Friday, June 8, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 316: BRONTO BURT

SteelKomodo: a bootyload is two whole buttloads :P
MobileDrac: Dirk knows an exact bootyload on sight.
SteelKomodo: canon


Jumpropeman: "Hi, giant gross rabbit, I think video games should not be gatekept by weird tricks"
RubyChao: jumpropetom
Jumpropeman: Vince is right you know
Jumpropeman: Springtrap IS a giant gross rabbit
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: He really is
Jumpropeman: oh hi spy!
Jumpropeman: I know a trick to fighting heat
Jumpropeman: you gotta Beat the Heat with the Digibeat! (All Summer!)
ivel: I don't think Spy will fit in the freezer
RubyChao: spy lives
ivel: oh :U
RubyChao: For Now
Jumpropeman: that ephemeral DigiBeat commercial shows the importance of the preservation of the most ephemeral pieces of media
Jumpropeman: how else would I be allowed to sing this song in public without having a source to cite
Gooper Blooper: >ephemerial media preservation
Jumpropeman: who knows how many "Next time on" style of commercials have disappeared into the air waves for all eternity
Gooper Blooper: in honor of jumpropeman's exsquisite taste
Gooper Blooper: rachel's in the bar
Jumpropeman: how can she be in the bar
Jumpropeman: when she's already in our hearts
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: JRM no
Gooper Blooper: *links it again*
MobileDrac: Do people even like Rachel?
MobileDrac hides his cosplay.
Jumpropeman: *posts, ignoring Rachel*
Jumpropeman: *has turned his back on the Rachel universe*
Gooper Blooper: witness JRM's willpower to not have his characters glomp rachel every time she appears
Gooper Blooper: He doesn't have Gysel anymore to shower her with compliments, what will he do?!?!
Jumpropeman: Shimmer is currently shackled to her bed to keep her away from Rachel
Jumpropeman: barpost
Jumpropeman: I could only resist so long
Gooper Blooper: the sweet siren song of dear rachel called to JRM


Gooper Blooper: barpost
Gooper Blooper: I feel like JRM's going to point to this post and go "this is why I love Rachel"
Jumpropeman: *deletes chatzy message I was in the middle of writing* NO
Gooper Blooper: *JRM hides Rachel plush behind back*
Jumpropeman: and I swear
Jumpropeman: while Tomi and Rachel might not fite in Brawl
Jumpropeman: I won't NECESSARILY avoid her with all my cast :V
Jumpropeman: it just might happen
Jumpropeman: randomly
Jumpropeman: or she kills all my guys who knows
Gooper Blooper: She kills all of your entrants except Tomi to inflate her kill count
Gooper Blooper: Rachel sets a record for most KOs
Jumpropeman: Rachel kills 70 people before making it to the end
Jumpropeman: where Mac Tonight wins again somehow
Gooper Blooper: Or JRM does one of those "popular character is KOed by a heel-type entrant" things


PalaModo: Time for half-asleep rambles with SK
PalaModo: so what the heck was with that Babe film
PalaModo: and who greenlit the shit with that duck because they needed a punch in the stomach
Jumpropeman: the guy who made Mad Max
Jumpropeman: which explains a surprising amount


Bree: does anybody want a hina
RubyChao: i suppose mitsuo could use a hina
Bree: for what
Gonzy: dude
ivel: Oboro wants a Hina
Gonzy: i have kazuki in the bar
Gonzy: he always wants a hina
Bree: I know that's why I'm asking :V
Bree: although hina has been with the planeswardens so oboro has had a hina this whole time
Gonzy: Kazuki's greedy
Gonzy: much like ivel is
Gonzy: ivel demands cuddles like the cuddle prices are going to inflate
Gonzy: tomorrow
MobileDrac: They are. Invest a cuddle now, get 800 back.
Gonzy: Weyland now has a monopoly on cuddles
Gonzy: what the fuck
Gonzy: i hate you so much weyland


Jumpropeman: Springtrap you fool
Jumpropeman: that couldn't have been Mario one based on the descriptions we got
Jumpropeman: Dry Bones didn't appear until Mario 3 *pushes up glasses*
Jumpropeman: and the first game had NO snow levels!
Gooper Blooper: I too saw the factual inaccuracies in Brine's earlier Mario posts from when Agatha first found it, but refrained from going full ACTUALLY
Jumpropeman: figured it had to be NSMB Wii, especially since Agatha CHOSE Luigi, and the offer of two player
Brinehammer: I just wanted to cover a broad range of Marios
Gonzy: we're playing a very good bootleg mario
Gonzy: obviously
Gooper Blooper: I've tried to make the arcade accurate in that it only normally offers actual arcade games but a lot of folks like to do console gaming in there and who am I to rain on people's fun, y'know
ivel: clearly Sintendo's Mario just has a bunch of stuff different than original Mario 1 :U
Gooper Blooper: it's RP, have some fun dammit
ivel: I thought Dry Bones was Mario 1 too, btw
Cornwind Evil:
RubyChao: >mrdictionary
RubyChao: holy fuck that takes me back
Gooper Blooper: I am amazed that the Objection site is still up


Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Warning, volume and sudden flashes around 0:21
Gooper Blooper: lemme guess
Gooper Blooper: *checks*
Gooper Blooper: yep
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Goops knows how terrifying Bronto Burt is
Jumpropeman: holy crap Bronto Burt
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: I WARNED YOU
Draco: The Kirby Avalanche-verse is pretty frickin' extreme.
Jumpropeman: This is the Angry American Kirby incarnate


Jumpropeman: just tried Flaming Hot Cheetos flavored fried macaroni and cheese
Jumpropeman: my review: If I was starving on a desert island, I might pick at it a bit
Gooper Blooper: XD
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: That sounds
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Pleasant


RubyChao: >Dr. Hanz randomly viewing the forum again
RubyChao: nice
RubyChao: i bet he's just like "how do they keep doing this"
Draco waves.
Gooper Blooper: imagine if he'd shown up a month later and entered the brawl again
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: >Doktor Hanz is here
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Wat
RubyChao: yeah, spy
RubyChao: every so often, and i mean like once a year
RubyChao: hanz shows up
Jumpropeman: RainbowDash loves Doktor Hanz
RubyChao: looks at the forum
RubyChao: and leaves
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: We should send him a PM on the forum
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Live life on the edge
Jumpropeman: we found old Brawl art yesterday and were flipping quickly through it and she just went HAAAAAAAANZ!
Dr Hanz entered for the first time
Jumpropeman: *adjusts glasses*
Jumpropeman: Hanz?
RubyChao: greetings
Dr Hanz: Speak of ze devil und he will appear mit bratwurst
Dr Hanz: I've always said that there are two things that will outlast the nuclear holocaust. The first is cockroaches and the second is Zoofights.
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: not zoofights the site
RubyChao: that's dead
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: "Sorry. The Squarespace account zoofights is not available. If you are the Site Owner for this account, please login above or visit our help guides for more information."
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: ;_;7
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Never forget
Gooper Blooper: Yep, it's definitely far removed from the source but stuff like Fite Yer Mates means there's still a connection there in the DNA
Dr Hanz: It's written in the prophecy though. The good major-pbuh will one day return to lead us into the zoological combat promised land.
RubyChao: #Believe


Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: You know
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: I feel like one day, I'll need to match JRM on oddest concept to RP
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: "Random DBZ minion" and "Big the Cat Jesus christ why" are good ones so far
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: But I've never quite hit the elegance of "Literally North Dakota" or "Heffalumps and Woozles"
RubyChao: what's my weirdest concept so far
Draco: I dunno. God of Lego Bricks is better than Heffalumps.
Draco: Chao: Kasumi
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: The Alliance of Evil
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Easily
Jumpropeman: I was thinking the other day
Jumpropeman: Lheg'ho is freaking brilliant
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Aw, you think?
Jumpropeman: just a marvelous mix of two things that almost no one would put together but with so many possibilities
Spy Fights Heat Unproductively: Thank you!
Jumpropeman: Excellent...


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: i like this variation
Jumpropeman: and not just because its setz V:
Jumpropeman: it's kinda crazy how many things Resident Evil 1 did wrong but still became a huge success


M Sheep: Wait, what, did Dr. Hanz actually SPEAK in chat?
Dr Hanz: I have made my entrance into the bar. I'll be back in another 12 months to make my replys.
Draco: Sounds good, Hanz. Thanks. :V
M Sheep: Oh wow. Hello there.
M Sheep awkwardly stalls out


RubyChao: srspost
RubyChao: in which
RubyChao: i attempt to get answers
RubyChao: from a sheepchar.
RubyChao braces himself
ivel: godspeed
Gooper Blooper: that's a toughie
Gooper Blooper: he'll have to rummage around in the back of the discount plot warehouse and see if he has any of those in stock
M Sheep: It's a bold play, Cotton


Deletons: Stand User: Bar Frogs
Deletons: Stand Name: [JEREMIAH]


Dr Hanz: What does the M stand for, Sheep?
Bree: the greatest question of our era
M Sheep: Today it stands for...
M Sheep spins wheel
M Sheep: Myopic


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao flipped a coin. The coin showed: Tails
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3

RubyChao: you useless fucks


Jumpropeman: K.G. Misawa and K.C. Munchkin keep mixing in my mind
Jumpropeman: doesn't help he's in the arcade
Gooper Blooper: KC Munchkin for RP


Draco: #LewdJokeIThoughtOfButWon'tPost: Koa goes back into the bar, hears the claim comment, and says "If I'm the one with the claim, why is Vince the one planting his flag?" *CUE EYEBROW WIGGLING*
Del: "koa sheesh not in public"
Del: wow she was gonna ask vince out what the fuck
Draco: Vince is popular with the ladies.
Del: he's so confused
Draco: He just needs some booze and terrible video games to clear his head.
Deletons: Question
PalaModo: What's your question, del?
Deletons: #lewd what is Vince's sex life? Cos my understanding is that Koakuma doesn't want to succubus out and takes meds for it
Deletons: so my impression was they had to be intimate in other ways but I don't even know and honestly Vince having sex is terrifying
Bree: I don't think taking meds means koa can't have sex and stuff, it's more like she's suppressing the succubus nature to want lots of sex all the time with everybody? or something?
Bree: so like, she might still have a normal human style libido
Deletons: yeah it wasn't clear to me so my original idea was that Vince is really touchy about people making fun of her but if things are normal then uh that don't make sense :U
Draco: #Lewd She'll stop taking the meds eventually because Vince likes her for her and not because he's being controlled by pheromones. As for what they actually do, they've been dating for not quite a year so maybe they're still in an awkward cuddling/hand-holding stage of their relationship where they like touching each other but they're not ready for sex yet because they're not sure if this is truly a long, long-term thing quite yet and also Vince doesn't want Beach Episode accidentally popping in on them while they're in the bedroom.
Deletons: oh god beach episode popping in would be worse than a dog, Jesus I'm hollering at that mental image
Draco: Koakuma gives Sakuya $20 to babysit Beach Episode for an hour while she and Vince do "things".
Bree: beach episode better be scared, sakuya knows how to properly apply discipline to a reality-shifting eldritch location! she will put beach episode in timeout if it misbehaves while she's on duty!
Deletons: beach episode fills the shelves with sakuya merch as penance
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: I've walked in on smut *swiftly does the rosary to save my eternal soul*
Bree: it's not that lewd for the record :V
Jumpropeman: I know, I'm just being a goofball :P
Bree: just making sure people know they can read it without needing to bleach their eyeballs after
Bree: except maybe the hypothetical about beach episode interrupting


Jumpropeman: >Land Before Time game bumps my Instagram followers up by five while Tomb Raider only lead to losses
Jumpropeman: these social medias
Jumpropeman: I will never understand them
ivel: you know what your fanbase wants more of now
ivel: you have to become a Land Before Time site now


(The narration in a post refers to Patricia Wagon as "Thigh Cop")

Bree: >thigh cop
Bree: T H I C C
ivel: I mean :U
ivel: it ain't wrong
Gooper Blooper: there's not really any getting around it
Deletons: Aku.jpeg
Bree: caprice is just amazed she'd wear that little while on duty, probably :V
Gooper Blooper: Josie went as her a couple Halloweens ago for a reason
PalaModo: booty cop :U


Jumpropeman: A while back I indulged my niece and let her put a temporary tattoo of Vision from the Avengers on my arm. Three showers later and the thing is still on their and clear. I think I might have been scammed into a real tattoo somehow
Gooper Blooper: pff
Deletons: Oh man
Deletons: A tattoo of the worst avenger
Bree: shut up del I love vision >:I
Bree: you wanna go, m8?
Deletons: Oh yeah I'll go
 Draco: He said Vision, not Hawkeye
Jumpropeman: I liked Vision when I was younger
ivel: I love Hawkeye
ivel: I will fite you Draco
ivel: I WILL
Deletons: I stand by my Anti-vision stance
Bree: tony stark's butler A.I. got turned into a superhero, how could you not love that!
Jumpropeman: He said Hawkeye, not Ant-Man
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: u wanna go
ivel: I like Vision but I like most of the other Avengers more :P
Jumpropeman: Chatzy Civil War
 Deletons: Yeah but then he's not interesting, he just hangs around in Scotland with Scarlet Witch all day being vaguely sad about being a robot
ivel: ...I'd probably also be tempted to say Ant-Man out of the MCU
B.C.: Im spider man
ivel: although he is funny
Deletons: Which is silly because he's a super robot with a hot girlfriend
Deletons: If I were a super robot with a hot girlfriend I'd be the happiest man alive


B.C.: im terrible
Draco: Hi Terrible, I'm Draco.
Jumpropeman: And I give HarpyKuro for Zoofights RP...
B.C.: My god jrm
B.C.: plz
Deletons: Speep
ivel: My rating for Harpy as a whole


Gooper Blooper: and now, for your enjoyment
Gooper Blooper: garfield dabbing


 Bree: summary of scene: "the kobbers are gonna kick your ass" "antagonists gotta antagonize" "but the kobbers are gonna kick your ass" "fuck off hina" "fine, see you after you get your asses kicked"
Draco: "Hina please don't send us to Germany" "No you are DeMonde's problem now"
Bree: I was trying to think of a random location and told chao "I immediately went GERMANY but why would hina pick germany" and then he quoted me a german gambling law and
Bree: I went with germany
Gooper Blooper: they go to germany and try to swindle Dr. Hanz


M Sheep: Welcome to Sheep's Cinematic Golf Universe? This is Chao's fault.


Jumpropeman: >Computer Golf
Jumpropeman: fantastic
Gooper Blooper: When I first found out about Golfplot, Odyssey was going to use Atari 2600 Golf for it
Gooper Blooper: You changed that
Draco: Odyssey 2 golf looks *yawn* so exciting.
Gooper Blooper: It's a thrill a minute
Gooper Blooper: Fun fact: I actually played Atari 2600 golf last week
Gooper Blooper: It's on my Atari Flashback Portable
Jumpropeman: valuable research
Gooper Blooper: it's very similar to the Odyssey2 golf game, except they had the foresight to make your character move faster if he's further away from the ball
Draco: No, I'd rather you play Bubsy again than that.
Gooper Blooper: only took me about 25 strikes to clear one hole
Bree: par eleventy kajillion


Bree rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19


Gonzy: Unlimited Club Works sounds like the name of a sandwich store
Gonzy: i pray
Gonzy: unlimited club sandwiches


Jumpropeman: "Now she was sitting at the bar by herself playing Quarters."
Jumpropeman: more like
Jumpropeman: Quarters Waters
Jumpropeman: *runs the meme into the ground*




Middens Sheep debates whether to suffer through reality show about people diving and mining for gold for the sake of making Dmitri's activities more accurate
Jumpropeman: i watched so many videos about the creation of bottled water for last year's plot
Jumpropeman: do it sheep
RubyChao: i mean, sheep
RubyChao: i'm watching every episode of Funky Cops
Jumpropeman: it's oddly rewarding
RubyChao: just so i can more accurately RP them
Gooper Blooper: uhhhh
Middens Sheep: [ ] Truth
Gooper Blooper: I invested a whole ten minutes into rewatching Boogie Frights for that fite club
Middens Sheep: [ ] Lie
RubyChao: proud of you
Middens Sheep: [X] Doubt
Jumpropeman: was it oddly rewarding
Gooper Blooper: You could say that
Gooper Blooper: wasn't TOO odd though because old PPG is quality
Jumpropeman: then you get to stay in the airlock for now
Middens Sheep: Man, I hate reality relevision
Middens Sheep: on multiple levels
Middens Sheep still has it on to sponge up any relevant actual information between contrived narrative
Jumpropeman: yeah, I watched dry factory videos and all
Jumpropeman: which is preferable
Gooper Blooper: sheep shoving the Reality TV Horror Noise everywhere
RubyChao: how it's made, and all that?
Jumpropeman: some how it's made, some actual junk from factory videos, people selling their machines to companies,
Middens Sheep: Shark Tank?
Middens Sheep: okay, I've taken about all of this show I can stand.


पाग्ड joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Hi the word "Sith" upside-down and backwards
पाग्ड changed name to पान्द
Jumpropeman: yes, turn away from the dark side
पान्द: It might as well be that, since it DIDN'T SPELL PANDA.
Middens Sheep: the betrayal
Jumpropeman: పాండా


Bree: you know how there are whole sites dedicated to pictures of walmart customers who are bizarrely dressed or doing something heinous or whatever?
Bree: I have been going to walmart all my life and I haven't seen even one uncomfortably attired redneck


Gooper Blooper: I can't afford to buy pogeycards right now, I'm too busy buying dinosaurs
Jumpropeman: buy dinosaur pogeycards
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: "90 damage more"
Jumpropeman: the times, they are a-changing
Draco: Back in my day, the most any Pokemon had for HP was 120, and Charizard had the most powerful move in the card game at 100!
Jumpropeman: I'm used to the power creep by now, but the + damage moves always had such small additions
Jumpropeman: +10, +20, +30 if it was really good
Jumpropeman: not to mention multiplication where you flip coins
Jumpropeman: this card is one of the few I remember from my good decks
Jumpropeman: cover it in energy and flip those coins for massive potential damage
Jumpropeman: Teleport even let it stick around if something better was in front of it
Draco: Then there was Fossil Geodude, which let you flip coins until you got a Tails.
Draco: Or Base Set Machoke, which subtracted damage from its move for each damage it took.
Jumpropeman: oh yeah, forgot about that
Jumpropeman: 50-
M Sheep: >one can see different futures
M Sheep collapses in despair
Jumpropeman: let's explain it a different way sheep
Jumpropeman: she draws two cards from the deck and chooses which to discard
Draco: Like Pot of Greed?!
RubyChao: but what DOES pot of greed do
ivel: lel
ivel: draw two cards with no discard :U
RubyChao: NANI!?
Brinehammer: What's Yugioh?
RubyChao: brine: it's bad
RubyChao: that's all you need to know
RubyChao with the HOTTEST TAKES
ivel: >:
Jumpropeman: Yugioh is someone mixing surreal art with technical manuals on factory machine use
ivel: D:<
Draco: It's a children's trading card game that is regularly used to determine the fate of the world as ancient Egyptians play it to give meaning to their mummified lives.
M Sheep banishes Chao to the Shadow Realm
Jumpropeman: just one more general reminded about fite votes
Jumpropeman: reminder
Draco: Which General was it this time? Cleft?
Jumpropeman: General-kun
Draco: *-chan
Jumpropeman: -sama
Draco: *-sempai
Jumpropeman: -50
Draco: >=I
Draco starts a petition to have JRM sent back to Zoofights City.


पान्द: Maybe I should stop saying "I swear to Dragon Jesus" as a quasi threat when mad at things (usually monsters and PLAYERS WHO CAN'T TELL THAT THE MONSTER IS GOING TO SLEEP!)
Jumpropeman: on the contrary
Jumpropeman: you should say it more
Jumpropeman: get fancy with it
Jumpropeman: "By the alabaster scales of Dragon Jesus himself..."
पान्द: Maybe.


Del: hi
Del: i am going to show oda anime
RubyChao: del i'm pretty sure that's a crime against humanity
RubyChao: but godspeed anyway
Del: thank


Deletons: Oda is basically a magic girl but with war crimes instead of sparkles


M Sheep: Does Wicasa have Wicasa's chicken?
M Sheep: Have I stumbled upon the twist?
M Sheep: and blown this whole plot wide open?
RubyChao: harpy: do you want anyone in particular from me
M Sheep: Send Chuckster
M Sheep: chuck all the birds
M Sheep: it's fine
M Sheep: they can fly
M Sheep: unless they can't
B.C.: Kaede
B.C.: or Peko
B.C.: someone who isn't too strong so that we can hear the cuff jingle
B.C.: none of this will have particularly lethal things unless you’re a literal marshmallow
Gooper Blooper: but harpy
Gooper Blooper: Kaede IS a literal marshmallow
B.C.: fuck, gotta chuck the smores plan out


New Bees Order rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
New Bees Order: ...
RubyChao: and then we all died
RubyChao: the end
New Bees Order: this is NOT the way to start a goofy plot but i guess we're doing this
Cornwind Evil: The tractor saw the odds and went "I think I'll make this interesting!"
Gooper Blooper: Oh
Gooper Blooper: It's going to be one of THOSE harplots
Gooper Blooper: :V
Bree: chicken thieves final boss 2018
M Sheep: Chicken IS the final boss.
M Sheep: Chicken stole itself.
Cornwind Evil: The plot is going to end like this
Cornwind Evil: Except with chickens
Bree: the chicken stole itself, planted amitychicken as a decoy and had that stolen too!!
Bree: we retrieve the statue and it's FULL OF CHICKENS
M Sheep: Nobody here but us chickens.


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
New Bees Order: the butter knives got 'em
New Bees Order: again
M Sheep: Local mutant stabbed to death in "weed den", film at 11
M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
New Bees Order: i can't belive Dmitri is fucking dead
M Sheep: i can
New Bees Order: i killed him with butter knives
M Sheep: you did this
New Bees Order: my joke is too effective
M Sheep: prepare to be haunted
M Sheep: until you return the gold to end this curse
New Bees Order: people are DEAD
M Sheep: bubbles coming out of your drain for all eternity


Gooper Blooper: oh man
Gooper Blooper: denise actually went in agatha's place
Gooper Blooper: (◡‿◡🐓)
Gooper Blooper: (ʘ‿ʘ🐓) "You're resisting arrest."
Gooper Blooper: (ʘ‿ʘ)ノ🐓 Agatha, hold my chicken."
Gooper Blooper: 🐓\(。-_-。)
Draco: Denise was Beach Episode all along.

--- joined the chat
Draco: Hi Panda. Yo
Draco: ...Yo. ...Yo....
Draco: Y......................o. ...Y...o...o...o...o...o...o...o...o...o...o...!
Draco: D8
Draco: Yo......u win. Dang it, I had another one ready.
Draco: Dang. SO shonen!


Del: Holy shit???
Del: "Life in the 41st Millennium is hard."
Del: No shit
NORTE CHICOOOOOO: Man, this is surreal
NORTE CHICOOOOOO: How the heck do you tone down something like the 41st Millennium for the kids?
PhoneDel: Yeah look at those last Airbender kids next to fat blue McGunMan
NORTE CHICOOOOOO: They wouldn't last five minutes against a tyranid swarm
Brinehammer: I just saw that too, lol
RubyChao: so brine
RubyChao: this is your season 9 megaplot right
Brinehammer: Too many dudes
MobileDraco: Is that an April Fool's joke, Del? Warhammer lore for kids? 😱
Del: no its real
Del: im so confused


Gooper Blooper: did anyone else notice the top banner is Caitir facing off against Chronos Xarr
Jumpropeman: hahaha


नरनारी: I now want to pour a McDonald's St. Patty's shake on a dead body.
नरनारी: Oh, sorry. Wrong chat.
Jumpropeman: suuuuure
नरनारी: Damn, he knows me too well.
Deletons: I mean who doesn't


Moogly Sheep: "And you give me... two hooligans who stole a chicken?"
Moogly Sheep: It was a very important chicken.
ivel: my only regret is not being able to send Gino to save the chicken
ivel: or at least make a dumb post before it was over :U
Bree: agatha had dibs on saving that chicken
Moogly Sheep: Agatha would have killed for that chicken.
Bree: agatha would have killed that chicken. ...wait...
Jumpropeman: to appreciate life, the chicken must first experience death
Moogly Sheep: In return for this act, Wicasa cursed Agatha to roam the islands as The Rose Chicken.
Moogly Sheep: Trapped in this form until she performs 100 good, poultry themed, deeds.
Moogly Sheep: These are her continuing adventures.
Jumpropeman: is
Jumpropeman: that
Jumpropeman: a 100 Deeds For Eddie McDowd reference
Moogly Sheep: That's an excellent question, Jrm.
Moogly Sheep: So, how is everybody today?
Moogly Sheep: Sure is weather outside.
Jumpropeman: "The series was cancelled in the United States due to declining ratings in the spring of 2002 after only 40 episodes, with Eddie still a dog and only 60 deeds done."
Jumpropeman: now this is the real series that needs a netflix continuation
ivel: "Jumpropeman: to appreciate life, the chicken must first experience death"
ivel: so it should become a Kobber?
ivel: Chicken for Brawl
Moogly Sheep: Who would have guessed Wicasa's chicken was going to be the breakout character of 2018?
Jumpropeman: Ms. Featherbutt 2018


Jumpropeman: you know, I bet back in olden times, people had things like Sherlock Holmesonas but no word for it
Jumpropeman: and Mariarty Sues


Jumpropeman: "While I would never be so bold as to say your face is lacking something, I do think that the addition of some repeated force implemented by way of something akin in size and shape to a square brick could possibly lead to a substantial improvement that we would all benefit from."
Jumpropeman: is how Broderick would say it
ivel: lel
Bree: "I want to hit you in the face with a brick" is how meiling would say it
Draco: *hits you in the face with a brick* is how DeMonde says it.


Bree: uh, I finished reading that disaster report after being distracted for a long while
Bree: my eyes glanced over the empty comment section
Bree: one of the boxes was pre-filled for me
Bree: you know what, let me screencap this


नरनारी: Yay. Dropped my bowl of cereal.
Jumpropeman: on the bright side panda, that means you got the bowls right?
नरनारी: Oh yeah, Draco did me a solid almost immediately, because he's just great like that
Jumpropeman: nice
Jumpropeman: Draco for president
नरनारी: Will Queen Bree allow that?
Jumpropeman: we've got a Japan thing going here
Jumpropeman: that's why Bree and Draco are the chatzy mods. We've been in Japan the whole time!
नरनारी: I don't get the Japan thing.
Jumpropeman: Japan has an emperor and a prime minister (but I thought they had a president when the joke started)
नरनारी: You know, England is much the same.
नरनारी: Or is it all of Britain?
Jumpropeman: but then the Britbros would have an unfair advantage against us
Jumpropeman: in Japan, we're all equally confused and out of place
Jumpropeman: the optimal state for a government
नरनारी: ...
नरनारी: JRM just logicked
RubyChao: all of britain
नरनारी: It was super effective
RubyChao: well, technically
नरनारी: Danke, Chao.
RubyChao: the monarch of england is also the monarch of scotland, they unified the crowns a few hundred years ago
नरनारी: What about Wales?
RubyChao: the heir apparent of the british crown is the prince of wales
Jumpropeman: what ABOUT Wales? :I
नरनारी: Hmm
RubyChao: which is their monarchy, they got rid of kings even before they joined
RubyChao: not sure about northern ireland
Jumpropeman: northern ireland is a hostage
नरनारी: I should start this story off with intestines, right?
Jumpropeman: Britain says the same things about Northern Ireland that Russia said about that chunk of Ukraine they attacked a few years back
RubyChao: crimea
नरनारी starts the story off with intensive. Begin as you mean to go on, amiright?
Bree: what's going on, dudes
नरनारी: Apparently, Draco might turn you into a mere figurehead, taking full control as President.
Bree: fine by me
Bree: your queen is both benevolent and also lazy
Jumpropeman: but at least Bree will get an entire period of history named after her
नरनारी: True
Bree: they better call it bree-historic times
नरनारी: If they don't
नरनारी: I'll defenestrate them.
Jumpropeman: The Secretary of Defenestration
Bree: I hereby appoint panda as secretary of defenestration in draco's cabinet.
Bree: yes the queen can appoint cabinet members for the president. it's a group effort over here
ivel: can I be the assistant to said secretary?
Bree: also, we can't be japan because their parliament is called the diet
Bree: we like food too much around here
Bree: sure, ivel. somebody's gotta open the window first
ivel: yay!
ivel: brb to open all the windows
Hiroki: ivel plz
Cornwind Evil: Diet can also mean 'group of foodstuffs consumed'
Birches (Bitches) joined the chat
ivel: yeah, it doesn't always relate to losing weight
ivel: it's really just food
Jumpropeman: *plays Hail to the Chief as Draco enters*
नरनारी changed name to Secretary of Defenestration
Birches: Greetings, loyal subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies.
Hiroki: look birches
Hiroki: i can't handle this
Birches: You're exempt from handling duties, Admiralpy.
Birches: I hereby veto calling our Parliament a "diet". We already know skinny Sarah is weird.
Gooper Blooper: can I be study hall
Hiroki: admiral of wot
Bree: marshmallows
नरनारी left the chat
Secretary of Defenestration joined the chat

Hiroki changed name to Admiral Hiroki of Marshmallows
Admiral Hiroki of Marshmallows: i dunno if that's apt for Hiroki considering he's been getting buff :U
Draco: You've still got BC, Sammy, Sonia, MAGIC, Stacy, and Priere.
Admiral Hiroki of Marshmallows: B.C. is still a giant marshmallow, Sammy is ?!?, Sonia marshmallow, MAGIC is Fluffpillow, Stacy is a nekomancer, and Priere is basically thighs
Admiral Hiroki of Marshmallows: but hiroki's the man of the hour and therefore
Admiral Hiroki of Marshmallows: dumb
Admiral Hiroki of Marshmallows: i still imagine him as chunky anyway
Draco: Get in the robot, Hiroki.
Admiral Hiroki of Marshmallows: Hiroki: Give me a reason to :U
Secretary of Defenestration: President Draco!
Secretary of Defenestration: Assistant Secretary ivel, are the windows open?
Draco: Mine aren't. :I
Admiral Hiroki of Marshmallows: kek


Cornwind Evil: You want me to give you a disease, Harpy?

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