Silence's repertoire consists almost entirely of heavy-duty power moves. She's not light on her feet and she doesn't do fancy jumping maneuvers. Instead, she focuses on hard-hitting, high-impact attacks that intimidate and brutalize her foes. What follows is a list of the special moves Silence is most likely to use in battle, although she can improvise if need be.
Atomic Drop
A standard power move used to soften enemies up. Silence gets behind her foe, picks them up, and slams them onto her knee tailbone-first.
Silence's favorite attack and one of her finishers, most famously used by Kane, one of the wrestlers Silence is based off of. She grabs the opponent by the neck, raises them into the air, and hurls them back down onto the ground.
One of the most famous of wrestling attacks. Silence grabs the opponent, shoves their head under her arm, and falls backwards to drive their head into the floor.
Demon Drop
This is a finishing move of indy wrestler Jessicka Havok, who along with Kane was the inspiration for Silence. This move has her hoist the victim over her shoulder and apply a headlock while pulling on their legs, stretching them out like a rack. She then drops to the ground, slamming both ends of the opponent against the floor in a final blow.
Giant Step
Fancy name for a very basic attack - Silence simply walks on top of a prone enemy, letting her weight do the work for her.
Giant Swing
Ever played Super Mario 64? Yeah, that move. SO LONG ME BOWSIE.
Gorilla Press
Silence lifts the enemy over her head, pumps her arms a few times, and either throws or drops the opponent.
Hip Toss
One of Silence's favorite moves to use against crowds of enemies to quickly thin the herd. Generally used when an enemy is charging toward the user, the Hip Toss sees Silence grab the enemy, pivot around, and throw them up and over onto the floor.
Scoop Slam
Another basic softening attack. Silence simply picks the opponent up and throws them down so they land on their back.
Sit-Out Powerbomb
Another Jessicka Havok finisher, this one also made famous by WWE's Batista. Silence grabs the enemy, lifts them up over her head, and jumps, "sitting" in mid-air as she slams the opponent onto the ground hard.
A simple maneuver. Silence picks up the opponent and falls backwards while holding them up over her head so they hit the ground first.
The Silencer
A move Silence has developed herself, which is one of her greatest and most powerful ways to dispose of a weakened opponent. Silence grabs the opponent one-handed, similar to a chokeslam, but with her hand clamped on the target's jaw, muzzling them. She them whips them up over her head and pivots as she hurls them against the ground as hard as she possibly can, still grasping their head.
Tombstone Piledriver
A finisher made famous by The Undertaker and Kane. Silence lifts the opponent, flips them around in her hands so they are head-down, and drops onto her knees, driving the enemy's head into the ground.
Silence may also have a few more unconventional maneuvers in her arsenal...
Give her the Towerhacker Bomb.
Looks like a Sit-Out Powerbomb with a different setup. Silence will likely have multiple ways to set up her moves and have the ability to adapt to different, unique positions for setup since her opponents aren't going to be very cooperative, so this makes sense.