Sunday, January 16, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 396: LOVELY

Bree: hi jrm
Jumpropeman: hi bree!
Bree: ooh, I get an exclamation point
RubyChao: treasure it
Jumpropeman: I'm in a good mood today
Jumpropeman: I know I'm usually a dour grump so savor it
Jumpropeman: I won't be rapping anyone's knuckles with my ruler tonight
Harpy: oh nooo
Jumpropeman: I know you were looking forward to it Harpy
Jumpropeman: you'll need someone else to rap with Knuckles



Gooper Blooper: thiiiiiis yeeeeear, to save me from
Harpy: i made the most disgusting laugh
Gooper Blooper: i'll give it to someone
Gooper Blooper: [[specil]]
Harpy: oh fuk
Harpy: god damn it


Bree: bree status: pizza guy knocked like three times in the span of ten seconds so I hurried getting up, put my slippers on the wrong feet, and fell on the way to the door
Harpy: noooooooooooooooOOOOO
Jumpropeman: dang
Bree: 👍


Harpy: so this is businessplot next year right-
Jumpropeman: evil Kogasa makes BrEAd
RubyChao: that image would kill Honoka
Harpy: this is how we take down EA
Harpy: right in the bread store
Moss Sheep: It'd kill her with a gluten-free baguette.
Harpy: i don't think the fact that its gluten free would kill her
Harpy: this loaf is blocked behind DLC


Jumpropeman accepts fate and boots up the next shrek game
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: link
Moss Sheep: The Wheel of Fate is turning...
Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: jrm will never stop shreking
Jumpropeman: "how to unlock donkey miseure hood the wolf and lord farcuad!!!!!
Added: Feb 21st 2009
To unlock them you must have much 1st races than they for example: you beat lord farcuad but you didnt unlock him thats cause it must be on hard and have more 1st races than him"

Gooper Blooper: Overall: 1/10
DO NOT BUY THIS GAME! DO NOT RENT THIS GAME! DO NOT DOWNLOAD A ROM OF THIS GAME! This game is a complete waste of time, money, and/or space on your hard drive. Anyone who likes this game deserves… well… no one is going to like this game so I’m not going to say anything about it. PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Gooper Blooper: tell me how you really feel, Xkefka3X
Jumpropeman picks hard mode, easily laps the entire pack in the first race
Gooper Blooper: Please, don't make the same mistake I did. Stay away from this game at all costs. I brought this thing for 2 dollars and I still feel cheated. If you want a good handheld racing game get Mario Kart. Don't be fooled by the good movie, this game is nothing like it! If this were the last game on Earth I doubt I could force myself to have fun with it. Do humanity a favor and run down to anywhere where they sell this game and spread the word ''This game is not meant to be played, it's a low grade, 30 dollar paperweight!''
Gooper Blooper: I think I was one of the few people that really did not like the movie Shrek. Parts of it were funny, but overall, the movie did not do much for me. But when I saw Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway (SSKS), I decided to give the franchise another chance.
Let me put this bluntly, some games are not worth the $4 it costs to rent them. SSKS is one of those games. The developers should be paying me for the time I spent playing this game.

Jumpropeman: this is the mark of TDK
Jumpropeman: it is time for Donkey's Giant Log Morass
RubyChao: god
RubyChao: how many reviews on the bad half of the scale will jrm even haaave
Gooper Blooper:
Moss Sheep: mmm
Moss Sheep: morass
Gooper Blooper: if you thought the beauty and the beast series was a dumpster fire
Gooper Blooper: you ain't seen nothin yet
Jumpropeman: apparently TDK published Lady Sia which I thought was okay, but I think I remember an interview where that was more developer lead and they were looking for a publisher
Moss Sheep: The Game Hoard Presents: The Shrek Sweepstakes
Gooper Blooper: tdk, more like This Damn Krap
Bree: speep
Bree: nite frands
Jumpropeman: night!
Draco: Bye Bree.
Bree: I think I'll be glad when the shrekoning is over, we've really fallen down a collective rabbit hole here :V
Gooper Blooper: all according to plan
Jumpropeman: I'm almost out of games
Jumpropeman: but then the review posting will come in january
Jumpropeman: and you will see what I have seen
Bree: The Shrekoning Will Continue Until Morale Improves Worsens
Jumpropeman: Mud covered donkeys on the shoulders of ogres. Pixie dust glittering on the Far Far Away castle. All of those moments lost in time, like swamp gas in the rain
Draco: >:I The Shrekoning is a golden age in gaming!....tarnished gold, but GOLD nonetheless! ;p


Draco: A new friend! Who is inside this time?
"The box is empty ze?"
Sneak attack!
A spooky ghost mom appears!
RubyChao: wrecked.
Harpy: i can't believe mima's alive
Draco: Was she ever alive?
Harpy: well, she might be turbo dead in zfrp canon :V
RubyChao: but only might be!
Harpy: i haven't checked back to see how badly we kicked her ass
RubyChao: she Poofed
Draco: Some people say Mima's still alive and is busy hitchhiking across the world with lime candy.
Harpy: you sure chao?
Harpy: because if she's not actually dead
Harpy: that could possibly be one helluva redemption arc..
RubyChao: yeah 1 sec
RubyChao: oh search broke again
RubyChao: it will be more than 1 sec
Draco: Yeah, either search's broken or somehow all mentions of Mima in RP were erased.
Draco: Just like her.
Harpy: mkay
Draco: Yeah, it's broken. I just copied a word out of the latest post and got no hits.
RubyChao: She stops in midrant, a sudden pain in her chest. She looks down and sees the giant, smoking hole where her heart should be. And then, she sees Apollo, a bazooka slung over his shoulder.
And then she poofs in a burst of magic, leaving nothing but her staff and the golden sword.

RubyChao: she simply poofed
RubyChao: perhaps she could return...
Harpy: that'll be awkward, waking up and finding out your adopted kid won the brawl
Harpy: and is not doing evil things
Draco: "Marisa, I heard you killed the friendliest friend ever. Way to be evil!" "Hi Mom. Yeah, Mira's one of my best friends now." "What?"
Draco: Evil Mom who is confused but supports Marisa anyway in between evil schemes.


Jumpropeman: here comes the boip
Jumpropeman: boip
Jumpropeman: there goes the boip
Harpy: oono
Draco: Oh man. What a boip. I'll never wash this hand again.


Jumpropeman: okay, I have a game for everyone
Jumpropeman: it's predict the ending to Curious George Gets a Medal
Jumpropeman: here's the setup
Draco: :O
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Jumpropeman: in the book, George spots the man in the yellow hat writing a letter and wants to write one himself. He makes a mess with the ink though, tries to wash it away with a hose but floods the office, goes and steels a pump to clear the office, needs to steal a cow from a farmer to carry that pump, and flees to a science museum to hide and ends up destroying the dinosaur exhibit trying to climb things to get fake fruit. The museum owner is about to send him to the zoo when the man in the yellow hat comes in and fixes things... but how do you think he does so?
RubyChao: brings a new dino?
Gooper Blooper: By giving a mouse a cookie, from the sound of it
Jumpropeman: the answer: turns out the letter from the start was related to George being asked TO GO TO SPACE so they immediately run off and launch him into space and he does so and then comes back down to earth and gets a medal, the end.
RubyChao: ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa
Gooper Blooper: GOOD PLOTTING
A Hell of Werewolves: I remember that book
Jumpropeman: I'd joke that George answers for none of his crimes, but that is a running theme of the books
A Hell of Werewolves: Also, why did they send him into space?
Jumpropeman: George will commit tons of property damage and theft and then someone says "arrest that monkey"and then a person is like "but he made us laugh with his silly antics" and it's all okay and George learns nothing
A Hell of Werewolves: So he could pull a lever
Jumpropeman: last Curious George book made was named Curious George Goes to the Hospital
Jumpropeman: an ominous last title
Jumpropeman: "He is an intelligent, curious, innocent, cute, compassionate, adorable, tailless young little monkey who is always up to something due to his curious nature"
Jumpropeman: hey
Jumpropeman: hey
Jumpropeman: guess what wiki I'm on
Jumpropeman: "species
Monkey lacks a tail, so he is actually a chimpanzee though he notably lacks any distinguishing characteristics of a chip such as their black hair or looking like one at all."

Draco: I'm guessing the Peppa Pig Fanon wiki.
Draco: Or the Love Live Fanon wiki that describes Yoshiko's mom as being rescued by General Grievous.
RubyChao: >fanon
A Hell of Werewolves: Why do these lesser wikis insist on so many darn adjectives
RubyChao: so zfrp canon, right
Jumpropeman: "He is 2 years old, although he acts the same age as Allie. (Allie is 5 years old.)
He will sometimes act the same as Marco. (Marco is 10 years old.)"

Jumpropeman: Trivia:
Curious George wants to be like everyone else and grow up well.
George acts like a child because of the way he explores the world.

RubyChao: i
RubyChao: am going to explore the world
RubyChao: of my bed
RubyChao: goodnight friends
Jumpropeman: goodnight CHILD
RubyChao left the chat
Jumpropeman: here we go
Jumpropeman: Man in the Yellow Hat:
Mild-mannered, smart, friendly, funny, socially awkward, informative, knowledgeable, determined, eager, sympathetic, idealistic, heroic, caring, conceited, optimistic, persistent, determined, cowardly, comically conceited (sometimes), commanding (sometimes), pompous (sometimes), narcissistic (sometimes), sarcastic (sometimes), neutral (sometimes)

Jumpropeman: he's only COMICALLY conceited sometimes
Jumpropeman: other times he's just conceited
Jumpropeman: I do also appreciate Neutral being there
A Hell of Werewolves: God damn it WHY
A Hell of Werewolves: Why is this a CONSTANT
Gooper Blooper: I wonder if he ever feels pressured by only being known for his hat, rather than his career, his family name, or even that he owns a monkey
Jumpropeman: unfortunately most of the Man in the Yellow Hat's page are screenshots
Jumpropeman: Man yellow hat Ted Shackleford is a fun name for a page too
Gooper Blooper: CW: My running theory is that all of these "personality list" wikis are being run by the same handful of obsessed people, since they seem to all share in common that they're cartoons from the 80s and 90s
Jumpropeman: this wiki I think is actually done by a kid, they might be copying what they see on other wikis
Jumpropeman: "hobbies
catching meteorites"

Jumpropeman: Allie is an intense kid
A Hell of Werewolves: Considering that infamous circumcision thing, wikis do tend to attract obsessives
Jumpropeman: someone added a fake Curious George movie where he teams up with the Crystal Gems from Steven Universe to fight an evil queen
Jumpropeman: it's just there amidst the list of other movies
Jumpropeman: "She is an independent, kind-hearted and motherly school teacher who occasionally visits Ted Shackleford in the Bloomsberry Museum with her students during field trips. Not only that, but she was created and designed by lead animator John Pomeroy."
Jumpropeman: Not only that, she was created by the show's creator!
Gooper Blooper: WOW!
Jumpropeman: Category: enemy george
Jumpropeman: "He also sometimes acts like he's superior to others." this quote isn't funny until I tell you that every letter in "others" is a separate hyperlink to another character
A Hell of Werewolves: That fake movie reminds me of when someone edited in a fake final episode of the short lived TGIF ABC sitcom Teen Angel where the main dead and now an angel character came back as a zombie and ate everyone
A Hell of Werewolves: Or edited in a daughter for Drakken in Kim Possible
Jumpropeman: one of the hyperlinked character's entire wiki page: "the grocer is a character he owns a grocery shop acording to george the grocer he has and son named jon"
Gooper Blooper: I hope that wins Featured Article.
Jumpropeman: im glad 1/4th of that article is devoted to saying the grocer is, in fact, a character
Jumpropeman: "Bill Nenninger is perhaps the most added character in Curious George"
Jumpropeman: I don't even know what this is meant to mean
Gooper Blooper: That's because you're not part of the fandom!
Gooper Blooper: Get with it!
Jumpropeman: "Featuring all-new music from Andy Grammer, this king-sized adventure reminds us ALL THAT doing what you love is the key to happiness."
Jumpropeman: perhaps I've discovered a curious george wiki ARG
Jumpropeman: that might be all for this tailless monkey rabbit hole


Hooded Pitohui: Editing a piece by a Mario Wiki friend who writes about Robot Wars and hit this neat tidbit: "Yes, you read that right, the force of Sumpthing's own attack causes it to completely break down because it's Sumpthing." This poor robot... did not have a good record, it seems.
Bree: sumpthing is a mood
Bree: the immensely relatable experience of hurting yourself trying to do something and accidentally doing it too hard
Harpy: bless
Moss Sheep: Sumpthing Special
Gooper Blooper: I can confirm that Sumpthing was one of those robots that is very charming in a "I built this robot in a cave with a box of scraps" kind of way, but it wasn't very good
Harpy: sumpthing walked so rusty could run
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: th
Harpy: that sure is
Harpy: sumpthin
Gooper Blooper: This might not be the moment mentioned in the line HP quoted, but I distinctly remember a match Sumpthing had where they were using a spiked hammer and swung it so hard that two other spikes on the base of the robot flipped underneath it and propped its' wheels off the ground, immobilizing it
Gooper Blooper: poor bastard
Harpy: hoisted by his own petard
Harpy: this is the sort of content i live for


Moss Sheep: I have made a terrible mistake. I thought I could ignore the serving size on a box of Nilla Wafers. Turns out, no. My body hates me.


Moss Sheep: "What names should we have?"
Moss Sheep: Manhattan.
Harpy: sumeru... nah
Harpy: ill make somethin up
Draco: Let's call the country Republic of Saintblic
Draco: Northern Walgeor
Draco: Central Mikeelingczech
Harpy: krackenspine mountains-
Brinehammer: Coldsville
Moss Sheep: New Dutchland
Draco: Old York
Harpy: vermont-
Gooper Blooper: The port city of Vermont, located in the region of Canada, which is in Europe
Moss Sheep: Santa's Village
RubyChao: i'm going to assassinate all of you
Brinehammer: Nort, the Port
Harpy: please don't, i still want to enact the sammy renaissance
Gooper Blooper: Porty McPortface


Jumpropeman: YIIK is on pc game pass
Jumpropeman: do I dare play such a MODERN MASTERPIECE
Moss Sheep: Probably.
RubyChao: do it
Moss Sheep: But in LIMITED DOSES
Moss Sheep: YIIK responsibly!
Jumpropeman YIIKs to the limit
Moss Sheep: He's a goner.
Moss Sheep: Guess I'll have to continue on in his place...
Moss Sheep turns the Game Hoard into a Beast Wars episode review site
Jumpropeman: it was inevitable...


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: I wasn't ready for Shrek Pinball to have such an... Atari 2600 pinball game design
Harpy: n-nep...
Jumpropeman: L O V E L Y
Jumpropeman: what an odd choice of sound for the fiona bumper too
Gooper Blooper: no one is prepared for Fiona Bumper
Draco: This DOES look and sound like a horror game.
Draco: Made with Flash.
Gooper Blooper: and of course it's positioned to be the bumper that gets hit far, far away more often than any other bumper
Draco: And then the just gets stuck bouncing on the Shrek bumper.
Gooper Blooper: that's lovely
Draco: pinball. I guess.
Draco: OH. It was a Shockwave game. That explains everything except the really weird Fiona voice.
Gooper Blooper: yeah, it was included on the Shrek DVD apparently? That's what the description says
Harpy: generic sploshin noise
RubyChao: Do some [FANCY] flipping!
Jumpropeman: back when dvds had like, 25 extra features because DVDs were cool and new
Harpy: you've never played pinball like THIS before
Harpy: yeah
Harpy: i definitely haven't
Harpy: and never will
Draco: And never will again if I'm lucky.
Gooper Blooper: [[lovely]]


Gooper Blooper: Curious to see how exactly JRM gets a boost in Elf Bowling traffic every December, I ran a Google search for Elf Bowling. On my tablet his review appeared on page 5 of the search results, but after clicking on it there and then repeating the search on my PC, he was on page 2
Gooper Blooper: but when I added "review" to the search terms....... he was still on Page 2, but slightly higher
Jumpropeman: im baffled by it too, I've incognito searched "elf bowling download" and "elf bowling game" and you'd have to deliberately ignore a fair bit to eventually get to me
Gooper Blooper: Elf Bowling is just such a beloved Christmas classic that there's enough trickle-down interest to flood your site with people eager to hear what you have to say about Elf Bowling


Jumpropeman: link
Harpy: Concern.jpg
Draco: AI really got Zun's art style down.
Jumpropeman: people are already making fanart of the Falsehous
Jumpropeman: the question is when we start RPing them
RubyChao: when we finish all the Truehous
Jumpropeman: truehous versus falsehous
Jumpropeman: coming 2022
Draco: I'm replacing all of my Touhous with Falsehours.
Draco: *Falsehous
Jumpropeman: real touhou falsehours
Gooper Blooper: maybe a larger res image would make flaws more apparent but those AI touhous are uncannily capable of passing off as legitimate
Jumpropeman: that middle hou with the monstrous mound beside her
Jumpropeman: that would be sheep's hou-


Gooper Blooper: Finally made it to Tressa in Octopath today
Gooper Blooper: she's a good girl
Jumpropeman: not big surprise
Gooper Blooper: also, in the third town I visited, I found a spear no one could equip
Gooper Blooper: I held onto it, and held onto it, waiting for someone who could actually use it
Gooper Blooper: Tressa, in town seven, could hold the spear!! And then I immediately bought a better spear at the town shop.
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: something not too different happened to me in FF7 where I got a gun for Vincent way before I got him, he used it ever so briefly before the game gave him a better one
Gooper Blooper: That sad moment when you're given a character in an RPG whose default equipment has a description like 'he received this dagger from his father, he takes it with him always' and it has 5 attack and sells for 2 dollars


Draco: Oh man. They put Skeiron in Final Fantasy 14.
Harpy: guess you'll die
Jumpropeman: im glad he's stayed in business
Gooper Blooper: Looking good, Skeiron!


Gooper Blooper: this strip appeared on my garfield page-a-day calendar and I knew what I had to do
Harpy: kek
RubyChao: Unyu.


Gooper Blooper: The real reason Gigabyte's shell keeps popping off in one Battlebots match every year
Harpy: cursed
Draco: Canon
Gooper Blooper: Dia 2022 sneak preview
Draco: Canon
Harpy: is that just dia after sammy told her about the Wheelers
Draco: Koala Princess goes to Planeswarden House. "WE GOTTA WIN THE SKATING TOURNAMENT"
Harpy: dia's doing 360s in the air
Jumpropeman: it's the only way to save the skate park from being turned into... A DMV


Jumpropeman: yohane ded
RubyChao: this is just how we make new yohanes
RubyChao: plant the meatball and water it
Gooper Blooper: I appreciate that japanese artists seem to recognize how silly and memeable Yohane's meatball is


Jumpropeman: spammers thought "this simple question about Shrek Forever After on DS is the PERFECT PLACE FOR 120 SPAM MESSAGES"
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: that poor fellow just wanted to cross the river and he was ignored for nine years and then every tapogre in the tri-county area descended at once
Jumpropeman: its the only question they attacked too
Gooper Blooper: well, JRM, as an expert Shrek gamer
Gooper Blooper: can you answer their question
Jumpropeman: you double jump, just need to time it a slightly bit to get more distance
Gooper Blooper considered doing a Garfield Dump on JRM next year but there aren't nearly as many games to fling at him
Jumpropeman: the inclusion of apps, browser games, and things for like, java phones makes this list look more possible than it is
Jumpropeman: I appreciate that the Garfields EATS app is on there
Jumpropeman: it was just Entergaging enough
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, and some of the ones I would go with (like Garfield's Nightmare on DS) ain't cheap, plus you've already played (but haven't posted reviews for) at least one garfield already (I remember you were looking into playing garfields at one point, but the only one we got explicit confirmation you played was Garfield Kart)
Jumpropeman: I have a Garfield: Search for Pooky review in the chamber
Gooper Blooper: garfielf you lazy cat


Jumpropeman: for sheep
Moss Sheep: Mata Hairi is a blow out of a pun though
Draco: Ape Agency
Draco: Damn. That's a lot of chimps in costumes!
Jumpropeman: they really believed in this ape show
Draco: "Two of the three producers/creators were Stan Burns and Mike Marmer, former writers for Get Smart! Both resigned from their jobs as head writers on The Carol Burnett Show to work on Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp." <- A good career move.
Gooper Blooper: quit their jobs to work on the chimp show
RubyChao: for a second i misread it as the chimp show lasting from september to september and went "how"
RubyChao: then i realized it was a single season
RubyChao: and went oh
Harpy: wow.
RubyChao: "to make the dialogue fit the chimps’ lip action, Burns and Marmer went to ridiculous lengths. Voiceovers were ad-libbed on the set, giving birth to beautifully absurd moments of the chimps breaking into songs at the end of sentences or spontaneously reciting Mother Goose rhymes just so it would look right."
Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: it just sounds like unwatchable chaos
Harpy: sonia slinks into the darkness in despair
Jumpropeman: I do know that the music featured in the band sections were legitimate attempts to make new hit singles in the same way Archie had a hit with Sugar Sugar
RubyChao: "The show's first season episodes were an hour long each and also included Warner Bros. cartoon shorts from that animation studio's final years. The second season consisted of repeats from the first season with the cartoons removed."
Harpy: incredible bottom of the barrel budgeting
Jumpropeman: "The fanzine Lancelot Link Fan World was published in 1975 by Cornell Kimball."
Jumpropeman: that has got to be a treasure
Moss Sheep: Well
Moss Sheep: I need to watch an episode of this now


Moss Sheep eating a hotdog while watching gameplay about farming cute animals to be ground into blocks
Moss Sheep looks into camera

Moss Sheep: I am not desensitized.


Jumpropeman unlocks swim trunks shrek costume
Jumpropeman: finally, a shrek game with some sex appeal
Gooper Blooper: aw yeah
Harpy: oh
Jumpropeman: puss in boots in Shrek Forever After was fat thor before Fat Thor
Harpy: oh..
Harpy: :(


Gooper Blooper:
Moss Sheep: Some kind of salami
Moss Sheep: or maybe...
Moss Sheep: a big BUNCHA BALONEY


RubyChao: soon
RubyChao: it will be like christmas morning.
RubyChao: i legitimately enjoy that it's just become a tradition for me :V
RubyChao: get up, link class balance, leave


Mobile Del: Okay
Mobile Del: For Mr hippo fans here
Mobile Del: He's mentioned in the new security breach game
Mobile Del: Apparently he's so unpopular that the game apologises when you pick up some of his merch for a puzzle
iKomodo: Rip
Mobile Del: Also
Mobile Del: 80s freddy now occupies the same space as Optimus prime as "surrogate robot dad"
Mobile Del: Which has made my twitter timeline weird
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: Glamrock Freddy Fazfuck is gonna be weird :P
Mobile Del: Okay sheep
Mobile Del: I hooooovered up spoilers for the new fnaf
Mobile Del: And apparently everyone in universe thinks Mr hippo is lame INCLUDING THE OTHER ROBOTS
Mobile Del: So that's good
Draco: I think the new FNAF game takes the series in a great new direction.
Moss Sheep: Yes
Moss Sheep: DOWNWARD
Draco: D:
Draco: Sheep curses FNAF after his OC, an elderly goat animatronic who sneezes parmesan cheese, is rejected by Scott Cawthon himself.


Jumpropeman: "The special game for this level is to get the frog out of the patient's throat by guiding the frog up the throat, past all manner of food items that the other doctor is inexplicably tossing down."
Jumpropeman: i'm sure there's a malpractice case in the making there
Gooper Blooper: Dr. Amigo is at it again, I see


RubyChao left the chat
Draco: Chao missed this important video.
Gooper Blooper: "every time I think this song is finally dead it pulls something like this and I have to angrily enjoy it"
Draco: kek



Gooper Blooper: did a ton of sidequest grinding in Octopath Traveler today to make fast cash
Harpy: it all comes down to money
Harpy: get those tressabux
Gooper Blooper: Since Tressa was my party leader and the end-of-sidequest cutscenes focus on the leader regardless of whoever in your party was needed to solve the quest, this meant two straight hours of Tressa Does Everything, aggressively teleporting around the world and helping everyone she sees, whereupon they shower her with gifts and money while telling her how glad they are that she helped them
Jumpropeman: tressa good ending sounds like
Harpy: negotiating commission prices
Harpy: tressa version
Gooper Blooper: she's a very good girl
RubyChao: tressa is the bessa
RubyChao: bestsa?
Gooper Blooper: even after all that I STILL didn't make enough money to actually fully equip my team :V But I'm in a stronger position than before for sure!
Harpy: that is the eternal jrpg curse
Draco: lel
Gooper Blooper: primrose has been using the same knife for 15 hours because the next one up costs 20,000 octodollars
Harpy: i'm sorry what
Gooper Blooper: She could settle for a weaker in-between one, but there are knives that raise your magic attack and also knives that raise your evasion, and she wants the magic knife
Gooper Blooper: but she can't have it because it costs as much as a Tressa Fumo
Harpy: rosie, baby, you can't expect to avenge your father with a toothpick


Moss Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
RubyChao: hi sheep
Moss Sheep: Hello, hello
Draco: Hi Sheep.
Moss Sheep: Hello, Draco
Moss Sheep: Having greeted everyone, I will now sit here in total, unblinking silence
Jumpropeman: sounds about right
Draco: And we'll sit here watching you, equally unblinking. :3
Draco: 83
Gooper Blooper: 83
Draco: 83


Jumpropeman: next level advertising
Draco: XD
Draco: I mean, he's getting his message across!
Jumpropeman: i've got a good idea what he buys, but I might need a reminder
Draco: But...and follow me on this...what does he...stay with me now...SELL?
Moss Sheep: Good news, everyone
Draco: What's the news, Professor?
Jumpropeman: sheep buys golf clubs now too!
Moss Sheep: Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is currently the free game of the day on Epic Games Store
Moss Sheep: So good news for everyone except JRM, I guess
Draco: Woo!


Jumpropeman currently investigating if shrek forever after inexplicably used Chronicles of Narnia music
Jumpropeman: ""The White Witch" » Harry Gregson-Williams (composed by), Published by Wonderland Music Company Inc., Courtesy of Walt Disney Records"
Jumpropeman: yeah, it's in the credits
Jumpropeman: the shrek game used disney music


Jumpropeman: one of the weirder things about the Shrekoning was how characters in dialogue always called him Shrek®
Gooper Blooper: XD
Draco: The Shreker


The Deleter: I carry the curse of sort of caring about five nights at Freddy's
Gooper Blooper: kek
Moss Sheep: A terrible burden


Cornwind Evil: In a comics discussion, someone brought up that by the logic of someone who can fly under their own power would innately be good at piloting an airplane means a bird could easily fly a passenger jumbo jet
Cornwind Evil: And that came to me that by that logic Utsuho can fly planes.
RubyChao: Unyu!
Jumpropeman: She can easily fly the plane... for five seconds


RubyChao: i baked a cheesecake today
RubyChao: it collapsed
RubyChao: still tastes good
Christmas Eve-Il (Cornwind Evil) joined the chat
Christmas Eve-Il: In the end, isn't that all that matters?
RubyChao: hi cornw
Jumpropeman: hiwind
iKomodo: Hi cw
iKomodo: happy winter festival times to you
Christmas Eve-Il: I'm gonna try to make turkey legs that have been in the freezer for three years. Wish me luck!
Jumpropeman: i'll call poison control
iKomodo: Gl man
RubyChao: rest in dead


Mobile Del: I'm gonna start brilliant diamond
Mobile Del: Or as I like to call it, CRAZY DIAMOND
Mobile Del: Which starter tho
Mobile Del: I got the penguin
Mobile Del: Dedede


Draco: I'm supposedly fighting two enemy armies, but they seem to have put aside their differences to target me exclusively.
Jumpropeman: you brought them together :)


Gooper Blooper: I return from seeing the results of Goopsmom's coworker giving her a late Christmas gift
Gooper Blooper: I have now beheld... Poppy, The Booty Shakin' Pug
Harpy: has goopsmom ascended-
Harpy: yeah that's a fuckin ascension alright
Draco: :O
Harpy: i cannot believe that coworker's on team twerk
Gooper Blooper: "3 epic songs"
Draco: LOL
Harpy: i'm laughing but also i'm like
Harpy: "that's fucking adorable"
Harpy: what, are they shakin' it to "single ladies" by beyonce?
Gooper Blooper: It's very silly, very much in the same vein as those gimmicky electronic plush toys that were all the rage in the late 90s/early 2000s
Gooper Blooper: for when you couldn't get your mitts on Tickle Me Elmo or a Furby
Harpy: i still can't believe there were scalpers for tickle me elmo.
Gooper Blooper: I remember reading stories of Tickle Me Elmo shortages and people buying tons of Burger King Kids Meals just for the Pokemon toys they came with
Gooper Blooper: the more things change, the more they stay the same
Draco: Huge lines in McDonald's for Teenie Beanie Babies. Had a guy offer to buy my meal if I gave him the Beanie Baby.
Harpy: tickle me elmo's like "you too?" surrounded by pokemon toys and royal blue peanut, talking to target exclusive spino


RubyChao: "Although the amount in a single banana is small in environmental and medical terms, the radioactivity from a truckload of bananas is capable of causing a false alarm when passed through a Radiation Portal Monitor used to detect possible smuggling of nuclear material at U.S. ports."
RubyChao: i just think this is interesting
Harpy: uh
Gooper Blooper: OHHH BANANA
Harpy: donkey kong runs on nuclear energy
Draco: The origin story of King Kong.


Draco: Cute girl not allowed back in RP by malicious ungulate.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: someone will just have to do what happened with Gardevoir and introduce a new character of the same species who isn't a jerk
Gooper Blooper: happened with Roserade too!
Draco: We'll get Buizel back in RP too someday as target practice.
Mosey Sheep sitting at typewriter with a page full of "RANAMON IS NEVER COMING BACK" written over and over
Gooper Blooper: so here's my new character, Fishy LaFishe, a Ranamon who's never heard of Sheep's Ranamon and is a nice lady-
Mosey Sheep sinks into the Earth's crust
Draco takes the M key from Sheep's typewriter.
Gooper Blooper: Rana On
Mosey Sheep: More like
Mosey Sheep: Rana OFF
Draco: Rana OFF to Agama to hang out with all her cool new friends like Grumblemon's Kidney.
Mosey Sheep: J-just his kidney?!
Draco: You want the rest of him back? You get me my money. BI


Mosey Sheep: I have to get up early, so I shall also be taking my leave
Mosey Sheep cocks gun
Mosey Sheep: forcefully.
Mosey Sheep blasts door to splinters
Mosey Sheep nods appreciatively
Mosey Sheep jumps through window
Mosey Sheep left the chat


Gooper Blooper: it is now 2022 here
Jumpropeman: tell us
Jumpropeman: what color is the sun in your insane future
Gooper Blooper: it's winter in vermont
Gooper Blooper: we have no sun
Jumpropeman: my god...
Jumpropeman: but also happy new year!


Mosey Sheep joined the chat
Mosey Sheep: Welcome
Mosey Sheep: to Jurassic Park!
Mosey Sheep: Wait, no
Mosey Sheep checks notes
Mosey Sheep: Apparently, the line was 'Hello'
Mosey Sheep: Hello!
Mosey Sheep greets the empty chasm that is, it must be stressed, certainly not a visual metaphor for his own vapid and uncertain existence
Mosey Sheep: Thank you for joining me today as we read about....Gears of War 2
Mosey Sheep: It happened again?!
Mosey Sheep: "Releasing two years after the first game, it could have very well just been more of the same"
Mosey Sheep: And it was.
Mosey Sheep: ...
Mosey Sheep: Oh!
Mosey Sheep: there's more article after this!


Mosey Sheep: I return
Mosey Sheep: like
Mosey Sheep: Man, I dunno, something unpleasant
Mosey Sheep: Use your own imaginations!
Harpy: like tofu forgotten in the fridge for a year
Jumpropeman: like m sheep returning to chat
Mosey Sheep: There it is
Harpy: wow



Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: A tough lady!
Gooper Blooper: The King Of Hearts, baby
RubyChao: king of hearts vs. red king-
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Sorry, Red King, but Yoshiko didn't skip leg day.
Mosey Sheep squints
Mosey Sheep: Why is he called Red King
Mosey Sheep points
Mosey Sheep: He isn't red at all!
Draco: Because he's a communist.
Mosey Sheep: I didn't know the proletariat had pamphlets that size
Gooper Blooper: "During early production work on Ultraman when it was known as "Redman," Red King was intended to be king of the monsters until the show was changed into "Ultraman." Red King however kept his name for unknown reasons."
Gooper Blooper: if this half-punctuated blurb from the ultraman wiki is accurate, there's your answer for his name
Harpy: rip
Mosey Sheep: Darn you, shoddy production materials quality!
Mosey Sheep shakes fist


Jumpropeman: U.S. Gold's ZX Spectrum port of Street Fighter II could take up to twenty minutes to load a single fight
Jumpropeman: can't find any authentic footage of it though, youtube videos all feature the later release of it on Spectrum where it was on disc instead of tapes and even then the videos are trimming out the loads
iKomodo: Welp
Jumpropeman: sometimes I feel like I missed a huge part of gaming with the British microcomputers
Jumpropeman: other times I am glad to have missed it
iKomodo: I was not alive for any if it
iKomodo: sometimes i am glad for that :U
The Deleter: I have a co-worker who codes on a spectrum for fun
The Deleter: It's real boring :U


Jumpropeman: clearly after the shrekoning I should seek out all other games published by TDK so I can suffer more
Jumpropeman: there never was a chapter 2...
Gooper Blooper: oh god, they did Pryzm?!
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
RubyChao: what
RubyChao: what is that.
Jumpropeman: it's freaking metal that's what it is
Jumpropeman: TDK published Darkened Skye, the Skittles game, in Europe
Jumpropeman: Babe and Friends: Animated Preschool Adventure is one of TDK's first games
Harpy: pryzm...
Gooper Blooper: und seine Freunde (tm)
Jumpropeman: I have had to edit a review since I'm learning more and more about TDK's history right now
Jumpropeman: they're made from two different companies who published plenty of preschooler guff
Jumpropeman: why would they make them 3d for the cover...
Jumpropeman: there was no console version
Draco: Send JRM 10 Land Before Time games next.
Gooper Blooper: Every Game
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: I don't think I can direct link this image but it must be seen
Gooper Blooper: it's beautiful, thank you
Jumpropeman: lazy eye bee sting Cera, meet high as hell Spike
Harpy: duuuuur
Jumpropeman: speaking of Every Game
Jumpropeman: Peppa Pig is on its way
Harpy: lucina's mortal enemy returns
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: the battle continues.
Harpy: when will this foul beast finally meet its end?
Harpy: she drinky choccy milk
Jumpropeman: parcina


Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: Clownpiece made this site, I bet.
Jumpropeman: "Statistics
Quantity: There is one hot dog
Length: average size
Weight: average weight
Age: under review
Awards: several
Relationship status: hot dog"

Jumpropeman: this is the mythical hot dog we are all trying so hard to hold


Draco: I played Halo 2 on my brother's stream. Am I a streamer now?
Jumpropeman: yes draco, now you can sell your bath water!
Draco: YES
Draco sells Silvania instead.
Jumpropeman: this isn't going to help me get clean!


Draco: More excellent editing from SD Gundam Cross Rays:
Draco: a
Gooper Blooper: abou
Gooper Blooper: BLA
Jumpropeman: a future without hyphens
Draco: e

Jumpropeman: Gene Ration System
Draco: Code of "Betrayal" and
Jumpropeman: you only get a few minutes with Gene, he's a busy guy
Gooper Blooper: Fulf Illing is the best one yet
Draco: Fulf Illing unironically sounds like a Gundam character's name.


Jumpropeman: playing the original warioware and you can have Wario name your profile
Harpy: oh no
Jumpropeman: he named it loser and I keep forgetting that so when the characters speak directly to me it is very confrontational
Jumpropeman: "You think you can handle my games, loser?"
iKomodo: Darn it Wario


(Spitballing names for the next setting's main city:)

RubyChao: i like nordstrond
Harpy: mmm, yes, good vibe
Harpy: whaddya think of the others?
Jumpropeman: you can buy very nice clothes there
Harpy: if any of them are-
Harpy: i knew that sounded familiar
RubyChao: i think Whalstrom is my strongest runnerup
iKomodo: Technically it should be norðrströnd but that scandanavian d is murder on the keyboard
Harpy: i like the vibe
The Deleter: Powerful vibe
Jumpropeman: i don't think we should have any umlauts
iKomodo: I kinda like Whalwhick
iKomodo: Fair
RubyChao: i'm okay with just spelling it without an umlaut
Jumpropeman: if we have an umlaut, sheep will want to use it every post and we can't make his posting take longer
Harpy: jrm i think he'd do it regardless
Jumpropeman: he cant put umlauts where they don't exist! that would be something I'd do silly!
Harpy: he'll make a town name full of umlauts
iKomodo: Äëïöü
Harpy: OH NO
iKomodo: I regret nothing
The Deleter: Lmao
The Deleter: The most powerful astronaut on moonbase alpha
Draco: That's the answer I give when people ask how much Cherry Coke I want. Um...laut.
The Deleter: Eyyyy


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: from dino
Jumpropeman: OF COURSE
Gooper Blooper: just in case you thought Fred Flintstone would be laying the eggs



Jumpropeman: the peppa pig download is complete
Jumpropeman: gotta wonder what they patched in Version 1.01
Draco: The lack of Lucina, I imagine.
Jumpropeman: I don't know why but when the pig family laughs they throw themselves down off the furniture to laugh communally as a family on the floor
Jumpropeman: Peppa Pig game got me shoveling compost
Jumpropeman: "Will these plants take long to grow?" "Yes, plants take a very long time to grow! Why don't you check in later to see how they're doing?" Ain't even been ten minutes and full strawberry plants are ready for harvest
Harpy: Oh no
Harpy: what the fuck did they put in their fertilizer?
Jumpropeman: hopefully I didn't permanently miss the George's Dinosaur Toy quest by doing the Grandma's chicken quest first
Mosey Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi heep
Mosey Sheep: Great vegetables strawberries
Mosey Sheep: Happy birthday to....Brine
Jumpropeman: the game does say that I planted vegetables in the garden when Momma Pig talks about it
Jumpropeman: pumpkins were an option, but the others were both berries
Mosey Sheep: Also, hello to JRM
Mosey Sheep: I GUESS
Jumpropeman: BOO ON YOU TOO
Mosey Sheep: Finally
Mosey Sheep: The Boo Brothers are coming back
Jumpropeman: i'll have a fair few options in Whalstrom
Mosey Sheep: Rainbone
Mosey Sheep: Mistspine
Jumpropeman: Boogerville
Mosey Sheep: Fogteeth
Jumpropeman: Peppatopolis
Mosey Sheep: Cuttlebone
Mosey Sheep: Grievous Heights
Jumpropeman: Sallowgrief
Mosey Sheep: Mistkeep
Mosey Sheep: Dampkeep
Jumpropeman: Deadwaters
Mosey Sheep: Darkwater
Jumpropeman: Dimsea
Mosey Sheep: Brighton.
Jumpropeman: Ratpurge
Mosey Sheep: Sourrain
Jumpropeman: Rotbreath
Mosey Sheep: Fiddlefaddle
Jumpropeman: Dingy Dinghy Dock
Mosey Sheep: Duckberg.
Jumpropeman: St. Cannard
Mosey Sheep: I'm just stuck with this one
Mosey Sheep: Tideswaiting
Mosey Sheep: Grimtide
Mosey Sheep: Brackpool
Jumpropeman: Dullboring
Mosey Sheep: Blackpool?
Mosey Sheep: Graypool
Mosey Sheep: Grispool?
Mosey Sheep: Gristlepool
Jumpropeman: Pewtersea
Mosey Sheep: Granite Landing
Harpy: somewhere, over the rainbone, way up hiiiiigh
Mosey Sheep: Fade something
Jumpropeman: Bloodripple
Mosey Sheep: i could go for some ripple
Mosey Sheep: Slouchripple
Mosey Sheep is losing his mind
Jumpropeman: Dimmarrow
Mosey Sheep: Darkmarrow
Mosey Sheep: Sinkmarrow
Jumpropeman: Hardmarrow
Mosey Sheep: Softblud


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: I think I have had an adequate amount of shrek as of late
Gooper Blooper: you must be feeling great then!
Jumpropeman: I'd say so!


RubyChao: i was playing a freeware horror game earlier
RubyChao: and i was entertained because it was in new england
RubyChao: but instead of stephen king tradition of maine
RubyChao: it was in
RubyChao: Vermont.
Gooper Blooper: Vermont, the spoopiest of states
Harpy: our pride and joy
Gooper Blooper: Come for the leaf peeping, stay for the TERROR


Mosey Sheep: aaaaaaand
Mosey Sheep: I'm out
Mosey Sheep left the chat
Gooper Blooper: bye sheep
Gooper Blooper: not quite HP tier, but he's quick on the draw
Harpy: damn
Jumpropeman: pitohui somehow sends the message after he's already gone it feels like
Harpy: it's his afterimage
Gooper Blooper: I just imagine him hovering his mouse cursor over the X, slamming the enter key to send his message, and clicking
Harpy: he just alt-f4's


Mobile Del: I have taken up a fools errand
Mobile Del: I'm trying to learn to rocket jump in TF2
Mobile Del: As in like
iKomodo: He is trying
Mobile Del: The crazy stunts that send you across the map at a million miles an hour
iKomodo: to git gud
Mobile Del: I gotta git gud
Jumpropeman: gud luk
Mobile Del: Thank
iKomodo: Just you all watch
iKomodo: it’ll be trimping next
Mobile Del: God they don't even know what that is
Mobile Del: Can't just hurl that word out there lol
Jumpropeman: tmi

(Urban Dictionary explains the TF2 definition of 'trimping' here.)


Draco: Fun fact: Gundaminfo's Youtube channel has ALL OF G GUNDAM TO WATCH FOR FREE.
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: but im so proud of my season collection disc!
Mosey Sheep: waaaaaah
Mosey Sheep: I'll have to look that up
Mosey Sheep: It's been ages
Draco: I just did it for you, Sheep.
Draco: There it is.
Mosey Sheep: Thank you!
Draco: You're welcome.
Mosey Sheep watches Robo Vampire 2
Draco: Good choice.


(After 12 Shrek game reviews in a row...)

Jumpropeman: today my dad asked when the shrekoning was going to end
Gooper Blooper: pffff
Gooper Blooper: imagine if we'd managed to get JRM every shrek game and he just kept The Shrekoning going all fucking month
Mosey Sheep: "When will it end?!", JRM's Father wailed.
Jumpropeman: three more days
Mosey Sheep: Until the Garfielding
Gooper Blooper: damn you, Shrek Treasure Hunt... why couldn't you work?!
Jumpropeman: such is the way of being awful
Jumpropeman: sometimes
Jumpropeman: you're just too awful
Gooper Blooper buys JRM more copies of Shrek Treasure Hunt to try


Mosey Sheep: Remember
Mosey Sheep: If your parents really love you, they'll buy a 32 ounce Fazbear Fountain drink.
Draco: They only ever bought me the 31 oz Fazzy Fizfountain Bear.
Harpy: They gave me anxiety
Harpy: 32 oz of anxiety.


Jumpropeman: go ahead
Jumpropeman: slide your stylus up and down to make him lick them
Jumpropeman: someone worked very hard on the details in that 3 second "minigame"
Gooper Blooper: Shrek doesn't actually seem worried about Donkey eating those
Jumpropeman: they'll make a bunch of different shrek expressions for the pointless top screen portrait
Jumpropeman: but not for the dialogue window
Gooper Blooper: one more day until you're free, JRM
Gooper Blooper: you won't have to think about goddamn shrek games
Jumpropeman: shrekoning forever after
Jumpropeman: it has colored my perception of things
Gooper Blooper: go on
Jumpropeman: me irl
Jumpropeman: i have, too often, been playing an unrelated game and think "this is kinda like that shrek game"
Jumpropeman: even though it wasn't at all unique to that shrek game
Jumpropeman: "block pushing puzzle? Getting Shrek Forever After vibes here"
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: "treketh to adventure"
Jumpropeman: I do now have
Jumpropeman: the official Shrek font saved to my computer
Draco: Excellent. I expect the Brawl to be written exclusively in it.
Jumpropeman: time to write BBB12 in Shrek font-
Jumpropeman: dang
Jumpropeman: too slow
Draco: Get Shrek'd.
Jumpropeman: I didn't comprehend that bottom left thing in the Shrek image
Jumpropeman: THE CHALLENGE
Gooper Blooper: I knew you had to have saved a shrek font at some point in order to make that Shrekoning banner
Draco: Establish McDonald's as the company that cares most for children! As if a corporation can actually care for people.
Jumpropeman: my first idea was to try and edit this image
Jumpropeman: but the liquid slime made it way too hard to expand into Shrekoning
Jumpropeman: plus
Jumpropeman: the outhouse had to be there
Gooper Blooper: It really did, it perfectly set the mood of him emerging to show us his awful pile of games
Mosey Sheep: "I was going to go to sleep but now i'm not sure i ever will again"
Mosey Sheep: ^a friend's response to the Donkey waffle image
Jumpropeman: I took the premise a little further on instagram:
Jumpropeman: all the games are emerging from the outhouse
Draco: For a very good reason.
Jumpropeman: it was very cramped in there
Gooper Blooper: Amazing.
Gooper Blooper: Next time I get JRM a present I'll probably lob some old Sega games at him again or something so we get more sega reviews
Gooper Blooper: he deserves some decent retro gaming after pushing his way through fifteen shreks
Jumpropeman: decent retro games like... finding nemo on GBA?
Gooper Blooper: ah yes, the Pixar Party
Gooper Blooper: 15 pixar games
Jumpropeman: please
Jumpropeman: spare me


Jumpropeman: so Disney made those original movies about the children of major animated disney characters. Descendants is the series name
Jumpropeman: well, there's a character in the show that's the son of Dopey from Snow White
Jumpropeman: I don't like the implications
Mobile Del: I refuse
Mobile Del: The dwarves from snow white cannot fuck, they must find some magic way of reproduction
Mobile Del: Storks
Mobile Del: Storks brought dopey a child
Jumpropeman: they just find other dwarves down in the mines
Jumpropeman: they dig them up
Harpy: Concern.gif


RubyChao: okay i heard the best way to handle the get demonitized for certain words
RubyChao: "and i'm just going to demonitize that guy offscreen"
Jumpropeman: much better than that guy who said "passing away" for every instance of "kill"


Jumpropeman: when do I add this to rp
Harpy: now

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