Sunday, March 18, 2012

Glossary of Magic (SARAH USES LIFE)

This post is for reference - both myself and others - concerning the many magic spells Sarah and Celestia have used. I also wanted a place to provide details on Sarah's magic, such as situations where she can't revive people.


Aero – A low-level wind magic spell.

Blizzard, Blizzara, and Blizzaga – Ice spells.

Break – Petrifies the enemy, turning them to stone. Hilariously unlikely to actually work.

Fire, Fira, and Firaga – Fire spells.

Flare – A powerful non-elemental spell. Celestia will sometimes combine Flare with an elemental spell to create her own version of Sarah’s Judgement Bolt.

Haste – Boosts the speed of the target.

Quake – Creates a disruption in the earth. The power of the spell can be adjusted by the caster, depending on whether they want to dig a small hole or bury an enemy.

Temper – Boosts the physical strength of the target. Aside from its obvious uses in combat, Temper can also be used to lift or move heavy objects by strengthening the people moving it.

Thunder, Thundara, and Thundaga – Electricity spells. Sarah can also cast these if she's holding Thor's Hammer.

Warp – Identical to Sarah’s Exit spell.


Blink, Invis, and Invisira – These spells make the target invisible to the naked eye. Blink only works on the user. Invis works on one target. Invisira acts on everyone in a small area around the caster.

Cure, Cura, and Curaga – Heals the target. Cure fixes minor cuts and scrapes, Cura can handle bigger wounds, and Curaga is for heavy-duty injuries.

Dia, Diara, and Diaga – These spells heavily damage the undead and demonic, but don’t work at all on normal living things. Sarah will sometimes use Dia to check for dark taint, or she'll take advantage of the sparkles her healing and Dia spells make and use it as a signal, like a road flare.

Esuna, Poisona, and Stona – Esuna helps relieve the target of any negative afflictions like burns and hangovers. Poisona only works on poisonings, and Stona only works on petrification. Even when not afflicted, or if the status cannot be cured by Esuna, casting Esuna will still help reduce fevers and calm the target.

Exit – Allows Sarah to jump from one location to another. Unlike the more well-known Sifter used by Sine and Zephyrus, Exit is extremely limited – the user can only jump a short distance (about a mile maximum) and cannot cross dimensions or travel through time. This also means there's no Bleed disruption or dimension-twisting or Jumpropeman aggravating.

Float – Allows for brief, semi-controlled flight. Lasts for about two minutes, and can be called off early. Can be cast on other objects for a sort of telekinesis.

Holy and Holyja – A very strong offensive attack that deals loads of damage to anything weak against holy magic.

Life (aka Raise) – Alongside the Cure family and Holy, this is Sarah's most frequently-used spell. If it works, Life calls the target's soul back into their corpse, allowing them to live again.

Mini – Shrinks the target to one fourth of their usual size. Effect lasts a few hours, and is much more likely to succeed if the target wishes to be shrunk (because otherwise we would win every fight by making Sarah cast Mini on the bad guys).

NulFire, NulShock, and NulBlaze – These spells form a protective barrier against fire, electricity, and ice, respectively. The barriers can be kept up for a long time unless under extreme stress (such as a constant, unyielding flamethrower attack).

Protect and Shell – Protect creates a shield that can withstand weak-to-medium physical blows. Shell wards off magic attacks. Like the Nul spells, they can be kept up with minimal effort as long as nothing is actively attacking, but once under pressure Sarah has to drop the shield before long.

Silence – If successful, renders the target unable to speak, also preventing magic casting and speechcraft. An extreme, desperate effort can break through the spell.


Sarah and Celestia's magic runs off of an inner energy force called mana (similar to but not the same as the power of the earth Gamera draws from). If either of them is out of mana, their spells will fail and useless sparks will shoot from their hands when they try to cast magic anyway.

Mana is recovered by drinking an Ether potion or by sleeping. A bottle of Ether restores a fair amount of mana, and a good night's sleep fully replenishes it.


Both Sarah and Celestia can "dual-wield" spells, but only in certain circumstances. Sarah can cast one spell from her body and a Thunder spell from Thor's Hammer, but she can't do two Holy spells or two Curaga spells at once. Celestia can use two elemental spells at once if she has her staff, or one elemental spell and one additional spell.

Sarah can keep one of her shielding spells up while casting other magic (even if she decides to use Judgement Bolt), but it's weaker and easier to break if she does this.


There are certain situations where Sarah cannot heal or revive a character.

-The body is chopped up into many pieces
-The body has burnt up or disintegrated
-The body is not physically present for her to cast magic on (moved elsewhere, etc)
-The injured character is undead, demonic, or otherwise harmed by white magic (Jumpropeman, Designate_5, Shuma Gorath, etc). Partial demons like Eddie and Devil Ed are exempt.
-The injured character is a robot or otherwise inorganic (golems, spirits, etc)
-The body is very large and heavily damaged, and Sarah is not given unlimited time to help
-The killer has some sort of anti-revival power (Jaxx and the Lord both did this)
-There has been a long period between death and Sarah’s discovery of the body (long enough for the body to rot)
-The dead character is very old for their species (Q, etc). Immortals like Erebus and Jaxx are exempt.
-The soul of the character is unable to enter the body. If the soul has been destroyed, moved to another body, or is being held captive, Sarah can't bring them back.

I hope I've limited their magic enough, particularly the low success rate for the status spells. I don't want Sarah and Celestia to be considered overpowered, and they often got their asses kicked in RP battles since for all their magic neither is very well-armored (Sarah during the WarMechs, Regal, and Terminators, Celestia during Servitor).

1 comment:

  1. This will be very helpful during Fite Yer' Mates next year! Knowing what magic and what limitations they have helps immensely, so I'll be able to right them much better! And, from now on, Sarah's eyes have permanent NulFire cast on them in my arena >_>

    (electricity on the other hand... :P)
