Monday, April 7, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 121: I Have All the Booty I Need

Mewrio: I had a Pit, too
Mewrio: I was SO close
RubyChao: >​pit flanked by utsuhos
RubyChao: *eyebrows*


Harpy: apparently i got a girl named sophia tryin to send me junk mail about talkin about sex
Harpy: sophia you're better than this, go lift some weights


Harpy: i have an important question
Harpy: can Pit use photostop well
SteelKomodo: hmmmm
SteelKomodo: maybe :U
Harpy: i ask because a gag involves pit threatening to show josephine dirk's baby photos
Harpy: "NOOO- wait I don't have any! I was split from you 2 years ago, you idiot!"


IT: But this is our house :(
SteelKomodo: :(
John_Freeman felt sorry for them.
John_Freeman blow up the house and kills the zombie goasts so they are at piece.
IT changed name to REST
REST changed name to IN

SteelKomodo: D:


Mrgrgr: So I stumbled across some miscellaneous information on Myriam Scuttlebutt earlier today and uh
Mrgrgr: Capcom has given her an official height
Harpy: what
Mrgrgr: she's shorter than Sarah
Harpy: ...
Harpy: d'aaaw
Mrgrgr: 4 foot 9
SteelKomodo: WELP
Harpy: super d'aaaw
SteelKomodo: SO MUCH WELP
Mrgrgr: (Sarah's one inch taller than that)


Mrgrgr: 6 days to wrestlemania with CW's sanity on the line
Mrgrgr: the tension, the drama
Cornwind Evil: I swear I will toxx myself
Draco: No, Cornwind! You have so much to live for! So many of Red's matches to be disappointed with! D=


(Regarding Chrono Trigger)

SteelKomodo: ugh i hate moments in games like this
SteelKomodo: when everyone blames the hero for something because they're fuckwits
Mrgrgr: douchewaddles
Mrgrgr: fartknobs
Mrgrgr: whoopsyknickers
SteelKomodo: cockbungling dirtchuckers


Mrgrgr: twitch plays touhou, streamer gives them infinite lives
Mrgrgr: running tally of lives used is shown onscreen
RubyChao: hits 100 by the stage 1 boss


Nyxleter: random war of the worlds fact
Nyxleter: the thunder child is a torpedo ram, a type of ironclad designed to smash through harbor defences and cause havoc
Nyxleter: this happened literally once
Nyxleter: the thunder child is literally the most successful torpedo ram ever
Nyxleter: because putting a very expensive ship in a very narrow area with a very dangerous goal isn't a good idea
SteelKomodo: welp
SteelKomodo: also really? Shit, didn't know that
Nyxleter: true fact!
SteelKomodo: pity the actual game was rubbish, but oh well :U
Nyxleter: i think another one rammed a friendly ship by accident as well
Nyxleter: i also find it funny that the martians blow up a single ironclad and everyone just throws their hands in the air, as if the rest of the world or the entire british navy doesn't exist
SteelKomodo: D:
Nyxleter: welp lost the shittiest ship ever devised, guess we're done for
Nyxleter: *robotnik voice* EVER DEVISED


Draco: Would male Sine be Sine Y. Cosine?


Gooper Blooper: "Sarah Triden proposed Stalin’s 5-year "everyone starves to death" plan."
SteelKomodo: Oh god D:
Cornwind Evil: That's why it's SO EVIL
Cornwind Evil: EVEN FROM HER
Gooper Blooper: "Sarah Triden is little in middle, yet lacks much back."
Draco: The maniacal Captain Sarah Triden launched an invasion of the Klingon homeworld today, claims they stole her Space Cake.
Draco: Peace-loving health-food fanatic Mirror Sarah suggests she calm down and have some soy wafers and hummus.


Gooper Blooper makes plastic Godzilla destroy collapsible building repeatedly
Gooper Blooper: only the most highbrow of pursuits for gooper von blooper


Harpy: i'm 21
Harpy: goops is like, old
Harpy: unspecified old
Gooper Blooper: I'm only 24
Gooper Blooper: sheesh
Harpy: you're fucking OLD


(From the "harsher in hindsight" files)

Cornwind Evil:
NotVeryTipsyKomodo: jesus
NotVeryTipsyKomodo: there's just no stopping Undertaker, is there?
Gooper Blooper: he's been wrassling since 1984
Cornwind Evil: Not at Wrestlemania
Cornwind Evil: It's pretty much been established that on the WM stage, it is impossible more or less to make Taker submit, or pin him in the 'hurt him enough' way
Cornwind Evil: A really good storyline if they ever gave the streak to someone worthy (Daniel Bryan), would be the winner planning for this and ultimately winning by surprising Undertaker with a tangle up pin like a Victory Roll.
Cornwind Evil: Otherwise, no one will beat Undertaker at WM
Cornwind Evil: Ever


Wild Mineral Water: the best thing about online open days
Wild Mineral Water: is i can type dumb shit in here at the same time
Wild Mineral Water: hahahaha i am 70% sure the guy on the other end is a bot
Wild Mineral Water: it keeps posting videos of their campuses
Wild Mineral Water: and not answering the questions
Wild Mineral Water: no wait
Wild Mineral Water: people have emerged
Wild Mineral Water: from the gloom, like a bad b movie
Wild Mineral Water: the chat updates incredibly slowly
Wild Mineral Water: a glacier of the information age
Wild Mineral Water: i wait for information to decide my future, it is handed to me via a digital iv
Wild Mineral Water: will someone turn off the fucking bot
Wild Mineral Water: why am i even in here
Wild Mineral Water: lol


GB: aceattorney.jpg


Harpy: i wrote a thing
Harpy: its a bit too big for my blog
Gooper Blooper: You could totally put that on your blog, Harpy, just use a page break
Gooper Blooper: you literally click one button
Harpy: do not underestimate how lazy i am
Gooper Blooper: and yet you wrote this
Gooper Blooper: it is a mystery
Harpy: i was inspired
Harpy: because i made a cafe crocodile
Saberwulf: Goops I just wrote like 10 paragraphs of cypher information and yet I didn't bother to put on shoes when I got in the car today
Gooper Blooper: *starts reading*
Gooper Blooper: *the story has an introduction and then a page break*
Gooper Blooper: harpy pls
Harpy: hahaha


Gooper Blooper: I do believe SK has unearthed a very primitive version of Garry's Mod Flail Fighting
HI IM DAISY: I think with its hard hooves
HI IM DAISY: The unicorn would win that kind of fight
SteelKomodo: maybe
HI IM DAISY: How the hell did the unicorn pull it off
SteelKomodo: also pffffft i may have, goops
HI IM DAISY: And why are they all running from bread
Gooper Blooper: Skeiron chased them off obv
SteelKomodo: like i said - it's a scam. The animals put on the show, the peeps give em money and food, then they bugger off to the next town and do it all again
HI IM DAISY: . . . Fuck that's genius, SK
HI IM DAISY: Humiliation bet: if Pit and Dirk lose a fite, they have to reenact the vid complete with terrible slapfighting and Skeiron sing-along
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: but which do they play?
Gooper Blooper: I assumed Dirk would be the lion
Draco: Pit is Unicorn, Pittoo is Lion.
Harpy: excuse me
RubyChao: well josephine probably thinks of him as a lion :V
Harpy: dirky poo could totally kick pitty pat's ass in a fight
RubyChao: (i am terrible sorry)
Gooper Blooper: in bed
Harpy: so he's clearly the unicorn
RubyChao: goops no
RubyChao: >​implying pit couldn't beat dirk


Gooper Blooper: good work twitch
Cornwind Evil: Yeah
Cornwind Evil: Even I found that painful GB


SteelKomodo: I found my favourite Game Grumps moment
Gooper Blooper: I'm not certain it's possible to get more lewd than that video without it just being pornography
SteelKomodo: i joked that if it wasn't so NSFW I'd have tried to work it into RP somehow
SteelKomodo: Del joked that his aeiounauts probs had that convo off-screen anyway


HI IM DAISY joined the chat
RubyChao banishes Spy
HI IM DAISY refuses to be vanished
RubyChao #resurrects

Cornwind Evil: If you're so perfect, how come you're vanished?
PERFECT KYUREM is unaffected by your harsh words
PERFECT KYUREM 's mommy thinks he's special
PERFECT KYUREM: Aaaand just like that I ruined the creepypasta
Cornwind Evil: I think it was ruined from the start by existing


Cornwind Evil: In an hour I think
Saberwulf: In exactly one hour
Saberwulf: I'm just doing set up which honestly consists entirely of me listening to instrumental hip-hop


RubyChao: no comment
Del: art
SteelKomodo: ...what the flying fuck
SteelKomodo: what the fuckmonkeys, even
Cornwind Evil: Fanfiction is weird


Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between go to pageant and don't go. Chatzy chose: don't go
Harpy: *lazes about*


RubyChao: i know i already mentioned this but the x-ray scope is amazing
2Goopy: 2014 plot, Dirk gets a hold of the x-ray scope
RubyChao: no one is safe (except for utsuho because dirk knows pit will kill him)
Cornwind Evil: Dirk tries to use it on Sine, but her outfit blocks it
Cornwind Evil: "I've been around this road before, Dirk."
RubyChao: dirk attempts to use it on samus, realizes she's counterscoping
Cornwind Evil: *Dirk tries to use it on Carol*
Cornwind Evil: *Sine immediately kicks him in the balls*
2Goopy: Deep thoughts from GB: Josephine drunk-texting Dirk cell phone photographs of her (clothed) butt at 2 in the morning
SteelKomodo: *Dirk spends like a day in bed, Pit just facepalms*
SteelKomodo: "...Eh, I'll take it."
2Goopy: the implications from that message positioning
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: goops pls
2Goopy: >​implying
SteelKomodo: implying implications


Cornwind Evil: I will admit
Cornwind Evil: Crocomire burning alive and returning as a skeleton is pretty hardcore
Cornwind Evil: And wouldn't be out of place in a Creepypasta
RubyChao: surprisingly no one has used that yet
2Goopy: I've seen crocomire theories
2Goopy: unsettling ones
SteelKomodo: oh lawd do tell goops
2Goopy: I heard that theory that unlike the more obviously evil bosses, Crocomire is a wild animal that was displaced by the activity of the Space Pirates
2Goopy: If you look at its sprite, it appears to be partially melting even before it falls into the lava. This implies Crocomire isn't supposed to be where you found him
2Goopy: He can't survive there
RubyChao: D:
2Goopy: The fact that he refuses to attack Samus unless she shoots first is also noted (even Brawl in the Family recognized this)
2Goopy: But he's in the way, so...
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: samus why ;_;
2Goopy: The version of Crocomire that was cut from Zero Mission, however, seems like a much more violent beast


Cornwind Evil: More alternate universes are bleeding into ours
2Goopy: or just a reporter who was assigned to something he doesn't watch
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: that reminds me of that creepypasta i was trying to find
SteelKomodo: in which apparently all the worlds are arranged like the floors of a hotel, with only a thin layer between them
Draco: Mirror Universe Daniel Bryan.
SteelKomodo: and on the wall mural the protagonist finds it on it's predict the world boundaries break down and everything goes to hell
2Goopy: "Local 'fite'-master Refbot is organizing the fourth annual Big Bar Brawl, featuring combatants like Pittoo from Super Smash Brothers and the white mage Celestia. Last year's winner, the patriotic Teddy Roosevelt's Ghost, is looking to retain his title."
SteelKomodo: it's actually really good
RubyChao: Teddy Roosevelt's Ghost is my favorite character to RP
2Goopy: "Look out for Metroid when he fires his super laser cannon - although his win-loss record isn't inspiring."
Draco: O-o
Draco: The selfish tyrant Dragon is looking to rob the bank again, but he might just catch the flu.
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: i
SteelKomodo: i got nothin
2Goopy: Former favorite Air Man is making a much-hyped return to the ring, accompanied by his partner Poseidon.
Draco: Look out when Kid Icarus is in town! This playboy won't put down the Playboy!
RubyChao: "One of the most hyped entrants this year is archer Josephine, known for her rivalry with Poseidon and good victory record."
2Goopy: you managed to combine all four of them, chao
2Goopy: good work
RubyChao: i left out sarah, sadly
2Goopy: Sarah has a shockingly good FYM record
RubyChao: in that case it's even better than i intended
2Goopy: The other three are mediocre in FYM
RubyChao: >​gloria >​mediocre
2Goopy: She's 1-1
2Goopy: literally mediocre
RubyChao: well she'll just have to fix it this year
RubyChao: right goops
2Goopy: *kachew kachew*
RubyChao: i look forward to her 183-2 record at the end of 2014
RubyChao: (the second loss is obviously if she fights Okuu)
Cornwind Evil: Sarah suddenly is all muscular and comes out to Motorhed
Cornwind Evil: And she exchanges her hammer for a shovel
2Goopy: then the music stops with a record scratch and she deflates back to her usual self
2Goopy: "I wanted to make an entrance"
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: "Be careful of the cyborg Tangent! Created by Secant Cosecant, this high-placing robot is looking to avenge her creator's last-place loss to Mac Tonight in the very first of these brawls!"
2Goopy: "Tangent's owner has repeatedly stated 'this time around will provide a new outcome' to all who will listen."
Cornwind Evil: Sine:....was this written by someone in Japan who looked at one flyer and then had his report machine translated?
SteelKomodo: "Keep a special eye out for our noble and brave hero Shuma-Gorath! The wielder of electricity is looking to settle the score with the demented Warlord of Outworld Eddie Riggs, who is looking to make a big impression on the crowd with his Mithril Hammer tonight!"
2Goopy: "But the most shocking news of all is the announced return of Biollante to the field."
SteelKomodo: there, finally shat out something silly
2Goopy: "UPDATE: Biollante is not, in fact, confirmed. We apologize for any error."
RubyChao: "And hailing from China is the atomic eagle, Okuu Hinanawi! Known for her rivalry with Kid Icarus, Okuu's stone powers and deadly gun skills are sure to leave an impression."
RubyChao: *water powers
2Goopy: hell, it doesn't even matter, *grass powers
SteelKomodo: *power powers
2Goopy: "Giant worm Manju joins the fray to avenge the honor of his fallen maid Lady Rashima, but don't worry - as always, N Goat's characters are all about comedy!"
RubyChao: "Also rumored to be included in the field are Vincent the Blue Mage and Lancelot the Legendary Fighter, but we have yet to confirm either one of them."


Harpy: wat
2Goopy: >​Harpy comes in after a long absence with "wat"
RubyChao: That's our harpy! *laugh track*
SteelKomodo: Lolz
Cornwind Evil: I must leave to do RL stuff
Harpy: i am vintage, yes
Harpy: liek a fine wine
Harpy: just pair me with Cheese the chao
RubyChao sells Harpy to a wine collector
2Goopy: bottled harpy
Harpy: yiss
Harpy: anyway helping out with a pokemon colosseum stream
Harpy: i helped name an Ampharos "Zap Tap"
Harpy: so proud
2Goopy: Ampharos is pretty cool
2Goopy: and pretty weird
2Goopy: like it's some sort of dragon sheep with flippers or something idk
Harpy: i love my dragon sheep with flippers
Harpy: <3


RubyChao: i still like how all of my characters got changed unexpectedly
RubyChao: even the minor one :V
2Goopy: it's what zfrp is all about
RubyChao: ONE VOTE
2Goopy: ONE VOTE was one of the biggest shockwaves in ZFRP history
RubyChao: ONE VOTE created Pitsuho
2Goopy: ONE VOTE resulted in me playing FFT
2Goopy: Construct 8, loaf of bread jokes, Dirk liking butts, throwsephine, Gloria, Hella Jeff
RubyChao: i think the best part of ONE VOTE is delayed fallout by bringing me into RP overall :V
RubyChao: like all the 2011 effects and then it calms down for 2012
RubyChao: and then suddenly New Guy
2Goopy: Helios, Tiamat, Garland, Ariel, SaRahPG
2Goopy: three different pairings
RubyChao: i think ONE VOTE is the biggest shockwave in rp history, honestly
2Goopy: Rain being saved from Shang Tsung's possession (I think SK said he'd considered killing Rain off here)
RubyChao: just because of the sheer amount of stuff that can be traced back to it
2Goopy: Tapogrepogo returning
2Goopy: Draco's death and reuniting with Fergy
RubyChao: General Cleft winning BBB3 :V
2Goopy: Tridenland
2Goopy: Kayle making a face turn
RubyChao: Chaos
RubyChao: A huge chunk of Societyplot events
2Goopy: Rally For Reality
RubyChao: so like basically
RubyChao: 40% or so of all RP happened because of One Vote
RubyChao: imagine if it had been Two Votes
2Goopy: yes
2Goopy: Alex would have had a different love interest
RubyChao: Alex x Sara the Geomancer OTP
2Goopy: Harpy actually had one lined up and replaced her with Sarah
RubyChao: wait, was it Stella or
2Goopy: It was a character we never saw, Harpy talked about it in an old blog post
RubyChao: oh, okay
RubyChao: if it had been stella that would have made four different pairings :V
RubyChao: i wonder how wids would feel about how influential her heart attack was
2Goopy: According to drunken stella canon, she made an attempt but Alex "wasn't interested"
2Goopy: the more you know
RubyChao: another thing that can be added on the one vote pile
RubyChao: marisa's involvement in rp
2Goopy: Ridleyplot
2Goopy: Robot having a role after Ignazio died
RubyChao: Kalisha
2Goopy crazed laughter
RubyChao: friendly reminder that the other three originally had little to no importance
2Goopy: they were extras used only as "oh no sarah's sisters" for the Marilith battle
2Goopy: "poor sarah's sisters"
2Goopy: "we should save sarah and also her sisters"
RubyChao: and now look at them
RubyChao: gloria don't need no savin' anymore
2Goopy: look at them and tremble
RubyChao: strong independent summoner


TALK BAD joined the chat
BE BAD joined the chat
TALK BAD changed name to WALK BAD


M Sheep: "For all she knew, she might end up using the vevom for… less savory things"
Harpy: ...vevom
Harpy: i am fucking done with myself


Harpy: *checks junk mail*
Harpy: "Local college girls looking for BOOTY calls!"
Harpy: uh no thank you, i have all the booty right here
Harpy: i don't allow myself to buttdial anyway
Draco joined the chat
Draco: They were talking about pirate gold that somehow got buried ON CAMPUS!
Harpy: yes
Draco: You probably have all of that too. =p
Harpy: Well, I have all the booty i need
Harpy: my friends
Harpy: and food.
Draco: Why is the rum gone?
Harpy: i don't know


Harpy: i had a dream where the capn crunch tasted like doritos and I was mortified
Draco: I had a dream where I was in a Taco Bell full of Star Trek characters.
Harpy: that is the best dream
Draco: Way better than the "Cap'n Crunch tastes like Doritos" dream.
Harpy: yes
Harpy: i was completely ruined
Harpy: they were also green for some reason
Draco: I think that answers your question. The Cap'n Crunch was clearly moldy.
Harpy: moldy capn crunch tastes like nacho cheese doritos?


Gooper Blooper: "Tons of reports from the New Orleans airport that there are huge "YES!" chants as people get off flights from all over the world. It's probably not an exaggeration to say we might get the biggest pop in the history of pro wrestling on planet Earth when Daniel Bryan wins."
Gooper Blooper: *beards intensify*
RubyChao: cornwind goes from Beardwind Beardvil to just Beardbeard Beardbeard
RubyChao: beardbeard the pirate
Gooper Blooper: Enter chat Monday morning, it's nothing but yesses
Gooper Blooper: hit Review Mode, still nothing but yesses
Gooper Blooper: Space Chat, same deal


RubyChao: "Upon reaching the boss of the world the Grand Doomer it did not fight it merely talked and said. You cannot stop us now we cannot be beaten anymore! you thought that you had a chance didn`t you... Well now you will have to deal with your friend! Once he said that Meta Knight appeared, but his eyes were glowing red. and his sword had some blue cloths on it. Waddle Dee realized that it was Magolors clothes. And told the other two. But right as he finished telling Kirby and King Dedede, Meta Knight attacked without warning cutting Waddle Dee in half."
RubyChao: meta knight why
Gooper Blooper: So Waddle Dee was bisected, but how realistic was it
RubyChao: doesn't say
RubyChao: "I felt terrible I watched as one of my favourite characters was taken away and his home...destroyed... to this day I will never forget this game which I have coined... Kirbys Return to Dreadland."
Gooper Blooper: shaking in fear
 RubyChao: "There were other Kirbies there, crying. They weren't crying tears, though. It was red, and any sane person knows tears aren't red. Blood is. The Kirbies could be talked to, but they only asked "Why did you do it?" and said "It's all your fault." This game kept getting stranger."
Gooper Blooper: It's always my fault with these damn hacked beta games


Gooper Blooper: So here's something that happened today as I browsed Youtube
RubyChao: did it turn hyper realistic
Gooper Blooper: You may have come across, at some point, those videos of a Japanese television show depicting bugs fighting
Gooper Blooper: They've been all over youtube for years
Gooper Blooper: Today I found a new set depicting what appeared to be a second season
SteelKomodo: MORTAL KOMBAT etc.
RubyChao: Test Your Bite?
Gooper Blooper: About halfway through the series of videos, this beetle shows up
Gooper Blooper: And the beetle curbstomps its opponent, which I think was a centipede
SteelKomodo: Bugality
SteelKomodo: Stag Beetle
SteelKomodo: like a bawss
Gooper Blooper: It looked like Stag, yes
Gooper Blooper: Then, in the next video, they used the exact same bug again
Gooper Blooper: It curbstomped a scorpion
SteelKomodo: Holy shit
Gooper Blooper: The entire rest of the series - about ten more videos - consisted of nothing but this one beetle completely destroying each and every animal that was tossed in to fight it
RubyChao: Stag OP
SteelKomodo: Jesus shit
Gooper Blooper: Nothing gave it even a slight challenge except one huge scorpion that lasted long enough to make it a judges' decision
Gooper Blooper: It wound up fighting and presumably killing virtually everything else on the show
Tableter: Nice
Gooper Blooper: I assume the show ended because it ran out of opponents
SteelKomodo: Lolz
RubyChao: Alternatively, it ended because the beetle decided it wanted to fight bigger prey
RubyChao: After suplexing a security guard into submission, it escaped into the wild, where legends spread of the Beetle Who Slays All
Gooper Blooper: it was then captured by zephyrus and given to widow maker as a pet
Gooper Blooper: surprise reveal, the show was filmed in the eighties
SteelKomodo: Welp
Tableter: Dundunduuuuun


Gooper Blooper: Finally found Del's Dong Squad
HAMMER KIRBY: I see Air Man, Isaac, Kirby
HAMMER KIRBY: this image
HAMMER KIRBY: It is my soul
Tableter: the dong squad
Tableter: roll out


Gooper Blooper: this puts a new spin on a certain dual destinies character
RubyChao: looks like there's something juniper didn't tell athena
Gooper Blooper: *excessive coughing*


1 comment:

  1. To be fair, my opinion was shared by...well every single other IWC person out there. No one ever thought it would happen. Hell froze over.
