Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 123: Metroid Edition

RubyChao: "Bill got Sonic Adventure DX, and Alex got Super Smash Bros Melee, they were lucky since most Gamestops don't sell them anymore. After they got home they popped Sonic Adventure into the system but the strange thing about it was that instead of saying "Sonic Adventure DX" on the screen it read out "Bill Adventure".
Since it was about Bill, he got to play first."

Del, Marine in the City: darwinism in action


Seven Nation Del: i don't know why i put this wheel in my pants
Seven Nation Del: it's driving me nuts
Harpy: don't put wheels in your pants, you don't want your nuts driving off to a strip club


SteelKomodo: Greninja has the best name in French
SteelKomodo: Amphinobi


#FreeTheDee goes to march on Washington
#FreeTheDee gets in my sexy taxi

Harpy: why are you marching on DC spy
#FreeTheDee: To Free the Dee
#FreeTheDee: Obama's on the dev team, right?
Harpy: lol
Jumpropeman: based on how much people thank him, I'd say he has his hands in most things
Harpy: then half the base doesn't play because "HOW DARE THIS SOCIALIST SCUM TAINT MY GLORIOUS GAME FROM NIPPON?!?"


SteelKomodo: zzzzzzzzz
Jumpropeman: night SK *tucks SK in*
SteelKomodo snores away
Jumpropeman: *puts SK's hand in warm water*
SteelKomodo: AAAAAH D:
Jumpropeman: IT'S NOT HOT
Harpy: what the
Harpy: this took a turn for the weird
SteelKomodo: it did


#FreeTheDee: I have 7 tabs of the Booty Boogie open
#FreeTheDee: This is my greatest challenge yet
Gooper Blooper: 7 tabs' worth is about a Celestia
#FreeTheDee: I don't see what you mean, Go-
#FreeTheDee changed name to Spy With A Much Nicer Ass
Harpy: uh
Harpy: now i'm creeped out
Spy With A Much Nicer Ass: I have become one with the booty
Spy With A Much Nicer Ass: Forget marching on Washington, I'm marching on a runway
Spy With A Much Nicer Ass has abandoned his morals and ideals in favor of the booty, and thusly the Dee is never freed. Sad ending.


Jumpropeman: Kraid 2: The Kraidening
Harpy: rc is crying
Harpy: i should totes call him to hear his reactions
Harpy: (i won't)
Spy, Having Rejected The Booty: Chao
Spy, Having Rejected The Booty: Your hacked game
Spy, Having Rejected The Booty: Does it have First Kraid in it
Harpy: ...
Harpy: *snickers*
Spy, Having Rejected The Booty: I told you about First Kraid bro. Warned ya dog
RubyChao: damn it first kraid
Harpy: *turns into a snickers bar*
RubyChao: i just wanted to play some metroid
Harpy: oh
RubyChao: i didn't need you and your spat with second kraid to get in on this
SteelKomodo: no wait
Harpy: i thought it was a pun
SteelKomodo: I think Zero Mission had a Fake Kraid
SteelKomodo: that you fought before taking on the actual Kraid
RubyChao: yeah
SteelKomodo: no, wait, I'm thinking Super Metroid
RubyChao: it's this guy tho
SteelKomodo: *Metroid
SteelKomodo: derp
RubyChao: (they both did, iirc)
SteelKomodo: oh
SteelKomodo: that guy
RubyChao: anyhow he just burst out of the lava acid and i jumped
SteelKomodo: "Why, oh, why was I born with such an obvious weak point?!"
Spy, Having Rejected The Booty: Remember when Kraid was Rocksteady with a mullet
SteelKomodo: not really, no


RubyChao: i like the part where a bunch of the rooms look the exact same


SteelKomodo: del's not here so he cannot share the madness
Gooper Blooper: ded del
SteelKomodo: but someone mixed Everybody to the Limit with Daft Punk's Random Access Memory album
Gooper Blooper: he'll show up on his tablet or 3DS or graphing calculator soon enough


Jumpropeman: I am probably the only person on the whole damn planet who thinks of Dr. Muto when people mention a character called Muto
Gooper Blooper: I have now remembered Dr. Muto


Gooper Blooper: the things you find on the interwebs
Draco: I didn't know Uncle Greg and Wids had a baby.
Jumpropeman: *does not integrate that into the theoretical Uncle Greg canon B|*


Cornwind Evil: I am sad the Lord never got to fight Kirby
Cornwind Evil: That would have been interesting
Cornwind Evil: Taking out horrors from beyond the voids that should in theory be way outside his weight class is what Kirby does.
Jumpropeman: Kirby has gained the power of endless bleak monologuing!
Cornwind Evil: Except he still can't talk
Harpy: oh my fucking god no
Cornwind Evil: So it's all just 'Beh beh beh beh beh...'
RubyChao: kirby writes out an endless bleak monologue
RubyChao: it fills an entire book
Gooper Blooper:


(Regarding Game of Thrones)

SteelKomodo: I remember the episode where they were discussing Joffrey and wondering if he was sexually frustrated
Harpy: what
SteelKomodo: and when Tyrion quipped "there's no cure for being a c***," I remember shouting out "BURN" or something to that effect
SteelKomodo: because seriously everyone wants that guy to die
SteelKomodo: everyone in my household
Harpy: how much of a cock is he, on a scale of cat to horizon
SteelKomodo: Just above Horizon level
Harpy: so Lord levels of cock, okay
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: kill him with nuclear suns
Draco: Nucular
Harpy: tublular
SteelKomodo: 2011 Retcon: The Lord was a giant phallus, and nobody could take him seriously
SteelKomodo: because lel giant phallus
Harpy: dongships


Draco: COOL. I've got a job for a month starting Monday. =U
Harpy: Sweet, gl!
Draco: Thanks!
Draco: You might get a call later, Harpy. I put you down as a professional reference.
Harpy: what
Harpy: i am not a reference, I NEVER HAD A JOB OR A HIGH POSITION
Harpy: HELP
Tableter: Tell em ur a professional rper
A MONSTER A MONSTER: Just speak of his excellent character
A MONSTER A MONSTER: Don't talk about Draco that will probably get him fired
Tableter: So only talk about flu the rodian then
SteelKomodo: lolz
Harpy: "hey so [draco] is really good with handling money, he made a mansion out of gold"


RubyChao: >​the random enemy music for the final area of 20F is the "roaming boss-level enemy" theme
RubyChao: i do not think this is a good sign


Gooper Blooper: today I learned that there are numerous rom hacks for Super Metroid that radically alter the level design
Harpy: wat
Gooper Blooper: they also tend to make the game substantially more difficult
Gooper Blooper: you'll never guess which user came to mind
RubyChao leans in closer
Gooper Blooper: "Super Metroid has several. Of the complete overhauls of the game, amongst the best are probably Super Metroid Redesign, Golden Dawn, Super Metroid Dependence, Super Metroid Limit, and Metroid Legacy. Other good ones include One Room, T-Metroid, Magma, and Reverse."
Gooper Blooper: "Redesign has a segment where you are required to go into the toxic regions of Norfair without the Varia Suit, and must progress rapidly and kill enemies in order to survive."
Harpy: Ruby is going to fucking play them all
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: it's like the other m HELL RUN
RubyChao: except without a bullshit reason
Harpy: ...ruby plz
Gooper Blooper: "Worth special mention is Super Metroid Impossible, a "slight" overhaul of the original game that, thanks to the withholding of crucial items and strategic placement of obstacles, brings it up to Kaizo Mario World levels of difficulty."
Harpy: we don't mention that nonexistent game here
Harpy: ...
Harpy: kaizo isn't fun
#FreeTheDee: . . .
Harpy: why would you
Harpy: what
#FreeTheDee: Go on, Goops
Gooper Blooper: "Redesign is absolutely gigantic, being maybe three times the size of the original game. Redesign is also unique among Super Metroid hacks for significantly altering the original game's physics, which makes playing it a significantly different experience from playing any other Metroid game."
RubyChao: i'm pretty sure i have a snes emulator lying around
Harpy: then get zsnes
SteelKomodo: awesome
Harpy: i have a fresh version of 1.42
RubyChao: lemme beat zero mission first
RubyChao: :V
Harpy: do you have to beat a third kraid
RubyChao: nah
RubyChao: i'm at ridley's lair
Harpy: make fun of ridley
Gooper Blooper: You beat Kraid and then another Kraid pops out like those russian nesting dolls
RubyChao: gonna pick it up later today after a little more lot2-ing
Harpy: ridley cries and flies off, samus wins
Waddler-D: I know that the Zero Mission Super Metroid is GREAT.
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: "zero mission super metroid"
Harpy: waddler you're encouraging him
RubyChao: wat
Harpy: also confusing him apparently
Gooper Blooper: Metroid Prime II: Return of Metroid Pinball Hunters


Harpy: nobody trust me with GMs
Saberwulf: pff
Gooper Blooper: you can't get ye flask
Harpy: because i would probably make the worst most adorable campaign ever
Gooper Blooper: "you all meet in a bakery"
Harpy: the worst that ever happens is that a hellhound bites you and drags you back home to play with it
SteelKomodo: lolz
Harpy: that'd be a cruel fate
Gooper Blooper: Exits are North, South, and Donut


Waddler-D: Wait...
Waddler-D: You... want to play Dark Souls? >​_>​'
Harpy: yes?
Harpy: i have a feeling of foreboding now


Harpy: wulf are you okay
Saberwulf: Yeah I'm chill now
Harpy: do i have to drive the invisible bus up there to help you feel better
SteelKomodo: The Invisibus
Gooper Blooper: bus is invisible all right
Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper: :<
RubyChao: goops why D:
SteelKomodo: D:
Harpy: :c
Saberwulf: TOO SOON


Saberwulf: I work from 9 to 4
Jumpropeman: 9 to 4? But now you can't sing classic working man songs about working 9 to 5!
Saberwulf: Well on Thursday I have to actually go in at 4, so I kind of can


Jumpropeman: I overanalyze everything about all the RP all the time
Jumpropeman: gotta keep on the up and up as the fitemaster
Jumpropeman: how can I know how hard someone will biff someone else if i don't understand the intricacies of their relationship with their girlfriend?


Draco murders Oceanus and Windanus.
Jumpropeman: Wind anus
A MONSTER A MONSTER: Wind Anus, the knockoff that appeared in that terrible X-rated film the Kobbers agreed to never speak about.
#FreeTheDee: I think the idea of a Zephyrus porn parody just killed Zephyrus for real
#FreeTheDee: Every line of code overwritten by NO
Jumpropeman: suddenly all the Dirk butt jokes have just taken a turn for the nasty
Draco: D'OH
Jumpropeman: at least now we have a way of limiting his strength in BBB4 :V
A MONSTER A MONSTER: Knowing the Adult industry, they likely did make one based on how much the Kobbers got in the news.
Jumpropeman: all he does is say no the whole time
Jumpropeman: while mystery fiter Daniel Bryan keeps saying yes
Jumpropeman: and Mac Tonight just says maybe
Jumpropeman: as if he'd show up in the next Brawl though :V
Draco: Little Mac Tonight
A MONSTER A MONSTER: I swear if you put Daniel Bryan in the Brawl every single character I have will invade to get him out
A MONSTER A MONSTER: I'm not joking, I will immediately throw everything into the Brawl to keep him safe
Harpy: mercury gator will suplex him
Harpy: then DDT him
Draco: Cornwind enters all of his ZFRP roster as one character, rolls up an entire cast the next day when Barkles defeats them all.
Harpy: and then finally toss him at the douchebag Triple H who signed him up for this shtick
Jumpropeman: don't worry Cornwind, I'd never put Bryan in a BBB
Jumpropeman: he'd be in the crowd instead, killed by some random missed attack
A MONSTER A MONSTER leaps and knees Jumpropeman in the face.
A MONSTER A MONSTER: *throws him down some stairs for good measure*
Jumpropeman: jokes on you! This is an escalator!
Harpy: you keep falling down on an upward escalator
Draco: I warned you, bro! I warned you about escalators!


Jumpropeman: I know what I'm getting Harpy for christmas
Jumpropeman: maybe chao too
Draco: Cory in the House merch?
Jumpropeman: damn skippy!
Harpy: get me a jumpropeman doll
Jumpropeman: I would pay so much for a doll of me
Jumpropeman: 4, NO.... 5 DOLLARS EVEN!
Draco: =O


Harpy: i am so sad that i failed my bet so hard, I only got a chocolate bar as a consolation prize instead of Cory in the House
Jumpropeman: you really are missing out


Harpy joined the chat
Jumpropeman: oh snap, hi harpy!
Jumpropeman: I was just talking to Harpy
Harpy: many harpies
Harpy: i am hapry the second
Jumpropeman: well I am hapry to meet you


Jumpropeman: Having a shared restroom this year makes me never want to shake a man's hand again


Draco eats Harpy's gambling winnings.
Harpy: i never gambled
Jumpropeman: hence his starvation!
Harpy: starved for cash
Draco: That's not what my friend Hershey says.
Jumpropeman: oh snappers!
Harpy: i'll get the hersheys during physics
Jumpropeman: he did not just eat your copy of Cory in the House did he
Harpy: (i hate that class for so many reasons)
Harpy: he totally ate it
Draco: It tasted like bobbleheads.
#FreeTheDee: But did you ever 100% it
Jumpropeman: NO >​>​>​>​>​>​>​>​>​>​>​>​>​>​>​>: ((((((((((((((((((((((((​(((((((
Harpy: you're making jrm depressed you monster
Jumpropeman: worst game glitch ever >:I
Harpy: :C
Jumpropeman: *watches the smoosh face gif for the next few hours to calm down*


Jumpropeman: PRO TIP
Jumpropeman: Never pon a panel when you can panel a pon
Harpy: hur
Harpy: also attack the tetris, don't tetris the attack
Harpy: wait that's wrong, totally tetris the attack
Harpy: like missiles up and clear them with 4 lines of them
Jumpropeman: that's how we intend to implement nuclear nonproliferation
Draco sterilizes the Tetris panels after Harpy pwns them.
Harpy: welp


Saberwulf: So SOE announced the new MMO that's probably what John Smedley said was made especially for fans of Star Wars Galaxies
Saberwulf: It's a zombie MMO
Saberwulf: Hmm
Saberwulf: I'm not sure John Smedley understands what a fan of SWG is


RubyChao: goddamn mother brain
RubyChao: her room has so many bullets it feels like i'm playing touhou
Gooper Blooper: I've got a save file on Zero Mission of me at Mother Brain on Hard difficulty
Gooper Blooper: I was trying to beat it long, long ago to unlock the sound test
Gooper Blooper: Didn't have significant trouble until THAT BRAIN


RubyChao: ahahah
RubyChao: apparently hunters doesn't feature any metroids at all
Draco: Metroid minus Metroid


RubyChao: "If you don't get the best ending in Hunters, then the Big Bad's spaceship blows up with Samus still on it, killing her."
Gooper Blooper: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: that's a lot worse than her deciding not to do a striptease for you
Draco: That's the canon ending since Other M happens next in the timeline.
Gooper Blooper: lel


Draco: Battle theme for Numeronomy
Gooper Blooper: the most intense battle theme
Gooper Blooper: Not even Sarah eats pure sugar straight from the jar, jesus johnny
RubyChao: but does she eat pure peanut butter
Gooper Blooper: she probably tried to do so at least once
SteelKomodo: Lel
RubyChao: good
Gooper Blooper: sarah sarah yes mama
RubyChao: peanut butter from the jar is pretty great if it's the right kind
SteelKomodo: Good, peanut butter is awesome


Gooper Blooper: Made a new blog post that describes some of the things Silence is planning on doing to people
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure her finisher would kill someone if actually used in real life
RubyChao: utsuho fights silence
Harpy: henry vs. silence
RubyChao: "Huh... Why am I getting deja vu?"
SteelKomodo: WELP D:
SteelKomodo: Silence vs. THE TUSK
SteelKomodo: And before you ask, no I cannot seem to type THE TUSK any other way :U
Gooper Blooper: I've used that kind of special typing before
Gooper Blooper: Once I caught this big beetle and I named it COLOSSUS. The all-caps, bold, and italics were required.
RubyChao: i remember COLOSSUS
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
RubyChao: we lost a great hero the day he died ;-;7
Gooper Blooper: no one forgets COLOSSUS
SteelKomodo: ;_;7
RubyChao: in a shocking twist, COLOSSUS appears as Stag Beetle's spirit mentor
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Going by insect lifespans, no matter how you slice it almost everything in The Swarm should be dead by now
Gooper Blooper: but I can't do it
RubyChao: they went on an offseason adventure and were granted very long lives by Elohim
RubyChao: there you go, goops
Gooper Blooper: I had at one point wanted to write a story about how The Swarm got from Florida to Manhattan in 2012
Gooper Blooper: It was going to be an Incredible Journey parody
Gooper Blooper: because instead of a heartwarming tale of cattes and doges returning to their owners it's a bunch of bugs


Draco throws a Whiffle Ball at JRM.
Jumpropeman: JRM caught! Would you like to give a nickname to your new JRM?
Draco: Yes.
Draco nicknames it aaaddvgfgq3, like TPP would.
Jumpropeman changed name to aaaddvgfgq3

aaaddvgfgq3: aaaddvgfgq3 was transferred to Someone's PC!
Harpy: aalkjfljlsakj
aaaddvgfgq3: you'll never see it again! It's in someone else's computer!
Draco: Was it Harpy's PC?
aaaddvgfgq3: not yours!
Draco: HARPY, DO YOU HAVE MY aaaddvgfgq3?
aaaddvgfgq3: I probably shouldn't be talking, I should just be saying my name
aaaddvgfgq3: aaaddvgfgq3! aaaddvgfgq3!
Draco: Dammit, Spy! This is all YOUR fault.
Draco: I knew we shouldn't have let a Canadian program this Pokemon game. >​=(

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