Monday, March 19, 2018

Chatzy Madness Volume 308: A Distinct Lack of Sephine

On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Miu tries to improve on Dawn's design 'just to show her she can'
RubyChao: she would
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Creates my main 2019 villain Twilight
RubyChao: and/or attempt to sexually proposition her
Jumpropeman: miu would make a more sexually charged design than dirk i wager
RubyChao: miu and dirk collaborate and dawn's just like
RubyChao: "this is a sexbot design isn't it" "yep!"
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Dawn: You just HAD to show you could TAME them, didn't you.
Jumpropeman: Dawn is no longer human
Gooper Blooper: Dawn was never human
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Dawn: Such a design is unnecessary.
Jumpropeman: Gooper! How rude!
RubyChao: OR WAS SHE
Jumpropeman: *Faith piledrives gooper*
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Dawn: The octopus is TECHNICALLY correct...
Draco: DeMonde teleports to where Zeldoten is and brings her back. She smacks both her and Dawn upside the noggin. "Play nice or I'm grounding zhe both of you." Then she goes back to making her own Hedorah or something IDK.
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Dawn puts Miu in STEM to help her with Chaos' reformation/reformatting since she's SO GOOD with machines.
Jumpropeman: "Gooper Blooper is a larger than average Blooper who never displays much in the way of intelligence"
Jumpropeman: mariowiki is harsh to our good friend
RubyChao: that's cause they're blooperacists


On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Shining Force has a subtitle, much like The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: Subtitles can really add to something sounding epic
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: So guess what the Shining Force subtitle is
ivel: :U
ivel: anyway I dunno
ivel: The Shining?
Jumpropeman: gotta love the things that have nonsense subtitles
On Steam Wishlist-REVENGE: ....I think someone mighta have been confused over some Japanese kakana aspects
Jumpropeman: Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Jumpropeman: holy shit man, I gotta know about that Gobbo legend
Jumpropeman: hold up guys, I might blow your mind with this hot take on Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Jumpropeman: its not a game about the legend behind the Gobbos
Jumpropeman: no, Croc perhaps IS the legend of the Gobbos, for his bravery in collecting generic crystals
ivel: :O
Phone: You're rapidly losing my financial support, but go on
ivel: with this revelation, I need to go to bed to process this
Jumpropeman: Gobbos, by the by, appearing to be Tribbles with eyes
Jumpropeman: and naturally, Croc was raised by the Gobbos, who found him in the exact same way baby Moses was found in the Bible
Jumpropeman: "One day, Baron Dante and his band of villains known as the Dantinis invade Gobbo Valley and begin terrorizing the Gobbos, capturing them and locking them in steel cages. Amidst the chaos, King Rufus summons a magical yellow bird named Beany, who uses her magical abilities to transport Croc to safety"
Jumpropeman: why don't I own Croc
Phone: Final Fantasy 14-7, Return of the Unrepetent Subtitles
Draco: Because it might actually have decent gameplay.
Phone: I was gonna suggest the opposite to Draco's quip. 8u Ya got distracted with good games for a bit and lost your badsenses.
Phone: So is Dante more the Gaming Inferno, or the Devil May Crier
Jumpropeman: I was legitimately thinking of starting Fallout:New Vegas lately, but Ven is right. I've strayed from my roots. Time to look into playing Croc: Legend of the Gobbos instead


Big Guns for Big Boys: concept: five nights at fuckboy's 6: freddy fazfuck's pizza and furries
Big Guns for Big Boys: part jrpg, part pizza restauraunt managment sim, all dong inhale


Sonpyh: Bahhh. The meatballs caught aflame.
Gooper Blooper: call it a flambe and pretend it's a delicacy
RubyChao: oh dear
MobileDrac: Ban from cooking in your future?
Sonpyh: Think I'll just call it my sacrifice to Freyr for the day, maybe cut out the salvagable bits.
RubyChao: i've done that
RubyChao: one time i left some pasta on the stove way too long so the water boiled away and the bottom part of it was scorched beyond edibility
ivel: I like meatballs so this hurts the ivel
Gooper Blooper: utsuho etc
RubyChao: but the top part was still good so i scooped it out and had that while throwing out the rest
Sonpyh: I have eaten the charred balls as penance for my sin. And because they were originally supposed to be part of dinner. At a much lower temperature and one I'm not going to watch The Evil Within 2 to, a second, smaller batch lurks to redeem me on the stove.
Sonpyh: I swear before the gods and Chatzy, I am a decent cook when I do not critically fail. Sometimes even a good cook. Depends on who you ask. And what experiment I've fed them. Just, every soooo often... FWOOOSH


Jumpropeman: "15th picture saved is who you marry"
Jumpropeman: i got a lot of image folders honey, which one you asking for
RubyChao: just choose one that you default to
RubyChao: that's what i did
Jumpropeman: looks like this is my wife
Gooper Blooper: THE CONSUMER
Jumpropeman: XD
Sonpyh: =o
ivel: she's beautiful jrm


Freakin Gonzales: incoming stupid ass post


(Re: Disgaea 2)

Freakin Gonzales: I have the penultimate monster weapon, Satan's Motor
Gooper Blooper: Santa's Rotom
Freakin Gonzales: i laughed


ivel: I have a Saint Seiya figure I found at a flea market one time
ivel: unfortunately it was one of those things where if you collect the set it has a special figure you can build
ivel: :I
Jumpropeman: so do you have a nice giant foot with no body?
ivel: I forget what I have
ivel: the main figure itself is one of the early antagonists though
Jumpropeman: I had an X-Men toy of the original hairless version of Beast, and one of his entire legs broke off since it was meant to be a display figure
Jumpropeman: naturally, the leg became its own character in the games I played
Jumpropeman: the same can't be said of the accompanying ice man's arm though when it broke off
Jumpropeman: we just glued that sucker back on
Jumpropeman: sentient arms? That's a little TOO absurd!


Huh: I am not above admitting it's been so long that when I saw inexplicably pale sky, white sticking to everything, and extreme cold, my first thought was not 'oh snow' but 'oh god I am in Silent Hill'.
Huh: Gypsy is utterly baffled. She has never had this happen before. She keeps thinking she wants to go out, and then the moment she does, moeooww WetCold WetCold Lemme In


Bree: I'm sorry del but you'll never be as clueless as sk
The Man Drink The Rum: Listen
The Man Drink The Rum: Listen
Bree: if there was a trophy award for missing the obvious sk would be the top nominee
The Man Drink The Rum: One time I forgot how to tie shoelaces
iKomodo: Del is Crunk right now
The Man Drink The Rum: I was at gym
iKomodo: :P
The Man Drink The Rum: And I was putting my gym shoes on
Bree: that's an achievement but one achievement does not a career make
Bree: sk is like
Bree: if I had to make a metaphor for him
Bree: if people are lightbulbs
Bree: most people are turned on most of the time
Bree: but sk is a lightbulb that is mostly off
Bree: and sometimes forgets to turn on when it's supposed to
iKomodo: Well to be fair, one time when I was a work experience, I put cranberry juice in the tea instead of milk
Bree: like non-figuratively I mean most people will pay attention some of the time
Bree: sk only pays attention when he really has to and not even then sometimes
iKomodo: i caught the mistake and nobody drank it, but it flummoxes me still that I just grabbed the first carton I saw without thinking
Bree: again, it's because you are the biggest space case I've ever met
iKomodo: Also I do have aspergers so there you go
Bree: I'm not sure what your brain is doing but it's on a different plane of existence from the rest of you
iKomodo: It's mostly daydreaming about butts and pizza :U
Bree: I was gonna say pondering the enigmas of the cosmos but ok
iKomodo: IT'S ME
iKomodo: I'M DIRK
The Man Drink The Rum: Can confirm, SK is Dirk IRL
The Man Drink The Rum: Except not Irish
The Man Drink The Rum: And no Josephine
iKomodo: There is a distinct lack of sephine


MobileDrac: How does Renais feel about being Best Penguin?
GG, BC: renais.exe has encountered an error and needs to close
MobileDrac: Yay


Jumpropeman: 18/22 ordered Dr Peppers coming


MobileDrac: My art problems are solved. I keep an artist on retainer. "Goops," I say. "I need another picture of Zeldoten hiding in Jasper's mouth. And this time, she's wearing a space helmet!"
Jumpropeman: =o
MobileDrac: You never know when Jasper might return for a space adventure. BI


RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hi friend
Jumpropeman: hi chao
RubyChao: only one friend tho
RubyChao: which one is it?
RubyChao: who knooows
Draco: It's not me, I bet.


Jumpropeman: I'm hopefully near the end of Secret of Mana, but I'm suspicious that there are still a boss or two I haven't rematched yet except with a different coloration


RubyChao: fun fact for friends
RubyChao: i can now safely confirm that next year
RubyChao: there will be a chaoplot
RubyChao: about Golf
RubyChao: e n j o y
GG, BC: Renais joins a golf tournament, confirmed
Jumpropeman: finally, a plot about business chao
Jumpropeman: chat updated slowly and killed the joke... unless business chao likes golf? :V
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Draco: Zeldoten gets par. "I used to do this with grenades back home."
Bree: no, it's a plot about kasumi
Bree: kasumi likes golf
Bree: it's true, I asked chao
RubyChao: kasumi is the best golfer of the kappakin
RubyChao: kasumi > mitsuo > mizuki > chiharu > nitori
RubyChao: in golfing skills
RubyChao: yes, nitori is bad at golf
RubyChao: she does it because business golf
RubyChao: but she's bad
Bree: mitsuo second best at golf!?
RubyChao: yep
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Draco: Parsee is an okay golfer. You might say she's on par, see? ;D
Bree: kek
Bree: paru and kasumi golf team
GG, BC rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 36
GG, BC rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 70
GG, BC rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 99

Bree: with their caddies cian and mitsuo
Bree: (kasumi doesn't have a cute boytoy so she had to borrow chiharu's)
GG, BC: i have no idea who i rolled for
Jumpropeman: kasumi > mitsuo > mizuki > chiharu > nitori >>>>>>>>>>>>> tomi
Bree: tomi's only bad at golf because they told her she couldn't play golf with a rocket-propelled golf club
Bree: so she quit in protest
Bree: before that she was fabulous at golf
Jumpropeman: she's good at MINI golf ;p
Bree: she always got a hole in one! (because you usually couldn't find the ball afterwards)
GG, BC: :U
Bree: haha
GG, BC: i wonder who of the prinny squads would be good at golf for real
GG, BC: gonzy, most definitely not
Bree: breehu golf skills: sakuya > komachi >>> hina >>>>>>>> meiling
Draco: JRM, just because the Kappa are short doesn't mean you can call them minigolfers. :I
GG, BC: gauge prinnystick's skill at golf, bree
Bree: me? okay :V
Bree: renais > gavin > gonzy > bonnie? maybe?
Bree: no wait
Bree: coffee prinny > renais > gavin > gonzy > bonnie
GG, BC: coffee prinny would be fantastic at golf
Bree: bonnie thinks golf is stupid, that's why she's the worst at it
GG, BC: "Come on, can't we play basketball instead? :I"
Bree: gonzy gets kinda bored, same reason meiling is kinda bad at golf, it's 2boring
GG, BC: Gonzy's just content being Renais's caddie
Bree: gavin is surprisingly good at golf but I imagine him preferring team sports
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Bree: he likes to play with his frands, not against them
Draco: Koakuma knows how to play, she's just not great.
Bree: koakuma is okay at golf because she has to be good enough for both herself and patchouli
Bree: oh forgot a breehu
Bree: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yukari because she can't play golf without absurd levels of cheating
GG, BC: hina is the best, obviously
GG, BC: oh nvm
Bree: hina is the master of the accidental trick shot
Draco: Yukari makes gaps when other people get a hole in one.
GG, BC: i was about to say that "she's the best because she makes everyone else worse on accident"
Bree: that too
Bree: but she's pretty clumsy so she's plenty bad on her own merits :V
Bree: half the time she doesn't even hit the golf ball, she misses it
Bree: or hits something else
Bree: don't ever be hina's golf caddy
Bree: it's a health hazard
GG, BC: Priere is Eclair's caddie.
GG, BC: Nobody ever wins against Eclair in golf.
GG, BC: ...okay, they do, but she makes it hard.
Gooper Blooper: Ariel > Gloria > Sarah > Josephine
Bree: golfplot will probably have one or both ronpas
Bree: sonia agrees
Bree: that's why she knows how to golf
Bree: because required royalty skills
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Draco: Yamame is bad at golf; she can't figure out which arms to use.
Bree: yamame with six golf clubs, six balls on six tees
Bree: par: negative five
Bree: well golf clubs are two-handed so maybe just three clubs and three tees :V
Draco: Yamame is so bad, she...oh, you snaked me.
GG, BC: snak


Jumpropeman: *rematches the hydra boss* I KNEW THIS WASNT THE END, SECRET OF MANA


RubyChao: i feel like adam could have been at least funny if not tolerable if other m gave him the voice from this
RubyChao: complete with electric guitars playing every time he talked
RubyChao: and only when he talked
RubyChao: *waits for goopy to recognize music*
Draco: XD
Gooper Blooper: oh god, that
Gooper Blooper: what inspired that
Gooper Blooper: why did they do that
RubyChao: i don't know but i love it
RubyChao: also yes this means this remix originated in pinball
RubyChao: thanks pinball
Gooper Blooper: "It sounds like what I'd expect if a Metroid game was made for the CD-i."


(Re: Pokemon's Festival Plaza)

A Gorillion Gonzies: i take sumi to a bounce house and she's like
A Gorillion Gonzies: "YEAH"
A Gorillion Gonzies: and gave me 45 FC
A Gorillion Gonzies: thanks sumi
Gooper Blooper: It is now canon that Sumireko likes bounce houses
A Gorillion Gonzies: dork confirmed


A Gorillion Gonzies: resisting the urge to just make a blog about gonzy + renais + bonus celestia mmo sheenanigans
A Gorillion Gonzies: + gavin + coffee prinny?!?
A Gorillion Gonzies: + gino
A Gorillion Gonzies: i might fail
A Gorillion Gonzies: and in that case, i may need to dig and find out what mmo celestia's into THIS TIME
Gooper Blooper: Feel free to make stuff up
Gooper Blooper: you're the one who actually plays an MMO :V
A Gorillion Gonzies: i'm gonna bullshit the fuck outta everything
A Gorillion Gonzies: "DUDE YOU GOTTA COME OVER HERE THIS LADY'S SELLIN DONUTS" "wait is that mistymage108? the one with the five star donuts that increase your stats by a shitload? DUDE THE FUCK WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER" "...she looks remarkably like celestia"
A Gorillion Gonzies: "...She does."
A Gorillion Gonzies: Gavin, Renais, and Gonzy exchange glances
A Gorillion Gonzies: "MOM'S HOME, DOOD!"
A Gorillion Gonzies: Parsee's paru senses tingle
Draco: Complete with twitching eye and bulging forehead vein.
A Gorillion Gonzies: gavin swears
A Gorillion Gonzies: er
A Gorillion Gonzies: sweats
A Gorillion Gonzies: "N-no, I mean, dood... Uh, you're my REAL mom, dood, not this misty faced... uh... person! Yeah, totally, dood!"
A Gorillion Gonzies: "...Please don't kill me."
birthvel: D:
A Gorillion Gonzies: Gonzy just leans back in his seat, headset on as he yells, "THANKS, MOM!"


Brinehammer: Shadowborn Apostle.dec is about ready for playtesting.
Brinehammer: I have 15, I just need five more for that nice even 20.
SteelKomodo: yissss
The Spanish Inquisition: what
The Spanish Inquisition: i've not seen an mtg card that breaks deckbuilding restrictions before
The Spanish Inquisition: only seen that in netrunner
The Spanish Inquisition: thats awesome
hotel californivel: there's actually a card in the Dragon Ball Super card game that does that too
hotel californivel: it's a Metal Cooler, so :U
RubyChao: make an entire deck out of metal cooler
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Brinehammer: There's also this but I have an out and out Rat deck and they're not in it so fuck 'em. Yeah, Shadowborns are fun, I just want to keep throwing them out until I can get a big demon to attack with/Fling.
Brinehammer: Speaking of which, this also came.
The Spanish Inquisition: in netrunner there's a few cards marked Consumer-Grade that are 6 per deck
The Spanish Inquisition: and some cards are limit 1 per deck like Government Takeover
hotel californivel: I'd need to find anyone selling DBS packs and manage to pull enough Metal Coolers for that :P Unless some site is crazy enough to sell a deck's worth of them
Brinehammer: Gonna, gonna wreck some faces =D
The Spanish Inquisition: oh shit i remember that dude
RubyChao: "Yes, you’re allowed to have a deck consisting of sixty Relentless Rats and nothing else." i just like how they acknowledge it immediately


Jumpropeman: 39 entrants? You had an obvious pick for 40 gooper! That lovable scamp Rinoa!
Gooper Blooper: Everyone loved Rinoa!


Flop: I found my Brawl entrants, guys.


umpropeman: I have a new favorite Harry Potter book, and it's Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash
Jumpropeman: my favorite part: "The tall Death Eater was wearing a shirt that said 'Hermione Has Forgotten How to Dance', so Hermione dipped his face in mud."
iKomodo: I believe Draco linked that in here
iKomodo: it's some crazy shit
MobileDrac: That predictive keyboard stuff is amazing.
ivel: a friend linked that to me on Steam
ivel: I liked "BEEF WOMEN" :U
Jumpropeman: im also a fan of the spying on the death eaters
Jumpropeman: with the politest kiss ever

(a couple days later)

Gooper Blooper: Someone illustrated that harry potter autofill story
Jumpropeman: yessssssssss the shirt picture!


(Cornwind tries out Metal Slug 3)

Cornwind Evil: Huge Hermit jumped me
Cornwind Evil: Cheating crab
Gooper Blooper: CW, I'm sorry
Gooper Blooper: but there was a moment where you respawned
Gooper Blooper: and then promptly walked toward Hermit and off the dock
Cornwind Evil: I meant when the fight started
Cornwind Evil: I was expecting a fresh screen and suddenly OUT OF THE WATER HE COMES
Cornwind Evil: And that wasn't walking off the dock!
Cornwind Evil: That was me going to throw some grenades
A Gorillion Gonzies: the dock
A Gorillion Gonzies: was
A Gorillion Gonzies: an illusion


ivel: "And while doing press last weekend for The Greatest Showman, Hugh Jackman — who just retired from playing Wolverine with Logan — told Yahoo Entertainment that the news is thus somewhat bittersweet, if only because of the timing:
“It’s fantastic. I think the joy of the comics is how all these [heroes] come together. Unfortunately during my tenure as Wolverine it hasn’t been a possibility. I watch the Avenger movies, which I love, or Iron Man, and I think, ‘Wolverine would love to go in there and punch some of them in the face.’”"

Jumpropeman: and then, Wolverine appears in the next Avengers movie... but doesn't punch ANYONE in the face D:
ivel: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: Wouldn't he slash them?
Jumpropeman: that's what I was wondering :P
RubyChao: no see
RubyChao: he punches them
RubyChao: and then
RubyChao: extends the claws
RubyChao: as his fist is in their face
RubyChao: it's the ultimate one-two combo
ivel: Chao has it right, clearly


B.C.: Mabi report: cute tragic girl spotted
B.C.: they made a harpchar
B.C.: the fuckers
B.C.: i’m gay


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: howdy
What am gimmick: howdy
You Are Hagrid Now: Hi jr.
You Are Hagrid Now: *jrm
Jumpropeman: I'm Junior now
ivel: at least you're not Majunior
What am gimmick: least you're not Joyce Junior
MobileDrac: At least you're not butter.
MobileDrac: Wait...
You Are Hagrid Now: Is there a JRM Jr?
You Are Hagrid Now: Or are you JRM Jr?
You Are Hagrid Now: Is your dad or mom a sufficient JRM for that to be the case?
You Are Hagrid Now: Or other parental configuration
You Are Hagrid Now: I have many questions
You Are Hagrid Now: And there may be no answers


Jumpropeman: i got a package in the mail today
Jumpropeman: or rather
Jumpropeman: Cory JRM Baxter did
Gooper Blooper: Sounds like a certain mutual pal of ours had fun with the address field
Gooper Blooper: That package is to you from me courtesy of Draco
Jumpropeman: i had wondered, it seemed possible either of you had a hand in it!
Jumpropeman: thank you very much
Draco: Dude, you never told me your real name. You might as well change it to Cory Baxter because that's what you're saved as in my address book.
Jumpropeman: My real name is of course Cory Baxxter
Jumpropeman: hence the confusion
Draco: Ah. X)
Jumpropeman: within the package was, of course
Jumpropeman: classic ZFRP character Bat Witness, as well as some cheetah cop?
Gooper Blooper: enjoy the ruined
Gooper Blooper: and that random bat guy
Gooper Blooper: (he's from Zootopia concept art, it turns out)
Gooper Blooper: (they were going to have bats in the movie but since there were no major bat characters they didn't bother animating something so different)
Jumpropeman: clearly next year Bat Witness joins the ZFPD
Gooper Blooper: every time the ZFPD investigates something in RP
Gooper Blooper: he's there because he witnessed it
I are go to bed now: WITNESS ME
Gooper Blooper: BEHOLD
Draco: ...wait...


(Chao attempts a challenge in Federation Force that seems mostly luck-based)

RubyChao: for now i shall bbs to play classic metroid prime
RubyChao: where it's all skill and knowledge
Jumpropeman: you sure about that chao? *adds Missile pickup lootboxes*
Gooper Blooper: samus gacha
Gooper Blooper: "samus' suit has overheated from too much adventuring, please wait two hours or pay 50 Chozo Gemz to continue"
Draco: "Kraid DLC coming 2018!"
Jumpropeman: "Adam authorizes two beam types every 24 hours on rotation, or you can pay to have them immediately!"
Box: Lewd laser to strip Samus' opponents, $15.99
ivel: don't forget the gacha with the 0.01% chance of getting the Justin Bailey outfit
Draco: I wouldn't want to strip Ridley, sorry.
Gooper Blooper: Ridley is already naked


ivel: apparently Japanese fans are upset about the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection because they just ported the English versions over to them


Sato Samba: goops confirmed to be satoshi
Sato Samba: but wait
Sato Samba: he shows up in all the years
Gooper Blooper: Gooper Blooper the character showed up for Alruthine Plot in season 5 and Fite Club in Season 7
Sato Samba: ...he shows up in odd numbered years
Gooper Blooper: If only his first appearance hadn't been "season 0" in 2010
Sato Samba: the opposite is just
Jumpropeman: wasn't he also in the aquarium
Jumpropeman: wasn't he also in the aquarium
Jumpropeman: wasn't he also in the aquarium
Jumpropeman: wasn't he also in the aquarium
Jumpropeman: wasn't he also in the aquarium
Jumpropeman: gee i sure hope he was in the aquarium or I'm gonna look silly
Gooper Blooper: yes, JRM, yes he was!!!
Gooper Blooper: but I forget which year we did the aquarium
Sato Samba: it was 2013 i think?
Jumpropeman: i do believe so, since I brought it back the next year as an explanation of Jaws's presence
Gooper Blooper: >2013
Gooper Blooper: nice


Hagrid: Back in the days of malls, when the first series came out, there was a store at the mall that only sold Pokemon cards.
Gooper Blooper: That is a beautiful example of Pokemania
Gooper Blooper: It's difficult to exaggerate what a big goddamn deal it was
Gooper Blooper: I wish the entire civilized world united behind one of my interests like that again, it was fun :V
Hagrid: Yeah. Every time I walked by I'd want some, like that really rare, strong Charizard that had 120 hp and did 100 damage! ;P
Gooper Blooper: the myth, the legend, the god of late 90s children: base charizard


Jumpropeman: "P-please. Help us. We're trying to create a good information source for the obscure cult anime Fighting Foodons and its gaming counterparts, Bistro Recipe."
Jumpropeman: I've never seen a wiki landing page begin with a stutter
Fwoom: They're finally desperate, Jumpropeman-sama. Won't you aid them in their time of need?
Jumpropeman: sadly, I know very little about Fighting Foodons, hence why I went there
Fwoom: I know a little bit about the Foo Fighters, but not Fighting Foodons, personally. I'll be no aid either.
Jumpropeman: I'd love to play a Fighting Foodon game, but they appear to be wonder swan japanese exclusives
Jumpropeman: they might and probably do suck as well
ivel: time to get a wonderswan
Fwoom: But JRM
If they do suck
Wouldn't that be even more impetus as a bad games guy?
Jumpropeman: it has been some time since I've played a truly atrocious game


(Spy is opening Dragonball Z TCG cards)

sporp: Red Freezing Beam
sporp: That's an ice cold tactic
ivel: spy plz
ivel: no
sporp: Namekian Multi-Opponent Combat
sporp: Okay, devs
sporp: We need to talk
sporp: Just because Piccolo does something doesn't make it inherently Namekian
sporp: you racists
sporp: Red Mischief is just Cell icing a guy. Not . . . really Mischief
sporp: MVP of the set? Jimmy Fuckin' Firecracker
Draco: lol
RubyChao: spy when do we get death battle:
RubyChao: Jimmy Firecracker vs. World Tournament Announcer
sporp: World Tournament Announcer has been doing his thing since Goku was a kid
sporp: He's probably an immortal
sporp: And not to be trifled with
Gooper Blooper: *votes for Pokemon Stadium Announcer*


Jumpropeman: someone on Instagram sent me and a bunch of people a message asking for money. As in, just asking for it, that's all. Not offering anything, not making up a sob story except "I dont have money"
MobileDrac: Oh! What a story! They could sell the movie rights for a fortune.


Jumpropeman: CKR's in my room playing Mario Maker
Jumpropeman: I said until she beats this level I'm playing the Buck Bumble theme on loop
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: we've been listening to buck bumble for a while now :V
ivel: :U
MobileDrac: You monster.
MobileDrac: You're going on the naughty list.
MobileDrac: HI CKR! YOU CAN WIN!


Jumpropeman: the buck bumble song has ended
Wargh: Your terror is inflicted no more upon the heroine?
Jumpropeman: yup, she beat the level
MobileDrac: No more Cory in the House until you apologize, mister.


Jumpropeman: apparently, Mario Maker was the first traditional Mario platformer CKR ever played
Jumpropeman: i have no idea how she dodged it in this household, but I am ashamed
Gooper Blooper: are you gonna whip out Mario All-Stars and take her to old school
Jumpropeman: i actually don't have all-stars sadly, but I'm thinking of setting her up on Super Mario World
Sato Slicer: annihilate her
Jumpropeman: speaking of, I went and played through that today so no guesses on the next review on game hoard :V


Gooper Blooper: So have I ever shared my Pokemon Gold Christmas story?
Draco: Not that I can remember.
Gooper Blooper: probably did on my blog back in like 2011 or something
Gooper Blooper: it was one of Goopsmom's best swerves of all time
Gooper Blooper: Christmas 2000. I desperately wanted a Game Boy Color and Pokemon Gold/Silver.
Gooper Blooper: On Christmas morning I was opening my stuff and came to my final gift, which turned out to be a purple GBC
Draco: :D
Gooper Blooper: I was elated but also dismayed, because I thought Goopsmom had made a big mistake and not realized that the Game Boy Color didn't come with a pack-in game (unlike the Atari 2600, Sega Genesis, and Game Gear, the three systems the family had bought in the past)
Draco: D:
Gooper Blooper: because I had this new game boy, but no games to play on it
Draco: Ultimate Troll Goopsmom.
Gooper Blooper: And as I'm trying to explain the situation and how I'd have to use my Christmas money from relatives to get Pokemon, she smugly reaches into the tree's branches and pulls out another present
Gooper Blooper: It was Pokemon Gold :V
ivel: welp
Draco: Smugmom
Gooper Blooper: I then proceeded to play Pokemon Gold the entire day
Draco: You only needed to use your Christmas cash on batteries! :V


Deling Nine to Five: meanwhile, on the we hate movies patreon feed, andrew jupin googles birdo + deviantart
Deling Nine to Five: he's screaming and i'm laughing
Deling Nine to Five: "Oh noooo." "Did you do it?" "I did it."
Deling Nine to Five: "That's not a big deal." "Alright, what about this one?" *awkward pause* "She's down on her luck."
SteelKomodo: XD
Deling Nine to Five: eric completely nosells it
Deling Nine to Five: he's a stronger man than i
Deling Nine to Five: "Put that one on deviantart." "Or not."
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: again


Jumpropeman: "You twitter account has been locked due to unusual activity" I guess going from no activity from 2011 onward to sudden burst of following random people is unusual, yeah
Gooper Blooper: they were suspicious of that garfield
Draco: Dang.
Jumpropeman: sadly, I removed that garfield tweet
Jumpropeman: it wasn't a very good landing page for the game hoard when you were confronted immediately with garfield picking his nose
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: it's not on-brand :V
Jumpropeman: will be my second website for sure though
Gooper Blooper: you can repost it after you post your long-awaited review of Garfield Kart
Gooper Blooper: No boosts? SHAME!


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: gooper has good taste
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: I got JRM a steam game from his wishlist based on some of the reviews of it I found
Gooper Blooper: allow me to share the quotes I already shared with JRM
Gooper Blooper: "completely bankrupt of any value whatsoever" - IGN
Gooper Blooper: "You have to wonder how something like this makes its way onto shelves as a full-priced product" - Giant Bomb
Gooper Blooper: "Pros: Brevity."
Gooper Blooper: "Cons: It probably cost more money to produce this game than the GDP of several impoverished nations combined. Nearly as offensively, it costs money to buy."
Gooper Blooper: (game is Rogue Warrior)
Jumpropeman: phew doggy, Rogue Warrior is a two hour game... but FOUR if I want to get everything!
Jumpropeman: >Publisher Bethesda
Jumpropeman: :psyduck:
Gooper Blooper: That's another reason I got it for you, it's short
Gooper Blooper: You can easily plow right through it
Jumpropeman: Rogue Warrior apparently has online multiplayer
Jumpropeman: the most players to play Rogue Warrior at any time was 35. Most months since launch, you're lucky to get double digits
Gooper Blooper: I can already tell the Rogue Warrior review is gonna be something special
Jumpropeman: I was thinking I'm overdue for a disaster report
Gooper Blooper: I thought the same
Gooper Blooper: Merry Christmas :3
Gooper Blooper: okay, one more rogue warrior review quote
Gooper Blooper: "In condemning this game, I can't help but feel like an opportunistic hunter pouncing on the most pathetic zebra in the herd. But Rogue Warrior is a hobbled, wheezing creature stumbling around so far away from its peers that not going for the jugular could be seen as an act of cruelty. And besides that, every time I feel a surge of predator's remorse, I just remind myself that the difficulty select screen called me a pussy, and I get over it."

(and it was, indeed, something special)


Jumpropeman: I was at Barnes and Noble today and heard two kids debating the pronunciation of Lunala


Bree: one thing I wanna say about persona 5
Bree: (that isn't spoilery)
Bree: this is one of the few games with SHOE EQUALITY
Bree: I think akira's heels might be as high as ann's are
Draco: O_o
Bree: akira has fancy boots
ivel: but are they as high as ryuji is
Bree: lel
Bree: akira's outfit has fancy boots and a trenchcoat and stuff so, yeah
Bree: also if you've taken a good look at arsene
Bree: arsene's not wearing stiletto heels, his feet just are stiletto heels
Bree: ryuji, yusuke, and female party member #2 have flat shoes, no heels
Bree: but yeah
Bree: this level has electrical stuff you have to destroy and akira takes 'em out with just one well-placed stomp of his glorious shoes


Jumpropeman: steam tried to recommend Mabinogi to me
Jumpropeman: it does not understand how MMO players function and just recommends countless mmos to me


ivel: I managed to beat that Awareness Rooms game already
Gooper Blooper: Cool, glad you liked it!
ivel: it was short and very cute
ivel: like Harpy
Gooper Blooper: hahahah
B.C.: i will end you
ivel: ;3
B.C.: you’re not invited to my plot anymore


Gooper Blooper: JRM, you gotta hear this
Jumpropeman: hit me
ivel hits jrm
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro and an online friend of his exchanged surprise Christmas gifts, with the stipulation that they were to be "joke gifts" and "the most random things they could think of"
Gooper Blooper: I don't know what Goopsbro sent, but what he got was
Gooper Blooper: A Bigfoot action figure
Jumpropeman: holy frijoles
ivel: that's amazing
Jumpropeman: Mario didn't approve his likeness being used >:I
Gooper Blooper: But here's what makes it even better: Goopsbro and Bigfoot go way back, he actually used to be fascinated by the subject
Gooper Blooper: His friend didn't know that
ivel: oh wow
Gooper Blooper: I even got Goopsbro a "Bigfoot Call" toy last year to continue the gag
Gooper Blooper: and had considered getting him this very figure
Gooper Blooper: So that was pretty great
Gooper Blooper: here's the figure
Jumpropeman: what a charmer
Gooper Blooper: I thought the face was too goofy so I didn't buy it at the time
Gooper Blooper: but he's got it now
ivel: that's amazing
Jumpropeman: there's something about brothers and bigfoots i guess
Gooper Blooper: as you can see, yes it can do The Pose
Gooper Blooper: good luck getting it to stand up while doing it though :V
Gooper Blooper: I remember a couple years back Goopsbro found a bigfoot documentary on Netflix and was only going to watch it for a minute
Gooper Blooper: We ended up watching the whole thing together
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: the endgame of the family bigfoot joke is definitely the day we go to the bigfoot amusement park, although i wager that's not easily arranged :P
ivel: my friend's mom loves Bigfoot too
Gooper Blooper: The true endgame, of course, would be if you guys actually saw him
Jumpropeman: I see him every day
Jumpropeman: in the mirror
ivel: I was considering making a joke about Ven when you said you see him
Gooper Blooper: I've always been more of a sea monster guy but I'm down for land-based mystery animals
ivel: but that works too :P
Jumpropeman: ven has been established as an ogre
ivel: this is true


Jumpropeman: "B3 Game Expo For Bees"
Jumpropeman: that's a weird basket to put your eggs in, Famous Gamous
Vorp: They found out Broderick was the Courier's heir.
Jumpropeman: at the same time, your weird game concept is incredibly tempting
Jumpropeman: has a 50 and a 40 on metacritic
Vorp: Show us the game, m'lord...
Jumpropeman: this is gonna be like Epic Dumpster Bear
Jumpropeman: where stupid calls out to stupid and I must own it
Gooper Blooper: according to all known laws of aviation etc etc
ivel: "It's just hours before the start of B3, the annual Game Expo for Bees. You are the brand new Security Bee at the Convention Hive. During your night shift, you were unable to pull yourself away from reading all the pre-B3 hype on B.Chat.
Consequently you completely neglected your patrolling before accidentally drifting off to sleep in the Security Pod. Your adventure begins here.
When all honey breaks loose... will you be able to save B3?
B3 is a single player FPS adventure with an emphasis on exploration, puzzle, and story."

MobileDrac: Hive Nights at Freddy's
Jumpropeman: its only a dollar off on the eshop, so I shall control myself for now
Jumpropeman: one day though
Jumpropeman: I'll go to B3
Jumpropeman: see what all the buzz is about
ivel: it does apparently have a RoboBear, Draco
ivel: you're a security guard dealing with a robot bear
Jumpropeman: hold on
Jumpropeman: RoboBear
Jumpropeman: RoboBEAR
Jumpropeman: I already figured out the game's big twist


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hoowdy
RubyChao: yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
Jumpropeman: i got this big old package
Jumpropeman: from New Yawk
RubyChao: gasp!
RubyChao: it must be a bomb
RubyChao: throw it in the garbage
Jumpropeman: already did BI
RubyChao: gr8
RubyChao: anyhow
RubyChao: open it up and tell me your thoughts
RubyChao: i feel i picked out a good one
Jumpropeman: Perry Mason! The name rings a bell, but I also like that the box style is quite similar to the nero wolfe book
Jumpropeman: he's a lawyer
RubyChao: he's basically Phoenix Wright before Phoenix Wright
Jumpropeman: The Foot-Loose Doll story will no doubt require my best 1950s accent to read
RubyChao: and the other item?
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Jumpropeman: at first I thought I got a horror movie dvd
RubyChao: no man
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: this is one of the holy grails of shitty video games
Jumpropeman: apparently it comes with a free Limbo DVD :P
RubyChao: it absolutely had to be in your library
Jumpropeman: holy crap these reviews on the front
RubyChao: i really hope you can get it to work
RubyChao: also
Jumpropeman: "Highly Enjoyable"
RubyChao: you should say what game it is
RubyChao: so people know why it's special
Jumpropeman: It's
Jumpropeman: Limbo of the Lost
RubyChao: god that game is so terrible
RubyChao: bubsy 3d, drake of the 99 dragons, and now limbo of the lost
RubyChao: truly i know how to buy for you, don't i?
Jumpropeman: "The first adventure game where the players asks the main character to do an action rather than 100% control him/her"
Jumpropeman: clearly these guys never played Pac-Man 2
Jumpropeman: it works
RubyChao: this is gonna be so fucking good
RubyChao: jrm this is going to be so good
RubyChao: that i will be okay with you prioritizing this over V3
Jumpropeman: *closes game immediately*
Jumpropeman: *music still playing*
Jumpropeman: we might have two disaster reports rather close together
Jumpropeman: thank you very much chao man
RubyChao: i hope you enjoy limbo of the lost
RubyChao: it's legendary
Jumpropeman: fun fact
Jumpropeman: if you don't run setup
Jumpropeman: it just open and plays music endlessly until you remove the disc :V
Jumpropeman: "This original software is protected by copyright law"
Jumpropeman: from what I do know about this game
Jumpropeman: it's definitely not :V
RubyChao: noooope :V
MobileDrac: More like we're protected from the software by copyright law.

(Chao was right)

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