Saturday, August 13, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 400: It's Murph Or Nothing


Draco: Darn. I was going to make CODD BRANFORD my secret fiter, but Goops already RP'd him.


RubyChao: "Kirika gets an urge to play some kind of prank on the sleeping girl, as if some kind of extra-dimensional meme was trying to inflict something upon Annie. She resists."
never forget that the very first kiriannie interaction was foreshadowing
Jumpropeman: that's how you know she always cared
Draco: lol
Draco: The most wholesome thing I've ever written.


Jumpropeman: describing the Atari 2600 game Wabbit as a farming sim is HEAVILY generous
Jumpropeman: it's basically a "protect stuff from an enemy" shooter
Jumpropeman: but wikipedia really tries to justify the sim angle


Draco: Going to bed, but I will leave you with these words of wisdom: The greatest glory in living lies not in never Morbing, but in rising every time we Morb. -Nelson Mandela
Draco: *Nelson Morbdela
Jumpropeman: oh, I rise when I morb all right


Jumpropeman: air juggling someone with Andre the Giant is not something I knew I needed in my life
Jumpropeman: playing WWE All Stars which is pretty much what I thought WWE 2K Battlegrounds was going to be
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Post
Jumpropeman: mentioning wrestling summons the cornwind
Gooper Blooper: good work JRM
Gooper Blooper: no wonder you picked that to play


Jumpropeman: sergeant slaughter's got a tiny butt
Gooper Blooper: Good to know.
Harpy: Oh no
Jumpropeman: I wasn't the one who put the camera at a low angle for this match's start


Jumpropeman: "TRIPLE H, FROM greenwich, connecticut" I can see why Parts Unknown became popular for intimidating wrestlers :V
Gooper Blooper: "WE HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THIS CRAZY BERZERKER CAME FROM!! His opponent is from Rhode Island."
RubyChao: that reminds me of an scp where it was a town full of people who resolved everything with wrestling and boxing and the like, and were all super strong
RubyChao: and all i could say to spy was we found it
RubyChao: we found Parts Unknown


(Defense attorney "antagonist" Tara Skew shows up on a Kobber quest so she can defend Ian of possible wrongdoing)

MobileDraco: I couldn't pass up this opportunity. I don't know if there will be any trials this year.
Jumpropeman: Tara Skew can be how people like Yao Zerr get off the hook despite brief evils
MobileDraco: Ian is a heartless monster. Tara's career just got ended by even hearing his name.
Jumpropeman: I heard Ian doesn't even replace the paper towel roll after using it up
MobileDraco: Not even ruthless horror Game Boy Color will associate with.
Kurororo: that sounds more like Laharl than Ian-
MobileDraco: Laharl is a lovely angel.
Jumpropeman: Laharl's worse: she touches the paper towels with wet hands and leaves the wet towels ON THE ROLL
Kurororo: she doesn't wash her hands either
MobileDraco: Don't leave paper towels on Roll. D;
Kurororo: though considering circumstances, she'd at least slap some hand sanitizer on.
MobileDraco: On her FACE
Brinehammer: I heard Ian eats all the cookies in a box but then puts the box back.

(Tara eventually makes the point that the hotheaded Ian is probably not clever enough to execute the plan)

Gooper Blooper: ahahahahahhhh
Gooper Blooper: congrats Ian you're too dumb to pull this off
MobileDraco: Prove Tara wrong.


Cornwind Evil: I picture Jawbone as working as how Hammerhead operated in the early 90's Spider Man cartoon
Cornwind Evil: Where he turned up numerous times working as a minion when his whole shtick was 'charge at his enemy and try and head ram him'
Cornwind Evil: And that's basically all he ever did
Gooper Blooper: This has felt like the season of baddies making appearances across multiple events
Gooper Blooper: Nue, Metron, the Legion, Gruntilda, etc
Jumpropeman: that's the real reason may's so packed. We aren't cleaning up all the baddies!
Draco: Are you saying the Scorchbeast needs to be a recurring villain? 8V
Draco: Deal. Let's make it happen. Six years of Scorchbeast plots. ;3
Cornwind Evil: No, because Jawbone isn't going to try and eat half of Agama
Kurororo: we're grinding may for experience
RubyChao: hands off, that's captain you's job-
Kurororo: i knew someone would take it that way
Gooper Blooper: totsugeki ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kurororo: don't make me bring up mr. dolphin's criminal records
Draco: War Crimes Elemental




Bree: lel lost word komachi has an ability called slow start
Draco: She also has a cheerleader costume.
Bree: you've shared it before! but if anyone wants to see it again
Bree: look at all that tiddy
Gooper Blooper: I ALWAYS want to see Cheerleader Komachi again, ZFRP when
Bree: "Komachi's specialized outfit for generating cheer. Rinnosuke made this based on information from the outside world."
Bree: what kind of information, rinnosuke ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Draco: Playboys
Cornwind Evil: "Rah rah ree, kick 'em in the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...."
Bree: if you or someone else can invent an excuse for komachi to dress up as a cheerleader I will make it canon
Bree: that is a promise
Draco: Her anniversary with Nitori
Bree: pls
Draco: Roller Derby 2: Save the League Harder
Gooper Blooper: BBB12 gets a cheerleading section and halftime show
Bree: haha roller derby 2 would be good yeah
Jumpropeman rewrites tomorrow's plot to be at a pep rally



Gooper Blooper: There have been a few hints here and there that the Mario Broth guy is aware of how eccentric he and his content are
Gooper Blooper: this is one of the strongest hints yet


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom asked what was going on in RP today and I had to attempt to explain today's event
Gooper Blooper: it was not easy.
RubyChao: can't wait for goopsmom to ask about cardholders
Jumpropeman: oh boy
Gooper Blooper: she is aware of cardholders
Jumpropeman: goopsmom I'm sorry
RubyChao: yay!!!
RubyChao: :D
Jumpropeman: the previous two muses would have been easy to explain!
Gooper Blooper: She asks about RP every now and then and so of course I made sure to lay out the biggest plot of the season for us
Gooper Blooper: it helps that "over fifty villains are sharing a deck of magical cards" is a fairly digestible concept
Kurororo: sorry goopsmom
Kurororo: don't explain babyplot to her
Gooper Blooper: she has not seen Boss Baby
Kurororo: you can explain it to her after she watches both boss babies
Jumpropeman: goopsmom, where do boss babies come from?


Bree: the Yelling Hour is concluded
Bree: (also known as D&D)


Draco: I'm engrossed in the saga of Paige picking out a cape.
Kurororo: not all heroes wear capes
Kurororo: morally ambigously people wear capes too
Draco: Not all capes wear heroes.
Draco: "bagged 'Drac Snacks'" <- I'm offended. >:I
Kurororo: spoken like someone who eats those snacks on the regular
Draco: Listen, just because I have a subscription to Spamton's Egress Gallop service...


Jumpropeman: video for harp
Kurororo: oh my god
Kurororo: yess
Draco: "How could he have done better? Who knows?" <- Story of my life. ;p
Kurororo: should have specifically done the chicken dance


RubyChao: someone is going to meme morbius in rp, i already know
RubyChao: i only hope we survive
Draco: I hope we don't because it's all downhill after that.
Missing Sheep: Would Meme Morbius in RP basically be Radu?
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: "God when he shouted "It's Morbin Time!" and Morbed himself up, that's when I knew I was watching a movie"
RubyChao: "This is literally the movie of all time."
Missing Sheep: It's certainly a movie
RubyChao: oh my god that choice of theme song hit me like a left hook


RubyChao: "It may come as a surprise to learn that the entire Magical Girl genre is descended, effectively, from the American live-action Magical Girlfriend sitcom Bewitched. While two series claim the role of "first magical girl anime"—Mitsuteru Yokoyama's Mahotsukai Sally (Sally the Witch, 1966-1968) and Fujio Akatsuka's Himitsu no Akko-chan (broadcast 1969, but its manga predates Mahotsukai Sally)—the creators of both credit Bewitched as a primary inspiration for their work. Yokoyama explicitly adapted its concept for a younger audience, while Akatsuka merely says he was "inspired" by it."


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: coven house when they order mushroom pizza
Draco: Sucy does love the mushroom pizza.
Missing Sheep: Speaking of the Coven, when does Cassandra get to join?
Missing Sheep: I got my witch girl
Missing Sheep: LET ME IN


Jumpropeman: playing a gambling game where you have to fight your way up through multiple opponents. It uses Draw Poker meaning only the five cards in your hand count, no river, and thus I have never seen a straight since it would be too risky... til I tried for one on the final hand against the final boss and got it!
Gooper Blooper: Gamble Man would be proud
Jumpropeman: I have been crowned Casino King
Gooper Blooper: Put the crown next to your Limbo, Texas, and Halloween crowns
Jumpropeman: and my Shrek Phonics degree


RubyChao: OH NO
Gooper Blooper: Red King of Eyestrains
Jumpropeman: she accepted the card because she thought it was a greeting card


Jumpropeman: the hardest choices in a telltale game: where the clearly worse choice sounds much more interesting
RubyChao: do you want to
-Live a normal life
-Go on an incredibly exciting but certainly lethal adventure
Draco: How certainly lethal?
Jumpropeman: guaranteed, but with many cool stunts along the way
Draco: Alright, it's a deal.
Gooper Blooper: The Brawl, then


RubyChao: happy pride
RubyChao: i am now invincible all month
RubyChao: too bi to die etc
Jumpropeman: that's why the brawl is in july, too many characters would be unbeatable in june


Robotniks Lunchtime Fiasco: so dreadball is a knockoff of blood bowl that is more like basketball and also probably a better designed game but not by a lot
Robotniks Lunchtime Fiasco: im in a league and i finally won my first game of it
Robotniks Lunchtime Fiasco: which is a relief
Robotniks Lunchtime Fiasco: shoutouts to my captain, Diddy Kong, who, on my opponents first turn, caught the ball from a riccochet and ran and scored a point before anyone on my opponent's team could react or do anything
Kurororo: diddy kong basketball
Gooper Blooper: With his pistols out, he's one tough kong.
Robotniks Lunchtime Fiasco: i named em all after kongs
Robotniks Lunchtime Fiasco: cos my team are a bunch of alien monkeys
Robotniks Lunchtime Fiasco: Cranky has the Grizzled Skill
Robotniks Lunchtime Fiasco: Lanky Kong has sustained more terrible injuries than any other team member but has never suffered any lasting consequences for it due to his lack of style or grace


(Master System's real name is revealed - Madison)

Jumpropeman: it wasn't her event, but it felt right as part of Master System's start in trying to find self-worth
Gooper Blooper: JRM giving up on Master System getting a pairing-
Jumpropeman: I almost had Tozacatl reveal her name as an ultimate invasion of her privacy but I figured that event was mean enough to her :V
Jumpropeman: In retrospect I do wish GBC's name was revealed during the Sintendo finale or something, both her and Master System I've almost typed the real names in posts because they're less cumbersome
Jumpropeman: date gbc already you cowards
Gooper Blooper: She IS extremely dateable...
Draco: You know, Sanae played a Nintendo once~


Missing Sheep: Eating pizza and an ice cream sandwich
Missing Sheep: For only truly utter decadence shall allow me to choose not to murder this day.


Draco: Super important barpost.
Jumpropeman: just as important post
Draco: Sanae the Band-Killer
Gooper Blooper: Arguing about wording is just their destiny it seems...
Draco: Step 1: decide on band name.
Step 2: pick a catchphrase.
Step 3: Sanae appears.
Step 4: Poblano and the Peppers
Jumpropeman: they DO need to pick a logo now that they have a name...
Jumpropeman: coming this fall, Roxieplot 2-
Draco: :O
Draco: Can we save the band...again!?
Draco: From evil graphic designers?!
Missing Sheep: Roxie and the Extras
Jumpropeman: the four artificial commissioned artists
Missing Sheep: Roxieplot 2: Koala Princess Sponsors a Band
RubyChao: my brain mixed all of those together
RubyChao: into the ultimate cursed line
RubyChao: "Roxie and the NFTs"
Jumpropeman: that would be the plot's bad end
Jumpropeman: Oleana couldn't resist the promise of blockchain technology
Missing Sheep: Nice Funky Tunes
Draco: Non-Fungible Tambourines


Jumpropeman: time to find out if that transformers xcom-like is any good
Jumpropeman: >outright games
Jumpropeman: bad omen
Gooper Blooper: what are you talking about JRM, just LOOK at this catalogue of hits
Jumpropeman: I have played an unusually high number of Outright Games's output
Jumpropeman: Race with Ryan, Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure, My Friend Peppa Pig, the two Hotel Transylvania games,Addams Family Mansion Mayhem, Ben 10...
Gooper Blooper: where's the Race With Ryan Game Hoard review?!
Jumpropeman: in the pipeline!

(It was posted the next day!)


Missing Sheep: dirty barpost that doesn't need a response
Bree: dirty, FILTHY, stupid BAKA post that you don't need to acknowledge at all, senpai, it is so far below being worthy of your acknowledgement, what an AWFUL lame excuse for a post


Bree: from a tumblr post:
"Does this fanfiction make sense? Hold water? Not an ounce! Does that mean I’m going to stop writing it? Not an ounce! I’m a moron with a keyboard and half an idea and that’s your problem now. God couldn’t stop me and neither could my dad, and now I’m on your screen with another thousand words of whatever the fuck this is. Bon appetit bitch!"
literally us, guys


Missing Sheep: I have...
Missing Sheep: five upvotes on a voice I did for an audition...
Draco: Nice!
Missing Sheep: ...but it was a joke...
Missing Sheep: because it's an anime girl vampire lady
Missing Sheep: I gave a WAZOWSKI smoker's voice...
Draco: Nice.
Missing Sheep lies down


Jumpropeman: "The biggest baddest Beetleborg is abstinence"
Jumpropeman: MBMBAM is too fertile a source for forum signatures


Cornwind Evil: "My butt silk." The sequel no one wanted at all to "My hatpeaches."


Jumpropeman: Discoveries were like Mole Mondays: I remember them only before and after there would be a good time to post them
RubyChao: vibes.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: ANIMATED STELLA?!
Jumpropeman: Stella dancing on the grave of other companies when businessplot ends-
Gooper Blooper: Yes! ...At least I think it's Stella buried under that watermark
Gooper Blooper: it's her victory jig after she wins the brawl


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: the morbius memes are truly getting out of control
Kurororo: time to kill the meme, obviously
Jumpropeman: they'll put a Morbius 2 in production for real and then it bombs even harder
Kurororo: i hope they don't
RubyChao: i hope they do and it tanks
RubyChao: because it would be very funny


Jumpropeman: listening to podcasts from 2013 and hearing people call it "Instant Netflix" for netflix streaming and "Xbox 1" to refer to the original xbox
Jumpropeman: they were different times


Missing Sheep uses all Brawl slots to enter one, large, sad cloud
Missing Sheep and Coelho as an illegal entrant, coming in with a metal folding chair
RubyChao: Left Arm of Nube Niebla, Right Arm of Nube Niebla, Left Leg of Nube Niebla, Right Leg of Nube Niebla
RubyChao: and Nube Niebla the Forbidden One
Draco: lol
Draco enters Kasen to help Niebla brawl. :3


Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: Shy Guys are called Heiho in Japan?
Jumpropeman: so they've just been saying their names like Pokemon?
Draco: Guess so.
Jumpropeman: I want to unlearn this
Draco: Alright, just drink this Caffeine-free Coke Zero.


Jumpropeman: oh mama...
Gooper Blooper: too lewd!!
Kurororo: posted
Jumpropeman: you condemn me for bringing you beauty
Draco: Yes, I do.
Kurororo: perry the platypus's mom?!?
Jumpropeman: well guess what draco
Jumpropeman: she's even hotter in game!
Draco: What?!
Draco: Impossible! 😱


Jumpropeman: I actually haven't played any of the more recent LEGO games beside the LEGO movie one. Supposedly Skywalker Saga is a big break from form
Jumpropeman: in a good way
Jumpropeman: soon though it will be time to put video games aside for a while
Missing Sheep: JRM is making a heel turn in the middle of the chat
Gooper Blooper: it's the most wonderful tiiiiiime of the yeeeeeeear
Jumpropeman: I saw that platypus woman in Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and it broke me
Jumpropeman: done with games
Jumpropeman: where do you go from perfection-


RubyChao: jrm and goops can back me up that my plot event for it is very much A Sheep Thing to read
Jumpropeman: yeah, I think Obra Dinn wins the award for Most Spoilers for its source material so it's not even like when someone has us fight a video game boss like you do in the game
Missing Sheep: Aaaaaa, I will play it! I swear! And then read the thing!!
Gooper Blooper: I actually thought it was hilarious, actually, when you seemed to be intentionally vague in your posts and avoided naming as many people as possible
Gooper Blooper: and then HP posted and he was just rattling them off
RubyChao: he asked me for permission and i decided you know what we're already telling sheep to avoid this
RubyChao: might as well!
Jumpropeman: I had no idea he took initiative!
RubyChao: i'm laughing because my brain parsed that as "i had no idea he took initiative [in anything ever]"
RubyChao: brutal
Jumpropeman: Game Gear Pito
Gooper Blooper: HP always takes initiative in being aggressively nice
Jumpropeman: game gear did take initiative once though. That's how she got the coolest girlfriend
Jumpropeman: its the opposite of the usual joke
Jumpropeman: "I took initiative once. It was wonderful"
Gooper Blooper: "wonderful enough to do a second time?" asks Meredith, hoping to nudge Game Gear into being just a smidgen less lazy
Gooper Blooper: "nah"
Jumpropeman: "I'm 1 for 1, why risk my perfect record"


Jumpropeman: do you think since the year 2000 a full uninterrupted minute has gone by where Mario isn't dying in one of his games somewhere in the world
iKomodo: What makes you say that?
Jumpropeman: well, the mario games are super popular so people are consistently playing them, and by then a good amount of them had been released
Jumpropeman: so mario might be the character who is dying most frequently in all of fiction
Jumpropeman: I guess that depends on if you count like, watching a movie or reading a book as a character death, some religious characters might be "dying" a lot too
Jumpropeman: also hi :V
iKomodo: Lol


Kurororo: i just realized i have a way to give lupe and amanda independent bodies
Kurororo: and it was staring me right in the face because the whole game i'm addicted to right now has that as the basis of character creation
Kurororo: (basically, confining characters to objects, such as flowers, grass, rocks, and various other equipment (though its better to just confine them to an actual nature item thing)
Jumpropeman: amanda will be confined to a dvd box set of The Amanda Show, the most natural thing in the world
Kurororo: hey, its ZFRP, i can confine them to anything without worrying about stats ;)
Kurororo: she has to be confined to a dancing lobster costume
Kurororo: Lupe's technically already confined to the Dream Orb so no worries there
Jumpropeman: the day became a generic redirect to was the true death of the internet
Kurororo: then we are merely inhabiting its corpse
Draco: );


Jumpropeman: didnt expect him to sing real songs
Draco: Life-size but only 5 ft tall? Seems short.
Jumpropeman: wikipedia says he's supposed to be 6 foot even
Draco: Yeah, sounds right.
Draco: He's a tall guy.
Jumpropeman: "Including her hair, Marge is 8'6". Without her hair, Marge would technically be about 6'4'', 6'5'' with her usual heels. However, being about half a head shorter than Homer (6'0"), her real height would be around 5'7"."
Jumpropeman: imagine an 8'6'' Marge looming over you
Draco: Every night in my dreams. BV
Draco: They're terrible dreams, nightmares even.
Jumpropeman: in those dreams you're the potato she thinks is neat
Draco: D;


Brinehammer: I really enjoy writing Isabelle, although she's the opposite of Reines in that I didn't expect all these wrinkles with her. I do have a thing for having at least one overly cheerful character in my cast moat years, but Isabelle is like an Ogre. She has layers.


Gooper Blooper: note about the fight: The Crawlers run on general mook rules, there are exactly as many as there need to be and you can do whatever you like with them without my permission
Missing Sheep: >can do anything with a mook
Missing Sheep: *One Crawler immediately explodes, revealing Cassandra for some reason*
Gooper Blooper: *Sheep RPs in this event, but only as a single Crawler*
Missing Sheep: That Crawler could have been a contender! It could have been somebody!
Gooper Blooper: Crawler for BBB12

(Cassandra actually did join the event in roughly this fashion.)


RubyChao: in the original conception i had for chimata picking up the legion post-plot (this was like, between the Rubanda and Tanya events or so)
RubyChao: it was basically Chimata drags five uncooperative beaten jerks into her office and trade offers them with 'you can go to jail or you can work here and be part of society"
RubyChao: as you can imagine that's not how it's gonna play out at this point!!
Gooper Blooper: Chimata has, as usual, been a joy to have around
Gooper Blooper: You've really helped enhance this plot by being so aggressively in love with the Legion, Chao
RubyChao: she was supposed to be less relevant this may compared to 2021!
RubyChao: and then
RubyChao: she went "mine now"
Gooper Blooper: Ah, yes... the beautiful and bustling
Gooper Blooper: Whalestrand Grand Market-
Missing Sheep: Whalestrand Market of Soggy Commerce
Gooper Blooper: It's a fish market. It sells fish.


Cornwind Evil: Gonna go shopping. Hopefully between HP, Sheep, and GB I'll be back before too much stuff has happened
Jumpropeman: cornwind returns, Julia elected president of antarctica in his absence
Gooper Blooper: Alcina is placed in charge of The Midnight Store, surely hijinks will ensue
Gooper Blooper: *a completely ordinary evening of operation ensues*
Jumpropeman: hilarious
Gooper Blooper: Missy had to go to the Green Girl Convention for the weekend
Kurororo: julia is now a stockholder


Draco: Oh yeah, forgot to mention yesterday, my brother runs a DnD game on Sundays and while one of his friends is off on a month-long trip, their group has been doing DnD Battle Royale PvP and something he did for the latest battlemap was include some traps.
Draco: He went to the Dollar Tree and bought four The Corps jeeps. XD
Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: the crew pullin up
Gooper Blooper: Final Faction, you mean!
Draco: Yeah, them. The Corps 2.
Gooper Blooper: They've basically replaced The Corps, though it's a different company
Gooper Blooper: Funnily enough, The Corps stopped appearing for sale at my local Walmart shortly after we beat The Curse. Perfect timing.
Kurororo: someone was reading RP and went "oh shit, they're done, time to cancel the line"
Gooper Blooper: They still make them in the UK and there's a neat looking vehicle set on Walmart's website, but they used to have proper shelf presence and now they don't
Draco: But yeah, my brother bought four of them and apparently they covered the entire map in fire.
Gooper Blooper: it's all about Final Faction now for cheap unlicensed 3.75" action figures
Draco: Yoooooooooooooo Final Faction!


Draco: Annie and Kirika:
Gooper Blooper: oh god, the photo it's inspired by in the first reply
Gooper Blooper: pain.
Kurororo: me
Draco: Harpy is Chun-Li.
Kurororo: i mean, i dunno if i'd go that far
Jumpropeman: well you CAN kick a tree in half
Kurororo: if its a teeny lil sapling yeah
Jumpropeman: technically accurate is still accurate!
Kurororo: >:I
Kurororo: the only thing i got are thick thighs and the incredible ability to misread a situation
Seychelles: Really that’s all you need


Harpy joined the chat
Harpy: This fucking beeping noise is driving me nuts and we cant pinpoint it
Harpy: and its not something i can easily sleep through :(
Draco: Uff da. D:
Cornwind Evil: To help you sleep, I will now ramble about every major comic event in DC Comics history
Harpy: mmm….
Cornwind Evil: Arguably their first real events were yearly team ups between the Justice League of Earth-1 and the Justice Society of Earth-2....
Cornwind Evil skips ahead two hours.
Cornwind Evil: a gay man and a plant man were going to help birth the next divine generation of superhumans was never explained...
Cornwind Evil skip ahead two more hours.
Cornwind Evil: he in essence punched history...
Cornwind Evil skip ahead another hour.
Cornwind Evil: ...but it turned out it was just a clone of Batman that Darkseid brought up and left lying around just to fool Superman...
Cornwind Evil skips ahead three hours.
Cornwind Evil: "...and so Pariah is now the servant of the Great Darkness, who is the true ultimate evil of all of DC and was actually behind the Anti Monitor, Parallax, Extant, Alexander Luthor, Darkseid, Barbardos, and Perpertua."
Cornwind Evil: And we're done.
Cornwind Evil: The funny part? I made none of that up.
Cornwind Evil: Do you have a carbon monoxide alarm?
Harpy: yes, but i ruled it out
Harpy: its in the kitchen, closer to the furnace
Cornwind Evil: Sounds like something that is low on battery and is announcing it, but I can't see how it would be moving...


ivel: so, about that...
ivel: it was a carbon monoxide alarm that was in a bag we were moving trying to find the noise. It's plugged into a wall now but that noise was, in fact, its low battery noise since it has a battery and works plugged in
Harpy: Its one of those ones that work on battery and being plugged in
Harpy: i fucked myself over on that one not gonna lie
Harpy: I deserved to listen to chicken noises as cat flipped out over it


Del: im reading breath of the wild fanfic now
Del: that's where i'm at
RubyChao: been there
RubyChao: not with botw but with that desperate need for more content
Del: they've given me fun characters and expect me to stay with the game??
Del: absolutely not
Del: now im gonna read about them rebuilding hyrule and also daruk haunting everyone
Jumpropeman: Hyrule Warrios Age of Calamity's story is basically a revisionist fanfic
Del: "“So are you actually married?”
Link shrugs. Zelda waggles her hand. “It's a mistake but we're running with it,” Link says."

Del: excellent content
iKomodo: Hahaha
Del: 'Two more Guardians skitter forward, surround him, and all three start beating the Lynel with their metal fists.
At the treasure chest, Nat works the lock while Meghyn cups her hands and shouts,
“Like we practiced! Say it!”

Del: this fic owns
Del: unfortunately i skipped ahead and it seems to go some weird places that i aint reading this for
Jumpropeman: such is the way
Del: but it was worth it for this shit
Del: teaching guardians how to taunt their foes


Gooper Blooper looks at an old corner abandoned since 2021
Gooper Blooper approaches mysterious box
Gooper Blooper blows a prodigous amount of dust off of the box and opens it
Gooper Blooper reveals a small metal pedestal with a button protected by a plastic shield marked 'STELLA GIVES A SPEECH'

Hooded Pitohui: The world never suffers for having more Stella speeches
Missing Sheep: I appreciate how off-putting her robot eye is in that picture


Missing Sheep: Excuse me, I was having an existential breakdown. I'm back.
Draco: Ah. Thursday night again.
Missing Sheep: What's Thursday ever done for me?!
Gooper Blooper: Thursday gave you a chance to immerse your characters in a words-only event with lots of academic bickering and awkward moments
Gooper Blooper: it's a very "you" event
Missing Sheep: Hmmm
Missing Sheep: True
Gooper Blooper: I've had HP's profiles open in another window tonight to help me keep the Akademio crew straight, but I just wanted to point out this image
Gooper Blooper: because it's adorable
Jumpropeman: it is! Very good art of her
Draco: Agreed.
Jumpropeman: we are all in accordance then
RubyChao: I'M NOT
Jumpropeman: D=
Jumpropeman: this group is falling apart!
Gooper Blooper: And because this chatzy runs on akademio rules, the issue of whether or not Madeline is a cutie-pie was forever tabled...
Draco: ;-;
Hooded Pitohui: Mwahaha, just wait until we get to the end of this plot when I reveal that this wasn't a commentary about academia at all, but actually about squabbling over what Mario topics should fit into what categories.
Jumpropeman: Mario Akademia
Gooper Blooper: Mario Wiki spent 20 minutes on the Bowser's Fury split question... but Monda Akademio went at it for five straight days
Draco: At least we can all agree that skyscrapers are actually really awesome and Agama needs more. *holds up his anti-dissension knife*
Gooper Blooper: they almost had it worked out on day three but then Ceylan demanded they ask Praxis' opinion and it differed from everyone elses
Gooper Blooper: they then spent the next two days convincing the chicken to change sides
Draco: And then the Fire Nation attacked...
Hooded Pitohui: Actually, just for fun, if they were provided a rundown of the Mario franchise, the votes would fall... Maura, keep; Rosa, keep; Canas, split; Ceylan, split; Jasmine, split; Ver, split; Rademaker, split; Lana, keep; Snooezmore, keep; Alexandra, keep... which... wow... that's an even split, I guess. RIP them
Gooper Blooper: Beautiful.
RubyChao: Incredible.
Draco: Amazing.
Draco: I almost regret that they must all die.


Gooper Blooper: hear me out
Gooper Blooper: Zoey for BBB12, with her weapon being... a PA system that's set up to reach every corner of the arena so she can talk to every entrant simultaneously
Jumpropeman: if we made her announcer she could actually keep up with all the action
Gooper Blooper: Zoey play by play
Gooper Blooper: brawl doubles in length
Draco: Zoey for BBB12 with her weapon being GameCube.
Jumpropeman: back on I tried to write a Mario Super Bowl exclusively through commentary
Jumpropeman: I didn't get far into it :V
Gooper Blooper: That's Gamecube? I thought she brought a refrigerator as her weapon!


RubyChao: "The Windows 8 version of Zoo Tycoon Friends was only released in Trinidad & Tobago, while the Windows Phone version was available in the United States for less than 3 days."
Jumpropeman: sounds like zoo tycoon really doesn't want to make friends


Kurororo: >shinki bait
Brinehammer rattles the Shinki box
Kurororo: NOOOO
RubyChao: wanted to say that was delightful touhou lore shenanigans brine
touhou 1 is so weird and you're having fun with it
Kurororo: CHAO
Kurororo: tell him to stop baiting shinki :(
Kurororo: also i love it, too
RubyChao: brine
RubyChao: keep baiting shinki
Kurororo: HELP
Brinehammer: It'd be TOO BAD if Yuugenmagan's BEST FRIEND AND GAL PAL Shinki were to just SHOW UP
Kurororo: *way back in the good ol' days of... season 4 when reimu died*
RubyChao: oh yeah brine wasn't here for that was he
i keep forgetting there was an absent brine period at all, it's been so long
Kurororo: prolly not, but it wasn't really that important. I know that we beat Sariel once so we'll beat her again. Shinki's still cool tho.
Brinehammer: Also, thank you! I really appreciate Touhou one is pretty much "We fought it once and then never talked about it ever again."
Brinehammer: Reimu died, but she got better
RubyChao: just don't tell okuu because she might try to uncork sariel. it sounds like a really fun fight!
Kurororo: shitpost
Kurororo: i'll find a more dignified shinki voice later


Jumpropeman: you can tell how the fans feel about the old touhou games by this barren wasteland of a page :V
Jumpropeman: Mystic Square
During the events of Mystic Square, Shinki allowed a Makai tourist agency to organize trips to Gensokyo for Makai demons, which caused problems for Gensokyo's residents. Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame, Mima and Yuuka Kazami traveled to Makai to put an end to this intrusion, defeating a number of Makai natives and Shinki herself.
Main article: Reimu Arc
<Insert Summary>
Main article: Marisa Arc
<Insert Summary>
Main article: Mima Arc
<Insert Summary>
Main article: Yuuka Arc
<Insert Summary>


Gooper Blooper: Nue, age 450, gave herself up to the authorities after the Incident. She is now serving an eleven-month sentence.


RubyChao: anyhow i'll add more in rp schedule later but the plan for monday/tuesday is two events in one area that happen sequentially (i.e. no in-universe break), but there will still be an opportunity to swap characters
RubyChao: part 1 is normal power levels, part 2 will need the heavy hitters
Jumpropeman: time to finally punch the triangle
RubyChao: and that will be it for the Bermuda Mystery arc of the cardholders!
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: I still haven't gotten to say there's no great mystery of the Triangle...
Gooper Blooper: Dawn should show up for the finale just so she can see that there is, indeed, a mystery
RubyChao: we will dredge up what the lighthouse seals and it's just an envelope addressed to sumireko
RubyChao: it says
RubyChao: Sumireko
The real mystery was inside you all along.
Love, Dawn

RubyChao: but yes, no tricks or gimmicks, on the 14th we get to see what the ZFRP world's bermuda triangle cause is!
Bree: it's literally just yukari
Bree: that's the secret mystery of the bermuda triangle it's just fuckin yukari dicking around
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: -even as the mystery unfolds around her- No greater amount of ships or planes have vanished into the area then any other simularily measured area of water on the world...why am I suddenly thinking of the last Narnia book and the dwarves?

(Later, once the Bermuda event happens and the secret is revealed)

CardChao: so cornwind
CardChao: is dawn enjoying the taste of her hat
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: It really depends on how you want to define 'The Bermuda Triangle makes vehicles disappear'. As it wasn't the area in and of itself, but an item within it. And considering that overall averages still don't put that area exceptionally higher than any large ocean body...though that may be because the reputation of the Triangle made people avoid it...
CardChao: classic dawn
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: The general belief is that somehow that segment of ocean is in itself altered....
Gooper Blooper: That's it, put her in the gonk droid
Cornwind Evil: She would still eat her hat
Cornwind Evil: She was still proven wrong that there was an unnatural foreign element causing foreign events there
CardChao: fun fact
CardChao: one of the very first mental images i had of panthalassa after i decided to use it
CardChao: was the one of it rising from the sea as sumireko sees Flight 19 fall off the ship
CardChao: just. had to cite the MOST famous triangle disappearance
Gooper Blooper: That bit was very cinematic
Cornwind Evil: Dawn would actually prefer this, as it is, in the end, science
Cornwind Evil: Sort of like how science studies put forth a reason why the Mary Celeste became a ghost ship
Cornwind Evil: When on the surface it sure SEEMS supernatural
Cornwind Evil: (There's been a few, but the one I'd bet money on happening is the 'pressure wave explosion' explanation)


Jumpropeman: link
Cornwind Evil: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh hwdoygt tsesm sret fhtagn!"
Jumpropeman: The letter of the day is ₰


Jumpropeman: behold, a despicable villain
RubyChao: accurate!
Draco: We should have killed this irredeemable villain.
Cornwind Evil: She is such a villain she almost made me RP a Touhou out of nowhere
Draco: That would have been awful. D:


RubyChao: >netflix advertising food wars


Jumpropeman: "I always have to verify a character's canonicity by checking out their ass"
Gooper Blooper checks
Gooper Blooper: yep, that's josephine
Jumpropeman: them cheeks don't lie


Gooper Blooper: good plot draco, lots of fallout I wasn't expecting, interested in seeing where it goes!
Jumpropeman: lots of Fallout we WERE expecting though
Draco: Sadly, I'm out of Fallout to fall out.
Draco: Unless I bring in the MOTHMAN CULT.
Jumpropeman: that's just what you call his fanclub
Draco: No, they're not crazy enough to be a fanclub.


Draco: "She never could have guessed who she'd eventually find." <- YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT CRAAAAAAAZY THINGS THESE GOATS FOUND WHILE HIKING IN THE FORBIDDEN JUNGLE! Click Here to Start Slideshow


Jumpropeman: as you asked for harp, the lawn mowing simulator review :V
Kurororo: Thank fucking god


Draco: Thought of a silly prompt and went for it.
Jumpropeman: while I like her method of just standing in the court, I think I like most middle right where she takes it literally
Gooper Blooper: space jam but with touhou
Draco: I can make out Youmu, Sanae, and maybe Suika?
Jumpropeman: maybe you just uncovered the designs for the next Touhou game: Touhou 14.2: Slamming of the Orange Spheres
Draco: Oh man, that'd be TOO COOL.


Missing Sheep It occurred to him after an hour of screaming into a mic....perhaps he ought to rest his voice.
Missing Sheep: Hello.
Jumpropeman: howler monkey auditions can be brutal
Missing Sheep: You're not that off...


Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: Eggman wears glasses, but also has goggles on his head
Jumpropeman: and not like, the kind with space for glasses in them


Missing Sheep: Did you know, statistically, there are no more ships lost there than-


Missing Sheep: "He begins kicking at the dirt,"
Missing Sheep: Mario pokes the dirt
Missing Sheep: SURPRISE
Missing Sheep: IT'S GREEN HELL 2, BABY!
Missing Sheep: Green Hell 2: Greenier


Missing Sheep looking at character details as he knits together Brawl profile
Missing Sheep: ...This character is far too powerful.
Jumpropeman: tie some sandbags to their legs
Missing Sheep: I'll cut off their legs
Missing Sheep: It's the only way.
Gooper Blooper: Sheep: This character is too powerful
The character:
Missing Sheep: All I'm saying is
Missing Sheep: if their power doesn't actively harm them when they use it
Missing Sheep: Is it even a fair fight?
Draco: Pay to punch me. It's a fare fight.
Gooper Blooper: If the Brawl arena is a carnival, it's a fair fight
Missing Sheep: That was an unexpectedly good pun.


(Draco enters Flu in the Brawl)

Draco: One entrant up.
Jumpropeman: whaaaaaa... the fabled day has come
Draco: Just watch as I replace him with Fumo Swarm at the last second.
Jumpropeman: the Flumo Swarm
Draco: That's legitimate a funny enough pun I almost want to do it.
Jumpropeman: whip up the ai and it may just manage a nearly euclidean Greedo Fumo
CardChao: oh my god you actually did it.
Draco: Posted some previews of my other Brawlers too.
Draco: I'll do one a night until signups close.
Jumpropeman: does AI Rock have a banjo there?
Draco: I think so. I didn't put banjos in my prompt.
Jumpropeman: clearly it's just an inextricable part of the character
Draco: You'd better include it in the Brawl or I'm canceling my Netflix sub.


Missing Sheep: "Seam’s specialty is, as they would describe it if pressed,"
Missing Sheep: The Brawl committee literally had to put a gun to Seam's head


Jumpropeman: "Reines is a druid that uses Green and Black mana to power her spells and abilities" how many Land cards does she have though
Jumpropeman: ...I was joking but she really is using MTG mechanics XD
Gooper Blooper: Brine's done it before and he'll do it again!!


Jumpropeman: they gave her a big behindus, but I wanted to share this cute Cherry chibi I found while looking for Brawl art
ivel joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hivel
ivel: my timing joining chatzy there was pure coincidence.
ivel: >_>
Gooper Blooper: I see no issues here-
Jumpropeman: ivel likes big behinduses and he cannot contradict that statement
Jumpropeman: ivel no! The song is ruined D:
ivel: good BI
ivel: anyway gonna figure out who to toss at the Brawl, Harpy let me know about signups but I was here when they were starting to be discussed last night. Probably not gonna be much changed from previous entries again, I need to actually do more to think about anything new, but maybe a little updated
Jumpropeman: Knud will bring the traps to the temple that I was too scared to add
ivel: welp
ivel: I mean I've played most of War for the Overworld now...
Gooper Blooper: this time, to mix things up
Gooper Blooper: Almaric is in charge of traps and Knud has a magical staff
Gooper Blooper: hijinks ensue
Missing Sheep: Knud has been given a magical jar of dirt
Missing Sheep: Let's see what happens...
Jumpropeman: Knud has switched to tarps instead of traps while Almaric relies on the services of NBA player Magic Johnson
Gooper Blooper: Well, Knud backwards IS "dunk".
Jumpropeman: the secret finally revealed


Jumpropeman considers having Switch use an Origami King attack... not sure I can explain that game existing in RP :V
CardChao: "released just two days ago with suspicious similarity to real-life events"
Draco: The atrocious failure of a Paper Mario game that inspired Fine.


Del: its time for some incredibly uncomfortable discomfort as i attempt to post brawl entries
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Missing Sheep: It's that time of the year, folks
Missing Sheep: Where I spend way more time and energy on considering a Secret Fiter, than my own cast
Jumpropeman: Sheep's secret fiter being Scrimblo Bimblo of course
Missing Sheep: so
Missing Sheep: much
Missing Sheep: research


Draco: "-thighs so thicc you can see them from 50 miles away" <- This is a weakness?
Kurororo: it makes it hard to hide! you tryin' to sneak but then her thighs rub together to make her butt clap and suddenly the whole brawl is homing in on her
Draco: "Eclair, I'm trying to sneak into the Big Bar Brawl, but I'm dummy thicc and the sound of my thighs clapping together keeps alerting the Cosines."


Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: if Murph had debuted just a little earlier I think CKR would have entered him
Jumpropeman: holy crap
Jumpropeman: the world needs more Murph-type mascots
RubyChao: murph really does have immense Brawler From Nowhere energy
Jumpropeman: one group of entrants CKR told me she considered was the smiling fruits from a popular baby sensory video
Jumpropeman: such are the depths of her depravity
Gooper Blooper: I love the wackadoo backstories she handed out this time.
Gooper Blooper: Literally a cannibal.
Draco: Alright then, show of hands: who wants Murph instead of Silvania?
Jumpropeman: do we really know what happened to his family...
RubyChao: oh cuppy is definitely not telling us the full story
Gooper Blooper: Draco I really appreciate the investment you made in your brawlers this year
Gooper Blooper: not one but two special commission pictures just for references of their armor
Jumpropeman: how's a fella supposed to vote
Gooper Blooper: and a hell of a set of entrants, too
Gooper Blooper: I know, right
Jumpropeman: this year's special vote type: The Everyone Vote
Gooper Blooper: voting is always hard
Gooper Blooper: you don't want me ever running my own brawl because I'd foist 45 slots and 200 votes on everyone and then take an entire year to write the fite
Draco: Draco Brawl: 1 slot and you all have to share it.
Jumpropeman: 1 slot and it's Murph
Gooper Blooper: If anyone submits Snivel as their secret fiter and then spoils it, he will be replaced with Murph
Draco: Alright, the votes have it: I am slotting in Murph and taking out Sanae. It'll be the Murph and Suwako team.
Jumpropeman: how do we know she hasn't been murph the whole time
Draco: You don't.
Jumpropeman: she does make an awful slopping sound like plastic darts hitting linoleum floor when she moves...
Gooper Blooper: Murph
Rank: Toy Gunner

Draco: You didn't buy the $5 Horse Armor/Sanae Origin Story DLC combo last year.
Gooper Blooper: The horse armor is over with Betty Spaghetti
Gooper Blooper: the armor is more noodly limbs
RubyChao: i appreciate that betty spaghetti the entrant is blatantly playing into 'this would be fucked up and weird on an actual person"
Gooper Blooper: yeah that was the one that finally got me laughing and going "oh no... oh no!!!"
Jumpropeman: saddlebag of limbs was my favorite part of it
Gooper Blooper: if she goes deep I expect full-on horror
Jumpropeman: I already have Ideas
Jumpropeman the ideas being Betty wearing adorable outfits!
Draco: Cuppy's the real horror. His own entry says he eats his own kind.
Gooper Blooper: one of these abominations is going to do well enough to put fear in us and you know it
Draco: JRM, I just realized to my eternal regret I can't remove Silvania for Murph because then you wouldn't get to play with her spell list.
RubyChao: i also enjoy how the don just went
RubyChao: no last place THIS time
RubyChao: and fucked himself up
RubyChao: draco: what about Murph's equally long spell list?
Jumpropeman: murph's nerf list
Jumpropeman: silvania treats me right
Jumpropeman: "here's my toys, go buck wild"
Jumpropeman: "I'M GONNA GET THE POWERS MYSELF THEN!" *rips the fattest drag on a random cigar*
Gooper Blooper: The cigar literally fell off the back of a truck. I already said CKR is a national treasure for playing epic 1970s games like Gotcha with JRM but this just reinforces it


Draco: link link
Bree: who is this she's so cute
Gooper Blooper: This character could not be more Whalestrand if she tried.
RubyChao: deathmatch for who gets her
Draco: Don't know who she is, just that someone named Bumblesteak drew her.
Draco: Whoever wins the Brawl wins the girl. ;p
Gooper Blooper: now that's a prize
Jumpropeman tries to ignore sea witch to avoid her replacing non cute girl characters for next year
Draco: I'll just make her my main character or something IDK.
Missing Sheep: Speaking of cute witches though...
Draco: Amazing
Jumpropeman: that's practically an official ad


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: dang sanae
Jumpropeman: the swack burger special looking good
Draco: Only available at the Moriya Cafe.
Jumpropeman: now that's how you get worshippers
Draco: The secret is they have Clownpiece making the burgers while saying it's Kanako.
Bree: that burger looks like a stack of dinner plates of varying color



RubyChao: sheep
Missing Sheep: me?!
RubyChao: have you read my votes yet?
RubyChao: i think you should
Missing Sheep: Yes.
RubyChao: good!!!
Missing Sheep: You monster.
Missing Sheep: There ought to be a law.
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: live footage of you and me when it comes to my brawl votes
Missing Sheep: Thank you for your support >:I
RubyChao: you're welcome!
Gooper Blooper: Chao did the math
Gooper Blooper: that's 38 points for sheep
Gooper Blooper: before effort is applied
RubyChao: it worked for you and Harpy last year
RubyChao: i want it to work again
Gooper Blooper: It took me eight years but eventually I did punch through!


Thank You Auto Saves: -pokes Brinehammer-
Brinehammer: I'm here!
Draco: Prove it.
Bree joined the chat
Draco: Prove it. :U
Bree joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi bree
Brinehammer: Let me tell you all about these Magic cards
Draco: If I say "Prove it." again, will a third Bree enter?
Bree joined the chat
Bree: chatzy finally let me in
Draco: D: It worked!


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: Discover the world of Nobu
Gooper Blooper: NOBU LAS VEGAS


Jumpropeman: "he definitely would have been blocked by Jumperopeman for having too many" wow, a Jumperopeman in the wild! It's been a long time
Gooper Blooper: OH NO
RubyChao: HE W A K E S
Jumpropeman: he bout to hella jeff all over this brawl-
Gooper Blooper: I have re-sealed the evil
Gooper Blooper: back to JRM's profiles abyss with you!


Jumpropeman: who could forget this groundbreaking animation
Jumpropeman: maximum 3d immersion
Jumpropeman is not convinced these are real designs because they seem so generic
Draco: I vaguely remember seeing an ad for this movie.
Jumpropeman: i too had a "I one time was aware of its existence" reaction
Draco: frankly the best way to describe how I feel. Thanks!
RubyChao: >first ever
RubyChao: >2008
RubyChao: so that was a lie
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: Neil Armstrong apparently did a voice in it
Jumpropeman: this looks like those low rent pixar ripoffs animation wise
RubyChao: it really does
Jumpropeman: "Returning as heroes, the three little flies share a slogan embraced by all: “Adventure forever! Dreamers get swatted? Never!”"
Jumpropeman: print THAT on a t-shirt and ship it to a third world country when it doesn't sell!
Gooper Blooper: I love how the first two words are a reasonable slogan but they just keep making it longer
Jumpropeman: they wanted to do just "Adventure forever!" but it didn't acknowledge that they were flies
Jumpropeman: "in the far-away Soviet Union, there are other flies watching TV – Soviet flies who cannot tolerate the idea that American flies might get to the moon first"
Jumpropeman: I'm sorry
Jumpropeman: this movie might actually be amazing
Gooper Blooper: Needs a cameo appearance from VICTOR VULTURE and THE THREE FAT HOGS
Jumpropeman: "Fortunately, a pretty Soviet fly named Nadia also sees the flies on board and hears Scooter calling out Grandpa’s real name, the very name of the fly Nadia met in Paris and loved so many years ago." Intricate lore!
Gooper Blooper: I like how MLG Toon Link commented on the trailer, btw
Jumpropeman: he said what we were all thinking
Draco: Is it too late to swap Silvania for the flies or are they too OP?
Jumpropeman: their mission for all flykind happens on brawl day so they had to pass
Gooper Blooper: All votes for Yotam will be counted as votes for the 3D Flies
Draco: Perfect.


Giornos Dinner Fiasco: Me, in my brain: would you like to post deliciously


Jumpropeman: I'm gonna say it, I've already said it, and I still mean it... but this has to be the repeat winner year, right?
RubyChao: *looks up from more sheep effort* hmm?
Draco: What's that? Change ALL my votes to Sheep?
Jumpropeman: probability can't always be on our side
RubyChao: but i'll do my best to make it so!!
Jumpropeman: I'd definitely like everyone to get one too but I can never believe the tractor to be kind. That will be the day it betrays me
Draco: It already betrayed you 8 years ago.
Gooper Blooper: The moment you get complacent is when it will pitch a fit and give us the same winner three years in a row or something
ivel: I didn't want to say it, Draco :Y
RubyChao: oh, definitely, despite all my hopes i do not trust it
Gooper Blooper: so definitely keep insisting "THIS IS THE REPEAT YEAR" before pulling the lever


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: The Tron Wins ending already written.


Jumpropeman: pretty sure image 6 is yoshi right before deciding it's time for some evasion
Jumpropeman: the bottom three are even him getting up to run away


MobileDraco: Fumo Shelf:
Kurororo: aw, marisa's with her bes frand :3
MobileDraco: I'm gonna rearrange the shelf later so she can be next to Mima too.
Jumpropeman: dang, look at that doll-a-rama
RubyChao: draco is going to end up that someone budget this my family is dying meme
RubyChao: "spend less on fumos" "no"
Draco: The first thing in my budget I axe is Chatzy Premium. >:U
Just kidding; I can't live without that now.


Draco: Does this look like the face of mercy to you?
SteelKomodo: no 😱


Seychelles: I want to tell cow stories
Seychelles: Just randomly
Bree: go ahead, I'm sure they'll be very amoosing
Seychelles: Fuck you
Bree: XD
Draco: Did you hear them through the bo-vine?
ivel: they're already milking these jokes
Draco: Are you in udder disbelief, Ivel?
Seychelles: Anyways my Mom’s family were cattle farmers. Some of their neighbors got busted for selling pot because this was the seventies, and they gave up custody of this baby calf which my mom’s family took in
Seychelles: They named the calf Mary Wanda
Seychelles: Ma
ivel: ha
Seychelles: Mary Wanda was a very friendly cow. They had to bottle raise her, which made her very attached to humans. My Mom and her siblings realized they could get her to follow them everywhere so long as they had bribes
Bree: instead of mary had a little lamb it's mary was a little cow
Seychelles: Exactly
Seychelles: One day they managed to lure the Mary Wanda up the house steps and into the kitchen
Seychelles: When they heard Grandma Low coming up the steps they scattered, leaving Grandma Low face to face with a cow in her kitchen
Bree: now that's a stumper, when you've got a cow in your kitchen
Jumpropeman: Grandma High would have liked Mary Wanda more
Seychelles: She was not pleased, and Mom reported hearing her yelling. She always does an amusing impression of it
Seychelles: They also had to train cows for some type of show, and my mother was having a tough time with one calf
Draco: Don't have a cow, mom.
Seychelles: Out of frustration my mom named him PIA which stood for Pain In the Ass
Seychelles: The name eventually changed to PIB because Grandpa Low didn’t like the swearing
Jumpropeman: Mr. Pib
RubyChao: reminds me of how my grandparents had a cat named D.C.
RubyChao: the C was for Cat
RubyChao: but the D changed depending on how old you were when you asked
RubyChao: it was either Darn or Damn
Draco: The D is for DM_Sheep.


Bree: some of these CKR puns are damn clever but then there's also three (so far) sussy baka jokes
Bree: is this her favorite meme or what
Gooper Blooper: She does that every year, she repeats some of her puns on a few different entrants
Jumpropeman: she substitute teached for a group of fourth graders a while back and they were constantly calling each other sussy bakas
Draco: lol
Bree: yeah it's just a very noticeable repetition I suppose lel
Bree: priere's "a-knockering" joke caught me off guard, that's a good one :V
Bree: skimming other efforts now, I can't believe the CW cast's entire argument for boss horsehead is "he's dumb and ugly, QED"
Bree: 10 outta 10 for best argument
Taking A Blood Nap: Mainly because Bastion was annoyed with Sunny voting for Raihan because 'he's hot'


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