Friday, April 25, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 126: SteelKomodo Joined the Chat

GoopaMania: I've set up Ariel to do Kooky Far-Away Library Shenanigans
GoopaMania: Watch in awe as Ariel sucks at being a librarian
RubyChao: "HOW DID YOU BURN DOWN MY LIBRARY D:" "Um... oops?" "D: D: D:"
Jumpropeman: *Ariel switches it all to digital* "Paper is wasteful and kills trees Gloria!" *Gloria's eye twitches*
GoopaMania: Ariel points to a box with twenty e-readers in it
GoopaMania: "The whole library, right there"
Harpy: gloria has a heart attack
GoopaMania: "Gloria put your trident away please"
GoopaMania: "...IT WAS PENNY'S IDEA"
RubyChao: Ariel puts the library in the e-readers, has the library building converted into an eco-movement headquarters
RubyChao: There's a tiny room off to the side labeled "library", it's full of dust


RubyChao: D:
The Kirby Kong Fandom: Does that book have a face
RubyChao: oh god it does
SteelKomodo: D:
The Kirby Kong Fandom: IT'S TALKING MAGGLE


RubyChao: "This is awful game design. It is the worst game design. NES games have better game design than that. Other M is the Citizen Kane of bad video games. The badness just has layers and layers to it, and every time you take another look at the game a new layer of s*** opens up. It's like a Metroidvania, exploring the complex mazes and tunnels of Other M to find different-colored pieces of s***, and then using those piles of s*** to open up a path you might've missed earlier that leads to even more s***. Even talking about how bad Other M is makes for a better Metroid game than Other M."


Gooper Blooper: wake up with the king
Saberwulf changed name to Scott President of Dominos
SteelKomodo: #Dinner
Scott President of Dominos: Pizza doesn't fit, damn you character limit
Tableter: Pizza power


Gooper Blooper: WWE confirmed still pissy about CM Punk quitting
Gooper Blooper: (look at the Royal Rumble poster on the wall)
Cornwind Evil: I'm not pissy
Cornwind Evil: His choice gave us Daniel Bryan, Shonen Anime Hero At WM 30
Cornwind Evil: Can you imagine what would have happened had Punk not quit and they'd decided to break the Streak?
Gooper Blooper: a never-before-seen flood of angry posts on the internet


Gooper Blooper: saralex is the citizen kane of roleplay pairings
Tableter: So what does that make jonesybus
RubyChao: and pitsuho
Gooper Blooper: The Jurassic Park and Toy Story of roleplay pairings
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
Harpy: whats citizen kane again
Gooper Blooper: some movie that was popular
Tableter: Citizen kane is shit but the way it is shot and framed defined cinematography and movies for decades
Tableter: So it is important
Scott President of Dominos: yep
Scott President of Dominos: It created many of the film industry's modern techniques
The Kirby Kong Fandom: So I'm guessing Sine/Zeph would be something meaningless in the industry and a critical flop but made money (Hypotenuse) anyway
The Kirby Kong Fandom: . . . Oh my god Sine/Zeph is Big Rigs Over The Road Racing
SteelKomodo: Stan/Gemma was some arty indie film nobody remembers :U
Tableter: Del/Eshe is Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, in that it came out of nowhere and it was merely okay
Tableter: And nobody really asked for it
RubyChao: pit/raw was a movie that bombed but was important in setting up a successful movie
Gooper Blooper: Optimus/Persephone is WALL-E
Tableter: Opt-i
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
The Kirby Kong Fandom: Leo-Edyth still has yet to be released
RubyChao: Garnet/Pech is an overthetop action flick where all the focus is on beating stuff up (with a few moments of emotional connection inbetween)
Harpy: so you mean
Harpy: captain america?
RubyChao: yes
Tableter: How did we come to this
Tableter: What have we become
Scott President of Dominos: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Devil Ed X Devil Ed's One Night Fling That Came To Him For One Post With a Bastard Child is the Animal Soccer World of roleplay pairings
RubyChao: also oh god i forgot about Devil Ed's One Night Stand


Gooper Blooper: SK I have good news and bad news. The good news is I found out today UK Toys R Us stores are getting Godzilla merch
Gooper Blooper: The bad news is they determined pricing by replacing the dollar sign with a pound sign and calling it a day
Scott President of Dominos: Ahaha holy shit that's fucked up
Scott President of Dominos: Why would they do that
USS Spy Cant Spell: . . . What the fuck toy stores D:
SteelKomodo: What D:<
Scott President of Dominos: I get that it's slightly more expensive to import to the UK from China but come the fuck on, it
Scott President of Dominos: it's a tanker of zillas
Scott President of Dominos: It's not fucking gold
Gooper Blooper: it's plastic monster toys
RubyChao: what if they're filled with GOLD (plastic)
SteelKomodo: I wonder how much Godzilla's weight in gold would be :U
Scott President of Dominos: SOLID GOLD (plastic) C-3PO
Gooper Blooper: PLASTIIIIC
SteelKomodo: As in, how many tankers could ye sink with it
Gooper Blooper: time for science
Gooper Blooper: Godzilla's highest ever given weight, according to a two second google search, is 60,000 tons
Gooper Blooper: One ton of gold is worth 64.3 million dollars as of january 2013
SteelKomodo: WELP
Scott President of Dominos: You could get a to-scale Godzilla casted for only 60 mil
SteelKomodo joined the chat 44 seconds ago
Scott President of Dominos: That's cheap as hell
SteelKomodo: No it freaking isn't Wulf D:
Gooper Blooper: This equals 38,580,000,000,000 dollars
SteelKomodo: where would you even get 60 mil to begin woth
Scott President of Dominos: It would probably only be gold-plated for structural reasons as well, so that means cheapzooky
Gooper Blooper: if I managed to type the correct number of zeroes from my calculator
SteelKomodo: ...Jesus.
SteelKomodo: Godzilla turn the swag off pls
Scott President of Dominos: I meant on terms of people who would actually purchase a to-scale statue of a giant nuclear lizard made of gold
Scott President of Dominos: oh, wait
Scott President of Dominos: I didn't realize that said 60k tons
Scott President of Dominos: I thought it was 60k pounds
Gooper Blooper: One ton of Godzilla is just, like, his finger
Scott President of Dominos: NEVERMIND


SteelKomodo joined the chat
SteelKomodo joined the chat

Draco: Hello SKs.
Gooper Blooper: SK and his army of clones
Cornwind Evil: He thinks he's a clone now
RubyChao: 2014 plot: Pit discovers knockoff toys of him and Dirk after their successful careers
Cornwind Evil: There's always two of him just-a hanging around
SteelKomodo: Oh lawd
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Well, could be worse. It could be named "Prick".
SteelKomodo: "What is this D:" "MY NOSE IS NOT THAT BIG D:<"
SteelKomodo joined the chat
SteelKomodo: Jesus, I just move to one tab to look up an image
Gooper Blooper: Dank With Josefine and Pat With Ootsho action figure 2-packs
SteelKomodo joined the chat
SteelKomodo: OH COME ON D:<
SteelKomodo joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy Madness Volume 124: SteelKomodo Joined the Chat
SteelKomodo joined the chat
Draco: =I
SteelKomodo: I have closed all other tabs
Gooper Blooper: #SafariQuality
SteelKomodo: The Josephine figurine makes her taller than Dirk :U
Gooper Blooper: Bootlegsephine
RubyChao: Bootlegsephine has a completely flat ass
RubyChao: it's like a board
Gooper Blooper: "They made my figure too skinny. ...I can't believe I said that."
Cornwind Evil: Lu-Cena
Gooper Blooper: gotta save on plastic brother
SteelKomodo: Dirk is not amused
RubyChao: Bootleg Gloria
RubyChao: the boxart shows her surfing the web while using a book as a footrest
Gooper Blooper: dull horn, miscolored robe, distinctly non-badass
Harpy: bootleg carlos
Harpy: its just a stereotypical mexican guy
RubyChao: Bootleg Samus: the figure is impossible to damage
RubyChao: Samus ponders making her suits out of its plastic
Gooper Blooper: tonka tough samus
Gooper Blooper: Bootleg Samus could beat mother brain on hard I bet
RubyChao: Bootleg Samus beats mother brain on lunatic
Cornwind Evil: Bootleg Sine
Cornwind Evil: It's just Carol
SteelKomodo: XD


USS Spy Cant Spell: Oh my god its hideous
USS Spy Cant Spell: So how would you all feel if this replaced 17
Cornwind Evil: It looks like something that got both ORAORAOROAOROAORORAORA'd​ and MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA​MUDA'd
Harpy: i would feel sad.
Draco: Can we replace all characters but 17 with those? =D
USS Spy Cant Spell: Sure thing!
Cornwind Evil: No
Draco: Yesssssssssssss
Cornwind Evil: No we're not
Cornwind Evil leaps and knees Draco in the face.
Draco: I am.
USS Spy Cant Spell: Next year's RP cancelled for Kix-bill-VJ-Bimderix and his Butthead Legion
Draco: Dead.
Draco dies of blunt force tooth decay.
USS Spy Cant Spell: Time make another!
Cornwind Evil leaps and knees Spy in the face for suggesting it as well.
USS Spy Cant Spell: Don't hate the player, hate the game~
Harpy: spy
Harpy: please
Cornwind Evil leaps and knees Harpy just to be on the safe side.
Cornwind Evil leaps and knees RubyChao to complete the set.

Harpy: wow, congrats for kneeing me
Harpy: ya big fuckin babby
Harpy: *grumble grumble*
Cornwind Evil figures Harpy needs more and puts her in the YES Lock.
Harpy screams like a 1000 banshees
Draco: =I
Draco cancels Cornwind's cable subscription and grounds him.
Draco: No TV for a week, mister.


Cornwind Evil:
Draco: Nice. XD
Harpy: that girl is the most dangerous
Harpy: haaaally shit
Draco: Can you do that, Harpy?
Harpy: no
Draco: Someday, Harpy. I believe in you.
Harpy: only time i'll do that is if someone touches my food without asking


Cornwind Evil: I have a love/hate relationship with Shining Force
Harpy: love-hate relationship
Harpy: lel
Cornwind Evil: It beat me as a kid
Harpy: well crud, I already hit my 3 file limit AHAHAHA I CAN JUST MAKE ANOTHER ROM
Cornwind Evil: ....I don't mean, the game literally made a body and struck me with blows
Harpy: jesus
Cornwind Evil: Just that it stonewalled me and hence made little kid me enraged
Harpy: you must be talking about the genesis/saturn(?) version
Cornwind Evil: Genesis
Cornwind Evil: I'M OLD


RubyChao: "In one of the story modes in the WWE Smackdown vs. Raw games, If you advance the story by NEVER LOSING A MATCH, and retaining your championship title for many seasons, eventually you will be proposed a special referee match, with Vince McMahon as the referee. The game sets the match rules so that you can't defeat your enemy by doing enough damage a certain body part, knocking them out with a wrestler's signature move, 10 count ring-out, or anything else other than a 3 count pin. The match is intentionally designed that the referee will NOT count to 3 unless your character is being pinned. The reason being that McMahon had enough of you being the champion for years on end, and decided to take it away whether you liked it or not."
RubyChao: dammit vince
Harpy: :I
EasterKomodo: darn it vince


iDel: Laptops dyin goops
Gooper Blooper: ded leptap
iDel: Don't wanna buy another because money
iDel: When you pinch Dels pennies, he cries


(Cornwind is talking about a tabletop gaming session)

Cornwind Evil: The great heroes of the world
Cornwind Evil: Laid low by bugs jumping on them
Gooper Blooper: Wids bounces off Mario's head for 100 points
Harpy: boing
iKomodo: 1-UP
Cornwind Evil: And the girl we're supposed to protect is being repeatedly mauled
Cornwind Evil: She heals herself
Cornwind Evil: And then gets mauled again
Gooper Blooper: being a white mage is both a blessing and a curse
Gooper Blooper: "she's fine, she can heal"


Draco: Today in the Adventures of Captain Sarah, Captain Sarah danced on a podium while making an entire class of recruits salute the entire time.


Gooper Blooper: goddamn it, my mom is considering naming her new puppy Wyatt
Gooper Blooper: It's because of Wyatt Earp but all I can think of is "we're here"


Gooper Blooper: sarah's gone missing
Peko Pekochao: gloria why D:
Updog: Osh, you're the fattest Robot Master
Updog: Run


Saberwulf joined the chat
Peko Pekochao: hello wulf
Gooper Blooper: hi wulf
Peko Pekochao: what is up
Peko Pekochao: god every time i say it like that i just remember doomrider
Peko Pekochao: "WHAT is UP FOUR FANGS!?"


Saberwulf: I should probably, you know, come up with things for RP
Saberwulf: I've got nothing at the moment
Peko Pekochao: "zoe does stupid shit"
Peko Pekochao: the proud successor to three years of "david does stupid shit"
Saberwulf: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: just a little sticky note that says "stupid shit"
Saberwulf: Yeah, it'll probably end up that way


Saberwulf: Guess it's time for the nightly "pick at this story for an hour until I write a whole line of dialogue"


Updog: So
Updog: Anyone curious about my name
Peko Pekochao: no, because that joke is old
Gooper Blooper: okay, yeah, what the hell does "updog" mean
Gooper Blooper: oh wait
Gooper Blooper: no, I get it
Updog: Damnit Chao
Updog: You rush my dreams
Updog: *cruch
Updog: *Crush
Updog changed name to USS Spy Cant Spell
Draco changed name to Captain_Sarah
Captain_Sarah: It's time for a Space Adventure, USS Spy Can't Spell! Did you eat your Starship Wheaties this Astro Morning?
USS Spy Cant Spell: Yse I idd!
Captain_Sarah: GOOD!
USS Spy Cant Spell: EGNAINGG
USS Spy Cant Spell turns in the direction of the elves
Harpy: what the everloving fuck is going on
Peko Pekochao: Oh good, the elves live to the left...
Captain_Sarah: SPACE ELVES!
Captain_Sarah: SPACE ELVIS!
USS Spy Cant Spell: SPICE ALVES!?
Captain_Sarah crashes the USS Spy Can't Spell into the Intergalactic Peace Conference and Churro Stand.
Captain_Sarah: Better take an entire team of heavily-armed officers on this simple snack run that can't possibly turn out to be a Klingon ambush.
Peko Pekochao: well you destroyed the Spy Can't Spell
Peko Pekochao: i hope you're happy
Peko Pekochao: now the three of us are stranded here floating in outer space
Peko Pekochao begins to orbit around Captain Sarah
Captain_Sarah: >:I
Captain_Sarah: I will have you thrown in the remains of the brig for this, Ensign.
Harpy: so sarah's so big, she's a planet
Peko Pekochao: not so much that she's that big, just how much she weighs
Captain_Sarah: It's not MY fault all the Federation wants me to do is invent new foods. I'm the only qualified taste tester on the ship. :<
Captain_Sarah: Invent new foods and blow up Klingons. Sometimes at the same time.
Peko Pekochao: just don't invent the foods from the ashes of klingons
Peko Pekochao: i don't think that'd taste good
Captain_Sarah: I...I tried it once. I had my pet dinosaur taste it for me. ._.
Peko Pekochao: oh god Sarah why


Peko Pekochao: "Who cared if Erebus was slightly less monstrous? He still didn't deserve to be studied- He deserved to DIE. Him and Pech both! They both deserved NOTHING. Nothing but death."
Peko Pekochao: 2011_erebus_villains.txt​
Gooper Blooper: DEA-


Saberwulf: I have finally finished that story and about to post it, so hold on to yonder butts
Draco: Yonder? I barely know her! =D
Draco can die in peace now.


Harpy: man i wouldn't want to go to a hub party
Harpy: they probably don't have chipotle catering
Harpy: no burritos
Harpy: sad
Draco: 100 billion civilizations come together and none of them have invented the tortilla.
Saberwulf: They spice them with ecstasy
Harpy: that and I'd kind of like to have my body clean of drugs
Delhammer 40,000: conrad does not know about this because he is a huge dork and watches cartoons all day
Delhammer 40,000: HUGE DORK


EasterKomodo: playing Mario Kart again
EasterKomodo: holy shit this is tense
EasterKomodo: I am snatching wins like a kleptomaniac at the National History Museum
Harpy: hahaha
Harpy: you mean snatching wins like the undertaker with his streak
EasterKomodo: lolz
EasterKomodo: FINAL RACE
EasterKomodo: LET'S GO
EasterKomodo: YES
EasterKomodo channels Maximillian
EasterKomodo: THREE STARS
EasterKomodo: I WIN
EasterKomodo: DAISY WINS
Harpy: del your bro is explodin
EasterKomodo: he is not here atm
EasterKomodo: he is looking for deals on new laptops
Harpy: oh okay
Delhammer 40,000: is he
Delhammer 40,000: it's okay, exploding is allowed in this house
Harpy: just making sure


The Mormon Jesus turns Draco into a pancake
Draco: D8
Draco changed name to A Pancake


A Pancake: EGGS!
iKomodo: #Eggs
Jumpropeman: OVUMS!
Harpy: aggs


Harpy: who wouldn't want to hug people


Jumpropeman: The game Legendary has a metacritic score of 50 out of 100 and reviews such as "the definition of mediocre", yet when you can buy it for 74 cents, how can you resist buying it
Jumpropeman: I don't think I'll be able to say "This game wasn't worth my 3 quarters"


RubyChao: originally Utsuho and Tenshi were going to be a fightin' team this year, since I've been throwing around Mokou and later Tenshi since like the middle of last year
RubyChao: but then Pitsuho happened
AllerGB: Tenshi tries to steal Utsuho away from Pit
AllerGB: the tension, the drama
RubyChao: the secret lesbian
RubyChao: "No, I only want her as a fite partner. That's it. That's definitely it."
RubyChao: *Tenshi nudges the "Tenshi x Utsuho 4ever" card under a cushion"
AllerGB: Silence/Myriam tag team
AllerGB: Myriam does nothing but yell commands from the apron
RubyChao: Silence is strong enough that she wins what is basically 2 v 1
The Mormon Jesus: C'MON SILENCE, GET UP
Harpy: Henry reports this tragedy of pairings
iKomodo: Oh jeez
The Mormon Jesus: *Myriam continues slapping apron*
iKomodo: pit would not know how to deal with that
J. Jonah Jameson: *silence uses Myriam as a club*
iKomodo: Like, at all
iKomodo: and Dirk would sit on the sidelines and laugh
iKomodo: with popcorn


J. Jonah Jameson:
Harpy: oh lawdy
AllerGB: The Practice: more than a tag team
RubyChao: *eyebrows intensify*
Harpy: what if wily and eggman did fusion
Harpy: wily hair and eyebrows, eggman stash and shades
RubyChao: WOAH harpy - oh that kind of fusion
Harpy: not that kind what the heck were you thinkin ruby
RubyChao: youre the self-admitted pervert, of course i'd suspect the worst :crossarms:
AllerGB: Dr. Robotnik and Dr. Wily Play Metroid Fusion
Harpy: yes, GB
Harpy: i'd pay to see that


Jumpropebaby: anybody have any idea when our premium ends
AllerGB: Yes, actually
RubyChao: the day after the one-month anniversary of wrestlemania
AllerGB: It was bought a day or two after WrestleMania (this is the Daniel Bryan Commerative Premium Month)
AllerGB: so a month later
Jumpropebaby: cool, so the first few days of may we'll be premium
Jumpropebaby: we'll be able to handle ALL THE NEW USERS we'll be getting
AllerGB: *looks over character roster again*
AllerGB: *it's a mix of funny, mildly spooky, and Sarahkin*
AllerGB: good to go


Jumpropebaby: the day I found out the name Jeff could also be spelled as Geoff was day the my life got flipped turned upside down


RubyChao: it's so lonely in here
RubyChao: let's make plans to take over chatzy before anyone else can arrive
Harpy: i claim goops down to northern spy territory of chatzy
RubyChao: no fair i want goops
Harpy: too late
RubyChao: D:
RubyChao: i guess i'll have to take the britbros instead
Harpy: who will take canada though
RubyChao: quebec
Harpy: sorry cw
RubyChao: guess he has to learn french now
Harpy: i guess i will claim wulfitory too
Harpy: JRM and Draco are clearly a part of russia


iKomodo: I may have just come up with some dialogue
iKomodo: and I don't know what to do with it
Cornwind Evil: Dialogue for what
iKomodo: Something
iKomodo: i have no idea what - that's the thing
Jumpropeman: wait for years and then awkwardly squish it into a fite between Widow Maker and Red Spy like I did


Cornwind Evil:


Gooper Blooper: We've secretly removed an R from Spy's latest username. Let's see if he notices.
NUKES! NUKES EVEYWHERE! changed name to USS Spy Really Cant Spell


Harpy: oh god i came up with the stupidest question
Harpy: "has there ever been a time dragonus was flying and he had to either burp really loudly or fart"
Harpy: *Hides face in shame*
RubyChao: that's what they call "dragonquakes"
RubyChao is thrown out


USS Spy Really Cant Spell: >​plays Kirby while watching Kirby
USS Spy Really Cant Spell: I think this pink may be a bit too maximum


Jumpropelady: you guys better watch out next year in your RP, because I will call you out for the dumbest shit, even though it will be easily handwaved away
Gooper Blooper: oh nooo
Harpy: i can't handle it
Harpy: i quit
Jumpropelady: "Yeah, you said that Dorcha doesn't like the taste of Honey Mead, yet you have her ordering it and guzzling it down 3 months later. EXPLAIN YOURSELF!"
Draco: I quit too. It was one never-ending call out for me and I can't write under those circumstances.
Jumpropelady: *ends up RPing all by himself*
Jumpropelady: *starts calling himself out on his own inconsistencies*
KirbyChao quits
Jumpropelady: *also quits in a huff*
Harpy: lel


Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure after wrestlemania 30 Heyman became a pull-string toy that just says "MY CLIENT BROCK LESNAR CONQUERED THE STREAK" every time you pull the string


Jumpropelady: Saralex has the advantage of being the first and the one given the longest to play out. What seems quaint or run-of-the-mill in a current pairing was fresh when Saralex did it because they were first.
KirbyChao: Saralex was an important part of the explosion
KirbyChao: as goops put it, "GUYS LOOK: WE CAN PAIR OUR CHARACTERS"
Gooper Blooper: TWUE LUV
Gooper Blooper: and not-so-twue wuv
Im So Glad Vegetas Not Dead: HEY I'M LOVE! I'M NOT-SO-LOVE
Im So Glad Vegetas Not Dead: AND WE'RE THE PAIR GRUMPS
Im So Glad Vegetas Not Dead: "We lost too many pairs!" "Let's hope nothing ends up happening to Edyth." "SO HOP ABOARD THE SPY TRAIN"


Im So Glad Vegetas Not Dead changed name to Spy Hear Voices In My Head
Spy Hear Voices In My Head They Council Me, They Understand


Jumpropelady: now, for Skurvy x Booty, now Skurvy and booty and got off to a great start, but the surprisingly flat butts of our 2014 cast lead to his quick death
KirbyChao: what about Josephine though
KirbyChao: and Celestia's in 2014
KirbyChao: that makes up for everyone
Pimpwulf: "surprisingly flat butts of 2014"
Pimpwulf: Are you forgetting my characters
Pimpwulf: All of my characters for all of time have great asses
Pimpwulf: mostly the men
KirbyChao: best booty in bangkok
Pimpwulf: ^
KirbyChao: David and Celestia team up to do the Booty Boogie, nothing survives
Pimpwulf: Tag-Team Asstack


KirbyChao: Pitsuho!
Gooper Blooper: *dramatic chord*
Jumpropelady: total rubbish, worst pairing yet
KirbyChao: who are you
Gooper Blooper: jrm pls
KirbyChao: what did you do with jrm D:


Jumpropelady: im a bit sad Spy and Goops never had a ship together
KirbyChao: well there's still two more Sarahkin
KirbyChao: ...wait spy doesn't ever RP women as far as i recall
KirbyChao: *one more Sarahkin
Harpy: osh x gloria
Jumpropelady: because he's totes sexist
Jumpropelady: *walks off in a huff due to his newfound ladyhood*
Spy Hear Voices In My Head: Hey Ricard could totes be a Ricarda under those robes *SHOT*


KirbyChao: Carla's retired right?
Harpy: Carla's mostly retired, yes
Jumpropelady: she's gonna come out of retirement for one last fite
Harpy: yes
Jumpropelady: against Purnima's furnace
KirbyChao: nooo not the retirony
KirbyChao: "I was just... one day... from retirement..." "Carla. Carla you're made of metal. A single bullet won't kill you." "Oh, you're right!"

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