Sunday, October 23, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 403: Dare I Say Girlboss

(3DS reveals her name is Theodora, or Dora for short)

MobileDraco: If Silvania watched TV, she might have made a Dora the Explorer joke.
Jumpropeman: i mean, Dora DOES like to head to new places and find new things...


Gooper Blooper: *ahem*


Jumpropeman: found Mega Drive Formal Wear
Gooper Blooper: Meredith as a gaming company executive
Jumpropeman: when SHE controls Sega
Gooper Blooper: I believe in her
Gooper Blooper: if she ran a company, you know we'd see their game library treated right
Jumpropeman: she's probably not good for profits, but she'd be incredibly pro-consumer!
Gooper Blooper: So in other words, continuing to be Best Girl
Draco: She keeps Gale around too for some reason.
Jumpropeman: Gale is there to bring her down to earth sometimes
Jumpropeman: Meredith, you can't have a twenty mile arcade with every cabinet
Jumpropeman: "You're right... we should have duplicates as well in case a cabinet is busy."
Gooper Blooper: The collection MUST be complete!!
Gooper Blooper: link link
Jumpropeman: bless that one random discord that made meredith emotes


Kuro: justice for pappy whappy
Jumpropeman: he may have slapped an old mole, but he also slapped our hearts
Kuro: GBC channeled her inner pappy whappy
Kuro: made him proud
Cool Pants 9: Well I said he vanished in a portal
Cool Pants 9: Never SAID he got absorbed into Monkeymass
Kuro: ... effigy's giving him one last job
Jumpropeman: Pappy, we need you to do the biggest wappy
Jumpropeman: SLAP FOWLER
Kuro: we need pappy-
Draco: Pappy Whappy OP pls nerf
RubyChao: i'm glad my joke that one of them was Wombo Combo fit the scheme perfectly
Jumpropeman: it took me a second to even realize you made him up :V
RubyChao: ahu
Kuro: you fiend
Draco: Chao's original Kong. Do not steal.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: OH MY
Jumpropeman: THE INJUSTICE
Gooper Blooper: man I was gonna post that even before seeing the monkeys came up in chat again
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: unusually high Wacko Smacko placement!
Jumpropeman: Plus, Baboon Kaboom deserves higher just for his excellent voice
Kuro: B E T R A Y A L


RubyChao: >playing game
RubyChao: >reach area with lots of offhand mentioned names, and a few names that are given more prominence
RubyChao: >goofy tone to the area and it's clearly not Main Game
RubyChao: "was this game..."
RubyChao: *looks it up*
RubyChao: "yep! Crowdfunded."
Jumpropeman: i do enjoy the random "oh, this is the crowdfunding room" experience in random indie games I play
Gooper Blooper: You can always tell.


Jumpropeman: i think I'll sit this fight out by the by, my sleep was thrown off last night but also I had dream caused by the fact I was struggling to pick characters for this event :V
Jumpropeman: in my dream I wrote a long melodramatic post about a married couple trying to escape the lava eruptions from this and dying so I could justify their son coming to avenge them... their son being Buster from the Arthur cartoon now flying a warplane
Kuro: oh my god
Kuro: i'd read that
Cornwind Evil: Damn it JRM I nearly choked on my gum
RubyChao: that sounds immensely you
aeiou: ah, a flying circus character ;P
iKomodo: dear god
RubyChao: and i mean if i could make the big bad of my year-spanning megaplot a character i pulled from a random dream i had


Gooper Blooper: I legitimately burst out laughing at that character debut idea JRM, god that reveal came at me like a fucking truck
Jumpropeman: earlier I was legitimately tempted to drop Buster into the fight just for how inexplicable it would seem to goops since he wasn't in chat V:
Gooper Blooper: pffff


MobileDraco: I think this is Canon.
Jumpropeman: this is what cirno and cirnoil are doing today
MobileDraco: They're spending the day with Suwako doing 🐸 stuff.
Jumpropeman: i did consider cirno and cirnoil for this
Jumpropeman: but that would mean, yet again, they don't get to enjoy their special day :V
RubyChao: that implies they deserve to :I
MobileDraco: Cirnoil does. Yoshiko will beat up anyone who tries ruining Cirno Day.


Gooper Blooper: "My name is Daisuke Furutsu, and I died getting hit by a truck full of apples. Yes, I know it’s a cliché setup. Apparently somebody upstairs fell asleep on the job. Anyway, as an apology, God lets me draw five Cards of Fate that are supposed to grant me superpowers in my next life. My first four draws are amazing—stuff like magic and an infinite inventory. But everything changes with the fifth card: a “curse” that turns me into whatever killed me. I thought I was gonna end up a truck, but now I’m an apple! Luckily, I’ve made a friend who can teach me how to move around. I also end up saving a wannabe adventurer who just might be willing to take me along for the ride. Time for this overpowered apple to get rollin’!"


Jumpropeman: TOTSUGEKI


(Cornwind explains "Superdickery")

Cornwind Evil: Well, someone noticed that on a lot of comic covers from the Silver Age, without the context of the story, Superman is acting like a real jerk. Or as another term for acting as such is, a dick
Cornwind Evil: And as more and more covers in that vein were shown off, it was dubbed 'Superdickery'.
Jumpropeman: ive been watching Casually Comics's explorations of the stories within those comics a fair bit lately
Jumpropeman: like the continuing adventures of Lois Lane marrying everyone but Superman
Cornwind Evil: A fair number of these were covers from Jimmy Olsen's long running Silver Age comic, which if it didn't have Olsen getting into some beyond absurd situation (like him getting married to a gorilla. Twice), it was Superman being an asshole to him
Cornwind Evil: And you'd have to read the story to understand why
Cornwind Evil: Here's a classic example
Gooper Blooper: SUPERMAN'S PAL
Cornwind Evil: IIRC, the plot was that Superman heard a prophecy that he would 'kill his son', so he adopted Jimmy and then tried to drive him away so that he could negate the prophecy's situation or something...?
Kuro: uuuuuuuh
Jumpropeman: elite gamer move would be to adopt someone you didn't like
Cornwind Evil: I have heard more than once that the comics people would have the covers drawn up first and then the writers would have to make up a story justifying in second
Cornwind Evil: Sometimes Jimmy got some revenge though
Jumpropeman: Casually Comics did a video on that cover!
Cornwind Evil: And here's a summary
Cornwind Evil: It is somehow even more ridiculous than you'd expect
Jumpropeman: The quick summary: Jimmy discovers SUNKEN PIRATE NOSTRADAMUS PROPHECIES that tell him how to make a potion for untold and unspecified power, one of the ingredients being Superman's tears. He does end up getting the tears and makes the potion, but Superman flies it off into space because apparently this potion made of four different types of tears was actually the ingredients for an atomic bomb
Kuro: ...well
Gooper Blooper: "UUHH! THIS IS GAS!" *POWFF!*


Gooper Blooper: 5:47
Gooper Blooper: witness her epic journey
Jumpropeman: wow


Gooper Blooper: HP's first 2022 plot: "haha it's funny because all of them are losers"
HP's second 2022 plot: "how can I be worse than fudo"


Jumpropeman: gamefly has officially decided Xbox 360, PS3, and 3DS are retro consoles. They are now shoved off into the More Platforms tab (which means hopefully less people check them) that also means their number of games will dwindle down for those systems
Jumpropeman: already the ps3 games float around 30
Gooper Blooper: 360 and PS3 pass the Dolby Test but 3DS does not
Jumpropeman: the 3DS is eleven years old
Jumpropeman: that's about when she joined the Oasis group-
RubyChao: dolby's gonna feast tonight
Jumpropeman: dolby's the one eating all of gamefly's old games...
Gooper Blooper: she apologizes, but you're just gonna have to look elsewhere for your Yogi Bear entertainment *urp*
Draco: But Dolby, how is Yogi going to fund his revenge against Zeldoten if you don't let people rent his media? D:
Gooper Blooper: he wasn't seeing a cent of that money
Draco: Plot idea: animatronic Hanna-Barbera characters try to murder Zeldoten.
Gooper Blooper: Five Events At Yogi's
Draco: Dawn is the actual villain, still grumpy that she didn't get her 1-on-1 Fite back in Kuwahawi.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: Do you REALLY think I'm that pett-I am not going to finish that sentence.
Draco: Zeldoten: :3


Gooper Blooper:
Hooded Pitohui: It her!
Gooper Blooper: Honestly I think out of all the Sega Hard Girls it was Saturn's rise that was the best rise
Gooper Blooper: Meredith and Gale were winners instantly, like right out of the gate, immediately, but Saturn laid low for a while and one day JRM woke up and said "everyone is going to love saturn" and posted her doing votes
Gooper Blooper: and whammo
Jumpropeman: she went from getting dunked on to getting doted on
Gooper Blooper: and she nabbed the totally hot hunk she was looking for
Hooded Pitohui: She really did rise from seemingly the chief comedy officer of the Sega Girls to being an adorable, dare I say it, girlboss, taking charge and making things happen.
Jumpropeman: reminder the original Aitem event would have us wondering if this mysterious Saturn was actually betraying us


Gooper Blooper: time to do Farm Plot as my 2022 finale
Gooper Blooper: Plant crops! Talk to the locals! And watch your farm grow!
Jumpropeman: i see you saw the direct


Kuro: tfw you're listening to a podcast and it's debating about whether a hot dog is a sandwich in a philosophical sense
Muddled Sheep: ivel
Muddled Sheep: Please restart your Harpy
Kuro: episode in question so everyone can ponder it with me
MobileDraco: The answer is obviously hot dogs are gross and I don't know why y'all eat them. ;V
RubyChao: b r u h
Kuro: chao just got punched in the fucking nuts by that, being in the hot dog capital
Kuro: i'm also offended because hot dogs are good
Kuro: let me eat my ground up beef and pork shoved into a sheep intestine casing for a delicious snap
MobileDraco: I don't like them.
Kuro: i respect that
Kuro: especially when i describe it just like i did


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: hell yeah
Gooper Blooper: now THIS is gaming
Jumpropeman: time to book CKR's visit
Gooper Blooper: JRM said yesterday he usually likes to wait a year to play a new release so it's patched and finished
Gooper Blooper: but NOT THIS TIME
Jumpropeman: don't want anyone hitting me with those Garfield Lasagna Party spoilers
MobileDraco: We're all getting the Switch version and playing on launch day
Gooper Blooper: dibs on garfield


directvel: YuGiOh has a trap card coming out
directvel: that's the goddamn TROLLY QUESTION


MobileDraco: Oh no Kamen Vtuber Geats. XD
RubyChao: i know exactly how to answer this guy in a way that'll give him the perfect "ah, i see" response
Kuro: i feel morally obligated to have Oersted question what the fuck he's on about
Kuro: just for Duer to needle him like, "excuse me, you don't know about POGS?!?!"
RubyChao: posted
RubyChao: i'm basically setting up for this guy to go "ah! an epic-level sidequest, i see"
Kuro: beautiful
iKomodo: …does
iKomodo: does geats think he’s playing a vidya game
RubyChao: yes he does
iKomodo: WELP
aeiou: my hope for everyone is that characters who interact with geats hate them immediately
Kuro: >raid mode
Kuro: i'm fucking dead
Kuro: we're a guild guys
Kuro: this is WoW
Kuro: with more forgiving mechanics
iKomodo: Vent just slowly melting into a puddle
iKomodo: “THIS IS A RIDER NOW???”
Draco: Oh good. I hate Geats already. XD
aeiou: lmao
aeiou: perfect
aeiou: mission complete


Gooper Blooper: fun fact I can finally share: I once came across a thread on some random forum of a guy who was inspired by Zoofights and tried to make his own within that thread, but the other people had never heard of it and he didn't do a good job explaining so it didn't go anywhere
Gooper Blooper: His replacement for Major Failure was Famardy
aeiou: oh
aeiou: oh oof
aeiou: condolences
RubyChao: ahahahaha
RubyChao: that's incredible
Gooper Blooper: this was eons ago, I think I found the thread by trying to find Zoofights content
Gooper Blooper: and at last he has made it to actual Zoofights, in a way
Jumpropeman: then the reveal that this was what the plot was all along
Jumpropeman: just another zoofights revival attempt
RubyChao: time for the AI to show up
aeiou: where's wolfbike???
Kuro: oh no
Kuro: even more tragic
Jumpropeman: "<...So we finally meet. I did not know living things could even grow this immense...>" Early seasons Sine shows up to lecture Famardy on how he can't exist through Square Cube Law
Cornwind Evil: -Famardy replies in technobabble-
Cornwind Evil: theory would work.
Jumpropeman: it's going to turn out he's actually just a really large tarp body placed over an enormous frame
aeiou: fake bowser from paper mario
Gooper Blooper: time for the koopa bros to return to RP
Draco: On one hand, King of the Monsters 2 gives us this cool picture of Famardy:
Kuro: damn dude
Kuro: i love it
aeiou: owns
RubyChao: on the other?
Draco: On the OTHER's the rear view of Famardy:
Draco: He has FEET sticking out of his back.
aeiou: absolutely dislike
aeiou: destroy
Gooper Blooper: the orange thing is the true villain
Draco: "...Oh, SWEET! Hell yes, this is such a cool final boss!" <- I am so so SO glad Geats said this before I showed off Famardy's back. :3
aeiou: lmao
aeiou: geats would absolutely retract that if they saw the back


Muddled Sheep: Auditioning for Richard Nixon As A Dog:
Muddled Sheep: Doubt I'll get it, but that was fun
Gooper Blooper: "(Say any memorable Richard Nixon quote)"
Cornwind Evil: Did he actually say that
Gooper Blooper: I wish, but no
Gooper Blooper: Sheep's pick for the freestyle option was "If the president does it, it's not illegal"
Cornwind Evil: I actually meant did the actual Richard Nixon say that
Gooper Blooper: GOD I WISH
Gooper Blooper: but no I was referencing the old JRM Bigfoot memes, where he would inexplicably adopt Nixon-esque mannerisms when insisting Bigfoot was not real in arguments with people in real life
Draco: 0/1000 I didn't hear one AROOOO in there. D:<
Jumpropeman: a nixon dog is a good way to describe the bigfoot quote delivery


aeiou: oh also pokemon unite update
aeiou: dodrio owns
aeiou: i think i found a new favourite pokemon
aeiou: just this funny brown bird running around one-shotting all these whippersnappers
Muddled Sheep: I hope this is the Pokemon fighting game, but it probably isn't...
Gooper Blooper: it's the MOBA
aeiou: it is
aeiou: the moba
Muddled Sheep: My lord!
aeiou: calling it a moba's a strong word even
Muddled Sheep monocle pops out
aeiou: anyway i like dodrio now and if they're in sapphire or diamond i wanna add one
aeiou: or even in uhhhh scarlet/violet
Gooper Blooper: You can find Doduo in the Safari Zone in Sapphire
aeiou: e x c e l l e n t
aeiou: "Apparently, the heads aren't the only parts of the body that Dodrio has three of. It has three sets of hearts and lungs as well, so it is capable of running long distances without rest."
aeiou: excuse you?
Gooper Blooper: It's in Diamond/Pearl but only as a swarm, which is postgame
Muddled Sheep: But can you find Doduo in the HYPERFUNK ZONE??
aeiou: dodrio got more redundant organs than a 40k space marion
aeiou: spees maroon
Gooper Blooper: all packed into that little ball of a body
aeiou: three tiny hearts and sets of lungs
aeiou: no wonder one of the heads looks so upset
Gooper Blooper: Dodrio: technically a three-headed dinosaur
aeiou: ahem
aeiou: dodriowns
aeiou: thank you


Jumpropeman: Discord has announced they're adding forum functionality to servers
Jumpropeman: things have gone full circle


RubyChao: out of curiosity, would grima still want to be tara sometimes if they could also be grima?
Kuro: yeah thats prolly the most important question on my mind
Draco: Yeah, there's still reasons to be Tara. I think it's akin to having to spend your entire life walking with weights on your feet because you run too fast. Take the weights off and you can run, but there's still reasons to walk around too.
RubyChao: yeah that makes sense. it's not about not wanting to be tara, it's about wanting the option to be tara AND grima
RubyChao: as they feel like
Kuro: man, now i feel bad for grima more, why this week gotta be the week of sad big people
Kuro: Dia: wait so you're trying to use your vision insurance to get glasses for a dragon? David: Yes. Dia: ...They're going to question why you need glasses that big.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: LOOK, I ALREADY TOLD want what? Shapeshifting glasses? Doable, yes, but not exactly simple...
Gooper Blooper: Monsters are tragic beings. They are born too tall, too strong, too heavy. They are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy. They do not attack people because they want to, but because of their size and strength, mankind has no other choice but to defend himself.
-Ishiro Honda, Godzilla director
Kuro: goops you stop that now you're gonna make me cry for the second time tonight
Kuro: stop cutting onions!!!!


Jumpropeman: Million dollar idea: a farming sim battle royale
Jumpropeman: gotta make more vegetables than everyone else or you're eliminated
Draco: lol
Draco: Instead of a closing circle, is there a deadline to harvest?
Jumpropeman: every few minutes a crop quota deadline weeds out anyone who can't keep up
Jumpropeman: a plague of locusts then destroys their farm
Draco: Nice. XD


Gooper Blooper: Not to be outdone by Goopsmom, I too have begun my adventure with Kirby in the Land that got all Forgotten and stuff
Jumpropeman: Kirby and the Amnesiac Location
Kuro: amnesia plot from 2011 haunts us
Gooper Blooper: Kirby and the Slipped-My-Mind Place
Jumpropeman: Kirby and the Where The Fuck Am I
Kuro: kirby and the "the gps made us take a wrong turn" place
Draco: Kirby and the Should've Taken That Left Turn At Albuquerque.
Gooper Blooper: If I had a nickel for every Kirby game I've played with an abandoned mall in it, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Cornwind Evil: Kirby And The Who Cares Where I Am Where's The Food


(A few days after an event that ended with two Chao characters signing up for therapy sessions with Nikki)

RubyChao: i love everyone else going "maybe calm down" and chimata going "NOPE I'M FIXING IT"
RubyChao: she's still smarting over messing up earlier, please understand
Gooper Blooper: send Chimata to therapy
RubyChao: heeeeh
RubyChao: hang on, i'm gonna post in response
Gooper Blooper: the line to get into Nikki's office is spilling out the door
Jumpropeman: chimata never messes up, she just succeeds in hard to understand ways!
Muddled Sheep: Okeydoke. Go ahead, Chao
Gooper Blooper: pictured: a goddess
RubyChao: posted
RubyChao: unlike my characters who actually need therapy, chimata just goes "you have a good point" and goes along with the plan
Jumpropeman: garsp
Jumpropeman: you have characters who don't need therapy?
RubyChao: ebisuwaru has never needed therapy
Draco: I had a character who didn't need therapy once. Her name was Bergman and she had an incredibly sane plan to annihilate sentient life on Earth.
Draco: "MADURA!...Madura." <- A giant moth turns, thinking she's being called.
Draco: "we can make our own replacement stand." <- INCOMING ENEMY STANDS
Draco: Whew! This Edward stuff is getting exciting!
Jumpropeman: we'll save edward but then need a new body for indy ;P
Draco: Just go to eBay and buy some LEGO Indiana Jones sets.


Jumpropeman: playing a horror game with sanity mechanics and limited inventory so to hedge my bets I'm walking around the spooky house with sanity pills equipped in one hand and sanity pills in the other with an inventory mostly full of sanity pills :V
RubyChao: what game?
Jumpropeman: Visage
Gooper Blooper: JRM is very sane. Believe him.
Jumpropeman: the game opened with a "this game is hard" message so
Muddled Sheep: Can't believe JRM is playing Rule of Rose-
Draco: JRM's playing Kirby and the Forgotten Denny's.
Cornwind Evil: I don't remember that part of Eternal Darkness


Muddled Sheep: Srspost
Muddled Sheep: Man, I hope this alright
Muddled Sheep: You all managed to throw me a curveball early and knocked this event off the different roads I had planned for :V
Draco: Just do what I did and have Clownpiece.
Muddled Sheep: H-have Clownpiece what?
Draco: Yes.
Gooper Blooper: That's what happens when you go open-ended with something like this! I was actually thinking yesterday "there's no way Sheep planned for this"
RubyChao: pretty much
RubyChao: i was just going wild and accidentally broke it all with Chimata
Draco: Glad I didn't send Silvania. She would've just gone "ANTI-MAGIC FIELD" and killed Edward.
Muddled Sheep: It's what he deserved
Draco: He deserved WORSE, thank you!
Jumpropeman: I almost suggested calling in Silvania for a Truth spell from her cleric list
Muddled Sheep: Yeah, all my plans revolved around getting Cuddy OUT of the stand yesterday, with interrogation about who he was and trying to bring him around to bringing Ed back today
Jumpropeman: I was enjoying Exorcist by way of LEGO Indiana Jones
Muddled Sheep: It's also why I stipulated the event was nearish to the bar. If I could, Cuddy was going to go to the bar and start downing drinks
Draco: Well, you want the bartender to go in for magic, go for it. :V
Gooper Blooper: .......
Gooper Blooper: chao.
Gooper Blooper: Chimata looked at Sheep's plans for the event
Gooper Blooper: and said
Gooper Blooper: "mine now"
RubyChao: aaahahahahaha
RubyChao: i'm sorry sheep!
RubyChao: i'm sorryyyyy
Muddled Sheep: Oh no, it's fine
Muddled Sheep: I kept pulling back Cuddy from emerging from the stand because Y'ALL kept stipulating you were being careful with your contact with the stand
Gooper Blooper: You made it sound like there was something really evil and powerful in there!
Gooper Blooper: Not just A Grumpy Man
Muddled Sheep: Even when Indy went in, there were a couple characters like "I watch, ready to pull Indy away IMMEDIATELY"
RubyChao: pretty much sheep :V
RubyChao: we were Sus
Muddled Sheep: So, I wanted to make sure to honor that
Gooper Blooper: I thought it was gonna be, like, Draconus' True Form or something
Draco: And this is when Sheep reveals that Morloc left behind a puce EMMI.
Muddled Sheep: AND THEN Jrm had the really brilliant idea of using Indy's body for possession, and that's basically when we left the rails
Muddled Sheep: AND THEN Chimata brought the empty Ed to life, but I thought that might happen
Muddled Sheep: What I didn't expect was WE'RE GOING FOR ALL THREE, MR. SHEEP!
Gooper Blooper: The first half of the event was, like, awkward incarnate as Gloria attempted to calm a being who didn't know who it was and didn't know it would be dead in 24 hours
Muddled Sheep: Which was maybe my mistake. I started having "Ed" interact with Gloria so she had avenues for doing more during the event.
Jumpropeman: Zozo bound Isabelle to a doll for a while, so keeping Lumi in the body wouldn't be rough for her. Like, it would be taxing and a lot of power yeah, but like, she'd not struggle with it
Gooper Blooper: I almost skipped this one since I didn't think I'd be much help, but I saw Zoey turned up for it and thought of the battery comment so I tossed in Gloria to muse from the sidelines
Gooper Blooper: everyone took everyone else off the rails
Gooper Blooper: there were no rails at all
Muddled Sheep: ghost rails
Gooper Blooper: Witchcart gives it zero stars
Jumpropeman: Zozo's children are, conceptually, souls originally made with no bodies that would have flickered out had she not called out into the ether with her offering of a housing... so Lumi is practically kin already!
Gooper Blooper: psssst, lumi, hey
Gooper Blooper: wanna be a game hoard zombie


Draco: "MY dream is that I HATE LOSING" <- Is that really a dream though? This is why you weren't let into the Cardholders, Chris.
Gooper Blooper: You could rephrase as dreaming of never losing again
Draco: No, I'm leaving it as is. She's not thinking straight at the moment. :V
Kuro: yeah she's thinking pretty gay right about now


Kuro: antivenom baby band
Hooded Pitohui: #1 band in the world
Draco: Excuse you. Pabalano and the Peppers is the #1 band followed by S.O.N.G.


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: preparing to meet the kobbers
MobileDraco: Clownpiece's arch enemy.
Jumpropeman: the big twist for weaselplot
MobileDraco: Dude, you weren't supposed to tell them. D;
Jumpropeman: i was just too excited!


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hoi
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hey
Jumpropeman: sorry, I tracked in a chao
Jumpropeman: I'll wipe my shoes better next time


Its From Bowser!: What drinks will our new setting have
Its From Bowser!: Gonna import the blue cola from the Blades in the Dark game I'm in-
Kuro: probably scandinavian-ish drinks if anything
Jumpropeman: Sea Water. It's not actually sea water, but it will make you hallucinate like it!
iKomodo: A British Beach: cold, grey and disappointing
Kuro: Marina Trench: is there truly a bottom to this blue razzberry booze?
Jumpropeman: The Brine Hammer: A dark drink that's surprisingly sweet
Kuro: Whale's Tears: Mmmm. Salty.
iKomodo: Also I know the setting is vaguely Scandinavian but I keep imagining some kind of beachside promenade or arcade thing
iKomodo: which is memories of the britfamily holiday in whitby surfacing
Kuro: okay imagine its great britain fishing town
Kuro: right next to the sea
Kuro: tad bit gloomy
Kuro: or at least thats how i visualize it
Kuro: wouldn't be surprised if there was an old-fashioned building you think is gonna be historic or something, then surprise, welcome to the Fun Down Under!
Kuro: whalestrand's premiere arcade
iKomodo: lmao
Its From Bowser!: Whitby had a crappy Dracula "experience" you could go see
Its From Bowser!: I imagine there has to be a haunted house attraction on the boardwalk
Kuro: Werewhale's Werehouse
Its From Bowser!: New Whalestrand drink - Lamplighter, the spiciest rum you've ever tasted holy moly
Kuro: i had my pointer at the wrong part of rum
Kuro: and i went bug eyed before i realized "oh, that's sensible"
Kuro: after i moved the pointer of course
Jumpropeman: it is getting around that point we should probably discuss a bar name and bree puts forth her bartender suggestion
iKomodo: Harpls
iKomodo: Also if there is a beachside arcade i demand that the ocean hunter is in there as a playable game
iKomodo: because OCEAN
Kuro: who am i to dictate what isn't in the arcade
Kuro: bar name: The Stranded Whale
Kuro: not serious
Jumpropeman: the bartender? A whale, who is also stranded
Jumpropeman: the city committed overly hard to theme
Kuro: ghost whale


RubyChao: how are the kobbers gonna take it when i introduce my new character next year
RubyChao: who is a perfectly normal dude
RubyChao: who just happens to like wearing purple suits
Jumpropeman: and play card games
Draco: Murder him on the spot.
Draco: No regrets, no questions, no bodies.
Gooper Blooper: But then we can't let the bodies hit the floor.


Gooper Blooper: game over cutscene for failing in Happy Stealing With Kirisame Marisa
Gooper Blooper: fullofsores.avi


Draco: *chuckles* I'm in danger
Jumpropeman: patchy had her chance
Jumpropeman: koa is top librarian now
Gooper Blooper: Draco's custom Koa fumo sits atop the fumo shelf, judging him for not dropping a paycheck into the gacha
Draco: Koakuma Fumo is worth a hundred PNGs.
Draco: Which is a lie because Touhou Lost Word is deliberately shitty with Friend drop rates so she was more like two.
Kuro: better start shelling out money for koa pngs from goops and jrm
Gooper Blooper: This is true. Custom art > mobile pngs (handmade plushies count as art)
Draco: JRM draws in PNG? D8
Gooper Blooper: he can if you want him to
Kuro: i'm pretty sure he can if you bribe him
Jumpropeman: i can even make it mobile, but then it would be a gif :(
A Wife Killed My Mosquito: "Huh? You don't want a contract with me?!" I would but Vince would murder me
Kuro: just like how he can suffer through your horrible games for $20 dollars a month
Kuro: also what the hell is the context behind your name
Kuro: who owns a mosquito
A Wife Killed My Mosquito: Someone was trying to make a joke on the character motivation of someone in a bad monster movie and they got the words they were trying to say switched
Kuro: i can't believe the wife is a monster
Draco: Don't make a deal with the devil. Vince is now contractually obligated to love and honor her for the rest of his life.
Draco: Every morning is a living nightmare, waking up to a lovely woman who cherishes you and appreciates and helps with your endeavours.
Gooper Blooper: Koa is pure evil.
Draco: A literal monster.
A Wife Killed My Mosquito: Okay guys opposite day just ended


Draco: "Da dada! Sumireko-chan POWAH UUUUUUUUP!"
Draco: (that's how the VA makes it sound)
Gooper Blooper: What a nerd.


Its From Bowser!: Anyway, woomy
RubyChao: what the FUCK del
RubyChao: you can't just say Woomy in public like that
RubyChao: my god
Gooper Blooper: veemo
Its From Bowser!: Oh Yeah??
Its From Bowser!: God goops beat me to it


Jumpropeman: I found this on a youtube video recently
Kuro: oh man
Gooper Blooper: Life lessons from Shroud.


Jumpropeman: someone apparently found the game hoard with the search term "sega saturn goofy games" which I was confused by since I haven't reviewed any... but if you put that in google image search, the top images are inexplicably that Sega Genesis game about Goofy with my box art picture appearing three times
Kuro: fukin kek
Kuro: goofy looks upon you with favor
Jumpropeman: the goofy push
Gooper Blooper successfully reaches Game Hoard by searching "sega dreamcast goofy games"
Gooper Blooper: it took me to today's review
Jumpropeman: I clearly just need to put every word in the english language somewhere on the site
Gooper Blooper: I think I figured out how Google did the saturn goofy, JRM
Kuro: gooper blooper: detectivu booper
Gooper Blooper: Every single page on your site has that list of tags on the side, which includes the Saturn
Gooper Blooper: So Google obligingly indexed them all
Gooper Blooper: As for today's review, you described this game as "goofy"
Gooper Blooper: and, again, Dreamcast on the tag list
Jumpropeman: ohhhh
Gooper Blooper: I had to go to page five but Google had already indexed this brand new review!
Jumpropeman: nice! It went up a bit later too since I was trying to hop in plot and post it at the same time


They Named Their Kid Dorkus: You wanna know when you're in a deep sleep?
They Named Their Kid Dorkus: When you get a nasty leg cramp and it just encorperates itself into the dream for several seconds before your brain actually goes Oh Wait This Is Legit and you wake up
RubyChao: is it when you name your kid dorkus


RubyChao: last post for the night from me
RubyChao: if you wanna reply with your characters on the station you can
Draco: And then Clownpiece eats the astronaut.
Gooper Blooper: I'll make my break post tomorrow
Jumpropeman: do we get tea
Gooper Blooper has Elvira inexplicably managing one of her two-day event rest area shops on the space station
Draco: It's the Mineral Sisters! They used magic to breathe in space and they're selling healing!
Jumpropeman: i appreciate letting gbc hack
Jumpropeman: she's gotten a lot of use out of her original hacking angle on cardholders
Draco: And then someone from the Oasis appears to kidnap GBC.
Jumpropeman: Synthoid's been part of them the whole time!
Gooper Blooper: Synthoid's already been part of so many factions, what's one more
Gooper Blooper: it will be
Gooper Blooper: his final faction
Jumpropeman: egad
Jumpropeman: it was in the cards the whole time


RubyChao: the other reason the astronaut was so weird compared to colonel bogey and joyce jr, besides just being a more abstract concept than them, was also the fact that it didn't really have a "form" to coalesce around
RubyChao: both joyce jr and colonel bogey were defined figures that were given life, making it easy for them to act natural, just focused on Revolution and Golf
RubyChao: the astronaut, on the other hand, was a completely abstract creation and thus ended up weirder
Gooper Blooper: *checks to see if NASA has a mascot*
Gooper Blooper: *Snoopy*
Gooper Blooper: I see the issue :V
RubyChao: "And then she realizes that she hasn't actually felt the activation of Card power all fight. Except for right now, as a sudden influx of it comes from the Astronaut. Their helmet opens, the visor rising up to reveal that inside is the face of Snoopy the dog."
Gooper Blooper: pfff


RubyChao: stadia's getting killed
RubyChao: this is where we pretend to be shocked
SteelKomodo: lol, lmao
Draco: oh noooooooo


Jumpropeman: from hell's heart I poop at thee


Bree: link
Kuro: the call for goops
Gooper Blooper: link
Cornwind Evil: That Gooper meme makes me think of the SNES game EVO: Search for Eden
Cornwind Evil: I don't know if Gooper has ever heard of it
Gooper Blooper: I have
Cornwind Evil: I don't know how much of anything Goops knows about it then
Cornwind Evil: But as you might have guessed, you start as a fish
Cornwind Evil: And then as you go through the worlds/time periods you become an amphibian, then a reptile, and then you have options: you can become a bipedal or flying reptile, and then change into a mammal, or stay a quadrupedal/bipedal/flying reptile for the rest of the game (which is generally a challenge mode).
Cornwind Evil: If you become a mammal, in the last world if you follow a specific evolution path you can evolve into a primitive human.
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, in the first world, if you go a certain path you can actually reach 'land'
Cornwind Evil: And jump out onto it
Cornwind Evil: And your fish form will actually auto evolve legs to walk on it
Gooper Blooper: how handy
Cornwind Evil: ....except at this point, there's no oxygen based atmosphere so you rapidly take damage and very likely die before you get back into the water
Cornwind Evil: Note that you were warned that 'the world above has no air' beforehand
Cornwind Evil: To trigger the 'world has air now' in game trigger, you need to beat the game's first boss, an ancient shark
Cornwind Evil: A Kuraselach, to be specific
Draco: Most games you have to beat the first boss to unlock the ending. ;V ;p
Cornwind Evil: Then, if you go back to the same area, you can breathe
Draco: Oh.
Cornwind Evil: But then Gaia goes "You have succeeded in going onto land. Now you will become an amphibian"
Cornwind Evil: Hence you get to use the fish with legs body for maybe...two steps.
Cornwind Evil: Then you automatically get a new body (and have to start rebuilding yourself all over again) and go to the next world
Bree: amphibians are sort of defined by their ability to breathe both water and air so the fact you cease to be a fish with legs and become an amphibian shortly after you go on land an start breathing air makes perfect sense, cornwind
Cornwind Evil: Yes, I meant more that they put in a 'give your fish form legs' sprite, and you get to use it for like three seconds
Gooper Blooper: Video games be weird like that sometimes
Gooper Blooper: sometimes they even put time and effort into sprites or characters they end up not even using
Cornwind Evil: Unless you use a specific crystal that lets you transform into older saved forms and saved a fish form, but those are rare and the transformation is brief anyway.
Gooper Blooper: or, like, the times when a ten-second part of the vidya has a two minute long song that plays for only that one part
Cornwind Evil: Also, in the last world, for one underwater level, if you have enough EVO points (10,000), you'll notice that if you select "Hands and Feet" for evolution options, you'll see a one time option that says "Try to evolve."
Cornwind Evil: Each time it uses up 2000 points and does nothing
Cornwind Evil: But do it five times and you turn into a mermaid.
Cornwind Evil: Which, while you can only use it in that one level, is very powerful and makes it a breeze.


Big Man: I will return next season and I'm planning my character as we speak
Big Man: It's gon be gud
RubyChao: is it
RubyChao: woomy
Jumpropeman: del disappears until may of next year
Jumpropeman: he spends all that time crafting the new character
Big Man: Chao
Big Man: I can confirm
Big Man: It is in fact
Big Man: Veemo


RubyChao: i hope people enjoyed the daughter plot twist
Draco: I did.
RubyChao: i loved the idea of "things just play out differently so sometimes it's Real Weird"
RubyChao: and shirabe getting adopted by okuu and teshni is a case of that
Jumpropeman: you got four science shibbers images chao, don't burn em so quickly D:
Jumpropeman: 1 every three months and- NOOOO 


Hooded Pitohui: There's some more disputed takes as to what the name actually was derived from that aren't covered in this article, but this certainly comes flying at your face like a brick
Draco: Windfucker is what we call Sanae's romantic partner.
Bree: love the part where they mention etymologists argued it was "windsucker" instead and I'm going "well that's not any LESS obscene, etymologists..."


RubyChao: "One year at E3 a cop pulled me aside to give me a ticket for jaywalking and then let it go when I explained I was from New York"
RubyChao: as a new yorker i can believe this
RubyChao: we consider traffic lights to be suggestions
RubyChao: don't walk is "watch for cars and walk"
RubyChao: walk is "everyone get the fuck out of my way"


Draco: I have entered DYM12.
SteelKomodo: noice
Draco: I'm sure everyone is surprised that I have entered a cute girl.
SteelKomodo: Lol, lmao


RubyChao: i feel confident that at this point
RubyChao: i have ruined normal playing cards on the same level jrm did with tarot cards
Kuro: we ruined two decks
Kuro: now what other decks can we ruin
Jumpropeman: ship decks


RubyChao: jrm: will there be time to swap characters between today and the finale
Jumpropeman: yes!
RubyChao: sweet, time to murder


RubyChao: one reveal to go... well, two
RubyChao: and then a complete deck
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes I forget Harlequin still isn't revealed because the placeholder icon is an evil clown face so I just go "well that's what Harlequin looks like"
RubyChao: ahahahahahaha
RubyChao: reasonable, goops
RubyChao: the problem is that the Joker is WAY less regular
RubyChao: so i just had to pick a Joker and roll with it


Gooper Blooper: Don Weaso has a Wikipedia page. It is nothing but a redirect to his section of the character list for the Conker series page... but that article no longer has a character list, having apparently been trimmed by the same cruel overlords who refused to let the world know about Scaler's cast.
Jumpropeman: how dare!
Jumpropeman: also yes, I changed Weaso's last name to Weazo
Jumpropeman: z is more evil-
RubyChao: i love finding random weird revision pages
Draco: "Guys! you must help me make this happen! I can't do this alone, I think these would be AMAZING ideas for this squirrels' past! this would defentily make the companies alot of money, and would be the perfect thing for them to do with conker!" <- Dude wanted to turn the Conker series Wikipedia page into a fanfiction, apparently.
Jumpropeman: "Conker and Friends Acorns and Hay is the prequel television series to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic except Conker's adventures were even better many say."
Gooper Blooper: "many say"
Gooper Blooper: take my word for it.
Gooper Blooper: "but after the final episode of the series, conker is tracked by both a fairly tale panther king, and professor von what's his name who both can't wait to get him and tell him the whole truth starting Conker's first bad day, what he calls, a bad fur day!"
Gooper Blooper: It truly was... A Bad Fur Day *swelling orchestral music*


Jumpropeman: I intend to make a post of the sega girls talking, and the nintendo girls eventually too
Jumpropeman: they're all moving to australia so we better do that setting next
Gooper Blooper: I'm wagering a few will follow us to Whalestrand but the bulk of them are gonna wrap up and settle down
Gooper Blooper: some of 'em still have potential but others have basically had their arcs and can be called done
Gooper Blooper: as great as they are, there's ten of them so they definitely take up a lotta space on the JRM roster :V
Jumpropeman: yeah :V
Draco: Especially Gamecube.
Draco: Can't get her off the bar, so we had to build a new bar in Whalestrand.
Gooper Blooper: With Meredith, Rachel, and Dolby all retiring and Sumireko re-retiring, this season will mark what I imagine is the final end of Nerd Club
Gooper Blooper: it had a good run though
Jumpropeman trims them down to gamecube and gale, still takes up the same amount of space
Gooper Blooper: the hefty hoods
Draco: They'll work together to run SEGA Hardcade: Whalestrand.
RubyChao: oh dolby's retiring? alright
RubyChao scraps his plans for a Cassettes And Nostalgia Only store in Whalestrand
Gooper Blooper: You knew she was retiring months ago :I
Draco: I honestly thought she was already retired.
Gooper Blooper: She did very little last season but Dolby's actually been around a fair bit this year!
Draco: Fair.
Draco: Time to retire Steve. He's been good to us for two years, but it's time he settled down and got back to running his bar, give Silvania the boot.
Gooper Blooper: last year I think Dolby's activity was pretty much just Nintendo Girls Plot early on and then she jammed out with Sapphire in the bar later to Bird Is The Word and that was pretty much Dolby 2021
RubyChao: i did a search for dolby at one point and yeah that's literally it
Jumpropeman: a good year
RubyChao: she fell off entirely outside of a cameo after nintendo girls plot
RubyChao: this year she's had several things
RubyChao: WAIT
RubyChao: she also showed up to help Chimata figure out how best to drink a rainbow
Jumpropeman: slow down there dolb!
Jumpropeman: you'll throw out your back with that much activity!
Gooper Blooper: Wow, a whole one post! I was Literally Obsessed


Kuro: oh damn these aren't the bosses?
Jumpropeman: not weasely enough
Kuro: but this guy got underlings-
Kuro: then again they got raptorified for monster hunter
Kuro: viper of the center complains that the weasels are being shaped by raptors
Jumpropeman: poor weasels, they can be everything BUT weasels
Kuro: i would shitpost but its too early for me to just drop a "oh, archons above" from oersted just trying to buy some books and then seeing slicy weasels up in the skies
Kuro: venti may approve as the archon of shitposting, but he's not allowed to have power beyond poems in DYM yet.
Jumpropeman: but what if you see Spicy Weasels in the skies~
Kuro: we all know don keeps the spice girls at his side at all times
Jumpropeman: "We will make people stop hating weasels... by making them horny for weasels"
Kuro: don you could have done that, but you don didn't do it


Kuro: making a post, which is sorta shit but yknow
Jumpropeman: sorry harp, you make shitposts, not shit posts
Mushroom Sheep: Yeah, well
Mushroom Sheep: Mine'll be MORE shit
Mushroom Sheep: HOW BOUT THAT???
Jumpropeman: the mushrooms will eat well tonight


Mushroom Sheep: HOLY CANNOLI
Mushroom Sheep: Turns out, your characters spilling their guts a bit takes a while to write out


(Chao goes to post about his golf event)

RubyChao: oh, i should give a quick lowdown
RubyChao: quick lowdown given
Jumpropeman: won't be able to leave?! but saturn's dance recital is at 7!
Draco: Is that why all the other Sega girls AND the Nintendo Girls AND Ravio are going to plot?
Jumpropeman: and all their girlfriends too!
Draco: Even GBA's girlfriend Mallus?


Jumpropeman: nintendo going for a bold strategy here: making you horny for pilotwings
Draco: It's WORKING. D;
Draco feels like a bird.
RubyChao: oh god jrm i thought you were joking
RubyChao: but no that's literally asmr


Jumpropeman steps out into the rain in The Good Life
Jumpropeman: "Yes! Now I can get a cold!"
Jumpropeman: (I have a sidequest where the doctor wants to try something to treat a cold)
Mountain Sheep lies in wait for the review
RubyChao also lies in wait just because he likes knowing reviews
Mountain Sheep that he'll get to months later, because he has such a large backlog to read

Jumpropeman: I can shove it up some, but at the same time, I do need to finish the game and write it and all :V
RubyChao: >not cutting the game off at an arbitrary point and calling it reviewed
Gooper Blooper: >not basing your review on the tutorial
Crocodivel: >not basing your review on failing the tutorial
Jumpropeman: I'll just play practice mode and say that's the whole game
Gooper Blooper: "This game is too easy and has hardly any content"
RubyChao: "in order to review every game, game hoard reviews will now be based on the game i made up from looking at the box art"
Jumpropeman: I wonder if any reviewer has ever accidentally done a weird set of conditions to get the bad/ridiculous ending that comes early on
Jumpropeman: or maybe turn off the game during one of those credits fakeouts like in kid icarus uprising


Mountain Sheep: "one reason today's actions were delayed was because Maya was making sure there was a little quid pro quo. Investigating previous giant Kobbers like Gezora,"
Mountain Sheep: I think you mean
Mountain Sheep: a little squid pro quo.
Jumpropeman deletes sheep
Mountain Sheep: I warn you
Mountain Sheep: if you strike me down
Mountain Sheep: then I will be
Mountain Sheep: dead
Big Man: Lol
Jumpropeman: that's a risk I'll have to take


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: SOLEIL IS our hearts.
Gooper Blooper: The real Fire Emblem Hero was the cuties we met along the way.
Draco: Like Grima.
RubyChao: it's true
RubyChao: grima is a cutie
Draco: And she's a hero because she made sure to provide bandaids to her victims.
Mountain Sheep: What if Grima is just misunderstood-
Gooper Blooper: She was, Sheep. That was her arc.
Gooper Blooper: We misunderstood her.
Mountain Sheep: But what if I'm just misunderstood-
Gooper Blooper: I think we understand you all too well
Mountain Sheep sweats
Mountain Sheep jumps out window

Draco: I misunderstood Sheep.
Draco: I thought he wanted Griff to win, so I secretly let Griff keep a billion dollars.
Mountain Sheep: Good End.
Mountain Sheep: A billion dongs
Draco: He gave Junko Saten half of it because she's his secret partner.
Mountain Sheep: I knew Junko was a heel all along!
Draco: And she used her half to make Dewgongs unextinct in China.
Mountain Sheep: So she could SELL THEM
Mountain Sheep: and their TEARS
Draco: Yes, to fund orphanages on the Moon for Rabbits.
Draco: People cheer for her whenever she shows up now. You should hear them chanting her name when she arrives. HAIL SATEN.
Mountain Sheep: Because she needs their tiny orphan hands to fix the mills when they crawl under the hydraulic machinery
Draco: Yes. Because she set up a safe training center so they could find gainful employment as adults while solving America's need for skilled labor!
Mountain Sheep: Which she embezzles from to invest in crude oil to DUMP IN THE OCEAN
Draco: In order to test her start-up's oil clean-up machine in order to prevent more ecological disasters!
Mountain Sheep: Darn, Draco brought it back around
Jumpropeman: she revived the dugongs and now they EAT crude oil
Gooper Blooper: One of these days, Draco will find a way to succeed in his long-term goal of making Junko incredibly successful and happy
Mountain Sheep: Yes
Mountain Sheep: It'll be when I drop dead onto my keyboard trying to finish a plot
Draco: It's okay, because the thought of someone making Junko happy will be enough to bring you back from beyond the grave.


Mountain Sheep: Found a Harp char in the wild
Kuro: noooo, stop giving me char references you monster
Mountain Sheep: link
Mountain Sheep: link
Kuro: i can barely stop myself, i say as I have managed to avoid flooding RP with my hyperfixations of the week
Mountain Sheep: link
Kuro: JRM please, tell sheep to stop
Mountain Sheep: I link the page because I think its hilarious they have a linked quote from the developer calling her "the cute one"
Kuro: you have broken me
Kuro: you know my tastes, somehow
Kuro: *makes a note*
Mountain Sheep: >Somehow
Mountain Sheep looks at forum
Draco: "How did you know I like cute, colorful girls?" *hiding a pile of cute, colorful characters behind her back*
Kuro: jrm sheep's bullying me
Jumpropeman: sheep, how could you
Jumpropeman: how could you not show her the pizza one that is
Big Man: Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, etc
Kuro: JRM you bastard
Kuro: *gives up hope because goops will just be like 'yeah, do it'*


RubyChao: also, for anyone who wants to know when to beat up a particular one of the kings (pitohui)
RubyChao: in a couple days i'll have revealed enough that i can say what the rest of the events are
Draco: Pitohui is a King? D:
Hooded Pitohui: Thanks for calling me a king but please don't beat me up
Cornwind Evil: Okay
Cornwind Evil: -shoves Pitohui down some stairs instead-
Draco stops reaching for the Leather-bound Stick with a Handle.


Jumpropeman: now that we know the harlequin, my fringe theory: Baccarat would be the harlequin
RubyChao: that would have been hilarious
Jumpropeman: I was waiting for you to go "haha! Him being a jerk was foreshadowing!" and he does have the connection to pierrette
Jumpropeman: I expected him to have some power-up though so we wouldn't go "well he placed low in the brawl"
RubyChao: honestly, now that you're sharing this theory, i kind of wish it had happened
RubyChao: not in a "wow i hate my own plot twist" way but in a "damn, that sounds insane, i want to somehow read the cardholders AU where that's how it goes down" way
Jumpropeman: delete the post, put up baccarat one, and then ask pito and goop what they thought in the morning-
Cornwind Evil: Clearly this is the AU where Ian was a king.
Cornwind Evil: One question though Chao: when are we dealing with the henway.
RubyChao: october 22nd
RubyChao: didn't you pay attention?
Cornwind Evil: No no, the HENWAY
Draco: What's the henway oh about 5 pounds.
Cornwind Evil: Darn it
Cornwind Evil leaves in a sulk.
Cornwind Evil left the chat
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil did not actually leave in a sulk, just had to leave.
Cornwind Evil left the chat

Draco: ;p


Brinehammer: I was trying to slow down on buying Magic cards, but uh...
They got me :|
Kuro: oh dear god
Mountain Sheep: Well!
Big Man: Lmao


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Mountain Sheep pounces
Jumpropeman: only if it involves Theodore Rex BI
Mountain Sheep: Only if Cassandra can burst out of his corpse
Jumpropeman: that's practically why I kept him around so long!


Jumpropeman: ani: *time to be bold* "I think things could kinda be a little better!" *shakes in boots*
Kuro: *duer drags oersted back down into hell*
Mountain Sheep: Dean: *unfolds his skin suit*
Jumpropeman: it's the alruthine from last year's brother D:


Jumpropeman: coughed and sneezed at the same time and it felt like my organs almost came out
Gooper Blooper: oh no
Gooper Blooper: a snough
RubyChao: you didn't need them anyway


ABXY: shiver is if jonesy only had three brain cells
ABXY: deep cut are like if team rocket had a podcast
ABXY: and meowth knew ninjutsu


Jumpropeman: ebisu is a japanese god of luck, and yet ebisuwaru struck out with 50+ cards...
Gooper Blooper: well, remember what we learned from mario
Gooper Blooper: "warui" means "bad"
Jumpropeman: nice


RubyChao: draco i'm going to take a wild guess
RubyChao: you like seiran just a little more than ringo
Draco: NO. *edits Ringo in to get beat up by Pablo*
RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: as far as we know
RubyChao: JRM has the world's first art of Seiran
Draco: Well, JRM has good taste in blue-haired Moon Rabbit girls from the Touhou series.
Draco: I remember that art though. At the time we didn't know what her club thingy was.


Draco: Fun Fact: I keep getting Hollow Earth and Middle Earth confused while writing stuff for my plot. 8V
Kuro: the middle of the earth is hollow
Draco: It is, but one place has Hobbits and the other has King Kongs.
iKomodo: Lmao
Big Man: Da things of powah
Kuro: row row fite da powah
iKomodo: BUT MY LORD


Mulligan Sheep joined the chat
Mulligan Sheep: Hello! I'm alive! Working on post!
iKomodo: He lives!
Mulligan Sheep: It's true. We checked.


Jumpropeman: a list of all the wii u eshop exclusives we're losing
Jumpropeman: most of them are... uh... well how can I put this nicely...
Gooper Blooper: No, not Games For Toddlers!!


Jumpropeman: oh nice, a stretch of free days coming up
Jumpropeman: my mom is getting a surgery on wednesday and I'll be taking care of brownie so things are going to be busy
Draco: I won't book Momoyo and Momiji plot then. ;V
Jumpropeman: noooooo
Gooper Blooper: yeah, we get one last nice break before things amp up one more time for the final stretch
Gooper Blooper: two weeks from now, we're done!
Mulligan Sheep: Free days, you say...
Mulligan Sheep a hand falls on JRM's shoulder
Gooper Blooper: from the sound of it, they are not free for JRM :V
Mulligan Sheep: I was joking; don't you worry about it, JRM
Draco: Sheep needs to worry about it though because he and I are doing a short collab where Junko Saten comes to Agama to start a skateboarding league.
Jumpropeman: *koala princess materializes*
Jumpropeman: "the league wasn't in jeopardy yet though"
Jumpropeman: "I can just sense it will be"
Draco: Not with Kirika Hawk as its champion.
Jumpropeman: the league is in danger of BEING TOO SICK


Gooper Blooper: tune in next week when we fight a sentient black hole
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure Cirral can handle it.
Mulligan Sheep: Maybe Cirral will find out
Mulligan Sheep: what, if anything, remains
Draco: Sentient black hole? You talkin' 'bout...Dia?
Mulligan Sheep: boo
Mulligan Sheep: booooo


Gooper Blooper: fun fact
Gooper Blooper: Burnin was originally slated to join RP alone. 50% of the reason she got a partner was because it felt like she would need one with the niche I have planned for her
Gooper Blooper: the other 50% was being unable to pass up a name as cheesy as BURNIN JUSTICE
Jumpropeman: names practically made to pair up
Draco: It's a good team name. Almost as good as Clairepiece.
Jumpropeman: claire's going back on active duty in whalestrand
Jumpropeman: she'll get her chance to assert her dominance
Draco: Oh no. D:
Jumpropeman: psychically t-posing across the street
Draco: Claire t-posing in a Red Rider wagon as Clownpiece pulls her around town.
Jumpropeman: they have the best dates <3
Gooper Blooper: so romantic~


Jumpropeman: Vacation idea: head to the last Yogi Bear fried chicken restaurant left on the planet
Kuro: yogi bear vs pizza vampire
Jumpropeman: time to change my food plot for next year-
Kuro: pizza
Kuro: its clearly pizza vampire vs the P-I-Z-Z-A kids
Kuro: who have grown into adults by now
Jumpropeman: in their old age they have taken their pizza alchemy too far...
Kuro: 10/10 would attend
MobileDraco: We can't withstand the might of Mary-kay and Ashley Olsen.


Jumpropeman: it's good human brains can supposedly store 2.5 petabytes of knowledge so that I feel less guilty about using so much of it on Yogi Bear trivia


Cornwind Evil: You remember some time ago I brought up that sitcom that had three retools in the space of two years and the last one killed the show because all the actors quit?
RubyChao: yep
Gooper Blooper: yeah, that made Chatzy Madness
Cornwind Evil: Well, I thought I would discuss something similar
Cornwind Evil: Namely, 'shows that basically went more and more nuts away from their original premise'
Cornwind Evil: What prompted this was me looking at a summary of the CW "adult Archie" series Riverdale, which I assume no one in here has seen
Cornwind Evil: The show basically began as 'Archie, except injected with a bunch of soap opera adult nonsense'
Cornwind Evil: So Jughead's no longer a weird female hater, just has terrible social skills, and Mrs Grundy is de aged to middle age and Archie is secretly having an affair with her until he meets Veronica...and oh yeah the main plot of the season is "Who murdered Jason Blossom"?
Cornwind Evil: Jason being a lesser known Archie character who's a twin of one of the lesser Archie girls, Cheryl Blosson
Cornwind Evil: It turns out his father murdered him because he didn't want Jason running off with his pregnant girlfriend because that would disgrace the family.
Cornwind Evil: Then along comes Season 2...and suddenly there's a serial killer called The Black Hood running around killing 'sinners', and he actually manages to kill Midge, one of the secondary cast members best known for being the girlfriend of has-not-aged-well-a-lot lunatic jealous jock Moose Mason.
Cornwind Evil: And in the past there was another killer called "The Riverdale Reaper" who was never caught
Draco: So the show had three serial killers at the same time?
Cornwind Evil: It turns out The Black Hood is the Reaper's son, both his parents were insane, one being the Reaper, and they raised him to think all sinners had to die...AND he's actually Betty's father.
Jumpropeman: almost as many serial killers in a city as a superhero comic!
Cornwind Evil: No, just one. One was decades in the past and I am not sure who you think the third was
Cornwind Evil: And then it just goes more nuts. The third season is riffing on the Dungeons and Dragons Satantic Panic by having an online game, Griffins and Gargoyles, brainwashing various people of Riverdale into a cult led by 'The Gargoyle King'
Cornwind Evil: Season 4 withdrew a bit into just more crazy soap opera nonsense and drama with another murder mystery
Cornwind Evil: Season 5 did a mild retool where after several episodes the show skips ahead seven years
Cornwind Evil: At the end of that season it seemed like the overall main villain of the show Hiram Lodge, Veronica's father was defeated, but at the end, Archie gets 'cursed' and he finds a bomb under his bed. Boom
Cornwind Evil: Season 6 starts and things go well and truly mad, as Archie instead wakes up in an alternate universe town called RiverVALE and after a batch of episodes of THAT gets back only to discover he and a few other characters have inexplicably developed superpowers
Cornwind Evil: And at the very end reality is about to collapse except a plot device reboots the universe so that now it's 1955 and everyone are teens in high school again (and only Jughead remembers the past timelines)
Cornwind Evil: And I believe it's due for a Season 7
Cornwind Evil: Now, if you think about it, Archie comics themselves had all sorts of silliness happen
Cornwind Evil: Magical Christmas imps, Jughead having time travel adventures with a descendant of Archie who he ended up in a pairing with, Jughead having an eating contest with an alien, both the main teens and the faculty of Riverdale High becoming superheroes, etc
Cornwind Evil: So it really isn't all THAT incongruous that the show also went completely nuts
Cornwind Evil: But still, it started as supposedly 'a realistic mature grittier version of Archie' and became...still that, except with tons of added extra silliness from OG Archie
Jumpropeman: season 1 you don't know what the audience likes yet
Cornwind Evil: Related is the not as long lived CBS series Zoo
Cornwind Evil: Based on the book by James Patterson
Jumpropeman: i think my parents watched that
Cornwind Evil: The book's plot was basically "A combination of the world's environments being excessively flooded with petrocarbons and the constantly escalating degree of radiowaves from cell phones and wireless internet have caused a worldwide mutation in animals (maybe just mammals?) that 1) Connect them as a hive mind through pheremones, and 2) Violently attack humans because they have some quirk in the pheremones that makes them 'smell bad' and the alternation has drastically increased their aggression."
Cornwind Evil: So it starts with a whole group of male lions working together (they don't do that) and by the end cities are being overrun by masses of dozens of animals all working together to kill humans
Cornwind Evil: The series began with this premise, attaching an overall villain company to the main thrust of this bad enviromental change, and it played out sort of like the book...but after a season it seemed like the writers got bored and decided 'Let's just do stories about animal related disasters, no matter how ridiculous.'
Cornwind Evil: Which perhaps culminated in an episode during the last season where the protagonists had to deal with a sloth that when it yawned, CAUSED EARTHQUAKES.
Cornwind Evil: There's probably a reason it was the last season
Jumpropeman: amazing
Kuro: sounds like a zfrp boss
Cornwind Evil: Wait, wait, no. That was in the SECOND season
Cornwind Evil: So even THEN the writers had decided to just go nuts


RubyChao: i love how both of olympia's mayors are, in different ways, supervillains down to the names (and one actually was a bad guy)
RubyChao: what a city
Gooper Blooper: Reminder: I was at one point going to use Deathborn as Plague's Actually Evil Older Brother
RubyChao: i did NOT remember that
RubyChao: amazing
Gooper Blooper: They look kinda similar, even


My Dolly... (Cornwind Evil) joined the chat
RubyChao: hi cornwind
RubyChao: you missed the horrifying truth about jester chao
My Dolly...: That he's basically a benevolent Pennywise?
My Dolly...: And that he's got the Madlights instead of the Deadlights within?
RubyChao: pretty much
My Dolly...: And if we saw him 'undressed', he'd be a giant scorpion? Wait, probably not that...
Draco: He IS a member of The Zeldoten Gang!!!. He could have any number of scorpion parts attached to his true form.


Mulligan Sheep: Alright!
Mulligan Sheep: Ya done did it now!
Mulligan Sheep: I'm leaving!
Mulligan Sheep: For bed!
Mulligan Sheep left the chat
Jumpropeman: i'm sorry ; o ;
Jumpropeman: anyway, let's put a whoopee cushion on his chair for when he gets back


Mulligan Sheep joined the chat
Mulligan Sheep PBBBPHT
Mulligan Sheep looks down and finds whoopee cushion in chair

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