Tuesday, April 22, 2014

World Progress Alliance Newsletter: April 22, 2014

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Today is a very special day. Today is Earth Day, a day in which we honor the planet for all it has done for us, and what we must do in return to ensure there are many more Earth Days to come. I hope you'll join me in making 2014's Earth Day a day to remember.

-Looking Back-

When my friend Penny and I decided to start this newsletter one year ago, we'd considered a userbase of about a thousand people to be a big success. But, amazingly, we are now at over 15,000 subscribers and counting! I'm touched by the number of people who decided to subscribe. Keep being awesome!

-Looking Ahead-

Our next wave of projects is brewing! Penny has brought my attention to the plight of the vanishingly rare Jungle Octopus. This unique species, discovered just recently, is the first-ever known cephalopod to have adapted to an aquatic lifestyle, living in the humid seaside rainforests of Madagascar and nowhere else. Predictably, logging activity is beginning to destroy this fascinating animal's habitat. I'm counting on you guys to help me and Penny save this one-of-a-kind animal and all the others that call Madagascar's rainforests home. As always, it fell to me to make a nice, snappy name for the campaign. This operation is called "Eight Arms for the Future"! And yes, our octopus costumes are being custom-made as I write this!

As for me, I've discovered possible evidence of slave labor and deeply underpaid workers in, of all places, the trading card industry. I want all you collectors out there to join me in taking a stand against any and all card printers that use unethical means to sell their merchandise! We're calling this campaign "Trading Away Morals"! I'm looking forward to hand-delivering Tipps Trading Cards a special 5'-by-7' custom card with all of your signatures!

-Your Animal Fun Fact of the Week-

Lobsters grow indefinitely as they age. It's possible for extremely old lobsters to reach lengths of 3 feet or more!

Sent from your friends, Ariel and Penny
World Progress Alliance: For A Brighter Future

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