Discovery Agent*
Gooper Blooper: the future of entertainment
M Sheep: Supposedly two other games made by the same company are also a real trip
Jumpropeman: is a very good example of a site preserving old games via emulator
M Sheep: By the way
Jumpropeman: *googles the legality of's emulated copies*
M Sheep: the texture used for the face of the female officer
M Sheep: is a photograph of Pamela Anderson
Jumpropeman: they have a freaking I Can Be an Animal Doctor which is a game I spent years trying to remember
Jumpropeman: nice
Jumpropeman: Cyberswine?
Jumpropeman: more like
Jumpropeman: more like
Jumpropeman: CyberFIIIIIIIIIINE
M Sheep: Here's the super serious five minute intro of Gravity Angels; which I believe was developed by the same folks that made Cyberswine
M Sheep: which, besides the slightly horrifying facial textures didn't turn out to be that interesting...
Jumpropeman: Osmium? OSMIUM?
Jumpropeman: FUCK OSMI... no one cares about osmium anymore
Draco: Read that as Sumi for a second.
Jumpropeman: *calls up Goops for the appropriate sadsumi image*
M Sheep: Oh right, I forgot
M Sheep: there was a Cyberswine comic
Jumpropeman: gooooood
Jumpropeman: they're really proud of that tagline
Gooper Blooper: I thought the same thing XD
M Sheep: link
Draco: Did it comes out before or after the game?
Gooper Blooper: here's that sad sumi you wanted
M Sheep: the history of comics in two images there
M Sheep: I THINK it existed before
Phone: But what about osmium
ivel: I read it as Osumium
Gooper Blooper: here's a sumi in better spirits to balance it out
ivel: so it had Sumi in the name still :U
M Sheep: Let's see...My incredibly tenuous research suggests the comic was first published in 1995
Jumpropeman: that image is so strange because usually sumi's eyes are so big and open and full of energy
M Sheep: The video game was released 1997. So the comic was first!
Draco: Figures.
RubyChao: sumi? who?
RubyChao: we only need rachel now
RubyChao: there's only room for one nerd
Jumpropeman: look man
Jumpropeman: my girl rachel is top shelf
Jumpropeman: but don't diss the sumi
Gooper Blooper: rachel
Jumpropeman: that image is so strange because why the heck would anyone ever draw it
Gooper Blooper: well
Gooper Blooper: why NOT
Jumpropeman: it reminds me of the image of final fantasy tactics chemist eating a banana


Cornwind Evil: "On August 24, Holmes was sentenced to 12 consecutive life sentences, plus 3,318 years in prison, without the possibility of parole." Yeah that'll do it
Jumpropeman: what did Sherlock do to deserve such a fate


Garfield Does Not Get Horror: WWE stuff: At least they picked a good Rumble winner this year.
ivel: oh? Who was it?
Garfield Does Not Get Horror: Shinsuke Nakamura
RubyChao: that's not how you spell Roman Reigns
Garfield Does Not Get Horror: And thank god for that


Maddening Sheep: Was there supposed to be a blue moon?
Maddening Sheep: Ah, it's tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: From the site I use to check the weather
Gooper Blooper: "Skies will continue to be partly cloudy overnight, just in time to see the full moon tonight, which is the second full moon of this month, making it the "Blue Moon!" It won't look blue - that's just a name from folklore for that second full moon of the month, which doesn't happen all that often . . just "once in a blue moon!""
Maddening Sheep: >Live webcast commentary begins at 7 a.m. EST
Maddening Sheep: Does
Maddening Sheep: Does the moon need live commentary?
Gooper Blooper: Considering how much everyone flipped their lids over that eclipse a while back, maybe?
Maddening Sheep: "Ah, it seems The Moon has gone for a crescent at three hours until sunrise."
Maddening Sheep: "It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it phases out."
Gooper Blooper: stay tuned for the championship bout between Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright
Jumpropeman: gotta know all the political ramifications of the moon turning blue
Jumpropeman: clearly the republicans will be upset by this absurd redistricting maneuver
Maddening Sheep: See, it's funny because
Maddening Sheep: because
Maddening Sheep: "phases"
Maddening Sheep: like the
Maddening Sheep: the
Maddening Sheep: lunar phases
Jumpropeman: *removes sheep from the joke telling council*
Maddening Sheep voice warbling up through drainpipe
Gooper Blooper: JRM takes his bapping newspaper
Gooper Blooper: fashions it into the shape of a vaudeville hook
Maddening Sheep: Next Rp season: THE MOON
Jumpropeman: holy crap sheep
Maddening Sheep: More serious (?) setting suggestion: a whole bunch of moons orbiting something
Gooper Blooper: XD
ivel: orbiting Patchy
Cornwind Evil: Jupiter has a lot of moons
Cornwind Evil: Are you calling her fat?
Jumpropeman: my season 9 setting suggestion is literally The Moon 2
Maddening Sheep: Less scientifically sound suggesting: a whole bunch of moons that either trade between two planets who pass dangerous close to each-other or travel like a herd across a solar system as each planet has a place in their rotation where the moons get dragged into the rotation of another planet
Cornwind Evil: Sounds like we'd have a lot of natural disasters
Gooper Blooper: Season 9's setting will just be us settling on the body of a giant Orbinaut from Sonic
Gooper Blooper: each spikeball is home to a different megaplot
RubyChao: season 9's setting
RubyChao: Patchouli Knowledge
RubyChao: she's large enough.
RubyChao: (and also immobile enough)
ivel: I like how Chao and I were on the same page :U
ivel: he just didn't cross his out
Maddening Sheep: Mad with power suggestion: progressively smaller line of moons and detritus rotating around the next like a series of celestial matroyshka dolls
Jumpropeman: we all know Season 9's setting is going to Unassuming Uninteresting Town with No Notable Features
Gooper Blooper: Season 9: Strong Badia
Maddening Sheep: Season 9's setting is the ZF Corp Abandoned Warehouse Factory
Maddening Sheep: Alternative setting: Inside John Malkovich's Head
Maddening Sheep: WHO IS THIS TALKNG OWL??
Gooper Blooper: Season 9: Strangvia
Maddening Sheep: Never again.


Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Jumpropeman: amazing news
Jumpropeman: Knack is coming back to my house
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: one less reason for me to get PS+ ever
Gooper Blooper: I saw that and thought of you
Jumpropeman: well, it's only free for february
RubyChao: too late
RubyChao: it has been Tainted
Jumpropeman: but you get to keep it if you get it then
Jumpropeman: as long as you don't cancel the subscription
Gooper Blooper: they never bothered patching Knack 2 btw
Gooper Blooper: it's forever broken
Jumpropeman: i can't believe it
Jumpropeman: somehow a lot of people are able to beat the game fine
Jumpropeman: I guess there is potential in me just purging all data of Knack 2 from my system and lucking out if it works
RubyChao: you're Cursed
Draco: Fingers crossed.
Draco: Knack 2 is the Cory in the House bobblehead but worse.
Gooper Blooper: It might be like Deadly Creatures or that DS game Nostalgia in that some copies are just broken
RubyChao: did you ever play nostalgia
Gooper Blooper: not yet
RubyChao: make sure to tell us if you win the roll of the dice
Jumpropeman: one guy supposedly "fixed" it in that he just kept deleting his entire game every time until it finally worked on the fourth go through
Jumpropeman: the fact that digital copies are screwed up makes it weirder
Jumpropeman: at least this means that Knackplot will still work in 2018


Jumpropeman: "wow, this wiki sucks at identifying the difference between Legends and normal, I wonder what's- oh, I'm on the STAR WARS WIKI, not wookieepedia"
Jumpropeman: don't know what to call the non-legends stuff
Jumpropeman: hopefully wookieepedia can help!
RubyChao: let me guess
RubyChao: it's another Wiki Vs. Wikia divide
Jumpropeman: >Holiday Special is Legends
Jumpropeman: HOW DARE THEY
RubyChao: you would not believe how many i've seen
Draco: TFWiki is another example.
RubyChao: i didn't even know there was a second transformers wiki
Jumpropeman: there's always a shittier wiki
Jumpropeman: I was on the bad mario wiki the other day
RubyChao: what i find ridiculous is how many people on wikis are adamantly "ALWAYS WIKIA" or "NEVER WIKIA"
RubyChao: i just go with whichever one has more information
RubyChao: for example: the metroid wiki has a stub template on the queen metroid's article. that's... not a good sign.
Gooper Blooper: imagine if the entry for the main character on a fandom wiki was a stub
Jumpropeman: there are some cases where both wikis are good but one is clearly better
ivel: reminder that Seiya on the Saint Seiya wiki has a very partial entry
ivel: :U
Jumpropeman: for example, the zelda wiki that upgraded to versus zeldapedia
RubyChao: oh god, don't remind me
Jumpropeman: gamepedia is better than zeldapedia by the by
RubyChao: also: i'm curious what an outside observer thinks of the mariowiki vs. mario wikia
RubyChao: in that one particular debate i might be terribly biased towards the one i have friends at
Jumpropeman: they just cover each others bases a little
Jumpropeman: well, I'm just saying...
Jumpropeman: Chuckster has his own page on mario wikia
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: well shit
RubyChao: time to burn it all down
Draco gets out the fire flowers
RubyChao: speaking of who's excited for the return of Chuckster this year
Jumpropeman: Chuckster
I'm a Chuckster!
— Chuckster

Jumpropeman: "Numerous of Chucksters"
Jumpropeman: good wiki
Gooper Blooper: we need to get the phrase "numerous of chucksters" in RP this year
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: we did have two chucksters in one place last year!
Gooper Blooper: not enough for numerous
RubyChao: it's not like there are that many chucksters
RubyChao: it's a specialized art only taught to a few
Draco: A few hundred of them.
RubyChao: the fact that both of the brothers were taught the ways was pretty exceptional
Jumpropeman: so Shimmer
Phone: Delicious wiki weirdness


Maddening Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
Maddening Sheep: What's up, doc?
Jumpropeman: I don't know how to say this sheep... *takes off glasses and rubs temples* but you have.... chicken pox
Maddening Sheep: I don't know how to say this jrm... *takes off glasses and rubs temples* but you're actually the patient.
Cornwind Evil: I don't know how to say this JRM, but...that doctorate you got online was a fake.
Cornwind Evil: And I don't know how to say this Sheep...but you are actually suffering from cow pox.
Cornwind Evil: Because MY doctorate is WHOLLY legit.
Jumpropeman: I don't know how to say this cornwind... *takes off temples and rubs glasses* I think I'm actually cross-eyed
Maddening Sheep: I don't know how to say this Cw, but... *takes of CW's glasses* but your doctorate is actually HOLE-Y legit.
Cornwind Evil: Careful, there's a screw loose
Cornwind Evil: Am I describing my glasses or my state of mind?
Cornwind Evil: YOU DECIDE
Cornwind Evil: (It's my glasses)


Maddening Sheep joined the chat
Honster Munter takes stress damage from sheep's arrival
Maddening Sheep: :I
Honster Munter: listen
Honster Munter: i've been playing a lot of darkest dungeon
Honster Munter: and need to express it somehow
Honster Munter: and you put maddening in your username
Maddening Sheep throws Del in the hag's pot
Honster Munter dies


Jumpropeman: beavering away at more broken images
Draco: Don't stop beavering
Jumpropeman: *furiously beavers*
Jumpropeman: Out of context ZFRP quote: "WAITRESS, THERE'S A MIDGET IN MY BEEF!"


Jumpropeman: I had a realization today
Jumpropeman: I have WWE 2K16, and I can stream
Jumpropeman: ZFRP Royal Rumble?
Draco: WOT?!
Gooper Blooper: how did you end up with a WWE game
Draco: Beautiful madness! D:
Jumpropeman: xbox gold :V
Gooper Blooper: ha, nice
Gooper Blooper: I watched the Royal Rumble PPV the day after it aired - or, well, I watched the Rumbles at least
Gooper Blooper: it was pretty good
RubyChao: i would watch a zfrp royal rumble
Jumpropeman: *cheaps out and just uses wrestlers who have appeared in ZFRP*
Jumpropeman: i'll get to work on making characters for a boys and girls rumble
Jumpropeman: provided it ever finishes downloading
Jumpropeman: not sure if you can mix the sexes but that would be cool if you could
Jumpropeman: or we could have a lot of suspiciously flat-chested females in the males divison
Draco: So...........Tenshi
Jumpropeman: I rarely ever laugh at flat-chested jokes, but you got me


RubyChao: never forget that Jackal was mentioned once by Jotaro in Season 6
RubyChao: "Last year, a thief named The Jackal stole it and sold it to a fence, before leaving to somewhere else. I caught up to him a week ago and got the information on where he sold it." okay i didn't post it on the forum but it's canon that when jotaro confronted him, jackal tried to mug him
RubyChao: and got ORAORAORA'd
Gooper Blooper: you brought it on yourself that time buddy
Draco: It really only took one ORA to down him though.
Gooper Blooper: it was too bad, really - Jotaro was all set to oraoraora, but jackal went down to just one and he was kinda bummed it was over already
RubyChao: heheheheh


PhoneDel: I have
PhoneDel: Cards
PhoneDel: But not just any cards
PhoneDel: They are pogeyman cards
PhoneDel: Cards with pogeymans on them
PhoneDel: I think you do things with them??
PhoneDel: It's unclear
PhoneDel: I hope you will join me in solving this mystery
SteelKomodo: oh dear
Ehh: You throw down ya energies on em, like some kinda magic wizard, dawg, dig? Ya picks up from mystical and unknowable fate to get powers to, like, y'know, trounce yer enemies and stuff.
Ehh tries using gangsta lexicon and fails
SteelKomodo: rip fv :P
PhoneDel: It appears these cards
PhoneDel: Come with rules
PhoneDel: I will attempt to decipher them
SteelKomodo: yes
PhoneDel: These hieroglyphics appear to state rules for a game
PhoneDel: Also I don't how much further I can take this bit


Jumpropeman: I'm playing Area 51 on Xbox right now, and while most of the game is about what you'd expect, shooting aliens in area 51... they just did a dramatic reveal of... WHERE THEY FAKED THE MOON LANDING
Draco: Cripes. I remember that game when it was in arcades.
Jumpropeman: the game also had files on the JFK assassination and bermuda triangle but I can't seem to read them in game
Jumpropeman: this game is actually a remake of the arcade one
Jumpropeman: or well, a reimagining I suppose
Jumpropeman: it doesn't play like a light gun, more like Halo
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Sumi seems awfully happy about someone trying to slap her. Has she been hanging out with Tenshi?
Gooper Blooper: Draco has reminded me of that Slap Tenshi game JRM found once
Gooper Blooper: here's your next Patron Pick
Mad Sheep: Well
Mad Sheep: That's in my browser history now.
Jumpropeman: and your bookmarks
Jumpropeman: and your download folder
Draco: It's canon.
RubyChao: imagine if i HAD played tenshi as a ridiculously submissive masochist
RubyChao: and she kept getting turned on in every fight when she was getting beaten up
Jumpropeman: *bans chao*
Draco: She intentionally rolls low, freaks out like Sheep does when she gets a 21.


ivel: was trying to fight a dragon in Monster Hunter, got several big hits on it and might've killed it eventually... but the big monsters are designed to leave the map after a while, and it left before I could
ivel: :/
Gooper Blooper: going to bed, nite
RubyChao: night goops
Jumpropeman: night
Mad Sheep: Goops was that monster
Gooper Blooper: it's true, I'm leaving the map

1 comment:

  1. And I STILL have a screw loose.

    ...still my glasses, by the way.
