Sunday, August 21, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 401: Big Bar Brawl 12 Edition

Missing Sheep joined the chat
Draco: Hi Sheep.
Missing Sheep: Darn, I needed Chao's juicy brain
Jumpropeman: you'll have to have something else for dinner
Missing Sheep: Holographic meatloaf again...
Missing Sheep: Can I
Missing Sheep: vote for Knucklotec
Jumpropeman: no joke there was an early idea of him forcing himself in as a new entrant
Jumpropeman: or even just being the mystery fiter
Jumpropeman: despite also being the host :V
Missing Sheep: Poor guy just wants to get in the action
Jumpropeman: unfortunately though, you cannot
Draco: Yes, you can vote for Knucklotec. His name is actually spelled "Coelho" though.
Missing Sheep looks at CKR's votes
Missing Sheep narrows eyes at JRM

Missing Sheep: I smell collusion...
Draco: You figured it out. CKR and Chao have been secretly plotting to vote for you.
Missing Sheep: Can I give myself
Missing Sheep: negative votes
Draco: Yes. All you have to do is post effort for Coelho that says not to vote for him.
Draco: And that will DEFINITELY count as votes against him. ;V
Missing Sheep: :I
Draco: ;V
MobileChao joined the chat
MobileChao: Hello
MobileChao: I can't sleep
MobileChao: So here I am for you sheep
MobileChao: I hope you saw my art
MobileChao: Sheep all you have to do is win
MobileChao: If you win I won't vote for you at all next year


(The ticker for the day is "He looks like he expected the entirety of Agama to collectively gasp in shock on hearing him say that. Thankfully, that doesn't happen.")

Bree: is this ticker from the valerio scene
Draco: Yes.
RubyChao: yes
Bree: neat
Bree: what was the shocking thing he said :V
Bree: or "shocking" at least
RubyChao: "Oh, God, I can feel my integrity flowing away as I say this, but... I guess Kobbers aren't so bad, if they're all like you."
RubyChao: addressed to Raiko
Jumpropeman: now if Valerio revealed he was actually from Pittsburgh the whole time, I think Agama would collectively gasp
Draco: It was the only RP aside from Harpy's betting post.
Bree: yeah I figured it might've been the only RP done today hence why I was able to guess it was from that
Bree: but I was curious anyway
Bree: good job winning him over raiko
Bree: she probably didn't even cheat and use her boobies to do it
Jumpropeman: they certainly didn't hurt though
RubyChao: just lots of charisma
Bree: glorious bouncing jiggling charisma


Bree: *life size poster of jrm* behold, the american zfrp-ian worker. every year he goes into the post mines to provide brawl for YOUR family. the soldier, every year he goes to the brawl front to fight for YOUR freedom entertainment.
Bree: ask not what your country jumpropeman can do for you. ask what you can do for your jumpropeman
Bree: this has been a fite yer mates public service announcement


Gooper Blooper:
Hooded Pitohui: Oh no, she's joined them...
RubyChao: we only know one of the aces so far... hmmst.
Kurororo: RUN
Draco: You won't see the Ace of Bars, Silvania, coming.


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: Been a while since you've dug up some beautiful old ads for us
Kurororo: holy shit
Jumpropeman: I've gone digging from time to time but there's as many unexceptional ones as there are frogs on bats protecting you from fire


RubyChao: a friend of mine offered two days to watch a movie
RubyChao: july 8th and 10th
RubyChao: so.
Gooper Blooper: kek


Gooper Blooper: Dialogue I definitely can't use in my post: "Of course, isn't it obvious who the REAL bad guy is? Why are we fighting the cute girls when there's an ugly middle-aged man over here to fight instead?"
RubyChao: aaaaaaahahahahahah
Hooded Pitohui: I can't believe Widow Maker's going to pop in to give everyone a rule of thumb for Kobbering-
RubyChao: hey, rademaker doesn't look that bad-
Gooper Blooper: An anime girl villain is just a friend you haven't met! ...Usually.


Kurororo: alas i must reserve my urge to shitpost


Jumpropeman: one of our neighbors has the exact same first and middle name as RainbowDash, and i saw a wedding invite on the table while I was eating just now and thought for a moment I wasn't told my own sister was getting married!
Missing Sheep: Oh goodness
Jumpropeman: If she was getting married I'd have to tell her not during Brawl time >:I
Draco: Which would offend you more: not being told or having it during Brawlmas?
Jumpropeman: long as she didn't hold it july 10th we're square
Jumpropeman: I am slowly realizing this may be a consideration one day though...


RubyChao: closing in to three years of vampire peko and a year and change of non-vampire peko
RubyChao: thanks hellcow


Tales of Rosenry: Hey y'all so I am a bit delirious from covid aftereffects and living in the 21st century
Tales of Rosenry: But didn't a goops character get shipped with a battlebot or something
Tales of Rosenry: Or did I dream that
MobileChao: You remembered right
MobileChao: His minor character Rifa got paired with the battlebot Nightmare
SteelKomodo: wild
Tales of Rosenry: Oh man
Tales of Rosenry: I forgot about that
Tales of Rosenry: Weh


Kurororo: i'm just kinda here vibin, beat phantom brave so i'm doing side stuff
Kurororo: keking because the bonus area for other chars from other series is called the hermuda island
Kurororo: "you fucking sent mail through the HERMUDA TRIANGLE?!?!?"
Kurororo: so that was thoroughly ruined thanks to chao
Gooper Blooper: #ruined will permeate every aspect of life the way we're going
Gooper Blooper: you won't even be able to run errands without seeing at least five ruined things
Kurororo: just gonna point to a fluffy ass cat and say #ruined
Kurororo: thanks, tarnation


MobileChao: Airplane delays prove god is real and he made us to suffer


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom began a two-week vacation today and she kicked it off the only way she knew how
Draco: Going back to work?
Kurororo: sleeping
Gooper Blooper: shortly after she woke up, I was in my room and I heard the television downstairs begin to belt out that unforgettable tune
Gooper Blooper: "someBODY once told me"
Draco: XD
Kurororo: oh no
Gooper Blooper: I came downstairs, saw it was Shrek, and said "I knew it would be shrek."


(Cornwind gets Octopath Traveler)

Cornwind Evil: East Rippletide Coast: Danger Level 1. Lah de dah...
Cornwind Evil: -stumble over a hidden cave-
Cornwind Evil: -Danger Level: 45-
Cornwind Evil: -FLEE-


SPEAK ENGLISH HAANIT joined the chat


Gooper Blooper: Final Two if JRM ran out of steam and it ended really quickly
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman steals gooper's idea as I near the end of brawl writing


Draco: I will have to show this MASTERPIECE to JRM later.
Gooper Blooper: holy
Gooper Blooper: that actually DOES look like Game Gear as a fumo!
Missing Sheep: Oh wow
Missing Sheep: That's a shocker!
Gooper Blooper: I REALLY would not think Dall*E would be able to parse who Game Gear is considering her name
Draco: It took a lot of tries and fine-tuning the Dall*E prompt to get that.
Draco: "Game Gear Fumo with red eyes and rainbow-colored hair wearing a black hoodie."
Kurororo: damn son
Gooper Blooper: Ahhhh, there we go! Giving it a description of her helped
iKomodo joined the chat
iKomodo left the chat

Kurororo: komo be like "fumo! that's good. time to sleep more zzz"


Jumpropeman: I'd buy it


Jumpropeman: youtube really do be recommending me Cricket League videos. It has given up on me.
Jumpropeman: I had to check my watch history just in case someone else had been using my account but nope


Gooper Blooper:
Kurororo: ah, so that's why gas prices went up.


Del: i applied for a job at games workshop
Del: pray for my soul
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: good luck
Del: danke
RubyChao: i'd pray for your soul but i'm pretty sure it no longer belongs to you
SteelKomodo: kek
Del: lol
Del: lost it somewhere


Missing Sheep: There's been a surprising number of pyramids in this setting
Missing Sheep: Gonna need to get Ancient Aliens in here...
Harpylurk: pyramid power
Harpylurk: no
Harpylurk: :v
Jumpropeman: i mean
Missing Sheep: Can't wait for the Megaplot about them all
Jumpropeman: the giants of light are already that :V
Missing Sheep: called Pyramid Scheme
Gooper Blooper: "Ancient Aliens" was my excuse for putting so many damn aliens in our jungle setting
Gooper Blooper: I was busy with megaplots in Olympia and had no time for aliens when they were more fitting so now you get alien after alien
RubyChao: a modern alien
Missing Sheep: Everyone in Whalestrand are actually aliens
Jumpropeman: olympia was my aliens setting
Harpylurk: you got me. Stellaris is an alien.
Harpylurk: her hair is the symbiote.
Cornwind Evil: Technically everyone from Weav is an 'alien'
Harpylurk: illegal aliens


Missing Sheep: So, I can't say anything about it, but I've landed my first professional pay scale VO job.
ivel: congrats!
Jumpropeman: noice
Jumpropeman: sheep can't say anything about it because he's going to be the professional ransom message voice
Missing Sheep: So, expect to hear anything about this way, way after literally anything else I've done is finally out that I can show you guys :V
Jumpropeman: moving on up!
RubyChao: congrats sheep!
Missing Sheep: Thank you, thank you!
RubyChao: i absolutely expect you to show us as soon as your nda is up
Missing Sheep: :V
RubyChao: cause trust me i learned enough about contract law to get it :V
Missing Sheep: Yeah
RubyChao: actually, sheep, i'm curious
RubyChao: if it's not personal, what made you decide to go into voice and acting?
Missing Sheep: Picture it, Sicily...
RubyChao: link
Missing Sheep: Crap, i can't do that anymore now that we have a Sicilian around...
Missing Sheep: How to put this coherently
Missing Sheep: I'm crap at a real job Stories are the great love of my life. I am, by nature, a terrible dabbler, who flits around, trying my hand at various things.
Draco: Voice acting IS a real job.
Missing Sheep: So I very much like being in the process of making stories. Theatre interested me because of its collaborative nature towards the making of such, as well as it's a medium that interacts with time and space with multiple senses.
Missing Sheep: A book engages purely through language (and format: see House of Leaves}
Missing Sheep: But, of course, has it's own merits and strengths!
Jumpropeman: it's good tinder in a pinch!
Missing Sheep: So, I ended up doing a lot of theatre through college because, dabbling, and that three-dimensional way of storytelling.
RubyChao: also neat! i remember you linking one of your productions
Missing Sheep: Also the communal aspect. Again, in the creation, but also the interaction between stage and audience
Missing Sheep: A book does not react to its reader
Missing Sheep: It just sits there
Missing Sheep: mocking you
Missing Sheep: Theatre is a circuit
Missing Sheep: Anyway, blah blah blah, that's sort of basically it
Gooper Blooper: Congrats on the mystery gig, Sheep
Gooper Blooper: whenever it releases I will finally know Sheep's RL name
Gooper Blooper: he'll be right there in the credits as "Gargoyle #2"
Missing Sheep sweats
Jumpropeman: imagine sheep doing all three voting gargoyles as a voice gig
Gooper Blooper: if chao doesn't stop voting for him he'll gib him in the teeth
RubyChao: i already know sheep's name
RubyChao: and it's his own fault!
Seychelles: Wait, his name is not actually sheep?
Seychelles: I've been lied to
Jumpropeman: sheep is clearly just his last name
Seychelles: No its just the one name, like Rihanna
Missing Sheep: The Artist Formally Known As M
Gooper Blooper: the M stands for Mario Andretti


Jumpropeman: i am mostly caught up on rp
Jumpropeman: I think I just have a brine srspost to read
Gooper Blooper: Nice!
Kurororo: welp, he knows troy's suffering now
Gooper Blooper: he knows the darkest and most twisted RP I've ever done
Gooper Blooper: missy and roll eating at lohe's diner
Draco: That was disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm glad I had no part in that! D;
Kurororo: so grimdark it hurt


Draco: Alone in chat with Sheep. A rare occurrence.
Missing Sheep unfolds all of his legs


iKomodo: Cannot watch the brawl, booze is making me sleepy
iKomodo: night, all
iKomodo left the chat
RubyChao: well he can't watch the brawl because that's not for two days
RubyChao: unless...
RubyChao: DEL
RubyChao: HELP HIM
Del: lmao
Del: thats his problem now


ivel: the fact that BOTH spellings are on that tag
Draco: O_O


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hello my babies
Harpylurk: Hi jrm
Harpylurk: i not baby
Jumpropeman: that's what you think, but GBC finally got the babyfication machine working again BI


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpylurk: IT BURNS
Gooper Blooper: he was a big shot once...
Gooper Blooper: picture it, Olympia, 1997...
Harpylurk: pipis 2 stronk



Kurororo: today on mabi
Kurororo: dia woke up and chose violence


Del: “I only have time for content!” Knucklotec proclaims
Del: he just like me for real
iKomodo: So is Knucklotec just a 2010’s Youtube gamer?
Gooper Blooper: JRM this prefite show has got to be your best yet, I cannot stop laughing
Gooper Blooper: just
Gooper Blooper: this giant stone head careening around Agama, politely bellowing about "content"
Gooper Blooper: Knucklotec is wonderful
Jumpropeman: glad you like it! Writing him is fun
Bree: can heartful punch and knuckleotec remain BFFs postbrawl
Bree: I haven't even gotten to her in the preshow if she's been seen yet I'm still on post 1 lmao
Bree: but they have the same vibes. they need to be frands
Jumpropeman: how could any self-respecting god of punching not want to be friends with a punch-themed magical girl!


One Tough Fruit Vendor: Knuckletec is so getting involved. He'll do it so fast he will retroactively reappear in BBB11


Draco: "But if only there was a card of making more content in a pinch!” <- I honestly thought Knucklotec was going to get a card here.


One Tough Fruit Vendor: I had a dream that involved the Brawl again
RubyChao: hey so did i cornwind
One Tough Fruit Vendor: The exact details were fuzzy, but I am PRETTY sure in my dream the winner was One of Custard's people. In the dream the Brawl had already happened and I just skipped to the end and read the end rankings
RubyChao: hey same :V
One Tough Fruit Vendor: I THINK the second place was Madeline/Badeline
RubyChao: mine was:
-a new user (not someone who entered the real brawl, just someone who entered the dream brawl) won
-jrm got second place
-Annie got eighth place, after Alien Green's brother (Alien Red) bit both her and Komi in half in a double KO
Gooper Blooper: alien red who was alien green's brother was at his spaceship on a computer-
One Tough Fruit Vendor: The only other things I remember is that Roman Reigns got 16th, but what was weird was who was written to have KO'd him: none other then EREBUS
RubyChao: considering my BBB8 dream, i look forward to a Chaoacter who is NOT Annie getting 8th
One Tough Fruit Vendor: And Ian got 57th, though I could swear from my fuzzy memory that the person who KO'd him was himself. Like, there was a picture of him fighting himself
Bree: lmao poor ian
RubyChao: (in case people forgot, shortly before BBB8 i dreamed that the finale was SK's Kinnikuman Tiger vs. Del's Toniette)
RubyChao: (and then it came down to SK vs. Del in reality too)


Jumpropeman: "you can't save this edited image without an account!" *printscreen*
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: nice work
ivel: lel


One Tough Fruit Vendor: Oh boyeth. Timen foreth H'aanitethen Chapteretheneth Twoenenenenenen...eth.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Kurororo: enenenenene
Jumpropeman: practically Shakespearean
Kurororo: i dunno 'bout you but i like h'aanit
Gooper Blooper: Ye Olde H'aaniteth Adeventureth


One Tough Fruit Vendor: Anden soeth endethen H'aanitedeneth Chapterenetheneth 2......enden.
Missing Sheep: This Ham guy's speech is slowly turning into the Swedish Chef there, CW
Gooper Blooper: h'aanit has a pet cat so all is forgiven with CW, clearly


Bree: someone really needs to compile horatio's betting track record
Bree: let us look at the overall saga
Bree: how many dongs have been won or lost in the grand scheme of things
Gooper Blooper: I'll forum search for dongs
Bree: godspeed
Bree: you're doing the lord's work
Gooper Blooper: I'm compiling the dong list
Kurororo: DONG LIST
Missing Sheep: The D-List
Missing Sheep: if you will
Gooper Blooper: Horatio didn't place a bet on BBB9!
Kurororo: gesp
RubyChao: he turned his back on bbb9...
ivel: Chatzy Madness #420: The Dong List
Gooper Blooper: BET 1: 1500 dongs on Amity to win Twisted Metal
RESULT: Horatio wins 4500 dongs from Mary
BET 2: 4000 dongs on Faith to reach the top 30 of BBB7
RESULT: Horatio loses 4000 dongs to Jinako
BET 3: 500 dongs on Ibuki to win BBB8, and 500 more dongs on Peter reaching the top 20
RESULT: Horatio loses 1000 dongs to Jinako
BET 4: 9000 dongs (and some Chuck E Cheese tokens) on Grab-N-Go reaching the top 22
Result: Horatio loses 9000 dongs to Missy
BET 5: 75 dongs on Maya's camera being used to score two KOs in BBB11
Result: Horatio loses 75 dongs to Megumin
RubyChao: damn he's got a dong deficit
Bree: he's still not in the red because for such a tiny camera he's got real big dong energy
Bree: I told azure about the dongs thing and we had this exchange
Bree: Bree — Today at 11:13 PM
Horatio is also a tiny camera with arms and legs and a twirly French moustache that talks funny
ZFRP characters xD
Denni — Today at 11:17 PM
I’m waiting for the ZFRP character that just IS the abstract feeling of existential dread.
Bree — Today at 11:18 PM
I feel like that might actually be a thing. Hang on. XD

Kurororo: that's a sheepchar.
Kurororo: *looks at... THE SHEEP*
Missing Sheep breaks into your kitchen and smears ketchup on the wall
Kurororo: yeah that's season 1 in a nutshell
Jumpropeman: will he be swimming in dongs, or will it be a dong drought?
Bree: could omega mart even afford to pay him back his bet if he won it
Bree: what if horatio drives omega mart out of business
Bree: here lies omega mart. not enough dongs
Gooper Blooper: twenty thousand dongs converted into US currency IIIIIIIIIIIS
Gooper Blooper: 86 cents.
Bree: I'm starting to worry about vietnam guys
RubyChao: "The Vietnamese đồng is currently the third weakest circulating currency as of May 2021 (behind Venezuelan bolivar and Iranian rial), with one United States dollar equaling around 23,000 đồng."
Jumpropeman: "Formerly, it was subdivided into 10 hào, which were further subdivided into 10 xu" Vietnam used to have things smaller than dongs too
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: 2,300,000 xu vs one dollar
RubyChao: could be worse~
RubyChao: could be Zimbabwean currency
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: horatio bets 1 xu and wins, the payout is a corner of a dollar bill served atop a pinhead

(Further reading here and here, if you'd like more information on currencies that inflated completely out of control.) 


Missing Sheep: I have
Missing Sheep: MADE A MUG MUFFIN
Missing Sheep thunder. Lightning. ETC.
Jumpropeman: FIEND
Missing Sheep: Never had one of these before
Missing Sheep: It's alright.


Jumpropeman: "Sammy, being the baby that she is, was not exactly allowed in the stands" Excuse you, JRM has a full section JUST for babies.


M Brawl: "Battle!” The giant stone head calls out
M Brawl: Honestly. He could have just stopped there.


Br(awl)ee: it's a sausagefest in zfrp on the user side, meanwhile everyone exclusively RPs cute girls


BrawlKuro: this is my favorite last placer ever, eat shit laharl
Del: "Ultraman slams his cheek down onto her in retaliation, flattening her (as much as you can flatten a lady with a bust that big anyway)" can't wait to play paper priere
ibrawl: "only for Dakota the horse to unexpectedly walk up to her on two human legs and smack her with a hoof punch" this was hilarious pictured in my head XD
BrawlChao: current post i just wanna say, jrm, that big kerfluffle on the ship? i legit had NO IDEA which ko it would be leading up to
BrawlChao: that really says a lot!
Del: lmao laharl took an ultraman finisher to the entirety, rekt
BrawlKuro: so anyway time to RP etna in laharl's place, she will never show her face here again
Brawler Pitohui: "Drink it all, Ed! Drink it to death! His death I mean!" - Thank you for clearing up the ambiguity, Indy, you lovable scamp
Draco: "Looks like her head is as thick as the rest of her!” <- This coming from Laharl, whose ego is bigger than all of Priere?
Draco: A fitting first KO, no offense, Harpy.
Brawler Pitohui: *laughing Salazzle noises*
BrawlModo: hell yeah, trigger gets the first kill
Brawlchelles: Poor Snek
BrawlChao: honestly, yeah, Laharl-chan going out first is the same energy as Futo's last place
M Brawl: "Ed realizing you can't heal soup."
M Brawl: World rocking revelation.
Br(awl)ee: futo is much nicer than laharl you take that back
BrawlChao: i meant in terms of "deserved", futo getting last was totally deserved as comeuppance for joining the curse
Draco: "Ed realizing you can't heal soup." <- Too many cooks INJURE the broth.
Br(awl)ee: lmao harpy "I got last, eat it losers" is the greatest brawl reaction of all time
M Brawl: “Drink it all, Ed! Drink it to death! His death I mean!”
Brawlchelles: It makes for a fun atmosphere
M Brawl: Ed's muffled shout through the lid: "I would actually rather die."
Brawlwind Evil: Laharl's never gonna live this down.
Br(awl)ee: yes I'm not super into the brawl myself but the way everyone else gets so into it is just magical
BrawlKuro: look... there's a first time for everything, and its my first time getting dead last. i've won before we've even gotten in there in earnest
Br(awl)ee: I basically feed off everyone else's hype and enjoyment
Br(awl)ee: brawl enjoyment by proxy :V
M Brawl: "“Pothead.” Pothead says, because it felt right."
M Brawl: *nods sagely*


M Brawl: "In perhaps a less silly situation elsewhere though, Betty Spaghetty"
M Brawl: let me stop you there
M Brawl: I know other people have asked WHY the Pied Piper of Hamelin, but I'm over here asking WHY it wasn't the Pied Piper from Shrek?


M Brawl: Dead horse on a pyre of its own limbs may be the oddest thing JRM has had to draw for the Brawl.


Brawlwind Evil: Somehow I do not think this is going to lead to a seasons long arc of Ryndur deciding he likes being a goat more.
BrawlChao: it could!!
ibrawl: Brawl: Reines really got Ryndur's goat


Gooper Brawler: The Witchywagon is the new Owl Express/Uncontained Whimsy


Brawlwind Evil: Flu will be soothed by $85,000. Dunno how much that it is in credits though.
Draco: It's approximately three credits. He might be able to replace the hood ornament. ;V
Gooper Brawler: Imagine the vietnamese dong/space credit exchange rate
Draco: That's even weirder. It's somehow 1 Dong per 10,000,000 credits.
Gooper Brawler: kek
BrawlChao: just realized
BrawlChao: sk has three of the fifteen remaining entrants. is... is this his year
M Brawl: Wow, I don't think a Giant Fiter has EVER made it this far!


BrawlModo joined the chat
Draco: Hi SK.
BrawlModo: Hi
BrawlChao: hello!
BrawlModo: Sup
BrawlChao: brawl finished
BrawlChao: give it a read, my dude!
BrawlModo: Will do
Br(awl)ee: so like this year's win is basically the conservation of ninjutsu but applied to kaiju. there was only one therefore the kaiju won
BrawlChao: exactly! no other big kaiju to beat the shit out of him before someone small came along and finished him off
BrawlChao: so the collective wearing down wasn't enough
Brawlwind Evil: Not only did SK win, but three of his characters cracked the Top 10.
BrawlChao: congratulations!
BrawlModo: Never thought I’d see that happening, but there it is!
Brawler Pitohui: Ohoho, a hearty congratulations to you, my guy!
BrawlChao: trigger breaks the giant curse
Draco: Huzzah! Of course my Number 1 guy would win. BV
M Brawl: "but people were still able to approach him and congratulate him despite the still raging hail storm"
M Brawl: Twelve people died.
M Brawl: Congratulations, SK! And with a historic win to boot!
Draco: Hey, Brawl kills are Brawl kills. Silvania's gotta get that kill count up or y'all won't be impressed enough to want her back. ;p


Cornwind Evil: Hannah Blacksin: A pink sapphire on Laharl-chan to be the highest-placing on Team Omega Mart- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
Cornwind Evil: Anelace: Her finest sword on Laharl-chan to win the Brawl (bet taken by Silvania, who wagered her greatclub against it)- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA


RubyChao: so how does it feel to finally be champ, my man
SteelKomodo: feels pretty dope


Deleton Warriors (BrawlDel) joined the chat
Deleton Warriors: cupheeeeeeeead
SteelKomodo: yiss
Draco: Are you playing CUPHEAD?
Deleton Warriors: i will be
Deleton Warriors: haven't got the dlc but
Deleton Warriors: i got the urge to play again
Draco: Well, hopefully it lives up to the Cuphead legacy of being a video game. :V
Deleton Warriors: :U
Deleton Warriors: the most video game ever
Draco: Scored Number out of Other Number by Magazine Magazine.
Deleton Warriors: rated slightly higher than other video game amogus
Draco: It is very highly regarded among us.


Seychelles: I just found out that the AC was off for almost my entire shift
Seychelles: And my supervisor didn’t notice
Seychelles: She was all “I like heat” XDXDXD
Seychelles: Fuck her
Draco: OOF.


Draco: Definitely not the reason I brought another Touhou into RP:
Kurorororor: suuure.
Jumpropeman: hey! Get her off the bed or she'll get fur all over it!
Draco: Great, now she's getting fur all over our nice PRRRRRRRRRRRREMIUM Chatzy!
Jumpropeman: D: good thing I'm not allergic!
hololivel sneezes
Jumpropeman: well, guess we'll need to put her in the doghouse


Draco: Definitely not trying to make JRM like this Touhou:
Jumpropeman moves her up the touhou sorter
Gooper Blooper: He played a Touhou game where she was one of the leads, so you have a head start with him
Jumpropeman: momiji's been one of the non-ruined hous I've always at least had a small soft spot for
hololivel: Momiji's cute
Jumpropeman: I think you mean she's a strong trainer BI
hololivel: aw, she thinks she's strong, adorable-
Draco: She's going to help Sanae train for the next Fite she's in: Hospitality Yer Mates.


Draco: Someone is writing a 100% fair and unbiased review...on herself:
Gooper Blooper: Very Satisfied, Very Fast
Draco: Very Awoo
Draco: "I'm very satisfied."
Gooper Blooper:


Hooded Pitohui: Barpost for gathering up folks.
Jumpropeman: to zoey or not to zoey
Gooper Blooper: Game Boy Color in Zoey cosplay-
Jumpropeman: GBC is almost like the before picture to zoey's thigh expansion :V
Jumpropeman: just shove some pillows into her shorts and cosplay complete-
Gooper Blooper: Genesis > GBC > Zoey laid out like one of those mobile game character evolution charts
Gooper Blooper: "level 1 crook > level 50 hitman > level 100 boss"
Jumpropeman: level 1 bum > level 5 booty > level 100 badonkadonk
Jumpropeman: meant to do level 50
Kurorororor: powerleveled.
Kurorororor: or she's an unova evolution.
Gooper Blooper: GBC's definitely more than level 5, yes
Gooper Blooper: (There are a LOT of pictures of GBC-tan with a large rear and I eventually found out it was because an actual game boy color has a badonk where the batteries go :V)
RubyChao: have two GBCs
RubyChao: can confirm
Gooper Blooper: "tinkering after her shift at the arcade" I'm sure they planned for it but dang half the arcade staff is down
Gooper Blooper: good thing there's so many of them!
RubyChao: they are expendable-
MobileDraco: We've been doing great with Bartender Steve. I'll bring back the Seacons to work the arcade. ;V
Jumpropeman: I'd say they managed before the nintendo girls joined, but one part of that plot was literally Mega overworking herself so :V
Gooper Blooper: Meredith just like "OH BOY" and signs herself up for all of their lost shifts
Gooper Blooper: Rachel facepalming in the background
Gooper Blooper: "game gear you need to take another shift so Mega stops working" "can I sleep while doing it" "FINE SURE"
Jumpropeman: clearly Meredith should manifest some characters from her book to help around the arcade
Jumpropeman: imagine walking in and seeing Knuckles repairing the air hockey table
Gooper Blooper: just don't bring in Axel, he'd punch a machine in hopes of finding a roast chicken inside
Jumpropeman: if it's streets of rage 4 he'd hit it with a taser to try and play it
Gooper Blooper: That reminds me, re: your SOR4 review
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing they went with the ten year time skip because it still communicates the gag of "god it's been fuckin forever since the last one huh" but does not make Axel and Blaze too old
Jumpropeman: I'd play elderly streets of rage-
Gooper Blooper: Shuffleboard Of Rage
Jumpropeman: me irl
Gooper Blooper: it used to be a lot more prominent but I remember your love of the elderly well
Jumpropeman: don't worry, I got an old dude slated for whalestrand
Jumpropeman: just gotta
Jumpropeman: SHOVE all these video game ladies aside for a while
Jumpropeman: they're getting link cables and memory cards all over the upholstery
Gooper Blooper: *Gamecube rolling around on the couch*
Kurorororor: posted
MobileDraco: Gamecube is alive(?)
Jumpropeman: nope, Gamecube revival plot: wave a copy of Gotcha Force in front of her face until she springs to life to snag it before it goes on ebay
MobileDraco: Gamecube revived wears silver.
Gooper Blooper: she's my gamecube!!
Gooper Blooper: (I started with the purple one and got a silver one when the purple one stopped reading discs :V)
MobileDraco: I don't remember why we got a second GameCube.
RubyChao: hey goops the literal same happened to me
RubyChao: purple, it broke, silver
RubyChao: then silver broke too and now Nova has assimilated Gamecube
Hooded Pitohui: Hey, same, Goops! Had the purple Gamecube originally, and then got the silver one when it broke (and have the Gale of Darkness special edition in case it ever breaks)
Kurorororor: me be like "y'all had purple gamecubes?"


Gooper Blooper: >>>The EMMIs are now programmed to fear Chris
Gooper Blooper: soak it in, draco
RubyChao: she was directly responsible for wrecking model w and played a vital role in the defeat of model g
RubyChao: my gal has earned getting dedicated programming


Bree: if something is a problem I'll tell you it's a problem instead of joking about it, don't worry
Bree: honesty and communication, like you said earlier about chao
Seychelles: Thats very sexy of you


Gooper Blooper: I like that Matteo seemed immediately suspicious and dangerous in HP's profiles and then it turns out he's just this weird loser who lives in a cave and eats raw fish and his amazing superpower is "can make animals kind of large"
MobileDraco: lol
Hooded Pitohui: Ver was awful but he could at least back up his work if push came to shove. Lombardo's a loser who's spent way too much of his life chasing a project that can't yield results.


Hooded Pitohui: You know, one thing I'm really enjoying about the Cardholders is the sheer spread of where the cards crop up and how they're gumming up the works in so many areas. That promise that a card represents, the power to see a dream through to the end, it's capturing the already morally reprehensible, like Shimano and Clawleone, but also regular folks caught up in earnest desires, desperate folks looking for something they've lost, folks working on ostensibly reasonable projects, and as a result of that variety, they're having rippling effects on a lot of folks involved in those projects and those searches who don't have the dreams themselves. It's just kind of cool, thinking about, how, like, the Omega Mart staff, or Reynaldo, or the folks working on the railway, this group of academics, Stellaris, all have been or might be caught in the maelstrom this far-reaching pursuit of dreams creates.
Hooded Pitohui: Oh that got way longer than I realized
RubyChao: i mean i will never complain about people praising the megaplot i'm going all-out with
Draco: Cardholders is the worst Megaplot I've ever sent Chris on. It's too exciting and interesting and I want to know how it ends. >:I
Jumpropeman: it ends when Chris reveals she's the MEGAJoker
RubyChao: you'll just have to keep tuning in until October 30th!
RubyChao: yes i'm already planning to call dibs on the last day like goops did with curse/dark matter
RubyChao: pls understand


Robert E O Speedwagon joined the chat
Robert E O Speedwagon: Memes
Kurorororor: memes


Jumpropeman keeps having to change "fiting" into "fighting"



Gooper Blooper: I can't believe CW is making me write pipis lore
Jumpropeman: such is rp
Jumpropeman makes pipis the magic source zoey is searching for


RubyChao:  i am going to do a couple RETCONS after thinking on them a bit more
RubyChao: hold onto your butts.
RubyChao: retcons COMPLETE
RubyChao: bambietta and neptuneman have been promoted up to the Queen ranks after me thinking about how they play out in the plot a bit more
RubyChao: that is all, continue
Gooper Blooper: You fool, their egos were already gigantic and now you've given them promotions?!
RubyChao: I have. We're all doomed.
Jumpropeman: sorry chao, this is where I GET OFF. You've gone TOO FAR.


RubyChao: goops i have to admit
RubyChao: i never listened to the baltan laugh before
RubyChao: so rather than ominous
RubyChao: for literally ten years I have thought baltan was ojou-sama laughing
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: I LINKED IT IN 2013
Seychelles: Thats amazing
Kurorororor: baltan is an ojou-sama
Kurorororor: you can't change my mind
ivel: it ISN'T that laugh?
Gooper Blooper: (I also have a very specific cadence for his SPAAAAAACE HEROOOOOOO catchphrase that I can't express properly so I'm sure no one else reads it the way I read it)
Kurorororor: wanna bet


Gooper Blooper: I had decided Metron's Brawl performance would determine his attitude going into his final encounter. If he did well or, god forbid, won the whole thing, we would have faced an almost regal and incredibly confident Metron
Gooper Blooper: Instead we're going down the darker Hard Mode path where he's becoming cornered and desperate so I will recommend people bring some heavy hitters for his event when it eventually comes around
Kurorororor: G E N O C I D E
Jumpropeman: I'll send my squishiest women
Kurorororor: i'll send dia no biggie
Kurorororor: she is
Kurorororor: in fact
Kurorororor: the squishiest
Gooper Blooper: gale, zoey, and cubey got this


Maudlin Sheep:
Kurorororor: sheep why must you bring this cursed video back into the forefront of my mind
Maudlin Sheep: The D&D group are to blame for this one
Seychelles: Hey, don't blame us Sheep!
Seychelles: Your twisted mind is your own fault
MobileDraco: Sheep, you are the best.


Draco: link
Gooper Blooper: *shares*
Jumpropeman: Stanomalocarises rise up


ivel: I was reminded of the existence of this and The Flintstone Kids, so now I'm sharing it here too
Jumpropeman: haven't thought about flintstone kids in forever
Jumpropeman: on the other hand
Jumpropeman: I will never forget this bop
ivel: now we're talkin
Cornwind Evil: And I will never forget this slice of 90's tryhard cheese
Maudlin Sheep: The Tom and Jerry Kids intro was VERY catchy
Cornwind Evil: A lot of these 90's retreads had surprisingly good music. Take the 90's Pink Panther
Draco: Bless the 90s and their attempts to make trendy modern "baby" versions of popular cartoon characters.
RubyChao: sheep i hope you know that i have not listened to this in years
RubyChao: literal years
Draco: Same!
RubyChao: and you mentioned it was enough to bring back
come on here where the action is
Maudlin Sheep: YEP
Draco: Man, 90s Saxophones. Love 'em.


Kurorororor: today
Kurorororor: is childe's birthday
Kurorororor: i fucking brought him back right before his birthday
Kurorororor: that lil scumbag bastard
MobileDraco: Execute him
Kurorororor: nah he gets to live


Gooper Blooper: oh no...
RubyChao: shhhhh
RubyChao: don't spoil Act 5.


Gooper Blooper: goopsbro bought Stray
Kurorororor: what's his thoughts on being a cat
Gooper Blooper: He told me there is a dedicated meow button and in less than two hours' playtime he got the achievement for meowing 100 times
Kurorororor: hell fucking yeah
Kurorororor: i need this game
Gooper Blooper: "I just press it when I run"
Gooper Blooper: something to do, I suppose
Kurorororor: look this is accurate-


Jumpropeman: so apparently
Jumpropeman: female moles spend most of their year as male moles and only develop female parts when it's breeding season
RubyChao left the chat
Jumpropeman: chao couldn't handle that info
Jumpropeman: it seems this is about the european moles, but another weird thing about moles is how similar looking moles aren't even closely related
Jumpropeman: since evolution is weird and just decided to make moles multiple times the same way it makes crabs again and again
Draco: That's pretty weird. Is Mrs. Moley a European mole?
Jumpropeman: it's not polite to ask (most of the moles are probably some sort of South American OC breed because, funnily enough, there are no moles native to South America :V)


RubyChao: gonna see what jrm does
Jumpropeman: I was waiting on you :V
RubyChao: oh, lel
RubyChao: kanade's will probably be more dependent
Gooper Blooper: at last, it happened
Gooper Blooper: the "waiting on others" ourobouros
Kurorororor: don't make me jump into this for ONE POST to get your asses in gear-


Primrose Flips You Off: If Springtrap was still around regularly, he would have asked Steve if he could explain the OG cartoon Constructicons
Draco: Steve would say he could not because he's not allowed to get drunk on duty.
Primrose Flips You Off: Yes that is understandable


RubyChao: sheep i just want to say
RubyChao: and you are not allowed to deflect this compliment
RubyChao: the caretaker ended up really good for this
RubyChao: the ugly god and ugly truths vs. the hero who lies to himself to stay noble
Gooper Blooper: I was definitely confused at first when Sheep saw this event and said to himself "time for the weird grody rat man" but yeah it worked perfectly
Jumpropeman: is it ever not a good time for the rat man?
Bree: sheep is not allowed to deflect this compliment either: when sheep debuted the caretaker + the shrine of the ugly god I was super in love with the whole idea, and it's great
Bree: it's...idk, it's deep, it's poetic and I really like that
Bree: and he's hitting it out of the park with actually writing it so like, all around just incredible RP
Maudlin Sheep: sitting in his chair like a still turtle
Maudlin Sheep the compliments can't see you if don't move

Maudlin Sheep: Thank you
Draco: Compliments are not T-Rex, they are Spinosaurus. You don't want them, but they can see you and get to win in the third movie because some exec thought changing things up so T-Rex wasn't #TheBest was a good idea.
Jumpropeman: just you wait, the next jurassic movie will have the Spinoceratops Rex who shows up and kills the indominus and jokersaurus in one chomp!
Primrose Flips You Off: They could have just not put a T-Rex in the film
Primrose Flips You Off: Make it the film's original character, the B-Rex
Jumpropeman: would the b-rex have golden harpoons for arms?
Draco: But they had to to show that Spinosaurus is a tough customer, like when Superman used to get beat up in the Justice League cartoon or Worf.
Draco: Yes, JRM.
Maudlin Sheep: B-ball Rex
Maudlin Sheep: that's what would have saved the new Space Jam
Maudlin Sheep it would not have saved the new Space Jam
Maudlin Sheep: A friend of mine forced me to watch it with him. Either later or the next day, we were at a little get together and people wanted to watch a movie. The new Space Jam came up as an option.
Maudlin Sheep: To hear my friend tell it, I have never so vociferously objected to something in my life.
Maudlin Sheep: Oh no
Maudlin Sheep: please tell me there isn't a Jurassic dino called Jokersaurus...
Draco: The only thing Sheep hates more than Space Jam is winning Fites.


Bree: I envision heartful punch as like, the nega-meiling
Bree: same level of goofball dork, but where meiling is a certified Smooth Operator, kokoro's brain short circuits at the barest whisper of potential romance
Bree: girl too cute, send help
Kurorororor: relatable tbh


Bree: I'm making a Heartful Playlist (that's literally what I named it) and it's your fault jrm
Jumpropeman: hey, karaoke was her idea!
Bree: it's not for the karaoke it's just because they talked about her music tastes :V
Bree: though the karaoke is related of course
Bree: also cherry's quip of "I thought karaoke was all oldies" is proving hilariously on-point
Bree: though it depends on your definition of oldies? but I'm pretty sure these count :V
Draco: The 90s are oldies now.
High Impact Squirrel: sad, but true


Kurorororor: tiny elf does 18k damage to annihilate you
Gooper Blooper: darthcrimson
Gooper Blooper: *~mynakitty~*
Kurorororor: yep


Maudlin Sheep: Rifftrax is having a big sale today...So I'm working on arranging my tools of torture.
Maudlin Sheep: I'm sorely tempted by one that they've dubbed "the spiritual successor to Rollergator"
Maudlin Sheep: which ALSO has Joe Estevez, or however you spell it
Maudlin Sheep: Boy...this looks rough.
Maudlin Sheep: It actually looks a hair rougher than Rollergator, which might be all it takes to break me on this one
Maudlin Sheep: Wait
Maudlin Sheep: YES HE DID
Maudlin Sheep: well, there goes my wallet, augh
Bree: sheep
Bree: I say this with all the love in my heart
Maudlin Sheep doubt
Bree: every atom of my body suffused with adoration for you, my dear friend
Bree: what the fuck is wrong with you.
Maudlin Sheep: ahahahah
RubyChao: the same thing that makes jrm love the trash i send him every christmas-
Bree: they have the same thing wrong with them, yes
RubyChao: honestly i'm not sure how i'm going to match lunar dragon song!
RubyChao: that was a fuckin' masterpiece of terrible game design
Maudlin Sheep: Winterbeast, I at least know I will enjoy
Bree: is two confirmed cases enough to put it in the DSM 6?
Bree: (the diagnostic and statistical manual)
Maudlin Sheep: Red Letter Media featured it at one point
Maudlin Sheep: It has all sorts of lovely ugly stop motion beasties
Maudlin Sheep: "Who is this movie for? What twisted Caliban did the participants in this God blasted heap of a movie did they think would enjoy this?"-The opening sentences of a review of Ghost Baby
Maudlin Sheep: Rollergator director's stuff is such a strange garbage dream in part because of his "zen film-making" philosophy, which means there's no script
Maudlin Sheep: "Man, if you're a fan of sub-vaudevillian one-joke scenes so mercilessly interminable you start to fear you've been eternally trapped in an event horizon of unfunniness, this is the movie for you"
Maudlin Sheep: Admittedly, i saw this comment and thought "I resemble this remark".
ivel: wait, Rogue One has a Rifftrax?
Draco: I wouldn't be surprised, Ivel.
Maudlin Sheep: "Since MST3K there would often come a point when watching a riffed movie that my subconscious would say almost audibly to my conscious self, “this movie isn’t very good.” With this offering my inner voice declared, “try watching less Joe Estevez.” His improvisations in “Rollergator” should have been a warning rather than an inducement to search the canon. The Jungian archetype of a collapsed soul was deftly limned there, but in “Ghost Baby” he became what perhaps his acting always has been, a one-man sand storm. Great riff, for this much thanks."
Maudlin Sheep: I'm going to buy Ghost Baby tonight and be disgusted with myself tomorrow. It's going in the pile!
Maudlin Sheep: More Joe Estevez?! Don't mind if I do~


Jumpropeman: did you know
Jumpropeman: Knucklotec is MASSIVELY faster than the speed of light
Gooper Blooper: I see their reasoning for that is because he can keep up with Mario
Gooper Blooper: who certainly is moving faster than light when fighting him for sure
Draco: Knucklotec is almost as powerful as Suwako then. BV
Draco: Except, oh, he's only Tier 4-C while the great and powerful Suwako is a lofty 2-C! *has no idea how any of that is calculated*
Kurorororor: nerd things
Kurorororor: that ultimately do not matter
Draco: Works for me!


Jumpropeman: this looks like a job for MAIL MOLE
Jumpropeman: wait, I've misread, this looks like a job for anyone but mail mole


High Impact Squirrel: time for king of the mountain entry
High Impact Squirrel: im gonna pull out
High Impact Squirrel: a real old character
High Impact Squirrel: the likes of which you definitely don't remember
RubyChao: is it...
RubyChao: jeremiah!?
High Impact Squirrel: ...
High Impact Squirrel: okay, time to go find another old character :U
RubyChao: noooo
RubyChao: what have i done...
High Impact Squirrel: lol


Jumpropeman: is there really a battlebot named tut-tut
Kurorororor: yes.
Kurorororor: he is the bestest boy
Kurorororor: (its from robot wars tho)
Gooper Blooper: Oh, JRM, the story of Tut-Tut in Robot Wars is a tremendous one
Kurorororor: Drop The Lore (while i post)
High Impact Squirrel: drop the bass? nah drop the lore
Gooper Blooper: So, one thing Robot Wars did back in the original run was have "loanerbots". These were basic robots that were made by the show for use as substitutes in case a competitor couldn't get their robot working. If you think of rental Pokemon from Pokemon Stadium you are absolutely on the right track
Gooper Blooper: As a general rule, loanerbots were not good. They were just quick substitutes, so they used substandard parts to lower their cost. They were mere filler to make up the numbers and were never meant to be anything more than that. But Tut-Tut was a loanerbot, and the team that got him took him seriously.
Gooper Blooper: Specifically, the team in question was Team Raptor, who competed in Battlebots with robots such as Gamma Raptor, the Pack Raptors, and Carnage Raptor - and also appeared in the Battlebots reboot with Ghost Raptor
Gooper Blooper: whose big claims to fame are, as discussed in the chat previously, dicking over Icewave with a dongle and exploding into a million pieces against Cobalt
Gooper Blooper: Anyway their robot Cyclone Raptor was malfunctioning when they wanted to enter some events in Robot Wars so they were given Tut-Tut, and they managed to win a match with it. Upon realizing it wasn't the best, though, they realized nothing was stopping them from upgrading it, so they popped the hood and promptly replaced all of the shitty cheap parts with top-level replacements, beefing up Tut-Tut's weapon and armor substantially
Gooper Blooper: Tut-Tut was entered into three competitions. One was the Challenge Belt, wherein a robot had to fend off a series of challengers to keep a championship belt. One was Tag Team Terror, a two-on-two tournament. And the last was House Robot Rebellion, a series of fights climaxing in a fight that pitted four normal bots against two housebots (Shunt and Matilda)
Gooper Blooper: Tut-Tut snagged the Challenge Belt from the current holder and fended off everyone else who tried to take it, winning the belt outright
Gooper Blooper: It was paired with an extremely powerful walking robot named Drillzilla in the tag team tournament and didn't have to do much as Drillzilla steamrolled everyone to win that as well
MobileDraco: Nice
Gooper Blooper: And in the House Robot Rebellion, one of Tut-Tut's allies in the match was a very strong armored box decorated to look like a dinosaur named Tricerabot, and Tricerabot flipped over Matilda while Tut-Tut used its' axe to destroy Shunt's radio receiver, killing him
Gooper Blooper: Dissatisfied with the housebots losing, the production team sent in Sir Killalot to try and force a loss for the competitors
High Impact Squirrel: rekt
Gooper Blooper: Tricerabot hit the button that activated the Pit, another bot named Silver Box got in Sir Killalot's way (so he picked it up and started messing with it) and while Killalot was posturing and going to dump Silver Box in the Pit, Tut-Tut and Tricerabot snuck up behind Killalot and made him faceplant into the Pit, then pinned him there until time ran out
Gooper Blooper: And that was Tut-Tut's career. A loanerbot built to lose... with a perfect record, three championships, and a victory over Sir Killalot
MobileDraco: Nice!
Gooper Blooper: (It fought only on the USA-branded versions of Robot Wars, those being "Robot Wars Extreme Warriors" and "Nickelodeon Robot Wars", by the way)
Gooper Blooper: Harpy was already attached to it just because of the name and design but seeing it win again and again against increasingly ridiculous odds solidified her love, so of course I sent it to a Harpy event
Jumpropeman: I am proud of Tut-Tut now too
MobileDraco: Not the RP one, I hope.


Cornwind Evil: People need to be careful with their predictions
Jumpropeman: pish posh! But also, these smartphones will NEVER last
Gooper Blooper: pokemon is a fad
Jumpropeman: these comic book movies are gonna stop someday!
Draco: Bitcoin will last forever.
Cornwind Evil: ""640K ought to be enough for anybody." Bill Gates, on computers, in 1981, apocryphally.
Jumpropeman: I mean, I'm sure I've said something to that level back about old computers
Jumpropeman: telling someone they wouldn't need anything too big
Gooper Blooper: "Mikami touted [Resident Evil 4] as a GameCube exclusive. In an interview with a Japanese magazine, Mikami even said that he would "commit harakiri" if it came out on another platform.[23] This was loosely translated as Mikami claiming to "cut [his own] head" and later parodied in God Hand, which featured a racing dog named "Mikami's Head". In a 2017 interview, he apologized for Resident Evil 4 going multiplatform.[24]"
Cornwind Evil: Don't, it let me play it!


Jumpropeman: Ani has had more legs than I originally anticipated
Gooper Blooper: She was hiding them under her robe
Jumpropeman: she's gotta outdo her sister's upper body
Gooper Blooper: (I'm sure anyone who didn't look up HP's Rosa was surprised when we got the picture that revealed she had four arms :V)
RubyChao: armed and dangerous
Jumpropeman: yup :V


Jumpropeman: i don't often use healing items in rpgs, but when I do, it's right before the game provides a free heal shortly after :V
Cornwind Evil: Did you know that free heal was coming?
Jumpropeman: nope
Draco: Been there.
Draco: Except Fallout. There are no free heals in Fallout.
Cornwind Evil: Then you were just being smart
ivel: but if I use a healing item now, what if I need it 20 hours from now in a boss fight?
ivel: and if I'm at a boss fight, what about the next boss fight that may or may not happen?
Jumpropeman: the fate of megalixirs


(Re: Sariel, the Angel of Death)

MobileDraco: If we're getting an Evangelion angel, I will laugh.
Mess Sheep: I'm hoping for Biblically Accurate Angel, myself
MobileDraco: They aren't too different, Sheep.
Jumpropeman: I'm hoping for an Angel in the Outfield
Jumpropeman: Left side: A FLAT OUT WONDERFUL MOVIE!
Right Side: No Comment
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: hahahah, I love that detail JRM
MobileDraco: Scary, Goops
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: woah woah woah
Jumpropeman: Angels in the Outfield is a remake of a 50s film!
Gooper Blooper: how deep does this go
Jumpropeman: "the film is about a young woman reporter who blames the Pittsburgh Pirates' losing streak on their abusive manager, who begins hearing the voice of an angel promising to help the team if he changes his ways" Clint Hurdle, how could you...
Gooper Blooper: He had a rough youth
Gooper Blooper: SPORTS


Cornwind Evil: May May never find out about Mr. Dolphin's brief heel turn
Jumpropeman: blooper broke our hearts today
Gooper Blooper: he didn't mean it!! (if people had gotten legit upset I had an out planned where it would turn out that that was a different blooper and Dr. Blooper showed up to stop it)
Gooper Blooper: (and to prove it was really him he would pull out his degree and show it to everyone)
Jumpropeman: I was gonna say, can there really be TWO bloopers with medical degrees?
Jumpropeman: a lot of crazy stuff happened today, but THAT would ruin my suspensions of disbelief


Cornwind Evil: Oh, this is so good I am going to quote the whole thing
Cornwind Evil: "Up All Night was an NBC Sitcom starring Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, and Maya Rudolph. The most notable thing about the show was that it managed to have three Retools over the course of its two seasons.
In the first season, Reagan Brinkley (Applegate) has just gone back to work after giving birth to her daughter Amy (played by twins Carly and Delaney Prince). Reagan struggles to balance her work and home life, with the help of her supportive, stay-at-home husband Chris (Arnett). At work, she is the only sane Employee at Ava, an Oprah-like Talk Show. She is also the best friend and living emotional crutch of Ava herself (Rudolph), a somewhat neurotic and self-centered TV star. The first season cast is rounded out with quirky co-worker Missy (Jennifer Hall).
Retool #1 happened before the show even aired. The pilot was originally filmed with Rudolph in a supporting role, playing Reagan's boss at a PR firm. After the success of Bridesmaids, it was decided that Rudolph needed a bigger and funnier part. Hence, the pilot was refilmed with the PR firm changed to the Ava talk show. This resulted in Up All Night being two shows at once, one a realistic Dramedy Dom Com about new parents and the other a wacky 30 Rock-esque Work Com about show business. Critics and the show's creators felt the tonal dissonance was too much.
Cue retool #2. The second season opens with the news that Ava has been cancelled. With this development, Hall is dropped from the cast, although Rudolph remains, as Ava is still Reagan's best friend. Joining the cast in the second season is Luka Jones as Reagan's lovable loser brother Scott. With his wife now unemployed, Chris goes back to work and, finding his old job soulless, begins a company with Scott as his partner. Essentially, the Work Com aspects of the show were eliminated and it became a straight Dom Com.
Then came retool #3, which unraveled the show into oblivion before it could even take effect. NBC decided that Up All Night, which to that point had been done in a single-camera format without a Laugh Track, would switch to a multi-camera format with a studio audience because why the hell not. They'd already tried everything else. Some truly nutty ideas were thrown around, such as baby Amy being able to see a portal connecting the single-cam world to the multi-cam world. In the end, they settled for the completely sane concept of having the entire show turn out to be a Show Within a Show, and from that point on follow the lives of the fictional actors playing Reagan, Chris, and Ava. Somehow, Applegate was unimpressed and jumped ship, followed by Arnett and Rudolph. The show was dead, but it still took several months before NBC acknowledged defeat and canceled the show officially."
Jumpropeman: retool 3 is such desperate interesting death throes


Draco: Heartbiki:
Jumpropeman: garsp
Jumpropeman: that's Honeyful Punch
Draco: She's my OC.
Draco: Do not steal.
RubyChao: guys check out my new oc
Jumpropeman: woah, cool color work chao!
Draco: Wao! I wish she were my OC! :O



RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hello
High Impact Squirrel: haldo
SteelKomodo: haldo
SteelKomodo: I'M MENGELEV
High Impact Squirrel: IM DONGOLEV 


Draco: link
ivel: oh dear
Brass Maclunkey: There seems to be a LOT wrong with Mr bones


Kuro: *blops*
Draco throws a sponge on Harpy.
Kuro: *rolls over*
Draco: Alright, dibs on her stereo.
Kuro: :I
Draco: I8

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