Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Chatzy Madness Volume 399: Paper Octopath Symphodread Riverboat Casino

Gooper Blooper: in honor of today's entry in 50 Years Of Vidya I give you one of my favorite old commercials
Jumpropeman: wow, a lot of effort in this commercial
Gooper Blooper: Also of historical importance as the first time Luigi was ever depicted as a lovable coward
Gooper Blooper: the fringes of Mario are, as always, the most interesting parts
Jumpropeman: took me a second to recognize why the song sounded familiar
Gooper Blooper: I JUST SAW THAT IN THE COMMENTS BEFORE LOGGING TO CHATZY, god that threw me for a loop
Jumpropeman: I only have faint flickers of this show in my memory but the song remains
Gooper Blooper: That song has been burned into my subconscious ever since I first found it on Youtube almost 15 years ago due to a youtube poop
Gooper Blooper: and it was a reference to a 60s TV show the whole time
Gooper Blooper: again, fringe Mario rabbit hole. Top tier.
Kurororo: ma-ri-oooh, where aaaare you?
Gooper Blooper: ATARI MARY-OH BROTHERS WITH MARY-OH (from dawnkey kawng)


Gooper Blooper: Gee, Bill
Jumpropeman: woa
Kurororo: gee
Jumpropeman: they're like sisters
Draco: Which one's the real Kaede?


Gooper Blooper: Baltan is one of those characters JRM and I in particular seem to get a lot of mileage out of
Gooper Blooper: someone really dumb who you can make spew whatever ridiculous junk pops into your head
Jumpropeman: a magnificent formula
Gooper Blooper: *gestures at JRM's pile of cute dumb girls*


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: the biggest guy in show biz (but not showbiz pizza)
Kurororo: i'm just like "Where the fuck did this come from i feel like i know this"
Jumpropeman: defunctland im pretty sure
RubyChao: that's one of the best defunctland lines
RubyChao: the other best one is
RubyChao: "California Adventure, a California-themed amusement park located in the already California-themed California."


Jumpropeman: "PS Plus Premium Subscription Full Game List" Alright! Let's check this out... "PS1 Games: TBA" "PS2 Games: TBA" "PS3 Games: TBA" >:I
Draco: Oh man. TBA is my favorite game.
Jumpropeman: making the article before you have the content is a bold move


Mogwai Sheep: Me running Plot
Kurororo: damn you're really here to torture us huh
Mogwai Sheep: Also me running plot
Draco: I was literally just watching this one.
Mogwai Sheep: Hahahaha


Jumpropeman: the ring
Jumpropeman: has been eldened
Gooper Blooper: VICTORYYYYY
Gooper Blooper: Now all you need to do is write the review and 50 Years Of Vidya is complete
Jumpropeman: since gamefly sends two games I had a game sitting to the side to play if I needed a break from Elden Ring
Jumpropeman: needless to say, Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure was not played :V
Kurororo: why do you make scrat suffer so
Jumpropeman: i'll play his game soon
Kurororo: let him have the nut
Gooper Blooper: Scrat enters Battlebots to win The Giant Nut
Gooper Blooper: alas, it is not the nut he imagined it was
Kurororo: let him have it
Jumpropeman: he earned it, kinda literally since he's like the face of the studio
Gooper Blooper: I am delighted that that Scrat short exists
Gooper Blooper: the golden ending
Jumpropeman: Achievement Unlocked: Got Nut
Jumpropeman: "Scrat, the fictional saber-toothed squirrel from the Ice Age films, may not be so fictional after all. Researchers have discovered the fossil remains of a 94-million-year-old squirrel-like critter with a long, narrow snout and a pair of curved saber-fangs that it would have likely used to pierce its insect prey."
Jumpropeman: "There were no acorns around at the time though, so Cronopio—like Scrat—would have had to do without them." the real heartbreaker
Kurororo: alas.


Bree: listen I know we've come up with many theories over the years but I think we can concretely call it, the M stands for Msuffering
Mogwai Sheep: It stands for Muffins.
Mogwai Sheep: Magical?
Mogwai Sheep: Who knows


Gooper Blooper: "my husband was trying to talk about Shrek but he couldn’t remember Shrek’s name (Shrek) so he called him “summertime grinch”"
Jumpropeman: amazing


Kurororo: lets talk about our sponsor
Kurororo: big booty boutique
Draco: Okay.
Draco: What about them?
Kurororo: [redacted]
Draco: Gasp. :o


Men In Bees: So I am currently in the middle of moving house but also I wanna buy persona 5 royal
Men In Bees: This makes me like, a super fool, right?
Men In Bees: Just checking :U
RubyChao: well persona 5 DOES have you play as the fool
Kurororo: you are boo boo the fool
Men In Bees: I am
Men In Bees: It's true
Men In Bees: Eh, when I've moved in and can budget I'll get it


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: =ooooooooooo
Jumpropeman: i can't believe she gets to hand out the invite!
Draco: She's so lucky! I know Daiyousei will be excited to get it.


Jumpropeman: "Quebec’s Ministry of Health and Social Services apologized for tweeting out a link to a Pornhub video of feet instead of the day’s COVID-19 statistics."
RubyChao: it's always feet


Jumpropeman: "New enemies? Well I'll kill the bat before the Fair Carrots, they don't sound too bad" *carrots both cast instant death spells*
Kurororo: thats
Kurororo: unfair.
Kurororo: of those carrots.
Gooper Blooper: Unfarrots
Kurororo: unferrets


Kurororo: >prier suddenly doing a shitload more damage than overlord
Kurororo: "hello, what kind of crack are you smo-" >remembers she just upgraded her to the point where her base stats are boosted by 30% "nvm, god bless prier"
Kurororo: "god bless prier alright, just look at those things"- ivel
Kurororo: the maiden of light said "give her tiddy"
Draco: Yeah. Prier is a good and noble and pure and holy maiden. She is above such crass descriptions. ;p
Kurororo: woah hold on i wouldn't go that far
Kurororo: there's a reason she turned into a demon in some universes
Kurororo: and its because Baal's a fuckin pussy ass BITCH-
Gooper Blooper: Prier became best friends with Josephine for a reason
Kurororo: Big Booty Bitches
Gooper Blooper: heroic good girl protag who is nonetheless not above vice and that's okay
Kurororo: m-mostly the booty tho-
Gooper Blooper: biiiiiig booty


Jumpropeman: welcome to 2022
Kurororo: what
Jumpropeman: "that is the face of a man who thought his agent was joking."


Gooper Blooper: link link
Bree: that's a lot of plastic dinosaurs
Kurororo: hi
Bree: and also a lot of frands, hi frands
Gooper Blooper: hello
Bree: (it's actually a moderate amount of frands but shhh don't ruin my segue)
Gooper Blooper: yeah almost everything became available to order at once so... good thing I was doing commissions all winter!!
Kurororo: the great dominion
Gooper Blooper: they pushing this movie hard
Kurororo: look they better be goin big
Bree: goops frantically cranking out the cute chubby girls to afford more plastic theropods
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: the carnotaurus is probably the most intriguing figure to me (dark-colored dino with horns, lower right of first pic). It's smaller than other Carno figures, is referred to as "Young Carnotaurus" when scanned in the official app, and has a broken horn. This carno has a story.
Kurororo: cerato's ally...
Kurororo: please sniff once and leave


Jumpropeman: >8 and a half hour look back at the Bomberman series
Jumpropeman: well, I guess I need background noise while fighting dungeon monsters...
Gooper Blooper: I appreciate that someone went that in-depth for Bomberman
Jumpropeman: the guy says one reason he decided to do so was specifically because no one else seems to have done so. He even mentions people like Death Battle, usually meticulous in research, left out a lot
Gooper Blooper: Someone had to stand up for Bomberman when no one else would
Gooper Blooper: he's been around for so long but he's always just kind of felt like he's... there
Jumpropeman: it doesn't help that a lot of the games look like reheated concepts


Jumpropeman: So, I finished that Bomberman video that is 8 and a half hours long. Near the end he brings up the Konami twitter when a fan asked if they'd add more Bomberman characters to the recent Battle Royale game and Konami said "they're all in there!". Proceed to the guy ending the video listing over 100 Bomberman characters that aren't in there
Jumpropeman: also, if you want to know what Bomberman lore is like, here's an excerpt from one point in the video: "So we fight against Evil Bomber who is not to be confused with Evil Bomber from Hero who was actually Devil Bomber from GB3 and there's no GB2 because that was changed to GB which is not the same as the other GB that was changed to Wario Blast and Wario is from Diamond City which is not to be confused with Diamond City from Super 1 where in the credits they were riding enemies which was possible in Super 4 which was the first appearance of the bomber shitanu that were localized as the Four Bomber Kings unlike the other bomber shitanu from Jetters that included Thunderbomber who is not the same as Thunderbomber from Bomberman Online DC which is not the same as Bomberman Online PC that may have had a boss mode where we fight against Bomber Dragon from Saturn who is not the same Bomber Dragon from Wars where we also had Bomber Ninja who is not the same as Ninja Bomber from Land Touch 2 the game that had Mini Bomber who is not the same as Mini Bomber from Land Portable the game that had Dark Bomber who is not the same as Dark Bomber from Wars that also had Bomber Thief who was different from Thief Bomber from Land Touch 2 who we needed to chase after Aqua Bomber who is not the same as Aqua Bomber from World Playstation which is not the same as Bomberman World Arcade where he fought against King Bomber who was not the same as Bomber King the inscription on the golden statue in N-Gage that was stolen by Black Bomber who is not the same as Black Bomber who in Hardball was localized to Star Bomber who is different from Star Bomber in Land Touch 2 who is the archnemesis of Evil Bomber and after beating him he learns to appreciate the power of friendship and gives us the last piece we need to reach this spot where we use the water bomb."
Jumpropeman: woah, I know it was a wall of text but it looked smaller out of chatzy
nepvel: was gonna say
nepvel: I remember Wario Blast
Jumpropeman: there is also a Bomberman game where he fights the creator of the universe, meaning he is among the group of video game characters who have defeated god
Kurororo: the only char i care about is the transforming monster buddy in one game
Jumpropeman: pommy
Kurororo: Pommy is the goat.
Kurororo: thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Draco: So Bomberman is actually Kingdom Hearts.
Jumpropeman: the thing about Bomberman canon is it both exists and doesn't exist in varying levels sporadically
Jumpropeman: Bomberman is a robot, a cyborg, becomes a human sometimes and doesn't, is the prototype of all bombers but sometimes has a grandfather bomber and other times is just one of an entire species of bombers
Kurororo: nomura be like "even i can't make sense of this"
Draco: He's the prototype of a new race of bombers that never got past the prototype phase. His design is based off of the grandfather model.
Jumpropeman: the same game that is the explicit sequel to the previous one will suddenly say Bomberman is the only one capable of placing normal bombs due to a fire element whereas in the previous game he didn't need it nor did others
Kurororo: he got samus'd, clearly
Kurororo: wait
Jumpropeman: do not try to make sense of the bomberman lore
Jumpropeman: therein lies the path to insanity
Kurororo: jrm
Kurororo: you're talking to someone who dreamed you made a plot about pac-man trying to have the sintendo gals and some other chumps assassinate mario
Jumpropeman: that does not sound inaccurate to something I'd do
Kurororo: i wouldn't put it past you to fuse this lore and make it feel like "oh, that makes sense"
Jumpropeman: if I was inexplicably given the bomberman reins I would definitely somehow try to make it all canon
Kurororo: the funnier part is that it was the forum post I saw in the dream after I woke up from a different dream within where bubsy was the one trying to kill mario and bring an end to human mascots, its animal mascots all day every day
Kurororo: i was going to talk about it, then i saw the forum post where pac-man is threatening the girls to a bad time if they don't get this job done
Jumpropeman: bubsy was almost a villain in knackplot
Kurororo: i woke up and i was losing it
Kurororo: bubsy could still be a villain
Kurororo: maybe he needs to kill some other famous mascot tho.
Draco: JRM: just do what Transformers does and make EVERYTHING a huge, sprawling multiverse.
Jumpropeman: if there were clear severances in the Bomberman lore it would be easy to do multiverse stuff, but games randomly decide to include details from previous ones is where it gets fuzzy
Jumpropeman: that one with the fire element could work as a self-contained thing for example if it didn't also make itself a sequel to the events of the last game
Draco: Nope. Every piece of media is it's own universe. It's just coincidence that they resemble each other. ;V


Bree: I feel like at some point celestia ended up with her own MILFin ain't easy shirt
Bree: demonde started a trend
Jumpropeman: they're half off on mother's day
Bree: now I can't think of any other moms in RP, so when I tried to think of others who could wear such a shirt it was just demonde, celestia, and for some reason meiling
Gooper Blooper: someday Celestia will show up wearing that shirt
Bree: meiling when someone questions her about the shirt: *scoops up byte* "how dare you insult my fluffy son"
RubyChao: hibiki and honoka are gonna be moms someday! but not yet
Gooper Blooper: Byakuren and Junko are my other RP moms
Jumpropeman: mrs. moley-
Bree: jrm I'd pay you real actual money to have mrs moley wear a milfin ain't easy shirt in RP
Bree: because that's hilarious
Jumpropeman: mole-ing ain't easy
Bree: no see in this case milf stands for mole I'd like to fuck
Jumpropeman: oh mama
Draco: Mole I'd Like to FappreciateRespectfully
Jumpropeman: Fappreciate is one hell of a word
Gooper Blooper: XD


RubyChao: the swarm cometh
Jumpropeman: the last thing a mischievous hat girl in gensokyo wants to see
Bree: no, that's probably yukari
Bree: that's the last thing about anyone in gensokyo wants to see
Bree: because she's yukari


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: please stay out to lunch, Mario
Draco: Okay, but only for five minutes.


Jumpropeman: so, in Ultima Online, to make their world seem more alive, some horse stables had a Horse Dung item on the ground that plays could pick up and keep. However, the horses did not continue producing it, so that means that item was in limited quantities and so it became one of the most coveted items in UO simply as a status symbol. I Have the Rare Thing syndrome but with horse poop
Gooper Blooper: precious rare horse poop


RubyChao: today i learned there was a van buren diss track
Jumpropeman: >saying that Van Buren is Satan's servant
Jumpropeman: maybe politics hasn't changed
RubyChao: oh my god there's a whole set
Jumpropeman: the question is now why did we stop
RubyChao: i wish i knew, jrm...
RubyChao: i wish i knew.
Draco: Our disses stopped being fresh.


Kurororo: today on ADULTING, i bought a lamp.


RubyChao: "Imagine living in the Yakuza universe and trying to take up a hobby. You could pick any random hobby like badminton or whatever and after your first game you'd get threatened by some asshole who turns out to be one of the Four Badminton Kings who rule the local badminton scene"


Jumpropeman: "Iron Lung, Glover & Blood Stream"
Jumpropeman: these are three different video games but it sounds like a Glover stream went incredibly awry
Jumpropeman: the lack of an oxford comma also makes Glover & Blood look more related
Draco: The Glover Stream AND the Blood Stream!
Jumpropeman: any glover stream can become a blood stream


Bree: for the dinosaur fans
Gooper Blooper: surely it will be exactly like the joker.
Gooper Blooper: you'll barely be able to tell the difference
Jumpropeman: some dinos just want to watch the world burn
Gooper Blooper makes Giganotosaurus a Cardholder
RubyChao: i look forward to the simple existence of cards making people go "ruined" after this year
Draco has Silvania holding a card.
Gooper Blooper: Stella takes out a card, people panic and/or yell at her
Gooper Blooper: "what, it's just my business card"


Kurororo: guess who is being stupid and delisting sonic games on steam
Jumpropeman: why would you do that harp D:
Kurororo: because the top sega hard girl told me to. aggressively.
Jumpropeman: mega drive would never say such a thing!
Kurororo: i was gonna mention some other person that isn't in the main sega hard girl gang
Jumpropeman: sega still slightly evil
Kurororo: then i blanked out and had to look it up and be like "uh... Sega...Mark III?"
Kurororo: i don't even know i just picked the obscure one
Jumpropeman: I saw someone else say that Sega and Square Enix's business decisions lately are doing the kind of scummy things that western companies did back in the early 2010s
Kurororo: guess someone got to the top and decided "yeah lets do what they did"
Jumpropeman: Japanese gaming has generally been slow to adopt industry trends from outside and now they're getting to the bad stuff :V
Kurororo: alas
Kurororo: sega mark III new villain for whalestrand
Jumpropeman: but that's one theory on why Nintendo internet still sucks: a refusal to use or adopt outside development with the insistence it must be home grown creation of the systems
Jumpropeman: "Not Invented Here" is what they call the approach
nepvel: SC-3000 will stand against Mark III's villainy
Draco: Hard Girls are the villain again, trying to push Ultra Game or whatever Sega's NFT scheme is.
Kurororo: unfortunately i have 0 knowledge and therefore i'm just pitching an idea over at JRM as an excuse to keep the hard girls in business
nepvel: I wonder if I can make SC-3000 in Dynasty Warriors...
Jumpropeman: this year is the nintendo girls' time to shine
Kurororo: muy excelente
Draco: Gamecube better get her own plot or I'm canceling 4th of July.
Draco: Calendar's going right from 3 to 5.
Kurororo: i would love to skip from- damn read my mind
Jumpropeman: Gamecube plot: the search for the missing donut
Jumpropeman: (turns out she ate it already and forgot while lost in her head)
Draco: Then the epilogue is Gamecube gets another donut for being Silvania's favorite.


RubyChao: Stupid Dangling 20 Million: An unfun fact: Gust is STILL trapped in suburban hell.
Jumpropeman: Gust tried to get the easy happy ending
Jumpropeman: which apparently is having a customized pocket dimension


Bree: my primary's name is #ruined
Kurororo: oh no
Kurororo: gloria
Bree: no it's denise lmao
Draco: Bree's doctor is Doctor Bergman? :V
Bree: pls
Kurororo: hey i wanted to see if my dumb guess was correct because apparently i'm good at guessing when i least expect it to be correct
Kurororo: i'm glad to see that i am wrong
Gooper Blooper: ah yes
Gooper Blooper: doctor marmalade
Bree: I can't pronounce her last name and there is a genuine danger of me calling her doctor marmalade
Bree: gonna try to stick to denise :V


Gooper Blooper: link
Hooded Pitohui: "I am afraid" is the only clickable option in this scenario.


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: oh yeah, spoon girl
Jumpropeman: she dangerous
Jumpropeman: as long as I don't read what her deal is though I'm safe
RubyChao: "Yuuma Toutetsu (饕餮 尤魔 Toutetsu Yuuma) is the leader of the Gouyoku Alliance under which the eagle spirits serve. She is briefly mentioned by Saki Kurokoma in the Extra stage of Wily Beast and Weakest Creature before making a proper appearance as the main antagonist and final boss of Touhou Gouyoku Ibun."
RubyChao: "Yuuma has white hair and red sheep horns with blue ribbons tied around them. She has red eyes with horizontal pupils and pointy ears decorated with silver earrings. Her teeth appear to be notably sharp.
She wears a teal dress with red half-attached arm sleeves. The skirt is decorated with a meander pattern, alongside a couple of eye patterns. She carries around a large spork."


Jumpropeman: what's more dangerous: The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, or this Garfield mug
Draco: I hate Mondays.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: I spent the last decade drinking my orange juice every morning out of one of those mcdonalds garfield mugs
Gooper Blooper: I retired the mug last week when I found an article talking about the lead paint :V
Jumpropeman: yikes!
RubyChao: i hope you enjoyed all your delicious lead
RubyChao: with extra cadmium!
Draco: I STARTED using one those mugs after reading that! :V
Gooper Blooper: Thankfully I don't think the mugs are, like, crazy dangerous since otherwise there would have been a recall or whatever. McDonalds did have to recall exactly one of their novelty mug sets though
Gooper Blooper: the Shrek set.
Draco: They just wanted those mugs for themselves. D:<
Jumpropeman: shrek had trace amounts of swamp water
Draco: WHAT are ye DOIN' in my MUG?


Kurororo: anyway hows y'alls doin
Gooper Blooper: doin it right, panasonic blu-ray 99 dollars
Kurororo: excuse me?!
Kurororo: shit i am still really fukin tired and groggy
Kurororo: i hope this fucking haunts my dreams
Kurororo: that'd be hilarious
Draco: I hope it does too then.


Jumpropeman: the stormtroopers in this game being surprised when they actually hurt a jedi or even saying when you die "let's hope we get this lucky next time" is really cute
Kurororo: aw
Gooper Blooper: I like how ZFRP just outright made them heroic goofball mooks for the Kobbers (except for that one fucker)
Gooper Blooper: I started it, but JRM and Bree really helped it along
Jumpropeman: "here's a bunch of faceless mooks for a fite" "faceless? Not for long..."
Kurororo: that's the beauty of RP
Draco: My next main character will be a nameless, faceless Garlean soldier from FF14 who never takes off their helmet and never so much as uses a pronoun for themself. The ultimate faceless, nameless character.


RubyChao: link
Kurororo: yeah guys
Kurororo: we're gettin' old
Kurororo: that meme, ancient
Jumpropeman: it used to be when I saw memes referenced like that I would groan
Jumpropeman: now it's quaint
Jumpropeman: to be fair, few memes have the omnipresence things like "I took an arrow to the knee" did back in the day
RubyChao: ah yes, that old saying about getting married
Jumpropeman: don't you start
Kurororo: i'll go grab the rocking chair.
Gooper Blooper: link
Kurororo: thanks grandpa


Jumpropeman: over 100 spam comments and counting for that weird "thank you" trick on The Game Hoard
Jumpropeman: if I let them stand it would seem like people REALLY were happy for that Beauty and the Beast review
Draco: Nice
Gooper Blooper: XD


Gooper Blooper: >Google is celebrating Route 66
Gooper Blooper: link
nepvel: I thought that was going to be related to Google or Route 66
nepvel: I was very confused :U
Gooper Blooper: but it IS related!
Jumpropeman: didn't expect to achieve nirvana today
nepvel: :I
nepvel: I had to look again to see why it was related
Gooper Blooper: Part of the reason that picture enters Tropius territory of "these three things together are completely ludicrous", Tenshi eating a corndog is not complete without also placing her on Route 66 as she does so
Gooper Blooper: Corndogs on Route 66, sure, that's classic Americana
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi eating a corndog is little different from the millions of pictures of Touhous eating burgers
Gooper Blooper: And even just putting her on Route 66 isn't that strange, she's just seeing the outside world
Gooper Blooper: but combining them gives you meme magic
nepvel: I feel like I've learned something
nepvel: thank you Professor Blooper
Gooper Blooper: It's one of my favorite touhou memes so I will defend it to the ends of the earth :V


Bree: sometimes the stories that duolingo has for practice are silly
Bree: in this one I just did: the character junior (a smol child) goes up to a woman at the airport help desk and asks for a ticket to barcelona
Bree: she says "where are your parents?"
Bree: he says, and I don't know why I found this so funny
Bree: "excuse me? I am not seven years old."
Bree: and she says
Bree: "how old are you then?"
Bree: and he says "I am eight years old."
Jumpropeman: oh in that case here you are sir
Bree: so then she's like "a ticket to barcelona costs four hundred dollars"
Bree: and he's like "oh. where can I go for thirteen dollars?"
Jumpropeman: considering it's the airport, not even the mcdonalds
Bree: then his dad shows up and is like "junior, what are you doing at the airport" and junior says "I have a math test today and I must get out of the country."
Bree: which is the greatest line, even funnier than "excuse me I am not seven years old"
Draco: That is a great line. XD
Bree: the gripping conclusion if anyone must know: eddy (junior's dad) says "oh I see. how much is a ticket" and junior says four hundred dollars and then eddy asks him how much for two tickets and junior says eight hundred and then it's like, aha! tricked you into doing math! you are totally ready for your math test
Jumpropeman: and, as we all know, Barcelona is the city without math
Bree: several countries are used in the lessons but only a couple of cities. if the name of a city is required it's either barcelona or madrid
Bree: nowhere else exists on earth
Gooper Blooper: the post-apocalyptic hellscape of DuoLingo
Bree: I take that back, one time london existed
Bree: I remember it because "london" in spanish is londres and I was like wat
Bree: obviously barcelona in spanish is barcelona and madrid is madrid, because
Bree: spanish
Bree: is from spain
Jumpropeman: =o
RubyChao: gasp!


Men In Bees: Oh shit it's RP time huh
Kurororo: it is, indeed, RP time
Kurororo: RP at your own pace
Men In Bees: Ask your doctor if RP may be right for you
Kurororo: don't take RP if you are allergic to RP


Bree: it will be mentioned but I decided sophia's gonna work at the KOB hospital
Bree: her persona is as close to a white mage as personas get
Gooper Blooper: oh cool, feels like it's been a while since we've gotten any new hospital staff besides the bloop
Kurororo: renais is prolly in there too, but i wouldn't add anyone else
Kurororo: yet.
Kurororo: renais just here tryin' to sneak a peek at the new idol in town, no biggie...
Jumpropeman: time to introduce dr. goop
Bree: sophia thinks dr blooper is the greatest thing she's ever encountered in her (admittedly very short) memory banks
Bree: he is so adorable
Bree: and also a licensed medical professional
Bree: Humanity's Companion™ thinks that dr blooper is Goals
Jumpropeman: it's become a joke but maybe the Mushroom Kingdom's easy to acquire medical degrees is just a sign they've figured out achievable and affordable higher learning, hence why people are fine living in a kingdom routinely attacked by a fire-breathing turtle
Jumpropeman: even a squid has high prospects!
Kurororo: i'm sure the home insurance companies are crying there
Jumpropeman: don't be silly harp, the citizens only have houses in the RPGs
Kurororo: damn the construction business is always boomin
Kurororo: boom boomin


Jumpropeman: this horror game made me promise not to look away from the screen
Draco: Have you?
Jumpropeman: i did just now to tell you about it :V
Gooper Blooper: It's very disappointed in you
Gooper Blooper: as punishment it shall now spawn twice as many spoopy jumpscares
Draco: SHAME. >:I


Gooper Blooper: link
Kurororo: *do do DOOT DOOT*
Jumpropeman: Komi Can't let you go any further
Gooper Blooper: if you take one more diddly darn step she is not liable for the low-quality occurrence you will experience



Draco: I didn't like Mrs. Ogre anyway.
Jumpropeman: to make ogre gloves you gotta crack a few ogres
Gooper Blooper: The thing about Ogre: Final Frontier is
Gooper Blooper: while it's obviously a joke
Gooper Blooper: in the background you can see a second copy
Gooper Blooper: that's dedication


Jumpropeman: "From the time it was discovered to the time it lost its status as a planet, Pluto made it less than a third of the way around the sun."
Draco: Brutal. It was a sad year for Pluto.


(Adeleine appears in RP in a minor role... for now, at least)

Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: the artist has landed
Gooper Blooper: We will see if she manages to grab a foothold and join up proper, but for now at least she has a guaranteed small role to play
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: and now she's out
Gooper Blooper: a masterpiece


Missing Sheep (Mogwai Sheep) joined the chat
Missing Sheep: Current mood
Missing Sheep returns to screaming
Missing Sheep left the chat


Gooper Blooper: link
Bree: "The final finale farewell goodbye installment franchise series saga itself Jurassic World Dominion hit in theaters June 10th its means that the dinosaurs are coming to invade our World@#" well said, twitter user Adrian16182596 who is definitely not a bot


RubyChao: i love how it's just
RubyChao: saki: wings, kick
RubyChao: miko: light magic
RubyChao: futo: boats and plates and energy bows and feng shui and pyromania and-
Gooper Blooper: Miko also has a spanking stick
Bree: futo's powerset is she can do eighty different things and not a single one of those things is more than tangentially related to any other thing
RubyChao: miko's other advantage is A Lot Of Charisma but i've never had the chance to really show it off
RubyChao: i need to throw her at armies
Jumpropeman: Futo is like a character who's gone through like seven seasons of a show getting new powers
Jumpropeman: but we only got the sequel show so we don't have the context on how she got it
RubyChao: Futo Ball Z


Gooper Blooper: >May's best friend in Guilty Gear canon is named April
Draco: LOL
Draco: Guilty Gear is great. The main character's name is Sol Badguy.
Gooper Blooper: Fighters just seem to kind of naturally acquire ridiculous and involved lore
Gooper Blooper: I wonder if Sheep is happy that GG is so popular now, I never heard people talk about it but then Strive hit and now it's beloved
Jumpropeman: all you needed was some totsugeki
Jumpropeman: which might not even be a joke
Jumpropeman: i think the skill floor is lower in the new guilty gear
Gooper Blooper: She actually always had the dolphin attack (or at least had it in other installments), so it's kind of like Steamed Hams where people saw the old thing and just suddenly went "it's time"
RubyChao: goops that reminds me of a book series where one short story was intentionally set in an Almost But Not Quite universe, where everyone was just a little different
RubyChao: the MC's life partner is named May in the main series
RubyChao: so in the short story the counterpart was named June
Gooper Blooper: >June
Gooper Blooper: ....
Gooper Blooper checks other members of May's pirate crew
Gooper Blooper: >June, July, March, Febby, Augus, Sephy, Octy, Novel, Dizzy
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: they went there
Gooper Blooper: >>>>>>Leap
Draco: Yay :D
Jumpropeman: the entire crew joins her in whalestrand right-


soldier in the floor: One day I will return
soldier in the floor: To bumble into another ship with brine
soldier in the floor: Probably


Draco: So, uh, it turns out Suwako is a streamer too? :V
Missing Sheep: No.
Missing Sheep slaps link out of Draco's hand
Jumpropeman opens link
Jumpropeman: "Adding Fumos to anything makes it infinitely better"
Jumpropeman: that ain't wrong



Jumpropeman: xbox server outages ongoing right now
Jumpropeman: how could you do this to me Xyra


iKomodo: Replace brief with kouta and this is zfrp canon


The Leader of the Bunch joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: We know him well
The Leader of the Bunch: im finally back
The Leader of the Bunch: to kick some tail
Kurororo: to raise some hell
Gooper Blooper: we have been making DK rap jokes for like
Gooper Blooper: the eternity of our existence
iKomodo: Yay
Kurororo: i'm sure we'll still be making jokes way into our 70s
The Leader of the Bunch: i will go to my grave thinkin bout lanky
The Leader of the Bunch: and how he has a funny face
iKomodo: My last words on this earth will be
iKomodo: ”take it to the fridge”
The Leader of the Bunch: fuckin lmao
The Leader of the Bunch: c'mon, cranky, take em to hell
iKomodo: ...actually no, fuck, i don’t want those to be my last words
iKomodo: that’s awful
Gooper Blooper: You're darn right it's awful
Gooper Blooper: that's so close to the end of the song
Gooper Blooper: at least finish!
RubyChao: HE'S dead.
The Leader of the Bunch: you know
The Leader of the Bunch: people keep reposting that
The Leader of the Bunch: but nobody knows how he died
MobileDraco: I want my last words to be something like "And if God doesn't like it, let him strike me down."
The Leader of the Bunch: what cruel fate befell Bad Video Game Character Chunky Kong
iKomodo: Suicide by cop
The Leader of the Bunch: LMAO
The Leader of the Bunch: holy shit
RubyChao: well, the parody does mention, "if he shoots ya, you're going to die" regarding Donkey Kong
RubyChao: perhaps...
iKomodo: oh man
Gooper Blooper: I believe Chunky was killed by Madame Dubois-
iKomodo: dk has kong blood on his hands
The Leader of the Bunch: Clue but its figuring out who killed chunky
The Leader of the Bunch: (wario in the castle with the bullet bill)
RubyChao: that reminds me
RubyChao: i love that if you read it out
RubyChao: this matches the dk rap cadence
RubyChao: now that's how you know they cared
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: god goops a friend of mine once wrote a ridiculous intentionally over the top story about Donkey Kong's fall into being The Kongfather
RubyChao: and this guy played an integral role in it
RubyChao: and that's all i can ever associate it with now
Gooper Blooper: good


Gooper Blooper: post
Jumpropeman: post
MobileDraco: You can tell it's RP season when everyone starts just saying post. ;V
Kurororo: i posted a post-it and bought a stamp for postage
MobileDraco: Nice
MobileDraco: Time to send Harpy a postcard.


Jumpropeman: >there's a Garfield Java phone RPG based on Tale of Two Kitties
Draco: The Garfield RPG? INSTANT CLASSIC
Draco: Man, this gameplay! I can't believe it hasn't gotten a PS5 port yet!
Jumpropeman: time to make a petition
RubyChao: jrm that has like
RubyChao: immense Barkley Gaiden energy
RubyChao: it feels like it was somehow a parody rpg made in the same way
Jumpropeman: java games were a strange breed
Draco: I think what gets me most about it though is the complete lack of sound effects. The music makes me think they just covered up the game music and put their own in.
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, that's definitely not the actual game music
Jumpropeman: sounds like the kind of generic youtube tracks you can slap over and upload
Draco: Okay, it's not game audio. I found another video of it that actually sounds like a phone game.
Draco: So the Garfield game apparently DOES have sound effects in battle!
Draco: But no battle music!
Jumpropeman: you require absolute concentration
Jumpropeman: no distracting music
Draco: There is music on the overworld, music before a battle, and victory music, but no music during it.


Kurororo: behold, babycorp plot.
Draco: LE GASP.
Kurororo was timed out
Draco: The evil babies got Harpy. D:
Kurororo joined the chat
Kurororo: watch out, stella, the babies are coming to get yer jerbs
Draco: Would Stella be a Boss Baby or a Boss Kitten?
Missing Sheep joined the chat
Missing Sheep: I am concerned already just from the couple lines I open chat to
Kurororo: i'm sorry sheep but Boss Baby Plot is happening
Kurororo: i failed to do it during the offseason so i'm subjecting everyone else to it
Missing Sheep: ....
Missing Sheep: I shall return to my crypt
Draco: Too late; we turned it into an AirBnB.
Kurororo: you chose a bad time to return buddy
Kurororo: stella's a boss bitten
Kurororo: baby kitten
Kurororo: bitten
Jumpropeman readies my machine guns for boss baby plot BI


Gooper Blooper: Sheep, I want to congratulate you
Gooper Blooper: It only took one post for me to despise your new old lady, which was clearly intentional, so good work
Missing Sheep: Job done. Time to stick her in the closet for the rest of the year.
Gooper Blooper: Screw Politeness, I'm A Senior-
Missing Sheep snort


Jumpropeman: link
Kurororo: spooky
Gooper Blooper: Angelica looking a little off here
Jumpropeman: nonsense, she looks as normal as always
Kurororo: >:)
Gooper Blooper: Judge Reptar will decide your fate.


Brinehammer: >The Umu is spreading
Brinehammer: Oh no


RubyChao: dumb fun fact
RubyChao: i was going for a "mutual benefit but still on edge" angle for presidente and rivaleux but they're both so bombastic and forward i think i ended up just writing Actual Bad Guy Friends
Gooper Blooper: I loved the Bro Hug Bump


Gooper Blooper: So JRM told me this, but he didn't show you guys, and I gotta show you
Gooper Blooper: Read the last line of the P-38 Lightning's section and then click the citation
Kurororo: i
Kurororo: you made it
Missing Sheep: Such honor
Hooded Pitohui: Would you look at that. Recognition from Wikipedia!
Gooper Blooper: I remember him getting cited as a source on Wikipedia before but IIRC it was a foreign-language one
Gooper Blooper: this is the first English cite I'm aware of
Kurororo: all i can say is
Kurororo: damn someone's a big ol plane nerd to have seen that and then use it as a citation.
Jumpropeman: I'm also cited on the Flipnic: Ultimate Pinball wikipedia page but that's because no one else could be I wager :V
Gooper Blooper: they could cite Flipnic's fifteen hours of tutorials
Jumpropeman: they apparently had three references for the 1942 thing and then clipped out the other two, meaning I BEAT OUT other sources!
Gooper Blooper: replaced by the superior source
Jumpropeman: this kind of thing is exactly what I'm happy to see though, my little contribution to gaming history, even if it's just a wikipedia citation for a fairly easily identified aspect of a game
Kurororo: you're gonna eventually be cited for Elden Ring or something
RubyChao: you did it jrm!!!
RubyChao: congrats
Jumpropeman: (the non-english wikipedia was a Turkish page on Doki Doki Literature club and an Italian page on Kirby's Dream Land 2 where I am undeniable PROOF that game had animal buddies)
Kurororo: PROOF.
Gooper Blooper: Let's not forget your greatest wiki citation though
Gooper Blooper: "Retrospectively, The Game Hoard negatively reviewed the game, giving it the BAD rating, considering "It's not awful to play, but it's so shallow that it wears outs it welcome before you have really spent too long playing it.""
Kurororo: i forgot about that
Kurororo: that's just
Kurororo: beautiful
Kurororo: *rain intensifies*
Jumpropeman: behold, proof of animal buddies
Kurororo: what the fuck dudes are you punishing me for simply exposing people to the blogpost i should have written in december?!?
Gooper Blooper: clearly the reason the elf bowling review is one of his most popular is from people flooding in from crappy games wiki
Kurororo: i'd buy it.
Jumpropeman: I think just like Dogz it's a sort of "I remember playing that way back, let's look it up"
Jumpropeman: fuzzy memories + a google search


Jumpropeman claims five days in a row
Jumpropeman all JRM all week baby
Kurororo: damn is that how weasels vs moles is gonna play out?
Jumpropeman: I'm going to try and keep most my individual plots condensed.
Kurororo: nah, it'd have to be Weasel Wednesday
Jumpropeman: harp you weren't supposed to figure that out yet V:
Kurororo: i'm too smart for my own good
Kurororo: this is clearly how i beat many video game
Jumpropeman: harpy was the first to realize those question blocks in mario had good stuff in them
Kurororo: hit block, win
Kurororo: spam A, win
Kurororo: now yoshi's island is a grade A tough game-
Jumpropeman: it is part parenting simulator after all
Kurororo: i did okay but i still hate it
Kurororo: watermelon machine gun is the best thing tho.
Jumpropeman: then I wholeheartedly recommend Yoshi's Woolly World if you haven't played it yet
Kurororo: is it better than New Yoshi's Island?
Jumpropeman: considerably
Kurororo: okay good, i have to make sure that incredibly low bar was jumped over
Jumpropeman: it's like Epic Yarn and Yoshi's Island had a baby with the most relaxing music
Jumpropeman: this song still makes me unreasonably happy any time I hear it
Kurororo: *aggressively claps along*


Jumpropeman: post
Jumpropeman: *man who hasn't used tiktok attempts to explain tiktok*
Missing Sheep: I can't believe Tiktok is canon
Jumpropeman: when the sheep is away the wolf will play
Draco: Sheep, we have to act fast: tackle JRM so he can't make Tiktok real!


Jumpropeman: I guess her umbrella IS kind of her hat
Draco: The AU in which Kogasa dates a goth and Tenshi is in crippling debt.
Jumpropeman: a touhou's hat is the seat of their conscience
Draco: And that's why Parsee is capable of more evil acts than Raspberry: no hat.


Jumpropeman: rp ladies be like


Jumpropeman: "I'm Ponte, they call me the conflicted marshmallow boy"
Jumpropeman: "I'm Lamont Splendidocious" I'm getting the feeling Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia's gonna be one big shitpost
Jumpropeman: Female Student: "My name is 'Female Student.'"
Gooper Blooper: yeah it's sounding like the translators had a good time
CardChao: this gives me strong AA energy
Gooper Blooper: Better than the Genius Sonority Pokemon games and their obsession with gibberish names
Jumpropeman: and when they weren't gibberish, they were things like Purpsix
CardChao: you come into HP's house and you diss the orre games-
Jumpropeman: because he's purple and one of six
Gooper Blooper: I enjoyed the Orre games! But lord the names were bad.
Gooper Blooper: we've had this discussion before though I believe it was before HP joined up
CardChao: it's wild how strange it is to not have him around in past stuff even though it's still been only four seasons with and eight seasons without
CardChao: that's what happens when you fit in perfectly
Hooded Pitohui: Woah, woah, woah, are we tromping upon the Orre duolog- Oh, it was making fun of Orre's ridiculous names and trainer classes.
Hooded Pitohui: Saying this, he casually threw aside a large rock.


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: poor You, can't even get a manhole
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: denied manhole covers, she becomes fidget spinners


Jumpropeman: I almost sent moles on plot today
Jumpropeman: I wasn't sure they'd be up for traveling to an island though
CardChao: i RUINED mole monday.............
Draco: They do a lot of digging as it is.
Jumpropeman: shoulda sent muddy or spelunk considering their artifact experts
Jumpropeman: they could have said "these are indeed artifacts!" and everyone woulda clapped
Jumpropeman: let's just delete the plot and run it again, shall we?
Draco: Agreed.
Draco: We'll have the do-over on Saturday.
Jumpropeman: this time, maribelle is the one who escapes and we kill the rest!
Draco: Excellent!
Draco: I'll send a couple of nobodies on the plot instead of Penny too.


RubyChao: to quote hp, "new ZFRP relationship sorter just dropped"
Jumpropeman: Partner 1: Ravio
Partner 2: Saturn
Draco: Partner 4: Mothman
Jumpropeman: Partner 1: Meredith
Partner 2: Rachel
Jumpropeman: Partner 1: DeMonde
Partner 2: Gale
Jumpropeman: Partner 2: Dreamcast
Partner 2: Marisa
Jumpropeman: not a typo :V
RubyChao: partner 1: honoka. partner 2: bikkie
RubyChao: meanwhile tenshiola is absolutely viola as 1, tenshi as 2
RubyChao: this is why it's good we didn't have tensuho pairing. they are both 2.
Cornwind Evil: He also would have risked being eaten
Draco: Partner 1: Gloria
Partner 1: Yamame
Cornwind Evil: A lot of my pairings tend to be both 1s
Draco: Partner 1: Dawn
Partner 2: Also Dawn
Jumpropeman: im glad she found someone who understands her
Draco: Partner 3: Easter
Cornwind Evil: Joy and Neeko are both 2s in that they're not planners
Cornwind Evil: Joy'd be more "I have rations, sleeping bags, and ammo."


Jumpropeman: when in doubt: shimmer


RubyChao: today is the 16th anniversary
RubyChao: of half-life: full life consequences
Jumpropeman: in honor, I will put on my normal people clothes


Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: I'm watching Rock Hudson fail to act
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: And Neil Patrick Harris sing with Felicia Day
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: In mst3k's Avalanche episode
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: It's 45 minutes into the episode and we haven't had an avalanche yet
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: 50 minutes, sorry
Jumpropeman: im sure all the buildup is very vital
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: Oop there we go
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: It's mostly Rock Hudson being an abusive ex to Mia farrow and ignoring everyone telling him his ski resort is a terrible idea
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: Oh my god the effects
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: For the avalanche
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: Stryofoam and bad chroma keys
iKomodo joined the chat
Jumpropeman: im surprised a movie called Avalanche has any star power
Jumpropeman: looking at the cast list there's a guy named X Brands in Avalanche
Jumpropeman: I can't believe the competing brand from paid advertisements became human
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: So a lot of people died
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: Just
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: Buried under styrofoam
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: But also a chef spilled a huge vat of tomato soup on his face which is probably a worse way to go tbh
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: This might be the highest body count of any Rock Hudson character!
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: Oh my god now the emergency services are just slip sliding everywhere and crashing into things like the fuckin three Stooges, people dying from the vague concept of an avalanche happening
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: Also there's been a gas explosion sending a cheerleader(?) across the kitchen worktop
Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: I'm as confused as the bots are
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: hey hey
RubyChao: for a second i didn't realize del was talking about a movie.


(Isabelle joins an event with the gimmick of characters swapping ownership)

Robotniks Breakfast Fiasco: Lmao
Jumpropeman: you don't mess with a grab n' go under his watch
Gooper Blooper: Because since we swap characters... Isabelle will stay the whole event and no one can stop it
RubyChao: ahahahahahaha
Brinehammer: I was just going to swap her personality and Yuugenmagan's, but that probably would be more fun >.>
Gooper Blooper: Oh no you don't!
RubyChao: you fell for it, fool


Jumpropeman: "you were once a teen-ager too!"
Jumpropeman: I'm not sure I ever was a teen-ager with a hyphen
Gooper Blooper: TEEN


Jumpropeman: I just started watching this but I mean
Jumpropeman: I have to share it
Gooper Blooper: GARFIELF
Jumpropeman: "The heart of the park would be Garfield's Universe"
Draco: The Garfield Cinematic Universe?
Jumpropeman: "Garfield knows all of our sins"


Draco: "Kurororo: we kinda don't want to just... have these happen and we can't do anything about it for a long period of time" <- *begins sweating*
Kurororo: draco do you really want me to demolish your fears
Gooper Blooper: Draco has limited days he can hold events so Scorchbeast is moving as fast as can reasonably be expected
Gooper Blooper: it's explained well why we aren't just immediately exploding it
RubyChao: i think the difference is that scorchbeast is also not doing anything Right This Minute and he's pacing accordingly
RubyChao: like if draco writes "silvania goes into critical condition" then that's the "you'd better let us blow this shit up next week my dude" kind of thing
RubyChao: but right now it's just there, in a box, we can take our time and shoot it better
Gooper Blooper: Yeah
Gooper Blooper: If Scorchbeast was killing people during this downtime and we weren't allowed to do anything because Draco wanted to post bad stuff ages before he actually did an event that would be a very different situation
Cornwind Evil: The Scorchbeast is roasting
Cornwind Evil: How did it get a computer?
Jumpropeman: who dropped a laptop into the container
Kurororo: mao did it
Jumpropeman: Scorchbeast emerges and it turns out the real threat are its opinions on marvel movies
Jumpropeman: it just won't stop whining about captain marvel!
Cornwind Evil: It liked the 2016 Ghostbusters though
Draco: The Eternals was the best movie ever.
Jumpropeman: Scorchbeast likes the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies most


Gooper Blooper:
Kurororo: anya nooo
Jumpropeman: I am not convinced that the show wouldn't be better with 100 Anyas
Kurororo: famous last words.
RubyChao: but who is strongest of the 100 anyas


Gooper Blooper: Legion Of Stationery, one-third defeated!
Gooper Blooper looks at MC 3-Punch
Gooper Blooper: ...half defeated!
RubyChao: >we aren't beating the everloving shit out of mc 3-punch
RubyChao: goops wtf
Draco: MC 3-Punch is only half a villain.
Jumpropeman: if she attends my plot tomorrow maybe we can
Gooper Blooper: Palette was a vandal and Rubanda was a mudslinger and they both beat us up
Gooper Blooper: but 3-Punch
Gooper Blooper: is a music pirate
Gooper Blooper: which deserves the worst possible punishment
Jumpropeman: unforgivable!
Jumpropeman: now to pull up my downloaded music files in preparation for tomorrow
Draco: Throw her to the Scorchbeast! D:<


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: the inevitable stage of chaoplot
Draco: Chao, is that the premise behind Bambietta appearing.
RubyChao: maaaaaybe
Draco: Good. We need to either rid ourselves of that menace or have Shimmer die trying.
Gooper Blooper: Draco's favorite things: Bambietta and ded shimsham
Draco: You forgot Sapphire in a business suit.
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Much better, Goops.


RubyChao: JRM deciding to have hellcow bite Peko has been the most defining moment of all five years of RP she's been in


Draco: >Kiara
>Chao used one of HoloEN's managers
RubyChao: HE'S ONTO US
RubyChao: JRM, RUN!
Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: did I really do that
Jumpropeman: Kiara is named after a girl I knew in middle school and Calliope after a dog and yet still I do hololive by mistake
Draco: And Brine did Ina, so I'm expecting a shark and a detective to show up now.
Gooper Blooper: A


Kurororo: i'll give Yui some cool stuff later but first she's gotta suffer before Mao can put her back together with laser eyes
Kurororo: and finger guns
Kurororo: damn mao's actually a good excuse to give yui just the weirdest shit
Jumpropeman: saw sword
Jumpropeman: or CHAINSAW sword
Kurororo: Chainsaw gun sword.
Kurororo: mao and laharl have just adopted this fish
Kurororo: lord valor has no idea
Kurororo: they're signing the adoption papers right now
Kurororo: stealing a child, how despicable
Draco: Stealing an entire fish.
Kurororo: mao and demonde team up to make yui a sawfish scorpion girl
Kurororo: "FINALLY! Someone who appreciates surgeoneering scorpion tails as much as I do!"
Jumpropeman: I remember planning for a bit for Gale to get a scorpion tail
Jumpropeman: what better gift to her girlfriend after all
Draco: O bby~
Kurororo: mao now understands that love is scorpion tail
Draco: Lucy returns home, finds Gale dressed only in a scorpion tail. XD
Gooper Blooper: But how will Gale do her trademark slouching sprawl on the couch with a big tail in the way?!
Kurororo: i don't think this bodes well for any girlfriends he'll have
Jumpropeman: she needs a tail that can grab her fritos
Draco: A scorpion tail with fingers.
Gooper Blooper: An entire little scorpion on an extending cable
Jumpropeman: she'll get a familiar like demonde and zeldo have
Jumpropeman: it'll be her little waiter
Kurororo: butler scorpion
Gooper Blooper: Bon-Bon returns
Draco: A familar called Pudge.


RubyChao: request for jrm
RubyChao: once the 50 years are done
RubyChao: will you tally the number of each rating
RubyChao: i wanna see how good it came out
Jumpropeman: I was gonna make a little line graph, but a tally is smart too!
Draco: 49 Atrocious and Limbo of the Lost
RubyChao: limbo of the lost is the entire reason marlow briggs can only ever be Marlow Briggs or just Marlow to me
RubyChao: otherwise i start thinking WELL IT'S NICE TO SEE BRIGGS SAFE AND SOUND
Jumpropeman: that game ruined the word limbo
Draco: It's true; for awhile I thought Sheep had this guy running around with a scythe.
RubyChao: jrm: when are we doing a plot in Limbo
RubyChao: as in specificially Limbo of the Lost limbo
Jumpropeman: are you ready for multiple posts of just walking through tunnels
Draco: What, Dracoplot?
Jumpropeman: Rita on the piano for next roxieplot villain
Jumpropeman: I think the only other game that really has that "we gave up at the end" energy is Town with No Name
RubyChao: i love how you can just
RubyChao: leave the town
RubyChao: and that's the end of the game
RubyChao: i think my favorite part is that the song in limbo of the lost
RubyChao: really sounds like they went out to a local pub and sang it among themselves
RubyChao: recorded it in one take and went PRINT
Draco: It's a thing of beauty.
Jumpropeman: "even though interactively" feels like the kind of rhyme you throw out drunk
Draco: You mean the devs weren't? ;V


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: What the fuck did you add to my amazon history
Harpy: You monster
Jumpropeman: more like
Harpy: *cries*
Jumpropeman: to your wishlist
Harpy: Nooooo
Gooper Blooper: to your shopping cart
Gooper Blooper: to your Subscribe And Save
Jumpropeman: to your shelf
Harpy: i’m being tortured
Harpy: This is cruel and unusual punishment
Gooper Blooper: so this year's mystery fiter is shrek right
Harpy: Nooooooooooo
Jumpropeman: i think you mean
Jumpropeman: this year's brawl champion
Missing Sheep: I'm wondering what it means by Shrek the book
Missing Sheep: If it's a book adaptation of the film
Gooper Blooper: probably there was a novelization of the film and it's an audiobook of that
Missing Sheep: or the book that loosely inspired the film
Gooper Blooper: since the original book was a little picture book that doesn't match the film's plot
Jumpropeman: there's an audio preview
Jumpropeman: it's an adaptation of the film
Jumpropeman: it includes the line ""I am outside!" Donkey replied, from outside"


Missing Sheep: "We just save Griff's big Cheesasaurus Rex"
Missing Sheep: I refuse to believe Maya knows who that is
Gooper Blooper: Why? He's a Brume celebrity!
Missing Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: Maya spent a good amount of time outside of Agama!
Missing Sheep: Yeah, but would Cheesasaurus still be a thing then?
Jumpropeman: what if... he's a brume too
Missing Sheep: JRM, no
Missing Sheep: Bill Clinton being a lizard was fine
Jumpropeman: too late, he's Maya's ex now
Missing Sheep: This is a snake too far
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: if that description is that accurate, mid-2010s means she would have a chance of knowing him
Missing Sheep: Isn't Cheesedino a nudist?
Missing Sheep: Alright
Missing Sheep: But yer on thin ice, JRM
Missing Sheep: THIN ICE!
Gooper Blooper: "A friendly orange dinosaur, Cheesasaurus Rex was passionate about all things noodle-y and coated in cheese."
Jumpropeman: I like how his page is in popular pages for that wiki now
Missing Sheep: "Cheesasaurus Rex was depicted as pretty active despite being extinct."
Missing Sheep: Is the line that gets me
Gooper Blooper: I noticed that too JRM XD
Gooper Blooper: clearly a bustling community
Gooper Blooper: reminder that Nabisco Thing was in RP
Missing Sheep: oh yeaaaaah
Gooper Blooper: I should bring him back and have him solve problems by dumping oreos on them
RubyChao: i had honestly forgotten about nabisco thing
RubyChao: i am ashamed
RubyChao: give him a card
Gooper Blooper: it's okay, I only remembered him just now
Gooper Blooper: he's great though


Jumpropeman: playing Yes, Your Grace right now where you're a king and you make decisions for your kingdom. One week, "Do not worry daughter, I will not rush you into any marriages." A lord shows up next week: "I'll give you thousands of soldiers to protect from that nearby army if you let my son marry your daughter" "GUESS WHAT HONEY"


Draco: Just another day in Hell.


Jumpropeman: "Release: TBD"
Jumpropeman: got some bad news for people waiting for Skylanders: Trap Team on the Wii U Eshop...
Gooper Blooper: ANY DAY NOW


Kurororo: anyway we're not supposed to question how a baby has money, we're supposed to question why he has connections to the Netherworld


Jumpropeman: "she needs to prove herself! For the Brawl! For Kirika!
So, opening wide"
, she eats an entire pumpkin monster
Gooper Blooper: KO


Jumpropeman: Saw this game going for 250 bucks at Half-Price Books today
Gooper Blooper: Well I mean
Gooper Blooper: Half-Price Books market tested better than Quintuple-Price Video Games
Jumpropeman: THE FIRST SNOWMOBILING GAME ON NINTENDO 64 (Author's Note: there were no further snowmobiling games on nintendo 64)
Gooper Blooper: "average price is $19" *has literally no record of it selling less than $40*
Jumpropeman: "Why do you want this bank loan sir? A car maybe?" "Actually I want a brand new in box copy of Polaris SnoCross"
Gooper Blooper: oh my god that $120 listing is for just the manual
Gooper Blooper: fuck off dude
RubyChao: "Oh, well, the car would have been one thing, but that's simply too expensive for us to cover!"
Jumpropeman: N64 is probably one of the easier consoles to do a full library collection for that actually has some interest
Gooper Blooper: and then the $200 listing is just the box
Jumpropeman: so inevitably you get this
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro has been following a guy who is challenging himself to play every N64 game
Jumpropeman: a game only collectors could love-... put on a shelf and forget
Gooper Blooper: hello emulation my old friend
Gooper Blooper: I've come to snowcross with you again


Jumpropeman: how baby is mao
Kurororo: he looks like an adult, has the brainpower of an adult, but speaks like a baby who just learned how to make noise
Jumpropeman: then he does not get snuggles from Roxie this day
Kurororo: good
Kurororo: he's kinda covered in garbage anyway
Jumpropeman: maybe he will get snuggles now because snuggling garbage is pretty punk
Gooper Blooper: CUDDLETRASH
Cornwind Evil: Glutton bites off the end of a fire hydrant and aims it at Mao
Kurororo: good thing Mao has a blowdryer attachment for his mecha arms.


RubyChao: today i accidentally became a voyeur (sexual)
RubyChao: >looking out window at nice view from hotel room
RubyChao: >that's a hotel across the way!
RubyChao: >and those people are just sitting in full view of the window and Oh huh
RubyChao: >i'll look at the view later instead
Gooper Blooper: my favorite movie, Rear Winchao
Jumpropeman: Rear End Window


Brinehammer: Srspost
Jumpropeman: Isabelle's a jedi now-
MobileDraco: I am a Jedi like my father before me umu.
Jumpropeman: Umu, or Umu not, there is no try
Brinehammer: The dark side, the light side, and the Umu side of the force.


Jumpropeman is having a thought about slot machines but I'm not sure if I should say it or Gamecube should say it
Gooper Blooper: thank you for sending gamecube to multiple GB events
Gooper Blooper: this pleases the goop
Jumpropeman: gamecube and VB are lower stakes, Switch and 3DS are higher, and GBC is flexible
Kurororo: ah, i guess she practices yoga?
Jumpropeman: she practices hog tying and horse riding
Kurororo: close enough
Jumpropeman: rather than the nintendo girls being spread over three years like the sega girls I'm just cramming 'em all in this year
Gooper Blooper: don't forget bullriding
Jumpropeman adds professional bull riding to GBC's history
Gooper Blooper: JRM's five Brawl entrants are the five Nintendo girls-
Kurororo: accurate
Jumpropeman: I really don't know how I'll split up my groups for the brawl
Jumpropeman enters only Pablo
Kurororo: I'd vote for pablo
Gooper Blooper: It's too bad Master System doesn't have a Nintendo Girl friend, if she did you could eventually enter the entire set in pairs of two over five years
RubyChao: she doesn't... yet
Jumpropeman: Master System's probably closer to Pablo than most of the Sega girls
Gooper Blooper: Master System/Pablo team, got it


Jumpropeman: briefly I thought to myself "How would I describe Johnny Dollar's personality so far" and my answer was "he's a Johnny Dollar type character" so I guess good job on capturing the show chao :V
RubyChao: that is the highest compliment you could give me on his writing
RubyChao: thanks!
Gooper Blooper: yours truly


Jumpropeman: American box art: cute, hand drawn
European box art: behold our bad human face CGI
Kurororo: :O
Gooper Blooper: :O
Jumpropeman: 8O
Jumpropeman: castleween is the superior name though
Jumpropeman: Japan probably wins though
Kurororo: oh hey it's momopie's cousin
Jumpropeman: angy
Jumpropeman: so angy
Gooper Blooper: okay yeah wow the Japanese boxart looks fantastic
Kurororo: i honestly can't tell she's a girl in each pic
Kurororo: i dunno why she just looks more boyish
Jumpropeman: she reminds me of Malo from twilight princess
Jumpropeman: angy
Jumpropeman: he's the real boss baby
Jumpropeman: elijah face claim-
Kurororo: noooo
Gooper Blooper: I had to get a larger res version to confirm my suspicions but I was right
Gooper Blooper: frecks
Draco: Japan wins.
Kurororo: so, goops, is alica joining the coven this year
Draco: She already is. We've just been misspelling her name.
Gooper Blooper: whalestrand, clearly-


Gooper Blooper: Thank you all for attending my stupid Paper Mario The Octopath Riverboat Casino event
Gooper Blooper: I don't even know how I come up with these things any more.
RubyChao: the ride
Hooded Pitohui: Thank you for having us, Goops.
Jumpropeman: don't forget symphogear
Hooded Pitohui: I'm glad those two made it in. Great selections from the Octopath secondary cast.
Gooper Blooper: oh yeah and metroid dread was in there too
Draco: I Metroid dreaded this plot. ;p
Kurororo: the same way i keep coming up with stuff for my plots, goops
Kurororo: very haphazardly

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