Thursday, March 1, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 305: World Hard, Tiddy Soft

Jumpropeman: "Bob may not have made this stone, but it'd make a damn good football in a pinch."
Jumpropeman: IT'S A STONE, BIFFORD
Jumpropeman: YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT


Jumpropeman: "and we can safely rule Maria out of this, considering she doesn't know much about the why or who of it."
Jumpropeman: you sure about that Brandon
Jumpropeman: or has Maria been playing the long game
Bitter Coffee: Chao can't fucking do that twice in a row
Bitter Coffee: i will murder him
RubyChao: sez u
Bitter Coffee: oh god chao did you do the long con
Bitter Coffee: how could you
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahaha
Bitter Coffee: ...she still wouldn't have much to gain from it
Bitter Coffee: considering she barely dealt with the experiments
Draco: Just everything.
Gooper Blooper: the most delayed heel turn
Draco Maria rolls around in bottles of Kuwahawi Springs water.
spyvel: Chao's plan to actually get us to kill Maria


Bitter Coffee: hey guys i found halothane
Bree: fifty keks
Gooper Blooper: perfect
Bitter Coffee: cleffa
Bitter Coffee: sees
Bitter Coffee: ALL


Phone: Walmart was out of Doctor Pepper.
Jumpropeman: D:
Jumpropeman: is there
Jumpropeman: a dr. pepper shortage
Draco: You caused it!


iKomodo: link
Sweet Stepwell Rave Party: PERSONA 5 ON SWITCH???
Sweet Stepwell Rave Party: Yes please
Sweet Stepwell Rave Party: I'd never see it COMIIIIIING but I want it
iKomodo: Pfffft
iKomodo: Nintendocafe asks questions like that a lot
iKomodo: probably doesn't mean anything
Jumpropeman: Would you buy Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder on Nintendo Switch?
Gooper Blooper: bubsy 3D
Sweet Stepwell Rave Party: Funky Barn
iKomodo: The hell is funky barn
Gooper Blooper: let's find out
Gooper Blooper:, that was a much grimmer opening cutscene than I expected
Jumpropeman: GRANDPA'S DEAD but here's the tutorial
Gooper Blooper: you inherited his funky barn
iKomodo: Wait a minute
iKomodo: is this like shitty budget harvest moon or something?
Gooper Blooper: looks like it
Gooper Blooper: Seems like you can go to any digital download shop and you'll find plenty of knockoffs. Steam, Google Store, eShop, what have you
Gooper Blooper: Half the price! A tenth the value!
Jumpropeman: the Spiritual Suckcessors


Gooper Blooper: The remaining plots list looks more manageable than usual, it feels like
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure it's very possible to comfortably do everything with several unclaimed days left over
Jumpropeman: what about my 7 day October plot that I delayed on account of being the slightest bit spooky?
Gooper Blooper: kek


ivel: by the way jrm, I told Aeronaut about Sunwoop's appearance
ivel: his reaction was "o_O"
ivel: I spared him the other details about Sunwoop at the time :U
Jumpropeman: Sunwoop is a handsome boy


Jumpropeman: *googles Hawaiian Man*
Jumpropeman: I spent so long trying to find a good Keahi
Jumpropeman: and now I've found basically thirty of him
Jumpropeman: basically Keahi in color (and a shirt ;P)


Bree: the scoring system for being a ninja is kinda hilarious
Bree: stealthkill a dude, toss his body in a conveniently located dumpster
Super High School Level Chao: nice
Bree: then another guard walks by the corpse-filled dumpster
Bree: with the text "+400 Oblivious"
Bree: I got a score bonus for having a guy unknowingly walk right past his dead buddy in a dumpster
Bree: 10/10 game
SteelKomodo: amazing


Bree: "In any case, the sludge monster is now airborne in its' new form, cruising through the sky like a flying saucer that REALLY needs to go to a car wash"
Bree: I love this line
Gooper Blooper: unfortunately, if you wash off the outer layer of Hedorah's sludge
Bree: it's just more sludge?
Gooper Blooper: all that does is expose the beautiful, identical layer of sludge underneath
Bree: it's sludge all the way down?
Gooper Blooper: yes
Bree: sludge all the way dooooown
Gooper Blooper: Pretty sure Hedorah is literally just a pile of sludge with eyes even in Godzilla canon
MobileDrac: ALL the way down.
Gooper Blooper: Like a really disgusting Amity
Bree: is a amty????
Bree: FRAND????
Bree shoves Amity away from the keyboard
Gooper Blooper: this is one villain we don't want amty to eat
MobileDrac: It's more like Muk than Amity.
Bree: "pile of sludge with eyes" is best kaiju concept'


Bree: nothing's tastier than a villain who goes "I HAVE THE SECRET TO DEFEATING THE KOBBERS" and then one beating later "I didn't have the secret to defeating the kobbers."
Bree: nobody has the secret to defeating the kobbers. STOP LOOKING! IT DOESN'T EXIST


Warren Statesman: guys
Warren Statesman: i think
Warren Statesman: i think cuphead might be difficult
Bree: wtf is cuphead


Bree: there is a high correlation between "people who read a lot" and "people who can write good"
Bree: obviously it's not an ironclad cause-and-effect thing because if it were then chao would be shakespeare but
Bree: y'know
Gooper Blooper: kek
B.C.: kek
Sweet Spawning Pool Rave Party: I for one would welcome Chaospeare
ivel: I'd rather welcome ChaoSPEAR
B.C.: ivel no
Bree: chaos pear
Gooper Blooper: Josephine's super move
iKomodo: pls


Gooper Blooper: I think most Wii Shop Channel exclusives are pretty... weak
Gooper Blooper: but there's a handful of good stuff there that's going to be lost forever
Jumpropeman: what about Lead the Meerkats, Gooper
Jumpropeman: what. about. Lead. The. Meerkats. BI
Gooper Blooper: I don't know, JRM, you'll have to buy it and tell me all about it on your blog
Gooper Blooper: a Wii Shop Channel special
Jumpropeman: fiend BI


Bree: one time I read about someone deciding to see what happens if you put unground coffee beans in a bowl, add milk, and eat it like cereal
Sax: I do not anticipate this going any better than doing the same with raw cocoa beans if you aren't used to it as a diet, eh?
Bree: the verdict was it's gross
Sax: Yepppp.
Cornwind Evil: I'm reminded of one time when I mixed together four or so of my favorite drinks under the assumption it would make a super drink.


SHUT UP SPLINTER: Hey Chao what's Tenshi's text color
M Sheep: smug
Super High School Level Chao: 005CE3
MobileDrac: Hinanawhite
M Sheep coughs
Phone: Have you been anime nobility this entire time without telling me, Sheep?
M Sheep: My transformation is yet incomplete, Ven
M Sheep: ugu
Phone: Bless you.


Phone: Now, let us discuss puppies.
Phone: Do you think, for example, Byte would constitute a musician for Bree's event, or is just an adorable music player?
Jumpropeman: its singing won it the pet competition, didn't it?
Jumpropeman: guess it has to make the music itself rather than playing a file though
Phone: That is the question. 8u
Jumpropeman: ibuki might just not care either :V
Phone: Also whether Kap will enter with a trained barbershop quartet of puppies.
Phone: Mm. Seriously considering bringing back a retiree or so for it. It seems fun. But ehhh.
M Sheep: Armstrong strongarms his way into the competition
Phone: By and large, I would describe the current cast's musical aptitude as roughly equivalent to that of a rotten egg being fried with napalm. It certainly makes a noise, but nothing quantifiable as pleasant, and rather as nauseating as it is possible to be instead.
Phone: I suppose I could enter Louis, instead of breaking open the past, but I don't imagine a record company would have much interest in cooking ditties.
Phone: Mehh
Phone: Make my fake life choices for me
Phone flops


M Sheep: It's over
M Sheep: RP is over
M Sheep: pack it in
MobileDrac: I think Sheep liked that.
M Sheep: Ven is sorely tempting me to RP an old school fire and brimstone demon trying to make it in a young devil's hell
M Sheep: is what he's doing


Skeleton Beach Rave Party: So there's this big section of space that belongs to these undead duders
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: They pay taxes to Franzika to not get invaded but they aren't big fans of this
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: It's a nice place to live if you're into the goth shit and don't mind a skeleton for a neighbor
Bree: *komachi moves to skeleton beach*
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Skelebeach
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Also if you live in a vampire duchy you may have to donate some blood as part of your taxes
Bree: komachi doesn't have any blood, sorry vampires
Bree: she's made of magic shit
Bree: like julius only instead of a giant suit of golden armor she just wears normal clothes
iKomodo: Hahaha
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: But that is fine since vampires are super old, fastidious at running things, and very keen on the democratic process since they don't enjoy the idea of being killed by mobs anymore
Bree: and the magic shit is less "cloud of glowy" and more "formed into actual flesh-and-blood-seeming cute squishy girl"
Bree: v. squishy
Bree: the squishiest
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: The best quality of life outside of Franzikan middle class is probably in a Vampire duchy
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: She squish
Bree: but only nitori is allowed to squish the squishable shinigami
Bree: and maybe meiling sometimes
Bree: (okay not really meiling either)


Bree: I made a typo so ridiculous and stupid when writing one reaction that I had to immediately stop (after backspacing) and tell chao about it
Bree: because I originally wrote
Bree: the much funnier but also very inappropriate line


SHUT UP SPLINTER: I need Celestia's last name
Bonus Contract: Cannico
Gooper Blooper: Canicco
Bonus Contract: doubled the wrong letter
Bonus Contract: oop
MobileDrac: Ccanico


M Sheep: >Such an emotional song could only be followed up by a fat crocodile in a pirate hat
M Sheep: Quote of the day
Bree: it just squeaked in under the cutoff for ticker eligibility!
Bree: but the event had so many good lines, like goddamn
Bree: how could I even pick a ticker


Bonus Contract: and then
Bonus Contract: the murders began
Phone: Sunwoop has been a very busy boy.


Bree: what do samhain's arms look like anyway
ivel: they look spoopy


Gooper Blooper: link
MobileDrac: BEEP BEEP


Jumpropeman: you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Danai!
Bree: :V
Bree: I try to be a little delicate about how I put it, but yes
Bree: she ain't got no legs


Nets: Ask not for whom the Del Boops; he Boops at theeee
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: I boop at all peoples


Bree: emily is a hype elemental
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Julius is a cinnamon elemental


Bonus Contract: question
Bonus Contract: boreas, brando, duer, or etc?
Gooper Blooper: For this plot?
Bonus Contract: ye
Bonus Contract: the WPRO is guarunteed but
Gooper Blooper: Boreas would not enjoy it and Brandon might be in over his head, Duer is a great pick
Bonus Contract: Val can't fight well
Bonus Contract: neither can Luize but that never stopped her, did it
Bonus Contract: Boreas would be more defensive, as would Brando
Bonus Contract: if val somehow scores a final hit on this thing i'm confirming her appearance for brawl 2018
Gooper Blooper: kek
Bonus Contract: for duer
Bonus Contract: it was just practice
Bonus Contract: ...wait
Bonus Contract: m-maybe
Bonus Contract: pr
Bonus Contract: prier?
Bonus Contract: and then there was emily
Gooper Blooper: practice for something even more important than Brawl: his fite with clownpiece
Gooper Blooper: I can never say no to prier or emily
Gooper Blooper: I do love me some cool ladies
Bonus Contract: if only i could do "pink haired girls only"
Bonus Contract: ...i could
Bonus Contract: if i bench luize
Gooper Blooper: *Luize dyes her hair pink*
Gooper Blooper: she lost a bet with brgrgr harpy


Jumpropeman: *adds Angelica to the list of villains we tell that they'll be forgotten*
Draco: And then Zeldoten built a statue of Angelica that is simply titled "LAME"
Bonus Contract: and then we remember anyway
Bonus Contract: i think next post
Bonus Contract: will be Valentina's coup de grace
Jumpropeman: *coup de gravy
ivel: she kicks Angelica in the balls this time?
Gooper Blooper: everyone does a Prier Coup De Grace at the same time
Gooper Blooper: she explodes into a pile of ribcages like a Mortal Kombat fatality


Bree: I don't know if people remember since it was barely established but selah joined hong and izumi at the end of season 5
Bree: and has been travelling with them ever since, with the exception of them being in RP right now because I cannot RP her and don't want to try
Bree: but yeah they've had like almost two full years of selah madness to acclimate to
Bree: including
Bree: this:
Bree: WordSmith - Last Sunday at 12:05 AM
I also want to take a moment and share this thing - I finally have an answer to the question, what would Selah get as a tattoo (beyond her Siren tats, that is)
or at least, the words on the tattoo, around which would need to be some exceptionally ornate and beautiful design that works into her Siren tats
and those words would be
world hard
tiddy soft
world cold
tiddy warm"
WordSmith - Last Sunday at 12:07 AM
I have this image in my head of her gathering Komachi and Meiling together and being all, ladies ladies ladies I got a tattoo you have to see!
no warning about getting one, she just shows up in a big hoodie to hide the new tats
and then when she has them around
she whips the hoodie off, topless and with the dumbest grin on her face
flexes her arms and shows off this absurdity
Bree - Last Sunday at 12:08 AM
Meiling fucking loves it, of course
Komachi tries to resist the hilarity
she makes a solid heroic effort
but she just
so it also gets her approval
WordSmith - Last Sunday at 12:09 AM
then she'd probably share the reactions she got when she surprised Hong and Izumi with it
Bree - Last Sunday at 12:09 AM
Hong is just like "Truer wisdom has never been spoken."
you can now imagine him in the lotus position on top of some mountain doling out his ancient Chinese wisdom upon some traveler who's made the grueling climb in order to learn the secret of enlightenment
and he looks at them
and says, with great seriousness
"World hard. Tiddy soft."

RubyChao: Soft
Bree: tiddy soft becomes the new crying potato
Bree: no but really underneath all the sagely wisdom hong is Not That Above It All
Jumpropeman: Tiddysoft is just a subsidiary of Neversoft, but instead of skateboarding and guitar games, they make dil- *BANNED*
Bree: best


Jumpropeman: so bree
Jumpropeman: does RP panda love RP Trash?
Bree: yes
Bree: panda wants trash to understand that she's beautiful and special <3
Bree: boost the cinnamon's self-esteem
Bree: praise that cinnamon!
Draco: Boost that roll!
Jumpropeman: *boosts the paprika bun by mistake*
Brinehammer: =3


RubyChao: i gotta admit goops
RubyChao: im really interested in seeing the behind the scenes for this plot
RubyChao: feels like it went through a buncha twists and turns over time
Gooper Blooper: There's a lot to talk about
Gooper Blooper: a lot changed
RubyChao: like ariel going from being important to not very important
Gooper Blooper: I can share one tidbit right now
Jumpropeman: originally, Ariel was Monoxide and Rinoa was the good guy!
Draco: And Hedorah was the bartender!
Gooper Blooper: The Crawdaunt/Krilldozer was originally going to have its' own event alongside a Kingler/Steamcrab
RubyChao: neat
Jumpropeman: that explains it
Gooper Blooper: the plot would feature Huge Hermit for more oversized crustacean action
Jumpropeman: I wondered why Crawdaunt was around
Jumpropeman: seemed very strange to pull out of nowhere
Gooper Blooper: The briefly-mentioned centipede/earwig hybrid, on the other hand, was in fact pulled from nowhere :V
Jumpropeman: a centearwig doesn't need explanation, it's just a good idea


Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Okay okay okay
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: I've had the greatest idea
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: So
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Rory and Toinette are in a fight
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: And Rory gets a tooth knocked out
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: And Toinette picks up the tooth and hucks it into the ground and it turns into a skeleton, Jason and the Argonauts style
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: And it has a shotgun
Fifteen Hour Crash: Could call Nylora for that, really.
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: And then I guess they adopt it?? I didn't get much further than the idea of RORY'S TOOTH SKELETON
SteelKomodo: #Skeletons
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: I don't know what caused this idea but I feel like it's in the camp of weird stupid shit that will never happen
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Now I'm giggling in public at the phrase TOINETTE'S SKELETON DAUGHTER
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Skeleton Daughter would be a good album name
SteelKomodo: dah nah nah etc.
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Yes


SteelKomodo: sorry for this post being a bit late
SteelKomodo: del keeps calling me to gush about MHA


Gooper Blooper: "The bear is visibly weakening, and about time, too."
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
SteelKomodo: rip whoever got that 1
Gooper Blooper: Samhain just rolled a negative 4
Gooper Blooper: congratulations to him?
MobileDrac: Negative 4: he heals the bear!
SteelKomodo: XD
ivel: pfffff
Gooper Blooper: Halloween is cancelled
Gooper Blooper: We just have Christmas two months early
Gooper Blooper: The December holiday becomes "Christmas II"
MobileDrac: The spirit of Christmas is a bear!
Gooper Blooper: this boss is a real bear
Gooper Blooper: it's unbearable
Warren Statesman: ripmas
MobileDrac: You can bearly withstand him.
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Bonus Contract: this just in
Bonus Contract: ivel is the reason we keep getting skyrim remakes
Bonus Contract: or at least he is mortal enemies with that dude
Bonus Contract: according to my dreams
ivel: it all makes sense now


M Sheep: >You are now DIAMONDS DROOG. You had observed the KOBBERS for QUITE A BIT OF TIME, but ultimately, if you ever had a plan, you have long since forgotten it.
M Sheep: I hope this writing gag is continued for all parts involving these characters
M Sheep: >Stop doing the Homestuck style for a bit and continue the plot.
M Sheep: Never
Jumpropeman: I did consider it
Jumpropeman: but it felt like a gimmick that would get old quick if you didn't get the reference
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: The midnight crew bit was the best part of homestuck
Skeleton Beach Rave Party hot takes
RubyChao: is it really a hot take if it's objectively correct tho
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: See
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: That's the joke
M Sheep: >It is impossible to overstate how bad Clubs Deuce is at this.
M Sheep: the tractor moves in amusing and mysterious ways


Juzo: Is it cannibalism to have a cake eat a cupcake, or am I overthinking this?


MobileDrac: Found something stupid
M Sheep ages five years
ivel: I'm rating that NSFV (Not Safe For Ven) :U
B.C.: What did i just read
ivel: in case he sees that: I'M NOT KIDDING MAN IT'S NOT WORTH IT
MobileDrac: It really isn't. Don't read it, bro.
ivel sends that book to Chao instead
MobileDrac: But I might get it for...too slow. D;
ivel: lel
iKomodo: What the fuck
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: That looks like something that knows just how stupid it is
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: And is loving it
B.C.: is cnut a real name
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Yes
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Maybe
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Maybe use a k for politeness' sake
B.C.: Oh
B.C.: my
B.C.: Just noticed
iKomodo: Hahahaha
MobileDrac: Quite
MobileDrac: This sounds like a romance novel so it was probably intentional.
B.C.: Raunchy
B.C.: like a ranch dorito


Skeleton Beach Rave Party asked Chatzy to choose between splatfest, picross and guess I'll die. Chatzy chose: picross


Gooper Blooper: "Having just celebrated the union of nuptial bliss with my dearest Viola not six hours before in the lush, green, verdant gardens at Saint Benedict's Cathedral, I watched the rise and swell of her white, wedding-dress-clad chest as she lay inert—still looking like an unconscious angel descended from the heavenly firmament, even while clutching an empty bottle of Thunderbird, and passed out behind the trash bin of our local liquor store, where our story begins."
Gooper Blooper: (I still have the page of "bad opening sentences to fake novels" page open)
Draco blinks.
Bree: viola no
Draco: Tenshi is very eloquent.
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: I didn't expect ZFRP fanfiction this soon
Draco: That can't be OUR Viola though; she'd never wear a white dress.
ivel: lel
iKomodo: Hahahaha


Bonus Contract: this is the dumbest revelation i'm ever going to make in my entire RP career
Bree: don't be such a pessimist, harpy. never underestimate your own ability to come up with dumb RP!
Gooper Blooper: there's always something dumber
Gooper Blooper: aim low


Jumpropeman: Gaming Historian is a really good channel if you like old gaming junk
Jumpropeman: it's where I learned about Sega Visions and Niles Nemo
Jumpropeman: "Neo Geo Pocket Color: The Portable That Changed Everything"
Jumpropeman: which is why no one talks about it
Jumpropeman: quite tellingly, the Neo Geo Pocket Colors on eBay are reasonably priced. Maybe some day I'll own the portable that changed everything


Skeleton Beach Rave Party: Blade runner is real good
Skeleton Beach Rave Party: A man has sex with his house, a woman disagrees with a cop, and an old man takes a swim
Draco: .....that is an excellent summary. I don't want context; it would ruin the beauty.


Bonus Contract: i like MAGIC
Bonus Contract: *shot*
Draco: We all do. :3
Draco: Making All Go Incredibly Crazy
Draco: MAGIC is the new BC
Bonus Contract: BC is still BC :I
Bonus Contract: i love Brando
Bonus Contract: and his initials will never change
Bonus Contract: MAGIC's will as soon as she gets a name proper
Jumpropeman: MAGIBC
Bonus Contract: then people give her a long name just to fit the acronym
Bonus Contract: Maybe Angelic Girl IS Brandon Carter
Draco: Mary Angelica Gail Brianna Courtney
Draco: Married a guy, Brandon Carter
Bonus Contract: Married A Guy, Ivel Child
Bonus Contract: ...
Bonus Contract: FUCK, MAGIC IS ME
Bonus Contract: it was all le ruse
ivel: well you are pretty foxy ;D
Bonus Contract: ..granted, OC was kind of a self-insert
Bonus Contract: ...not really this time tho
Bonus Contract: also i knew you'd say something
Bonus Contract: you nerd


Garglemasher: I wonder ... if we translated it to fiction, would, like, trying to bite, I dunno, a Bigfoot do the druggies proud? Or would it just annoy both? Or would they think it would, but then when Murdock has his teeth on Mario's wrist, they find out it's as fake as rhino horn being a decent aphrodisiac?
SteelKomodo: i dunno about bigfoot
SteelKomodo: but i bet you could get a wicked contact high off the Ohio Grassman :P
Garglemasher: Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft


Garglemasher: And then, tired of listening, Nyx gently threw Anne through the moon


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: goodbye, ruukoto
RubyChao: goodbye.


Bamboozled Cat: gonna get up a rudimentary list of pros and cons for prier
ivel: pros: thicc
ivel: then again
ivel: that's both her and Josie :U
Jumpropeman: post
Gooper Blooper: I did note their many similarities in Josie's entry
Gooper Blooper: the two really were made to be friends
Jumpropeman: YOU MEAN FOES
Jumpropeman: *names fite Thicc as Thieves*
Gooper Blooper: XD
ivel: ...yes
ivel: just yes
ivel: it's perfect


RubyChao: ruukoto is still rebooting
RubyChao: please wait warmly
MobileDrac waits COLDLY.
M Sheep waits room temperature


Zordon Says Give Up: If the Garden of Eden has every plant and animal in it
Zordon Says Give Up: Did it have weed?
SteelKomodo: yes
SteelKomodo: and clearly both Adam and Eve were 4/20 blazin' it constantly
Zordon Says Give Up: Garden of Weeden
Zordon Says Give Up: Yeeeeeeeeee


Gooper Blooper: MAGIC's reveal of her outfit under the robes accompanied by blaring DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC
Bamboozled Cat: "I'm pretty sure I'm not just a head!"
Bamboozled Cat: "...Unless..."
Bamboozled Cat: *whips off all 5 robes at once*
Bamboozled Cat: "Nope, not just a head!"
Jumpropeman: darn
Bamboozled Cat: can't get megaspoopy
Bamboozled Cat: meiling will give us an excuse to unleash
Bamboozled Cat: MAGIC
Bamboozled Cat: maybe
MobileDrac: Meiling Asks Girls If Cute
Jumpropeman: Meiling Always Gets Indecent Constantly
Bamboozled Cat: MAGIC Always Gets Indecent Constantly
Bamboozled Cat: wait
Gooper Blooper: when she wants to go swimming she puts on her best swimming robe
Bamboozled Cat: she just turns into a dolphin
Jumpropeman: MPeople AOrder GOur IPatties C.
Gooper Blooper: OHHHH! POOP!
MobileDrac: A dolphin with fox ears.


Zordon Says Give Up: I saw what I'm pretty sure was a human turd in the street this afternoon
Zordon Says Give Up: So I'm prepared for New York I guess

1 comment:

  1. My lack of knowledge about the film, due not having seen it, the movie in question being Ant Man, a film based on a Marvel property, lead to me, M Sheep, to issue forth a "joke", that is "pun", which is to say "play on words", that failed to provoke any reactions of mirth, i.e. "laughter", about a overqualified gentlemen working in the ice cream parlor staffing profession, of the "Baskin Robbins" chain, who, by happenstance and backstory, is a thief, thereby therein being the situation engineered that I was BASKIN ROBBED of a punchline!
