Friday, December 23, 2022

Rejected Characters Depot VIII

My god, has it seriously been five years since I've done one of these? Well, at least I have excuses! The shift toward massive collaborative plots like The Curse, Dark Matter, Salvagers, and Cardholders was pretty good at clearing the decks and even rescuing some of the rejects (former Depot member Lord Dominator found a sizable role in 2019 as an elite Curse member, and around the same time Byakuren rose up as a full-fledged protagonist as well!) and I've also used small cameos, minor roles, and Secret Fiter slots to give characters enough to keep them from being considered truly "rejected". However, five years is still a long time, and enough debris has built up - and enough time has passed for some of these guys that I'm pretty sure they won't make it to the forum - that I can finally cobble together a fresh look at rejected characters. So without further ado, here are some folks who've been on the backburner for so long I'm ready to scrape them off the pan and into the Depot.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 404: Hitman Santa

Kuro: ventipost
Draco: >sparks of hope
Draco: Harpy's RPing Rabbids.
Kuro: no
Draco: );


Kuro: posted
Kuro: *more incomprehensible screaming*


Monumental Sheep gives self jumpscare with creepy art of Syzygy lurking in a tab
Monumental Sheep: I don't even need you!


RubyChao: it is always inherently hilarious when you do things like knock out a guy and drag his unconscious body across the room
RubyChao: all while someone else is there but not looking
RubyChao: in hitman i mean
RubyChao: just the energy of "hmm. i wonder what's on tv'
Jumpropeman: i mean, do YOU know the sound of an unconscious body being dragged?
Jumpropeman: maybe it sounds JUST like the wind
Big Man: RubyChao: in hitman i mean
Big Man: Incredibly important clarification
Gooper Blooper: This is not the first time Chao started talking about Hitman without clarifying he was talking about Hitman
Jumpropeman: one day we play hitman and realize it doesn't line up at all with what he's been saying
Jumpropeman: it's just been a cover all along
Kuro: chao is a murderer

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 403: Dare I Say Girlboss

(3DS reveals her name is Theodora, or Dora for short)

MobileDraco: If Silvania watched TV, she might have made a Dora the Explorer joke.
Jumpropeman: i mean, Dora DOES like to head to new places and find new things...


Gooper Blooper: *ahem*


Jumpropeman: found Mega Drive Formal Wear
Gooper Blooper: Meredith as a gaming company executive
Jumpropeman: when SHE controls Sega
Gooper Blooper: I believe in her
Gooper Blooper: if she ran a company, you know we'd see their game library treated right
Jumpropeman: she's probably not good for profits, but she'd be incredibly pro-consumer!
Gooper Blooper: So in other words, continuing to be Best Girl
Draco: She keeps Gale around too for some reason.
Jumpropeman: Gale is there to bring her down to earth sometimes
Jumpropeman: Meredith, you can't have a twenty mile arcade with every cabinet
Jumpropeman: "You're right... we should have duplicates as well in case a cabinet is busy."
Gooper Blooper: The collection MUST be complete!!
Gooper Blooper: link link
Jumpropeman: bless that one random discord that made meredith emotes


Kuro: justice for pappy whappy
Jumpropeman: he may have slapped an old mole, but he also slapped our hearts
Kuro: GBC channeled her inner pappy whappy
Kuro: made him proud
Cool Pants 9: Well I said he vanished in a portal
Cool Pants 9: Never SAID he got absorbed into Monkeymass
Kuro: ... effigy's giving him one last job
Jumpropeman: Pappy, we need you to do the biggest wappy
Jumpropeman: SLAP FOWLER
Kuro: we need pappy-
Draco: Pappy Whappy OP pls nerf
RubyChao: i'm glad my joke that one of them was Wombo Combo fit the scheme perfectly
Jumpropeman: it took me a second to even realize you made him up :V
RubyChao: ahu
Kuro: you fiend
Draco: Chao's original Kong. Do not steal.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: OH MY
Jumpropeman: THE INJUSTICE
Gooper Blooper: man I was gonna post that even before seeing the monkeys came up in chat again
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: unusually high Wacko Smacko placement!
Jumpropeman: Plus, Baboon Kaboom deserves higher just for his excellent voice
Kuro: B E T R A Y A L

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 402: Things That Are Not Josephine

Jumpropeman: as I read sheep's post I'm sitting here thinking I wish I had someone to be part of a sheep church
Jumpropeman: clearly Peat the Mole is a devout of the ugly god
Bree: meiling comes to the shrine of the ugly god all like HOWDY NEIGHBOR
Bree: (don't forget the temple of anime is in the shrine quarter)


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: apparently someone was reading draco's rp
Gooper Blooper: I'll do you one better
Jumpropeman: draco sending vibes out into the universe
Draco: Sorry. I will keep my vibes to myself. D;


RubyChao: goops made me care more about kokoro in three months than i cared about her for the years i tried to get her into rp
RubyChao: he can confirm
Gooper Blooper: It's true
Gooper Blooper: In the offseason I said I'd thought about maybe adopting her and his response definitely had the energy of someone letting someone else have some piece of junk in their garage they didn't even know was still there
Kuro: i'm being harassed
Gooper Blooper: "Oh, THAT thing? Uh, yeah, sure I guess"
Gooper Blooper: but now he loves her
Gooper Blooper: the koko is always pinker on the other side
Kuro: sounds like me when passing yams over to chao


Cornwind Evil: "Following the Brightest Day event, the Superman-based title Action Comics was retooled to star Superman's Arch-Enemy Lex Luthor, even being billed as Lex Luthor's Action Comics. This lasted about a year and followed Luthor's quest at godhood, which culminated in him actually getting it only to lose it when a condition of the godhood was that he couldn't use his new power to harm Superman."
Cornwind Evil: You can probably guess how long he managed to be a god.
Draco: Five minutes
Cornwind Evil: If that
Draco: Figures. XD

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 401: Big Bar Brawl 12 Edition

Missing Sheep joined the chat
Draco: Hi Sheep.
Missing Sheep: Darn, I needed Chao's juicy brain
Jumpropeman: you'll have to have something else for dinner
Missing Sheep: Holographic meatloaf again...
Missing Sheep: Can I
Missing Sheep: vote for Knucklotec
Jumpropeman: no joke there was an early idea of him forcing himself in as a new entrant
Jumpropeman: or even just being the mystery fiter
Jumpropeman: despite also being the host :V
Missing Sheep: Poor guy just wants to get in the action
Jumpropeman: unfortunately though, you cannot
Draco: Yes, you can vote for Knucklotec. His name is actually spelled "Coelho" though.
Missing Sheep looks at CKR's votes
Missing Sheep narrows eyes at JRM

Missing Sheep: I smell collusion...
Draco: You figured it out. CKR and Chao have been secretly plotting to vote for you.
Missing Sheep: Can I give myself
Missing Sheep: negative votes
Draco: Yes. All you have to do is post effort for Coelho that says not to vote for him.
Draco: And that will DEFINITELY count as votes against him. ;V
Missing Sheep: :I
Draco: ;V
MobileChao joined the chat
MobileChao: Hello
MobileChao: I can't sleep
MobileChao: So here I am for you sheep
MobileChao: I hope you saw my art
MobileChao: Sheep all you have to do is win
MobileChao: If you win I won't vote for you at all next year


(The ticker for the day is "He looks like he expected the entirety of Agama to collectively gasp in shock on hearing him say that. Thankfully, that doesn't happen.")

Bree: is this ticker from the valerio scene
Draco: Yes.
RubyChao: yes
Bree: neat
Bree: what was the shocking thing he said :V
Bree: or "shocking" at least
RubyChao: "Oh, God, I can feel my integrity flowing away as I say this, but... I guess Kobbers aren't so bad, if they're all like you."
RubyChao: addressed to Raiko
Jumpropeman: now if Valerio revealed he was actually from Pittsburgh the whole time, I think Agama would collectively gasp
Draco: It was the only RP aside from Harpy's betting post.
Bree: yeah I figured it might've been the only RP done today hence why I was able to guess it was from that
Bree: but I was curious anyway
Bree: good job winning him over raiko
Bree: she probably didn't even cheat and use her boobies to do it
Jumpropeman: they certainly didn't hurt though
RubyChao: just lots of charisma
Bree: glorious bouncing jiggling charisma

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 400: It's Murph Or Nothing


Draco: Darn. I was going to make CODD BRANFORD my secret fiter, but Goops already RP'd him.


RubyChao: "Kirika gets an urge to play some kind of prank on the sleeping girl, as if some kind of extra-dimensional meme was trying to inflict something upon Annie. She resists."
never forget that the very first kiriannie interaction was foreshadowing
Jumpropeman: that's how you know she always cared
Draco: lol
Draco: The most wholesome thing I've ever written.


Jumpropeman: describing the Atari 2600 game Wabbit as a farming sim is HEAVILY generous
Jumpropeman: it's basically a "protect stuff from an enemy" shooter
Jumpropeman: but wikipedia really tries to justify the sim angle


Draco: Going to bed, but I will leave you with these words of wisdom: The greatest glory in living lies not in never Morbing, but in rising every time we Morb. -Nelson Mandela
Draco: *Nelson Morbdela
Jumpropeman: oh, I rise when I morb all right

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 399: Paper Octopath Symphodread Riverboat Casino

Gooper Blooper: in honor of today's entry in 50 Years Of Vidya I give you one of my favorite old commercials
Jumpropeman: wow, a lot of effort in this commercial
Gooper Blooper: Also of historical importance as the first time Luigi was ever depicted as a lovable coward
Gooper Blooper: the fringes of Mario are, as always, the most interesting parts
Jumpropeman: took me a second to recognize why the song sounded familiar
Gooper Blooper: I JUST SAW THAT IN THE COMMENTS BEFORE LOGGING TO CHATZY, god that threw me for a loop
Jumpropeman: I only have faint flickers of this show in my memory but the song remains
Gooper Blooper: That song has been burned into my subconscious ever since I first found it on Youtube almost 15 years ago due to a youtube poop
Gooper Blooper: and it was a reference to a 60s TV show the whole time
Gooper Blooper: again, fringe Mario rabbit hole. Top tier.
Kurororo: ma-ri-oooh, where aaaare you?
Gooper Blooper: ATARI MARY-OH BROTHERS WITH MARY-OH (from dawnkey kawng)


Gooper Blooper: Gee, Bill
Jumpropeman: woa
Kurororo: gee
Jumpropeman: they're like sisters
Draco: Which one's the real Kaede?


Gooper Blooper: Baltan is one of those characters JRM and I in particular seem to get a lot of mileage out of
Gooper Blooper: someone really dumb who you can make spew whatever ridiculous junk pops into your head
Jumpropeman: a magnificent formula
Gooper Blooper: *gestures at JRM's pile of cute dumb girls*


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: the biggest guy in show biz (but not showbiz pizza)
Kurororo: i'm just like "Where the fuck did this come from i feel like i know this"
Jumpropeman: defunctland im pretty sure
RubyChao: that's one of the best defunctland lines
RubyChao: the other best one is
RubyChao: "California Adventure, a California-themed amusement park located in the already California-themed California."

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Another Batch Of Unsolicited Game Opinions

Since my April 2021 video game review blog got such a warm reception, I figured I'd do it again with some of the games I've played in the year since that post went up. Not as many games this time due to the smaller timeframe, but I've got plenty to talk about...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 398: My Love Is Like A Ripe, Ripe Fart

Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi
Kurororo: why hello
Kurororo: rope man
Jumpropeman: no jumping today


Gooper Blooper: saw a cheap game on the Switch eshop that looked kinda interesting so I googled it, and...
Gooper Blooper: "Contrary to how it may seem, it's not very fun reviewing bad games. Sure, there's a degree of enjoyment in being mean, but the shocking secret of criticising games that aren't enjoyable? We still have to play them. Picking up the Switch and knowing we had to play more Gleamlight made the system feel ten times heavier.
Gleamlight's developers have claimed that their game isn't a rip-off of Hollow Knight. They're right. If it was a rip-off, then it'd share some kind of inspiration, some mechanical flair. The creativity, the baseline of enjoyable moments, some solid fundamentals. It's all missing. It's not a rip-off of Hollow Knight, it's a stupid child's drawing of it."
Draco: JRM, did you write that quote? Are you reviewing the legendary Gleamlight?
Gooper Blooper: my favorite burn was from a different review
Gooper Blooper: "If 2020 was a game, Gleamlight would be it."
Jumpropeman: dang son
Jumpropeman: oh man, it looks so cool too
Gooper Blooper: My first thought upon comparing the scores to the screenshots was "did I stumble onto another Firefly Diary"


Jumpropeman: you can tell bull riders are passionate about their sport based on the size of the wikipedia pages for singular bulls
Jumpropeman checks out the official pro bull riding league website
Jumpropeman pop up hocking NFTs
Jumpropeman: I am less amused by you now :I
Gooper Blooper: non fungible taurus
Jumpropeman: one thing that is cute about PBR is that they talk about bulls like they're athletes too
Jumpropeman: like the commentators will even call the bull a tremendous athlete
Gooper Blooper: Well, they kinda are!
Jumpropeman: a score in PBR is half based on the rider's performance, half based on how ornery that bull is
Jumpropeman: so the bulls are being judged too!


Gooper Blooper: the good news is I have beaten Nina Aquila and overall I liked it a lot!
Gooper Blooper: the bad news is Nina's optimal partner in an investigation would be Jenny LeClue
Gooper Blooper: game ain't done
RubyChao: OH NO
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: nina and jenny team plot in rp
Jumpropeman: plot never finishes
Gooper Blooper: Chao, you know how every Ace Attorney does the thing where you go through the cases but there's "That One Case" floating around in the background? "Remember That One Case?" "That One Case means a lot to me" "I gotta find the answers to That One Case!!"
Gooper Blooper: Nina Aquila does that, but we don't get to do That One Case yet
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: so you're saying
Gooper Blooper: YES
Gooper Blooper: (Nina Aquila only just released last July though, and it IS episodic, so... giving 'em time)

Sunday, April 10, 2022

College Reunion

On the outskirts of Agama, in the quietest corner of the city, two space aliens tried their best to look inconspicuous as they walked off the street, into an alley, and behind a run-down old building that still had signs in the windows but certainly didn't look it was open for business any time recently. Some ne'er-do-well had spraypainted "TOURISTS SUCK" on the side of the building in red. The only sound was the burbling of one of the city's many canals as it ran behind the building, blocked off here by a fence put up to keep any refuse from falling in.

"Is this the place?" asked Baltan Seijin, more to himself than anything else as he took in his surroundings.

"Certainly looks like it." Kauket huffed in mild disgust at the run-down and dirty area as she crossed her arms. Her species was referred to as 'Flatwoods Monsters' by people of Earth. She resented being called a monster, but in the long run didn't really care that much. It had been 70 years since the day she'd acquired that moniker. A lifetime for a human, but not much for her. By the 80s or so she'd already gotten over it. "I still don't like this at all. Feels like a setup."

"Aw, c'mon! My ol' college buddy would never pull a fast one on me like that! He's a good egg."

"He's wanted in seven galaxies for questioning regarding the disappearance of my father's fortune."

"Would you buy that he's a mediocre egg?" Baltan offered. Kauket didn't dignify him with a response, instead flipping open a small communicator device and peering at it. The gadget worked similarly to an Earth smartphone, and could even link up to them, but the technology was very different. It ran on a powerful solar battery, and could communicate across vast distances, but Kauket was currently using it as a mere watch to check the time. As she suspected, she and Baltan were punctual. It was his friend who was late. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Two Meetings Of Convenience


Drawing a hand across her brow and grimacing, Byakuren Hijiri squinted into the sunlight and let out a little sigh. "It's March, but it's sweltering. Maybe the Kobbers should go somewhere temperate for a change." She looked over her shoulder. "Are you holding up alright, little one?"

A simple, quiet nod was the only response from Byakuren's companion.

"Good! Now, she told us to meet her at The Midnight Store, but I don't think it's open yet, so let's go grab some food at the bar. Sound good, sweetie?" 

Another nod.



A few hours later, The Midnight Store was opening for business. Megumin was arranging things on the shelves while Missy settled in behind the counter and flipped through a newspaper she'd taken from the store's magazine stand. Print news was in decline all over the world, and Agama was no exception, but the city still managed to hang onto some printed news. There had been two major papers serving the city - The Blue Tongue and The Moonlight Gazette - but with The Blue Tongue having shut down last year, a new challenger had popped onto the scene: Agama Outpost. Formerly a smaller, less popular indie paper that had focused on niche news and thinkpieces, it had ballooned in popularity after suddenly finding itself the number two paper in the city by default, and it was doing its' best to fill the void left by the Brume publication's collapse by including a broader spectrum of stories while also trying to not alienate the existing base. It was a tricky balancing act. As Missy examined the paper, she came across a large advertisement reminding people of the grand opening of Omega Mart. She frowned slightly thanks to being reminded of her upcoming competitor. Omega Mart had a host of advantages thanks to the fact that it wasn't technically located in Agama, keeping it from paying a lot of taxes and fees and avoiding various other regulations that The Midnight Store and other businesses in the area had to deal with. And thanks to the warp points installed by Meiling and Lord Var, it was easier than ever for Agama to get visitors, and that was a rich well of potential profit for every business in the city. Where those possible shoppers spent their money could make all the difference for not just The Midnight Store, but the Grand Market and every other shop and restaurant around as well.

Missy was shaken out of her thoughts by the sound of a hand slapping onto her counter, and a voice that jolted at her memory.


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 397: Extreme Clown Jury

Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: It's not online any more, but my first experience with the meme-ness of Shrek is from before it was a meme to make fun of Shrek
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: the guy who runs Dinosaur Dracula did a series of articles when Shrek 2 was new, looking at the absolute cavalcade of merchandise it spawned and how ungodly omnipresent the franchise was at its' peak
Gooper Blooper: it was called Shrek Crap
Jumpropeman: shrek green ketchup defined a generation
Gooper Blooper: twinkies with green filling, Shrek-themed Operation, Shrek-themed play-doh dentist
Gooper Blooper: you name it, the ogre was on it, it almost reached the mad heights of Pokemania
Jumpropeman: all it takes is one Shrek the Third
Gooper Blooper: I saw Shrek The Third in theaters and I remember thinking it was okay if not as good as the first two
Gooper Blooper: amazing how devastating it was
Jumpropeman: I saw it in theaters too, I don't remember the full context but I think I went with a church group my friend was part of
RubyChao: Saint Shrek
Gooper Blooper: I've never seen the fourth film and maybe I should remedy that sometime
Jumpropeman: I do recommend it. Not as good as the first two still but if Shrek the Third never existed I bet people would be like "yeah that was a good trilogy"
Mosey Sheep: I didn't like the fourth film at all :V
Jumpropeman: garsp!
Mosey Sheep: I hardly even remember 3, it was so mediocre
Mosey Sheep: 2, though...
Mosey Sheep: I rather enjoyed the second film
Jumpropeman: its been quite a while since I saw Shrek Forever After admittedly
Mosey Sheep makes a video ranking the Shrek films
Gooper Blooper: It's been ages since I've seen any of them, though I remember Shrek 1's plot well thanks to the "Shrek but" videos
Jumpropeman: make sure to watch Scared Shrekless
Jumpropeman: and Shrek the Halls
Jumpropeman: and the Shrek Thriller Night video that is separate from Scared Shrekless
Jumpropeman: NO, I'm supposed to be done with Shrek!
Mosey Sheep: I didn't know they did another Halloween one
Gooper Blooper: CKR revives her movie blog to review every Shrek film
Jumpropeman: I must lock this forbidden knowledge away
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I thought you'd be sick of him by now so I didn't bring him up again, but then you started it and so
Gooper Blooper: here we are
Gooper Blooper: talking about shrek
Mosey Sheep: Somebody once told me
Mosey Sheep: AND IT WAS YOU, JRM
Mosey Sheep: YOU TOLD ME!
Jumpropeman: ive been indoctrinated
Jumpropeman: it's not my fault ; w ;


Jumpropeman sees an old video titled "Every Time Batman Killed Someone" has been renamed to "Every Time Batman Ended Someone"
RubyChao: ahahahaaaaaaa
RubyChao: c'mon, at least make it intentionally ridiculous
Gooper Blooper: Every Time Batman Demonetized Someone
Mosey Sheep: Every time Batman sent someone into the long dark night


Jumpropeman: "Boorp's Balls is a skill game. You help Boorp to defend against Meck, who throws colored balls at him."
Jumpropeman: this is like an AI generated game


Jumpropeman: No pressure but what's your favorite sega console
RubyChao: Genesis
Jumpropeman: you will be spared


Sunday, January 23, 2022


He remembered. Of course he remembered. Remembering was what kept him going. It reminded him what he was fighting for, what he was trying to do. It made the voices grow weak and distant. It gave brief, fleeting moments of clarity to his mind. It was all he had, and getting it back was his life's mission.

He remembered 1994. The beginning. A clean storefront, a bright future, big plans. A row of finely polished automobiles, gleaming under the lights of the showroom. Walls of auto parts and car care products. Tires, windshield wipers, car batteries, fuses, gas caps, rear-view-mirrors, snow brushes, squeegees. Air fresheners shaped like pine trees. The stench of fresh rubber and plastic. It was all very American, which seemed odd on the surface, as the mall they were set up in was located in Mongolia, but the area was under heavy development from an international crowd. One day, the executives in charge of the project had said, this city would fly. And a flying city would be a worldwide envy, a mecca for tourism and spectacle. They'd been smart to come here, he knew. This was where the money would be made, by far-thinking businessfolk with a keen eye for the future and the promise of the technology in development.

He'd worked hard to get the business off the ground. It hadn't been easy, but he knew that hard work equaled great rewards. If you just put in the effort, you would earn yourself a return on investment that was worth the elbow grease you contributed to the cause. So he worked hard. He was in every advertisement, on every poster, all over the show floor. His gleaming smile and clever quips caught the eye of the locals, and slowly but surely Big Shot Autos began to build up steam.

He remembered 1997. The big time. His favorite year. Business was booming, and what was once a small outlet in the mall was now turning to grander plans. In the works was the impending launch of a new website. Big Shot Autos would harness the power of the information superhighway, and he was there every step of the way once again. He adorned pop-ups and banner ads, letting his personality and charm do the work for him. Promotional items with his grinning face were produced by the thousand. Investors were eager to dump money on this humble little mall tenant as they promised incredible things with the power of technology. He was on top of the world, and the view was dizzying.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 396: LOVELY

Bree: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: hi bree!
Bree: ooh, I get an exclamation point
RubyChao: treasure it
Jumpropeman: I'm in a good mood today
Jumpropeman: I know I'm usually a dour grump so savor it
Jumpropeman: I won't be rapping anyone's knuckles with my ruler tonight
Harpy: oh nooo
Jumpropeman: I know you were looking forward to it Harpy
Jumpropeman: you'll need someone else to rap with Knuckles



Gooper Blooper: thiiiiiis yeeeeear, to save me from
Harpy: i made the most disgusting laugh
Gooper Blooper: i'll give it to someone
Gooper Blooper: [[specil]]
Harpy: oh fuk
Harpy: god damn it


Bree: bree status: pizza guy knocked like three times in the span of ten seconds so I hurried getting up, put my slippers on the wrong feet, and fell on the way to the door
Harpy: noooooooooooooooOOOOO
Jumpropeman: dang
Bree: 👍


Harpy: so this is businessplot next year right-
Jumpropeman: evil Kogasa makes BrEAd
RubyChao: that image would kill Honoka
Harpy: this is how we take down EA
Harpy: right in the bread store
Moss Sheep: It'd kill her with a gluten-free baguette.
Harpy: i don't think the fact that its gluten free would kill her
Harpy: this loaf is blocked behind DLC