Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 398: My Love Is Like A Ripe, Ripe Fart

Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi
Kurororo: why hello
Kurororo: rope man
Jumpropeman: no jumping today


Gooper Blooper: saw a cheap game on the Switch eshop that looked kinda interesting so I googled it, and...
Gooper Blooper: "Contrary to how it may seem, it's not very fun reviewing bad games. Sure, there's a degree of enjoyment in being mean, but the shocking secret of criticising games that aren't enjoyable? We still have to play them. Picking up the Switch and knowing we had to play more Gleamlight made the system feel ten times heavier.
Gleamlight's developers have claimed that their game isn't a rip-off of Hollow Knight. They're right. If it was a rip-off, then it'd share some kind of inspiration, some mechanical flair. The creativity, the baseline of enjoyable moments, some solid fundamentals. It's all missing. It's not a rip-off of Hollow Knight, it's a stupid child's drawing of it."
Draco: JRM, did you write that quote? Are you reviewing the legendary Gleamlight?
Gooper Blooper: my favorite burn was from a different review
Gooper Blooper: "If 2020 was a game, Gleamlight would be it."
Jumpropeman: dang son
Jumpropeman: oh man, it looks so cool too
Gooper Blooper: My first thought upon comparing the scores to the screenshots was "did I stumble onto another Firefly Diary"


Jumpropeman: you can tell bull riders are passionate about their sport based on the size of the wikipedia pages for singular bulls
Jumpropeman checks out the official pro bull riding league website
Jumpropeman pop up hocking NFTs
Jumpropeman: I am less amused by you now :I
Gooper Blooper: non fungible taurus
Jumpropeman: one thing that is cute about PBR is that they talk about bulls like they're athletes too
Jumpropeman: like the commentators will even call the bull a tremendous athlete
Gooper Blooper: Well, they kinda are!
Jumpropeman: a score in PBR is half based on the rider's performance, half based on how ornery that bull is
Jumpropeman: so the bulls are being judged too!


Gooper Blooper: the good news is I have beaten Nina Aquila and overall I liked it a lot!
Gooper Blooper: the bad news is Nina's optimal partner in an investigation would be Jenny LeClue
Gooper Blooper: game ain't done
RubyChao: OH NO
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: nina and jenny team plot in rp
Jumpropeman: plot never finishes
Gooper Blooper: Chao, you know how every Ace Attorney does the thing where you go through the cases but there's "That One Case" floating around in the background? "Remember That One Case?" "That One Case means a lot to me" "I gotta find the answers to That One Case!!"
Gooper Blooper: Nina Aquila does that, but we don't get to do That One Case yet
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: so you're saying
Gooper Blooper: YES
Gooper Blooper: (Nina Aquila only just released last July though, and it IS episodic, so... giving 'em time)


Gooper Blooper: Someone gave one of those AI image generators all of the different ZUN raymoos so it made more raymoos
MobileDraco: No purple hair? Lame!
RubyChao: okay but the arms of the one in the bottom right
MobileDraco: Knives


Mobile Pitohui: A fun historical anecdote (scroll down to the end of the linked section and read the last quote block)
Gooper Blooper: that is a very HP anecdote to link
Mobile Pitohui: You have to make chickens a priority in any situation.
Kurororo: i kept reading the wrong thing and thought damn this dude's being poetic about rome's fall and only clued in when you mentioned chickens
Bree: "for he had a very large cock"
Bree: oh really, wikipedia?
Bree: did he now?
Draco: Cock a doodle doo
Gooper Blooper: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: kids gonna be disappointed when they don't get a vampire girl starter
dynastivel: I'd be disappointed too
Draco: I still get an ESOTERIC starter though, right?


Bree: radical old stickers
Bree: felt very goops so I'm linking it lel
Jumpropeman: what's doin
Jumpropeman: out
Gooper Blooper: oh my goodness, those stickers so perfectly capture Early 90s Teen Girl aesthetic
Gooper Blooper: A+
Gooper Blooper: Look at the random palm tree. All those vaporwave aesthetics that throw in a palm tree are clearly based in fact!


Jumpropeman: "Frigg asked everything in creation to promise to not harm Baldr, only forgetting to ask mistletoe, as she thought it was "too young" to swear an oath."
Jumpropeman: remember that time Frigg showed up and asked you not to hurt Baldr?
RubyChao: yes
Jumpropeman: "After Baldr’s funeral, the messenger Hermod was sent to Hel, the goddess of the land of the dead also known as Hel, to ask for Baldr's return. Hel asked that every being in creation weep for Baldr, and every being did, except the giantess Thökk (who was Loki in disguise), who refused to weep the tears that would release Baldr from death."
Jumpropeman: remember when we were then told we had to cry for him
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: Welcome Hel
RubyChao: and i also remember the dwarf being kicked into the fire
Jumpropeman: no one had to ask me to cry for Litr
Jumpropeman: I did so on my own
RubyChao: "Then Thor stood by and hallowed the pyre with Mjöllnir; and before his feet ran a certain dwarf which was named Litr; Thor kicked at him with his foot and thrust him into the fire, and he burned."
RubyChao: the greatest of tragedies.
Jumpropeman tries to scrub chao's memories of this moment so it can be a surprise once more if I RP Litr
Jumpropeman: I actually didn't know poor Litr's death was part of the Ragnarok myth
Jumpropeman: this is just Fite Art
Jumpropeman: where's the KO hidden
Gooper Blooper: Is there any particular reason Litr got bodied or did Thor just feel like being a dick
Jumpropeman: that quote and art is the entirety of Litr's mythic footprint
Jumpropeman: I guess it was meant to show his grief
Jumpropeman: he was so saddened by his brother's death he killed a random dude
RubyChao: yeah that's the best part
Gooper Blooper: The Dunston of norse mythology
RubyChao: litr literally never appears anywhere else
RubyChao: he exists solely so Thor could boot him on the fire
Jumpropeman: to be fair though, Thor killing people is like 90% of Norse myth
RubyChao: jrm:
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Jumpropeman: the funny thing about rping Litr would be that since his death happens at Ragnarok he'd be unkillable
RubyChao: *takes notes for the Last Season of RP*
Jumpropeman: last season of RP's theme: Ragnarok
Jumpropeman: ragnarok isn't the full end of the world
Jumpropeman: some humans hide from it and rebuild life and Baldr's back to life and helps reign during an era of peace
Jumpropeman: "Once again, Thor was off in the east hunting trolls"
Jumpropeman: I'm reading about all the giants Thor killed and all the stories seem to start this way
Jumpropeman: when he's not busy killing
Jumpropeman: he's off killing
Jumpropeman: "Never one to pass up an opportunity to kill giants, Thor rushed to their aid and smote the builder"
RubyChao: i'm starting to think Thor just had something against giants
Jumpropeman: "Thor encounters the giant king Útgarða-Loki and has to perform deeds for him, one of which is a challenge of Thor's strength. Útgarða-Loki goads Thor into attempting to lift the World Serpent, disguised by magic as a huge cat. Thor grabs the cat around its midsection but manages to raise the cat only high enough for one of its paws to leave the floor. Útgarða-Loki later explains his deception and that Thor's lifting the cat was an impressive deed, as he stretched the serpent so that it almost reached the sky. Many watching became fearful when they saw one paw lift off the ground. If Thor had managed to lift the cat completely from the ground, he would have altered the boundaries of the universe"
Jumpropeman: that final line
Jumpropeman: cat ownership in a nutshell
Draco: Confirmed.
Jumpropeman: "the children of Loki"
Jumpropeman: reminder Loki transformed into a mare and had sex with a guy's horse as a distraction
Jumpropeman: that's enough norse for now I think
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: did it distract himn?
Jumpropeman: yes
Jumpropeman: and then thor killed the guy
RubyChao: as thor does
RubyChao: i think thor just really liked to kill people
Jumpropeman: link


Jumpropeman: I have been receiving an unusual form of spam everyday lately
Jumpropeman: now clocking in at 21 attempted comments on my review for... the SNES Beauty and the Beast game
Gooper Blooper: it HAS to be that game
Gooper Blooper: no other will do
Jumpropeman: I've left four of them up, but all of them say something like "thanks" "thank you" "nice"
Jumpropeman: the names used for the comments though link to websites
Gooper Blooper: That was what I was gonna ask, yep
Gooper Blooper: the stealthy kind of spam
Jumpropeman: their targets are mostly interchangeable but slightly different foreign language blogs


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: well, now i like the sonic cd jp music


Harptop: why did ivel just
Harptop: slap a stack of kraft singles on top of the fridge door, look into my eyes, and say in the most deadpan voice, "cheese."
Jumpropeman: well harp
Jumpropeman: is it cheese
Harptop: yes
Jumpropeman: there's your answer


Jumpropeman: got an unusual error on xbox one
Jumpropeman: it was an Out of Video Memory error, but the only option on screen was a button that said Break
Jumpropeman: I don't know if you should have an error ask you to press a Break button for your system :V
Gooper Blooper: press X to DESTROY
Draco: Press F in chat to DISRESPECT


SteelKomodo: i made a discovery today that caused my bro great emotional pain
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: image timing unrelated
RubyChao: suuuuure
SteelKomodo: ok no that's not it but that's amazing timing
SteelKomodo: Ministry of Sound (for those who don't know, that's a big London-based dance music brand) did a techno/trance remix of the UK national anthem for the new millennium celebrations
SteelKomodo: they sent copies of it to the Queen and the then-teenage princes William and Harry to gague their responses on it
SteelKomodo: and the plan was to have this play through the new year celebrations at the Millennium Dome
SteelKomodo: you could purchase single copies of it at the gift shop throughout the entire year of 2000 during the run of the Millennium Experience and I believe copies are still quite cheap to get hold of
SteelKomodo: anyway
SteelKomodo: you wanna hear some fuckin' bottom-of-the-barrel Y2K history?!?!?!
SteelKomodo: TOO BAD
SteelKomodo: i also wanna make a quote from a BBC news article talking about this that made me bust a gut
SteelKomodo: in which Mark Rodol, then creative director of the MoS, said, and this is a direct quote
SteelKomodo: "We want to rescue the old classic from a bunch of fuddy-duddies."
SteelKomodo: and that is such a 90's mentality like holy fuck
SteelKomodo: i saw my bro's face when I told him about this and the only way I could describe his expression was "anguish"
Draco: LOL
Draco: Anguish
Jumpropeman: until the trumpet part this song has "background of the club" energy
Jumpropeman: everyone dancing along until they start hearing a few familiar parts and they're like "wait, this isn't normal techno..."
RubyChao: and that's when they all clap?
Jumpropeman: thats when they salute!


Kurororo: i have pushed the sawfish agenda


iKomodo: i cheated my way to free guilty gear on my switch
Jumpropeman: how so?
iKomodo: Spent all my gold points to buy Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
iKomodo: also i fucking hate that title
iKomodo: bro’s first question when I told him: “is Baiken in that one?”
Kurororo: del asks the real questions
iKomodo: Yes
Draco: They're good questions.


RubyChao: so here's a fun fact i learned about tropico 4 today
RubyChao: the game has facebook/twitter integration, from that period when it was all the rage
RubyChao: in-game you can issue an edict to ban social media to boost productivity
RubyChao: this disables the social media integration.
Jumpropeman: haha
Harptop: HAAAA
Gooper Blooper: they weren't kidding!!
Harptop: so chao
Harptop: were you more productive afterwards
RubyChao: dunno yet.
Jumpropeman: he's too busy in chat
Harptop: *bans chao from chatzy*




Jumpropeman: what a pair of troublemakers
Draco: I know. <3
Jumpropeman: soon draco you'll will rival Mr. Krabs's Doll-o-Rama
Draco: I know. I have too many Fumos and not enough Cool Anime Figures.
Gooper Blooper: holy smokes, draco the madlad has made the ultimate fumo power move
Gooper Blooper: they look great
Draco: They are excellent. Very soft and quality.
Gooper Blooper: Just as cuddly as the real things!
Draco: Definitely.
RubyChao: for a second i parsed that as just as cuddly as the real draco
Kurororo: i mean
Draco: I cannot judge my own cuddliness, sorry.


Kurororo: ah, to be foolish enough to think a 4x weakness would carry me to victory against a gastrodon... who knows recover. :V
Kurororo: gaston almost destroyed my entire team because of my hubris. :V


Jumpropeman: making sure my ps4 worked when it wasn't reading a disc that it can now read just fine
Jumpropeman: hardware, man
Draco: Just buy a PS5.
Jumpropeman: i don't want to fill up the ps5's limited hard drive if I can avoid it
Jumpropeman: right now the issue would be if the ps5 could play the ps4 game, my controller is in the midst of being mailed for repairs :V
Draco: Buy another PS5, I mean.
Jumpropeman: oh yes of course
Jumpropeman: it's cheaper than buying the controller separate
Draco: (b^_^)b
Jumpropeman: i bet if apple made a home console it would come without a controller and the means to connect it to your tv
Draco: You would have to buy the special $600 wireless controller or a $800 controller with an adapter so you could plug it into the console.


Kurororo: i have once again blorged
Nurgle Died of Longma: oh no
Nurgle Died of Longma: they exploit sawfish girl!!!
Kurororo: we'll kill them in RP
Kurororo: or at least punish them
Nurgle Died of Longma: good
Nurgle Died of Longma: at least one of them will become crab
Kurororo: girl gang 'bout to thrash you
Nurgle Died of Longma: yeeeeee
Kurororo: yui doesn't know she's being tiktok'd and instagrammed
Kurororo: she is an unknowing "influencer"
Nurgle Died of Longma: hermila will free her and introduce her to magic lesbian socialism
Nurgle Died of Longma: and also téo
Kurororo: "girls... good."
Kurororo: *everybody on the internet cheers*
Nurgle Died of Longma: nodding, polite applause


RubyChao: del did i ever tell you that there's one hitman target who has a bio that's basically just "somehow a nurgle cultist got into hitman"
Nurgle Died of Longma: as someone who keeps putting nurgle into zfrp for some reason, you have my attention
RubyChao: okay so it's from this arc of bonus missions about stopping a worldwide super pandemic that a cult leader plans to spark it
RubyChao: so you gotta kill the leader and then his various guys who plan to set it off
RubyChao: one of them has, in his bio
RubyChao: "Following a brush with death during a field expedition to locate the source of a particularly lethal strain of Septem's Disease, he became convinced that plagues were an expression of the will of some unknowable yet welcoming deity."
RubyChao: and that last bit about plagues being the work of a god that is still welcoming is just
RubyChao: yeah this dude's from warhammer
Nurgle Died of Longma: lmao
Nurgle Died of Longma: holy shit yeah that's just nurgle alright
Nurgle Died of Longma: agent 47 you gotta kill this guy before he starts playing bagpipes made out of a guy's stomach and summoning demons
Kurororo: ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrross
Kurororo: i love it
Nurgle Died of Longma: thats a real AoS unit by the way, a guy who plays stomach bagpipes and infects people with a disease that makes them dance
Nurgle Died of Longma: he's called the sloppity bilepiper and he's great
RubyChao: oh my god i'm laughing
RubyChao: sloppity bilepiper seems like a shitpost /tg/ nickname for a major guy
RubyChao: not an actual unit name
Nurgle Died of Longma: it's real!
Nurgle Died of Longma: it's the best!
Nurgle Died of Longma: let me go look up his rules
Nurgle Died of Longma: damn it they took down the free warscrolls
Nurgle Died of Longma: oh i found an image of when they were previewing the new codex
RubyChao: oh my GOD the ability names
RubyChao: someone was expecting to be caught and it went to print
Nurgle Died of Longma: lmao
Kurororo: my love is like a ripe, ripe fart sounds like a saying i would have seen in RP by now but didn't
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Kurororo: hi jrm
Jumpropeman lights a match
Kurororo: 😱
Nurgle Died of Longma: howdy jrm
Nurgle Died of Longma: lmao
RubyChao: jrm NO
Jumpropeman: i never get to play with matches :I
Kurororo: but really, someone has to sneak that into RP someday when we casually forget it exists


Jumpropeman: as I wait for my replacement 2020 game, I am playing Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
Jumpropeman: I do not think I will be seeing Pappy Von Poodle though
Gooper Blooper: both rusty and pappy made it to RP
Gooper Blooper: what a world
Jumpropeman: rereading the final boss 2014 fite club
Jumpropeman: how did I forget about meta botwoon
Gooper Blooper: my glorious secret final boss


Jumpropeman: Rusty initially presents himself as the single father of 10 kids and cries about his missing wife
Jumpropeman: at another point his shop gets destroyed
Jumpropeman: and I still haggle him as low as he'll go BI
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: No mercy! JRM is on a budget, here!
Draco: Rusty isn't the only one with 10 kids, a missing wife, and a ruined business. Ever heard of STADIA?
Jumpropeman: "When I was a kid I didn't have a lot of money"
Jumpropeman: neither do I Rusty so we gotta meet in the middle
Draco: The middle is pretty low...
Jumpropeman: could be lower though
Gooper Blooper: cut that dog's margins to nothing, JRM, I believe in you
Jumpropeman: Rusty's Real Broke Baseball


Jumpropeman: i have bought all there is to buy in rusty's real deal baseball
Gooper Blooper: at minimum price, no doubt
Jumpropeman: actually...
Jumpropeman: I paid 10 cents more than I needed to for one game ; w ;
Gooper Blooper: failure...
Jumpropeman: there are discount tickets and if you don't do the math right the discounts won't hit the bottom
Jumpropeman: I didn't use a guide though so I'm proud I only made one flub in bargaining


Jumpropeman: "Ahem, a real VTuber fan would know the first VTuber was actually the Annoying Orange"
Bree: that is a hot take that is too hot. put it back. give it some time to cool
Bree: the world isn't ready
Jumpropeman: annoying orange apparently still produces videos
Jumpropeman: it started in 2009
Gooper Blooper: That VTuber thing reminds me - in the late 90s there was a point where I played with the family VCR, recording tiny snippets of shows in a start-stop fashion so that when it played back it was a mishmash of quick clips
Gooper Blooper: Years later I remembered doing that and realized "wait, that's just analog Youtube Poop"
Jumpropeman: ha!
Draco: Yeah, and we had to have a half-hour devoted to silly videos instead of just finding them on Youtube and Twitter.


Bree: link
Jumpropeman: we should all aspire to have such art
Bree: for some reason I like the sentence "he didn't care that it was an original maurice sendak drawing" like... I kinda get why he'd be flattered. he's used to people seeing his art as a valuable commodity, thinking of it as worth money or whatever because he's freaking maurice sendak
Bree: and this kid was like, obviously too young for that to even cross his mind, he was just so in love with this thing that he had to eat it
Bree: because probably he was so young that that was a perfectly logical response to something he adored and wanted to cherish forever :V
Bree: if you eat it it's always a part of you!


Jumpropeman: link
Bree: w
Bree: what
Bree: no
Bree: take it back
Jumpropeman: it's 98 cents on the 3DS
Jumpropeman: you need a New 3DS to play it though
Bree: can I pay you 98 cents to un-see it
Jumpropeman: it's rated T for suggestive themes :V
RubyChao: Zara zara.
Jumpropeman: oh my gosh
Jumpropeman: the trailer has lyrics
Draco: JRM, you need to make that one of your Game of the Year reviews. XD
Jumpropeman: society was rocked by the fastest fairy's incredible speed
Jumpropeman: I love the lyric cramming in the song too
Bree: every day mankind slips further and further from the light...


Kurororo: *writes one word in a blog*
Kurororo: *gives up*



Draco: I should just RP Mr. Freeze someday so I have another excuse to pun.
Jumpropeman: that would be too dangerous... do it
Draco: I will be freezed to do it. :3
Draco: He'll be a 'ice change from my usual character. Then Moltar returns and they fight.
Jumpropeman is already in pain :')
Draco: Sadly, he'd be a year too late to team up with Dr. Iceberg-man.
RubyChao: off to bed
RubyChao: night
RubyChao left the chat
Gooper Blooper: I'll be heading out as well
Jumpropeman: night guys
Draco: Bye Chao and Goops.
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman: you scared them off with your puns, drac
Jumpropeman: i hope you don't mind if I give you the cold shoulder after they go
Jumpropeman: maybe in the future you'll get a less frigid reception
Draco: It's cool. I'm just going to chill here.
Money Sheep: All these Ice Puns
Money Sheep: Going to have to revive Jack Frost
Draco: Start dethawing him now.
Draco: There's snow doubt they'll be a slick pair.


Gooper Blooper: after seven hours of gameplay, Trails In The Sky's prologue is finished
Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna be here a while.
Kurororo: that's just the prologue?!?
Kurororo: dayum
Kurororo: enjoy that C O N T E N T
Gooper Blooper: Chao has 80 hours logged in Steam, and another 60 on the "sequel" which is actually just the second half
Gooper Blooper: it was such a big game they had to Sonic And Knuckles that shit and split it into two games
Kurororo: trails of cold steel (and knuckles)
Kurororo: that's a four disc pc game my dude
Kurororo: the stuff of legends
Gooper Blooper: (and there's a THIRD GAME which makes it EVEN LONGER but Chao told me that one's more of an extended postgame sidequest in the form of another game)
Kurororo: lel
Kurororo: i think i have it but i fear i wouldn't have the attention span for it
Money Sheep: Interesting!
Kurororo: and if i did, i'd never see you guys again
Money Sheep: I'll have to take a look at that some time
Kurororo: hyperfocus is all or nothing and i dislike it
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hiiii
Gooper Blooper: It's on Sheep's wishlist, Steam tells me!
Kurororo: chao about to kill me
Kurororo: hi chao
Money Sheep: Hello!
Kurororo: i have accepted my fate
Gooper Blooper: Chao must have already pitched it to him
Money Sheep: You know, I thought it might be, Goops
RubyChao: yeah, the 3rd game is basically the extended denouement that they didn't have room for in the second
RubyChao: so it's good content but it's not "this is literally the second half of the game"


RubyChao: >my tropicans are complaining about the fact that the entire island is an industrial district
RubyChao: bitch please i would love it
Jumpropeman: those islanders just need to get with the smoke-choked times!
Gooper Blooper: As it turned out, there was a way to get me to want to RP in a cold setting
Gooper Blooper: and that was to grab like three or four different aesthetics I enjoy and mash them all together and tell me it's our new home
RubyChao: pretty much


RubyChao: "Hey there! I wanted to make sure you knew about our Creating a Successful Publication Workflow in your Cloudinary DAM System workshops that are happening this week.
When adding important files to the Cloudinary Digital Asset Management (DAM) system, you want to make sure your team can easily find and deliver the content! In this workshop, our subject-matter experts will explain how to handle and optimize common publication workflows. This includes content uploads from local storage, as well as user-generated content from remote sources."

RubyChao: i continue to enjoy how obviously cloudinary is Businesses
RubyChao: and how much money they're probably making off businesses
Jumpropeman: hot dog, sign me up Cloudinary!
RubyChao: because unlike individual end users
RubyChao: businesses would absolutely pay for better image hosting :V
RubyChao: business expense!
Gooper Blooper: it gels quite well with all of our Business RP, doesn't it
Jumpropeman: Stella owns Cloudinary-
Gooper Blooper: MAYBE SHE DOES
Gooper Blooper: I used to have Celestia, but she wears so many hats she didn't feel too much like a business tycoon. Stella has really come into her own thanks to filling that role for me
Jumpropeman: celestia's niches have also appeared in characters like Tron
Jumpropeman: but she's got the market cornered on team mama
Draco: Time to introduce my own business tycoon: MR. FREEZE.
Draco: He's going to put your loan ON ICE.
Jumpropeman: he'll freeze your assets!
Draco: He's going to help your savings thaw!


Kurororo: when day is rough
Kurororo: alway rember
Kurororo: dia


Mogwai Sheep: Looking at Cardholder Chart
Mogwai Sheep: I'm now curious about the Black category, since they're the ones we've seen the least of.
Mogwai Sheep: "Also known as the Man in Purple."
Mogwai Sheep: MatPat quaking right now
RubyChao: hi sheep!
RubyChao: i did TWO blogs recently, but i believe you read one
RubyChao: but also i need to ban you from my plot outright to atone for that comparison
RubyChao: Please understand.
Mogwai Sheep hides behind newspaper
Gooper Blooper: Yutaka Ebisuwaru
Blue King of Dreams
Origin: OC
Text color: Medium orchid with indigo background and dark violet border
The man behind the slaughter.
RubyChao: haaaaaaa


Jumpropeman: my 2020 game arrived today and is functional this time!
RubyChao: nice!
Gooper Blooper: Hooray!
Gooper Blooper: Somehow I feel like JRM had a better time overall with this review series than his previous one
RubyChao: hmmmmmmm
RubyChao: that sounds unlikely
Jumpropeman: maybe a little
RubyChao: how COULD you top the shrekoning?
Gooper Blooper: Literally one single solitary Good game out of fifty would mean it tops the shrekoning.
Jumpropeman: 50 Years of DOG SHIT
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: fifty disaster reports in a row, one for each year
Draco: 50 Years of Shrek


Gooper Blooper: can't believe this image is just one month and one week away from maximum relevance


Mogwai Sheep: Saw a video titled "The Worst RPG Ever Made"
Mogwai Sheep: In the thumbnail are the words "Running Hurts You"
Jumpropeman: haha


Kurororo: i called Shoebill "dovetail"
Kurororo: on accident
Kurororo: i just
Kurororo: "i must repent by writing about her and spamming her name."
Kurororo: resting bird face
Draco: Ah, yes, my new Birdsona, Showbill.
Kurororo: isn't that just shoebill in a magician's outfit
Mogwai Sheep: DOVETAIL?!
Mogwai Sheep briefly woke up!
Draco: Dovetail has dark hair I think.
Kurororo: yeah sheep i confused this sweet bird for your local asshole because "dove... is a bird... dovetail, right?"
Kurororo: i said it so confidently to goops that it took him a second to realize "oh that's not it"
Mogwai Sheep: Dovetail is confirmed not a bird
Kurororo: r/confidentlyincorrect
Mogwai Sheep: Hahah
Draco: Dovetail is confirmed cute though.
Mogwai Sheep: No.
Draco: Because we want her to be. >:U
Mogwai Sheep: Denied.
Draco: Denial denied.
Draco: That's right. That's why you can't have Dovetail not be cute.
Mogwai Sheep: Darn.
Mogwai Sheep: Foiled again.
Kurororo: some real gonna murder you in the back alley vibes here
Jumpropeman: I mean, maybe she will
Jumpropeman: she is a gooper villain after all
Kurororo: um, please, kindly die.
Kurororo: *stab*
Jumpropeman: who knows what despicable acts she's capable of!
Kurororo: not applying your massive amounts of coupons
Kurororo: (because they're expired)


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Pictured: Futo entering the Brawl.


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: when's this canon, draco
Draco: What do you mean, when? Didn't you see the five or eight posts I made last year of Suwako hitting her hat on things? It's how we killed Bella Belldonna.


Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: I thought that bandaid was her mouth with one big tooth
RubyChao: ...above her nose?
Jumpropeman: yes
Jumpropeman: I was trying to figure out the joke on why someone would draw a mouth like that
Draco: Now I can't unsee it.


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Actual picture of Gooper being held by an anime girl.
Gooper Blooper: weh


Jumpropeman: a boss holed up in a room in the game I'm playing so I hacked all the nearby turrets, pointed them at the doors, and then hacked the doors to open and never had to fire a single shot at the boss myself
Kurororo: oh god
Kurororo: that's terrifying
Jumpropeman: this particular boss disables your revives when you enter his territory
Jumpropeman: so I do not regret my tactics
Kurororo: yeah he deserved it
Draco: Good job.
Draco: Fight smarter, not harder.


Gooper Blooper: So a guy plugged a bunch of anime titles into an AI to get it to make its' own isekai anime titles and here are some of the results
Gooper Blooper: Epoch of the Mad God: Experience the Promise of Power Without the Consequences
Keep Yourself Mobile: the Battle Takes Place on a Lunch Break
Everyone Wants To Be This Insanely Sharp Knife-Throwing Master
Epic Possibilities: Knight Fight vs. Mutant Aliens
Eleven-Headed Dogma Man
Do You Have Any Surprises in This Life
Let's Go Boing!
No Suitcase Necessary: Costumes and Accessories of Ex-Player Characters
The People Who Loved You the Most Will Disappoint You
The Once and Future Sentient Dragon Overlord
Hm... The Subtle Art of Summoning a Demon, Looking at the Ghost of Pickle Melon III...
I Dream of the Dawn City Tiny Music Talent Show
I Hope the Goddess Doesn't Find Out About How Much I Snored Last Night
For Reasons Unknown, No One Is Shooting at a Paralyzed Man Running Backwards
Today was the Day I Decided to Be a Loser
Too Late to Get Revenge on Evil Mastermind Jill Ker Conway
Attention, My Evil Doppelganger's Evil Girlfriend
Do I Look Like a Libertarian to You ?!
Spare me the Legalese. I'm just a Snake Looking for a Bag of Dicks to Grab

Jumpropeman: the epoch of the mad god one just sounds like a video game achievement
Jumpropeman: I Hope the Goddess and For Reasons Unknown are my favorites
Jumpropeman: For Reasons Unknown sounds like a koan
Jumpropeman: why does no one shoot at the paralyzed man running backwards?
Draco: I don't know. I wanted to but you wouldn't let me shoot Pelswick.


Jumpropeman: watching alternate ending choices for a game and the violence and swearing in it are censored... which is fair since this M rated game's alternate endings are on the Baby Zone youtube channel
Jumpropeman: Baby Zone also apparently has a Far Cry 6/Walking Dead crossover video and I can't imagine that'll be easy to censor
Jumpropeman: these babies demand their video game endings though
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: All Ending Imagine: Party Babyz (Good, Bad, and Secret Ending + After Credits Dialogue)
Gooper Blooper: someday JRM needs to review IPB and God Hand one after the other
RubyChao: only if he disguises them as each other
Draco: lol
RubyChao: that baby brings out the God Hand
Jumpropeman: Imagine God Hand Babies
Gooper Blooper: *Babyz


Gooper Blooper: So does anyone remember My Pokemon Card? It was a website that allowed users to do as you would expect and put pictures and text onto a blank Pokemon card
Jumpropeman: I remember trying so hard to find a site like that way back but their tools were never good or obnoxiously watermarked
Gooper Blooper: I ran into it a lot years ago in search results and the like from kids who made sloppy jpgs of their sonic recolors that did 500 damage for one energy
Draco: Sounds a lot like a Mega Evolution or Gigantimax card.
Gooper Blooper: Now, a recent pogeycard trend has been to make golden metal versions of cards. I don't know how it's done and they're not official, but they can be very pretty and I've collected several
AlternateChao: i remember running into some of those
Gooper Blooper: While browsing Amazon I saw a gold metal card that was very suspect
AlternateChao: AHHAHAHAHA
Jumpropeman: "there is 100 fire embers attacking the opponent*
Jumpropeman: thank you move description
Gooper Blooper: Sure enough, I ran a Google search (including an attack name because "Red Pikachu card" just gives you a card of literally Red's Pikachu) and...
ivel: sounds like my ideal Smash Bros
Gooper Blooper: and so this card probably slapped together by a 10-year-old in 2008 is now immortalized in gold forever.
AlternateChao: wow
AlternateChao: ONE HUNDRED fire embers
Gooper Blooper: The high retreat cost makes it balanced, right
Draco: Looks legit.
Jumpropeman: well you see, a red pikachu can be killed by another red pikachu
Jumpropeman: perfect balance


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Nice
Jumpropeman: closed eyes is a mood
Jumpropeman: also from memory having freckles but the others don't is very strange
Jumpropeman: a rather rushed maya from memory:
Gooper Blooper: Smug, huge mouth, tiddy
Gooper Blooper: yep that's her
Jumpropeman: actual maya
Jumpropeman: got most of the stuff!
Jumpropeman: no belt but I remembered the way the blue was on her body
Jumpropeman: 1 minute maya
Jumpropeman: her poor right arm
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: eyes closed maya, didn't attempt colors because that would require clicking outside the canvas
Jumpropeman: apparently her hair was already outside the canvas since I did attempt it :V
Gooper Blooper: maya what's happening to you
Gooper Blooper: maya can you hear me
Gooper Blooper: maya
Jumpropeman: one more
Jumpropeman: left hand maya with no undos
Gooper Blooper: she's back!
Gooper Blooper: Standing on an incline, but back
Jumpropeman: i kept automatically trying to switch hands and had to resist
Jumpropeman: never got the jacket right V:


AlternateChao: this is your reminder that Peko Pekoyama will never be human again
Draco: This is your reminder than Peko Pekoyama will always be cute.
Gooper Blooper: Peko Pekopeko
Kurororo: peko pekopeko?
ivel: Peko?


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: stella when you tell her it's time for a sewer mission
AlternateChao: i hope stella is excited for Season 15's Sewer City
Draco: I just fought the king of Sewer City in FF14. :I
Gooper Blooper: Season 15: Nothing but sewers and sheeplots
Draco: As if they aren't the same.
Draco: Season 15-16: Big Apple, 3 AM.


Gooper Blooper: You gotta be careful when you got a big collection of collectables in the same room as your snack stash. I turn my back for ONE SECOND and this happens.
Jumpropeman: she's cookie drunk
AlternateChao: how dare she!!!


Gooper Blooper: GB Brain: GB, stop flitting from one girl to another and try to focus on getting ready for RP, you have only one plot, don't screw it up!!
Also GB Brain: haha funny fire lady
Jumpropeman: you fool!
Jumpropeman: just make her a villain and DON'T let us save her


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: why did we need so many people to stop dark matter when those five would do
Gooper Blooper: because one of those five was Kirby and we didn't get him until the finale
Draco: Yeah, Kirby's a busy guy. You can't just command a star like that to show up on cue.


Jumpropeman: "This letter serves as a confirmation of my interest to partner with you on a long term profitable venture with my company; I need a potential business partner in a crude oil venture of two million barrels monthly involving the National Oil Corporation in Africa and an Asia Refining Company.
This crude oil venture will gain commissions up to reasonable value monthly revenue approximately per trade with the NOC; I will present you with more details of this venture subsequent to your response."

Jumpropeman: move over nigerian prince
Jumpropeman: asian oil magnate is in town
AlternateChao: damn
AlternateChao: jrm gonna be an oil baron......
Jumpropeman: don't worry, I'll remember the little people after I make my fortune
Jumpropeman: I'll need someone to polish my monocle collection after all
Draco: Aw yeah! Oil time. XD
Draco: Get Chao to build your railroads.
Kurororo: jrm's oil ocean.
Draco: Dr. Eggropeman


Jumpropeman: "The game gives quite a lot of emotions, both positive and negative. Because the game is built according to such a scheme as "easy too liarm"."
Gooper Blooper: easy too liarm, hard too miastrar
Jumpropeman: ah, so this is Fine's game


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: a perfect mascot
Gooper Blooper: almost perfect... but there's another touhou who does it better
Draco: Endless rain of golden arches.


Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: am skukuy
Jumpropeman: unironically corn
Hooded Pitohui: I am closest to Yum.
Draco: Yum
Gooper Blooper: Mutsumi cries when a bug is in the room
Gooper Blooper: cries of happiness
Draco: And then Suwako eats the bug. Mlem.


Gooper Blooper: Know Your Meme with no context: "As of September 25th, 2012, over 75 results are shown for the keywords "uncle phil pillowy mounds" on YouTube.[2]"
Kurororo: *blink*
Kurororo: i'm
Kurororo: concerned
Jumpropeman: pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes
Jumpropeman: I saw those videos before I ever saw any of Fresh Prince


Jumpropeman: frogger box cover is now watching you
Draco: I don't like how that frog is looking at me.
Jumpropeman: what happened to his tongue
Gooper Blooper: We had Temple of the Frog at one point, Goopsbro bought it as a kid
Gooper Blooper: never got far, pretty sure it ended up sold
Jumpropeman: gooper had no time to adventure with frogger
Kurororo: rip
Hooded Pitohui: I remember two Gamecube Frogger titles that I picked up a lot as a kid and never made much progress in. I should return to those someday, just to finally beat them.
Jumpropeman: "Lumpy, one of his friends, or someone else, will talk to him before every level to give him information."
Kurororo: the wingman.
Jumpropeman: Wikipedia just like "there's other characters too I guess"
Jumpropeman: "In the United States, Temple of the Frog sold 1.7 million copies and earned $28 million by August 2006"
Jumpropeman: holy crap
Jumpropeman: go Frogger
Jumpropeman: "During the period between January 2000 and August 2006, it was the 5th highest-selling game launched for the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS or PlayStation Portable in that country."
Jumpropeman: dang Frogger
Mogwai Sheep: Lord Croak approves.



Mogwai Sheep: Getting that level of crazy where I'm looking at auditions and going
Mogwai Sheep: "Yeah. I could voice that alien snout lady."
Mogwai Sheep lies down
Draco: We believe in you, Sheep.
Mogwai Sheep: You absolutely should NOT


Jumpropeman: cover
Jumpropeman: title screen
Gooper Blooper: glorious
Hooded Pitohui: Getting that same "angry sphere" treatment Kirby does, I see
Gooper Blooper: American Maze Maniac Is Hardcore
Jumpropeman: >Antstream calling a game difficult in the description
Jumpropeman: so this game must be impossible even with cheats on
Jumpropeman: my experience so far with micro pc games has been "you must memorize this game that controls horribly to have a hope of winning"
Gooper Blooper: the qwop genre
Mogwai Sheep: qwoppy
Jumpropeman: "This fast-paced action arcade game is a snoutful of fun" NOW WE'RE TALKING
Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: "It's time to bounce - across level after level of pure torture!"
Gooper Blooper: OH BOY
Jumpropeman: the game in question?
Jumpropeman: PURE TORTURE
Gooper Blooper: P U R E _ T O R T U R E


Gooper Blooper: So how are you playing these 70s games, JRM - I can't think of another way to get ahold of such old games
Jumpropeman: mostly yeah but there was a museum exhibit on game history a while back that lined up nicely
Gooper Blooper: Cool! The other thing I was thinking about was that, IIRC, most of these really old games don't even have AI, and you haven't spoken much of player vs CPU in this series yet. Did you actually manage to wrangle CKR for some 70s arcade action?
Jumpropeman: that's what ckrs are for
Gooper Blooper: She's a national treasure, I hope she knows that
Gooper Blooper: "I need someone to play pong with" "say no more my dude"
Mogwai Sheep: CKR needs to unionize!
Jumpropeman: CKR gets reimbursed by sometimes playing a good game-
Mogwai Sheep: No Co-Opsentation without Representation!!
Jumpropeman: she got her face in an article, that's representation
Mogwai Sheep Dumps X-Box Series X into the river
Jumpropeman: D:
Mogwai Sheep: Also, what a terrible name for a video game platform
Jumpropeman: apparently they're still easy to buy
Jumpropeman: so my luck was just the start of them actually having stock
Jumpropeman: it's the xbox way, sheep
Mogwai Sheep: I can't believe they just named it X twice and called it a day
Gooper Blooper: "okay, now that we've played twenty scintillating rounds of Gotcha, I've got a great game with rave reviews for us to play" "oh boy!" "it's Mario Galaxy and you're the star bit shooter cursor" "I'm gonna enter Periwinkle in the brawl this year."
Jumpropeman: CKR has legitimately been the mario galaxy star bit shooter
Gooper Blooper: Of course.
Jumpropeman: that was near the game's release and she bounced pretty quick
Mogwai Sheep: said JRM, as he shut the door in the face of the Ghost of Co-op Games Past
Gooper Blooper: Oh, near release! Galaxy is on Game Hoard so I honestly thought you'd made her do it again a couple years ago for Journalistic Integrity
Jumpropeman: when she was little CKR would sometimes "play games with her magic", meaning my bro would play a single player game, hand her an unplugged controller, and say she was somehow playing it. Sometimes she'd get lazy and not hold the controller and still play. Sometimes she would close her eyes and lay back and still say she's playing with her magic
Jumpropeman: She told people she had beat games like Ocarina of Time when she was little since she had done so with this method
Gooper Blooper: We have home video footage of five year old GB playing two-player Street Fighter with one year old Goopsbro
Mogwai Sheep: JRM shook his cane at and bellowed "Are there no microtransactions? Are there no NFTs?"
RubyChao: >nfts
RubyChao: TOO FAR
Gooper Blooper: I put the controller in front of the flopped babby and reached over to push buttons for him while having my character walk into his, then I lost and congratulated him for defeating me
Jumpropeman: your bro was pulling mad combos no doubt


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: i don't know what's more surprising, Best of the Worst/Cirno crossover art or gooper linking it
Gooper Blooper: I just never know what I'll find. But I thought of you! (and sheep)
Gooper Blooper: this just in: a D grade is "kong-tastic"
Jumpropeman: well, I doubt Kong would do too well on a trivia test
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: now that is a 2000s time capsule
Gooper Blooper: versus:
Jumpropeman: a surprising amount of effort from burger king!
Draco: NEW??????????
Gooper Blooper: Yes! NEW! (as of 1996)
Draco: WAO 


Jumpropeman: "Video blocked in 248 countries"
Jumpropeman: There are commonly agreed to be around 190 countries on Earth
Gooper Blooper: now THAT'S blocked
Jumpropeman: can't even watch that shit in Wakanda
Gooper Blooper: but specifying countries instead of just saying it's blocked worldwide implies there are even more countries where you CAN view the video


iKomodo: You ever just
iKomodo: beat a boss
iKomodo: then blunder blindly into the next one without knowing?
iKomodo: Because I did that 


RubyChao: hahahahaha wow i found an aaaaancient website
RubyChao: look at this slice of 1999
Jumpropeman: don't be rude chao, that page is still under construction!
Jumpropeman: the tic tac toe page doesn't work :(
Jumpropeman: there's no other way to play it but this site!
Draco: "Welcome to Erik and Jason's Home Page Click here to learn how to easily make money with your computer by surfing the web" <- Wow. I bet this isn't incredibly dated. :D
Gooper Blooper: coming soon...
Jumpropeman: can't wait!
Jumpropeman: its such an amazing page to be coming soon
Jumpropeman: who knows what fun with bill we could expect


Cornwind Evil: "I originally told Chao that he should do a post, blog or otherwise, that depicts the Kobbers finding out that we're going to investigate the Bermuda Triangle and I would respond ASAP with Sumireko springing into action" No one tell Dawn, she'll be a killjoy
Cornwind Evil: "There's nothing special about the Bermuda Triangle, it has no greater amount of lost vehicles as any other random segment of ocean in such a location..."
Gooper Blooper: That's real world
Gooper Blooper: this is RP
Gooper Blooper: Chao knows if the mystery of the Triangle is "there is no mystery" Sumireko will strangle him
Draco: The mystery is that's where Clownpiece built her water park.
RubyChao: dawn is going to be very surprised when she turns out to be wrong
RubyChao: i actually have an answer picked out already, even!
RubyChao: a reason for the Esoteric
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: If there is anything unique about that segment of ocean, I will eat my hat!
Draco: What flavor is her hat?
Cornwind Evil: Hat flavor
Jumpropeman: yuck! I prefer my hat shoe-flavored!
Gooper Blooper: delicious
RubyChao: gotcha covered fam
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: salivating


Kurororo: train drama?!?!?
Draco: Chao salivates eagerly.
RubyChao: amazing
Kurororo: it's just
Kurororo: i saw it and i was like
Kurororo: "chao needs to know"
Draco: Chao is scrapping his plans to make TRAINS.
Gooper Blooper: Being able to use the phrase "Amtrak's official Twitch account" is wonderful
Kurororo: trains using twitch for an agenda


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Ravio would agree that that's essential.
Draco: DeMonde would ask what weird statue is that.


nepvel: the next dlc character for DB Xenoverse 2 was announced a few days ago
nepvel: and it's...
nepvel: another Goku
nepvel: this time due to fan poll results!
Gooper Blooper: Thrilling!
Jumpropeman: somebody must be asking for them
Jumpropeman: a lot of somebodies apparently
Gooper Blooper: someBROLY once told me
Draco: A lot of people working on the development team who have extra Gokus lying around.
RubyChao: which Goku was even left
nepvel: it's Ultra Instinct Sign Goku
RubyChao: wait
RubyChao: so now we're just at two ultra instinct gokus
nepvel: as opposed to full Ultra Instinct Goku who is in
RubyChao: oh my god that's incredible
RubyChao: ahahaha
RubyChao: PLS
nepvel: imo at least Sign looks a lot cooler :U
nepvel: let me see who he beat again because
Gooper Blooper: they must really not care about the rest of the dbz cast
nepvel: at least one would have actually been way more interesting
nepvel: I remember he beat Dragon Ball Super Android 18
nepvel: "A vote among players was held to determine which character would appear in the title as DLC. Choices included Dyspo, Bergamo, Vegeta (GT), Android 18 (DB Super), and Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-). The trailer reveals that Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) won the vote, which means he will be the next DLC character in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2."
nepvel: I remembered Bergamo but forgot Dyspo
nepvel: so yeah, two other unique characters from the Tournament of Power, and Goku wins the poll :U


Jumpropeman: wish this boss understood I was trying to screenshot his cool moves so he should stop hurting me
Gooper Blooper: Doesn't he want to be Game Hoard Famous (tm)???
Draco: What a nerd. 


Donkey Kong Baitza Dusto joined the chat


RubyChao: >someone names a fanfic about tsubasa being oblivious "a sword denser than osmium"
RubyChao: You know what I thought of.
Kurororo: yep.


Jumpropeman: well, the barely disguised ruse is up. I am playing Elden Ring, but now I get to share the unironic cutest character in it
Jumpropeman: not because of how Radahn looks, mind you
RubyChao: jrm i splaying elden ring??????????????
Jumpropeman: but because that big ol' dude with a bunch of weapons canonically was growing too big for his scrawny horse and he learned gravity magic just so he could keep riding his faithful steed
Kurororo: wholesome
Jumpropeman: you can see tiny horse here
Kurororo: oh, my heart
Jumpropeman: he uses that gravity magic to hurl himself at you like a meteor too, but it all started with "but I don't want to lose my horsey friend :("
Jumpropeman: the first night I went to bed after playing Elden Ring it was all Elden Ring dreams all night, and when I'd wake up briefly I'd be in a fugue state thinking about elden ring :V


RubyChao: you know what's funny about metroid prime
RubyChao: everyone remembers the ice shriekbats as the "they appear once, ever, and as soon as they die you've missed their scans"
RubyChao: but that's not true! they appear in one room, yes, and they despawn after an event flag, yes, but you can go through that room as much as you want to scan them
RubyChao: that's not the funny part
RubyChao: the funny part is
RubyChao: not a boss
RubyChao: just "if you didn't scan this normal enemy immediately, Fuck You"
Jumpropeman: is it one of them burrowers
RubyChao: nah
RubyChao: it's the Aqua Drones in the pirate frigate
RubyChao: once you encounter them once and leave, they are replaced forever by other enemies
RubyChao: and they never appear again
Jumpropeman: justice for aqua drones
Draco: Never.
Jumpropeman: how about justice once but never again after?
Draco: Okay, but only if you bring Justice into RP to do it. I don't care which Justice though.


Mogwai Sheep crumbles into mouse bones
Mogwai Sheep left the chat

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