Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 402: Things That Are Not Josephine

Jumpropeman: as I read sheep's post I'm sitting here thinking I wish I had someone to be part of a sheep church
Jumpropeman: clearly Peat the Mole is a devout of the ugly god
Bree: meiling comes to the shrine of the ugly god all like HOWDY NEIGHBOR
Bree: (don't forget the temple of anime is in the shrine quarter)


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: apparently someone was reading draco's rp
Gooper Blooper: I'll do you one better
Jumpropeman: draco sending vibes out into the universe
Draco: Sorry. I will keep my vibes to myself. D;


RubyChao: goops made me care more about kokoro in three months than i cared about her for the years i tried to get her into rp
RubyChao: he can confirm
Gooper Blooper: It's true
Gooper Blooper: In the offseason I said I'd thought about maybe adopting her and his response definitely had the energy of someone letting someone else have some piece of junk in their garage they didn't even know was still there
Kuro: i'm being harassed
Gooper Blooper: "Oh, THAT thing? Uh, yeah, sure I guess"
Gooper Blooper: but now he loves her
Gooper Blooper: the koko is always pinker on the other side
Kuro: sounds like me when passing yams over to chao


Cornwind Evil: "Following the Brightest Day event, the Superman-based title Action Comics was retooled to star Superman's Arch-Enemy Lex Luthor, even being billed as Lex Luthor's Action Comics. This lasted about a year and followed Luthor's quest at godhood, which culminated in him actually getting it only to lose it when a condition of the godhood was that he couldn't use his new power to harm Superman."
Cornwind Evil: You can probably guess how long he managed to be a god.
Draco: Five minutes
Cornwind Evil: If that
Draco: Figures. XD


Jumpropeman: so sorry about this post, but also, post :V
Mess Sheep concern
Kuro: that's a "sorry not sorry" if i've ever heard one


(Bree finds out Sheep lives in Florida)

The Birthday Bree: sheep are you in miami
The Birthday Bree: are you at this very moment awash in bodacious beach babes?
Mess Sheep: Noooo
Mess Sheep sweeps beach babes off stoop
Draco: Sheep went to the beach to AVOID the babes.


Mess Sheep considers changing his identity, moving to Mexico, and starting a javelina farm over finishing this post
Mess Sheep: Tired and achey? On my own plot event?!
Mess Sheep: -_-
Mess Sheep: -_-zZ
Draco sneaks in while Sheep is asleep and has Junko Saten appear from nowhere to kill the Viper AND find the missing weapon AND heal everyone with a kind word.
Mess Sheep: O0O
Mess Sheep wakes violently
Mess Sheep: NEVER


Gooper Blooper: hoshii holdings when the boss and head of security are both out of commission:
Jumpropeman: one of these days Stella's going to have to look beyond the headshots on the resume to pick her partners
Gooper Blooper: I think she got her hiring practice standards from taking a page out of the book of Grab-N-Go
Jumpropeman: the application form:
-Is You Girl?
-Is You Cute?
welcome aboard
Kuro: oops
Jumpropeman: i was wondering today about the future of goopbusinesses in whalestrand
Jumpropeman: will midnight store become the chum bucket-
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: I like the idea of changing the convenience store to suit the setting, so look for a new GNG-owned shop with a theme more befitting the setting to appear in 2023
Gooper Blooper: As for Stella, her company is really starting to snowball at this point and I cannot stop it. She's Whalestrand-bound as well.
RubyChao: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/852733
Gooper Blooper: I plan on retiring/demoting some of her employees to keep things fresh
Gooper Blooper: sort of like how Chao put less focus on Nitori and Mizuki and more on the other kappas as the seasons progressed
Jumpropeman: I was getting tempted to do a dodgeball plot recently but I'm not sure how appropriate that would be for whalestrand V:
Gooper Blooper: Hey, with the right tweaks, there's not much that wouldn't work in a given setting!
Jumpropeman: dodgefish it is
Kuro: slap 'em with a fish
Jumpropeman: clamball
Gooper Blooper: If you can dodge a pumpkin, you can dodge a ball
Kuro: get pumpkin'd
Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/356500
Jumpropeman: and somehow she gets better grades that way


Kuro: sorry pito in advance for Esme basically kidnapping your witch
Kuro: to take her to the hospital, mind, but...
Hooded Pitohui: Perfectly fine! It's a very understandable reason to take her away!
Kuro: next thing you know esme is giving her hot chocolate and kisses on the forehead
Draco: Scandalous
Jumpropeman: HOT chocolate? hasn't she been burned enough!
Kuro: lukewarm chocolate
Kuro: by the time jasmine wakes up anyway
Jumpropeman: making hot chocolate for someone unconscious is a mood
Kuro: it does nothing but heal the soul
Jumpropeman: "I was so worried I forgot time exists :("
Kuro: we can warm it up again!
Kuro: unlike coffee
Jumpropeman: you'd need some sort of
Jumpropeman: Microwave Man
Jumpropeman: for that!
Kuro: i'm sorry but i didn't ask for his help
Jumpropeman: D:


Kuro: pipis.
Kuro left the chat


Jumpropeman: Effigy hangs out with the goofball brigade for the same reason the rest of rp hangs out with me and draco
Draco: Because they pay for his Chatzy Premium and Forum?
Jumpropeman: exactly BI
Draco: Good enough for me!


Cornwind Evil changed name to Cornwind Hates Sludgefist
Cornwind Hates Sludgefist: I thought I'd seen the last of him
Draco: You'll never see the last of me.
Draco changed name to The Original Sludgefist


Kuro: dia's first ever grandmaster!
Module Sheep: Dia looking like she's ready for a round of golf
Draco: I was gonna say...
Kuro: yeah that's dia on sunday
Draco: Just flat-out going to beat the shit out of Bambietta...through kindness.
Kuro: well she'll be beating the shit out of spade's goonies.
Kuro: but she's smart, not dumb, i'm not sure if she qualifies for this event
Kuro: chao please advise
Draco: My dumb characters are more likely to help Spade. XD
Kuro: nice going tara
Draco: She doesn't see why we're bullying this legitimate businessman and his golfing associate over cards. :I
Kuro: they're trying to get to hollow earth before you-


Draco: I have adopted OCs:
Harpbebobop: Nice
SteelKomodo: them's some nice oc's
Draco: Thanks. Just gotta find a use.
Draco throws Silvania out and makes one of them the bartender.
Module Sheep: You better have those adoption papers in order, Draco
Module Sheep thumps nightstick against palm
Module Sheep and narrowly resists asking allo allo what's goin' on here
Draco: Yessir, here are the papers for me to adopt Junko. I even forged your signature
Module Sheep: She's a legal adult YOU FOOL!
Draco: I know, that's why I had to forge her birthday too.


Gooper Blooper spills hoshii holdings girls all over the forum
Gooper Blooper they're getting everywhere
Gooper Blooper this'll take forever to wash out

Hooded Pitohui: Quickly, Sheep, shove him into the remaining buckets and force him to spill more!


Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: oh god, the Dilberito flash game offered a download and the archived version worked
Gooper Blooper: victorious
RubyChao: RIP Bambietta.
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Well that's unexpectedly morbid!


Module Sheep: "Bambietta and the Pointy-Haired Boss will not be killed today."
Module Sheep: Is that
Module Sheep: like
Module Sheep: a solid thing
Module Sheep: ooooor?
Module Sheep: "Ms. Basterbine... You don't have to give me your card,"
Module Sheep: Bambietta will return next year! As The True MegaBoss!
Gooper Blooper: It helps that her card's power is not exactly super-deadly :V
RubyChao: actually sheep
RubyChao: bambietta WILL return next year
RubyChao: i've already decided i'm bringing her back as a full time protagonist
Module Sheep: A full time antihero
Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2546941
Module Sheep: "The fish swimming in the river don't know if the poison flowin' past it was dumped ten feet away or flowed in through a tributary miles upriver"
Module Sheep: That's one long fortune cookie!
Gooper Blooper: XD
Module Sheep: "Agama had been awfully dangerous, hadn't it?"
Module Sheep: That's the last line of the last post when we leave this setting


Jumpropeman: "Quarter Water, Bir, Jungle Juice, and that Eggert Particle" I think we have a new contender for worst drink in rp
Gooper Blooper: Clownpiece feels better, I see
Kuro: I think Biscotti drank the chaos juice before this.
Gooper Blooper: Eggert Particles for everyone!
Jumpropeman: in the end he benefited this universe... i think?


Gooper Blooper: The next event will be an exposition dump, you guys will be able to get all the answers Takane and the Omega Mart staff can provide
Kuro: *amy aggressively shakes puppet*
Gooper Blooper: that event was originally gonna be a boss fight against Takane but I changed my mind after deciding I preferred her being smart enough to not want to fight the kobbers, so instead she got backstabbed after thinking this was a legit business transaction
Gooper Blooper: we could have just had Metron do the radio thing again to make Takane an opponent, but as I told Chao, that would mean it'd just be this event a second time except instead of the Omega Mart crew you've had all season to get to know it's some random kappa dweeb you don't give a damn about
RubyChao: *the omega mart crew and two dweebs
Kuro: *and one dweeb and syrup
Gooper Blooper: maple is a good girl
Kuro: she is indeed


brolivel: this was a comment talking about Ash Ketchum
brolivel: "Look. He was 10 at the time. Now he's 10 and a half. A whole lot can change in 20 years."


Jumpropeman: from the official sega website
Jumpropeman: back in the day
Jumpropeman: high quality writing, top notch stuff
Gooper Blooper: I was gonna say, yeah, that looks pretty old
Gooper Blooper: I do like that the title uses the Sonic 3 font though
RubyChao: so that's how eggman learned the BECAUSE YOU JUST TOLD ME FOX BOY trick
Gooper Blooper: my favorite part though
Gooper Blooper: is that the Mushroom Hill boss, which is literally Robotnik running away from you and you chasing him, is captioned "Sonic escapes Dr Robotnik".
Jumpropeman: and it's marked as the OG Sonic game too
Jumpropeman: you can't even say they just left off the number, that's Sonic & Knuckles


Stupid Devourer of Men: It's still hilarious how the Fusion Digimon all look like fusions
Stupid Devourer of Men: Even if only two of them were used in the show
Stupid Devourer of Men: And then the Ice Spirits Fusion is...that
Draco: Cornwind is preparing Digimon plot.
Module Sheep: Unsurprisingly, Daipenmon never appeared in the show
RubyChao: ranamon is coming back
Module Sheep: NEVER
Module Sheep: COMING
Module Sheep: BACK
Draco: "NEVER, COMING BACK" I like the sound of that! ;D
Stupid Devourer of Men: If Sheep really never wants to bring her back then someone else should claim her
Module Sheep: They'll have to fight me to the death.


Gooper Blooper: https://twitter.com/JeanAnimate/status/1557601032376500224
Cornwind Evil: Why does that dinosaur have a buster sword
Gooper Blooper: Why wouldn't it?
Brass Maclunkey: He found it


(Suwako gets shot, critically injured, and infected with Scorched Plague)

Gooper Blooper: I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen today but still that's some very easy heel heat right there
Gooper Blooper: do not hurt frogge
Draco: Too late.
Kuro: kill
Draco: Right, too late, frogge killed.
Draco: jk not dead yet
Gooper Blooper: spend the money quick, coyote
Gooper Blooper: you can't take it with you
Draco: Gosh, you sound like she's only going to die once.
Draco: Live once.
Draco: Something something darkside once.
Gooper Blooper: LIVE OR LET DIE
Gooper Blooper: FIGHT
Cornwind Evil: "Griff knew that they cannot change society. So, instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the Kobbers."
Kuro: i choked


Gooper Blooper: ancient Funspot ad showing off their hot new game
Kuro: ancient
Jumpropeman: invaders? from space?!
Jumpropeman: sounds like a horror game


Bree: Bree: the Yelling Hour is concluded
-Bree: (also known as D&D)

Bree: man I never told you guys
Bree: the absolute SHIT last session ended with
Bree: cornwind was there!
Bree: sheep was there too!
Bree: harpy...was there but is not here!
Bree: my character's archnemesis sent her a letter addressed to "my dear one"
Bree: my archnemesis addressed me, in a letter, as "my dear one"
Bree: it was a hell of a letter too
Cornwind Evil: 110 Delusion Juice
Bree: the apparent sincerity is what really knocked it out of the park
Bree: this dude wrote me a whole-ass letter like I'm his beloved daughter
Bree: this dude who murdered my family
Bree: wrote me a whole-ass letter referring fondly to me and lamenting his incredible guilt at having murdered my family
Bree: he doesn't normally murder families, y'see, he regrets having been so merciless! it's not like him
Bree: absolutely unhinged
Cornwind Evil: Actual message: I've gotten so far up my own ass about how great I am that it justifies everything I do and hey I sensed her potential and didn't kill her and I didn't MEAN to do it I got bad info s'all good
Draco: That's nice, My Dearest Foe, but you still murdered my family. Being sorry won't change that.


Module Sheep: "He couldn't be hypocritical and despise just Christmas Creep"
Module Sheep: He totally could though
Kuro: i mean, he could.
Kuro: but he won't.
Kuro: he's wiser now.
Module Sheep: he's mister now.
Module Sheep: CRAP
Kuro: oersted be like "yes he would be"
Module Sheep: OKAY
Module Sheep: take two
Module Sheep: Harpy, take your line again
Kuro: i mean, he could
Kuro: but he won't
Kuro: he's wiser now
Module Sheep: he's miser now
Kuro: booooo
Module Sheep: GOLD
Kuro: now i'll fuckin shove this depressed alex at you
Module Sheep: D:
iKomodo: D:
Draco shoves a depressed Sarah at Harpy.
Draco: "National Sarah Day" <- Pretty sure this IS a major holiday, just saying.


Draco: Good blog. Thanks for soldiering through and getting it all written for us. :)
Jumpropeman: glad you liked it!
Draco: You spent too much time talking about Silvania though. Exactly one word too much. Tone it down or I'll cry. >;
Draco: jk
Jumpropeman: next year I'll try to make your character sections only as long as their placement
Jumpropeman: one word each for the unprecedented multiway champions-
Draco: Perfect!
Draco: The Parsee entry will be about ten pages long on its own though, I expect.
Module Sheep: It will be
Module Sheep: a
Module Sheep inhales
Module Sheep: paru-graph
Jumpropeman: *raucous applause*
Draco applauds and makes Sheep a chat mod forever. (;
Module Sheep was trusted by Draco

Jumpropeman: 💐💐💝
Draco: I have no idea what that means, but enjoy.
Module Sheep: Since I'm not on my registered username, it means I lose it when I leave :V
Jumpropeman: enjoy your taste of the high life
Module Sheep: High on the hog
Draco: I may only trust you in chat until you leave chat, but I will trust you in my HEART until you leave chat.


Jumpropeman: "try to avoid driving too wrecklessly to keep your passenger from getting paranoid" *immediately gets in a head-on collision as I read the message*
Kuro: that's one wreck
Kuro: don't get two!
RubyChao: no no
RubyChao: they said wrecklessly
RubyChao: getting in wrecks is what they want
Kuro: ten wrecks or riot
Draco: Wreck less, Lee.
Poor Dumb Stupid Lianne: JRM is clearly not playing Crazy Taxi
Jumpropeman: I'm playing a Fast and Furious game and they want me to NOT drive furious?
Jumpropeman: and now one of the main characters is trying to talk the group out of participating in a race! I can't be fast OR furious
Gooper Blooper: My favorite movie franchise, Slow And Calm
Draco: Slow and Sedate
Poor Dumb Stupid Lianne: You need to be made angry so when you can go fast you are furious


Draco: I will continue Sanae's boring solo adventure to Heart Star tomorrow after plort.
Draco: ;p
Jumpropeman: which one-
Jumpropeman: we've got two flavors of Sanae now!
Draco: Depends, which one do you want to see more of this year?
Draco: Vote now by donating $50 to my Patreon!
Jumpropeman votes for reimu? IDK I didn't read the tiers
Draco: Alright, one blue Reimu coming up.
Module Sheep votes for Junko.
Module Sheep WAIT NO

Draco: Too late!
Draco writes 20 paragraphs of Sheep's Junko appearing and single-handedly CURING CANCER...which doesn't help because that isn't what Suwako has.
Draco: If Sheep donates $100, I will remove his vote AND we can afford actual Reimu!
Module Sheep: ACTUAL Imitation Reimu?!
Draco: Yes, just like what they serve at the fish markets!
Module Sheep: the phish markets


Module Sheep: BLAAAH
Module Sheep: I think it's missing something important, but posted
Gooper Blooper: You forgot the part where Audrey wins ten million dollars and a new car
Module Sheep: :I
Module Sheep throws Audrey in the Junko Pit
Bree: wow, junko gets a whole pit?
Bree: talk about living in luxury
Bree: all the other sheepchars be jealous
Module Sheep: Everybody else is locked in the warehouse
Gooper Blooper: Basu has to make do with a mere ditch
Module Sheep: with the lights off
Module Sheep: to save on electricity
Module Sheep: Basu: "We did not have toys on my planet, as children."
Module Sheep: "We had rocks, and we threw them at each other."
Module Sheep: "Many died."
Kuro: sounds about right


Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=alPgvR374wA
Kuro: i'm losing my goddamn mind
Draco: I named my dog Edgeworth too.


Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JszKbqxb484
RubyChao: who banned velma
Draco: lol
Gooper Blooper: Velma is the prototype nerds like Sumi and Jenny LeClue spawned from
Draco: A good girl.


Jumpropeman: I have found a relic
Jumpropeman: 15 second Soundgarden intro, typos, incorrect directions, 2009
Jumpropeman: c'est magnifique
Gooper Blooper: not to mention the singular comment, which is 8 years old, and this video was already several years old at that point


Kuro: *sniffs* i can't believe my girls got stuck on train duty while this random bootleg alex is doing thing
Jumpropeman: you can't pretend harp, oersted has full taken over your rp
RubyChao: it happens
Jumpropeman: you'd have him on both trains at once if you could-
Kuro: least he was shit in the first two rounds!!!!
Kuro: also I am afraid of going overboard so I'm trying to be careful
Kuro: or at least... not talk about it all the time
Kuro: not sure why i get worked up over it when, like, everybody has thrown in a shiny new fun char for a bit at one point or another
Kuro: ...well, i guess its because I do it the most
Gooper Blooper: It's probably because you especially are known for doing it, Harpy
Gooper Blooper: yeah
Gooper Blooper: it's one of your RP trademarks, whipping out the shiny new blorbo
Kuro: sometimes i wonder if it's a blessing or a bane
RubyChao: it feels like it can be either
RubyChao: but on the whole, probably works out
Kuro: least with this one it provides an entire plot that wouldn't have happened otherwise. or, well, a future plot for Whalestrand
Jumpropeman: pretty situational, although it is probably why your number of ships have gone down. We ain't got the time to hook up with one and the next one is in the door!
Kuro: to be fair I'm also not trying to push any particular ships anymore
Kuro: just goin' with chemistry
Kuro: but don't worry, yui's available-
Jumpropeman: all my dateable fish are in whalestrand though D:
Kuro: she'll be there
Kuro: i think i'd be arrested if she wasn't
Kuro: either way, I hope to stabilize a bit after this so that someone can get invested
Kuro: or, y'know, somehow date this random dude, who is not a dudette
Jumpropeman roots through the girl pile
Jumpropeman: uhh, I got lizards...
Kuro: sorry, it's that time of the year again where anxiety is running high and i feel better talking out loud about it
Jumpropeman: who doesn't want Ani, she's a laugh and a half!
Kuro: i mean a kirby got with a state, a knight with a brume mage teacher wouldn't sound so weird-
Kuro: shit you predicted who i was going for
Kuro: called out
Jumpropeman: guess it's official
Kuro: well maybe if they're in the same room... maybe.
Gooper Blooper: hey, Ani was getting pairing jokes last season
Kuro: okay now that you said that goops its official
Jumpropeman: well Ani DOES need a good ending...
Kuro: if by that you mean "she's going to whalestrand baybee" then yes
Kuro: she does
Gooper Blooper: I hadn't said it out loud yet but I did think earlier that Ani would complete her mirror version of Maya's arc by going "well fuck you too then" and leaving Agama to seek her fortune elsewhere
Gooper Blooper: link
Kuro: relatable teacher


Jumpropeman: Ani just needs a day of quiet
Module Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep!
Module Sheep kicks Ani off Pride Rock into the wildebeest herd
Gooper Blooper: I hope the sheep module is up to date
Gooper Blooper: *Ani is dumped into the Junko Pit*


RubyChao: apropo of nothing this is your friendly reminder that the cardholders currently own half a setting
RubyChao: :D
Kuro: :V
Gooper Blooper: Good for them! This is their friendly reminder that the Kobbers have currently owned half the Cardholders.
RubyChao: heeeeh
Gooper Blooper: we are EXACTLY half done as of this event ending!
Kuro: *party poppers go off*


Jumpropeman: back when I was picking Switch's real name, I almost went with... Sasha
Jumpropeman: imagine if the nintendo girl and the legion girl chao latched onto most got the same name :V
Gooper Blooper: DOUBLE SASHA
Jumpropeman: and then JRM's minigun shows up
Cornwind Evil: And then Sasha Banks returns



Unconventional Orca joined the chat
Unconventional Orca: Hmm
Unconventional Orca: I'm alive somehow
Unconventional Orca: Unfortunate
Kuro: please continue to live
Unconventional Orca: I'll try
Unconventional Orca: If only so I can keep sharing cat pictures with you
Kuro: yes, you can't share cat pics if you dead
Unconventional Orca: Ghost pictures
Unconventional Orca: Of ghost cats


SteelKomodo: i have caused myself true psychic damage
SteelKomodo: i remembered that butt-ugly martians existed
MobileDraco: Why would you do that to yourself? D;
SteelKomodo: i don't know
MobileDraco: You're in my prayers. ;-;


Kuro: jrm's weapon for elden ring
Jumpropeman: hell yeah
Gooper Blooper: A thought occurs to me
Gooper Blooper: Whalestrand is the most fat-seal-friendly setting we have ever had
Jumpropeman: the Fat Seal Flopping Company


Gooper Blooper: I hope they modeled the back of his neck properly
Draco: Ew. Milk-cooled?
Jumpropeman: this was better than I could have imagined
Gooper Blooper: Glorious.
Jumpropeman: "He said "Poggers" like it was a Street Fighter move and it's killing me"
Kuro: oh BOY
Draco: What kind of special attack is Poggers?
Kuro: no idea
Kuro: but it sure is
Kuro: poggers.
Cornwind Evil: What the frick does Poggers even mean
Kuro: to explain that, i'm gonna need to talk about parallel universes-
Kuro: but essentially it means "aw hell yeah"
Kuro: normally said when someone does a cool trick in a video game
Kuro: its been incorporated into the mainstream for a few years now
Kuro: *talks like i'm a meme historian*


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: pictured: one of us debuting a new blorbo
Jumpropeman: the may 1st experience for the locals


Jumpropeman: "I’m Rachel, and I run community programs here at Cloudinary. I wanted to let you know about a new opportunity for developers to participate in the beta program for two upcoming products we're working on: the Media Management API and Media Editing API."
Jumpropeman: I'm very happy this is the kind of emails I get from cloudinary
Jumpropeman: not "we need to bleed the common man dry"
Gooper Blooper: I also hear from Rachel a couple times a year
Jumpropeman: im glad she got work after her magical girl career
Gooper Blooper: and yes it's always "check out our business seminar, Cloudinary User! As a user of Cloudinary, surely you are a person of business just like us! Allow me to Business at you politely!"
Gooper Blooper: it's like we all collectively got somewhere we weren't supposed to be by pretending we belonged there
RubyChao: basically
Gooper Blooper: we're in the secret business club
RubyChao: this is why i'm never too worried
RubyChao: we know who they get their money from
RubyChao: (it's not us)



Harpbebobop joined the chat 5 hours ago
Harpbebobop: Tfw you at the movies and nothing is on the screen, just audio
Unconventional Orca: F
Unconventional Orca: Audio only movie
Unconventional Orca: Audio drama
brolivel: I'll add on to what Harpy said and mention yes they fixed the movie display :U
brolivel: we didn't do audio only Dragon Ball lel
brolivel: yet
brolivel: anyway it was gud
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: nice
SteelKomodo: ok
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: is this the one where bulma wishes for an enormous ass
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: dragon ball's shift to a domestic comedy thats sometimes about world-ending kung fu is very good
brolivel: lel
brolivel: I am amused by the fact that people want the Dragon Balls for purely superficial reasons. But this is how you get Shadow Dragons :I
SteelKomodo: Oceanus Shenron retconned to be Bulma's booty wish
brolivel: they really enjoyed ass shots. Like damn
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: lmao
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: listen, bulma's a genius
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: she got with the prince of saiyans, she owns capsule corp, she got the dumptruck booty she always wanted, it's all coming up bulma briefs
brolivel: the only thing she doesn't have is her mom's ability to never age, but then again, she does have the stress of dealing with Saiyans
MobileDraco: Bulma's wish: widen her ass by five inches, enough to be significant but not so much it looks obvious.
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Did that film seriously have a plot point about wanting the dragon balls to have a bigger ass?
SteelKomodo: yes
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: bulma's got goals
SteelKomodo: booty goals
MobileDraco: That is a step down from her wanting the balls to make herself slightly younger.


Kuro: this is truly an "oh, fuck" moment for our cute pink elf


Jumpropeman: food?
Jumpropeman stirs
RubyChao: feed yer mates 4 is live
Jumpropeman: I have like five characters next year perfect for this-
RubyChao: preview preview
Jumpropeman: how many hot dogs can Claire make before she's kicked out
Draco: Uh...ten million, because Clownpiece will arrest Lanterby if Claire gets eliminated? jk


Molecule Sheep: Sorry for my continued, if unusual, spottiness
RubyChao: sheep!
Molecule Sheep: But I finally have a little to show for it! The first episode of something I'm in came out an hour ago.
RubyChao: YOOOO
RubyChao: that's so cool!
Molecule Sheep: I'm the old man, Merlin
RubyChao: congratulations, sheep!
RubyChao: you made it!
Molecule Sheep: He does the frame at the beginning and end, and sometimes is in the episode himself.
Kuro: ruben?! RUBEN SANDWICH?!?
Molecule Sheep: It's a prequel, I believe, to the main series on the channel
brolivel: awesome!


Molecule Sheep: I keep staring at the food cube Emilia Lanterby is waving around
Molecule Sheep: Is it a sweet?
Molecule Sheep: Is it meat?!
Draco: Better. It's sweat.
Molecule Sheep: :I
Seychelles: Ew


Gooper Blooper: It was darkly funny how abruptly Draco's Tara post transitioned to "and then she was dead"
Jumpropeman: I expected a tiny debate about who would do the deed
Jumpropeman: slash if we would even do so
Draco: I'm sorry for the abrupt transition; I kinda blanked on how to end the scene. ^_^;
Gooper Blooper: It's okay! Like I said, I thought it was funny
Gooper Blooper: just jump cut to ded
Draco: I also didn't want to presume that someone was going to jump at the chance to just murder Tara, so I had to go "And then she was dead."
Gooper Blooper: I was imagining Widow Maker doing it if no one else volunteered - she's no stranger to returning after a death and her cloak makes for a good "in, do the job, leave" assassin style stunt
Jumpropeman: I demand Baby Tara Skew revival
Kuro: Sayu fuckin killed her, oh god
Kuro: (no)
Draco: Okay, but Goops has to draw Baby Tara.
Molecule Sheep: Baby Tara Skew?
Molecule Sheep: More like
Molecule Sheep: Baby Tara Stew
RubyChao: just gonna say
RubyChao: i support wids ganking tara
RubyChao: she feels fitting
Kuro: yeah
Gooper Blooper: Wids has adapted well to the modern, kinder, softer Kobber style but she still has that savage side
Gooper Blooper: they built em different in 2011
Draco: That too. Draw Wids stabbing Tara.
Gooper Blooper: pictured: hardened 2011 veteran of the kobbers' primordial brutality
Jumpropeman: despicable
Gooper Blooper: brb
Draco: Look at those sad, lifeless eyes.
Draco: Goops will be back after he's drawn Baby Wids stabbing Baby Tara.


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Perfect! XD
Kuro: damn son
Jumpropeman: nice work goop


Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: i 100% need a better username
Kuro: this is why Cube is great.
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: can't think of one atm
Kuro: my precious round boy
Molecule Sheep: Precious Round Boy-
Molecule Sheep: How about 100% Better Username
Molecule Sheep: JUST ADD WATER
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon: lmao
Molecule Sheep: Tom Sellic's Mustache Barber
Its a Very Distinctive Eidolon changed name to Sea Monkeys are LOUD AND UGLY
Sea Monkeys are LOUD AND UGLY: this one is for SK only
Molecule Sheep: WOW
Molecule Sheep: Hot take of the century!
Sea Monkeys are LOUD AND UGLY: it was from a youtube poop of a sea monkeys ad we never relased
Gooper Blooper: you were holding out on us
Kuro: o dam
Gooper Blooper: The Britbro Vault is hiding treasure
Sea Monkeys are LOUD AND UGLY: eh it was mostly just appending tf2 voicelines onto the ad
Sea Monkeys are LOUD AND UGLY: not exactly the highlight of comedy
Kuro: yeah but humans will laugh at the stupidest things
Kuro: "and here is his photograph"


Unconventional Orca: I ain't fraid of no sleep
Unconventional Orca: I ain't fraid of no bed
Gooper Blooper: *snoring*
Unconventional Orca: An invisible bed
Unconventional Orca: Freaky ghost bed
Unconventional Orca: Incredible bonding moment here with goops
Kuro: overnight shipmaking


RubyChao: so fun fact
RubyChao: the card of spirits was a card that i knew i'd be using for a very long time, one of the absolute earliest i came up with
RubyChao: but it took a long time to get a faceclaim or plot position, i just knew i wanted the boss rush
RubyChao: and part of that is because i HAD a faceclaim in mind for a while
RubyChao: And then Harpy stole it.
RubyChao: thanks harps.
Kuro: wh-what did i do
RubyChao: oh i'm not actually miffed
Gooper Blooper: HP's characters bring up some great reasons to hate this guy beyond "he is working for spades"
RubyChao: but originally i was envisioning the card of spirits being......
RubyChao: Hu Tao
Gooper Blooper: and then Hu Tao became a chubby star mage.
RubyChao: yep
Kuro: i knew you told me that but not about what you were using her for
Gooper Blooper: you saved her from EVIL VILLAINY, harpy
Kuro: then you made her cuter
Kuro: and therefore
Kuro: best
Kuro: just a shame i can't fit everyone into whalestrand
Gooper Blooper: only the very finest of our whales with the most still to provide can be stranded in whalestrand
RubyChao: maybe if they were smaller
Kuro: :V
Kuro: i'll just keep hakra and angellica in my back pocket
Kuro: or maybe I'll sneak her in anyway...


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom texted me saying she's up to 140/228 stars in pac-man championship 2
Kuro: nice
Gooper Blooper: I just got back from going downstairs, where Goopsmom was STILL playing pac-man (that text was an hour ago)
Jumpropeman: pac mania
Gooper Blooper: "I definitely need to stop." *still playing* "I have to stop." *dies* "OKAY I I I I AM STOPPING" *puts down controller with finality and requests a charge*
Gooper Blooper: (the controller lost battery on her earlier today, she was devastated)
Draco: lol
Kuro: isn't that just... all of us


Draco: We've got a Coven going here!
Gooper Blooper: Never expected Draco to get a fumo that wasn't touhou!
Jumpropeman: oh snap!
Jumpropeman: It's a fine choice for one though
Draco: I broke my code of getting Fumos that only appear in RP, so now she has to appear in RP, HARPY/BRINE/M_SHEEP.


A second Brine: Braids
A second Brine: is
A second Brine: back
A second Brine: That's all.


Gooper Blooper: Braids sure did look like a friendly friend in that new image
Brinehammer: I'm struggling not to shoehorn her in next year so bad right now You don't know how excited I am for this minor character from like 15 years ago to return!


Jumpropeman: I'm looking forward to good fun with Miyoi until someone shows her A Internet
Jumpropeman: I'd joke she'd think Spiders Georg is a real person, but this is RP so maybe he is...
Gooper Blooper: *has Dorothy show her an internet on May 2*
Jumpropeman: Miyoi Successfully Corrupted
Gooper Blooper: Spiders Georg was the final boss of the scrapped Kumongaplot
Gooper Blooper: (this is not factual)
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad the originator of that meme misspelled "george", it makes it much funnier imo
RubyChao: Georg is actually a real name!
RubyChao: i mean they probably misspelled George but it's entirely possible they meant George
RubyChao: *georg
Gooper Blooper: "Georg is a male given name in mostly Northern European countries"
Gooper Blooper: Oh no.
Kuro: *oerstedconcern.jpg*
Jumpropeman: Kumonga better watch out after all


Jumpropeman: Game Gear's a fish now-
Gooper Blooper: accurate description of Gale, yes
MobileDraco: Which one?
Gooper Blooper: The top one
MobileDraco: Just checking.
Gooper Blooper: the bottom one is what you call a really big kobber meal-
MobileDraco: The bottom one is Lucina.
Gooper Blooper: PEPPA...


Jumpropeman: Pablo's gonna ask something of Reines in my post, Brine
Gooper Blooper: "will you turn me into a goat"
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: :V
Draco: "Goatblano and the Goatpeppers"
Gooper Blooper: Oh, Pablo, you card. (Not that kind of card.)


Gooper Blooper: we are 38 minutes away from the possibility of the midnight crew being defeated completely at exactly midnight eastern time
Draco: Yeah, but that's not REALLY midnight.
RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: conveniently cardholder sized annie...
Gooper Blooper: there was a time, long forgotten now, when Chao described Annie as a "jerk"
Jumpropeman: Baccarat siphoned off that jerkitude
RubyChao: he really did!


Cornwind Evil: "and Stella shortly follows" I read that as "And Stella shortly thereafter" and I was "Why is Stella being arrested."
RubyChao: cat boomer crimes.
Draco: Tax evasion.
Gooper Blooper: Kissing a dragon without a license.
Draco: The most heinous of crimes.
Cornwind Evil: Now I wonder where one gets that sort of license
Draco: The Dragon DMV.
Cornwind Evil: How slow is that place?
Gooper Blooper: I hear applications really
Gooper Blooper: drag on


Cornwind Evil: "A Michigan man on trial for drug possession defended himself with the argument that the police officer who found the drugs had illegally searched him. In order to disprove the officer's claim that he could see a suspicious-looking bulge in the defendant's coat and so didn't need a warrant under the plain sight doctrine, the defendant handed the judge his coat for inspection. The judge noticed a suspicious-looking bulge in the coat which turned out to be a bag of cocaine."
Draco: Doomrider!


RubyChao joined the chat
SteelKomodo: hi chap
SteelKomodo: *chao
SteelKomodo: sorry, my britishness leaked out again :U


(Peko joins a fight on behalf of The Grove, attacking with her Metal Gear Rising-styled super sword while the narration says it sounds like loud music is playing)

RubyChao: post
Jumpropeman: Rules of Literal Nature
RubyChao: i like how i just
RubyChao: mash together several aesthetics into Peko
RubyChao: the MGR energy is totally different from her vampire energy
Gooper Blooper: Peko's multiple aesthetics and dimensions are absolutely a significant reason why she doesn't feel stale even after so many seasons
Gooper Blooper: she can be more than one Konami game
Gooper Blooper: when's pachinko peko
RubyChao: Her last season


Hooded Pitohui: link
MobileDraco: Now we know HO's favorite Goopergirl
MobileDraco: *HP's
Gooper Blooper: link
Kuro: it her
Gooper Blooper: I admit I did tell HP about Shoebill early specifically so he could get excited for me RPing a bird
Gooper Blooper: link
Kuro: warning
Bree: wow pitohui, draco just called you a ho
Hooded Pitohui: Clearly just an abbreviation of Ho-oh on his part, that Draco, always mixing up the birds he's addressing.
Gooper Blooper: AHA
Gooper Blooper: I knew someone had done this
Kuro: accepted
Hooded Pitohui: Beautiful, Goops
Hooded Pitohui: She deserves the plush
Cornwind Evil: Hmmm, there's something distinctively added from shoebill the actual bird to Shoebill the anthromorphized humanoid form of said bird
Jumpropeman: human flesh
Gooper Blooper: in a manner of speaking, yes-
Bree: the something is BAZONGAS
Jumpropeman: are you talking about CHESTS
Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5066451
Kuro: creeper shoebill
Cornwind Evil: I'd ask questions, but then again Professor X's most long time love interest is also a bird woman who has the same shape so....that's just us apes putting on the things we like
Hooded Pitohui: All I can imagine is JRM shouting "are you talking about CHESTS" while aggressively shoving Maya forward at everyone
RubyChao: unyu
Bree: jrm shouting "are you talking about CHESTS" while aggressively shoving maya forward.. into the delighted waiting arms of meiling
Bree: alternately:
Bree: "are you talking about CHESTS" and shoving jasper
Jumpropeman: Jasper's BIG, AMPLE CHEST
Bree: he's all chest baby



Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=41XVReiG-XY
Unconventional Orca: She's been got
Draco: Man, Yukari sure dyed her hair after Komachiplot.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: Status: Friend of Knuckles is how I'd describe myself too
Cornwind Evil: "Rouge The Bat"
Cornwind Evil: Species: Cat.
Gooper Blooper: Rouge The Bat The Cat


RubyChao: FYM voting open
Draco: #1 M_Sheep
#2 M_Sheep
#3 M_Sheep
#4 Mr Nutrient


Jumpropeman: the game boy color was home to the oddest licensed games
Jumpropeman: why are the rugrats time traveling? why was there a beauty and the beast board game adventure?
Draco: Is that why GBC is so zany and weird? Did she play too much Rugrats?
RubyChao: counterpoint
Jumpropeman: hey, it's not like it's Postman Pat Versus An Entire Zoo or something
Draco: >Postman Pat Versus An Entire Zoo or something:
Jumpropeman: my favorite animal: the furry lump!
Jumpropeman: thank you for the artist's rendering of that hypothetical game, Kirika
Draco: It's...an Agama original animal. The lump waddler.
Jumpropeman: I can dig it
Draco: It looks like a fluffy little bison. The Shaggy Agaman Micro Steer.
iKomodo: So uh yeah
iKomodo: That game is real
iKomodo: the postman pat one
Draco: Yep. Real GBA game.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: hey goops!
Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_w69w7q9bSE
Draco: 'ello Pat.
Gooper Blooper: leather bound stick with a handle
Kuro: that's a paddlin
Draco: Paladin paddlin
Draco: Fake game. I didn't hear one engine rev.
Gooper Blooper: Draco, I believe instead of "Postman Pat and the Greendale Rocket", you want "Patman Post and the Greendale Rocket".
Gooper Blooper: it's much faster paced.
RubyChao: when i tried to look up that game i literally put in patman post at first and was confused at the lack of results
Gooper Blooper: being unable to properly use a search engine because of ruined


Draco: Sorry, Lanterby, but Kirika's just going to call you "Evil Kirika" forever.


Kuro: posted
Kuro: in which oersted pulls a hansel
Kuro: and dia roasts him for it
Kuro: and in which oersted is not inaugurated into the 'what the FUCK, dawn?!?' club
Jumpropeman: time for ani to plan a trip to north dakota for dating tips-
Kuro: i'd unironically watch that
Jumpropeman: Dakota: "Show him some beautiful mountains on your body!"
-Ani: "I'm afraid my sister was the one gifted with mountains..."
Kuro: fukkin rip
Kuro: thanks for the talk! ani needed to be undepressed for a bit anyway
Gooper Blooper: Ani is a good girl
Kuro: also damn these two be :wordswordswords:
Jumpropeman: Ani can be more casual, but she likes to have control of a situation
Jumpropeman: I sure hope no one flusters her and makes her slip up!
Jumpropeman: that wouldn't be cute at all!
Kuro: damn i sure hope ani didn't hear what dia said as she was leaving-
Gooper Blooper: sure would be awful if Ani were to
Gooper Blooper: blush
Draco: It's okay. We promise not to send a rich knight who can fund all kinds of neat academic research at her.
Jumpropeman: but can he fund the research of romance?
Kuro: *looks at all the gold Oersted got from the pyramid*
Kuro: yes
Kuro: because CW cannot help making at least making one character rich a year
Gooper Blooper: Gooper Blooper: >Ani fighting in an event
-Gooper Blooper: JRM playing a dangerous game
-Jumpropeman: come on, no one would like a lizard nerd right
-Draco: Definitely NOT me.

Kuro: also, semi-relevant:
Draco: Well, maybe he can make Parsee rich next year. She's only a billionaire. :<
Kuro: yeah draco, you didn't like her so SEEMS LIKE I MUST PICK UP EVERYBODY'S SLACK
Draco: Thanks. XD
Kuro: i'm sorry but cian pays her in indefinite, unconditional love
Jumpropeman: ani swooneth
Draco: Oersted likes Ani's big, thicc brain.
Kuro: i almost choked on my own spit
Kuro: thanks
Gooper Blooper: The big witch hat? Skintight around her gigantic brain
Cornwind Evil: Pictured: Ani's head under the witch hat


Bree: harpy's brain is a blorbo factory
Kuro: yes
Kuro: i make too many comfort chars in my line of work
Bree: the harpco. blorbo factory is actually located right next to m sheep's discount plot warehouse


Draco: "surprised GBC wasn't targeted just to complete the set." <- Suddenly, the Deck spontaneously manifested all in one place thanks to Osiris' new Stand, [Deck Building], to each yank off part of GBC and carry her off into Deep Space so we spend the next eight seasons relocating her.
Jumpropeman: I'm sure people will remain invested in the plot long enough to see it through! "Come on guys, they still got my foot! I DON'T CARE IF NONE OF YOU EVEN KNOW ME!"
Cornwind Evil: The foot ends up being at a casino
Cornwind Evil: Probably only Chao will get that ancient ZFRP reference
Cornwind Evil: Which is ironic because it happened before he joined
RubyChao: the reveal of where sine was before the big lord fight, right?
Gooper Blooper: I remember that
Gooper Blooper: that time CW took us on a ruse cruise
Cornwind Evil: In which I wish I'd done a better job in at least one place
Gooper Blooper: Eh, it was 2011. We all could look that far back and wish we'd done better
Jumpropeman: my RP was IMPECCABLE
Jumpropeman: OM NOM NOM


Jumpropeman: i miss the time when arcade games had pop singles
Jumpropeman: props to them for using the names Pooka and Fygar
Jumpropeman: could have just called them baddies or dragons
Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xhRIneQFmHA
Jumpropeman: holy crap
Jumpropeman: people are dying in this ad
Jumpropeman: have mercy aggressive announcer
Gooper Blooper: YOU'RE GONNA PLAY
Gooper Blooper: (which is like the tamest racer I've ever seen, which makes this ad even better.)
Draco: Honestly, those kids had it coming.
Draco: Wow. That ad ended with the entire family in HELL.
Gooper Blooper: it's a classic
Cornwind Evil: This ad is turbotastic


Hooded Pitohui: (I'm just going to jump in with the srspost, Harps, just so you know. Not sitting here planning not to get involved!)
RubyChao: same as pito
Jumpropeman: same :V
Jumpropeman: my strongest characters aren't sit in the bar types
Bree is totally sitting here planning not to get involved
Bree gets fined for loitering :I
Kuro: damn everybody be like
Kuro: *leaves prier alone*
Unconventional Orca was timed out

Bree: del noooo
RubyChao: oh no
RubyChao: they got del for loitering...


Bree: if you can't decide then clearly pick the dumbest answer


Gooper Blooper: So I stumbled onto something I can't believe hadn't yet come up in here, I don't know how I missed it
Gooper Blooper: but today I have found
Gooper Blooper: the official pilot
Gooper Blooper: for the GarfieldEATS TV show
Kuro: ...
Jumpropeman: woah woah woah
Jumpropeman: *drops EVERYTHING*
Kuro: chao cancel your fuckin plot we need to watch this-
Gooper Blooper: I've only seen the first minute, with the opening theme, but honestly that was all I needed to know I had to link it
MobileDraco: Yikes
Kuro: "meow"
Kuro: entergaging...
Gooper Blooper: you know, like nya
Kuro: i'm 3 minutes in and i'm just about to choke this motherfucker
Kuro: eat the rich
Gooper Blooper: I just heard the Kitchen Nightmares scare chord
Gooper Blooper: top kek
Kuro: sir that is copyrighted
Kuro: i'm cutting into my creative process time and genshin completion time for this
Kuro: i cannot handle this but i'm watching anyway
Gooper Blooper: in the end, it always comes back to garfield
Kuro: i'm going to launch my blorbo into bar as punishment-
Jumpropeman: i think this must be this guy throwing another thing at the wall in hopes of a payout
iKomodo: What is it about garfield as a property that attracts people like this
Kuro: money
iKomodo: i mean i know that could apply to anything but like
RubyChao: jim davis doesn't give a shit
RubyChao: (affectionately)
RubyChao: davis has always been totally upfront that he made garfield so he could have a highly merchandisable character to put on everything
Kuro: damn he livin the dream... he sure did that
Gooper Blooper: Tragically, Nathan's adventures with Garfield are over as of this January when Viacom ended the deal so he doesn't have the license any more
iKomodo: Welp
Gooper Blooper: his last project with the license was official GarfieldEATS NFTs
Kuro: "all rights reserved" oh my god no
iKomodo: also i don’t mean, like, people looking to make a buck
iKomodo: i mean like
Gooper Blooper: (nobody bought them and the NFTs were deleted in spring)
Kuro: also sir put a fucking cap on your fucking garfacinno
iKomodo: oh of course he got into NFTs
Kuro: i don't want you to fuckin spill that shit on someone
Kuro: "some employees just sit there on their pho-"
Kuro: I will snap your neck with my thighs
Kuro: i will go full prier on you bitch


RubyChao: watching that garfield eats thing
RubyChao: somehow, this feels like a parody despite the guy trying to play garfieldeats straight
RubyChao: "I think the boss favors me because I'm white and I don't know how to feel about that." is 100% a parody line from the office or parks and rec or something
Gooper Blooper: I saw one person in the comments go "this has the exact energy of an Adult Swim parody show"
RubyChao: they are correct.
Gooper Blooper: love me
Gooper Blooper: feed me
Gooper Blooper: doOoOoOoOoON'T LEAVE ME


Jumpropeman: is Rouxls a deltarune character?
Kuro: yes
Gooper Blooper: he is indeed
Gooper Blooper: I just keep whipping them out
Gooper Blooper: This is all you need to know about Rouxls.
Jumpropeman: glad someone posted that video, one of those guide dang it puzzles
Hooded Pitohui: Rouxls was a great pick for the night, have to say
Gooper Blooper: those "push the weight onto the switch" puzzles can be murder
Kuro: that's just a day in the amazon warehouse...
Gooper Blooper: My other picks were made much more recently but Rouxls has been in my folder waiting for tonight for months
Jumpropeman: is Cory from Deltarune-
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: (it's easy to forget because she doesn't do it in ZFRP, but many fan interpretations of Futo slap her with Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe)
Hooded Pitohui: Here's your unsolicited fun fact about Cory-Not-From-Deltarune, JRM. His name was changed here because his source material name is the even more ridiculous Jiggy Pepper.
Gooper Blooper: oh my god, how did you resist putting a character in RP named Jiggy Pepper
Gooper Blooper: imagine if he had a doctorate!
Jumpropeman: Jiggly, Jiggly, Jiggly In the House
Kuro: i misread that as "jiggly pepper" and i was concerned
Jumpropeman: oh wait, so did I :V
Gooper Blooper: I put 500 on jigglypepper
Hooded Pitohui: Gotterdammerung, you're right, Goops. I should have made him an academic for the Dr. Pepper joke
Draco: "so convenient that there's no reason for the layabouts to visit the centralized Grand Market anymore." <- Is...is he trying to rebuild Amazon IN THE AMAZON?
RubyChao: This is why he's a villain.
Kuro: sounds like a jeff bezos thing-
Gooper Blooper: more like jiggy bezos
RubyChao: hp, consider:
RubyChao: what if his real name is Jiggy Pepper and he's just going under "Cory" because he's embarrassed
RubyChao: and now it's still canon-
Hooded Pitohui: Perfect
Hooded Pitohui: Canon indeed


RubyChao: >scrolling through tv channels
RubyChao: >see Boomerang, CN's retro channel
Gooper Blooper: uh oh
Gooper Blooper: I think I know where this is going
cowabunvel: if this is going where I think it is, I know the feeling too
RubyChao: >codename kids next door, foster's home for imaginary friends, and chowder
cowabunvel: yep
RubyChao: snake becoming old snake.gif
Gooper Blooper: yep
cowabunvel: I remember watching things like Yogi on Boomerang
Gooper Blooper: Those are 2002, 2004, and 2007 debuts respectively, btw


Draco: I found a picture of Ren and Jared.
Bree: this is almost accurate, it needs to also establish that the serious business girlboss also adores the himbo


Jumpropeman: I finally saw Spider-man No Way Home today
Draco: Did you make it home?
Jumpropeman: but more importantly
Jumpropeman: in the theater lobby they had posters for movies you could take
Jumpropeman: so now I am the proud owner... of a Morbius poster
Kuro: god bless
Kuro: memelordropeman
Jumpropeman: it truly is morbin' time


Gooper Blooper: JRM seeing how many powers he had unused for the finale and going "challenge accepted"
Jumpropeman: gotta cram 'em all
Jumpropeman: Osiris Vault only uses 99 of his powers in RP, because the final power... is Forgiveness
Jumpropeman: which forces people to forgive him
Gooper Blooper: POWER 100: Get Out Of Jail Free Card


Cornwind Evil: "POWER 69: Bulge: A part of the body expands in size and density temporarily." Ha ha ha...ha.
Jumpropeman: I almost
Jumpropeman: ALMOST
Jumpropeman: didn't

(later, after Osiris is defeated and Julia informs his underling Khepri of his death)

Cornwind Evil: Julia would also tell the other Vault members BTW
Jumpropeman: yeah, bastet, anubis, and getaway wouldn't have such nice moments though
Draco: Yeah, but they started cheering and that spoils the mood! ;V
Cornwind Evil: I figured but she'd still tell them
Cornwind Evil: To basically drive in 'No one's coming for you. Save the music."
Draco: What about the chopper pilot?
Jumpropeman: Pilot with a Gun is living his best life with his wife, A Gun
Jumpropeman: Pilot-Gun marriage was the only type banned in Oasis
Jumpropeman: finally, he's free to be who he wants to be


Gooper Blooper: reposting for Bree since new josephine art is extremely rare these days
Bree: sephineeeeeeeee
Gooper Blooper: today's event is set in Olympia and involves F-Zero so she just had to turn up
Gooper Blooper: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90621787
Gooper Blooper: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99200276
Draco: THAT one isn't Josephine!
Gooper Blooper: neither is this one
Kuro: it him
Kuro: its the boy
Gooper Blooper: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90714162
Kuro: june 21st, alex's birthday
Kuro: *didn't actually remember that*
Draco: You got me there, Goops. That's not Josephine either.
Bree: I'm not sure I'm convinced yet. can you show me more proof of things that aren't josephine?
Draco: Not Josephine
Draco: Also notsephine
Draco: 95% not Josephine, give or take 5%
Bree: but those are all the same thing! what if all the other things are in fact josephine?
Jumpropeman: the sephine singularity
Bree: can you prove that the universe isn't just densely-packed josephines with two or three other things mixed in occasionally?
Gooper Blooper: probably not a sephine
Bree: no, I think that one is a josephine
Jumpropeman: considering her lack of booty game, it can't be a sephine
Bree: hard to tell because it looks slightly different, but I think this sephine is just underfed
Draco: I mean, Josephine is pretty densely-packed already.
Gooper Blooper: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/993938
Draco: Too angy to Sephine
Too caped to Sephine:
Possibly a Sephine
Bree: this is clearly the next bestselling children's picture book from the temple of anime, sequel to The Lonely Ditto
Bree: Things That Are Not Josephine
Bree: it's just a picture book of various kobbers that aren't josephine (with a josephine tossed in now and again like "aha! did we trick you? this one IS josephine)
Bree: one is a picture of dirk and it's like "we're fairly certain this picture doesn't contain any sephines."
Bree: next page: "wait!" *the image zooms in, there's a tiny sephine speck in the distance* "wow, nice catch! she almost got us that time!"
Bree: it's a sequel to the lonely ditto because at the end there is a sephine but it's revealed this is an impostorsephine and it's actually amity wanting hugs
Bree: ending with the mind-boggling-for-a-small-child philosophical conundrum that sometimes things that are not josephine are also things that ARE josephine
Jumpropeman: The Ditto at the End of this Book
Bree: this is probably canon btw because I like the idea of temple of anime selling some cute wholesome kobber themed children's books
Bree: they got stuff for all ages!
Bree: even stuff for whatever age yukari is *pan camera to a komachi-branded actual coffin*
Bree: the coffin is for sleeping in but the joke is that yukari is old and should kick the bucket


RubyChao: Sylux: *sees the Galactic Federation exist in any way, shape, or form*
RubyChao: Sylux: And I took that personally.


  1. I had to delete two parts of the Ranni Fumo thing because - as someone on Discord kindly pointed out - I'd accidentally doxxed myself.

    1. I've modified that segment appropriately, removing the bits that no longer make sense.
