Sunday, April 20, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 125: Everyone's A Winner

RubyChao: "I think it would be really cool if Nintendo added Angry Birds to the roster of playable SSB characters"
RubyChao: why


Saberwulf: Oh no, I just got the cutest image of tiny, be-horned Zoe wearing a cape and riding around on David's back while they listen to terrible blaring music
Saberwulf: "Jesus christ turn that shit off you'll make her deaf David"
Tableter: Babby zoey gotta go fast
RubyChao: david is the best dad except for the ways in which he's the worst dad
Saberwulf: Honestly David's only a bad dad because he leaves all of his kids
Harpy: david at least smoke weed with your kids twice a week
Saberwulf: And even then, of his kids with Jasmine only Absalom considers him bad
Saberwulf: But fucky Abby he's a shite and won't put a shirt on
Harpy: "daddy why are you naked" "So i can feel the breeze between my thighs, lassie!"
Harpy: oh deear i just said that
Harpy: the purge begins with me
Saberwulf: LEWD
Harpy: 2lewd
Saberwulf: David is always conveniently censored by the environment
Saberwulf: When there is no environment, he manifests a fig leaf
Tableter: Not a kobber appropriate story >:I
Saberwulf: "The leaf was canon, funnily enough"
RubyChao: David stands out in the middle of space completely naked, a miniature asteroid belt forms to censor him
Saberwulf: ^
Harpy: i'd be scared if that happened in the house
Harpy: "honey, why are asteroids circling around our house?"
Saberwulf: "I just wanted to take a shower you assholes!"
Saberwulf: #Justdavidthings
Tableter: Now im imagining all the stories jonesy would tell to conrad to traumatise him
Tableter: "and thats how your dad died the third time" "D:"
RubyChao: "And there was the time your daddy stabbed his evil friend in the face and was sucked into Hell!"
Harpy: jonesy you're the worst mom
Saberwulf: "Don't be like your dad he got exploded, like, seventeen times" "ok mom" *becomes a cop*
Tableter: "And then there was the time we played Jumanji."
Harpy: then again sarah would feed her kids sugar all the time
Saberwulf: "This is eclair, that's crepe, and this little type is glucose injection!"
RubyChao: alex tries to think of a good bedtime story for his kids
Saberwulf: "Time to check your blood sugar, kids!"
RubyChao: "Why don't you tell them something from one of your adventures?"
Harpy: Stella would advise him not to tell any gory stories
RubyChao: *flashbacks to all of Alex's rather dark adventures*
RubyChao: "...Let's not."
Harpy: because Stella has a shred of decency
Harpy: I know Stella will raise her kid and let Raiden babysit on weekends
Cornwind Evil: Sine tells Conrad the story of the time she and Jonesy and Erebus played laser tag
Harpy: and as of right now i have no idea whether that means mgs raiden or mk raiden
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Unlike that other time when they played laser tag when the city was burning down.
Saberwulf: I like how we went over the years from "no character kids" to "okay how many kids do they have and how awful of a parent are they"
Harpy: Stella would have two
Harpy: and she would invite everybody to their birthday parties
RubyChao: Samus opens up an invitation
RubyChao: "...Who's Stella?"
Tableter: We have changed wulf, and not strictly for the better
RubyChao: but conrad
Harpy: i will never use RP kids
Harpy: if i use them it will be hard to tell they are from an RP couple
RubyChao: "Alec Troden"
RubyChao: original character do not steal
Tableter: Conrad is conRAD tho
Tableter: (Huge dork)
Saberwulf: I imagine Conrad does that thing Jaxx does where he does martial arts moves and one-liners in the mirror and it's awkward when people walk in
Tableter: He totally does
Harpy: welp
Saberwulf: *David slithers out of the air vent* "Haha what's poppin' ya big nerd"
RubyChao: David's bones were known for their remarkable lack of rigidness
RubyChao: "Check it out I can make my arm into a spiral"
Saberwulf: Oh, I can insert a David funfact here
RubyChao: "shit what am i supposed to name this one." *looks at sword* "...wait, i have an idea"
Saberwulf: David's bones are not only semi-flexible and lightweight, he also has many more bones than the average human, allowing him to do his famous bowl of spaghetti impression
Saberwulf: Though this also means its pretty easy to break his bones
Harpy: he probably has twice as many bones
Harpy: break him like a kit kat bar
Tableter: I am beginning to think david is a sentient, ambulatory idea
Tableter: That enables him to do the things he does
Harpy: that also makes him immortal
Saberwulf: It's scattered throughout my writing and I've talked about it in chatzy before, but somehow over the years David has kind of become a manifested concept
Saberwulf: This is mostly seen through his unexplainable immortality and that he's the Hub's Bodhisattva of wealth despite not deserving the title at all
Harpy: its explainable if you explain it as a manifested concept


Saberwulf: Shit I forgot what I was doing
Saberwulf: wait, no, that's it
Saberwulf: Tabletop posting while listening to anime music on loop, heart heavy that those fuckers in ouran WON'T KISS GODDAMNIT IT YOU WERE SO CLOSE
Saberwulf drowns in sea of idiocy
Harpy: kiss kiss tabletops
Saberwulf: But for reals
Saberwulf: Fucking cop out
Harpy: that doesn't sound like you wulf
Harpy: did you turn into a girl
Saberwulf: Much like David, I am merely a concept that does not conform to your gender roles
Saberwulf: Also I'm like the white version of two spirit anyway so ANIME KISSING
Gooper Blooper: NOW KISS *smooshes action figures together*
Saberwulf: Like I don't care if I'm a six foot german guy who's about to be tatted up I still make loud schreeching noises and cry when I watch ouran
Harpy: lel


Gooper Blooper: I want to do a HERE COMES A NEW CHARACTER blog thing for Silence like I did Myriam and Viola, but I've had trouble starting it, although I know what I want to do
Gooper Blooper: (no she doesn't go to the library)
Harpy: have silence go suplex a dude
Gooper Blooper: THE BOOKMOBILE
RubyChao: silence opens the door, gloria is standing there
Cornwind Evil: She runs into my D&D villain
RubyChao: "Have you heard about the word - THE WORDS IN BOOKS, THAT IS"


RubyChao: just to check is it normal for blogpost writing to feel like i'm having to fight myself every step to get words on paper without thinking "they're terrible must try again"
Gooper Blooper: Not EVERY step
Gooper Blooper: Occasionally it clicks and off I go
Cornwind Evil: As my latest effort shows
Cornwind Evil: Sometimes its better to get shit down and repair later
Cornwind Evil: Then just stare at the screen
RubyChao: well hopefully i can get that soon
RubyChao sneaks up behind Goops to steal his power
Gooper Blooper manifests power as a partner a la kirby super star
Gooper Blooper: I don't know where I'm going with this
RubyChao and Goops confront the final boss: The Time Limit To RP Start
RubyChao: neither do I lol


RubyChao: i love how dying in metroid has become "jobbing" for all of us :V
Gooper Blooper: RP does strange and magical things, chao


Harpy: my first post
Harpy: *Apollo walks in, holding a newspaper claiming that carol and sine are getting married next month*
Cornwind Evil: My first post is Sine shows up
Cornwind Evil: Bumps into Samus
Cornwind Evil: Her armor explodes
Harpy: *clearly the newspaper is made by myriam*
Cornwind Evil: should really have Celestia look at that.
Gooper Blooper: I thought Apollo wasn't appearing until later in the year
RubyChao: first post is utsuho flying out of nowhere to smooch pit
RubyChao: jrm faints in joy
Harpy: well i changed my mind
Harpy: apollo is the sun
Harpy: he is the first to rise
RubyChao: Harpy the Fickle
Gooper Blooper: New mental image based on Cornwind's idea
Harpy: i am as fickle as a cat, everybody should know this
Gooper Blooper: The air lock hisses dramatically, Samus confidently striding in
Gooper Blooper: that fanfare plays
Gooper Blooper: Sine bumps into her, record needle scratch, pile of armor on the floor
RubyChao: "...And I just fixed it, too."
Gooper Blooper: They share an awkward moment of silence before Samus stiffly walks to the bar and orders a drink
Cornwind Evil: Better yet
Cornwind Evil: Carol bumps into her
Cornwind Evil: Same result
Cornwind Evil: And then
Gooper Blooper: *electric whirr*
RubyChao: not gonna lie, that'd be pretty funny
Cornwind Evil: "Welcome back, Samus! But I'm afraid I've got some SAD NEWS."
Cornwind Evil: "Your reputation preceeds you, and with the nature of the tractor, who knows if you can even BEGIN to repair it! You have a worst fite record than ME, and THAT'S really saying something! Thank you!"


Saberwulf: There's no way you can tell me these pics aren't dead on for Sine
Cornwind Evil: Yes! Yes they are!
Cornwind Evil: *grabs them*
Gooper Blooper: Holy shit that bottom one!
Gooper Blooper: She's even wearing a black top!
Saberwulf: Like even the expression on number 2 is perfect


Gooper Blooper: if fernando had beaten samus I just
RubyChao: if fernando had beaten her i would have done a bit where she walked out and to her ship completely silently
RubyChao: and then
RubyChao: everyone would have seen a nearby uninhabited planet explode
RubyChao: or at least an asteroid but a planet would be cooler :V
Gooper Blooper: Is the implication there that she went down to the planet and killed aliens until she found one that triggered a self-destruct
RubyChao: yes, and this time she was triggering the self-destruct on purpose
Gooper Blooper: samad
RubyChao: samus's anger would have only been released through the destruction of an entire planet


Harpy: i smell coffee
Gooper Blooper: My mom just filled her coffee maker in preparation for tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: harpy's sense of smell is top-notch
Harpy: damn


Del: so i suggested this to wulf
Del: and now i bring it to you
Del: take the kobbers and switch their home genres around randomly
Del: so jonesy becomes a noir detective, david has "fantasy" written on one of his fake birth certs somewhere, sarah gets power armor
Del: that sort of thing
SteelKomodo: hmmmm
SteelKomodo: Pit snorts hypercoke and turns into a Sassy Black Lady somehow
SteelKomodo: whilst Dirk... um, i dunno what to do with Dirk
Jumpropeman: Dirk is a childish sniper from a terrible world with an affinity for pets
SteelKomodo: lolz


#FrizzleTheDizzle: "If I'm looking in front of me and I say, 'If the person [in front of me] leans back the seat, I'll be uncomfortable,' I don't lean back the seat."
#FrizzleTheDizzle: John Cena status - A Nice Person
#FrizzleTheDizzle: "Roman Reigns: Oooooh, bees. I feel like I could run away from the bees. Not the bear. I think it would walk me down. And then [bears] like climb trees and stuff, too, so like I think the bees would be the best way to go. I'd jump in water or something. And that's happened to me before. I ended up butt-naked, running through my front yard. So yeah, I think I could handle that better than a bear."


Del: i made the post
Del: i did it
SteelKomodo: yuss
Del: i fukin ddid it
Del ded
Del: dedel
Del changed name to Dedleter
Jumpropeman: RIP Del
Jumpropeman: now let's sortout his will
Jumpropeman: *del leaves one bone to everyone*
SteelKomodo: #Skeletons
Dedleter: enough bones amongst you to make a full SKELETON
Jumpropeman: DIY Del: remake del out of his bones!
Dedleter: Del Night - play this horde mode of semi-questionable entertainment value, get hats
SteelKomodo: XD
Dedleter: if you win, I'M THE FINAL BOSS
Dedleter: i gave one of the npc units in my game "Aspect: Holy Shit, Bears!"


Jumpropeman: remember that time Donkey Kong...
Jumpropeman: Punched the fucking moon out of orbit?
#FrizzleTheDizzle: YES
Jumpropeman: 4:30
Gooper Blooper: ohhhh bananaaa


Harpy: i love silence
Gooper Blooper: Most of my characters are good fighters because of crazy weapons or loads of magic
Gooper Blooper: I wanted to have one that just fucked shit up
Harpy: if sophia was still here she'd be brawn sisters with silence
RubyChao: i have "crazy weapon", "loads of magic", "crazy powers", and "a rock"
RubyChao: coverin' all the bases brother
Gooper Blooper: "I got nuclear power!" "I got the Screw Attack!" "I got a rock"


RubyChao: would you guys like to know about the swapnote goops drew for me after BBB3
SteelKomodo: Pls
Gooper Blooper: yes, tell them
Jumpropeman: do tell *sips tea*
Jumpropeman: *spits out tea because I hate tea*
RubyChao: first page is General Cleft lying in a big FIRST PLACE trophy (in the bowl that is)
Harpy: goops
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: second page is Utsuho happily hoisting up a medium-sized Third Place trophy
Harpy: you shoulda told me your code earlier
Harpy: qq
SteelKomodo: :3
RubyChao: third page is Samus throwing away a small trophy
RubyChao: final page is a zoom-in on the trophy
Harpy: ahaha
RubyChao: "Everyone's a Winner"
SteelKomodo: XD
Jumpropeman: You're Winner!
SteelKomodo: A Winner Is You
Gooper Blooper: PARTICIPANT
Gooper Blooper: I remember Field Day in elementary school, there were ribbons given out for events
Gooper Blooper: I got a lot of PARTICIPANTs
RubyChao: i have a pile of PARTICIPANT ribbons somewhere


RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: give me a planet designation
RubyChao: like SR-388
Jumpropeman: FYM-94
Harpy: SK-1993
Jumpropeman: =V
Gooper Blooper: STB-1973
SteelKomodo: ZF-014
RubyChao: pffft goops
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
Jumpropeman: should have gone with BOO-085
Jumpropeman: BOO-85, rather
Gooper Blooper: BU-775
Jumpropeman: PEN-15
RubyChao: wow jrm wow
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao bans jrm
SteelKomodo: goops: Dirkplanet
Jumpropeman: Del says it and you throw him a parade. I say it and I get put on the naughty stool :I
Harpy: BOO-7Y
RubyChao: Planet 455-E5


RubyChao: i have five notepad windows open at once
RubyChao changed name to Shadow the Chao


SteelKomodo: i don't think I could touch another pizza this week
SteelKomodo: after that massive dominos I had today
SteelKomodo: And this is strange because normally I love pizza :U
Gooper Blooper: pizzapocalypse
Jumpropeman: im getting hungry for a pizza now
Gooper Blooper: Dirk and Josephine get high and stumble into a pizza place
Gooper Blooper: what survives?
SteelKomodo: Nothing :U
Jumpropeman: even Dirk and Josephine die that day
Gooper Blooper: she shouldn't have eaten that salt shaker
Harpy: im gonna go get pizza
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha


#FrizzleTheDizzle butts
#FrizzleTheDizzle butts and butts and butts
Harpy: you can't butt enough
#FrizzleTheDizzle buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbutt
#FrizzleTheDizzle buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​buttbuttbuttbuttbuttbutt​
Cornwind Evil: I think he's butted enough
#FrizzleTheDizzle changed name to I
I changed name to T
T changed name to S
S changed name to B
B changed name to U
U changed name to T
T changed name to S
S changed name to M
M changed name to A
A changed name to N

Harpy: alkdfjiljkatopklhagskj
N: . . . Wait a minute the T doesn't repeat does it
N: Chatzy name changes don't work that way . . . craaap I lose
Shadow the Chao changed name to S
S changed name to P
P changed name to Y
Y changed name to L
L changed name to O
O changed name to S
S changed name to E
E changed name to S
S changed name to RubyChao

N 's fate is sealed by the letters the Unown spell
N dies a horrible bloody death
N is buried in creepypasta cliches

RubyChao: sheading blody tears
N changed name to The Blood Spy
The Blood Spy stabs Chao through the chest
The Blood Spy . Hear my cry

Cornwind Evil: ENOUGH
Cornwind Evil blasts everyone with a normalization ray.
Cornwind Evil: Now we will talk about normal Chatzy things!
The Blood Spy: CW, no, you fool!
The Blood Spy: Don't you know I'm never norma-
The Blood Spy left the chat


SKELETON KING joined the chat
SteelKomodo: ey del
SteelKomodo: I AM


Saberwulf: I had a bacon grilled cheese at the work cafe a few days ago, it was really good
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Harpy: "bacon grilled cheese"
Harpy: "bacon grilled"
Harpy: "bacon"
Harpy: honey, you had me at bacon ;P


SteelKomodo: in my dream, i was at this futuristic theme park where you could stand in these cubicles and be scanned
SteelKomodo: and you'd get 3D models of you done of you as if you were a baby or of the opposite sex or whatever
SteelKomodo: it would have been cool if not for two things
SteelKomodo: 1) You could buy printed photos of the results, but I had no money and Jake was flaunting it by buying all of them
Harpy: goddamn it del
Del: top cat
Saberwulf: Buying them minatures
SteelKomodo: 2) There was this girl I really wanted to talk to, but every time I got near this fucking tarantula showed up and chased me around trying to bite me
Harpy: what the fuck tarantula
Saberwulf: Arachblocked
SteelKomodo: like the fucking Spinosaurus from Jurassic Park 3
Del: opposite gender me is going on the mantlepiece
Harpy: jake plz
Del: when anyone asks
Del: i just nod
Del: and then talk about the weather
Del: or small town sports team


Serious Business joined the chat
Del: srs business is afoot
Serious Business: Good evening gentlemen.
Serious Business: How are your perfectly ordinary days today.
SteelKomodo: good
SteelKomodo: yours?
Serious Business: It has been decent.
Serious Business: I haven't been the same since the normalization ray.
SteelKomodo: ...what D:
SteelKomodo changed name to iKomodo
Del changed name to Tableter
Tableter: Hullo spy
Serious Business: Greetings Delmond
Tableter: We must inject the fun back into spy
Tableter: Prepare the party bomb
Serious Business: No, then how will I get business done D:
Jumpropeman: don't worry, I know how to cure spy of any ailments
Jumpropeman: give him a bit of the dong
Serious Business changed name to S*rious Bus*ness
S*rious Bus*ness cracks start to form in the armor

iKomodo: It's working =D
Jumpropeman: gotta hit him with something harder
iKomodo: I know just the thing!
S*rious Bus*ness changed name to Spyri**s Bus**e*ss
Jumpropeman: there's only one thing more powerful than dong
Jumpropeman: it's ogre now
Spyri**s Bus**e*ss changed name to RedSpy
iKomodo: Yessssssss
Jumpropeman: Eureka!
RedSpy emerges from cocoon like a beautiful buttfly
Jumpropeman: stupid sexy buttfly


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: hi goops!
Harpy: Goops!
Jumpropeman: hail gooper blooper
Harpy: *hugs goops*
Jumpropeman: how does it feel to have fangirls goops? :V
Harpy: i'm the only fangirl
iKomodo: Ey gewps
Harpy: unless ruby and spy suddenly got boobs
Jumpropeman: chao and spy are gender fluid when it comes to goops love
Harpy: i respect your decisions to be a girl and a boy whenever you want you two
Harpy: gl
RedSpy: I have the greatest breasts in the chatzy tyvm
RedSpy: I fried 'em up for dinner yesterday
Harpy: oh my god
RedSpy changed name to RedSpy With Chicken Breast
Jumpropeman: you had the greatest breasts then
Harpy: how could you cannibalize your own tits
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: Breasts in my stomach are still breasts!
Harpy: this is disgusting
Jumpropeman: no sir, they are now poop
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: So you're saying . . .
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: I have shitty breasts?
Harpy: yes
Jumpropeman: damn straight i am B|
Gooper Blooper: I come back from review mode to something magical
Harpy: least its not something awful
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: Wait what happened in review mode
Gooper Blooper: Nothing, it's just everyone always wants to look at it
Harpy: goops is reviewing everything
Jumpropeman: gotta enjoy that premium while it lasts
Gooper Blooper: what did you guys say three hours ago, it's Very Important
Jumpropeman: don't want to miss Del saying penis


RedSpy With Chicken Breast: GOOPS WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT
Gooper Blooper: what did I do
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: invisibus
Gooper Blooper: I couldn't help it
Gooper Blooper: m-maybe he'll read it and c-come b-back


Tableter: I have vanished from chatzy madness
Tableter: I must retire into the shadows
Tableter: And prepare my comeback
Jumpropeman: i spend entire months absent from chatzy madness
Jumpropeman: but that's because I spend entire months absent from chatzy
iKomodo: Lolz
Tableter: True
Tableter: But i dont have that excuse
Jumpropeman: maybe you gotta mix it up more
Jumpropeman: talk about butts
Jumpropeman: that'll be fresh and new
Tableter: Thats all we got


RedSpy With Chicken Breast: Hmmm
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: I wonder if I'll mix things up today
Gooper Blooper: Watch the old 2D Donkey Kong non-Country cartoon?
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: Nah, too obvious
RubyChao: there was another donkey kong cartoon?
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: here is a very pink webpage that will tell you all about it
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: >​Animal abuse
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: Jesus D:
Gooper Blooper: that episode title pun tho
Jumpropeman: incidentally, i think the original story was that DK was mario's pet who got fed up with his treatment of him and kidnapped his girlfriend pauline
Jumpropeman: so, DK's always been a victim
RedSpy With Chicken Breast: I FOUND IT
Tableter: And thusly the bucket of dirk
Gooper Blooper: it wasn't easy!
Tableter: But he did it
Jumpropeman: this cartoon is painful
Gooper Blooper: "You're familiar with the frequency in which Scrappy Doo shouted "Puppy Power," right? DK Junior shouts his version even more frequently. Before he does just about anything strenuous, like maybe eating a piece of french bread that has a hard crust, he yells out "MONKEEEEY MUSCLE!!" He just can't resist. There must be a deleted scene where Junior was in the restroom screaming "MONKEEEEY MUSCLE!!" over and over."


(Spy posts a picture of himself)

Jumpropeman: OH SNAPPERS
Jumpropeman: minus the balaclava and red clothing of course
RubyChao: dammit spy
RubyChao: now i have to stop imagining you as Hulk Hogan
Gooper Blooper: here's me on vacation, it was great until some asshole showed up and got in my grill
Tableter: Hahaha
RubyChao: what a jerk
Jumpropeman: i think you overdid the sunblock on your face a wee bit there
Gooper Blooper: I burn easy
Gooper Blooper: of course he washed it all off just to be a dick


Harpy: this should be illegal
RubyChao: why do you taunt me harpy
RubyChao: why
Gooper Blooper: I see no legality issue
Harpy: it should be illegal because its making me hungry for the rest of my hersheys
Gooper Blooper: all chocolate is meant to be eaten
Gooper Blooper: it is its destiny
Gooper Blooper: ./sarah waxing philosophical
Jumpropeman: there's that episode of spongebob where mr. krabs sells his soul to be able to talk to money, and the money all wants to be spent. I want to see that, but instead with Sarah selling her soul to talk to chocolate


Harpy: DO NOT
Harpy: DO IT

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