Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 315: Doing A Boo-Boo With the Wa-Wa

Bree: my character with the largest breasts is komachi, who is a shinigami and doesn't get tired because she's an unliving revenant
Bree: also she's a lazy blob and she doesn't run 'cause she's slow as fuck
Bree: so I think it's perfectly realistic


Jumpropeman: it's not much, but check this out
Jumpropeman: I'm a recognized review source on mobygames :3
B.C.: aw
Jumpropeman: they only got the switch titles now but the others are in an approval queue
Gooper Blooper: Ha, that's great
Gooper Blooper: good work JRM
Bree: I could appreciate your achievement better if I knew what the mobygames site is about
Bree: do they collect reviews or something
Bree: is it like IMDB but for games
Jumpropeman: mobygames has been around since 1999. It's a video game information site sorta similar to IMDB yeah
infinitivel: "Video game information, credits, reviews, box covers, screenshots and more for 200+ video game platforms from 1950 to date!"
Jumpropeman: it's especially useful for finding info on retro games
Jumpropeman: so hopefully they'll approve my retro reviews as well
Bree: oh, okay, nice
Bree: cornflarturations
Bree: u did it
Gooper Blooper: Ah yes, the 50s, my favorite gaming decade
Jumpropeman: Gamerankings is my next prey, but they have a 300 review minimum before they recognize you :V
Gooper Blooper: maybe next offseason
Jumpropeman: a flood of atari and colecovision reviews
Jumpropeman: alternatively: a flood of barely different iOS dentist games
Gooper Blooper: I'm waiting for the day you review a real stinker from mobile game hell
Bree: I want a full disaster report on one of those inane beauty makeover games for little girls
Gooper Blooper: Honestly I feel like JRM could get a full disaster report out of mobile hell, but only if it was, like, a look at a number of different games all in the same category
Gooper Blooper: like "games that rip off Hello Neighbor" or "makeover/doctor games"
Gooper Blooper: Just one probably doesn't have enough substance for an in-depth lengthy review, and it'd let him dissect the general trend and the stuff that led to awful mobile shit being the norm
Jumpropeman: my white whale still remains A1 Celebrity Wedding Dentist Awesome Kids Little Surgery Salon HD - Fun Superstar Dental Doctor Office Makeover Game
Jumpropeman: I found the name, but by the time I had the hardware, it disappeared


Jumpropeman: steamed hams would eventually get into rp no doubt
Jumpropeman: might as well be first day
Jumpropeman: *scraps Just the Entire Steamed Hams Scene mystery fiter*
Jumpropeman: you might think they'd get no kills
Jumpropeman: but there's no Krusty Burger in sight
Jumpropeman: he'll have to get that meat elsewhere
Gooper Blooper: their weapon is a burning house, that's pretty dangerous
Jumpropeman: "These burgers are quite similar to the combined flesh of our fellow entrants." "Patented skinning- SKINNER... burgers"


Cornwind Evil: I will be ducking out for now
Cornwind Evil: Later guys
Jumpropeman: night goop
Gooper Blooper: I'm still here :V
Jumpropeman: Cornwind, Gooper
Jumpropeman: same guy
Jumpropeman: Sine's your character, right?
Gooper Blooper: I know how similar Sine is to Stag Beetle but no
RubyChao: Sineg Beetle
Jumpropeman: Sineg Beetle doesn't give a fuck, but it does give a 7 page dissertation on why it doesn't care
infinitivel: how would Stag Beetle wear a Potara earring
Jumpropeman: slip it over the mandibles
Raid and burn: Luring the fucks out ta-
Raid and burn banned


RubyChao: so i hope everyone will understand
RubyChao: i am not rolling for "can chuckster chuck good" :V
Jumpropeman: Chuckster tosses the chair five whole inches!
Jumpropeman: Wowie Zowie!
Draco: Okay.
Draco: I will.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Draco: He's good at chucking!
Raid and burn: That's chucking astonishing. o=


Jumpropeman: mobygames, with it's not altogether complete gaming list mostly because of the shear quantity of PC and Mobile titles, clocks the total amount of video games as 81,520. Mobygames does place a single title under one name regardless of ports but also does that thing where it lumps same-name different-games together (the Game Gear and Genesis versions of Devilish for example) but it is still perhaps the closest metric I have for how many games I need to play
Jumpropeman: somehow, I don't find the number altogether daunting
Jumpropeman: possibly in part because I've mentioned I'd be content playing everything and the reviewing is just a supplement to that
Jumpropeman: If I played 10 minutes of each game
Jumpropeman: that's only 13,586 hours or 566 days
Jumpropeman: "Disney's Aladdin Chess Adventures" I am intrigued
Jumpropeman: "There are no reviews for this game."
Jumpropeman: A NICHE
Jumpropeman: I MUST FILL IT
Jumpropeman: ah, another interesting thing about the Mobygames number from earlier
Jumpropeman: that included foreign games
Jumpropeman: a further clarification: the number included DLC/Expansions as well
Jumpropeman: whittle the task down more and more
Jumpropeman: actually, after eliminating all the exceptions, there only seem to be 6 actual video games in existence!
Jumpropeman: Lucky me!
Jumpropeman: sadly, five of them are the various ports of Yoshi
Raid and burn: BUT HOW
Raid and burn: briefpost
Jumpropeman: even stranger, the sixth game is Super Mario Advance 3: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Jumpropeman: you'd think a few games would have to exist before that one
Gooper Blooper: so if they're not games
Gooper Blooper: what are those things you've been reviewing
Jumpropeman: funny thing: they were all movies that just so happened to sync up with my button inputs
Raid and burn: Live Experiences, according to Ubisoft's plans.


RubyChao: >early days like vegas
RubyChao ages into dust


SteelKomodo: so there's a tumblr that posts audio snippets from the Donkey Kong Country cartoon
SteelKomodo: they've been doing some stuff from that batshit Leo Luster episode
SteelKomodo: and I notice Spy has failed to reblog any one of them :I
Jumpropeman: it's like i don't even know him anymore


Gonzy: ....i posted
Gonzy: is this working
Modgud: We haven't had an OWRKKING of the greenskins in many a year


Jumpropeman: gonna add this to the forum rules post if that's okay
RubyChao: right, so, that's the sign that it's time to retire miu
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: there's a lot of these
Jumpropeman: Palmon's is the best for the extra effort of giving her a shirt
Spy Will Try To Hop In Soon: I dunno
Spy Will Try To Hop In Soon: Gomamon rhymes
Spy Will Try To Hop In Soon: If you squint REALLY hard
Jumpropeman: Gomamon also clearly has God's blessing based on that lens flare
Jumpropeman: Agumon, meanwhile, is saying it's safe before he betrays you and beats the crap out of you
Jumpropeman: for Agumon, Rule 34 means "never leave home without my Glock 34"


Jumpropeman: *enters chat in a typical manner*
B.C.: Hi
B.C.: Tonight
Patoleter: Mac Tonight
PalaModo: Booooo :I
Patoleter: I can't bring myself to continue
Patoleter: I shouldn't have started
PalaModo: You really shouldn't


RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between touhou, metroid and other. Chatzy chose: touhou
MobileDrac paints "Garfield" over Touhou.


M Sheep strokes beard
M Sheep: Okay hear me out
M Sheep: Tom The Rat Cat
M Sheep: BUT
M Sheep: withastand
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: on a scale of bad ideas
RubyChao: that's a bad idea
Patoleter: A very well developed scale
Day tree: Do you like it? We worked really hard on the Stand for it.
M Sheep: Okay, but what if he also wore a cursed crown?
Day tree: I'm selling those pretty cheap. :u This can be arranged.


Jumpropeman: >Youtube suggesting the Puff the Magic Dragon movie to me
Jumpropeman: ...you finally know me youtube


Gooper Blooper: It's a sickness
Gooper Blooper: I RP Team Skull
Gooper Blooper: stupid shit comes out of their mouths
Gooper Blooper: I actually had to go back to that intro post three times to add more banter
Jumpropeman: i dig it


Jumpropeman: my antivirus and I are in a Mexican standoff
Jumpropeman: it wants me to restart to finish updates
Jumpropeman: but I don't want to restart
Jumpropeman: and it reminds me at seemingly random intervals to do so
Gooper Blooper: it knows one day it'll catch you like last time
Gooper Blooper: and empty your precious recycle bin again
Jumpropeman: oof, don't remind me
Jumpropeman: many good pictures were lost that day
Jumpropeman: not great ones though


Hiroki Madness: dweebs
Gooper Blooper: nerds
Hiroki Madness: i love these nerds
Hiroki Madness: i love my dweebs
Hiroki Madness: i'm freaking out internally


Jumpropeman: man
Jumpropeman: Spiky-eared Pichu and Pikachu-colored Pichu were the weirdest Pokemon events
RubyChao: they were
MobileDrac: Yes
M Sheep: Pikachu-colored Pikachu
Jumpropeman: The Whirlwind Swinub is a more exciting event Pokemon
Gooper Blooper: I remember those Pichus
Gooper Blooper: I had, like, negative interest in them
Gooper Blooper: You couldn't even take them to other games
Jumpropeman: Here's a Pichu that gets you another Pichu that only look slightly different than normal Pichu


Jumpropeman: I think one reason my energy might be low
Jumpropeman: is I played more Odyssey2 games today
MobileDrac: Had to fix a typical.
MobileDrac: Typical typo.
Gooper Blooper: JRM is trying to find a good odyssey2 game
Gooper Blooper: but it's draining his life force
Gooper Blooper: can he find one before fading away completely?!
MobileDrac: No.
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna do a small review series on them, but I didn't realize the scope of that undertaking
Jumpropeman: look at this gem
Gooper Blooper: golfplot spoilers
Jumpropeman: "I had nothing against it at the time, but this game was the reason the family O^2 ended up in the trash."
Patoleter: Lol
Gooper Blooper: I like that that's the only comment
Gooper Blooper: and it's five years old
Jumpropeman: he said it all
Jumpropeman: not to spoil my thoughts on the pinball game I played today
Jumpropeman: but this is what archive.org has to say about it: "It’s all the thrills of pinball, minus approximately 75% of the excitement!"
Gooper Blooper: sounds promising
Jumpropeman: when the archiver dunks on you
Jumpropeman: you've done something special
Gooper Blooper: it's like when you see a wikipedia article and immediately scroll down to "Reception"


Jumpropeman: *Nerique unsheathes his laser katana*
RubyChao: no, that's only after he becomes a cyborg ninja next season


Short: Hello, sweet ghostygoos, fleshbags, skellies, robutts, and sundry.
Who is A Good Boy: I call ghostygoo!
Who is A Good Boy: Dibs!
MobileDrac: I'm somewhere in-between.
Jumpropeman: but I'm an actual ghost D:
Hiroki Madness: i'm something
Who is A Good Boy: I'm the ghost of a goo.
Jumpropeman: perhaps this is a chance to broaden my horizons
Jumpropeman: I'll be a chicken's heart for the evening
Jumpropeman: *pulses rapidly*


Short: Dark Souls but everything is Turkish-Arabian instead of a mix of European amalgams with Byzantine architecture, you say, bead fog
Tea instead of estus
Beads instead of the fog between dreaming worlds and times
A heavy influence on face covering and being harshly punished for mistakes
Whimsical spirits that fuck you up instead of dragons per se
M Sheep: per se
M Sheep: perse
M Sheep: parsee
M Sheep: Parsee
M Sheep Twin Peaks sound
M Sheep may be slightly drained


THAT TIME HAS A SHARK MACHINE: My favorite bad headline
THAT TIME HAS A SHARK MACHINE: "Man found dead in cemetery."


Bree: ages ago when I went to that markiplier show, which was like july 2017 so almost a year ago now
ivel: wow
ivel: it doesn't seem like it's been that long
Bree: I happened to mention it to my chiropractor when he was making small talk with me
Bree: I said I was going to a show and he asked who it was and I said "markiplier" and he was like "market player? who is that?" and like
Bree: that is the most old-person dorky-dad response
Bree: I get that the name is kind of gibberish but like
Bree: market player
Bree: what would that even be
RubyChao: all that made me think of was 11:18
Jumpropeman: that's what we called stock traders in 1922!


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: boip
RubyChao: boip YOURSELF
Jumpropeman: already have, chao
Jumpropeman: already have


SteelKomodo: can i just say i love jaws, jrm
SteelKomodo: he's great
Jumpropeman: he loves you too, dahling


Jumpropeman: new character idea
Patoleter: Nice
MobileDrac: Master villain, the Abacus!
Jumpropeman: another new character idea
Patoleter: I don't like that
Patoleter: Why does Shutterstock have that
Patoleter: What
Patoleter: Why
M Sheep: What POSSIBLE use could Shutterstock have for that?!
M Sheep: I fell like I should call someone
Jumpropeman: https://i.redd.it/35qg8ic6l8t01.jpg
M Sheep: This took a turn somewhere
Jumpropeman: the winner of weird stock images
SteelKomodo: "Thirty minutes or less, you said!" "Please, I have a family-" "GIVE ME THE FUCKING PIZZA!"
RubyChao: how is that a STOCK image
RubyChao: how is that an image they expect multiple people to have a use for
Brinehammer: ...I could use it >.>
M Sheep: Remember when we were all innocently laughing at a picture of a man with an eyepatch playing an abacus?
M Sheep: We were all so innocent then


RubyChao: i've decided
RubyChao: no matter what happens this year
RubyChao: i'm going to keep Kaede With A Gun the whole time
RubyChao: it's too god
B.C.: kaede confirmed god
B.C.: long as she has a gun
RubyChao: pls
Gooper Blooper: it's a fantastic avatar
Fractures of eternity: But is she going to have pudding?
RubyChao: considering her general diet
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: How do you think she got the gun in the first place
Gooper Blooper: rip, pudding with a gun
Gooper Blooper: never stood a chance
Fractures of eternity: Can you, in fact, enter Pudding With a Gun and Kaede into the Brawl, if you arrange it as Kaede with Pudding With a Gun?


Hiroki Madness: time to make an end-of-season marriage celebration
Jumpropeman: that's not gonna work with Gino's dramatic sacrifice to save the soul of zoofights
Hiroki Madness: please
Hiroki Madness: he's a millietian, he won't permadie :U
MobileDrac: Then Gino married MAGICK.
Phone: "Til, til" stuttered the Rector, looking over the odd pair. Death didn't apply. A snarking member of the ceremony congregation snickering suggested 'jawas', earning a death glare from the undead bride and a head rotation from the mechanical. "Circumstances! " he exclaimed in sudden release, finding a word. "Do you so vow, until circumstances do you part?"
"I Do," said the
Phone is banned
Hiroki Madness: plz
MobileDrac: lel


RubyChao: "horrible fractal of dead owls" is a great phrase
Patoleter: Thanks
Patoleter: I was gonna save Beach Episode's true form for a suitably dramatic post but what the heck
Patoleter: Might as well hurl it away on something stupid cos it's not important
RubyChao: i think it's more fitting that beach episode's true form just kinda
RubyChao: shows up one day
RubyChao: it's very... it, if you get me
Patoleter: Yeah I get you


Jumpropeman: new slogan for the resort: "The Kuwahawi Cabana! Come check out our bartender's abs!"
Bree: hey if keahi is going to put the goods on display you gotta expect some people are gonna look


Panda was timed out
Filthy Casual: Lies!
Filthy Casual: Wait
Filthy Casual: No, that's the laptop.
Filthy Casual: I'm sorry, Chatzy.
Filthy Casual: You've been kinda... I just expected it after... you know....
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Filthy Casual asked Chatzy to choose between Forgive Panda, Make them wallow in guilt and Turn the tractor against them. Chatzy chose: Make them wallow in guilt
Filthy Casual: Nuuuuuuuu
Filthy Casual: Chatzy, why? I'm sorry!


Gonzy: who wants some dumb shit
Gonzy: yo
SteelKomodo: me
Patoleter: Me
RubyChao: what form of dumb shit
Patoleter: Is it memes
Patoleter: I fucking love memes


Gooper Blooper: today I finally got fully caught up on robot wars
Gooper Blooper: I had already accidentally found out who won seasons 9 and 10 beforehand but oh well :V
Jumpropeman: gotta watch out for those infinity robot war spoilers
PalaModo: Infinity Robot Wars?
PalaModo: thanos rewrites history so recyclops won the first championship instead of roadblock


Jumpropeman: "The only thing that separates us from the animals is our hats!" sounds like Broderick is on American Dad


Jumpropeman: if there's a brine a-lurking
Brinehammer: Heeeeh, I dig it.
Jumpropeman: all crowgirls are Eva to me now, which is an oddly specific but still populated niche
PalaModo: MINE MINE MINE etc
RubyChao: even... ayayayayayayayaya?!
Jumpropeman: Ayaya?
Jumpropeman: Ayaya!
RubyChao poses
Jumpropeman: *googles "aya"*
Jumpropeman: it's Spanish for governess! So prescient of you google to know what I meant
RubyChao: 2hu
Jumpropeman: I forget Aya is a crow because her crow stuff is subtle or sometimes not even present
Jumpropeman: subtle


Jumpropeman: "Congratulation, You have been awarded the sum of $1,500,000.00 in the on-going UNITED NATIONS (UN) poverty development program 2018.
Western Union Malaysia have been instructed to start sending you 7,600.00 USD daily."

Jumpropeman: how nice of Malaysia to care about us poor Americans
Jumpropeman: I'll definitely send my details
PalaModo: Hahaha


RubyChao: you know what i like
RubyChao: how for both Chuckster and Elvis Impersonator
RubyChao: i introduced their real names
RubyChao: and then promptly kept using Chuckster and Elvis Impersonator because i knew everyone else would
Jumpropeman: chao
Jumpropeman: no offense
Jumpropeman: but I don't remember E.I.'s name
Jumpropeman: he'll always be Not-Elvis to me
RubyChao: he said it once ever, and that was two years ago
RubyChao: i'd be more surprised if anyone did remember
RubyChao: (Franklin Welson)
orochivel: yeah I don't think I'll remember that :U
RubyChao: but does anyone remember CHUCKSTER'S real name
orochivel: Chuck Ster
Gooper Blooper: Marco
RubyChao: u did it


Jumpropeman: Cirno is one of those characters I wasn't sure would survive contact with the forum
Jumpropeman: I'm not sure she did
orochivel loads shotgun
Jumpropeman: D:


i.imgur.com/t1MSQta.jpg: link
Jumpropeman: good design
i.imgur.com/t1MSQta.jpg: I agree.
Jumpropeman: *ponders stealing briefly*
i.imgur.com/t1MSQta.jpg: link
Jumpropeman: don't make this easier panda, I'd never get around to RPing her
Jumpropeman: this is just a harpchar
Jumpropeman: or goopchar depending on the way the wind blows
Jumpropeman: brinechar
Jumpropeman: I'm just gonna find you all chibi girls to RP okay
i.imgur.com/t1MSQta.jpg: I mean, who argues against chibis?
M Sheep argues against chibis
Jumpropeman: don't make me sheep
Jumpropeman: I could find
Jumpropeman: a Sheep Chibi
i.imgur.com/t1MSQta.jpg: Do it
Jumpropeman: I'll give him a chance to behave first
i.imgur.com/t1MSQta.jpg: Sheep? Behave?
M Sheep: Cirno?
M Sheep: More like
M Sheep: Cir NO
Jumpropeman: SHEEP CHIBI HO


Cornwind Evil: I've stopped trusting atoms
Cornwind Evil: I've realized they make up everything.
RubyChao: booooo


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Patoleter: Hey 🌽 ☁️
Jumpropeman: corncloud
Patoleter: There isn't a wind emoji so
Patoleter: Had to improv
Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornstorm Evil


Jumpropeman: a website called Half Priced Game Consoles is selling the switch for 2/3s of its price
Jumpropeman: I've been lied to


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
M Sheep: ...
RubyChao: i'm sorry sheep
RubyChao: i'm so sorry
M Sheep: I'm going to lie down.
Patoleter: We love you Jeffery, we dooooo
orochivel: go sheep goooooo
Gooper Blooper: *bone rattling intensifies*


Cornstorm Evil: I remember a golf story
Cornstorm Evil: Guy steps up to the plate on Hole 1
Cornstorm Evil: Hits the ball, it slices terribly (veers to the side), hits a tree, rolls onto the green of the EIGHTEENTH hole, which was right next the the first hole, and dropped into the cup.
Cornstorm Evil: Golf Magazine called it a "course in one".
Bree: amazing


M Sheep: I erred on the side of bad luck as I wrote :I
https://tinyurl.com/bleplove: You're perfect. Do not err.
Bree: careful, sheep is allergic to praise
https://tinyurl.com/bleplove: I don't know what that means, I just thought it and typed it
https://tinyurl.com/bleplove: Oh, now?
https://tinyurl.com/bleplove: YOUR WOOL IS FLUFFY AND SOFT!
https://tinyurl.com/bleplove: Your baaas sound like calls to war!
https://tinyurl.com/bleplove: Your meat tastes deli-
https://tinyurl.com/bleplove: Um.
https://tinyurl.com/bleplove: Forget that last one.


M Sheep: <===To Be Continued


Dorcasvel: okuu.jpg
RubyChao: it's true


Jumpropeman: going to a mother's day dinner around 6 so I'm mostly poking my nose in to make sure you guys aren't playing with matches
RubyChao: but i like matches :<
Gonzy: i like playing.
Dorcasvel: I like with
Jumpropeman: I know, but matches has to go back to Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School eventually and its better we take him back before we start capitalizing his name
Jumpropeman: I'm not sure why my mind reverts to old Scooby-Doo movies so often


Gonzy: clearly the best way to introduce your new characters is with a BATTLE TO THE DEATH WITH A HERMIT CRAB
Gonzy: it was just
Gonzy: such a Mai thing to do
Gonzy: just see a crab and declare war


Jumpropeman: There was this My Little Pony toy in my house when we were little
Jumpropeman: it could talk, but it was hard to understand the digitized voice
Jumpropeman: so it sounded like it was saying "I'm my dad!"
Jumpropeman: who knows what cryptic secrets that phrase hides
PalaModo: D:


RubyChao: the ymca in minor key post is still fucking me up in a good way
Gooper Blooper: Now I need to go listen to that again
Gonzy: oh my god
Gonzy: i need to hear the rest
Gonzy: i'm terrified and enthused
Gooper Blooper: young man
Draco: That's...yeah, I can see that.
RubyChao: http://youtube.com/watch?v=rGflu3TbREo
Gonzy: YO͞U͝N͜G̢ ̸M͢AN͢
Gonzy: i'm scared
RubyChao: >implying this isn't the version mai and satono are playing
Gonzy: i mean
Gonzy: i posted normal YMCA BUT
Gonzy: this sounds like animue bullshit
Dorcasvel: I prefer the thought of that one :U
Dorcasvel: oh my god
Dorcasvel: that's so DBZ
Gooper Blooper: I don't even watch DBZ and I could still feel it


Draco: "Do people really ask people to nude pose for them out of the blue?" "I think that's how Beach Episode gets all that lewd stuff, actually. Not that I'd know!" <- Uh huh. A pretty girl like Stacy never gets asked this? BV jk
Gonzy: Stacy just overhears lewd SO :U
Draco: Stacy is a precious cinnamon roll of joy.


RubyChao: http://youtube.com/watch?v=sWJn5dydgQU
Dorcasvel: ...Doraemon?
Jumpropeman: >7 million views
Jumpropeman: youtube, we need to have a talk
Gooper Blooper: to be fair
Gooper Blooper: it's had eleven years to get those views
RubyChao: Pika pi.
Dorcasvel: and 6.9 million of them are jrm
Jumpropeman: caught in the act


Jumpropeman: *googles Catz Game Boy Advance*
Jumpropeman: google sidebar: Horsez
Gooper Blooper: Salamanderz
Gooper Blooper: Beetlez
Jumpropeman: Bigfootz
Gooper Blooper: Catz will forever be associated with one thing for me
Jumpropeman: what's that gif from
Jumpropeman: Twitch plays?
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: Catz was a Twitch Plays Pokemon intermission
Gooper Blooper: It ended in disaster when their kitten froze in place in a walking animation for all eternity
RubyChao: disaster
RubyChao: more like
RubyChao: heroics
RubyChao: somehow


M Sheep: I'm living the Tell-Tale Heart over here
M Sheep: i keep hearing the tiniest
M Sheep: the teeniest
M Sheep: the most innocent, innocuous crinkling of a plastic bag settling


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Draco: Hi Goops.
RubyChao: hey goops
PalaModo: Hi bloop
Gooper Blooper: ey
Bree: hi goop
Bree: harp is napping
Gonzy: hi goops
Bree: or not
RubyChao: heheh
Gonzy: not anymore
Gonzy: i just kinda
Gonzy: laid down
Gonzy: closed my eyes
Gonzy: then decided "okay no this won't work"


M Sheep: >"Lil Chin'an".
M Sheep: Will there be big trouble in Lil Chin'an?
M Sheep: >Knack doubted there would be kindred relics to find, but you never know if you don't go! You never shine if you don't glow!
M Sheep: I would like to report this post :I
Gonzy: hey now
Gonzy: you're a hey now
Gonzy: you're a hey now
Draco: Okay.
Draco: What are you reporting?
Gonzy: hey, NOW
PalaModo: They don't stop coming
M Sheep: Excessive use of Smashmouth
ivel: and they don't stop coming
ivel: and they don't stop coming
ivel: and they don't stop coming
Cornwind Evil: EAT THE EGGS
Cornwind Evil: ....I suspect no one will get that
M Sheep: It's like I don't even know any of you
Cornwind Evil: Even I don't
M Sheep: And Dawn debuts a new body
M Sheep: Should have her own cybernetic fashion line at this point
M Sheep: Now you too can be Dawn


M Sheep: "That would be almost as low-down as someone contaminating the drinks they serve at the bar!"
M Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: watch
Jumpropeman: Hazel will build up an immunity to the poison through constant drinking
Jumpropeman: and be the only person resistant when it's released on the populace
Cornwind Evil: It's not poison.
M Sheep: At this point, I'm kind of hoping the quarter water exposure turns Hazel into an Rp Ending Godbeast
Jumpropeman: plague, poison, potato, poplagueo
Bree: someone will contract it and then the KOB hospital cures it in two seconds with white magic and the villain has a nervous breakdown
Cornwind Evil: IIRC the general healing magic of the Kobbers has some issues with diseases.
M Sheep: And the elderly
M Sheep: !!!
Cornwind Evil: They're really good at wounds and poisons
Cornwind Evil: Counting death, they treat it as just an exceptionally severe wound
Cornwind Evil: But diseases are trickier
Gooper Blooper: I've switched to referring to Mr. Down "contaminating" the water to avoid the poison/disease hairsplitting
Cornwind Evil: Thank you Gooper.
Gooper Blooper: because in the end it boils down to the same plot point of "he's doing a boo-boo with the wa-wa"
Cornwind Evil: I made the quarter water SRS BSNS
Draco: Khornewind
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Draco: Hazel has the sniffles.
Jumpropeman: I told you all
Jumpropeman: but you kept ordering it
Cornwind Evil: And you changed it right back by referring to it as "doing a boo-boo with the wa-wa."


Draco: One of these days, I'll roll a 1 and Hazel will catch some incredibly inconvenient disease.
Bree: komachi shows up only to drink the contaminated quarter water and... be completely fine
Draco: The only people besides Hazel that drink Quarter Water are people who are immune to disease.
Gonzy: quarter water's great
Gonzy: i love huggies
RubyChao: have someone drink these
RubyChao: i like them
RubyChao: fun fact i like All But One of the flavors they have
RubyChao: even flavors i don't normally like, like grapefruit
Gooper Blooper: who's the reject flavor
RubyChao: coconut pineapple
RubyChao: tastes disgusting
Jumpropeman: that's what quarter water needs
Jumpropeman: a rival
Gonzy: sparkling water
Gonzy: aka
Gonzy: dollar water
Gonzy: now with bubbles!
Gooper Blooper: http://the-foods-we-loved.wikia.com/wiki/Squeezit
Jumpropeman: THERE IT IS


RubyChao: JumpCon was a for-profit series of 72 planned science fiction/media cons, none of which ever actually took place.
The main con organizer was Shane Senter. He was referred to, and referred to himself as "The Prince" and "The Emperor."
The first two cons were canceled abruptly. [1]
The third con (which according to a 2007 post on JumpCon's website, was to have been the first con), planned for Boston, was canceled two days before it was to have taken place.

Draco: Wow.


Jumpropeman: "Diamond Knack is superior to Basic Knack in all categories and has no weaknesses"
Jumpropeman: end of Knackplot, Knack becomes diamond Knack... and turns EVIL
Jumpropeman: Kobbers face an impossible foe
RubyChao: diamond knack
RubyChao: more like
RubyChao: Sheer Heart Aknack


Jumpropeman: There's a youtube video titled "There's a Pokemon Out There with an Unfortunate Mark on its Face". The thumbnail has a Spinda. If you think I need to watch a 16 minute video to know that there's a Spinda with a dick-shaped dot pattern then YOU GOT ME GOOD THERE BUDDY CLICKING IT NOWWWWWW


Jumpropeman: Dating can be strange
Jumpropeman: I've been in three relationships but never had a girlfriend or dated them because they didn't want the terms on them :V
Jumpropeman: I will make sure not to mention that to the next lady to make sure that she doesn't do the same
Draco: JRM makes every girl sign a contract before he takes them out. They'd accept his terms except the last one is "Play Knack 2 with me"
Jumpropeman: someone's gotta be blue Knack


Gooper Blooper: General Oda is really cool and I hope she Brawls
Jumpropeman: If we don't get Agatha though
Jumpropeman: that's when we march on Brine's house
Gonzy: brine is actually oda right now
Gonzy: its all a trap
Bree: I still remember del calling oda "war crimes elemental" and laugh every time
Bree: every. time.
Gonzy: i mean
Gonzy: he's not wrong
M Sheep: "Who's the vise guy who put down 'General-chan' as her name?"
M Sheep: :I


Draco: Okay, Kaede is not there or I might have thrown someone in.
Jumpropeman: Kaede's currently searching the bar floor for skin flakes from famous Kobbers


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Jumpropeman! With the power of accidentally closing the tab!
Draco: Oh my! :O Such power!
Jumpropeman: And once I have all six Chatfinity Stones, I'll be able to change the ticker!

[Draco changes the ticker to "JRM will never get control of the ticker."]

Jumpropeman: D=<

[Draco changes the ticker to ""D=<" all you want."]

Jumpropeman: I already have the Sidebar stone, I just need the Emote, Chat Command, User, Review Mode, and Room stones!
Draco: I'm using the Chat Command Stone to end this gag before it gets into spoilers
Jumpropeman: =X
Cornwind Evil: I have the special 7th Music stone!
Cornwind Evil: ....damn it it's fake.
Jumpropeman: thank goodness chatzy doesn't have music
Jumpropeman: we don't need things to take a turn for the Myspace
ivel: we don't?
Draco: I'll put my favorite music lyrics in the ticker instead of a quote tonight.
Tom (Jumpropeman) joined the chat
Tom: You have 1 friend
Draco: (;


Jumpropeman: man, Shimmer's gonna be 20 this year
Jumpropeman: what a big girl
Jumpropeman: maybe we can take her out of the high chair soon
Jumpropeman: or is that rushing her too much?


  1. I am disappointed "doing a boo-boo with the wa-wa." was not the article title.

    1. You know something? I'm gonna give you this one. Title changed!
