Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 397: Extreme Clown Jury

Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: It's not online any more, but my first experience with the meme-ness of Shrek is from before it was a meme to make fun of Shrek
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: the guy who runs Dinosaur Dracula did a series of articles when Shrek 2 was new, looking at the absolute cavalcade of merchandise it spawned and how ungodly omnipresent the franchise was at its' peak
Gooper Blooper: it was called Shrek Crap
Jumpropeman: shrek green ketchup defined a generation
Gooper Blooper: twinkies with green filling, Shrek-themed Operation, Shrek-themed play-doh dentist
Gooper Blooper: you name it, the ogre was on it, it almost reached the mad heights of Pokemania
Jumpropeman: all it takes is one Shrek the Third
Gooper Blooper: I saw Shrek The Third in theaters and I remember thinking it was okay if not as good as the first two
Gooper Blooper: amazing how devastating it was
Jumpropeman: I saw it in theaters too, I don't remember the full context but I think I went with a church group my friend was part of
RubyChao: Saint Shrek
Gooper Blooper: I've never seen the fourth film and maybe I should remedy that sometime
Jumpropeman: I do recommend it. Not as good as the first two still but if Shrek the Third never existed I bet people would be like "yeah that was a good trilogy"
Mosey Sheep: I didn't like the fourth film at all :V
Jumpropeman: garsp!
Mosey Sheep: I hardly even remember 3, it was so mediocre
Mosey Sheep: 2, though...
Mosey Sheep: I rather enjoyed the second film
Jumpropeman: its been quite a while since I saw Shrek Forever After admittedly
Mosey Sheep makes a video ranking the Shrek films
Gooper Blooper: It's been ages since I've seen any of them, though I remember Shrek 1's plot well thanks to the "Shrek but" videos
Jumpropeman: make sure to watch Scared Shrekless
Jumpropeman: and Shrek the Halls
Jumpropeman: and the Shrek Thriller Night video that is separate from Scared Shrekless
Jumpropeman: NO, I'm supposed to be done with Shrek!
Mosey Sheep: I didn't know they did another Halloween one
Gooper Blooper: CKR revives her movie blog to review every Shrek film
Jumpropeman: I must lock this forbidden knowledge away
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I thought you'd be sick of him by now so I didn't bring him up again, but then you started it and so
Gooper Blooper: here we are
Gooper Blooper: talking about shrek
Mosey Sheep: Somebody once told me
Mosey Sheep: AND IT WAS YOU, JRM
Mosey Sheep: YOU TOLD ME!
Jumpropeman: ive been indoctrinated
Jumpropeman: it's not my fault ; w ;


Jumpropeman sees an old video titled "Every Time Batman Killed Someone" has been renamed to "Every Time Batman Ended Someone"
RubyChao: ahahahaaaaaaa
RubyChao: c'mon, at least make it intentionally ridiculous
Gooper Blooper: Every Time Batman Demonetized Someone
Mosey Sheep: Every time Batman sent someone into the long dark night


Jumpropeman: "Boorp's Balls is a skill game. You help Boorp to defend against Meck, who throws colored balls at him."
Jumpropeman: this is like an AI generated game


Jumpropeman: No pressure but what's your favorite sega console
RubyChao: Genesis
Jumpropeman: you will be spared



Mosey Sheep: "How to Fix Dr. Eggman"
Mosey Sheep: I'm so sick of this video being recc'ed by the algorithm to me constantly
Jumpropeman: i have seen that recommended too
Jumpropeman: havent given in
Harpy: He doesnt need fixing
Harpy: ya’ll
Harpy: Y’all
RubyChao: eggman is already ideal


Jumpropeman: there are 25 blimps left in the entire world
Jumpropeman: and only half of them still fly
MobileDraco: I saw the Goodyear blimp while it was on its last voyage.
Jumpropeman: I was blimps in the air when I was young
Jumpropeman: a goodyear one even
Jumpropeman: *I saw
Jumpropeman: oh crap, I revealed me secret life as a blimp


Jumpropeman: finished It Takes Two
Jumpropeman: now when's It Takes Three
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: did it take two?
Jumpropeman: its literally unplayable solo!
Harpy joined the chat
Draco: Hipy.
Draco: JRM just announced he's going to learn to play video games with his feet so he can solo It Takes Two.
Jumpropeman: I will use my feet to kick someone else until they take up the player two role
Draco: Don't kick Chao. D:
Jumpropeman: too late BI


samuraivel: I heard something about the Switch's version of Banjo Kazooie
Jumpropeman: they left out Kazooie didn't they
Jumpropeman: they can't get ANYTHING right
samuraivel: that was clearly the anti-piracy measure
Jumpropeman: that would be a cute one
Jumpropeman: the backpack pops open and a poof of dust appears
samuraivel: this youtuber/streamer apparently had someone in chat ask if using multiple codes still deleted your save
samuraivel: he was 100% sure it did, but still demonstrated for them
samuraivel: spoilers: of course it still does
samuraivel: also, that would be cute, jrm
Jumpropeman: nice. I actually thought it was just a threat, but young me still didn't push my luck
Jumpropeman: "Grunty's ability to erase your game pak doesn't appear to have the desired effect in the Xbox 360 version"
samuraivel: oh?
Jumpropeman: she makes the same threats but it doesn't seem to stick
samuraivel: huh
samuraivel: Switch version confirmed more faithful-
Jumpropeman: xbox 360 versions confirmed not wiping your notes every time you die in a level
Jumpropeman: I will always recommend that over the N64 version for that reason :V
Jumpropeman: Rusty Bucket Bay is a more tolerable level when you're not hooked to the linearity of it for the note quest


RubyChao: "With the rise of nation states worldwide, only a few modern sovereign city-states exist, with some disagreement as to which qualify; Monaco, Singapore, and Vatican City are most commonly accepted as such. Singapore is the clearest example, with full self-governance, its own currency, a robust military, and a population of 5.3 million.[2]"
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: can't believe they didn't list Olympia


RubyChao: today's ridiculous hitman story
RubyChao: so the thing about explosion kills is they can let you hide bodies, but explosions ragdoll people pretty far so you gotta GET READY TO CATCH 'EM
RubyChao: so in this one case
RubyChao: >knock out a guy
RubyChao: >throw explosive on him, it kabooms
RubyChao: >his body doesn't come down
RubyChao: >dammit it probably came down somewhere weird and now someone will see it
RubyChao: >it didn't
RubyChao: apparently i just obliterated him from existence itself
Draco: Uh...whoops?
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: nobody ever found the body, so
Draco: Mission failed successfully?
Dawns Nightmare-Mortyplicity: Probably got knocked out of bounds


Jumpropeman: oh boy
Jumpropeman: I think this indie game erased my save file after three hours of play
Gooper Blooper: yikes
Gooper Blooper: better tell us which one as a warning to others!
Draco: That's going to affect the Game Hoard review, isn't it?
RubyChao: that is
RubyChao: not good!
Jumpropeman: Mira's Brush, was sent it for review
Jumpropeman: it wasn't very fun even before the file wipe :V
RubyChao: "colour-based puzzle platformer"
RubyChao: >it's a puzzle platformer AND features one of my favorite aesthetics
RubyChao: boy am i glad you warned me
RubyChao: this was Chaobait
Jumpropeman: this was me bait too :V
Gooper Blooper: "+30+ Hours of gameplay, with optional speedrun setting for an extra challenge."
Gooper Blooper: imagine if he'd been 30 hours in
Draco: Well, you'll have to mention that glitch to the developer and they'll be all "Bro, that was intentional. We use it to boost replay value."
Jumpropeman: I am doing a concern over how many levels it has and how badly it plays
RubyChao: are we in
RubyChao: for a black box
RubyChao: or just a dark red
Jumpropeman: I almost wonder if they forgot to program the bigger jump in because there's many jumps she can barely just not make
Jumpropeman: but sometimes she can pull them off?
Jumpropeman: the first boss is a little tank you have to jump over or you immediately get hit, and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't
Jumpropeman: you take two hits to die by the by and the dialogue scenes aren't skipped when you retry the boss
Gooper Blooper: always an excellent design choice


Jumpropeman: who needs Helltaker when you could be playing Hellstair
Gooper Blooper: As the video was loading I was wondering "but is it actually a bootleg/ripoff, or did JRM just find a random shitty mobile game"
Gooper Blooper: then the title screen hit and I burst out laughing.
Harpy: i want a refund
Jumpropeman: she shmovin
Draco: I mean, it's a good looking ripoff?
Harpy: new girl who dis
Jumpropeman: "Copyright? What for?"
Harpy: copyright? no, copywrong.
Draco: It's almost like a Helltaker Dana but she doesn't have a robot arm.
RubyChao: so when's the Not-Helltaker for RP
Draco: When we can keep more than one in RP consistently.
Gooper Blooper: they've been.......
Gooper Blooper sips water
Gooper Blooper: slippery little devils
Draco: We don't talk about what they do after the game's over.
Harpy: *judgement living her best life as betty's assistant*


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: she's about to kill someone
Gooper Blooper: you know it
Harpy: she'd probably murder all 12 monks on that hill in that random encounter...
Harpy: *shudders*
Draco: How is Green White Mage going to practice if she doesn't have dead people to practice on?
RubyChao: practice on the living
RubyChao: make them MORE alive
RubyChao: super alive
RubyChao: so alive they will regret it
Draco: Alright, she will practice on Annie.
Gooper Blooper: There's no better practice than paying a visit to the ZF Hospital on July 11 - unless, of course, that's what she's practicing for
Draco: She'll be there after she wins the Brawl!
Gooper Blooper: Imagine winning the Brawl and then healing the people you killed to win. That's a serious flex.
RubyChao: i'll one-up that
RubyChao: *enters Annie's corpse, to see if Green White Mage revives her at the start of the brawl*
Draco: Imagine dying first in the Brawl and everyone helps heal you?
Draco: My do you KO what's already KO'd? Annie's brilliant!
Jumpropeman: annie with the disco diaper strat


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: She's thinking about the $13.43 Kino still owes her.
Jumpropeman cogs turn
Jumpropeman: did seeing her on Lesser Known Waifus make you want to rp her
RubyChao: i was the one who put her in there
Jumpropeman: =o
Gooper Blooper: ~masterstroke~
RubyChao: goops can confirm i've been sitting on this lady for a few weeks
RubyChao: including the italian part
Gooper Blooper: yes, Chao has been eagerly waving around this tiny grumpy food critic for a while now
Jumpropeman: was she at the italian senate meeting-
RubyChao: no but she would get sick of jokes about it quickly
Gooper Blooper: he saw her in an otherwise decent anime's shitty final season and has made it his life's mission to redeem her
RubyChao: she's already going to stab anyone who makes picture it, sicily jokes
Jumpropeman urge to bring back Sophia for One Last Mission rising
RubyChao: i got curious how bad food wars' final season got
RubyChao: decided to look
RubyChao: it got bad
RubyChao: but lanterby is good and i stole her
RubyChao: fun fact i actually invented her first name out of whole cloth
RubyChao: her name is the anime is just "lanterby", that's it, but she didn't feel right as an only one name character so we got the Emilia
Draco: Dark Star Kirika
Gooper Blooper: Chao showed me a clip, their budget was apparently three potatoes
RubyChao: GOD, YEAH
Jumpropeman: more like Starving Wars
RubyChao: beyond lip flaps
Jumpropeman: they just need an invisibility episode where they can pan over backgrounds and use sound effects to imply action
Gooper Blooper: Lanterby was chewing someone out and it just kept cutting back to the guy and/or zooming in on random parts of Lanterby's face to try and disguise that they only had one second worth of footage of her yelling
Draco: So that's why she's charging to eat people's food...gotta get her animation budget up before RP begins.
Gooper Blooper: me and Chao decided she could emulate that effect in RP by using comic book style Bold Inflation where emphasis is placed on random words for no reason
Jumpropeman: Frank Miller's Emilia Lanterby
RubyChao: also
RubyChao: they only had one shot of the guy they were cutting back to, too
RubyChao: the sequence was a full 15 seconds.
Jumpropeman: its like a parody


Jumpropeman: how do you think Il Piantissimo feels when he challenges mario to a race in Pianta Village and Mario throws himself to his death by accident during it
Jumpropeman: that's gotta mess a guy up
Harpy: yeaaa
Harpy: chucksters don't give a shit tho
Jumpropeman: chucksters WANT it


Mosey Sheep: "Piles of plushies in his image were tossed into bargain bins"
Mosey Sheep: No haunted Spamton Fumos! I forbid it!
Draco: Too late.


Gooper Blooper: link
AlternateChao: that is a top quality chimata
AlternateChao: i'm glad i just gave in to the sudden stupid levels of hype last may
AlternateChao: it worked out nicely
Gooper Blooper: it really did, I was very "whelmed" with chimata when I first saw her but you've made her into something very solid
AlternateChao: alas, draco hates her, so i must sacrifice her to make 2022 good for him
Jumpropeman: such is the way of touhous
Jumpropeman: "who dis chick"
Jumpropeman: six months later
Jumpropeman: "my precious baby"
AlternateChao: remember when i wasn't going to enter chimata in bbb11
AlternateChao: and then you all just sat me down
AlternateChao: and went No
Gooper Blooper:


Jumpropeman: "I hate this but I love this" a very accurate description of the Chuckster level in Sunshine


Obi Wan KeTokey joined the chat
Obi Wan KeTokey: Oh god I forgot I had this awful username
Obi Wan KeTokey changed name to Extreme Clown Jury
Extreme Clown Jury: I think this might be worse
Extreme Clown Jury changed name to Demoknight tf2
Demoknight tf2: This will do


RubyChao: i'm sure i talked about it but i can't remember
RubyChao: have i ever shown you the set of mystery books we have that look exactly like Shelf Filler Books
RubyChao: but i ruined it by reading them
Gooper Blooper: I feel like the chao family doesn't need shelf filler considering their collection
RubyChao: like these are 100% people buy them just to display on their shelves and make it look Fancy
Gooper Blooper: oh, this set does look vaguely familiar
RubyChao: but i read all 20 in a year or so
Jumpropeman: chao takes one of those fake library book products off the shelf, finds nothing inside... and writes inside it so he has something to read
Gooper Blooper: they do look very nice, I've always enjoyed that sort of matching hardcover set that used to be common
RubyChao: i would hate those jrm
RubyChao: i would hate them so much
RubyChao: i'd just be staring at my host like "bitch i picked this because i wanted to READ something"
Draco: My stepdad collects Louis Lamour books like that. Blue leather covers.
Jumpropeman: some of my "collected works" books look like library filler but they do in fact have all the works of Lewis Carol and Poe and such
RubyChao: i think i mentioned it at the time but
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: one of the stories in that collection did the Kills You In Real Life thing 70 years before creepypasta did it a lot
RubyChao: take that creepypasta
Mosey Sheep: Shh!
Mosey Sheep: Do you hear that?
Mosey Sheep: It's the sound of me leaving for the night.
Jumpropeman: night
Mosey Sheep left the chat
Draco: I didn't hear anything.
Gooper Blooper: I'll make sure to knock some stuff over on my way out so you know I'm going to bed
Gooper Blooper fiendishly targets a pile of books only to find it's a fake books decoration
Jumpropeman: guess you'll have to stick around
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Jumpropeman: it didn't work D:
RubyChao: haaa


samuraivel: wasn't expecting Little Caesar's to get a Bat-pizza, but here we are
Demoknight tf2: Battza
iKomodo: ALFRED
iKomodo: sir no it’s been two days you need sleep


Jumpropeman: one thing I appreciate about human civilization is sometimes in a pretty populated area there's just a big rock on some grass because that sucker was too huge to move and not enough point in doing so
Jumpropeman: don't even got be as big as a car sometimes
Mosey Sheep: Heaviness
Mosey Sheep: the greatest defense


Jumpropeman: "Christmas Elf bowling should be made for playsatation4 playsatation 5 X-BOX"
Jumpropeman: gotta agree with this random january comment
Jumpropeman: my Playsatation has no games
Gooper Blooper: the people are crying out for more installments in the Elf Bowling franchise
Gooper Blooper: hear their pleas
Gooper Blooper: XBOX is in all caps because it's xbox hueg


Mosey Sheep: Hello
Mosey Sheep: back again
Mosey Sheep: Tell a friend
Mosey Sheep: Please.
Mosey Sheep: Would you recommend the Nina Legal Eagle game, Goops?
Gooper Blooper: Well, so far it's definitely not bad! It's a small indie production made in RPG Maker and it shows, I have seen the occasional typo or graphical error (like instead of walking behind a couch you walk on top of it), but I like the writing which is very AA-esque. If you're jonesing for more Ace Attorney but have already played all the AA you can get your mitts on this could do ya
Gooper Blooper: Hard for me to pass judgement before finishing it but I'm still playing
Mosey Sheep: Yeah, let me know!
Gooper Blooper: link
Mosey Sheep: A N I M E
Mosey Sheep: Meanwhile, I've finally hit the fabled Nero Wolfe book where Nero loses his mind because it's WWII and decides he's going to get in shape and fight Germans.
Jumpropeman: wha
Gooper Blooper: If my comic book and cartoon lore is correct, every fictional character around in the 40s suited up to fight the nazis
RubyChao: look sheep
RubyChao: he didn't kill enough germans the first time
RubyChao: so he's gonna fix that
Mosey Sheep: The book starts with Archie Goodwin already serving in the army, and then he's sent back because The Military Needs Wolfe Now, Darn It!
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: not quite dead enough, right?
Mosey Sheep: Some of my favorite writing in the Wolfe books is when he gets back and sees the mail and dust piling up in the office
Mosey Sheep: and immediately assumes Wolfe or the live in chef has died.
Mosey Sheep: Yes
Mosey Sheep: Archie then goes to the kitchen, finds dust on the pans and spice rack and has to fight down emotions as he concludes they must both be dead.
Mosey Sheep: Anyway, they were out for a run brisk walk


Draco: Pretty sure my brother, his friend, and I have almost beaten Halo 3. We've got three levels left, I think.
Harpy: go for iiit
Draco: Well, they had to go to bed or we would beat it tonight.
Jumpropeman: don't they know they're supposed to finish the fight D:
Draco: We're finishing the fight next Wednesday and concluding the legend of...Oreo Stromboli, Elite.
Harpy: oreo stromboli
Draco: Okay, so, in Halo 3 if you're player 3 then you play as one of the blue Elites. His canon name is N'tho 'Sraom, but none of us could pronounce it so we were throwing out names left and right until I said Oreo Stromboli and that's what stuck.
Harpy: accurate
Jumpropeman: "However, neither N'tho nor Usze 'Taham, the fourth playable character in co-op, are seen in cutscenes." they're just camera shy
Draco: Some regular Elites appeared in one cutscene so we said that was Oreo.


Jumpropeman: fell at the top step of the stair, phone fell backwards and hit every stair on the way down... not a scratch! Otterbox phone cases highly recommended
Jumpropeman: now I just need otterbox elbow and knee pads :V


Gooper Blooper: It's a new friend:
Jumpropeman: garsp!
Gooper Blooper: found her on clearance for seven bux, couldn't say no to that face
Jumpropeman: oh snap, a deal too
Mosey Sheep: The float girl!
Gooper Blooper: she was nestled amongst a pile of the one who's the lead character and the one with the hot mom the one with explosion hands
Draco: Nice. The lead character IS the one with the hot mom.
Gooper Blooper: I thought of that joke as well-
samuraivel: Froppy still best girl.


Jumpropeman: apparently
Jumpropeman: the word deer, when it was first used in old english, just meant most any animal
Jumpropeman: could be talking about an ant or a fish when you called something a deer
Jumpropeman: I wonder if we just started naming everything else and the poor deer was the last animal left without a new name
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: that’s wild
Harpy: Oh deer.
iKomodo: I have no ideer why they did this
Mosey Sheep joined the chat
Mosey Sheep blows whistle
Mosey Sheep hands SK yellow card for punning

iKomodo: I accept this yellow card with shame


RubyChao: we found why jrm can't rp penny
Jumpropeman: that's where I'm keeping her for now


Mosey Sheep: I've been running ragged the past couple of days, so I've only just now shoved the Shrek the Third game review in people's faces
Jumpropeman: I appreciate the help as always, sheep
Mosey Sheep: Didn't get much of of a bite, because a game based on Shrek the Third is a hard sell
Jumpropeman: not too much of a surprise there :V
Mosey Sheep: But I did nod along, marvelling with someone how long the PS2 life was
Jumpropeman: "The last game for the PlayStation 2, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 was released on 14 November 2013."
Jumpropeman: the 3ds was already out by then
Jumpropeman: the ps4 was literally released a day after Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 on PS2


Gooper Blooper: As I fired up Legends Arceus for the first time earlier today, I was wracking my brain on a trainer name but I think I hit on a good one when I looked over my roster and saw a girl with long dark hair who never talks
Gooper Blooper: and that's how Komi began her pokemon journey
Jumpropeman: the silent protagonist explained, she's just shy
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: wow that IS a komi


Bree: here is a silly thing for you, frands, since the tradition is to post a thing when you come into chat (at least if you're goops)
Bree: about when you're playing a video game and you can't go between two locations without getting attacked Every Time and it raises Questions
Harpy: sounds about right
Harpy: i just jumped on a hype bandwagon because haha big tiddy samurai
Gooper Blooper:
Bree: that's not a big tiddy samurai that's a big tiddy shinigami
Gooper Blooper: I like dumping something in chat when I enter so people have something to look at while I'm occupied in review mode
Bree: gotta distract the frands so they don't zerg rush you while you're reviewing
Gooper Blooper: world cold, tiddy warm
Harpy: ah yes, the ol "throw meat into the pit so we all fight over it while you look at something else"


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: what if a bear robot popped out and made a really loud noise
Draco: What if a white lady jumpscared you?
Gooper Blooper: What if you didn't understand your math homework?
Gooper Blooper: What if you committed breaking and entering because your neighbor throws hot dogs at people
Jumpropeman: what if you stole a lazy librarian's book
Draco: What if Leon Kennedy and Bill from Left 4 Dead met while escaping the Demogorgon from Stranger Things?
Gooper Blooper: What if you fought Dracula?
Gooper Blooper: What if you WERE Dracula?
Gooper Blooper: it would probably be pretty
Gooper Blooper: crazy
Jumpropeman: what if there was a really scary guy but like, he couldn't die
Gooper Blooper: what if there was a blob that ate everyone
Draco: What were running away from Cell?
Mosey Sheep: What if you were in a house
Gooper Blooper: sheep summoned by horror mockery
Mosey Sheep: and it was 3/4ths of an inch larger on the inside than the outside?
Mosey Sheep: would that be wacky or what?
Draco: What if you were Sheep and had to hang out with people who kept wanting you to bring back the characters you hated most?
Mosey Sheep: Couldn't tell ya
Jumpropeman: clownpiece frowns
Draco: Move with WASD, deny that Ranamon is coming back with space bar.
Mosey Sheep: Junko will be back!
Mosey Sheep: Eventually!
Mosey Sheep: Dovetail will probably return first though
Gooper Blooper: I can accept this
Draco: I'm fine with this too. Dovetail is cute because we want her to be.
Gooper Blooper: she's a jerk but she's a funny jerk-
Mosey Sheep: It is unavoidable


Bree: in critical role campaign 3 they went to a place where fancy important government stuff is done and broke into a fancy important government guy's office, discovered a hidden secret room in said office, stole several items out of said office, then got cornered by the guy in said office (while invisible but he was searching the room systematically and swinging his sword around to look for an invisible person) and escaped by jumping out of a stained glass window
Bree: then they got out of the consequences of all of this by somehow convincing the government guy and no less than eight different guards that the place is haunted when there was previously no rumors of it being haunted whatsoever
Draco: Bree: reminds me of an NPC from a Steampunk-y Pathfinder campaign I'm in where the party's superior officer pokes things with a cane to see if they're mimics.
Bree: like literally they came back the next day to commit more breaking and entering and the guards were like "did you know it's haunted" and they were like "*gasp* no, we hadn't heard, is that true?!" as if they didn't just invent the "it's haunted" story literally Yesterday
Gooper Blooper: Stealth 100
Bree: then they kept going with that as their go-to strategy for dealing with guards. two different guards rolled critfails on seeing through Spooky Illusions, one of them was so scared he literally fainted on the spot
Bree: the other one literally dropped everything, took off running and left the fucking district, like he just noped directly out of the entire neighborhood!
Draco: Critical Role plays the evil guys.
Bree: breaking and entering 2: electric boogaloo ended with the bad guy flipping a switch on an ominous machine and the party GTFOing and then the entire building motherfucking exploding and raining rubble all over the district so I don't know yet if "it was haunted" will be sufficient excuse for the events of B&E II
Gooper Blooper: the ghost of a bob-omb
Bree: haunted buildings just do that right? they just blow the fuck up?
Draco: I mean, sometimes. It did in Ghostbusters.


Jumpropeman: "locations" only one
Jumpropeman: the opening and closing
Jumpropeman: "please subscribe for epicness"
Jumpropeman: this is some classic youtube
Bree: is jrm actually playing red dead
Gooper Blooper: I'm betting he is!
Gooper Blooper: maybe it's one of the 50 Years Of Vidya games
Jumpropeman: i am indeed playing red dead redemption
Jumpropeman: there's a fella with an old school flying device that needs some repairs done to it, and I got all the materials I need to see him try and fly save three beaver pelts
Draco: Ah yes, beavers. Nature's hot air balloons.
Gooper Blooper: We were so caught up in the battle between moles and weasels that we never considered the beavers


Jumpropeman: the beavers
Jumpropeman: have been hunted BI
Jumpropeman: finished the Red Dead Redemption storyline then went off to one of the supposed beaver hunting spots and it was like they were holding a dang family reunion


Bree: today I learned moose are cryptids in new zealand
Bree: they released some moose in new zealand in 1910 and the last time anybody actually saw the moose (there were ten of them) was in 1952
Bree: it was assumed the moose died out
Bree: but then
Bree: they found some moose hair in 2002
Jumpropeman: the moose is still loose
Bree: and then in 2020, a moose was spotted!
Bree: and it really does just read like an "I saw bigfoot, really I swear" article a bit
Jumpropeman: certainly more harmless
Draco: To make it a Bigfoot article, just replace the Canadian man with JRM.
Bree: "The debate will begin again after claims [...] that he spotted one of the animals in the South Island's Fiordland National Park.
First released into the park in 1910, the last photographic evidence moose existed in the area was 1952, with many believing they had become extinct.
However, there have been numerous unconfirmed sightings over the decades and DNA evidence from 2001 and 2002 suggests they were still in the area at that time.
[...] Ben Young had no proof he saw a moose on Saturday, but in his mind he had no doubts."

Bree: the 1952 photo is a black and white picture of a slightly blurry moose
Bree: this is incredible
Jumpropeman: this sounds like a wonderful rabbit hole
Bree: oh my god the guy was in a plane/helicopter at the time he saw the moose
Gooper Blooper: Can confirm, this is cryptozoology in a nutshell
Bree: "Pilot Matt Deaker initially dismissed his claim, but realising how serious Young was, Deaker spun around for a second look, but it was gone."
Bree: there's a picture of a guy that's been trying to find the new zealand mooses since the 1970s
Jumpropeman: mysterious disappearing moose
Bree: he's a fucking moose cryptid hunter
Bree: "Like everyone in the Te Anau area, Young said he had heard the talk of moose being in the Fiordland National Park over the years but he had not been a believer."
Bree: then a photo captioned "one of the last verified photographs of a fiordland moose, taken in 1952"
Bree: verified
Jumpropeman: the truth is out there, but it's not very interesting
Bree: this article actually contains the actual quote "I definitely know what a moose looks like"
Bree: from the spotter of the alleged moose
Bree: he's defending his knowledge of what a moose looks like because it might not have been a moose, you see
Bree: he definitely knows what a moose looks like!
Bree: because he's canadian!
Bree: he definitely knows what a moose looks like and that's why it was definitely a moose, you guys


Gooper Blooper: the frogge takes flight
Draco: So graceful...
Draco: Genius intellect...
Gooper Blooper: "Suwako floated a little once" "FLIGHT AT SPEEDS IN EXCESS OF MACH 28"
Jumpropeman: when suwako does push ups, she pushes the earth down
Draco: Suwako once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now just the Islands.
Jumpropeman: oh my~
Jumpropeman: someone's taken cues from Hansel
Draco: When God said, "Let there be light!" Suwako said, "Say Please."
Draco changes more Chuck Norris jokes into Suwako.


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: I saw a meme like that except it was Kris, Jevil, and Spamton.


Jumpropeman: dang
Jumpropeman: this one piece game has a quiz and some of the answers are now out of date thanks to new developments :V
Gooper Blooper: That's the big pitfall of trivia games!
RubyChao: examples?
Gooper Blooper: I remember when I played Quiz And Dragons in Capcom Classics Collection 2 and it was full of questions that were super outdated due to either obscurity or new developments
Jumpropeman: One of the questions says to pick the straw hat crew members, and Jinbei appears who joined them after this game's release :V
Jumpropeman: there should be a game where the challenge isn't being correct, but guessing which answer people thought was correct back in the day
Gooper Blooper: You already reviewed that game, JRM
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: point well made
Draco: JRM needs to review more Atari games.
Jumpropeman: I agree
Gooper Blooper: 2600 games are pretty easy to get a hold of thanks to Atari Vault and the like
RubyChao: not that it's worth it-
Gooper Blooper: every game, chao
Jumpropeman: but have they rereleased my favorite atari game Pressure Cooker
Gooper Blooper: I remember it was included in Activision Anthology
Jumpropeman: Microsoft
Jumpropeman: you know what game to revive
Gooper Blooper: Pressure Cooker II
Gooper Blooper: the world is finally ready
Gooper Blooper: only on xbox
Gooper Blooper: welcome back, Short-Order Sam, we've missed you
Gooper Blooper: JRM is the second google result for "pressure cooker atari", beat only by the rather stubby wikipedia page
Gooper Blooper: JRM should take a crack at Keystone Kapers, it was done by the same programmer
Jumpropeman: im rather surprised how little other people cover games in depth in the same way.
Jumpropeman: i guess like, hardcoregaming has bigger fish to fry with their deep looks
Gooper Blooper: You're really doing good work, even if it's not, like, internet-famous
Jumpropeman: thanks
Jumpropeman: I'd like to be found more of course but I don't want to compromise what this is either
Jumpropeman: if people need detailed info on shrek games hot dog can they find it now
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I think it's good that you're not too big - I appreciate the comments mostly being just me, I'd get shy if you got people yelling about the scores in every comment section
Jumpropeman: even the more popular reviews (looking at you elf bowling) tend to be a long tail instead of a big splash
RubyChao: reminder that jrm has influenced my game purchases
Jumpropeman: that reminds me, I must become super popular so the truth on firefly diary spreads-


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: the nerd club mantra


dynastivel: apparently there's an official Spongebob comic where I guess Bikini Bottom is run by Mr Krabs the mad dictator
Demoknight tf2: Yes
Demoknight tf2: Spongebob seizes the means of production


(Re: the first twenty minutes of Pokemon Legends Arceus)

dynastivel: the first thing I plan on doing is using all 50 poke balls in the catching tutorial, then using all 20 of the balls for your trial to see what happens. With the former, I assume you just get more, but the latter... honestly I also expect to be given more for story reasons, not like Super Paper Mario where my fucking around with answers gave me bad ends :U
Gooper Blooper: In the opening tutorial where you're catching the starters, the professor explicitly has a little bubble over him that says if you run out of pokeballs to talk to him for more
dynastivel: that's why I expect that! But I want to see his dialogue :U
Gooper Blooper: I bet he still calls you a prodigy after using 99 balls to catch one owl boi
Harpy: i mean comparing it to the other members... :V
Gooper Blooper: I loved how they were all like "YOU CAUGHT THREE POKEMON AT ONCE????? AMAZING!!!!!" and then on my first trip out I caught twenty Pokemon at once. YOU DOUBT ME, MORTALS? I HAVE BEEN PLAYING POKEMON SINCE HOODED PITOHUI WAS AN INFANT.
Harpy: i almost choked on my cereal holy shit
Gooper Blooper: IT'S TRUE
Harpy: gooper blooper on his lofty tower hovering like an arceus above the mortal realm where arezu can't even catch 10 pokemon in one trip


Gooper Blooper finds Sumireko ASMR


Jumpropeman: can't help but notice a pair of big differences between the Japanese and English covers of this one piece game
Gooper Blooper: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: beautiful


Jumpropeman opens Pinterest, it's all Penny Crygor
Gooper Blooper: now you've done it
Gooper Blooper: you poisoned the well
Gooper Blooper: Oops, All Penny
Jumpropeman: she's got her hair done up in braids
Gooper Blooper: the singular comment to this youtube video has major "JRM finds it and quotes it in chatzy" vibes
Jumpropeman looks
Jumpropeman likes the comment

Jumpropeman: spread the word brother

(The comment, for posterity: "Kohl's Needs to Order and Stock up on Disney Pixar Toy Story Sid Skull T-shirts adult men's Officially Licensed Toy Story T-shirts in the Men's Department in small medium large XL 2XL 3XL in the Men's Department at Kohl's")


Jumpropeman has a Hitmontop named Ted
Jumpropeman: sure
Jumpropeman: don't know why but sure
Gooper Blooper: I can see it, he does kinda look like a Ted


Jumpropeman: im playing the colonel sanders dating game and trying not to screenshot every line of dialogue
Harpy: just send us the whole script when you're done, clearly
Jumpropeman: "Turn to Colonel Sanders, hunk of hunks, in your time of need."
Harpy: sanders date plot when
Jumpropeman: don't know what to think about not getting any game overs while courting the Colonel
Harpy: you can't lose my dude
Jumpropeman: picking the wrong choice at a fair few points cause "game overs" that let you redo the segment
RubyChao: so
Colonel Sanders as new Salvager leader?


Jumpropeman: pineapples used to be worth around 8000 dollars, but to make yourself look rich you could rent pineapples for display for only 1000
Jumpropeman: that is the value in today's dollars of course
Jumpropeman fades back into a marathon of youtube food videos
Jumpropeman: food history
Jumpropeman: I don't watch food preparation or eating
Jumpropeman: I want to know WHY food
Gooper Blooper: Lanterby looks up at the sky and shakes her fists
Gooper Blooper: "why food????"
RubyChao: did somebody say lanterby
RubyChao: wait.
Gooper Blooper: Lanterby gets about as much love online as Annie
Gooper Blooper: Chao must improvise
Gooper Blooper: Personality

Gooper Blooper: very in-depth page on lanterby at the food wars wiki
Jumpropeman: they'll announce that personality any day now
Harpy: that's how you know an anime flopped
Gooper Blooper: at least give her a list of personality traits
Gooper Blooper: Hungry (formerly)


RubyChao: i played some of the vermont suburb hitman level today
RubyChao: did not see any squids
RubyChao: did see a bbq party, a guy shilling for a Local Candidate (TM), and muffins
Draco: How great can Local Candidate (TM) be if you didn't get a muffin?
Jumpropeman: did local candidate have a deteriorating sign nearby
RubyChao: local candidate's plan is apparently
RubyChao: -get elected
RubyChao: -bury washington in all the work ever
RubyChao: -then undo every law
RubyChao: -profit
Jumpropeman: sounds like a good kid president


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: I have always liked Rhyhorn's design even if it's never been among Pokemon I consider really liking
Gooper Blooper: it's extremely, extremely Classic Pokemon, like the original vision of Pokemon while it was in development as being mostly kaiju-like monsters
Gooper Blooper: what with Rhydon being the first approved design and all
Jumpropeman: I doubt a modern rock rhino Pokemon would look at all similar. Probably a stalagmite horn and then a weird colored smooth boody
Jumpropeman: smooth booty
Gooper Blooper: his booty is his one smooth area
Jumpropeman: oh my
Jumpropeman: rhyhorny
Gooper Blooper: oh god the HP
Gooper Blooper: didn't even notice
Gooper Blooper: I tried both "rhyhorn behind" and "rhyhorn back" on google before giving in and typing "rhyhorn butt"
Jumpropeman: there's probably a whole set of pokemon go booty pics
Jumpropeman: for science
Bree: dang that booty smooth
Draco: Smooth like rock-hard silk.
Draco: Someone's been using Rock Polish a lot.


RubyChao: "The absence of games like this is why, I think, the PlayStation Classic cannot recapture the essence of owning that system at the time. Having a bunch of trash or obscure nonsense, perhaps received as gifts from well meaning relatives, was such an important part of the experience."
Jumpropeman: you know what sucks
Jumpropeman: Sony reported the Playstation 1 had just short of 8,000 games for it, and naturally other websites report that number as well
Jumpropeman: well, Sony considers each region's version of the game a separate release
RubyChao: wait so
RubyChao: they basically just
RubyChao: double counted everything
Jumpropeman: basically
Jumpropeman: it's hard to find a true list of every unique ps1 game
Jumpropeman: wikipedia's full list doesn't even hit the supposed number of unique Japanese ps1 games
Jumpropeman: Virtual Gaming Library has videos with small clips of each ps1 game though but you'd need to sit there and sort and count them, and they've made some errors before
Jumpropeman: I just wanted to make a joke that like, the SNES doesn't even hit 1800 games while the PS1 had so many more, but who knows how many it even has!
Draco: Brutal.
Jumpropeman: my point originally was going to be so many games came out for ps1 that it was likely few people got the same ones
Draco: Fair.
Jumpropeman: left my complaint on the wikipedia talk page, maybe things can be sorted out
Draco: Fingers crossed.
Harpy joined the chat
Harpy: I slept and im still tired, i want a refund
Jumpropeman: I'll leave a comment on the wikipedia talk page about sleep, maybe that'll sort it out


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: HEY DUDES
Draco: HEY JRM
Jumpropeman: TIME FOR
Jumpropeman: You only need to answer this question to figure out which dwarf you are: Which of the seven dwarves are you?
dynastivel: I'm happy... that Arceus has autosaves because my game crashed
Jumpropeman: submit your answer now and see your result!
dynastivel submits Gimli
Draco is Millhouse Manastorm.
Jumpropeman: Ivel's result is... Grumpy. Draco's result is... Grumpy. Everyone is Grumpy.
Draco: What about you?
Jumpropeman: I am Effervescent, my OC dwarf with purple hair and a scar under his eye
Jumpropeman: which means I'm Grumpy
Draco: Nice.
RubyChao joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi chao
RubyChao: hi
RubyChao: my answer is Murder
Jumpropeman: guess that makes you... Grumpy
Jumpropeman: I mean, if one dwarf did murder someone, it was him
dynastivel: I dunno, Doc seems like he would
dynastivel: his old name was Murdery
Jumpropeman: that's why he had very few patients
Harpy joined the chat
Draco: Hipy
Jumpropeman: hi harp
Harpy: i'm actually curly
Jumpropeman: curly, my favorite personality trait
Draco: Moe
Harpy: yeah i'm a real stooge


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: stylin
Draco: "And here's Remilia playing dress-up." "Sakuya, don't show them my baby pictures!" "Baby pictures? This was taken last week."
Gooper Blooper: A+



Cornwind Evil: You were saying?
Jumpropeman: im surprised they let him say the whole line


Hooded Pitohui: Thanks for sparing me from ever having to boot up my Fairy Tale Freakdown cartridge, JRM, with your review last month.
Jumpropeman: im sure resisting the temptation to play it all these years has been difficult


Gooper Blooper: meanwhile in Lost Word:
Gooper Blooper: babby junko
Jumpropeman: downgraded from milf
Gooper Blooper: she's half what she used to be
Gooper Blooper: save her


Jumpropeman: I don't want to see Kirby's tan lines


Money Sheep is meant to be relaxing but is still looking through auditions
Money Sheep: I:
Jumpropeman: get the duct tape and rope, we'll make him relax BI
Draco: I know what will help Sheep relax!
Draco grabs some of those old gold Razorback transformers and begins crushing them into gold dust.
Money Sheep: Those things WILL disintegrate at the slightest touch!
Draco: What if I abuse your characters for you? Will that help you relax, Sheep? ;p
Money Sheep: I think some of them have even crumbled in their packaging
Harpy: *tosses anne*
Money Sheep looking at "Italian voiceover wanted" as if, yeah, he's the guy for that job
Money Sheep rubs eyes
Money Sheep: OKAY, going to close all that stuff out
Jumpropeman: sheep, you can be chris pratt
Draco crumbles Junko in her packaging.
Money Sheep: A soothing symphony for the ears!


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: A GENIUS INTELL- wait no even touhou thinks she's a meme
Gooper Blooper: look at those sharp, clever eyes
Gooper Blooper: nothing gets past em
Jumpropeman: what mischief could she be planning...
Jumpropeman: *clownpiece eats a hockey puck whole*
Jumpropeman: (it was burger patty shaped)
Gooper Blooper:


Gooper Blooper: find someone who looks at you the way Sanae looks at this pile of food
Jumpropeman: is such love humanly possible
Gooper Blooper: you gotta believe
Draco: It'd be a miracle, but that's Sanae's job.


RubyChao: looking up obscure hitman spinoffs
RubyChao: i like how this hitman mobile game from 2007 just
RubyChao: feels exactly like a low-budget ds title
RubyChao: and very specifically DS,too!
Gooper Blooper: that soundtrack
Draco: That soundtrack sounds ooooooold.
RubyChao: i always feel like mobile games before smartphones aren't real
RubyChao: just in a "my brain goes WHAT ARE YOU" way
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: >>>>>>2004 mobile
Gooper Blooper: The Shrekoning II.....
Gooper Blooper: the difference between the Shrek 2 java game and the Shrek 4 java game is like night and goddamn day
Gooper Blooper: The same song plays throughout the entire video so it's not clear what that music is from
Draco: Well, it DOES look like a mobile game, that's for sure.
Jumpropeman: oh my gosh that first shrek game
Jumpropeman: what is with shrek's face
Gooper Blooper: it's beautiful isn't it
Gooper Blooper: officially licensed.
Jumpropeman: while mobile games before smart phones were pretty trash, at least they were preserved
Jumpropeman: they weren't just a free for all either
Jumpropeman: I watched a video about a guy who made a program that randomly generated slot machine mobile games and got over 1000 of them on the ios store
Jumpropeman: its an hour because its GDC but it's an interesting talk
Jumpropeman: things like this is why ios is unofficially retired for the game hoard :V
Gooper Blooper: gotta review all 1500 slot games-
Draco: Man, I didn't realize Shrek 2 had such an upbeat soundtrack!


Bree: this story is incredible, everyone pls read
Jumpropeman: link: oh man, I wish I could see that but would also be terrified :V


Jumpropeman: from the nickelodeon game show Think Fast: "Pat the Uncle (later renamed "Burp the Uncle") – contestants had to push down on the shoulders of three fat "uncles", making them belch violently. The "uncles" were enormously fat men who snacking on bowls of random food items which included popcorn, tortilla chips, candy and Pepto-Bismol."
Jumpropeman: the challenge was basically like the Simon toy where you have to pat the burping uncles in the same order the other team did
Gooper Blooper searches "Pat The Uncle" for more information, gets this link
Gooper Blooper: There's something Sheep isn't telling us.
Jumpropeman: aint that a connection
Jumpropeman: it appears at 9:40 in this video
Gooper Blooper: I was expecting guys in ridiculous inflatable suits or something
Gooper Blooper: it's just three normal-looking dudes in chairs!
Jumpropeman: real uncles only
Jumpropeman: no imitations!
Jumpropeman: watching another Nick Knacks video about the game show Make the Grade
Jumpropeman: one episode had a super smart girl named Meghan on, classic nerdy kid, she's killing it in the trivia and one question away from winning... then a little challenge pops up instead of the last question she'd need to win and a kid named Frank who only buzzed in once so far (with a wrong answer) wins that and is allowed to steal all her right answers and then buzzes in for the next question and wins the whole game
Jumpropeman: Frank won 1100 dollars
Jumpropeman: Meghan won 50 bucks and Jungle Book on VHS
Jumpropeman: i bet she took a hammer to that vhs
Gooper Blooper: Man, she got Chance Timed


Gooper Blooper: wall street under seige-
RubyChao: damn i can't believe thatcher entered the brawl
Gooper Blooper: with elliott helping him, apparently


Bree joined the chat
Bree: like, nyaa


Draco: Goops, draw me a picture of Dr. Blooper going to college.
Bree: dr blooper has canonically gone to college. he's a doctor, he went to med school!
Money Sheep: Hmm
Money Sheep: UNLESS
Money Sheep: It's an honorary degree
Money Sheep: for being such a good bloop
Bree: sheep please stop and think about the ramifications of an honorary degree in medicine.


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: sanae the scientist
Draco: This is the kind of thought-provoking discourse that makes Moriya Shrine better.
iKomodo: I have learned valuable lessons today


Kurororo: genshin keeps making these people with cool designs and i'm like "how many of them can i get away with making them Stellaris' familiars?"
Draco: Paimon will appear in Season 12 as a menu item.
Kurororo: paimon will remain where she is
Kurororo: i will not allow her to regurgitate things that were just said to me two seconds ago
Draco: D:


RubyChao: i finished hitman 2 today!
RubyChao: i hit all of the men...
Gooper Blooper: The second man has been hit, the galaxy is at peace
Gooper Blooper: referring to hitman as "hitting men" reminds me of when Harpy referred to Pokemon training as "monster pocketing"
Gooper Blooper: same energy


Jumpropeman: "Mission Failed: You had to knock down the target, not kill him"
Jumpropeman: Mission's name?
Jumpropeman: No Rules
Kurororo: :I


Uber Sandvich: Man
Uber Sandvich: You watch one meme on YouTube
Uber Sandvich: And now the algorithm thinks all I wanna see is Mr incredible becoming (un)canny
Uber Sandvich: It's not even that good a meme
Jumpropeman: youtube demands you meme harder


Gooper Blooper: returned to Nina Aquila tonight, started the third case
Gooper Blooper: Nina's Sidekick: "are you sure you want to drive this cruddy old car up a snowy mountain in january"
Kurororo:'re gonna have to drive the cruddy car up a snowy mountain in january, huh.
Gooper Blooper: Nina: "you forget............... I'm Canadian" and then she fuckin roared off in it like a Patman Post video
Kurororo: OH SHIT
Kurororo: that took me off guard, holy shit lol


Jumpropeman: my ps5 triggers might have an issue
Jumpropeman: my worries about the adaptive triggers have come to roost
Jumpropeman: the vibration is sometimes activating my r2 button :V
Bree: the solution is to give me your ps5
Bree: and let me have it
Bree: forever
Jumpropeman: reasonable
Bree: 👍
Draco: But Bree, you could solve that issue by buying one of the PS4s Sony thinks it should make to solve the PS5 shortage!
Bree: I already have a ps4
Gooper Blooper: *Sony starts making PS1s again for some reason*
Draco: Attach a PS1 to your PS4 to make PS5. That's how consoles work, right?
Bree: draco you're a genius
Bree: *goes to get the superglue*
Draco: Yay! :D
Draco: I'll send you my PS2 so you can have the PS6 before anyone else. :3
Bree: but what if you combined a ps4 with another ps4
Bree: then you'd be so far ahead!
Bree: you'd have a ps8!
Draco: 8D We'll be super rich or something.


Draco: link link
Gooper Blooper: just GB characters doing GB character things
Bree: GB character things like smoking a huge blunt in your front doorway?
Bree: 420 blazin it
Gooper Blooper: Can't deny that Junko is shitposty enough to give it a go


Jumpropeman: "Mantises love bananas. They also love honey"
Jumpropeman: helpful info for future rp
Jumpropeman: "When wasps and bees are angry, they actually make a smell like bananas (to the point that smelling bananas will make them angry). And a wasp or bee getting eaten by a mantis probably isn't happy."
Gooper Blooper: Depict Widow Maker chowing down on a honey-coated banana this year, got it
Bree: widow maker has one of those peanut butter-honey-banana slices sandwiches
Bree: those r good


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Nep?


Gooper Blooper:
Bree: poor myoom
Draco: Something I showed HP with huge Myoom vibes:
Jumpropeman: holy moly
Gooper Blooper: bonus ruined points: their avatar
Gooper Blooper:
Bree: "someone do this to me" lol, mood


Draco: Oh shit! Clownpiece's mom is coming to Lost Word:
Gooper Blooper: that name pronunciation.
Jumpropeman: they tried


Gooper Blooper: >Clownpiece hates winter
Gooper Blooper: more proof of her excellence-
Draco: Best fairy for sure. Not some lame number like 9th.


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: wow, chat is dead
Jumpropeman: no britbros
Jumpropeman nudges draco's corpse
Draco: WHAT?
Draco: I'm BUSY being dead. >:I
Jumpropeman: well be dead in a more interesting way!
Draco: Alright, let's see...
Draco hops in an F-Zero racer to be dead.
Jumpropeman: extreeeeeeeeme


Gooper Blooper: today I found out Nina Aquila's voice actor was also the heroine in
Gooper Blooper: forgotten anne
Jumpropeman: meowza!
Jumpropeman: I was waiting to hear she's Edea
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: no, I think after our discussions about The Edea Phenomenon, I wouldn't let any more Edeas slip by me
Gooper Blooper: even if all she says is OBJECTION and HOLD IT
Gooper Blooper: I rolled a 1 for perception when Segami somehow didn't click for me and I just kept going "I feel like I've heard this voice before" as if I DIDN'T think Edea was the best dang bravely char
Draco: Fun Fact: Edea's voice actress voices Edea (Bravely Second) too.
Gooper Blooper: wow!!!!
Jumpropeman: absolutely gobsmacked
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: It's her! The idiot hair girl!
Gooper Blooper: do you have any idea how little that narrows it down-
Jumpropeman: if only someone would teach these ladies about hair gel
Gooper Blooper: there is no hair gel in Fantasy RPG Land
Gooper Blooper: not that I mind


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