Saturday, February 3, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 304: Combo-Juggling A Robot

RubyChao: oh shit
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: jrm missed cirno day
RubyChao: ;_;7
A Flute-Busting Prussian: RIP jrm
Gooper Blooper: I noticed this morning and was upset
Gooper Blooper: When Cirno is finally actually in RP, I expect a plot about her on Cirno Day
RubyChao: 9/9/19 in Season 9
RubyChao: cant' pass up that confluence
RubyChao: especially if he manages to post at 9:09
RubyChao: (even if cirno shows up next year cirnoplot should be season 9)
Jumpropeman: *steeples fingers, glasses shine*
Gooper Blooper: you only get one shot at this
Gooper Blooper: it's not something you can afford to pass up


Grabbin Pillz: Does anyone remember the yugioh episode with the zombies
Grabbin Pillz: From like season one
Grabbin Pillz: That shit was creepy when I was ten
RubyChao: i do!
Grabbin Pillz: I don't think that deck even worked like that in the actual card game
Grabbin Pillz: All the zombie monsters were separate cards
Grabbin Pillz: Yu-gi-oh is systemically busted anyway
ivel: I remember the episode with Bonz but I don't think that was season 1
RubyChao: it most definitely could not have worked like that
RubyChao: but then again season 1 had the flotation ring
RubyChao: basically duelist kingdom treated it like some weird hybrid of a card game and a tactics game
Five Minutes to Meennight: I could see a card reviving cards, changing their type to Zombie, and axing their defense
Five Minutes to Meennight: But not summoning entirely separate designs
ivel: wait Duelist Kingdom was season 1? Huh.
Five Minutes to Meennight: . . . Also god that reminds me of my favorite stupid Warhammer thing
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: season 1 is kaiba and then duelist kingdom
Five Minutes to Meennight: Namely, how to repopulate the Earth with just two lovers from two different planets
RubyChao: 2 is battle city, 3 is THE BIG FIVE i mean virtual world and battle city finals, 4 is Filler 2: The Fillering, and 5 is dawn of the duel
RubyChao: oh god why do i remember that all so easily
RubyChao: help
Five Minutes to Meennight: All you need is a Necron Warrior, a Poxwalker of Nurgle, some mood lighting, and really good luck on the dice
Five Minutes to Meennight: Poxwalkers revive troops they kill as another Poxwalker. Necron have Reanimation Protocols that, on a good role, let them come back from the dead
Five Minutes to Meennight: In all their infinite wisdom, GW ruled that these are not mutually exclusive
Five Minutes to Meennight: Zombie kills robit. Robit rises as zombie. Robit apparently climbs out of the zombie and gets back to fighting
Five Minutes to Meennight: There is no limit to this. You can end up with an entire zombie planet just combo-juggling this robot
ivel: oh god @Spy
ivel: of course they didn't think of that
Five Minutes to Meennight: Oh no, they thought of that
Five Minutes to Meennight: This was a conscious FAQ ruling
ivel: ...
Five Minutes to Meennight: I guess they didn't want to be rude to Necron players and say "oh this one specific unit can stop your reviving"
Five Minutes to Meennight: In the off chance a Poxwalker actually accomplishes something
Five Minutes to Meennight: But the result is friggin hilarious
Grabbin Pillz: I vote for the next chatzy madness title to be "combo-juggling a robot"


ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
ivel: ...
ivel: I was about to write Gino off again
Draco: Dia sent him a text message with NINE hearts in it. How could he NOT recover?
Best Couch: Dia is making his favorite food
Best Couch: i have no idea what it could be but
Draco: Lasagna.
Draco: Because if you squint, "Gino" becomes "Garfield"


ivel: also I bought two packs of colored googly eyes
ivel: because they're googly eyes
I am: Googly eyes are awesome.
Draco: Somebody put googly eyes on the Mens' Room sign at my office.
ivel: they were at Dollar Tree's Halloween decoration section
ivel: yes, yes they are awesome
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Pretty much that, yeah.
ivel: mom and I like putting them in weird places to see if it's noticed; I put some on the trash can before so the lid was its mouth
I am: Haha, did anyone notice?
ivel: yep :U
ivel: I also put two giant googly eyes on the cover above her oven and she didn't notice them for several days
ivel: still not sure how she missed those, just had to look slightly up


Jumpropeman: I appreciate I M Meen's "stay in frame" dance moves
Jumpropeman: he has to be crouching all the way down while he does his little shimmy


Jumpropeman: i'm legitimately unsure if Gysel could stand within thirty feet of alice
Phone: We should test it. Wrappost for me.
Phone: Night spy
ivel: post
Phone: Shiny rapidash spotted
Draco: It'd either be like magnets and they repel each other or it'd be like matter-antimatter and they'd explode the entire planet.
Phone: Legend says Alice is even now struggling to finish learning international sign language with talons so she can properly express fuck you idiot motherfuckers in fifteen different dialects to respond to "Good morning, ma'am"
Draco: Only fifteen? Well, it's a start.
Phone: It also says the Professor lost out on a whole two deals already since the voice started piping up in his sack mid sell and turned off the consumer summoning him.
M Sheep: Heh.
Draco: HA
M Sheep: HOH!
Phone: HAR!
Jumpropeman: Heh
Phone: Hee
M Sheep: Ohohohoho~
Gooper Blooper: hoo
Phone: Sss-ss-sss~
Jumpropeman: Gwahaha
Phone: Hyuck yuck yuck yuck
Jumpropeman: teehee
ivel: Zehahaha
Draco: Hu hu hu hu hu.
Jumpropeman: fufufufu
Best Couch: nyeck
Phone: YHARharrharrrharr
Best Couch: time to sleep
Best Couch: night
Phone: Sleep well, Harps.
Jumpropeman: suddenly, our minds are clear again, the maddening laughter finally receding
M Sheep: ha
Phone: Bwahaha
Phone: Lysias keeps requesting I not snake laugh in life at work, but the whistle sss's are sometimes more appropriate than the basso ha's. And take less air.
Draco: I agree on that one. Sometimes ya just gotta snack laugh.
Draco: *snake
Jumpropeman: snack laughs are reserved for eating laffy taffy
Draco: lol


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep: .....
M Sheep: Uh


Creme de la Kremlin: I've learned that bird sex only takes like two seconds because it's not really sex, it's just touching cloacas
Five Minutes to Greednight: Anything's better than fish sex
Five Minutes to Greednight: It's just clouds
Creme de la Kremlin: this has lead me to wonder why the hell Ron makes such a big fuss
Gooper Blooper: Ron doesn't know
Gooper Blooper: that's the tragic part
Five Minutes to Greednight: Poor guy's never smashed
Gooper Blooper: he looked in the window of a house once and saw something he shouldn't have and now he thinks it'll be like that for him too
Gooper Blooper: the poor bastard has no idea
Creme de la Kremlin: Also why does Becky even wanna smash Ben in that instance
Gooper Blooper: Good genes.
Five Minutes to Greednight: Because Becky's a ho
Creme de la Kremlin: fair enough


RubyChao: i'm popping on for two seconds
RubyChao: to tell jrm something very important
RubyChao: they remade cirno's perfect math class
RubyChao: the new generation
RubyChao: now farewell
RubyChao left the chat
Draco: Glorious ;-;
Jumpropeman: what a facelift
Jumpropeman: looking mighty clean
Draco: I think my favorite part of the new one is when Cirno poses with Iku.
Whoops x 37: Prior to that video... I hadn't fully realized how horrifying... Genyosothatplace probably is. .____O All those high pitched squeaking anime girl voices all scraping together at once with very little else to distract the ear.
There's also the whole, ye know, they're mythic monsters and they'll probably eat or kill ye- or eat aaand kill ye- but that might be merciful afterwards.
Whoops x 37: -seizes JRM-
Draco: Death by high-pitched squealing or death by being trampled by an oni. Tough call.
Jumpropeman: tomi's too street tough to squeak unless you squeeze her, you're right on that
Whoops x 37: Oh thank Keahi.


RubyChao: hi lysias
RubyChao: happy birthday!!
RubyChao: hope you had a good one, dude!
Draco: Happy birthday, Old Man.
Draco is 33.
Jumpropeman: hapbirth
ivel: Happy birthday!
Best Couch: birth
RubyChao: think of it this way
RubyChao: at least you're younger than cornwind
I am: Thanks
Cyberbullied by a Tapogre: Happy Lysias!
I am: I'm so old now
RubyChao: how old?
I am: 24
RubyChao: >turning 25 in a month
RubyChao feels old
I am: Ha
Draco: Old Man Chao, eating his pureed food and drinking old man pills.
Draco: Meanwhile, Spy's, like, 15 and skateboarding everywhere or something IDK


Best Couch: "its just a bunch of pixels, harpy" I KNOW, MY MIND SAYS NO BUT MY HEART SAYS YES
Gooper Blooper: "we need more money from harpy" "RELEASE MORE CUTE ANIME DOODADS"


Fyorapppl morch: I remember a while back when Lysias was still beginning to learn to out himself as a nerd and he hadn't had as much exposure yet to various cultures. The lad thought Big Boss's CQC was a nigh unique martial artistry, like a superpower. His face when he found out it simply meant 'close quarters combat' and that *every* soldier trained in the world learns at least a little bit in a developed military, ah... Admittedly, the Snakes do have somewhat more advanced technique than the average grunt. Between cybernetics and spec ops tactics. b= Still. We had some good laughs over it later.
Jumpropeman: one thing about MGS3 though is it oversells CQC so hard
Jumpropeman: I can get where he got that idea
Jumpropeman: like, yeah, it's useful and all
Jumpropeman: but Snake is like "I know CQC, I'm unstoppable!!!"


RubyChao: i found a teaser image for chaoplot 2018
RubyChao: thanks metroid wiki
Jumpropeman: that's a real nifty pic
Bree: chao I don't even know what I'm looking at
Bree: aside from samus in the middle there?
Bree: maybe?
RubyChao: that's samus
RubyChao: they're the other bounty hunters from metroid prime hunters
Bree: what do they have against faces
Bree: are they boycotting faces
RubyChao: in a bunch of cases those are their faces
RubyChao: they're very alien beings


Taddel Quest: I need like
Taddel Quest: A big life-destroying game to play
SteelKomodo: ???
Taddel Quest: Like WoW or something
Taddel Quest: I failed to destroy myself on league and dota
Taddel Quest: I must try again


Gooper Blooper: Re-confirming that my favorite part of the Bubsy Disaster Report is still "You may think this is some defense of Bubsy 3D, that I'm being an apologist and forgiving it for this terrible transfer into the third dimension. I merely wanted to give you some context that, for a game made in an era where a certain level of patience and understanding is required... Bubsy 3D is still absolute utter garbage with no excuse for how bad it turned out." and then it's immediately followed by the gif of Bubsy melting
Poes Poems Pwn Posers: Hahaha
Jumpropeman: the best part of Bubsy 3D is watching him die
Gooper Blooper: they were kind enough to give him multiple death animations


Jumpropeman: amazing
Jumpropeman: brine used that roll for backflips after all
Brinehammer: I was going to use it for something else, but it ended up lame.
tiredmelt: That's difficult to believe. You had a literally, actually crippled one legged girl, and she wound up far from lame. =v -watches pun slowly slide into drainage ditch and away, but does not retract intended compliment-
Juzo: haha
Brinehammer: Voth surprised me. I guess I should've figured no one would really want to kill a small brainwashed cripple, admittedly, but she's come pretty far. Coming back next year for sure.


Del: why is knack allowed to talk
Bree: because he has stuff to say
Bree: also his voice is surprisingly sexy, which weirded me out a bit


Stupid Asshole CP Monsters: "Sir Barnaby smiles and reaches through the bars to ruffle his granddaughter's hair for what would be the last time" DID YOU POISON THE DAMN COOKIE YOU.
MetroidChao: no, this isn't trials and tribulations
Jumpropeman: that was a very cute scene

(The cookie was in fact poisoned with a tiny Hedorah)


Good Evening Esports Fans: "As The Ooze, you move through various grimy and toxic locales on your trip to take down your boss, only able to attack by way of extending your form in a sort of punch or spitting a glob of goo at an enemy from afar. You can pick up ooze to grow bigger as you play, but you can lose it to various hazards and enemy attacks, so you're always shifting in size as you progress."
Good Evening Esports Fans: . . .
Good Evening Esports Fans: Knack?
MobileDrac: Goomy?


Jumpropeman: this gif but it's Voth and Clash
Gooper Blooper: voth is the new war cinnamon roll
Gooper Blooper: Clash is still amazing though


Phone: *in distorted, broken puppet toy voice* Rrrhoooy's our Boyyyh


M Sheep: "...verthey uawazedis steeky?"
M Sheep: Uawazedis is my favorite alruthine


Roy be tepid refuse and bilge (Fite Yer Fates) joined the chat
Blame Cruncher: truer words have never been spoken
Roy be tepid refuse and bilge: Aye, his father is hot garbage, but ye were right, lassie, Roy be worse.
Blame Cruncher: there are only two types of Roys
Blame Cruncher: the hot, steaming garbage
Blame Cruncher: and God.
Blame Cruncher: There is no in-between. The Tractor Gods That Be will not allow a middling man to exist


Blame Cruncher: the RNG
Blame Cruncher: is NOT friendly here
Blame Cruncher: it is not your friend
Blame Cruncher: beware the 1% crit.
Roy be tepid refuse and bilge: The RNG is seldom ever the friend of the Ven.
Roy be tepid refuse and bilge rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Roy be tepid refuse and bilge: You lying
Blame Cruncher: if only that 21 could be used to improve Roy's stats
Roy be tepid refuse and bilge makes face at tractor
Gooper Blooper: toppest kek


Jumpropeman: "Nope, nope! Lemon wedges are free, unless you wanna buy a whole lemon!" said Stacy as she poked her head out from the kitchen. "Whole lemons are usually cheaper if you go to Wicasa's: it's about $2.50 for 2 lbs for them!"
Jumpropeman: Stacy fired for advertising the competition and letting Shaggy run them out of lemon wedges in an instant
Gooper Blooper: there is no heart on the staff hard enough to fire Stacy
Jumpropeman: *God Neptune tries to fire her, instead leaves with an arm full of cupcakes*


Roy be tepid refuse and bilge: I forget. Has Justin Bailey turned up as a subject or conversation in Zoofights?
Jumpropeman: yup
Jumpropeman: Faith asked Samus about it actually :V
Jumpropeman: wayyyyyyyyy back
Jumpropeman: "Justin Bailey... I remember seeing the name on a couple records when I was in the Galactic Federation. Never really followed up on him, though, so I don't know why he comes up a lot."
Roy be tepid refuse and bilge: One day you'll find her, Samus. And then we'll find out what you think of your oddly leotard wearing cousin. =U One daaaaay
Jumpropeman: "I don't know if this is a joke or if my programmers really are that dumb. Maybe both" One of Faith's first lines and she was already ragging on her creators


Hip with the Hypsapists: Question
Hip with the Hypsapists: Vince or Scarlett in bar
Blame Cruncher: por que no los dos?
Hip with the Hypsapists: Because uh
Hip with the Hypsapists: I dunno


Jumpropeman: my sonic marathon was briefly interrupted since The Ooze and Comix Zone are on Sonic Mega Collection Plus as well
Jumpropeman: I beat The Ooze, and about halfway through Comix Zone I said ENOUGH :V

(JRM later went back to Comix Zone and suffered his way through it so he could warn everyone about how awful it is on The Game Hoard)


Jumpropeman: just got a text from my mom
Jumpropeman: with a picture of an article saying "It's illegal to kill Bigfoot in Washington"
Jumpropeman: Mario's retirement plan confirmed


Blame Cruncher: this is regirock after JRM is done redrawing him
ivel: certainly not Goops drawing :U
Jumpropeman: i love it
Gooper Blooper: haaaaaa


N Goat: Right.
N Goat: What was I trying to check on Facebook?
N Goat: ...I have no idea.


Cornwind Sucks With Mind Guns: Whatever happened to Nasennia anyway
N Goat: She changed her name
N Goat: grew a beard
Brinehammer: Her sister tried to kill her, but with Chaos Marine assistance she pushed her into a trash shredder. Now she rules Perdition, it's a full time job.
N Goat: moved to Mexico
N Goat: started a Javelina farm-or that. That works.
Brinehammer: Then she changed her name, grew a beard, and moved to Mexico to sell cars.
Cornwind Sucks With Mind Guns: Them servants of Slaneesh be fickle
N Goat: "Great mileage. It belonged to a little old imp that drove it once a week to church three minutes away. Only slight Warp damning."


Jumpropeman: >21 guests viewing the SRS thread
Jumpropeman: they heard the fabled doctor meeting finally happened
The Truth Hertz: Hahahaha


Burnt Colossus: what
Burnt Colossus: what.
Burnt Colossus: what
Burnt Colossus: I must bribe him.
The Truth Hertz: Oh god
MobileDrac: "Get enough of them to bribe Balloon Pony to be with you FOREVER."
MobileDrac: "Don't miss a day to be able to get TWO Balloon Ponies!"
Burnt Colossus: its happening
Burnt Colossus: Oh fuck I want two
Burnt Colossus: i must do this
Burnt Colossus: who needs to spend money on pets when you can fuckin get BALLOON PONIES
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Burnt Colossus: hi goops
Burnt Colossus: are you ready for dia to get TWO balloon horses
Gooper Blooper: do it, harpy
Gooper Blooper: get the balloon horses


Gooper Blooper: "Why would Mr. Fish make an animatronic with actual offensive capabilities after all?"
Gooper Blooper: There go my plans for a Five Nights At Mr. Fish's spinoff game


ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
ivel: Gino plz
Burnt Colossus rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Burnt Colossus: and crushes him under her chub
Gooper Blooper: Gino seems okay with this, gives him a chance to both cuddle and avoid fighting


Burnt Colossus: i should play CM again
Burnt Colossus: i say as Vyse slowly rises behind me, ready to kill me
RubyChao: poor vyse
Burnt Colossus: look if i beat SoA during the offseason
Burnt Colossus: there is no reason why he wouldn't show up
Burnt Colossus: that labyrinth is ripe with treasure
I. M. Ready: Ah, Vyse
I. M. Ready: The People's Champion
Burnt Colossus: THE SKIES ARE HIS
Gooper Blooper waves Skies Of Arcadia for Offseason flag
Burnt Colossus: i'll set up the wii and get to work
Jumpropeman: wouldn't harpy rather play
Jumpropeman: LEAD THE MEERKATS?!
Jumpropeman: HD, 1080p, GODGAMES


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19

RubyChao: man
RubyChao: remember when samus was a tractor jobber
Draco: Yeah, that was a crazy four years, right?
RubyChao: *five
Jumpropeman: Samus is going to take off her helmet at end of plot
Jumpropeman: and say
Jumpropeman: REMEMBUH ME?
Gooper Blooper: And then Sine takes off her helmet
Gooper Blooper: and it was Stella
RubyChao: aaaand now i have to rewrite it
RubyChao: thanks jrm
ivel: now Samus was Scooby Dum all along?
Draco: And then God Neptune takes off his helmet and it was Halfshell all along


Burnt Colossus: i should stop worrying about my plots, i say as i worry about plot quality


Bree lurches forward and faceplants into chat
Bree: hi


Draco: "I've got a good gig as Celestia's pal" <- Celestia's Pal Tronny Olson
Draco: "I don't want those filthy goodie-goodies to get it" <- I.M. Meen, Hydrian Senator


The Panhelanist from Pella: I have been listening to SBF Pat talk about the Emoji Movie
The Panhelanist from Pella: and I have learned far more than I ever wanted to know
ivel: oh god
The Panhelanist from Pella: Basically, literally everything in this movie boils down to "who cares, let's talk about Spotify"
The Panhelanist from Pella: story, characters, art direction - who cares
The Panhelanist from Pella: But that's not what I wanna share
The Panhelanist from Pella: the thing I wanna share is that the Twitter bird shows up in this film, but Sony pictures didn't get any Twitter brand money
The Panhelanist from Pella: how do I know this? Because there was apparently a mandate from Twitter saying "don't anthropomorphise this logo"
The Panhelanist from Pella: "it is not a bird, it is the logo for Twitter"
The Panhelanist from Pella: and in the movie, they break every single mandate relating to that because it's literally a bird
ivel: wow
The Panhelanist from Pella: So there is no way Sony would have gotten any money from that
The Panhelanist from Pella: this makes me laugh so hard because it's corporate interests clashing super-hard


ivel: just found out about a Japanese arcade game Goops would probably like :U
ivel: ...if it wasn't only in Japanese arcades
ivel: have you ever heard of Mushiking, Goops?
ivel: it involves collecting physical cards, like Dragon Ball Heroes
ivel: "Mushiking: The King of Beetles (甲虫王者ムシキング Kōchū Ōja Mushiking, lit. Beetle Ruler Bug King) also called Mushiking: Battle of the Beetles, is a combination arcade game and collectible card game developed by Sega and released in Japan and other Asian countries such as the Philippines. The game involves battles between cards describing various beetle species. The cards can be scanned in by a Mushiking arcade machine, which will both carry out battles and dispense new cards."
Gooper Blooper: Oh, Mushiking, I know that one!
ivel: :D
Boisterous Corndog: beetle battle
Gooper Blooper: It's pretty luck-based/money-based thanks to the TCG element and all, but I love the concept
Gooper Blooper: it's basically if Pokemon hadn't strayed far from its' original roots (Pokemon was inspired by Japanese schoolkids catching bugs and having them fight)
Gooper Blooper: Mushiking never came to the US, but the spinoff Dinosaur King did. Sega thought dinosaurs would be a more likely hit than bugs, go figure :V
ivel: didn't know Dinosaur King was a spinoff
ivel: ...and the vid I was watching just mentioned that, welp
ivel: there's also apparently some weird dress-up spinoff
Gooper Blooper: The "king" tipped me off at the time :V
ivel: holy shit it had pogs
ivel: I DO


Cornwind Evil (Kong-Revenge Against Aircraft) joined the chat
RubyChao: cw
RubyChao: hello
Cornwind Evil: I like how you started with an assessment that yes, it was indeed Cornwind Evil


Cornwind Evil: Who wants to see someone beat Donkey Kong Country in nine minutes
Gooper Blooper: that's not a very expanded dong at all
Gooper Blooper: won't need to bust out the expansion pak
MobileDrac: Wot
ivel: I'm so confused
Cornwind Evil: Basically, the game is set up so that when you do X, Y happens
Gooper Blooper: He clearly does some kind of exploit, but since I'm not familiar with DKC I'm not sure of the logistics
Cornwind Evil: But if you do a highly specific set of weird actions, the game becomes confused and loads the wrong data
Gooper Blooper: obviously beating DKC in 9 minutes requires skipping a ton of game
Cornwind Evil: Hence allowing the guy to skip ahead through massive chunks of the game
ivel: yeah, I thought so, but no idea how people find this out
ivel: it's crazy
Cornwind Evil: Bored and determined people will find the craziest things
Cornwind Evil: Some people enjoy the strangest stuff too
ivel: yer not wrong
Cornwind Evil: See: JRM and his purposely playing bad games
Gooper Blooper: wait til you get to 5:30
Cornwind Evil: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ivel: I'm almost to 5:30
ivel: ...
ivel: ...................
Cornwind Evil: Wheeeee
Gooper Blooper: the music climaxes at the perfect time, too


Phone: Allo, Among The Sheep
Phone: What is up?
N Goat: Dealing with RL largely.
N Goat: Wears me out.
N Goat: I am the most fun person
N Goat: right now
N Goat spreads confetti
N Goat the confetti is actually taxes and death

Draco: Woo!
Draco wallows in the death and taxes.
Draco is taxed to death.
Draco for not paying the death tax.


Dark of morn: We were told to let he who was without sin throw the first stone, so I built this here robot without any notion of sapience or carnality. Alls it does is sling things, and, boy, howdy, lemme tell you, the Messiah was right. Does it waaaay better for getting them rocks embedded painful than we ever did with our own arms.


Bree: stephen's claim that the morgawr are better than this is admittedly kinda hilarious
Bree: because, like
Bree: if you've played endless legend
Bree: then you realize that, no, they're totally not better than this
Bree: this is exactly who they are
Bree: I knew they would do this as soon as del introduced them because this is morgawr.txt


Dark of morn: Do you, JRM, ever feel, when you're playing a modern first person shooter thing, that one of the creators is quietly panting in the corner with religious fervor, chanting, "More HUD for the HUD god" ?
Dark of morn: Also, hello, there.
Jumpropeman: i've certainly seen some busy HUDs, but specific examples evade me
Jumpropeman: best example is being in a Titan in Titanfall but that HUD is meant to evoke something sort of like Samus's in Metroid Prime
Jumpropeman: call of duty, especially the futuristic ones, can have quite a lot on their hud too
Jumpropeman: they at least cram it in pretty well though
Jumpropeman: I do believe the gamemode can make that HUD a bit busier but I can't find what I'm looking for exactly
Jumpropeman: I'm sure you're all very interested in this, so I'll continue
Dark of morn: I mean, we've had drier topics. =v
Jumpropeman: and dryer tropics
Jumpropeman: nyuck nyuck nyuck
Dark of morn: Hohohohoho


Jumpropeman: >Bree RPing Ibuki


Bree: Yeah, I'd been considering RPing a ronpa ever since chao did it/I played the games myself
Bree: and of course if I had to pick one the obvious answer is ibuki
Bree: I legitimately told chao that she might become the next meiling
Bree: in terms of "bree character who gets insanely popular"
Bree: because I just think it's the right formula :V
Bree: I should throw someone in bar
Bree: who do you guys want
Jumpropeman: ibuki
Bree: SOON
Bree: but not yet
Bree: I hope nobody asks how her hair works
Bree: I don't think I could come up with an explanation
Jumpropeman: it works well


Phone: The hell is this gay spy dating thing doing hovering over the view age separately, and how do I rid myself of it?
Jumpropeman: sorry ven, they figured out the truth
Jumpropeman: zfrp's been a front for our
ivel changed name to spyvel
B.C.: Im a bispy
B.C.: Bispiesonlydot Com
Phone: I'm a male construct housing a small district of lesbians.
B.C.: i'm a girl pretending to be several men, including a penguin who is actually a muscly dudebro


Draco: I'm gonna let the next Dracoplot villain who does well in his final battle escape. "I did what I set out to do and beat you wimps up too. I'm retiring to Space Hawaii." *flies off*
Kong-RKO OUTTA NOWHERE: -cue everyone following him to Space Hawaii-
Kong-RKO OUTTA NOWHERE: -Turns out he went to Space Australia instead-
Draco: "YOU FOOLS. I deliberately told you Space Hawaii to take the blame for my plan to DINE AND DASH."


Sweet Stepwell Rave Party: I love making the ticker
Sweet Stepwell Rave Party: It gives me power

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